Key School is founded upon the conviction that children are innately curious about themselves and the world; they want to learn , they want to discover , and they want to create

Key School is founded upon the conviction that children are innately curious about themselves and the world; they want to learn , they want to discover , and they want to create
Our mission is to nourish and guide this natural exuberance, energy, and delight in the search for meaning, so that each student embraces lifelong learning and develops into an informed , thoughtful , and constructive member of society.
With these beliefs and objectives in mind, we commit to:
Provide a dynamic education that demands rigor, intellectual independence, creativity, interdisciplinary thought, and openness to differing perspectives through academic and co-curricular programs that teach students experientially, as active participants in the learning process.
Guide and support students in their efforts to mature intellectually, socially, and emotionally; to make decisions for themselves and take responsibility for those decisions; to address their individual learning needs; and to broaden and deepen their talents and interests.
Prepare students with the collaborative and competitive abilities and the communication and thinking skills they need to effectively undertake challenges and assume responsibilities in an interconnected, complex world.
Cultivate a community in which teaching and learning are lifelong endeavors for all, pursued through reflection, private study, and communal engagement.
Sustain an ethical school culture that respects the dignity of every human being, recognizes that liberty must be balanced by responsibility and individual action by the needs of others, and stresses to all members of a diverse school community the importance of trust, mutual respect, compassion, and service to others.
Adopted by the Board of Trustees on April 30, 2014.
Alanna Wright President
John Hilbert Vice President
Peter Biché Treasurer Ken Kissel ‘86 Secretary
Nancy Margaret Adler
Mark Baganz
Thomas Baum
Peter Biché March Bishop ‘04
Julius Clark Elyse Colgan ‘03
Leander J. Foley III
Michael Glass
Colin Harrington John Hilbert Joseph Janney III Wesley Jones Steven Kahle Ken Kissel ‘86
Jared Littmann William Mapp Tanya Mathias
Matthew Nespole Head of School
Tom Rossini Director of Enrollment and Outreach
Stephen Ginter Director of Advancement
Caroline Ewing Director of Finance and Operations
Kate Austin Director of Communication
Jenifer Moore Director of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Troy Mayer ‘06 Kara McGuirk-Allison Song Pak Lakshmi Ramani
Michael Smith Courtney Spangler Anna Wood Stephen Wrage Alanna Wright Matthew Nespole, ex-officio
Board Emeriti Missy Attridge Georgie Berkinshaw
Francis Chaney II ‘75
Howard Cohen Kristin Fusco James Humphrey
Noel Gasparin Director of Facilities
Nina Austin Director of Academic Technology
Brian Michaels Upper School Division Head
Dave Magnus
Middle School Division Head
Kristen Addison Lower School Division Head
Becky Fetters
First School Division Head
2021-2022 Report
When members of a school community make a philanthropic gift, it signifies their belief in its Mission and commitment to inspire students to become the best version of themselves. The generosity of the Key Community during the 2021-2022 year is clear evidence that our community does indeed believe in Key and Mission to nourish and guide the natural exuberance, energy, and delight in the search for meaning, so that each student embraces lifelong learning and develops into an informed, thoughtful, and constructive member of society.
While there are multiple data points to assess the vibrancy of our School, the Annual Fund is an essential one. This year, our annual fund had the highest participation rate in over a decade and the more than $594,000 raised exceeded our budgeted goal. Those dollars directly impact the day-to-day experience of all our students, given that the Annual Fund represents close to 3.5% of our annual operating budget.
As we begin to implement components of Key 360°, the School’s new strategic framework, philanthropy will be an important source of revenue that will help us achieve our goals. One of our initial priorities, the transformation of the First School Nature Play and Learning space, is a direct result of your generosity.
Last year, the volunteer efforts of our Parent Association were phenomenal. Our September Welcome Back Picnic on the Manse Field brought over 500 people to campus. The Harvest Dinner in October and the in-person return of the Annapolis Book Festival in April were wonderful community-building opportunities that enabled us to be together as a community and support our School.
Overall, Key raised nearly $1.2 million in 2021-2022. On behalf of the faculty, staff, and administration, I want to thank all those who supported Key by making a philanthropic gift.
Warmly, Matthew Nespole Head of SchoolWhen reflecting on the 2021-22 school year, I immediately think of seeing the faces (and especially the smiles) of our community as we were able to gather in person again. Key is truly a very special community and what a treat to SEE each other, share a smile and just be in the same space.
On behalf of the Board of Trustees, thank you for your gifts of time, talent and philanthropic treasure. We met and exceeded our philanthropic goals. Our school is thriving because of this special community of students, faculty & staff, volunteers, current families, extended families, alums, Parents’ Association and our Board of Trustees.
