Russell Grant VIP Magazine - March 2021

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Russell Grant

March 2021

















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Gillian Anderson

A Great Big Angel

worried and decided she might need therapy. She did both "therapy" and "bizarre" and in the process was voted the “most likely to be arrested!"

Before Gillian Leigh Anderson incarnated on planet earth, a great big angel probably showed up with her life plan, and asked her whether she would Needless to say, Gillian did not end up be willing to take on the role of "cosmic behind bars, instead she blew our minds rebel" on this earth. She answered yes, on the X files. The show was both classy because Leo souls love a challenge and weird, somewhat like Gillian herself. and can act individualist like no other But then one cannot expect anything star sign! less from a gal with her Sun in Leo and Moon in Aries. So, the soul called Gillian incarnated in Chicago, but grew up in London, she was the cutest child, mature for her years with a faraway look in her eyes. Her dad had moved to London to attend film school whilst she acquired the cutest British accent and a rather frosty Anglo attitude as a matter of course. A cross between Alice in Wonderland and Matilda Honey, Roald Dahl's highly precocious little genius, the unusual Gillian felt out of place when her family returned to the US, and she started school there. When she went to college at Grand Rapids Michigan the cosmic rebel emerged at last: she dyed her hair purple, went on to shave her head, pierce her nose and dress as an all-black Goth. Her parents were

Magnanimous and Determined Gillian has style, the angels saw to that. She is magnanimous, generous and determined that others deal with the details. Her forehead is wide and her mind broad, but few will ever know or understand her true nature. After all she is a great actress and makes sure of that, her specialty is “frosty reserve!”


with a clipped British accent when the mood takes her. The less brave might deem her the kind of soul that walks into a room & scares most of the people in it. Those Who Do Not Know Her Gorgeous Gillian is a rubric cube to those who do not know her. And those who do will find her hard to give up on, her magnetism is beyond reproach. Peter, the "Crown" Producer realised that undeniable fact when he recently succumbed to Jemina Khan's charms for a moment or two. He is now back with the magnificent Gillian who is up for a Golden Globe for her performance as Maggie Thatcher. Blame it all on Leo in Venus. The type of astro placement that has Gillian doing what her angel told her to. She is a cosmic rebel who paves the streets with thespian gold but when it comes to love, rarely finds Mr Eros as easy to deal with. Let's face it, this lady was never just some pretty Agent Scully, chasing weirdo monsters, government coverups and aliens in the X files. She was also a desperate socialite in the "House of Mirth", the complex and hardboiled DSU Stella Gibson in "The Fall", Jean Milburn in Netflix's "Sex Education", and she rustled up an Emmy Award, a Golden Globe and two screen actors Guild Awards. She is also an OBE for her services to drama. Talking about "Sex Education" she told the Guardian “It’s been a while since I’ve been in something that is so universally watched as this is. Even when I did The Fall, it was popular, but it wasn’t Netflix popular, you know? So, the level of recognition has gone up to what it was when I was younger.” Recognise her or not, there is a soft, velvety look to the mature Gillian. Her Jupiter in Virgo proves that. Just when you think she is the ultimate Prima Donna, she shows up modest. She has always "got on with things", shutting up and working hard at her craft. She has not always had the utmost faith in her talents though. Critical Virgo ensures her standards are lofty, she pushes herself to excellence. Sometimes forgoing fun times to carve a performance to perfection. “Depending on the day and what I’m working on, and my need to focus or whatever, I can be very relaxed and jovial, and then sometimes I can be serious and slightly shut down. I’m sure that must be confusing for people.” At times like these her angel will remind her she is always a cosmic rebel, and enlightenment is the next stage to all that confusion! A confusion that ensures Gillian is a smorgasbord of delirious talent that confounds, delights and seduces us without fail.

Philip Garcia Celebrity Astrologer

Travel with confidence TUI are constantly reviewing the latest government information and, where they need to, are cancelling holidays on a rolling basis in departure date order. TUI have assured that if your holiday is impacted, they’ll be in touch with you directly to discuss your options, which will include the opportunity to change your booking for free or cancel and receive a full refund within 14 days. TUI’s website includes “We appreciate you may be feeling uncertain about your upcoming summer 2021 holiday and would like to thank you for your patience and understanding during these truly extraordinary times.” “If you’re due to travel with us before the end of June, you have the flexibility and control to change your holiday free of charge, up to 28 days before your departure date. We currently have holidays on offer until October 2022, so there’s plenty to choose from if you decide to delay your holiday” Credit:TUI

