St John’s Renfield Church Playgroup Child Protection Policy Policy Statement We intend to create an environment within our playgroup in which all our children are safe from physical, sexual or emotional abuse. Playgroup will follow the child protection guidelines set down by Glasgow City Council Management Circular No 57 and Scottish Pre-school Play Association. All playleaders and committee members will have a working knowledge of the policy, be aware of their responsibilities and what actions to take should an issue of child protection arise or be suspected. The contents of this policy will be given to every parent who uses the service and they will be asked to sign that they have received it In order to achieve our statement aims we will:
1) Carry out the following procedures for recruitment and training of staff:
a) Ensure that all applicants for work within playgroup will be interviewed b) c)
d) e)
before an appointment is made and will be asked to provide at least two written references which should be both personal and work related. Ensure that staff will be vetted by Disclosure Scotland and will not be able to work until their disclosure certificate has been received from Disclosure Scotland. Seek out training opportunities for all staff members to ensure that they recognize the symptoms of possible physical abuse, neglect, emotional abuse and sexual abuse and are aware of child protection procedures. A record will be kept of all training courses attended. Provide each member of staff with a copy of SSSC code of practice which they will be expected to follow. Include Child protection policies as part of a new member of staff’s induction procedure.
2) Ensure that abuse is prevented by means of good practice:
a) Children will be treated with respect at all times. b) Children will be supervised at all times by a responsible adult. c) There will always be wherever possible more than one adult present d) e) f) g)
h) i) j)
during the activities with the children, or that one adult is in sight or hearing of others. Staff will be aware that even caring physical contact may be misinterpreted. Adult: child ratios will be adhered to at all times. Children will only be collected from playgroup by adults whom are authorised by parents or carers to do so. There are no circumstances in which children will be punished by smacking, slapping or shaking by anyone in the group. Neither will humiliating or frightening methods be used. Parents will be requested not to smack their own children. Children will be respected, listened to and encouraged to develop a sense of independence through adult support. A child’s personal privacy will be respected and personal hygiene needs eg “accidents” will be dealt with in a sensitive manner. Risk assessment of playgroup’s child protection procedures will be undertaken and reviewed annually.
3) Respond appropriately to disclosure from a child of abuse: a) b) c) d)
Provide a safe and supportive environment. Allow them to speak without interruption Alleviate feelings of guilt while passing no judgement. Let them know that you are glad that they have shared this information with you. e) Advise the child that you must pass on the information. f) Act promptly and report to child protection co-ordinator. g) Do not investigate what you have been told.
4) Respond appropriately to suspicions of abuse: a) Changes in a child’s behaviour or appearance will be monitored, b) c) d) e) f) g) h)
recorded and acted upon. Any concerns will be reported to the Child Protection Co-ordinator (Playgroup-in-charge). Advice will be sought from an appropriate source before considering informing the child’s parents of suspicion to prevent any investigation being compromised. Suspicions will be referred to the Social Work Department or Police. All such suspicions will be kept confidential and shared only with those who need to know. If an allegation is made concerning an adult or yourself immediately inform the Child Protection Co-ordinator. Try to ensure that no-one is placed in a position which could cause further compromise. Make sure that support is given to any member of staff dealing with child protection concerns.
5) Keep Records a) When ever concerns are raised about a child a specific and confidential record will be set up. The record will include:
• The name, address and age of the child • Timed and dated observations describing the child’s behaviour and appearance without comment or interpretation; where possible the exact words spoken by the child. • The date, name and signature of the recorder.
b) These records will be kept in a separate locked file and will not be
accessible to people in the playgroup other than to specific personnel as appropriate.
6) Liaise with other bodies a) Playgroup will operate in accordance with Care Commission and local
authority guidelines. b) Playgroup will support other agencies to conduct any investigation that is required. c) Contact details will be kept of the local Social Work Department and another agencies and individuals as appropriate. (See below) .
Contact Details Social Work Services – Glasgow North – 0141 276 7010 Police – Family Protection Unit – 0141 532 3000 Care Commission – 0141 843 4230
This policy was adopted at a meeting of St John’s Renfield Playgroup Committee held on _______________.
Nominated committee member _____________________________________ Nominated Play leader ___________________________________________ This policy will be reviewed annually.
Pro-forma for recording allegations or suspicions of abuse. Name of the child ______________________________________________________ Age ____________ Address and telephone number ______________________________________________________________ _______
Name of parents or carers ________________________________________________ What is the nature of the concern? ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ____________________________ If a child has disclosed abuse, give the name of the person they spoke to together with the place and the time ______________________________________________________________ ______ ______________________________________________________________ ______ If a child has disclosed abuse, record as quickly as possible precisely what the child said. Remember to be as accurate as possible. ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ _ If an adult has expressed concern at the safety of a child are they expressing their own worries or passing on those from another adult? Record their concerns and ask them to confirm the details are correct. ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ _
If the concern is about an incident of abuse to a child, have any possible signs or indicators been identified (e.g. physical or behavioural indicators or any indirect signs)? Who identified these signs? ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ____________________________ Record the name(s) of the person or persons who have allegedly abused the child. ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ _____________________ Record when the referral to social work or police was made and the name of the officer who received your call and the advice given. ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ __________________________________________ What advice has been given by the social work or police department about liasing with the child’s carers? ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ __________________________________________
Signed _______________________________________ Date ___________________