Over the past year, our Board has been focused on advancing the priorities of our strategic framework, Key 360°. After decades of focusing solely on the growth of Key’s Endowment, for the first time in our school’s history, the Board approved an endowment draw for this coming year to fund initiatives tied to Key 360°. We will continue this work as Key 360° is the “north star” guiding our priorities to ensure Key remains the exceptional school we know it is and has the potential to be. “Future is so bright… gotta wear shades..”
Thank YOU for all you do!
Alanna M. Wright Board PresidentWe are grateful to the nearly 800 parents, alumni/ae/x, parents of alumni/ae/x, faculty and staff, grandparents, past faculty and staff, students, Board members, past Board members, foundations, and organizations that philanthropically supported Key this year.
222 Severn/W&P Nautical
Michael and Cindy Abadie^ Mr. and Mrs. Razark Abdul Tom ‘74 and Angela Abernethy+ Abile Group, Inc.
Titus and Rona Abraham Gregory Addeo and Laura Varela-Addeo
Kristen Addison and Sidney Catlett
Sharday and Funmi Adeyosoye Andrew Adler ‘29
Anna Charles Adler ‘35
Deborah Adler
Mary Arthur Adler ‘31
Nancy Margaret and Andrew Adler
AFCEA CMD Education Foundation
Warren Aftahi and Wendy Walker Ena and Crystal Agbedia Uchenna Ahaghotu and Tolu Oyefesobi Olu and Elizabeth Ajayi Elise Altschuler ‘12 Randi and Jon Altschuler+ The American Gift Fund
Katie and Chris Anderson Megan Anderson ‘01 Ted Anderson#
Animal Birth Control LLC Annapolis Orthodontics Annapolis Pediatrics^ Anne Arundel Dermatology Anonymous (x18)
Chuck Anthony and Iris Krasnow Myrvin and Julita Anthony Zane Anthony ‘12
Jamie and Masako Armstrong Arts Council of Anne Arundel County, Inc.
Mark Asbury ‘81 and Eileen Kim ‘79 Astrid Digital Atlantic Prime Mortgage, LLC Jimmy Attridge ‘03 and Katherine Attridge# Missy and Dan Attridge+ Tommy Attridge ‘10
Kate and Roger Austin
Nina Austin Avalon Consulting Group, Inc. AZTK LLC
Beth Bafford ‘02^ Mark Baganz and Laurie Salladin^ Bret Bailine and Ali Bailine
Christopher Baker and Heidi Busch Baltimore Community Foundation Baltimore Educational Scholarship Trust+ Ranjit and Nancy Banwait Eugene Barlow and Trina Barlow
Brian Barone and Clare Conger Alex Barranco ‘23 Greg Barranco Matt and Bria Barry Base2 Engineering, LLC, a BlueHalo Company# Alex and Julie Basile Patti Baum
Thomas and Lisa Baum Jay Adams and Helen Baxt# Jamie and Laura Baxter Bay Ridge Wine & Spirits Dan and Heidi Bay^ Paul and Rebecca Bayne Ed ‘81 and Sarah Beach Martin Beadle Gabriela Beavers ‘15 Michaela Beavers ‘17 Marina and Sean Becker John and Christine Beed Benevity Community Impact Fund Marcella and Shannon Benil Mike and Pam Benitez Georgie and Ted Berkinshaw*+ Lou and Laurie Berman
Best Tile Fred and Marti Betz+ Peter Biché+ Betsy Biern ‘84 and Ted Booth Biern Booth Family Fund Alexia Billiart March Bishop ‘04# The Blackbaud Giving Fund
*indicates a member of Key‘s Legacy Society, those who have included Key School in their estate plans +Indicates 20+ years of giving • ^Indicates 15+ years of giving • #Indicates 10+ years of giving
2021-2022 Report on Philanthropy
Kwasi Bolden and Melveena Johnson Bolden James and Valerie Bonham
Matthew and Christine Boomer Joe Boucher and Michele Perry-Boucher# Peter Bowe ‘74 and Barbara Stewart#
Bowie Baysox Baseball Club Greg and Jen Bowles
Bowman Jarashow Law LLC
Jeff and Brooke Bowman Jennifer and Joshua Bowman
Brian Boyd and Allie Herr# Kevin Brady
