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Family Faith 2011 Series

Confirmation Programme

‘May this water renew your Baptism’

‘Please, may I have my Baptismal Candle?’

‘Chrism is made of oils like these.’

‘What will we do next?’

Family Faith Confirmation 2011 series

Contents Front Cover

Parents’ Session Leaflets

Programme Material What is Confirmation About for Parents? Leader’s Guide Powerful Water Need for Water How do you feel about your Baptism? Water Ceremony Card

Family Session One The Message in Water and Light Leaflets

Family Session Two Leaflets

Powerful Water Family version Need for Water Family version Baptismal Promises Promise Card with Creed

The Message in Chrism Description of 6 perfumed oils Recipe Outline

Leader’s Guide

Leader’s Guide

After Confirmation Session Beginning with:


Further Event Leaflet

Presentation of Confirmation Certificates

********************* Showing Goodness

Leader’s Guide

Breath of the Spirit Scripture Quotes

Leader’s Guide

‘Me, A Saint?’ Draft Certificate

Back cover Overview: Family Faith Confirmation Credits

This set of 4 Family Faith Sacramental Programmes is a practical ‘hands-on’ way of supporting parents in their task of sharing the Faith with their children. Many people have helped to shape the work over the years. This version has been finalized in St Gregory’s parish, Archdiocese of Glasgow. The parish priest, Fr Joseph Mackle has been at the centre of the process, supported by the Deacon, Jim Dean, and a small team of parishioners. Most of the photographs have been taken by one of them, Mrs Betty Cronin. Two other priests in the Archdiocese, Fr Noel Burke and Fr Angus MacDonald, made creative contributions at earlier stages of programme development. Photographs from their participation are included in this edition. Doreen Grant SND

Family Faith Confirmation

First Session Parents Leader’s Guide

What is Confirmation About for Parents? Leaflets

Powerful Water Need for Water How do you feel about your Baptism? Water Ceremony Card

Family Preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation: Parents

2011 Leader’s Guide in 16 pages

What is Confirmation About for Parents?

A personal preparation for a family faith-journey

Parent’s Workshop 1

What is Confirmation About?

2011 Leader’s Guide: Parents

In the Sacrament of Confirmation, candidates are anointed with sacred Chrism. Only those who have been Baptised may be Confirmed. By asking for this sacrament the candidates confirm that they wish to live out their Baptismal Promises.

This session explores with parents the commitment they have taken-on by having their child Baptised. That commitment is, to cooperate with the Spirit of God in: 1. Bringing up their children in the Faith; 2. Supporting their children’s efforts as they begin to take responsibility for their own living Faith.

This workshop also offers parents an insight into the symbolism in water and light.

Here is the background to a practice followed in Family Faith Sessions: switching between small group and whole group discussions. It is obvious that only some people feel free to talk out in a large group. Small table groups give everyone a voice. But there is more to it than that. Informal discussion helps people explore their own thoughts and begin to frame their opinions in words. That will prepare parents to discuss these ideas at home - rather than saying: ‘Ask your teacher!’

Small group discussions are also a first step towards whole-group results. Even when time is short, the end result is usually improved by giving a few minutes to this small-group exercise. Whole-group Work There are crucial points in the session when the participants and Presenter work together as a whole group. Though only a small number of participants speak, everyone’s ideas have taken shape by talking with others at table. So each feels that their words have gradually built up the ideas and contributed to the outcome.

Other methods, flipcharts etc, are discussed in the Introduction to Family Faith Reconciliation

Team responsibilities in this session

Sharing in the oral presentation; Preparing the materials needed and putting them in place as session requires; Taking charge of putting lights off and on again at beginning of ‘Light’ section.

Materials required


In hall Flipchart on stand & pens; Baptismal Font (or equivalent), water; Sets of water pictures for each table: 1. How would you describe... 2. Do we need... Copies of questions: How do you feel about Baptism? Large glass bowls of water for ceremony at each table, Handtowels, Cards with words for Team member: By water and the Holy Spirit.... Chrism in large container (from Church Display); Small candle for each participant to take over to church. In church Paschal candle in porch (& light ready).

Family Preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation: Parents


2011 Leader’s Guide

In any group of parents there are likely to be some who have never given any thought to: a) the meaning and relationship of the sacraments of Baptism & Confirmation; b) what obligations they themselves took on, when they had their child baptised. For such parents, this programme may present an unexpected challenge. To help them adjust, we begin with a brief reminder of a 21st century situation where preparation and practice are needed. There are many possible examples. Here we use computers.

We have met here to talk about the Sacrament of Confirmation. But, for a moment, I’d like you to consider something else. You’ll see the connection soon - I hope. I wonder how many people here have used a computer? Watch for responses.

We may have computing experts here tonight? Others may just have watched someone else at the keyboard. But many of us might put our computer skills ‘somewhere in-between’ those two possibilities. Is that right? Is there anyone here who found it all so obvious that you only had to sit down at the computer - and you knew just what to do, right away? Seriously, did anyone find it as easy as that? .

Comment, briefly, if reactions show that most people recognise such instant understanding is unlikely.

So it took a little time to get it right? But you found it worth the effort? What about writing down your thoughts on the screen? Even when you understood what to do what was your first piece of work like? and the next... and many more after that? We could all tell funny stories about early attempts, especially if, like me, you started late in life and didn’t know what the teacher meant by: ‘Take your mouse..’ But we wont go down that road!

However, as we start on Confirmation, it might be worth noting that, like computing, most things need us to put in some effort, before we can get the best out of it. That is true of the subject you have chosen to explore tonight - your child’s Confirmation.


Having your child Confirmed in the faith is your choice and, like your relationship with computers, it is a journey that requires both thought and practice.

Family Preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation: Parents

2011 Leader’s Guide

Steps on a Journey

Baptism is the beginning of the Christian journey, a journey into full membership of the church. Confirmation is an important step forward in that journey into membership. This page contains points which presenters may find interesting for themselves.

It is also important information for the parents. But it is for the Presenting Team to decide what amount of it might usefully be shared directly with any particular group of participants.

How the sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation connect to one another is a story that has been unfolding for 2,000 years. Saints Peter and Paul - and many others - were put to death for teaching people to believe in Jesus. At that time - and for more than a century later - the Mass had to be celebrated in secret. The Roman authority thought Christianity was dangerous! If they found out where Mass was going on, they came and took the people to prison. During those years, the Sacraments began to take on the shape that they have today. To become a Christian, at that time, you had to go through a long period of preparation. To begin with, Baptism allowed you into the first part of the Mass - the readings from Scripture. Then you had to leave! You could not take part in the Eucharist until you had made it clear that you came faithfully to the first part of the Mass - and also lived by Christian values. That constant practice ‘confirmed’ that you were trustworthy members who could have your Baptism confirmed by a solemn anointing with chrism. You were then allowed to stay for the central part of the Mass and receive Holy Communion. When the baptism of infants began, the baby received all three Sacraments of Initiation - Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist - one after the other. The Eucharist was given by putting a tiny drop from the chalice on the baby’s tongue. But it gradually became obvious that some personal commitment to Christ was necessary before that person’s faith could be strengthened and made more active by the Sacrament of Confirmation. For centuries the right time for this was considered to be at the beginning of adulthood. So Confirmation and First Communion were sacraments for young teenagers. For 2,000 years, the essential condition for receiving these sacrament has been

practice of the Faith - and a commitment to keep their faith alive!

