Choosing The Right Spices For Your Recipe In Indian cooking, spices are very important. When anybody talk about Indian food, the first thing that we think of is the delectable taste with pinch of spices with some sweetness added to it. If you make tomato soup, adding just a little bit of chili flakes to it will instantly give it a very Indian and a delicious spin. Spices are such a vital part of our history too. It is known that it was the spices that first brought the British to India. What intrigued them the most was how these amazing smelly, aromatic spices could do wonders for any dish with just a pinch of it added to the dish. Add some black pepper powder to any salad you prepare and just watch how the taste changes in a brilliant manner, making the salad more interesting than ever. Every spice has its unique quality and hence is carefully added to the dish depending upon what kind of taste the dish wants to bring to the consumer. What decides the taste of the dish or the success of the dish is that proportion and the permutation in which the dish is added to the recipe. A good blend of these beautiful spices is what makes a masala. There are different kinds of masalas made as per each dish that is in plan to be made. For example, masala for the chicken tikka will be spicier than the masala that we use in making a milder tasting dish such as dal makhana. The dish that you choose to prepare dictates what masala you will use to prepare the dish. But how does one choose the spices correctly for their said dish? Is there a sure way to tell which kind of spice is better or what type of spice will bring out more flavour of the recipe? Not all of us are well-versed with picking spices to make our own masalas. But at the same time, we also want to use these spices in making our tasty dishes. So, what can be done in such a case? Well, you can shop for the readymade masalas. There are so many brands today that sell readymade masalas so that the customers can just pick them up and use them as when it will be required by their recipe. Since it is a little risky to go out and shop for the masalas and spices on your own, you have the option of online grocery shopping available too. Whatever recipe you are trying to make, whatever might be the ingredients in terms of spices or anything else as well, you can easily find it online on any grocery shopping website. However, be careful about the kind of masala brand you are choosing to put in your cart and buy. Make sure you check the reviews of the same or ask around to your friends if they have used it. check for more reviews online just to be extra careful about the spices that you are buying.