It’s the little things in life

In life it's the little things that count and make all the difference. Something big, like a major insult or offence, or, conversely a grand positive gesture, would be acknowledged and dealt with openly and immediately. But the little things in life, the unspoken insults, minor slights or the small politenesses and kindnesses may be noticed but not felt to be sufficiently significant or appropriate to comment upon. ‘The bad little things in life’ It's often the little things that drive us mad, that are seen as irritants, insults or discourtesies. The cup that's been left on the table, the simple request that's been forgotten about can seem like huge hurts and signs that we're being disrespected. And yet they may feel so trivial that we're nervous at saying anything for fear of sounding petty. Big issues would prompt a discussion, they'd be addressed straightaway. So, why do we get so upset by the little or relatively minor things? It may be important to check what's going on if you find yourself becoming increasingly hurt and irritated by little things. Are you stressed, overtired, needing a break? Treat your reactions to those 'little things' as a sign to take better care of yourself, that you maybe need to find your voice and address what's really on your mind. Sometimes we may hardly notice an insult or the way someone behaves towards us, or if we do, we may wonder, 'is it me, am I having a bad day, being ultra-sensitive?'. We may choose to let the incident pass, but it can make us more vigilant during further exchanges, on the alert for any signs or clues as to how they feel about us. This undercurrent can cause a shift in the relationship, a wariness or cautiousness about their treatment of us. Sometimes talking about what's happened can clear up any misunderstanding that may have prompted the original situation to arise.

If someone is especially untidy or from their point of view you will invest causes mayhem, we would most likely more in your relationship and start to speak to them about it, maybe even see how much your appreciation and shout and let off steam, but it's the little recognition means to them. things that often bubble away under the Not being chosen, picked or selected is surface that cause the most often viewed as an important life lesson aggravation in a relationship; the plates and a routine part of becoming an left in the bedroom, the dirty washing adult. As such, many of us learn to dropped on the floor, the small errand become fairly resilient. We may feel that's been forgotten about yet again. aggrieved, need to lick our wounds, These are the things that can cause hurt but we're able to do so in private and because they reinforce the suspicion recover fairly quickly. Others though that these things don't matter, are not may experience any form of rejection sufficiently important for them to as a devastating blow, a major remember or deal with in a respectful catastrophe, with little sense of how way. they'll get over it. How can they When one person feels that they're the continue, show their face, start again? only one who cares, who does the Treating people with respect and chores or that their requests for help are sensitivity can help them get a frequently ignored they can increasingly healthier perspective on setbacks and feel hurt, insignificant and be better equipped to grow and move disregarded,that their contribution forward. doesn't count. By trying to see things

‘The good little things in life’ Our time throughout the global pandemic has prompted many of us to revise our priorities and discover what really matters in life. The extravagant gestures, parties, celebrations and gifts have, for many people, lost their charm and relevance. We're far more interested in our relationships, the quality of our daily lives, the small kindnesses, the little things that we enjoy that cost nothing. The meaningful things in life are often the thoughtful gestures, the phone calls from a neighbour or friend, someone checking in on us to see that we're okay, maybe asking if we need any shopping doing, dropping off some freshly baked cakes. The unexpected compliment, gesture of appreciation, thank you card can really enhance our day, things that cost very little in monetary terms but which cause us to smile for quite a while afterwards. And interestingly, our good mood helps improve other people's days because we're happy, feeling great and positive about lifting their spirits, as well as our own. Gifts have become more personalised, as ordering online and having a delivery driver drop off a gift on the doorstep hasn't as much appeal as something picked out in person. As the unique smaller gift shops and markets close so many of us have turned our free time to arts and crafts for inspiration; a handmade card or picture, a beautifully iced cake, a hand-knitted scarf, a scrapbook of significant memories and souvenirs become especially meaningful gifts. Receiving something that someone has made specifically for us makes it extra-special. In many ways, the little things in life count more than the big things. Those minor slights which gradually erode our confidence and selfesteem, as witnessing a shrug, half-smile, sarcastic comment undermines how we feel about ourselves. But equally, a positive comment, compliment, kind gesture can bring sunshine to our day.

Susan Leigh A.C.H.Qual, M.N.C.H.(Acc), M.S.M.S.(Acc), H.A.Reg from Altrincham,Cheshire, is a counsellor, hypnotherapist, relationship counsellor,writer & media contributor who offers help with relationship issues,stress management,assertiveness and confidence. She works with individual clients,couples and provide corporate workshops and support.

Billie Faiers It’s hard to believe that eleven years has gone by since the gorgeous Billie Faiers bounced on our screens in TOWIE. And even harder to believe that this glamorous girl is the mother of two little ones. So far, the last ten years have been all go for Billie so I thought I’d get my cards out to have a gander at what lies ahead for her in 2021. (I know! I’m nosey)! Well, staring up at me are five cards. The Devil, (reversed), The Wheel of Fortune, The Empress, the Ace of Wands and the Strength card. (Reversed), Mmm…. I’m not surprised to see the Empress card. Not by any stretch of the imagination. This card is the card of the Earth Mother, a goddess of fertility, with blonde hair surrounded by a crown of stars. This card shows how deeply she is embedded in her femininity. The Empress is ruled by venus and blesses those she meets in her readings. She rests next to the Wheel of Fortune. This indicates that life is made up of good and bad times. Nothing the Empress can’t put right though so no problems on that scale. The Ace of Wands is the card of constant movement. There is nothing stale or stagnant in this spread so far and as the Devil (reversed) is at its most powerful in the spring, this tells me that there’s going to be new business ventures around the end of February early March time. These plans could actually have already been drawn up or at the very least discussed. Billie may look deeper into her fashion line and this could quite easily grow arms and legs. She may even look further into children’s fashion and home décor like Kylie Minogue.