At the beginning of the 20th century, Pope Pius X considered that Baptised children should receive Communion from an early age to nourish their Faith and so grow into strong, active Christians. No decision was made about the age for Confirmation. This led to different choices for Confirmation - between seven and seventeen years of age.

In the 21st century, heightened awareness of the relationship across the Sacraments of Initiation has brought Confirmation back to its place of leading directly to Eucharist. By presenting your child for Confirmation now, you join an exciting faith-project! 4

Parents in this century, take on the task of helping to shape the personal commitment of their children.

Family Preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation: Parents

2011 Leader’s Guide

Commitment to Baptism and to a living faith

is the central requirement for Confirmation

Preparation for Confirmation begins, therefore, with a heightened awareness of Baptism. Baptism is the first step into membership of Christ’s Body - the Church. Confirmation is a further step. We need to reflect now on your choice to take that first step - and have your child baptised. Why did you have your child baptised? Talk to your neighbour about that choice. Allow a few minutes for this.

Those reasons might include anything from: ‘His granny was keen’ to ‘It’s a nice way to give the child a name.’ Leaving that kind of answer aside, what reasons came up that were about relationship with God?

to belong guidance goodness Catholic family

Take answers, particularly any that suggest new life in Christ.

You have said, in different ways that Baptism brings God’s own life into the baptised person. Baptism is like a second birth. Let’s look now at how this sacrament is given to us. Father is at the Baptismal font and will demonstrate the action. I Baptise you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit


(Matthew 28.19)

While the Baptismal words are said, the water is poured with as much dramatic effect as possible.

That seems a very simple ceremony - yet there is a great deal of meaning wrapped up in it. When you take part in a Baptism you are meant to become caught up in that meaning finding your heart becoming really involved in this dramatic moment. You are not just an uninvolved bystander. There was a wonderful message in the action you have just watched. But maybe we have become so used to it we don’t even notice. Here’s an important clue. Every sacrament uses things that are in nature to help us see the point of that sacrament. Most people know that water is the natural thing used in Baptism. So we have to ask ourselves, ‘What is the message in water?’ With the weather we have, you’d think water was too ordinary to give a message about anything! Yet its use here means it is telling us something about God! We need to look more closely at the idea of water. 5

Here are a few images to give us a start.

Family Preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation: Parents

2011 Leader’s Guide

Put on the tables first set of pictures showing the uncontrollable power of water

How much power or control do people have over all this water?

Deadly Tsunami Looking out to sea

In a wild river


Water could give us some interesting impressions of God. What ideas does it suggest to you? powerful The water of the Tsunami may suggest such words as ‘cause death’. uncontrollable This could be recorded in terms like: ‘God has power over life and death’. ......

Family Preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation: Parents

2011 Leader’s Guide

Put on each table the page of ‘water for life’ pictures.

What about our human every-day need for water?

What are all these people doing?

Do we need water? Why? What do we need water for?

life can’t do without

Take time to gather examples of the life-giving qualities of water.

From all you have said about water, can you say now how water can be an image of God?

powerful uncontrollable Necessary for life


Family Preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation: Parents

2011 Leader’s Guide

Considering my own Baptism

Father, would you go back to the Font and pour the water again, please? Father repeats the water-movement slowly while the Presenter continues: The movement of the Baptismal water emphasises the active presence of God. The breathtaking result in us is - that we become alive in Christ and active for good. While that water goes on flowing, think about the fact that, if you have been Baptised, something tremendous happened to you that day! Listen to what happened at your Baptism! In the waters of Baptism, the Spirit of God came to live in us, bringing power to live out the goodness that we all long to achieve. It made us members of a community, a new kind of family, in which we support one another in worship and service. End of demonstration.

You chose life in Christ for your child - when you had him/her Baptised. If you have been baptised yourself, someone chose this for you! Before you present your children for the confirmation of their Baptism How do you feel about your own Baptism?

Are you glad you were baptised and started on the road of membership in a community of believers?

Are you prepared to take on those baptismal commitments yourself?

If you have never thought about Baptism like this before, you may find it a bit startling. Here is an individual copy of those questions. Give out copies of the above 2 questions about Baptism. Maybe we need to look at this & talk about it to one another, before we go any further. Give time for general talk, going round to join in here and there.

We have to leave that discussion now. But you might like to take the questions home and think about them there.

If you would like to experience, now, a tiny personal reminder of your Baptism, come and feel the touch of living water on your hands.


The ceremony is demonstrated.

Family Preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation: Parents

2011 Leader’s Guide

A glass bowl of water is put at the end of each table. Participants hold out their hands over the glass bowl, a team member pours the water and says:

‘By water and the Holy Spirit you received the gift of new life A copy of the words should be from God who is love.’ available for each team member.

The team member, making eye-contact with the person, takes their clasped hands and continues:


‘May that fountain of living water remain as a spring inside you welling up to eternal life.’ Response: Amen

Family Preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation: Parents


2011 Leader’s Guide

We have spent some time considering our own Baptism and the message that water gives us. Now it is time to sit back and enjoy a quite difference experience. We are going to find out a little about the perfumed oil of Chrism. This is only a very brief introduction - a bit like an advert on TV! Later in the programme there will be a whole Family Session on this topic. Father will show us the Oil of Chrism that is kept in a special cabinet. A short explanation is given.

The words Christ and Chrism both come from a Greek word which means


The Bible tells us, in various places, the effect of being anointed. It is always linked with the Holy Spirit and with action for good. For example Isaiah 61 1-3 ‘The Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me. He has sent me to preach the Good News to the poor.’ When you were anointed with Chrism in Confirmation, you were chosen by the Holy Spirit of God -

chosen for goodness.

Anointing people with special oil is not a new idea. It goes back as far as Moses in the Old Testament! We read there of the recipe Moses used for making chrism from various perfumed oils. In the Family Session on Chrism you will learn more about the different perfumed oils that might be used.


Family Preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation: Parents

2011 Leader’s Guide

Scripture goes on to list the people and things that are to be anointed with chrism, stating: These you are to consecrate. Thus they will excel in holiness, and whatever touches them will be holy. Holiness is not something we would expect to ‘excel’ in, is it? Or should we aim to excel in it? Holiness means that we allow the Holy Spirit of God, who came to us in Baptism, to completely influence our lives. In this way we may live with values that are good. When we do that, we could ‘excel in Goodness’. The Holy Oil of Chrism gives us a way of exploring this idea of goodness. Being anointed with blessed Chrism is the main action in the Confirmation ceremony. So we will take some time, in a coming Family Session, to mix special natural perfumes and make our home-made version of chrism. That will help us think about its meaning.

This is the end of the advert about Chrism!

But you might like to start thinking now

about what you see as Goodness.

