What Spices Bring To The Table

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What Spices Bring To The Table! Ever tasted food without some extra spice? Tastes bland, doesn’t it? That is what spices and herbs for that matter bring to your gastronomic senses. It elevates to food taste and provides a mouth watering dish that you simply cannot avoid. Adding a little spice to your food can significantly alter its taste to something quite unique. Bored of eating the same dish, introduce a little Khada Masala to your cooking and voila, you can taste the difference. These spices are readily available at the nearest grocery store and it’s always encouraged to keep experimenting with different herbs and spices. For the gourmet enthusiasts, a mixture of different spices in one’s food can be the difference between good and other-worldly. There are a variety of spices out in the market and India being the spice capital of the world is home to almost all of them. So if you’re looking for only a certain spice, be assured you will find it. Either at the supermarket or available online, there is no dearth of these herbs and spices. Spices in India aren’t just restricted to cooking. For example, keema masala could be added to make a mean chicken dinner but adding haldhi in your daily glass of milk is quite beneficial for the health. Primarily though, Indian kitchens are stocked with spices for one simple reason – to bring out the flavours alive in your mouth. Even the most mundane and boring food can be revolutionised with the addition of the right spice. For those, who are yet to try spices, this could be an eye-opener of sorts. Knowing your way around the world of spices help but that isn’t a mandate. Knowing which spice to add where and in what quantity comes with experience. And the best experience can only be gained with experimentation. No wonder chefs around the world come up with new recipes day in and day out. The ingredients remain the same, the method more or less the same, what differs is what spices and herbs go into the mix to bring out the perfect taste. With the amount of spices available readily, you’re never going to run out of options. It all boils down to the creativity in the kitchen and the willingness to try out new recipes. Cooking can be a fun element if you bring a twist into it. Let your family guess the spices just with a smell and the winner gets an extra portion of the deliciousness you cooked. Or how about tasting and answering the mix of spices you’ve added. Sounds fun doesn’t it? How you add it to your food is completely upto you. You can add it over the food or roast it to bring out the aroma! Some spices have medicinal properties and can be quite effective in ensuring good health. For example, when the season cold and cough rolls in, adding a little pepper on your Tomato Soup works wonders in soothing your throat. So next time you’re craving something for the throat, look at your kitchen cabinet instead. You’ve all the healthy medicine in the form of herbs and spices.


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