July /August is looking interesting with possible talks of a new television show. I feel this is going to be a reality style show which could have the potential to run for a good few years. A nice little earner! Staring straight up at me is the Strength card. This card when reversed represents areas of self doubt. It doesn’t matter how beautiful the person in the mirror is, we all have our moments where confidence takes a back seat. This can be kicked into touch by the Devil, which luckily is reversed. Exactly what we need to overcome self doubt and fears, and with the Empress beckoning Billie to seek the answer in alternative practices such as Yoga the best way forward would be to get stretching and throw those anxieties away! The home and family are extremely important to Billie. Her husband and children are her world and she makes no secret of how proud she is of her flock. And as beautiful as her home is she knows it would mean absolutely nothing without Greg, her rock. She feels safe when he’s around. Self doubt, fears and anxiety don’t stand a chance when he wraps his arms around her. And that’s exactly as she likes it?!

Do you find it funny? We all enjoy a good laugh on occasion, and indeed humour can be a very effective way of easing areas of tension or breaking the ice in a new relationship. But one thing to remember when using humour is that we each have our own distinctive preferences in the things that we find funny and different tastes regarding what we enjoy. Some may like slapstick, sketches, joke telling, others may prefer a more subtle, observational style. Laughter has been found to improve our overall health, boost our immune system and reduce both our stress levels and blood pressure. It releases endorphins, the feel good, happy chemicals in the brain which are released whenever we exercise, laugh and feel upbeat. Laughing for 10-15 minutes has even been found to burn off up to 40 calories! So, if you're struggling to find something to laugh about maybe look out for opportunities like Laughter Yoga classes, where they teach you how to laugh and 'fool' your brain into feeling good.

situation or misfortune can sometimes feel rather callous, embarrassing and bullying, causing many of us to feel uncomfortable. What about those times when you've gasped in horror as a comedian tells a story or makes a joke about something which feels very personal and uncomfortable, maybe even shameful to you? Embarrassing bodily functions, mistakes you've made, personal issues all seem to be regular topics for observational humour, with the more outrageous the better!

However, not all laughter is good and sometimes we may find ourselves asking, 'do you think that's funny?' Jokes and banter often require someone to be the butt of the jokes, which can be fun if they find it amusing too. But laughing at someone else's

Do you feel shocked when you hear others laugh at such cringeworthy stories? But once the laughter has died down it can be quite

reassuring to know that you're not alone, that others have had similar experiences, the same horror stories, fears and concerns have also happened to them. How liberating to learn that they're prepared to share the stories in public and laugh, potentially making you feel better about it too. Seeing a comedian cause amusement by sharing details of an unfortunate event can help remove any emotional stress, apprehension or stigma surrounding it. It helps normalise things that we may not have appreciated affect most of us at different times in life. An awful experience can be helped by realising that, 'it's not just me', it's happened to other people as well. Sometimes, though, losing our sense of humour can be an indicator that we're stressed and overtired. Finding ourselves asking, 'do you think that's funny?' might reveal more about us than them. If you start to notice that you're not amused by things that you'd usually laugh at it could mean that it's time to question if you're going through a tough or testing time. Losing your sense of humour could be a valuable prompt that you need to take a break and start to treat yourself better. Humour is powerful in other areas too. It can help to prick someone's pomposity. If someone's in full-on brag mode, boasting and making excessive claims, a well-timed look, raised eyebrow, sotto voce aside can cause other people in the vicinity to laugh, snort or even stifle a fit of the giggles. These responses are likely to deflate someone's over-inflated ego. When a point needs to be made quickly, without too much fanfare, humour can come into its own and be the perfect vehicle to use. A pithy riposte or razor-sharp observation can quickly introduce a different, but relevant observation into the mix, making everyone stop, think differently and consider other points and options. When relationships are struggling with underlying tension and bad-feeling the sensitive use of humour can help to ease a brittle and stressful atmosphere. In these situations, a well-observed comment can put a halt to the bad mood

and defuse negativity. A self-reflective 'look at us' remark may cause everyone to laugh at themselves and their behaviour. Sometimes, if we're looking to avoid a subject and don't want to be drawn into a conversation, humour can be a valuable diversion technique, enabling the topic to be changed in a hardly perceptible way. Distracting and deflecting can efficiently change the course of a conversation and help us avoid any areas of awkwardness. And whilst we may find it amusing to enjoy joining in with banter, comments and jokes made at someone else's expense it does also beg the question, what are they saying about me when I'm not around? Are they making jokes about me behind my back? You could simply shrug your shoulders and say to yourself, 'well, if they're laughing about me they're giving some other poor soul a break!' Enjoy the joke, it may well be funny and it's good to laugh!