Kirra Brandon ‘97 and Gus Stern
Joel and Sabrina Braun
Tom and Katherine Brennan+ David and Koren Brewer^ The Brick Companies
Joshua Brickman ‘04 Brightview Landscapes, LLC
Jerome and Erica Brock Jacqueline Brockhurst ‘10 Marie Brockhurst*+ Joe and Connie Brown Scott and Anne Brown Zalika Brown Jack and Natalie Brunson# Vicky Brunt
Charlie and Reid Buckley+ Gavin and Julie Buckley Jacqueline Bugnion Mark and Elizabeth Bulmer Trina and John Burks+ Ian and Leah Burman Haleema Burton Elana Byrd-Kehler
Grump‘s Cafe
Matthew Calise and Tiffany Joly Brian and Emily Callahan Ros and Paul Calvin Capital Educators
Sherry Carr
Steve Carroll and Justyna Forys-Schubert Elizabeth Carter
Ronald Carter and Bruke Sullivan Erika and Roger Cartledge James Cartledge Carolyn Casey Craig and Kirsten Casey Katherine Casey ‘01 Lauren Dunleavy Cashion '99 and John Cashion Ceremony Coffee Roasters Kathleen Chandler
Frank ‘75 and Susan Chaney Hall Chaney ‘02 and Chelsea Hartman Chaney ‘07 Andrew and Linda Chapman Kirsten and Jon Chapman Chesapeake Bay Roasting Company Chesapeake Birth and Baby Chesapeake Environmental Consulting Chesapeake Medical Imaging^ Chesapeake Wealth Management Henry and Shana Christrup Eileen Cimbolic^
Julius and Cynthia Clark Sue and Ian Clayton CleanBay Renewables CleanNet USA
Whitall Clevenger+ Denis Clift#
Kevin and Laura Cline^ Craig and Agnes Cobbum Howard and Nancy Cohen++ Josh ‘90 and Lesley Cohen Bill Colbath
Willie and Nicole Cole Elyse Colgan ‘03 Sanford and Lisa Collins Kevin Coloton and Dominique Pichard Community Foundation of Anne Arundel County Ron and Julia Compton Robert Temple and Shannon Cone Paul and Nancy Conroy Bill and Lesley Cook
Lyn Grady Cook ‘76 and Mike Cook Deborah Corley Cathy and David Correll+ Steve Correll ‘00# Ron ‘87 and Kristy Council Bill and BJ Cowie James Crawford and Keisha Gilchrist Travonne Crayton ‘97
John Criswell Jr. Deb and Michael Crnkovic James and Kelly Cronenberg Alexa Cruz ‘24# Gerardo and Cathleen Cruz# Michael Cunningham and Margaret Moresi Kyle Curran
Ryan and Kate Curry Cynthia H. Clark & Associates, LLC Mike Damas and Joyce Keilen+ David and Susan Hickes Charitable Fund Brett and Jessica Davis DAVIS Construction Christopher and Simona Dean Larry and Patty DeMooy Marcus and Katherine Dent Isaac and Delia Deschaine Kristina Deutsch Paula and Tim DeWitt Ross ‘72 and Sheree Dierdorff Jeannie Berkinshaw Dixon ‘01 and Kyle Dixon
Dodge & Cox#
Jacqualine Donaldson# Noah ‘96 and Elina Donaldson Christopher Dorsey Taryn Dorsey
David and Anne Dowton Alice and Scott Drayton Eric and Joelle Drenner Drum, Loyka and Associates, LLC Mike and Carol Drum Joshua and Michelle DuBois Cara DuCellier Due East
Fred Dulles ‘82 and Cathy Jordan
Colin and Essita Duncan Terrance and Allie Ealey
Heather East Keith and Mary Frances Ebersole
Chris and Amanda Ebley Cara and Wesley Ebner
David and Lauren Edwards
Katie and Jib ‘82 Edwards^ Jim and Lorraine Ellerson+ Page Ellerson ‘13
Matt and Valerie Elliott
Joel Elmer and Lorna Ditze
Khalid and Magyn El-Sayed Epstein, Becker & Green, P.C. David and Ronda Esaw#
Saeed Essa and Nafisa Mire Brad and Caroline Ewing^ Andrew ‘84 and Jerri Falk# Ana and Zach Fallon#
Elissa Favero ‘01# Janet and Philip Favero
Babe Feldman
Brad and Bailey Feldman
Caileigh Feldman ‘10 Paul and Elspeth Feldman+ Sara Feldman ‘03
Becky Fetters and Robert Fish# Judith Fetters Fidelity Charitable Jeff and Laura Filipek Bryan Fishback and Diana Markel
Larry and Nancy Fitch
Keely Dunleavy Fitzpatrick ‘98 and Sean Fitzpatrick+ Charlie and Jane Flanagan
