Russell Grant Magazine – Jan 2022 (NEW2022)

Page 16

It’s the little things that count

Don't you find that it's often the little things that count when you're alone? Having to deal with minor problems and concerns often causes us the biggest headaches, the most discomfort and distress. We automatically dig deep and cope whenever something major happens, rarely having little choice but to react and find solutions, aiming to do whatever's required to sort the problem out. But, those relatively trivial rankles and nuisances are things that we may not have even thought about until they presented as needing attention. Discovering that we don't have a spare light bulb or that we need to change the hour on the clock, doing the crossword alone, working out how to use the washing machine or oven, all may be uncharted waters that we've never had to navigate before. Suddenly being expected to deal with those things can be an unexpectedly disconcerting shock. It may have seemed that the minor things took care of themselves, the bins got emptied, the leaves were swept away, clean towels and shirts were always available. But, now that you're alone, these are items that you'll have to deal with and that can feel like a big deal, as well as a poignant reminder that you're now on your own. We may be incredulous as to how affected we are by something so small, at how much it throws us off-balance. In the past we may have been surprised when we saw other people being affected by minor issues, things that very obviously presented a challenge to them. We may have reflected on how competent and efficient they appeared to be elsewhere, and yet how overwhelmed they were by something small. That's probably not too dissimilar to ourselves and how we react in comparable situations. At those times, pause and acknowledge how you're feeling, that you're upset and frustrated at finding yourself in this position, that you're perhaps unnerved or annoyed at yourself for feeling so vulnerable. Remember to breathe and give yourself credit for hanging in there and having a go, persevering and coping with something new.

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