Susan Leigh A.C.H.Qual, M.N.C.H.(Acc), M.S.M.S.(Acc), H.A.Reg from Altrincham,Cheshire, is a counsellor, hypnotherapist, relationship counsellor,writer & media contributor who offers help with relationship issues,stress management,assertiveness and confidence. She works with individual clients,couples and provide corporate workshops and support.

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March Horoscopes from Russell Grant

n o o M w Ne

New M oon Full M oon

ARIES An energetic pursuit of knowledge will characterise the opening days of March. This is a great time to attend an online class in a subject that has always fascinated you. Watching documentaries will also be informative. The New Moon on the 13th will be a time of profound introspection. It's possible you'll adopt a spiritual practice during the middle of the month, which can keep material concerns in proper perspective. Your charisma will shoot through the roof during the second half of the month; use it to open doors and win favours. An argument with your business or romantic partner could erupt on the 28th, due to a contentious Full Moon. It's time to decide whether you want to make up or break up.

TAURUS In the opening days of the month, you'll be a virtual love magnet. Being the object of desire will boost your ego in a healthy way. Joining an online group is a distinct possibility on the 13th, when the New Moon stimulates your social side. Talking regularly with fellow artists could get your creative juices flowing like a mighty river. Neither a lender nor a borrower be during the second half of March; mixing friendship with finance could be disastrous. The Full Moon on the 28th could bring an end to a job. Secretly, you might be delighted. Although you'll miss the regular income, it will be a relief to escape the company of odious colleagues. Onward and upward.

GEMINI Your drive and determination will be especially powerful at the beginning of the month. This is the best time of the entire year to pursue a lofty goal. Pouring all your energy into this venture will yield success. If you can conceive something, you will achieve it. A fabulous career offer will be made near the 13th, courtesy of a lucky New Moon. Getting a high-profile position at an artistic, cultural, or charitable organisation is a distinct possibility. Instead of pitching a lot of ideas to your boss in midMarch, it's best to watch, listen and learn. Beware of losing your heart to an irreverent charmer on the 28th, when the Full Moon could tempt you to steer a friendship into romantic waters.

CANCER Working behind the scenes is the best strategy in early March. Drawing attention will just slow your progress; it's best to fly beneath the radar. The New Moon on the 13th could find you gaining admittance to an academic, cultural, or spiritual institution. Take this opportunity to expand your horizons. Promoting your professional interests is strongly advised during the middle of the month. Go on as many job interviews as possible during this period, as it could be very lucky for you. Domestic troubles could prompt you to relocate on or around the 28th. That's when the Full Moon will nudge you to find a place that feeds your needs instead of saps your energy. Moving to a culturally diverse neighbourhood could be lots of fun.

LEO Your allure is very strong throughout the first half of March. Use it to win favours and influence people. If you're looking for romance, you could find it by working for a humanitarian organisation. Meeting a fellow philanthropist will be exciting, even if the early days of your courtship are conducted via phone, Skype and e-mail. Money from a partnership or business alliance could arrive on the 13th, courtesy of an enriching New Moon. Spend this windfall on some luxury items that are near and dear to your heart. Mid-month is good for attending to legal matters; you can settle a contentious matter out of court. The Full Moon on the 28th warns against posting angry responses on social media.

VIRGO Be aggressive about pursuing career opportunities during the first half of March. The early bird will get the worm. Landing a position that involves education, publishing or travel will be especially sweet. The New Moon on the 13th could mark the beginning of a beautiful friendship. If you're single, you may meet someone special through a spiritual or cultural organisation. Are you already in a relationship? You and your amour may decide to launch a creative venture together. Striking a healthy work/life balance may be challenging during the middle of the month. On the 28th, the Full Moon could mark the end of a source of income. A financial windfall from an insurance refund, inheritance, or legal settlement could arrive in the final days of March.

LIBRA Promoting a political or social cause could make the opening days of March highly stimulating. You might be communicating with a wide variety of people, possibly via video conferences. The New Moon on the 13th could prompt you to embark on a health regimen. Making more time for rest and relaxation can improve your wellbeing. An intimate relationship will assume increasing importance during the middle of the month. If you're single, give yourself permission to fall in love. Do you have a partner? You may do something special to celebrate your union. Resist the temptation to alter your appearance on the 28th. The Full Moon could make you yearn for a change, but you won't be happy with the result. Wait until April for a makeover.

SCORPIO Romance will play a big part in your life during the first half of the month. Whether an existing relationship is burning red hot or you've recently met someone special, you could be continually checking your phone for spicy messages. The New Moon on the 13th is ideal for enjoying a candlelit dinner with your amour or having a first online date with someone who makes your pulse pound. Work matters will command your attention for most of the month. If you're looking for a new job, you could find a good one during this period. The Full Moon on the 28th could bring a shocking secret to light. It's possible you'll discover that a loved one has been struggling with an addiction.