That may lead you to consider - the choice of goodness that your child should be able to make. Natural perfumes are used in chrism to signify the powerful - yet invisible - Spirit of God. Towards the end of this introduction to Chrism, perfumed oils such as myrrh, frankincense, etc. could be opened and passed round so that participants might be made aware of the fragrance of these Biblical oils. This may prepare them for the ‘message’ in perfume. 11

Family Preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation: Parents


2011 Leader’s Guide

Now we are going to explore another great sign in the Sacraments: Light. We will see why light is important to us if we take a moment to consider what life would be like without light. All lights are turned off at these words. Darkness! We are so used to light at the touch of a switch that we can easily forget how dreadful darkness is and how dependent we are on light. All lights are turned on again.

Can anyone remember a time when you experienced complete darkness? Maybe a power cut? A country road? A torch battery giving out? Tell your neighbour how you felt in that darkness! Allow time for small group discussion - then take some stories. There could be an even greater darkness than anything we have talked about. Supposing something happened in Outer Space and the earth was pulled out of reach of the sun!

Can you imagine being totally without light? ......darkness everywhere on earth forever! What would happen? Take answers but do not write them up: ‘Nothing could grow’. ‘No one could move’. ‘Everything would freeze’.


‘Even our man-made lights would eventually be used up’.

Family Preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation: Parents

2011 Leader’s Guide

So there would be nothing but uncontrollable darkness? Death - the death of the whole planet - would follow. I don’t want to give you nightmares - but let’s take that thought a bit further.

If the planet dies, we die.

Give yourself a moment to think about that. Not a peaceful death with friends and family supporting you but total freezing darkness for everyone.

What comes after death?

Is there, in your mind, only a ‘black hole’ after death - or is there Eternal Light? Sit quietly and look into your own personal faith for a moment. Pause to allow a few moments of silence. Who is to say that there is anything after this life? One person can tell us - Jesus. After his life on earth had ended on the Cross, Jesus came back from the dead when no one expected it.

Jesus is eternally alive.

In Baptism, we were promised a share in this Eternal Life, Everlasting Life - like a wonderful light replaces endless darkness.

Jesus said:

I am the light of the world; those who follow me will not be walking in the dark; they will have the light of 13


John 8:12

Family Preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation: Parents

2011 Leader’s Guide

The Church uses candles to remind us of this truth about light. In particular, one huge candle is lit at

Easter - the Feast of Christ’s Resurrection. That candle represents Christ, the Light of the World. We celebrate our Baptism every year at the Easter Mass by holding a candle that has been lit from the Easter or Paschal Candle. and renewing our Baptismal Promises. When your children are about to be Confirmed, they too will hold a lit candle and renew their Baptismal promises. We will talk more about that at the first Family Session. Tonight is for the adults. So we are going over to church now for our own little ceremony. It will begin in the church porch. Bring all your belongings with you. We will go home from there. Small candles are distributed to everyone as they leave the hall. All assemble in the church porch where they can see the Paschal Candle, already lit.

The Resurrection of Christ from the dead is celebrated at the Easter Vigil in a Ceremony of Light, beginning with this great Paschal Candle. Father will lead us in our own special variation of that Easter event. Father tells briefly about the proclamation & response in the procession. Everyone is invited to light their small candle from the Paschal Candle and walk ahead, into the darkened church.


Family Preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation: Parents

2011 Leader’s Guide

All stand in the front benches. They face towards the back, where the Candle is now coming in procession.

Celebrant: The Light of Christ! Everyone: Thanks be to God! Now, in a moment of silence, speak to God in your heart. If you are ready, thank God for your Baptism and the Light of Christ in your heart. Ask God to let that light lead you and your whole family forward. The Paschal Candle is placed in its stand. The church lights go on. Baptism is called the Easter Sacrament because it gives us new life

and the promise that we, like Christ, will live for ever. Jesus said: I am the resurrection and the life. If anyone believes in me, even though he dies he will live. John 11:25

Baptism gives us the right to call God, Father. So we will complete this celebration of our own Baptism by saying together: Our Father....


Now if you would blow out your candles and sit down, we will take a few moments to see how all this applies to your children at the coming Family Session.

Family Preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation: Parents

Final page of

2011 Leader’s Guide

When everyone is seated.

Let’s recall how a candle is used in the sacrament of Baptism. Towards the end of the Baptismal Ceremony, parents are given a small version of this Easter Candle, - their child’s personal Baptismal Candle. That Baptismal Candle is a sign that the living God is shining - in some small way - in that child’s life. In accepting the light, the parents accept a commitment to help their child keep the ‘flame of faith’ alive in his/her life. Your child will learn to let the light of faith shine through him/her in the same way as he/she learns everything else - by watching YOU! In Confirmation,

your child will begin to take on a little of that responsibility for Christian living and worship of God. At the coming Family session we will help them see how their Baptismal Candle is the sign of that commitment. That session will end here, in Church with an unusual little ceremony: You will hold a candle that will represent your child’s Baptismal Candle. Your child will come out to you and say, ‘Please, may I have my Baptismal Candle?’ We are going to rehearse that event now. First we will have a little demonstration. Team members come out and spread along the bottom altar step - to show the range of positions. Two members of the Team then act as parent and child to show the action, using a lit Baptismal Candle.

Rehearsal for Family Session

Parents, please come now & stand on the bottom step of the altar, facing the congregation. Wait until all are in position. Hold the candle ready to present to your child. If both parents are present they hold the candle between them.

Your child will come & ask for the candle, then walk round you and face the altar.

The children will then be invited to respond to the priest.

But tonight is for you & we end with a special blessing for parents and sponsors. Please turn round now and face the altar to receive that blessing. 16

Father gives a blessing from the altar and announces that the session is ended.

Confirmation 2011 Parents’ Session leaflet: Powerful Water

How would you describe all this water?

Deadly Tsunami Looking out to sea

In a wild river

Confirmation 2011 Parents’ Session leaflet: Need for Water

What are all these people doing?

Do we need water? Why?

Confirmation 2011 Parents’ Session leaflet: How do I feel about Baptism

How do I feel about my own Baptism? Am I glad I was baptised and started on the path of membership in a community of believers? Am I prepared to take on those baptismal commitments myself?

How do I feel about my own Baptism? Am I glad I was baptised and started on the path of membership in a community of believers? Am I prepared to take on those baptismal commitments myself?

How do I feel about my own Baptism? Am I glad I was baptised and started on the path of membership in a community of believers? Am I prepared to take on those baptismal commitments myself?

Confirmation 2011 Parents’ Session leaflet: Water Ceremony Card

Pour water over participants’ hands saying:

‘By water and the Holy Spirit you received the gift of new life from God who is love.’

Meeting participant’s eyes & taking their clasped hands:

‘May that fountain of living water remain as a spring inside you welling up to eternal life.’

Family Faith Confirmation

Second Session Family Workshop One

Leader’s Guide

The Message in Water and Light Leaflets

Powerful Water Family version Need for Water Family version Baptismal Promises Promise Card with Creed

Family preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation

2011 Leader’s Guide

Family Workshop 1

Going where Baptism Leads

Exploring the Message in Water & Light 1

Steps on a Journey

2011 Leader’s Guide: Family 1 Water & Light

Baptism is the beginning of the Christian journey, a journey towards full personal membership of the faith. Confirmation is an important step forward in that journey into membership.