Bruce Fleming and Meg Murray Rob and Beth Floyd Roger and Tonya Flynn^ Ron and Christine Fodor
Kerry Foley
L. J. and Mindy Foley+ Meghan Foley ‘98# Catherine Fonfara Robert Mimms and Jennifer Ford Tobias Ford and Linda Mundy
Alexandra Fotos ‘72 and Neil Harpe+ Bradley Fowler ‘04 Paul and Andrea Frank Howard and Liz Freedlander Bill and Susan Fritz Marcie Frum Milone Fusco Family Foundation+ Jack and Kristin Fusco+ Chris Gable and JoAnn Warrick Scott Galczynski and Lora Harris
Cindy Gales
Gabrielle Gallant ‘17 Gallant Government &
Grace Gallant ‘20
Jack Gallant ‘23
Trish and Gary Gallant^ Brian Ganz
The Gerald Sparer Family Trust Giant Food
Bennett Ginter ‘36
Nathan Ginter ‘34 Steve and Caitlin Ginter Glass Family Philanthropic Fund Michael and Liz Glass^ Glassman Family Foundation Todd Glassman and Lori Emrick David Gleason and Ann Pailthorp
Chris and Robin Goebel Lindsey Ellerson Goebel ‘01 and Jon Goebel
Benjamin Goldeen and Hailey Gosnell
Barry and Maryann Gosnell
Paul Govatos
Michael and Stephanie Graham Kevin Granger and Dalila Harvey-Granger
Great Horizons Marion Greene ‘96 Marc Greenspan and Kathy Floam Greenspan+ Henry and Amanda Gregory Keith and Kafi Grigsby George and Julia Gross
Sonia Grover ‘93^ Steve and Leslie Gruskin
Alex Gudger
Glencora Gudger ‘05
John Michael Gudger ‘03
Jose Gutierrez-Nunez and Ana Ibanez
Katherine Haas Michael and Kathleen Haldeman# Bernard and Delisa Hall
Jan Hamill ‘71 and Mark Gatza#
Quinn Hanchette ‘87 Harbor Auto Center, LLC
Larry and Lynne Harding
Harding Family Fund
Colin and Christina Harrington# Ricardo and Sarah Harris
Michael Harrison and Julie Lake Rod and Laurie Hart
Bill and Maryellen Hartman# Michael and Christine Hauswirth Glenn and Mara Hedgecoth Barrett Hein
James Hein and Megan Molloy Ken and Mollie Heist^
Ketsy and Emanuelle Hernandez Frances Herrick
Tim and Jennifer Herzog David and Susan Hickes+ Hidden Waters Farm
John Hilbert and Kenneth Graham
Richard and Barbara Hillman Staci Bafford Hodge ‘99
Kevin Hoffman ‘90 Stuart and Hana Holbrook
Niels and Barbara Holch+ Darryl Holloway and LaShawne Owens
John and Christine Hollywood
Jen and Craig Holt
Hord Coplan Macht
Leigh Houck and Larry Buc Holly Howlin
Ann Marie Kidwell Hoyt ‘02 HS Tech Group
Hudson & Fouquet Salon#
Matt and Catherine Hudson Jim and Linda Humphrey*+
*Indicates a member of Key‘s Legacy Society • +Indicates 20+ years of giving ^Indicates 15+ years of giving • #Indicates 10+ years of giving
2021-2022 Report on Philanthropy
Joseph Iagulli ‘08
Tammy Ijiti
Charles and Lucy Iliff
David and Tove Irving^ Aude and Osman Ismael
Caitlin Ivrey ‘06
Harry Ivrey ‘71*+ Chuck and Kym Jackson David Jackson and Pat Hunter
Margie and Ed Jackson
Evan Jacobs ‘04
Joe and Martha Janney^ Jonnie and Kelsey Jenkins
Jim and Linda Humphrey Foundation
André and Tina Johnson
Horace Jones
Wes Jones and Dawn Madak+ JTS Specialities
Richard and Nancy Judd^ Sarah Judd and Lee Ann Havard
K & B True Value# Steve Kahle#
Larry Kahn ‘76#
William and Sarah Kaitz Scott and Hilary Kamins
Cassandra Kapsos
Larry and Kristin Kast#
Patrik Kast ‘12
William Kast ‘13
Kate Curry Yoga Morrie Kebbeh and Amina Sillah
Shaun and Jeanne Keegan James Kehler
Eron and Kathleen Kelly Matthew and Shannon Kelly Chris and Kristen Keuleman
Key School
Key School Board of Trustees
Key School Class of 2022
Key School
Parents‘ Association+ KHA Consultants LLC
David and Cindy Kim
Mee Jean Kim ‘02
Garret and Bethany King Emma Kissel ‘21