SAGITTARIUS An energetic partnership will bring a smile to your face early in the month. Your other half will push you to new heights of excellence. Prepare to discover some hidden talents. On the 13th, the New Moon could inspire you to find a better place to live. A home near the water can soothe your fiery energy and develop a stronger affection for domesticity. Mid-March has romance written all over it. If you're looking for love, you could find it with a competitor. Dating a rival will be lots of fun. Are you already in a relationship? It may feel like you're enjoying a second honeymoon. The Full Moon on the 28th may prompt you to leave a group that no longer interests you.

CAPRICORN A fitness regimen will be your focus at the start of March. Keeping active will allow you to release stress and remain productive. That will be helpful on the 13th, when the New Moon heaps additional responsibilities on your plate. You might be working hard on a writing project or running a series of errands throughout the middle of the month. Family matters may demand your attention during the second half of March. If you've been thinking of moving, this would be a good time to do so. You could find a wonderful place in an up and coming neighbourhood. The Full Moon on the 28th warns against accepting a career opportunity that sounds too good to be true. Avoid start-up companies like the plague.

PISCES AQUARIUS Working on a creative project could consume most of your time at the beginning of March. Time is of the essence. Put off mundane chores for another time; it's more important to complete this project while you're inspired. The New Moon on the 13th could drop a financial opportunity in your lap. Getting a job that is both financially and emotionally rewarding will make you glow with happiness. Mid-month will find you spending more time on the domestic front; this is a great time to get some repairs done. On the 28th, the Full Moon will bring an end to a legal matter. You might not be happy with the decision, but you will be relieved this situation has come to an end.

Your ability to blend in with the crowd will serve you well in the early days of the month. Keep your eyes and ears open, especially for new forms of entertainment. Being the first to discover a show, movie, or book will cause your social stature to rise. If you've ever wanted to become a social influencer, this is your time to try. The New Moon on the 13th is ideal for launching a blog or podcast; you're sure to cultivate a big fan base. It will be necessary to set firm boundaries with a pushy relative in mid-March. The Full Moon on the 28th could put strain on your bank account. Paying off a big bill might be challenging.

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Home Remedies For Dry Skin

Some people simply have naturally dry skin. In fact, more than 50% of adults struggle with it. There are a variety of factors that can cause dry skin, from genetics to the environment. In the winter, dry skin can become even more of a problem thanks to cold temperatures, a lack of moisture in the air, and biting winds. With that in mind, let’s look at three easy home remedies for dry skin all season long. Using the right products on your skin to keep it healthy and hydrated throughout the winter will make a big difference in how you look and feel. But, it’s not always easy to find products you can trust.

Coconut oil truly seems like a cure-all for the health and beauty industry. It has dozens of uses, from keeping your hair healthy and shiny to boosting your immune system with antioxidants.

These can be found in things like: ●Salmon ●Blueberries ●Olive oil ●Beans ●Tomatoes ●Carrots

Good skincare starts from the inside out. By making a few simple changes to your diet, you’ll notice a big difference in When it comes to your skin, though, your skin. using a bit of organic coconut oil can It’s not uncommon to want to take long, give you a dewy, hydrated look in hot showers in the winter months to minutes. Not only does coconut oil warm up. But, a hot shower could be hydrate the skin and make it look drying out your skin even more. Hot smoother, but the properties of the oil will actually fill in any “space” between water is an enemy of skin, pulling away moisture and potentially causing skin cells, making your skin stronger and damage. healthier. The best part? You don’t need to mix it with anything or worry about applying it in sensitive areas. Coconut oil can be used on its own, and it is completely safe for any area of your body. You’ve undoubtedly heard the phrase “you are what you eat”. Well, your skin is a reflection of what you eat, too!

Take cooler, shorter showers as much as possible, and always wash your face with a cool rinse, rather than hot water. By eating foods high in sugars and There are, of course, some incredible carbohydrates, or foods laden with products available to help with dry skin, chemicals and preservatives, you including Colorscience products. Don’t aren’t giving your skin the nutrition it be afraid to do your research and needs to stay strong and healthy. You should be eating a balanced diet year- create a routine that is a combination of round. But, in the winter it’s especially natural remedies and products you can important to take in foods with a lot of trust. With a few small changes, you can antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids. keep your skin hydrated and healthy for many winters to come! The Lifestyle Blogger UK

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When will I see you again?

Many people frequently express their distress at not being able to see their close family and friends during the global pandemic and, indeed, this lack of contact has caused serious emotional and mental hardship to many people. Students missing being able to return home to visit family, grandparents not seeing their newly born grandchildren are just two examples of the overwhelming sense of loss being endured at this time. And there are other relationships which are also suffering, which cause more subtle, yet significant impact due to the resultant feelings of loneliness and separation. When we're only occasionally 'allowed' to go out and are then expected to keep our distance and not engage with others it means that we're losing out on the more casual, yet important day-to-day relationships which reinforce our sense of community and belonging. I'm reminded of a restaurant which my parents used to regularly frequent. Dominic ran the bar and whenever he saw my parents arrive he would immediately get their drinks poured and waiting for them. My parents loved this special treatment and the fact that he noticed and remembered them. His attention made them feel valued and important. That relationship was an important part of the restaurant experience. We all have similar scenarios. The coffee or sandwich shop where they know our order, the shops and service providers where they remember little details and treat us well. I recall how I smiled when my usual supermarket cashier expressed surprise when there were no flowers in that week's shopping! Being recognised and acknowledged reinforces our connections with others, making us feel noticed, valued and less alone. It matters little that these people are not friends and we hardly know their names. These relationships are part of a very different, yet important category.