Here is the background to a practice followed in Family Faith Sessions: switching between small group and whole group discussions. It is obvious that only some people feel free to talk out in a large group. Small table groups give everyone a voice. But there is more to it than that. Informal discussion helps people explore their own thoughts and begin to frame their opinions in words. That will prepare parents to discuss these ideas at home - rather than saying:’Ask your teacher!’ Small group discussion is also a 1st step towards whole-group results. Even when time is short, the end result is usually improved by giving a few minutes to this small-group exercise. Whole-group Work There are crucial points in the session when the participants and Presenter work together as a whole group. Though only a small number of participants speak, everyone’s ideas have taken shape by talking with others at table. So each feels that their words have gradually built up the ideas and contributed to the outcome. Other methods, flipcharts etc, are discussed in the introduction to Family Faith Reconciliation.

Team responsibilities in this session Sharing in the oral presentation Preparing the materials needed and putting them in place as session requires.

Materials requires for this session

In hall Flipchart on stand & pens; Baptismal font, water; sets of water pictures for each family: 1. Powerful Water; 2. Need for water Children's copies of Baptismal Promises (or Promise card which includes the Creed) In church Paschal candle on stand ( & light ready) Rehearsal candles for parents 2

2011 Leader’s Guide: Family 1 Water & Light

How Confirmation relates to Baptism Baptism is the first of the Sacraments. By it you became a member of the church and able, later, to receive Holy Communion. To show where Confirmation fits in, I'll ask three of my friends to come here and stand in a line. A Team member and two participants/children take their places facing the families. We will call you - Baptism. First person holds up the name. At the other end of the line we have - Holy Communion. Name is held up. Now the one in the middle is going to stretch out and take Baptism's hand. On the other side - take the hand of Holy Communion. What do you think the Sacrament will be called that joins up those two Sacraments? Allow time for people to call out answers.

Would the middle person hold up your name, Confirmation and show us who got it right! Thanks for acting that for us! Participants sit down.

Life is like a journey. All through our lives, most of us celebrate the day that we came into this world to begin that journey of life - our Birthday. But everyone who is here tonight to prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation, has another starting point to celebrate - the day of Baptism. If you don't know the date of your Baptism, find that out when you go home tonight. Baptism is a starting point for another life-journey and it is a step on that journey that has brought you here tonight! Confirmation is an important step on the journey begun at Baptism. To prepare for that step, we need to find out what Baptism is about. Sacraments use nature to help us understand their meaning. We all know that water is used in Baptism. So we have to ask ouselves, ‘What is the message in water' ? These few photographs may give us a start. Give out first page of pictures to each family.

Discuss with your parents the ideas about water that come to your mind when you see these pictures of large amounts of strong, active water.

Allow time for brief talk.

Do these scenes tell you anything about water that might lead to ideas about God? Guiding questions may be necessary to lead to awareness of the water's power etc. Write up responses.


Give out second set of pictures.

2011 Leader’s Guide: Family 1 Water & Light

The first three pictures were taken in parts of Africa where there is no clean water. These children have walked a long way to find any water. Now they will drink it - just as it is - and take some home for cooking and cleaning. If they have only dirty water like this to drink, what do you think their chances are of staying healthy - or even staying alive long enough to grow up? Discuss this in your family group Allow time for brief talk. What have you to say about that? Do you see any connection between water and life? Write up responses.

The only place to get drinking water!

The last pictures may have been taken somewhere near here! Is water important to these people too? Why do they need water? Write up responses.

What are both sets of pictures showing us about water?

Hold a brief open discussion, then write up responses


2011 Leader’s Guide: Family 1 Water & Light

You have said some interesting things about water! You have said that water is read from flip chart

important, beautiful. You have also said that we need water for life. God gave us life - God also gave us water.


There is special connection between water and God! We'll see that link when we look for the message in Baptism. At your Baptism the priest said: 'Dear parents and Godparents you have come here to present your child for baptism. By water and the Holy Spirit he/she is to receive the gift of new life from God, who is love.' Watch Father as he shows us how the sacrament of Baptism was given to each of us

- by water and the Holy Spirit.


That moment, when the water of Baptism was poured on you,

the Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit,

came to live in you in a very personal way. Almighty God lives in this special way inside every baptised person. Because our human life depends on water water is used in this sacrament to help us see that

new life is given to us at the moment of Baptism.

The water in Baptism does not just lie still in the font. It is poured over us. So it is water in action. Water that has a result. The

pouring of water is repeated

It is the action of pouring which helps us understand that it is the living, active, God who comes to us in Baptism. We become alive through the action of the Holy Spirit who gives us the power to live and act like Christ.

When you were baptised, your parents - helped by your Godparents decided for you that you were going to learn to live the way Jesus Christ has taught us to live. They made special Baptismal Promises. At Confirmation you will be asked to make those Promises yourself. To get ready for that, I am going to invite you to come out here - away from your parents - and think about this yourself. If you want to take part, come out now and sit here.Children come in front of their parents. 5

2011 Leader’s Guide: Family 1 Water & Light

I have a paper here with Baptismal Promises on it.

When your parents made these promises for you, they used many long words. Those same ideas are here on this paper but in ordinary words. I'll read out the words. If you agree with what I read, say 'I do' after each one: Do you choose...

Read the promises one by one as questions - and wait for response.

Here is your own copy of those Promises.

Give out the individual papers and wait till everyone is settled

We are meant to use the gift of Baptism all our lives. Now, you are being given the chance to tell everyone what you think of that idea. If you want to follow Jesus and take on, for yourself, some of the responsibility for living as a Baptised person. you can read this modern version of the words to your parents and friends. We will read it together first, before - if you choose you will have the chance to read the promises out loud to your parents and everyone in the hall. Lead the children in reading the paper from: I reject evil....

When you have made up your mind about these promises those of you who want to take them on will be invited to go with your paper and stand in a line facing all the families. Then, when you are ready, read the words together. Allow time for children to make a real choice.

After the reading, the children return to their family places.


2011 Leader’s Guide: Family 1 Water & Light

Renewing my Baptism Choice of Goodness; Rejection of Evil What is your choice in life? I reject evil and wish to live as Jesus taught. So I choose: Love, Peace and justice, Sharing, Caring,

not not not not

hate; violence; greed; selfishness.

I wish to live like Jesus.

Scripture quotes that may be helpful in preparing this session 'This is what the Lord asks of you, only this: To act justly, To love tenderly, To walk humbly with your God' Michah 6 v7 By this love you have for one another everyone will know that you are my disciples. John 13 v35

'Father, I have made your name known to them, so that the love with which you have loved me may be in them, and so that I may be in them.' John 17 v26


2011 Leader’s Guide: Family 1 Water & Light

Baptism: A Message in Light

By choosing to make those promises, you have told your family and friends the kind of person you want to be. Now you have the chance to go into the church and make those promises to God - in a special way. Jesus invites us to follow his way towards goodness and towards God. So he said: 'I am the Light of the world. Anyone who follows me will have the Light of Life'. To find out how to do that, we need to learn a little bit more about the message that God wants

Light to give us.

At your Baptism, to show you would be brought up to follow Christ, the great big candle that represents Christ was lit. Now we will go over to church. We will stand where we can all see that Paschal - or Easter - Candle. To get ready, give your copy of the Baptismal Promises

to your parents to take home for you. Then bring all your belongings with you to church. We will go home from there.

