Russell Grant Magazine – Feb22 (LOVE2022)

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NEW MOON IN AQUARIUS This is a romantic time for you, but it is also a time of momentous responsibilities. You are feeling the pressure of having to make decisions about your future, and you may even feel enmeshed by circumstances in numerous ways. If you have been working hard on your relationships, this is the time to push forward and ask tough questions like: where do you see this relationship going? The cosmos is in your corner and wants to help you out! There is nothing more important than your happiness; go ahead and give yourself the swift kick in the seat that you need to get going! Just know, if you decide to tie the knot now, you will only drive yourself crazy attempting to plan for a summertime wedding; there is nothing like the beautiful fall foliage to make a dazzling colourful backdrop to your special day.

MERCURY GOES DIRECT cue the music and get ready for Mercury to change directions again! In short order, it has a dazzling effect on your life! Just when you thought the world could not get any stranger, the universe takes that as a challenge. While the extra assistance from above may appear useful, it is supportive in the way a tornado helps to rearrange a trailer park. This shift in direction will not only work to change everything bad about your life, but it will also help you to find the beneficial things if you know where to look. While changes in Mercury have a greater effect on your life than most planetary movements, they are the easiest to counter if you take the time needed to think through the

LUNAR OCCULTATION OF URANUS As the moon moves in front of Uranus, you enter a time of reflection and the urge to organise areas of your life. While this can be a momentous event to help you prepare for upcoming spring cleaning, it can also cause you emotional stress as you try to balance the need to get rid of unused items, while not wanting to discard gifts and items which bring back memories of a happier time. When deciding what to keep and what to get rid of, make it a rule that if you keep it, you must display it. Items left sitting in a box in storage are never going to remind you of anything or anyone special. It is only the items you are willing to put on display that will hold the most intrinsic value. Other items, need to find a new home!

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