Then there are those people we know their teams, singing the words and well enough to share a few words with, dancing to their favourite songs, the friend of a friend, a parent from meeting and exchanging potential school, someone we see passing by at business contacts. Again that shared work or recognise from the gym. We connection unites us with strangers who would usually have stopped, said 'hello', have similar interests. We may smile at asked how they were, enquired after each other, dance together, share their holiday. Yet again, those gentle anecdotes, stories and reminiscences connections have gone and we're for a time. Connecting with others raises alone, quickly going out to collect our our spirits. We're part of that club for a weekly shopping or ordering a while, and it feels good, adding to the take-away coffee, if indeed we're still quality and satisfaction of the overall leaving the house to carry out those experience. errands. Children too learn about relationships What about the arena events, the huge from face-to-face contact. Running up concerts and sporting dates, the to a group of children who are playing, networking expos where hundreds or learning to share, take turns, lose, not maybe thousands of people get picked are all ways that children congregate together with a shared hone their abilities to communicate, collective enthusiasm, all cheering on tune in to body language, discover

what works and what doesn't work. Yet today, many of our opportunities for friendly interaction have been put on hold, only to be replaced by the delivery driver who now calls on a regular basis, the take-away restaurant that's familiar with your name and your usual order, the pre-arranged zoom meeting. Many of these transactions are now undertaken virtually, with orders left on the doorstep and little human contact. There have been some new friendships made during lockdown. Many people have started to take their daily exercise at a similar time, maybe going for a walk, run or bike ride. Meeting the same people can mean that a nod and polite greeting gradually evolves into a smile and perhaps a few words of conversation, but these exchanges are often made cautiously, from a distance. We may know very little about who we're meeting, but the sense of having shared interests in walking or nature creates a special bond and ensures a friendly acknowledgement when we meet. We may not have realised until now that a diversity of relationships is important in life. Not everyone we come into contact with has to be hugely relevant in every area of our life. Many are more whimsical, light connections, specific to certain interests and activities, but all nonetheless add sunshine and a feeling of belonging. A smile, a nod, a few words here or there; losing that is a huge blow to all of us. Let's hope we see them again before too long. Susan Leigh - Counsellor & Therapist

Torya asks “My Sagittarius friend for many years recently told me she no longer has time for me because of her busy work schedule. Should I give her space, or does she need my help?” Torya is a Capricorn with Libra, too, in her Chart. Capricorns are focused and determined to achieve. At the same time, Libra brings balance to Torya’s personality. She has the disciplined ways of Capricorn balanced with the more easygoing affectionate qualities of the Scales. She will understand her Sagittarius friend’s need for greater freedom. Torya is a faithful friend and she will care about someone she has known for many years. Pluto and Uranus suggest there will be changes in Torya’s life and relationships in 2021. She should do her best to avoid conflict during the first half of the year. If this friendship is meant to continue, solutions will be found in the spring.

Brenda asks “I’ve moved back in with my Pisces mother over the last year and I’ve had trouble settling in. What do the stars advise?.? Pisces is a Water sign and with Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and Pluto in Scorpio, another Water sign, Brenda will have a strong emotional connection with her mum. They share similar needs and whether listening to music, reading or discussing spiritual matters, they can be content for hours in each other’s company. Brenda also has the Sun and Mars in Sagittarius and her restless energy can drive her to distraction whenever she is in one place for too long. It isn’t their relationship but Brenda’s need for change, challenge and excitement that makes it hard for her to settle. If she can find activities and interests outside the home this could help ease her restless spirit.

Vegan News

Vegan Easter Eggs You won't be missing out this year, with alternatives to Creme Eggs, Mini Eggs, and luxurious brands extending their ranges this Easter.

Credit:Hotel Chocolat and Happi Free From

Whether you celebrate Easter or are simply in it for the chocolate, the holiday is just around the corner on Sunday, April 4, and there is an abundance of vegan Easter eggs available to satisfy your sweet tooth. Plant Based News have compiled the Top 5 Vegan Easter Eggs to try including Hotel Chocolat, Happi Free From, Holland & Barrett, Nomo and Doisy & Dam.

The editorial duo from New Food Magazine are back with another podcast and this time they are talking all things vegan…Bethan and Josh explore the idea of cutting out animal products, the difference between vegan and plant-based, whether it’s possible to be a healthy vegan, and more! Including interviews with Soreen and Tweakd and, of course, the Beth’s favourite phrase ‘it is all about moderation.’