Wait till all are quietly ready in church - then light the candle.

Look at the flame as it leaps into life! Doesn’t the flame make the candle more interesting, more alive? Because of the effect of the flame, the Church uses this great Candle to represent Christ, risen from the dead and alive here among us. When you were baptised, this risen, living Christ came to live in you.

As a sign of this New Life, your parents were given a special candle, and they made promises about Christian living. At Confirmation you will make those promises for yourself.

Right now your parents will light a candle from the great 'Christ candle'. Then they will hold it and wait to see what you do. You will be invited, when they are ready with the candles, to say to your parents, 'Please, may I have my Baptismal Candle?' Could we all say that together now, so we are sure of the words: Please.....

If you want to make those promises, you have the chance now to go and ask for the candle; then stand with it, facing the altar where Father will be waiting. He will read each choice and wait for you to say, 'I Do' after each one. 8

Ceremony of Light

2011 Leader’s Guide: Family 1 Water & Light

Parents, before we begin this ceremony, lets take a moment to remember that: When you take the light now, this will be a sign that, as parents, you are willing to help your children live out their Baptism and become, in their turn, a light for others. If you are ready to do this, you are now invited to come forward, take a candle and receive a light from the Paschal Candle. Parents come to the Paschal candle. They are offered the light with the words:

Receive the Light of Christ!

They then move around the edge of the sanctuary.

When all the parents have received their light and taken their places round the sanctuary:

Children, if you are ready to take on some responsibility for your own Christian life, come out to face your parents and say,

Please, may I have my Baptismal candle?

When you have your candle,

step past your parents and face the priest who will be waiting at the altar. Your parents will turn that way too, so that everyone will be facing Father. 9

2011 Leader’s Guide: Family 1 Water & Light

When all are in place facing the priest:

Father will now ask you to show that you want to live like Jesus. After each question - if that is your choice - say: I Priest Do you choose: Love in your life rather than hate? Peace and justice,

Do. I Do!

rather than violence?


rather than greed?

Caring for others,

rather than selfishness?

Father will next ask you if you believe in: God the Father who created us all; Jesus, God the Son, who Redeemed us; God the Holy Spirit, who will make us holy.

Alternative formats are given below to profess belief in the Creed

The first format is for candidates who are holding a candle only - no paper copy -


If you believe, your answer again is:


Do you believe in God the Father Almighty.......? Do you believe......... etc.

I Do!

I Do!

For candidates with the Promise Cards which include the Creed the questions and answers are on the Card. 10

2011 Leader’s Guide: Family 1 Water & Light

Please may I have my Baptismal Candle?

What is your choice? 11

Final page of 2011 Leader’s Guide: Family 1 Water & Light

Parents, please help your children blow out their candle safely and keep it upright until the wax has cooled. When this is completed, we take the final few moments to link the promises the children have made to the Confirmation ceremony.

You have taken an important step in preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation. You have thought about what you are taking on in the Promises of Baptism and you have used ordinary words to personally choose to make those promises. You have also said that you believe in God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. At your Confirmation you will have the chance to do that again.

Just before you are Confirmed, you will again hold a lit candle. This time the priest will ask you - in the exact words that have been used in Baptism for hundreds of years - if you are ready to promise: 'I do'. You will also be asked again if you believe all that is said about God in the Apostles Creed. To help you prepare for that Confirmation event, you are now taking home the 'everyday' wording for those promises that you have used tonight. Read the words sometimes at home and discuss with your family

how the choices you make - and the things you do - every day show that you really meant what you said. You may also want to learn the Apostles Creed - and say it at Mass.

Next time we meet we will learn about the sacred oil of Chrism which will be used at Confirmation in the

Sign of the Cross on your forehead.

Chrism has lovely perfumed oils in it. At that next meeting we will try mixing different perfumed oils to create a kind of 'home-made' chrism. That should be both interesting and memorable! To end this session we will say the great prayer of those who are Baptised:

Our Father

As the families come down from the sanctuary, the box in which to replace the candles should be easily reached.


Powerful Water

Do these scenes tell you anything special about water?

Confirmation 2011 Family 1 Session leaflet: Powerful Water

Confirmation 2011 Family 1 Session leaflet: Need for Water

The only place to get drinking water!

Confirmation 2011 Family 1 Session leaflet: Baptismal Promises

Renewing my Baptism Choice of Goodness; Rejection of Evil What is your choice in life? I reject evil and wish to live as Jesus taught. So I choose: Love, Peace and justice, Sharing, Caring,

not not not not

hate; violence; greed; selfishness.

I wish to live like Jesus.

Renewing my Baptism Choice of Goodness; Rejection of Evil What is your choice in life? I reject evil and wish to live as Jesus taught. So I choose: Love, Peace and justice, Sharing, Caring,

not not not not

I wish to live like Jesus.

hate; violence; greed; selfishness.

Confirmation 2011 Family 1 Session leaflet: Promise with Creed

Renewing Our Baptism

Profession of Faith Do you believe in God the Creator?

Choice of Goodness; Rejection of Evil

I believe in God the Father almighty, Creator of heaven and earth.

What is your choice in life? Do you believe in God the Redeemer?

I believe in Jesus Christ, his only son, our Lord

I reject evil and wish to live as Jesus taught.

So I choose:

who was born of the Virgin Mary,

Love in my life,

rather than hate;

was crucified, rose from the dead,

Peace and justice,

rather than violence.


rather than greed;

Caring for others,

rather than selfishness.

and is now seated at the right hand of the Father.

Do you believe in God the Holy Spirit, the Sanctifier?

I believe in the Holy Spirit,

the holy catholic church,

I wish to live close to the Lord

and rejoice in the great gift of faith

which gives me hope for eternal life.

the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body

and life everlasting.

This is our faith. This is the faith of the church. We are proud to profess it, in Christ Jesus, our Lord.

Family Faith Confirmation

Third Session

Family Workshop Two Leader’s Guide

The Message in Chrism Leaflets

Description of 6 perfumed oils Recipe Outline

Family preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation

2011 Leader’s Guide in 8 pages

Family Workshop 2

Going where Baptism Leads

Exploring the Message in Chrism 1

2011 Leader’s Guide: Family 2 Chrism

Anointed with Chrism Choosing Goodness

Team responsibilities in this session

Sharing in the oral presentation Preparing the materials needed and putting them in place as session requires.

Materials requires for this session Flipchart on stand & pens. For each child: sheet with description of six perfumed oils; recipe list to fill in; pen/pencil; Paper for each child(family) to make notes. Display jar of Chrism; Olive oil; Two small tables holding the materials for making chrism: On each table: A container holding bottles of the six named perfumed oils; A packet of tissue wipes; For each child, 1 spoonful of olive oil in a very small jar; (Possibly empty jars from gift sets of a range of marmalade/jams) Mats for main tables, (to hold small jars of home-made chrism) Cotton buds for children to waft their chosen fragrance in the air.