Ian Kissel ‘23 Ken ‘86 and Jane Kissel# Tatiana Klein
Bryan and Jennifer Klepper Kleynimals
Walter and Lynne Koch Richard and Susan Koepp George Kohutiak and Luisa Kohutiak
Joseph Koons and Kristi Shimshock
Koons Ford Lincoln of Annapolis Peter and Anissa Kossakowski Sharon Kraynak
Caroline Vaughan Kreutzer ‘06
Art and Leslie Kudner^
Michael and Sarah Kugelman
Barry and Kate Kulp
Neal and Andrea Kursban
Greg and Amy Ladd
Susan and Chip Lamb
Eric and Bess Langbein
Cameron Lapczynski ‘35
John and Beth Lapczynski
Olivia Lapczynski ‘32
Matthew and Cara LaPointe Gail LaRose
Jeffrey and Angela Lataille Rob and Irfan Latimer+ Iris Latsios
Akeembra and Jarret Lawrence Dean and Roxanne Lawrence
The Lawrence and Kristin Kast Foundation
Rick Layton and Jacque Schrader
Steven and Carrie Leary Eric and Sarah Lecky# Harry ‘82 and Alice Legum
Judd Legum ‘96 and Roshini Thayaparan#
Colin and Laurel Lennon# Elena Leontyeva
Bernie and Vicky Lerch^ Charles Lerner
Jared Lerner and Leslie Meredith
Babette and Ivan Leshinsky+ Eric Leshinsky ‘94 and Jennifer Janis
Nancy and Nate Leventhal+ Craig and Audri Levering Dylan and Meeghan Lewis Jyoti Lewis ‘16
Bob Libson
Jared Littmann and Marlene Niefeld ‘88# Shawn and Rachel Livingston Todd and Maria Lochner Cheryl Lonergan
Jen Hickes Lundquist ‘91 and Eric Lundquist
Paul and Martha Lurz+ Moe and Ayanna Lynch Ann Marie Macdonald
Alan and Mary MacLeod+ Carter MacLeod ‘14
Steve MacNabb
Bob Madden
Brooke Madden ‘97 Beccie Magnus ‘09
Dave Magnus
Kevin and Carol Mahoney^ Michael and Nicole Mainor Emily Maistrellis ‘04
Nick and Judy Maistrellis+ Jake Maldonado ‘09
Todd and Gina Manganaro Paul Manicone and Karen O‘Connell
James Mann and Genevieve Carroll
Will and Sabrina Mapp# Graul‘s Market Annapolis Ken and Aisha Maroon Frank and Laura Martien
Alexis Martin
Bonnie Martin ‘89
Jeremy Martinez
Mary and Dale Spencer Charitable Fund
Maryland Capital Advisors, Inc.# Edgar and Elizabeth Mathias Mathias Family Foundation
Tanya and Daniel Mathias Suzie Matthews ‘93# John and Karen Mayer
Troy Mayer ‘06# Matthew and Kymm McCabe
*Indicates a member of Key‘s Legacy Society • +Indicates 20+ years of giving ^Indicates 15+ years of giving • #Indicates 10+ years of giving
2021-2022 Report
Bob and Marie McCarthy#
Jason and Renee McCarthy
Jay and Anne McConnell
Mike and Liddy McCord
Gordon and Stacey McCoy
Mike and Danielle McDevitt
Susan McDonough
John and Maggie McGrath
Kara McGuirk-Allison and Michael Allison#
Heather McHold ‘87 and Stephen Campbell
Mattie Byrd McHold ‘98
Jeff McKeeby and Wendy Lee
David and Sonia McLain Zoë McLain ‘20
Thomas and Andrea McLemore Jennifer McMillan
McMillan Family Fund
Waldo and Amanda McMillan Nell Mecray#
Kirt Medine and Roni-Sue Price
Ben and Stacey Mednick^
Jeffrey and Jennifer Meigel Ivan and Marianne Meixell
Martha Melsom ‘12
Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Inc.
The Michael Glass Law Firm Brian and Bridgette Michaels# Mid-Shore Community Foundation, Inc.#
Rick and Jen Mihills Ronald and Cheryl Milhills
Dave Miller and Mary Beth Simmons
Tammy Miller
Aby Milner ‘85
David Milner ‘79
Mary Jane Milner+ Michael Milone
Robert Mimms and Jennifer Ford
Kellie Minnick
PKG‘s Mobile Kitchen
Laura Moltz ‘04
Heather and Will Montague
Adryon Montgomery Bapisteller and Michael Bapisteller
Ena and Nathan Moore
Jenifer and Airey Moore
Joe Moore ‘08
Lloyd and Jill Moore^ Susanne Moore ‘10
Christy Morgan
Erin Dunleavy Morgan ‘74 and Geof Morgan^ Morgan Stanley
Morgan Stanley Global Impact Funding Trust, Inc.