The Vegan Kind Supermarket was set up by husband-and-wife team Scott and Karis McCulloch eight years ago after they spotted a gap in the market for vegan food that is easy access. The business made £6 million last year and saw sales boom in the first Covid lockdown. This year they have plans to release their own range of vegan meals. “We were originally targeting vegans in a way. Now that we have such a large offering we serve anyone who wants to buy plant-based food. In the next one to two years we will be working on people who aren’t vegan yet. The audience of those who are vegan are growing more and more” “People generally love it. Our supermarket is the largest vegan offering in the world. We sell 5,500 products and have next day delivery seven days a week. It’s like Asda but all the products are vegan so it removes difficulty” Credit: The Vegan Kind

Nestlé is fulfilling the wishes of plant-based fans around the world by launching a vegan KitKat. One of the world's most popular confectionery bars will soon have a delicious plant-based option that delivers the perfect balance between crispy wafer and smooth chocolate that people know and love. Alexander von Maillot, Head of Confectionery at Nestlé, said: "One of the most common requests we see on social media is for a vegan KitKat, so we're delighted to be able to make that wish come true. I can't wait for people to be able to try this amazingly tasty new KitKat. This is a product for everyone who wants a little more plant-based in their life!" The new vegan KitKat – called KitKat V – will be launched later in the year in several countries across the globe. Credit: Nestle

Keeping the flame alive

Marriage is very different from the “dating” stage. Dating is exciting as it’s a way for you to keep the flame alive with your partner. It’s the stage where you get to know them inside and out. Their strengths, fears, wishes and goals. At this point, you’re always trying to do fun things together, but after some time, things can get repetitive. I’ve been married now for over 7 years so it takes work and effort to keep the spark going. Routines are important in our everyday lives, but they shouldn’t be a staple in a couple’s relationship. It’s proven that having a repetitive relationship can lead to breakups more easily in some cases. When you get married or start to live with your partner, you take on many responsibilities. Doing chores around the house, cooking dinners and lunches, managing your finances. All of these things are repeated on a day to day basis and can often become more of the focus in the relationship. Especially if money is tight, or you have other people to look after.

Here are a few suggestions on how to keep the flame alive with your partner… Surprise Gifts Surprising your partner is always a great idea. Let them know you’re thinking about them every day. These gifts don’t have to be expensive at all. Usually, the best gifts are the simpler ones. For example – buying him his favourite chocolate bar or buying her a beautiful bouquet of flowers. Gifts don’t have to be expensive, they just need to show thought. Intimacy I don’t mean you have to get super kinky or start watching “those” kinds of videos online! OK, so if you want to go out and buy yourself some “toys” then obviously go ahead! I just mean give yourselves some time with each other to feel intimate again. Keep the flame alive and feel the closeness you once had when it was new and exciting. Touching Can Be Healing Some couples get so distant that often they forget how to touch each other. A simple holding of the hand, brushing of the face or a warm embrace.

This can be in a sexual environment, but it doesn’t necessarily have to be all the time. Touching your partner in an intimate way – kissing, waking up with some cuddles, hugging in bed. These are all some of the ways you can show deep love to your partner without having to use words to describe it.

Sometimes touch is more important than words in a relationship. It’s important that you express love to one another, even if you feel like you have shown it enough. Sometimes we forget that our partner can’t read our mind. Also, remember that every person has a way of showing love. Sometimes, you might feel like giving them space is a sign of love, but your partner could think otherwise. This is why it’s so vital for a relationship to have open communication about what they call “love.” Me-time As much as spending time together is important, so is your time alone. Some couples spend way too much time together, and it makes them lose themselves in a sense. We’ve all seen those couples that can’t do anything apart. While this is cute, it can do more harm than good in the long run. The Lifestyle Blogger UK


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If you're looking for something far less complicated and much kinder on the waistline, this Sugar free banana bread breakfast muffin recipe is just the thing. It's cheap, quick and easy to make - in fact, the scrumptious muffins take around 30 minutes in the oven. They do not contain an ounce of butter or oil and can be made without sugar as maple syrup and sweetener work perfectly well instead. Method Pre-heat the oven to 180c (fan) and place your muffin cases on a tray ready to go. 1. Mash the bananas together and add the vanilla essence, apple cider vinegar, egg and both sugars and mix well. 2. Add the dry ingredients in with the wet ingredients and blend until mixed well. 3. Add the handful of walnuts (leaving a few behind for decoration) and mix in with a spoon. 4. Fill the muffin cases approximately half way up and sprinkle with the remaining chopped nuts. 5. Bake for 30 minutes or until golden brown and a skewer comes out clean. 6. Once done, leave to cool on their trays for at least 10 minutes before moving on to a cooling rack. 7. Once completely cool, sprinkle some of the icing sugar over the top and enjoy!