2011 Leader’s Guide: Family 2 Chrism

Chrism: the Perfumed Oil in Confirmation

At your Confirmation you will be anointed with the Holy Oil of Chrism. We are going to learn about Chrism now. Show the oil of Chrism from the church display and explains that Chrism is used in three sacraments: Baptism, Confirmation, Ordination. The Chrism is then put where it can easily be picked up again. Hold up the olive oil. The Holy Oils are all based on olive oil,which is a fruit oil from the olives that grow easily in countries round the Mediterranean Sea. Only natural oil from plants is used in the sacraments, not oil from mineral oil wells. Oil from plants has very special qualities and so they are used by athletes - and others to rub on their bodies. What do they want the oil to do for them? (Take some responses) That healing and strengthening message is in all the sacraments that use oil. But Chrism means much more. Pick up the chrism again. Chrism is made from olive oil with something added that you might not expect, perfumed oils. Lots of different perfumes can be used, so long as they come from plants. Perfumes like frankincense, myrrh, lavender, cedarwood, sandalwood, geranium and many others could be added to the olive oil. To make it the Holy Oil of Chrism, the mixture has to be consecrated by a bishop, or archbishop, at a special Mass in the Cathedral on Holy Thursday, just before Easter. In one of the prayers it is called: ‘this most noble oil’. Here is what happens: The archbishop pours perfumed oils into a large beautiful container filled with olive oil. He then stretches his hand over the mixture of olive oil and perfume and consecrates it with a special prayer to God the Father:

Father, by the power of your love, make this mixture of oil and perfume a sign and source of your blessing. Chrism takes its name from a Greek word meaning 'anoint' or 'rub with oil'. The word 'Christ' is also Greek and means 'the anointed one'. At Confirmation, some of the Holy Chrism that was consecrated by the archbishop, will be rubbed on your forehead in the sign of the cross.

That is your anointing.

By that action your Baptism

in the Holy Spirit is confirmed. 3

2011 Leader’s Guide: Family 2 Chrism

Scripture: A Chrism Recipe

We have stories about Chrism from thousands of years ago. One of these goes right back to the time when Moses was leading the people out of slavery and preparing them for freedom. Moses was given a recipe for chrism. Show a copy of the Bible We are going to hear it from the Bible. In this story the perfumed oil is measured out in small weights called shekels. (A shekel is about 10 grams.) The olive oil is measured in litres - like milk, today. Exodus 30 22-30:

God spoke to Moses and said:

Take the choicest spices: of liquid myrrh, five hundred shekels, half this weight of fragrant cinnamon - that is, two hundred and fifty shekels and of scented cane, two hundred and fifty shekels; of cassia, five hundred shekels; and four litres of olive oil. These you are to compound into a holy chrism, such a blend as the perfumer might make.

It is to be a holy chrism.

It was not just the oil that would be holy. Scripture lists the people and the things that are to be anointed with this chrism. Then it says: These you are to consecrate. Thus they will excel in holiness, and whatever touches them will be holy. At your Confirmation you will be anointed on the forehead with Chrism that was blessed on Holy Thursday and is now in this jar. Show the Chrism When you are anointed with chrism, you are expected to: ‘excel in holiness’. Holiness and Goodness are both about being associated with God. To help us think about this idea of Goodness, we will make our own chrism. You know that Moses made chrism - you heard how our Archbishop makes chrism. It is your turn now. You are going to make chrism - to your own recipe - right here. It will not be the Blessed Oil of Chrism - It would need to go to the Cathedral on Holy Thursday for that! It will be our own special chrism and we will use it tonight. The Scripture you have just heard says that chrism represents both God and the people called to holiness. So the perfumes you choose for your recipe should: first represent God. secondly, suggest yourselves, who have been called to holiness, called to goodness. Your choice should particularly show how you want to show GOODNESS in your life. 4

2011 Leader’s Guide: Family 2 Chrism

Showing Blessed Chrism

Learning about the different oils they might choose

Adding the chosen perfumed oil to the jar of olive oil 5

2011 Leader’s Guide: Family 2 Chrism

Making our own Chrism Materials

Essential oils are put in two central positions along with little jars of about 5mls of olive oil and tissues. (one jar for each family)

There is a paper for each family with a description of 6 perfumed oils that could go into Chrism. They all suggest things about God and ourselves. Give out the papers about six essential oils. For example, we all know the story about three wise men visiting the baby Jesus. As well as gold, they brought two perfumed oils as presents: Frankincense, that reminds us specially of the holiness of God; Myrrh, the kind of oil that would be spread on the body of Jesus after he died on the cross. There are other Bible stories about perfumed oil. One of them is about the great temple that Soloman built as a suitable place to worship God. The holiest part of it was built with fragrant cedarwood. Its perfume would help people pray. To represent ourselves we have geranium, lavender and sandalwood. These are common in this country and so can remind us of our own lives, in various ways. Your paper shows that each perfumed oil has a different meaning. Consider each idea. Give time to read the description of the six oils. Team members circulate helping with this task.


Perfumed oils also have very distinct smells. If you put too many together you lose the individual perfumes. So you can't have all the oils in your chrism. You will see on your Recipe Card that the most you can use is four drops in total. Give a recipe sheet and a pen/pencil to each family.

Choose, as a family, what you want your chrism to say - about yourself and about God. Select the oils that really carry your ideas. Make notes, if that helps you decide. When you are ready, fill-in your Recipe Card Team members support families by talking them through possible choices. Bring your recipe out to a table that has a set of oils. Pick up a little jar of olive oil so that the drops you have chosen may be added to your olive oil. Go back to your family then, with your jar of home-made chrism put it on a mat and leave it there until we are ready to use it. Wait until all the chrism is made and put on mats, then suggest a prayerful silence before continuing.


2011 Leader’s Guide: Family 2 Chrism

Family Anointing

At your Confirmation you will be anointed with the holy chrism that is in this glass container. But tonight you have made your own chrism. So, now, you will be anointed with your special oil. Last time we met, you took your Baptismal Candle from your parent and said that you chose to be good rather than bad. Do you remember? You said 'I choose love in my life rather than hate ... Now you have chosen oils that represent the goodness that you say you want to show in your life. So your parents are going to bless you with your own home-made chrism and ask God to give you the power and the willingness to live up to the goodness challenge! Each parent will dip their thumb in the oil, make the sign of the cross on your forehead and, as they do that, they will say: May the Holy Spirit fill you with goodness. Write up the words.

Demonstrate the action

May the Holy Spirit fill you with goodness!



Final page in 2011 Leader’s Guide: Family 2 Chrism

All the things we have done tonight have been to prepare for Confirmation. So let me remind you of what we said, at the beginning, about this sacrament. At your Confirmation a little of the Holy Chrism consecrated by the Archbishop will be rubbed on your forehead in the sign of the cross. That will be your anointing.

By that action your Baptism will be confirmed: For your part, by presenting yourself for this solemn Confirmation, you are making your public confirmation of your choice

of goodness.

That is: you will try to keep on growing in goodness; and so take some responsibility for living like Jesus. I look forward, with you, to that new starting point in your life! Now, back to this meeting! I'm sorry you can't take your lovely chrism home with you. Oil is too messy to carry about. But you are going to take its perfume away with you! Perfumed oils have different qualities, so you don't get the best of a mixture unless you can move it about in the air. Give out cotton buds As you go home, dip a cotton bud into your special oil. Then wave it about in the air and share its wonderful perfume!