Jamie Morin and Meg Baker John Moses ‘98 and Cara Westholm ‘98
Eileen Mosley
Bumper Moyer ‘82 and Bretagne Cowling ‘87 Andrew and Vered Mullin
Emma Rose Beigel Mumma ‘13 and Hunter Mumma ‘08
Paul Musante and Mary Ann Kingsley#
Nancy B. and Howard K. Cohen Charitable Fund+ Santiago and Suzanna Navarro-Monzo Elhadji Ndiaye and Cathi Jack James and Carol Lee Nespole
Matthew and Jennifer Nespole NetOps Solutions Inc
Matthew and Jeanne Nichols Niemeyer Family Fund
Peter Niemeyer ‘28
Tom and Joan Noplock# Gretchen Nyland#
Brian and Diana O‘Connor
Terry and Sharon Oland#
Tony and Amy Olmert+
Bob and Judy Olson
Elizabeth Olson
Nick and Jackie Olson
Renee Olson#
Liam and Emily O‘Meara Elizabeth O‘Neill
Richard and Rahsan Ortiz
Jeff and Noelle Packett
Song and Priscilla Pak
Scott Griffin and Sally Palmquist+ Andrew Parks
Christopher and Gabbi Paucek McKinzee Pearmon ‘12
Bill Pearse and Peg Donovan
Carlos Pena and Fran Czajka Ron and Julia Peremel
Ronaun Perez and India Rogers-Perez Randy ‘04 and Crystalann Perillo
Dan and Kate Perlin
Chris and Elizabeth Perry Perry-Boucher Family Fund
Adam Peterman and Diane Rinaldo
Chris and Jim Peterson^ Bob and Vanessa Petrini
Ian Pfeiffer and Francine Pfeiffer
Alan Phillips and Eva Yang
Brad and Mindy Phillips
John and Michele Phillips Steuart and Erin Pittman
Platform Media LLC
Henry Polee and Rebekah Brown Allison Porter
Jonathan Porter and Candice Peters
Katie Porter
Dusty and Keith Porterfield^ Will Portugal and Christine Leonard Dave Pow and Misti Dragano Michaun Powell
Devin Powers ‘05 and Sarah Hinman ‘09# Augie Praley ‘05
Jim Praley and Joan Gillece Jimmy Praley ‘03 and Jessica Praley
Reyna Pratt ‘83
Joey and Candace Price Timothy Prigg
Private Value Management, LP Steven and Naomi Proshan Christos Psaromatis
Ned ‘97 and Carla Purdon
R & F Metals, Inc^
Edward and Hilary Raftovich Lakshmi and Deepak Ramani Pat Ray
RBC Capital Markets, LLC
*Indicates a member of Key‘s Legacy Society • +Indicates 20+ years of giving ^Indicates 15+ years of giving • #Indicates 10+ years of giving
2021-2022 Report on Philanthropy
Regency Furniture
Renaissance Charitable Foundation
Nils Reuter ‘97 and Yaya Zhang#
Cati Revelle
Mark and Lijy Richards
John and Kristin Richardson
Steve and Lauren Ridzon Cara Riedel
Jeff Riedel
Bob Riley ‘73
Jeff and Tracy Rinehart# Chris and Anita Rizek# Edwin and Dolores Roan
Ed Robbins
Edward H. Robbins ‘18
Hutch and Valerie Robbins^ Sandy and Terri Roberts
Thomas Rodilosso and Kierstan Boyd
Drew and Jeannine Rogers
Emily Rogers ‘09
Brian and Christine Roman
Larry Rose and Sheri Bellow+ Susan Rosendahl
Margie and Dave Ross
Seton ‘01 and Tom Rossini
Ned and Sally Ruffin Alexander and Katie Ryzhikov John and Michele Sabean Safeway Corporation
Shirin Sahandy ‘95 and David Nieglos Sandy Spring Bank Mario and Carolyn Santana Santiago Navarro-Monzo, Realtor
Annebeth ‘90 and Rob Santin Adam and Lucia Saperstein Vimala Sarma
Alex and Stacy Schaefer
Dan Schmoyer and Kim Finch^ School Tool Box, LLC
Jacque Schrader
Bree Schreitz ‘98
Lee Schreitz ‘70+ Jeremy and Amy Schropp
Curt and Christy Schwab Schwab Charitable Fund
Geoff and Jessica Schwenk
Dale and Malaika Scriven
Lindsay and Kai Seglem
The Severn Companies# Shady Grove Fertility Center John and Sonya Shanahan Robert and Susan Shapiro Christine Shaughnessy Patrick Shaughnessy Virginia Shea Rod Sheckler and Jamie Izaj Christopher and Livia Sheehan Spence Shiflett and Harriet Cooperman# Joe and Jill Simon^ Stephanie Simpson SKA Studio
Jill Smalley Clayton Smith and Karen Smithson Hayley Smith ‘15 H-J Smith and Meg Samek-Smith Jeffrey and Milena Smith
Michael and Patty Smith# Ross and Natalie Smith Terry Smith and Lori Smith Nate Sowden and Michelle LaRose Courtney and Thomas Spangler Marj Sparer+ Olivia Sparer ‘03 Mary and Dale Spencer^ Tony and Gina Spruill Ryan Squires ‘20 Skip and Emily Squires^ Squisito Pizza and Pasta Scott and Jeanette Stangle
Kyle Stephen and Wayna Wondwossen Aubrey Stephenson and Keisha Downer
Lesley Stewart Michael Stewart David and Lauren Stockum Jacob and Caroline Stokes Alden Stoner ‘97 and Ethan Keogh Rebecca Stratton ‘81
Courtenay Strauss Charles Struse ‘03 Rick and Freddy Struse+ Julia Sumner
The Suzanne and David Jackson Foundation