The Lifestyle Blogger UK

yummy! Ingredients – 3 Ripe Bananas – 2 Tablespoons Caste r Sugar – 2 Tablespoons Musco vado Sugar – 1 Egg – Handful of Chopped Nuts – 1 Teaspoon Baking Po wder – 1 Teaspoon Baking So da – 2 Tablespoons Apple Cider Vinegar – 1 Cup Buckwheat Flo ur – 2 Teaspoons Vanilla Essence – 1 Tablespoon Icing Su gar

TV News

The pandemic has had a huge impact on our mental health and the public’s resilience continues to be tested through this lockdown. People are finding it tough, loneliness has risen from 10 percent of UK adults in March to 25 percent in November and the proportion who say they are coping well with the stress of the pandemic has fallen steadily, from almost three quarters in April to 62 percent in November. Looking after our mental health is more important than ever. Like physical health, we all have mental health and that can vary over time. The BBC is responding to this public need by creating a single, easy to find destination for people to turn to that brings the breadth of our mental health content across our services together in one place. Headroom is a dedicated online resource that recognises the impact the pandemic is having on everyone’s mental health; a toolkit for the mind to help people look after themselves with practical everyday tips, inspiring personal stories, activities and music mixes to boost your mood, escape and relax. James Newman has been confirmed as the artist representing the United Kingdom at the Eurovision Song Contest 2021 after the competition was postponed in 2020 because of the COVID-19 pandemic. The 65th Eurovision Song Contest will be held in Rotterdam, The Netherlands in May 2021, and the United Kingdom song will be revealed in March 2021. James Newman is a hugely successful BRIT Awardwinning and Grammy-nominated songwriter. James Newman says: “I’m so excited and honoured to be getting a second chance at representing my country in the Eurovision Song Contest. I haven’t stopped making new music in lockdown and I can’t wait for everyone to hear the song I’m taking to Eurovision in 2021.”

Marsha Thomason joins The Bay in lead role. ITV have announced that Cobra star Marsha Thomason is set to join ITV’s hit crime drama, The Bay, for its third series. Marsha Thomason (Cobra, White Collar) joins the regular cast as Morecambe CID’s new Family Liaison Officer, DS Jenn Townsend, following Morven Christie’s decision to leave the show. DS Townsend is immediately thrown into the deep end when a body is found in the bay on her first day in the job. She must get under the skin of a grieving and complicated family if she has any chance of solving the premature death of an aspiring young boxer. While she’s eager to give the family answers, she also needs to prove herself as the team’s newest recruit. The pressure is multiplied when her new blended family struggle to settle in Morecambe, proving to Jenn that a fresh start might not be as simple as moving to a different town. Manchester actor Will Mellor will walk into Weatherfield in March as Leanne Battersby (Jane Danson) finds herself forced into a dangerous world of drugs and despair. In the coming weeks we’ll see a still grieving Leanne battling to save son Simon (Alex Bain) from the hands of an evil drugs gang he’s got mixed up in, after losing her other child Oliver to mitochondrial disease. This fierce maternal instinct to protect Simon is what will throw her into the orbit of drugs lord Harvey, to be played by 44 year old Will Mellor. Will said: “I’m honoured to be asked to come into Coronation Street, it’s such an iconic show and has been a huge part of my family life. When I started acting 32 years ago it was my mum’s dream for me to be in Corrie so I’m happy to finally be able to make it come true. It’s a Manchester institution and as a Manchester actor this is definitely a box ticked.

All Day Energy Mix Four hours of non-stop audio energy to keep you going. Motivating dance hits to deep beats to keep you on track and energised.

The Beauty Fix In each episode Naomi will delve behind the selfies and meet the models, influencers and campaigners who know how to get their beauty fix, while showing that beauty is anything but fixed. Beauty Fix will launch on BBC Sounds Friday 26 February!

Radio 1’s Workout anthems Motivational tunes to get you moving!

Sheridan's Showstoppers Sheridan chats to the comedian, actor, writer, and TV personality David Walliams.

How to Vaccinate the World New variants of the virus which causes Covid 19 are turning up in countries all over the world. Can the vaccines we have keep up with them, or do years of booster jabs await us? Tim Harford answers these questions Professor Peter Hotez, Professor Emma Thomson and Dr Adam Kucharski.

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Russell Grant magazine is published every month by Russell Grant Astrology Limited Russell Grant Astrology Limited PO Box 322 Altrincham Cheshire WA14 2WE Email: Managing Editor : Kelvin Jay

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For advertising enquiries please email Photo Credits: Netflix, TUI, Mango, Hotel Chocolat, Happi Free From, The Vegan Kind Supermarket, Nestle, Urban Outfitters, Next, BBC and ITV Contributors: Russell Grant, Philip Garcia, Susan Leigh A.C.H.Qual, M.N.C.H.(Acc), M.S.M.S.(Acc), H.A.Reg, and The Lifestyle Blogger UK The views within this magazine are not necessarily those of the publisher. Articles and advertisements are for information only and should not replace medical or professional guidance. For Entertainment only. © RUSSELL GRANT ASTROLOGY LIMITED

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