Goodnight! 8

Perfumes for Chrism Frankincense

This perfume sometimes helps people pray. Frankincense has been used in worship from early times. It is used today in incense. Its name is well known to us because it was brought by the Wise Men to the baby Jesus. ‘They shall bring frankincence, and shall proclaim the praise of the Lord’ Isaiah 60 v6

Confirmation 2011 Family 2 Session leaflet: Perfumes for Chrism


This sharp smelling perfume has an uplifting effect on the mind and heart. Moses used it in the first Chrism to help his people become aware of the presence of God. For the same reasons, it is still used in incense. It is best known to us from the visit of the Wise Men to the child Jesus. ‘Opening their treasures they offered him gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.’ Matthew 2 v11


The great benefit of Cedarwood’s oil, lies in its ability to calm people and prepare them to pray. Solomon used cedarwood to build the Temple to God in Jerusalem, hundreds of years before Jesus was born. ‘I have now decided to build the temple for the worship of the Lord my God. So send your men to Lebanon to cut down cedars for me.’

1 Kings 5




Red, pink and white geraniums make a great splash of colour in gardens and also in plantpots in people’s homes.

This tree has a hard, light-coloured heartwood that yields a powerful aromatic perfume.

A calming, refreshing and relaxing perfume which has been used since Roman times.

Geranium easily represent ourselves trying to brighten up people’s lives .

It has been used by men throughout the world since ancient times. Sandalwood suggests confidence and strength.

People often use little bags of lavender in wardrobes and drawers to keep clothes fresh. Lavender is a good reminder of care and thoughtfulness in the home.

Confirmation 2011 Family 2 Session leaflet: Perfumes for Chrism

Our Recipe for Chrism

Our Recipe for Chrism

To 5mls of olive oil (one teaspoonful)

To 5mls of olive oil (one teaspoonful)

add four drops of Essential Oil Perfume

add four drops of Essential Oil Perfume

as follows:

as follows:

Name of Oil


Number of Drops


Name of Oil


Number of Drops


Family Faith Confirmation

Fourth Session After Confirmation Presentation of Confirmation Certificates Leader’s Guide

‘Showing Goodness’

Leaflet ‘Me, a Saint?’ Starter Pack of planning material Draft Certificate

After Confirmation session for Families

2011 Leader’s Guide in 10 pages

Showing Goodness

Letting the Light of the Holy Spirit shine through You

Exploring ways to show Goodness in Life 1

After Confirmation session for Families

2011 Leader’s Guide

The Aim of this Session Beginning to take some responsibility for living as a Baptised person has been an important goal in the preparation for Confirmation. This ‘After Confirmation’ session tries to support a growing awareness of what this means and the choices we could make. It also introduces some practical steps along that path.

Team responsibilities in this session Sharing in the oral presentation Preparing the materials needed and putting them in place as session requires.

Materials requires for this session Confirmation Certificate for each child Flipchart on stand & pens; Paper and pens for each family to write their story; ‘Me, a Saint?’ starter pack for each family; (This pack might be used at the session or taken home. If used at the session it will require a supply of scissors & glue) 2

After Confirmation session for Families

2011 Leader’s Guide

Presentation of Confirmation Certificates This is our first meeting since you received the Sacrament of Confirmation. So we would like to begin by congratulating you for having reached this very important stage in your life. We will mark that stage by presenting you with Confirmation Certificates. Would all the newly Confirmed come out now, please, to receive their certificates.

When all have received their certificates and returned to their places the session begins.

Showing Goodness The newly Confirmed have gathered here with their families to begin to consider what it means to be personally responsible - in small ways - for growing in goodness . All of us have already received Christian Baptism and we know that we are supposed to live good lives. If we have been Baptised - it should show! Some people are very aware that Baptism prepares us to be good. Here is a story that a 12 year old girl, Paula, wrote: I was on my way to Mass on Sunday and I met some of my friends going to the shops in town. They wanted me to go along with them and I was tempted ! My mother wouldn’t know. But that wasn’t right, so I said ‘no’. I was really quite pleased with myself for doing the right thing. Then I thought about my Baptism.

That was where the strength had come from.

Baptism certainly packs power!

So what should you be like, at your age, since you have chosen to have your Baptism Confirmed ? We are going to spend some time together now, trying to find ways that goodness could grow in you.


After Confirmation session for Families

2011 Leader’s Guide

Being anointed with chrism at Confirmation was meant to help us grow in goodness. Do you remember why Moses anointed people with chrism? The Bible says that God told Moses: 'These you are to consecrate. Thus they will excel in holiness' - that is, they will show goodness in their lives. We are going to look at the idea of Goodness and how it shows in your life. Yes, goodness really does show in your life now, even if you have not thought much about it. When each of us was Baptised, the Holy Spirit of God came to live in us in a special way. God’s goodness is in every one of us. Most of us who received Baptism want to go on living good lives, however often we fail. At your Baptism your parents and Godparents promised - for you that you would live a life of goodness. At your Confirmation you promised to make your own personal effort to be good. Do you remember the words you read to your parents at one of the preparation sessions? You chose: Love, Peace and Write up the words on flip-chart

Justice, Sharing, Caring.

Without thinking about it, you are probably showing signs of some of those gifts already.

Your parents and friends may be able to remind you of an example. Though they might not think it is a good idea to tell you how good you are!

But sometimes we need reminding - so that we will do more good deeds! 4

After Confirmation session for Families

2011 Leader’s Guide

I have a couple of stories that might show what I'm talking about: At a meeting in another parish we asked parents to tell us a story about some goodness that their child showed. Here are two of the stories. One parent said: People near us were collecting clothes for children who had lost everything in a flood. Mary, who is eight, brought a favourite pair of her shoes. ‘I still wear them,’ she said ‘but I have other things. I’d like a girl who has no shoes to have them.’ Can you find any word on the chart that might describe her action? Take answers Another parent said: My son is very aware of how people are feeling. When my neighbour was having a bit of trouble Jimmy went up to her and said, ‘I’d like you to be happy. What can I do to help?’ Are there words here that describes his offer? Take answers Since you are likely to be showing some signs of God’s goodness, I am asking you now to talk in your family group. See what story your parents and friends can come up with about the goodness showing in you. Write down the main points.

Give out paper & pens. Go round supporting this activity for about10 minutes

Let's hear some of your stories now!

Who would like to start?

When a few have been heard, you might suggest the stories should be written out at home & a copy brought to church on Sunday - or to the next planned event..


After Confirmation session for Families

2011 Leader’s Guide

‘Me a saint’ Starter-pack of material

We’re going to talk now about the kind of person you want to become, as you grow up. To begin with: What kind of person does the Bible say we should each become because we have been Baptised and had that Baptism Confirmed? Here are some suggestions.. Give out ‘Me, a saint?’ starter pack Talk about the ideas at your own pace and we will come round and discuss them with you. Then you might plan a ‘My kind of Person’ poster. Give time for discussion then suggest some of the illustrations could be cut out & used (either now or at home) - to make the poster.

