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Our Research Based Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

We can 'Listen-in' and benchmark your employees engagement with wellbeing, identifying the issues and providing a practical framework for continued action.

04 Introduction

SOS! From UK Households & Employees

For most of us, the world post Covid 19 is proving challenging to navigate - like someone took the rule book and threw it in the bin.

This world-wide pandemic has caused a seismic shift and made us all aware how much people really matter. Businesses and the economy all rely on the e orts of individuals, who bring their own issues and concerns with them to work every day – more now than ever. Key workers have kept the show on the road, and as lockdown eases and more businesses return to a di erent kind of normal, Wellbeing has risen to the top of the agenda. Organisations and businesses are now increasingly aware of the need not just to reduce infection risks for their sta and customers, but also to nurture sta welfare in general, in the realisation that we are all operating under stress and need support to function well.

With The WoWW! Business (Ways of Work & Wellbeing!) we have always believed that Wellbeing is core to individuals - and therefore businesses – performing well. Our mantra is ‘Well Beings Build Businesses Well’. But how do you promote Wellbeing and create truly ‘Well Beings’ within your business or organisation. How do you know if your e orts are working? Listen-in & Learn

The Virtuous Circle of Talk & Trust™

Track & Trend Stop & Start

A WoWW! Business ... is one that through its culture (how it thinks, feels and what it believes) and climate (what it says, does and looks like) creates an environment where Well-Beings thrive.

05 Our Research Based Approach

The BIG Listen-In

Knowledge is power. You can’t solve the problem until you know what you’re dealing with, and prevention is always better than cure. Where to start? We call our YouGov UK Benchmark ‘The Big Listen- In.’ We have developed a Virtuous Circle of Listen-In & Learn, then Stop & Start (stop to reflect, and start to react appropriately).

Next, to keep the Virtuous Circle going, Track & Trend to check progress. Back in 2015/6 we commissioned a UK wide YouGov survey on Financial and Personal Wellbeing and established a UK Benchmark for both – we show comparative figures later in this report. Post Covid, we have recommissioned YouGov, extending our UK wide survey to include Operational Wellbeing for companies and businesses. So we now have a comparative, post Covid, UK Benchmark for Financial and Personal Wellbeing, and a new post Covid UK benchmark for Organisational Wellbeing. We call this triple tracking. BIG Impact Above & Below The Waterline

Triple tracking provides quantitative and qualitative data on total employee engagement in wellbeing. Imagine the old order as being like a triangle, with the Organisation at the top, and the Personal and Financial Well Being of Employees at the bottom. We have re- imagined this triangle as an iceberg, with Employee Well Being hidden below the waterline, which has a knock-on e ect on a business’ bottom line. A pre Covid study by Barclay’s Bank in relation to employee financial concerns alone put this at 4% - arguably the post Covid figure will be worse.

BIG Impact On The Top & Bottom Line

According to a 2017 CIPD report, financial stress cost the UK economy £120.7 billion and caused 17.5 million hours of absence. And the e ect on internal relationships, customer service, business reputation, retention ...... we don’t need to go on!

It’s simply critically important to know what’s going on below the Waterline, and to address employees’ needs and concerns to promote Wellbeing in the workplace. It’s not just about the figures – it’s about listening in to what your people are saying. It’s why we measure the feelings behind the facts so we can better understand the emerging weather themes.

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