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Windsor Income Protection
The WIP Group is an independent Lloyd’s Coverholder that provides bespoke underwriting, consulting and claims services for accident and health opportunities.
What do we do? The WIP Group prides itself on building bespoke accident and health solutions for our brokers, clients, and the retail market. At WIP we ensure coverage for all insured persons, with no occupations or employment categories excluded, including part-time and casual workers.
Who do we service? The WIP Group currently builds tailored solutions for industry superannuation funds, brokers, corporates, employer associations and unions. WIP is the only underwriting agency providing group income solutions to industry superannuation funds.
What do we off er? The WIP Group promises to look at every opportunity with a di erent lens to ensure our solution is not one that is in the marketplace and will provide our clients with a true point of di erence. Through its consultative approach it has achieved:
• benefi t payments to employees and super fund members totalling more than $225m over the past 12 years • creation of loyalty benefi ts and unique benefi t
o erings within personal accident and sickness solutions • entry-level and apprentice personal accident and sickness policies for corporates and groups • ease of fulfi lment – removal of the requirements for medical underwriting • benefi t levels above industry standard, including up to 100% of salary plus superannuation benefi t; up to $100,000 per month maximum benefi t; fl exible excess periods – waiting periods as short as 14 days; benefi t periods of one to fi ve years; loyalty benefi ts; and critical illness benefi ts with no waiting periods
Our focus is on providing a positive customer experience via:
• a sustainable product solution for clients • claims authority and expertise, utilising technology to improve communication and therefore the claimant’s experience • trusted account and relationship management
Australia-wide services We have o ces in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane and provide services Australia-wide and beyond.
Accident and health • Accident and sickness • Accidental death • Broken bones • Contingency insurance • Dental • Funeral cover • Journey insurance • Top-up (workers’ compensation) • Total permanent disablement • Trauma insurance • Travel insurance
Services • Claims management services • Insurance consulting • Tender management • Corporate health insurance • Member engagement solutions
ALLAN LEE brings to the WIP Group over 30 years of experience working in accident and health in both the London and local markets. Through his vast knowledge of the insurance market, particularly accident and health, he has further enhanced WIP’s ability to provide innovative tailor-made insurance solutions for all clients.
With multiple insurance reforms occurring within the superannuation space, and increased pressure on poor-performing funds to merge, the opportunities for brokers to provide accident and health solutions (particularly income protection) to their clients have never been greater. Multiple pockets of members may fi nd their insurance coverage no longer guaranteed or considered fi t for purpose by their chosen or stapled superannuation fund, triggering an increase in demand for insurance to be provided by EBAs – or Employee Benefi t Programs.
This is where WIP can assist the broker market in designing programs that will ensure value for money with bespoke coverage. The ongoing pursuit of creativity, initiatives and service excellence are key drivers of the WIP Group, ensuring that we continue to be an innovator in the industry.
The WIP Group uses both international and local security. We do this to ensure that all opportunities are seen from a di erent perspective. Our meticulous approach to fi nding sustainable solutions is a pillar of our ongoing success. While we specialise in the accident and health market, our services are not limited to this space, and we can look to assist with any insurance requirements if the need arises.