Rachel and Brian Sweeney Sweet Satisfaction Marylou and Craig Symonds+ T. Rowe Price Program for Charitable Giving Takeda Pharmaceuticals North America Reed Talada and Kathryn Ploetz Jayne Tanz Karen ‘00 and Andrew Tate Geoffrey Taylor Taylor Hart Design Cardie Templeton ‘88 William and Wendy Thomas Zach and Justine Thomas Sean Thompson and Keshia Thompson
TIAA-CREF Foundation Abe and Elizabeth Totah Nathaniel and Shannon Tower Michele Trifiro and John Beavers# Allison Davis Trunk ‘01 Lincoln and Kiyo Tyson Sam and Daniel Tyson
The//U.S. Charitable Gift Trust William and Nadine Underhill Richard and Monica Vaccariello Lewis and Daniela Van Wambeke Helen ‘94 and Stephen VanAlstine Daniel and Lisa VanBuskirk Robert and Janet Vance Vanguard Charitable Bill and Joann Vaughan Jeff and Rose Viohl^ Bruce Vogt and Debra Lambert Volvo Cars Annapolis Marquis Wade and Katona Bryan-Wade Kelly Buckley Wagman ‘10 Marcus and Stacey Walker Brie McFadden Walsh ‘02 Carey Beall and Karin Walsh# Lou and Susan Wan Steve and Rona Warner Allen Wastler ‘80 and Jane Kim Rodney Waters and Yoshiko Itani
Natalie Watson ‘95
George and Wendy Waymouth+ Noah Webster ‘14
Adam and Andrea Weinstein Elleanor Wells-Borgdorff ‘14
Iwan and Stacy Williams
Tyrone Williamson and Cherylann Charles-Williamson Graham Wood ‘19
John and Jackie Wood
Owen Wood ‘21 Zach and Anna Wood# Angus Woodward ‘25 Sim and Currie Wooten# WRABYN Boutique Stephen and Alexandra Wrage*# Alanna and Ed Wright^ Erin Wright ‘16 Daniel Wrinn and Cameron Arterton
James and Crystal Wyatt Pilar Wyman Wyman Indexing Chris and Ellie Young+ Your Chic is Showing Tomas Zancajo and Cathleen Lugo Lee and Jane Zanger# Shao and Kelly Zhou Nancy Zimmerman
*Indicates a member of Key‘s Legacy Society • +Indicates 20+ years of giving ^Indicates 15+ years of giving • #Indicates 10+ years of giving
We are thankful to all of the volunteers who brought philanthropic and community building efforts to life during the 20212022 school year. The following individuals served as members of the Parents‘ Association Board, as Grade Liaisons, Annapolis Book Festival leadership and volunteers, other event volunteers, or members of the Advancement Committee or Annual Fund Committee.
Rona Abraham Griffin Adam ‘24 Laura Addeo Funmi Adeyosoye Ife Adeyosoye ‘24 Nancy Margaret Adler Katie Anderson Matthew Anderson Megan Anderson ‘01 Julita Anthony Missy Attridge Kate Austin Siole Bailey Candace Banks Drew Barnes ‘25 Bria Barry Marcy Benil Pam Benitez Marina Bernstein ‘95 March Bishop ‘04 Val Bonham Chrisy Boomer Jenny Bowles Brooke Bowman Louisa Boyle Perrin Bradley Alissa Brandon Sabrina Braun Irmgarde Brown Edward Bulmer Elizabeth Ruppert Bulmer Trina Burks Dave Burman Julie Burman Zona Carelock Bill Caterham Chelsea Hartman Chaney ‘07 Kirsten Chapman Julius Clark Elyse Colgan ‘03 Naomi Collins ‘24 Clare Conger Lesley Cook Dana Cooksey Harriet Cooperman Kelly Cronenberg Maria Cumming
Kate Curry Ryan Curry Jessica Davis Chris Dean Simona Dean Kate Dent Lorna Ditze Jeannie Berkinshaw Dixon ‘01 Nancy Donnelly Taryn Dorsey Anne Dowton Will Dowton ‘23 Emerson Drenner ‘24 Finnigan Ebersole ‘24 Katie Edwards Khalid El-Sayed Matt Elliott Val Elliott Alan Elliott ‘24 Lori Emrick Osob Essa ‘24 Caroline Ewing Jerri Falk Max Fishback ‘24 Andrea Frank Brendan Frank ‘24 Layla Frater Gary Gallant Jackson Gardner Robin Goebel Kenneth Graham Michael Graham Evan Graham ‘24 Julia Gross Bernard Hall Noah Hanna ‘24 Christina Harrington Colin Harrington Peter Harris ‘24 Laurie Hart Conor Havard ‘24 Jessica Heckwolf Mara Hedgecoth Jennifer Herzog John Hilbert Emily Hinman ‘24 Miles Holloway ‘24
Christy Hollywood
John Hollywood
Liv Hopkinson
Harry Ivrey ‘71
Martha Janney
Erica Jones
Gracie Jones ‘23
Hilary Kamins Josh Kamins ‘24
Jasneet Kapur Aisha Kebbeh ‘24
Kathleen Kelly Kristen Keuleman Iris Kim Richard Koepp Susan Koepp Luisa Kohutiak Hank Kudner ‘24 Andrea Kursban Amy Ladd Beth Lapczynski John Lapczynski
Cara Lapointe Michelle LaRose
Sarah Lecky Ava Lecky ‘24 Maren Leed Craig Levering Jared Littman
Rachel Livingston Maria Lochner JoAnna Loughlin Shari Macdonald Jameson Macdonald ‘24
Dawn Madak Nicole Mainor Sabrina Mapp Will Mapp
Aisha Maroon Ken Maroon Tanya Mathias Marie McCarthy
Jay McConnell John McConnell ‘24 Jackson McCoy ‘24 Torie McDonald Kara McGuirk-Allison
Andrea McLemore Gabby McMillan ‘24 Kaelyn Medine Stacey Mednick Bridgette Michaels Anna Milone ‘24 Kellie Minnick Nafisa Mire Wills Montague ‘24 Alora Montgomery ‘20 Margaret Moresi Stewart Moss Owen Moyer ‘24 Linda Mundy Meg Murray Santiago Navarro-Monzo Stephanie Neise Jennifer Nespole Jeanne Nichols Anna Nussio Stella Nye ‘24 Diana O‘Connor Emily O‘Meara Carissa Pak ‘24 Paolo Pena ‘24 Ron Peremel Kate Perlin John Perras Jackson Pfeiffer Francine Pfeiffer ‘24
Brad Phillips Erin Pittman Kathryn Ploetz Sophia Pow Jayla Powell Jess Praley Roni Sue Price Hilary Raftovich Lakshmi Ramani Stephanie Rice Lijy Richards Kristin Richardson Lauren Ridzon Steve Ridzon Anita Rizek Meredith Rizek ‘24 Dee Dee Roan
Hutch Robbins Valerie Robbins Sophia Rosales Tom Rossini Seton Rossini ‘01 Heidi Ruegg Kamran Sahandy ‘29 Shirin Sahandy ‘95 Meg Samek-Smith Camille Saperstein ‘24 Dale Scriven Lindsay Seglem Amina Sillah Jill Simon Milena Smith Kaitlin Soderstrom Courtney Spangler Regina Spruill Emily Squires Lesley Stewart Laura Strachan Bruke Sullivan Wendy Thomas Sean Thompson ‘24 Shannon Tower Connie Trujillo Elena Trujillo Daniela Van Wambeke Helen VanAlstine Maya VanAlstine ‘24 Lisa VanBuskirk Wendy Walker JoAnn Warrick Topper Waters Adam Weinstein Andrea Weinstein Parker Weinstein ‘24 Christopher Williams ‘24 Wayna Wondwossen Anna Wood Chelsea Wood ‘24 Stephen Wrage Alanna Wright Jo Young Elizabeth Younkin ‘24 Marc Zupan
2021-2022 Report on Philanthropy
When considering a gift to Key, there are many opportunities that will not only support the excellence of the School‘s outstanding programs, but may also provide a tax-deductible contribution to the donor.
Unrestricted gifts of cash are the easiest and most popular way to support The Key School. The School accepts gifts of cash including payment by Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express.
Credit cards can be processed online or in the Advancement Office during normal business hours. Checks should be made payable to The Key School.
The Advancement Office can process automatic weekly, monthly, or bi-monthly debits to your credit card (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express) or checking account. Please contact the Advancement Office for more information.
The impact of a contribution can be greatly increased by a matching employer gift. When considering a donation, consult with your employer and, if applicable, forward the completed matching gift form to the Advancement Office with your contribution. A matching gift can dramatically increase your support for the School.
Gifts of stock or securities benefit the donor and the School. This type of gift is a tax-deductible contribution and the donor may avoid paying capital gains tax on the appreciated stock or security. Your broker and the Advancement Office can provide information and assistance.
Gifts of real estate, tangible personal property, bequests, life insurance and Charitable Trusts are of great value to the School and may provide many advantages to the donor. Please contact your personal financial advisors or the Advancement Office for information on planned giving opportunities.
This report would not be possible without the aid of several members of the Key community. To those of you who have contributed your time and expertise to this project, we thank you.
We have made every effort to be as accurate as possible in compiling our lists of donors and volunteers. If your name has been listed incorrectly or omitted, please contact the Advancement Office and allow us to offer our very sincere apologies.
The Key School does not discriminate on the basis of gender, race, religion, color, sexual orientation, national or ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admission policies, financial aid and loan programs, and other School-administered programs.
Stephen Ginter, sginter@keyschool.org Director of Advancement
Erika Cartledge, ecartledge@keyschool.org Major Gifts Director
Carly Schofield, cschofield@keyschool.org Annual Fund Director
Trish Gallant, tgallant@keyschool.org Parent Programs and Special Events Director
Adryon Montgomery, admontgomery@keyschool.org Advancement Services Associate