Offer practical help, where possible, to reach some concrete action before bringing the session to an end. Close this meeting with a reminder of the date of the event when their stories and posters will go up for everyone to see. (At the end of that occasion, the children should take their posters to put up at home.) 'You will have in you the strength - based on his own glorious power never to give in but to bear anything joyfully thanking the Father who has made it possible for you to join the Saints and with them to inherit the light.' Colossians 1 v12

Who? Me? Starter-pack of b/w material that may be useful in helping families or groups create their own projects



After Confirmation session for Families

2011 Leader’s Guide

‘Me a saint’ Starter-pack of material

You are -

Who? Me? What am I going to do to make this world show the goodness of God? 'This is what the Lord asks of you, only this:

To act justly, To love tenderly, To walk humbly with your God' Michah 6 v7

St Peter says of Jesus:

‘God poured out on him the Holy Spirit and power.

He went around doing good.’ Acts10 v38

The Power of the Spirit is with me.

What do I go around doing? Do I see Christ in need - when I see a poor person in need? 2 7

After Confirmation session for Families

2011 Leader’s Guide

‘Me a saint’ Starter-pack of material

How will I share my Gifts?

‘The Spirit of the Lord has been given to me, for he has

anointed me’

You are fellow citizens with the saints and members of God’s household.

Luke 4:14

Ephesians 2:19

We have been chosen to be members of God’s family.

Active members! we are called to be saints! --

Who? Me?

What am I really like?

Could I make friends with people of other races or religion?

Is there an old person I could help? Is there a disabled person I could share time with?

What am I going to do to make this world show the goodness of God? Everyone has special gifts - our own way of being helpful. Talk with your family about your gifts. Decide on some practical way of sharing your gifts so that they help someone else. 8


After Confirmation session for Families

2011 Leader’s Guide

‘Me a saint’ Starter-pack of material

'Father, I have made your name known to them, so that the love with which you have loved me may be in them, and so that I may be in them.' John 17 v26

You will be My Witnesses

If you want to get to know God, try this.... Sit quite still and say slowly. ‘Jesus I love you’. Or read a tiny bit of the Gospel. Then say nothing at all. God is with you in the silence.

Join the Club!

We have been chosen to be members of God’s family. --

Active members! - we are called to be saints!

Possible Example: Story of St Peter’s denial of Christ and then his amazing change after the coming of the Holy Spirit when he stood up and told hundreds of people about the Risen Christ.



After Confirmation session for Families

Final page of 2011 Leader’s Guide

The Draft Certificate below may be printed as it is - or used as a source of details for a different design.

Sealed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit by the Laying on of Hands and Anointing with Chrism

was Confirmed in the Faith of Baptism At ........................................

Date .......................



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2011 Leader’s Guide: ‘After Confirmation’ ‘Me a saint’ Starter-pack of material

'You will have in you the strength - based on his own glorious power never to give in but to bear anything joyfully thanking the Father who has made it possible for you to join the Saints and with them to inherit the light.' Colossians 1 v12

Who? Me? Starter-pack of b/w material that may be useful in helping families or groups create their own projects


2011 Leader’s Guide: ‘After Confirmation’ ‘Me a saint’ Starter-pack of material

You are -

Who? Me? What am I going to do to make this world show the goodness of God? 'This is what the Lord asks of you, only this:

To act justly, To love tenderly, To walk humbly with your God' Michah 6 v7

St Peter says of Jesus:

‘God poured out on him the Holy Spirit and power.

He went around doing good.’ Acts10 v38

The Power of the Spirit is with me.

What do I go around doing? Do I see Christ in need - when I see a poor person in need?


2011 Leader’s Guide: ‘After Confirmation, ‘Me a saint’ Starter-pack of material

‘The Spirit of the Lord has been given to me, for he has

anointed me’ Luke 4:14

How will I share my Gifts? You are fellow citizens with the saints and members of God’s household.

We have been chosen to be members of God’s family.

Active members! we are called to be saints! --

Ephesians 2:19

Who? Me?

What am I really like?

Could I make friends with people of other races or religion?

Is there an old person I could help? Is there a disabled person I could share time with?

What am I going to do to make this world show the goodness of God? Everyone has special gifts - our own way of being helpful. Talk with your family about your gifts. Decide on some practical way of sharing your gifts so that they help someone else. 3

Final page of 2011 Leader’s Guide: ‘After Confirmation’ ‘Me a saint’ Starter-pack of material

You will be My Witnesses

'Father, I have made your name known to them, so that the love with which you have loved me may be in them, and so that I may be in them.' John 17 v26

If you want to get to know God, try this.... Sit quite still and say slowly. ‘Jesus I love you’. Or read a tiny bit of the Gospel. Then say nothing at all. God is with you in the silence.

Join the Club!

We have been chosen to be members of God’s family. --

Active members! - we are called to be saints!

Example: Story of St Peter’s denial of Christ and then his amazing change after the coming of the Holy Spirit when he stood up and told hundreds of people about the Risen Christ. 4

Sealed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit by the Laying on of Hands and Anointing with Chrism

was Confirmed in the Faith of Baptism At ........................................

Date .......................


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Family Faith Confirmation

Further Events Folder Leader’s Guide

‘Breath of the Spirit’

Leaflet Scripture Quotes

2011 Leader’s Guide: After Confirmation

This Event would also be suitable as a parish celebration at Pentecost

‘Breath of the Spirit’ event

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Leader’s Guide



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A ‘fun’ event to explore images of the Holy Spirit. Materials required for this session

Balloons for participants Large-sized labels (or equivalent pieces of coloured card) Scissors, glue etc available, as required String/cord to make a ‘tail’ for each balloon Thread/string to attach labels Set of 10 quotes for each participant (plus additional 3, if required) This event requires an outdoor space where people can run with their labelled balloons. The Catechism of the Catholic Church, published in 1994, says in Article 1145: A sacramental celebration is woven from signs and symbols..... their meaning is rooted in the work of creation and human culture In the Bible we are given wonderful signs to help us become aware of God the Holy Spirit. These signs are taken from Nature and our Human Experience - as the above quotation from the Catechism of the Catholic Church points out. But, if we are to become keenly aware of the Holy Spirit’s real presence in our lives we need those signs presented to us in ways that we can feel and experience personally.

The following event is designed to create such an experience.


Pentecost :

2011 Leader’s Guide: After Confirmation

‘Breath of the Spirit’ event

Pentecost is the Feastday of the Holy Spirit. Once you have been Confirmed, Pentecost becomes your special feast too. That is because Confirmation offers us

renewed energy to work closely with God the Holy Spirit. There are many ways of celebrating Pentecost that day when the Holy Spirit came down on the apostles and their gathering of friends. In the Acts of the Apostles the story of Pentecost tells us that: ‘They saw what looked like tongues of fire ....They were all filled with the Holy Spirit.’ That event is one reason

you held a lighted candle at your Confirmation Ceremony. But there are other realities, in the world around us, that can help us celebrate this powerful Spirit of God Today we are going to pay attention to something that seems very ordinary - our breath! We will also consider the air and the wind around us, to see what we can learn from them about the Holy Spirit of God.

Some participants may be interested in the fact that, in the Hebrew language, the one word, Ruah is used for Spirit, for Breath and sometimes for the wind.

Jesus told his friends that he would no longer live with them, the way he had for three years. Now it would be the unseen Holy Spirit who would be their companion. This is how he made that happen: John 20: 22

Jesus breathed on them and said: Receive the Holy Spirit.

We all know what breath is about. We have to breathe all the time to stay alive! So we know that it is important and completely necessary in our lives. More than once in the Bible the Holy Spirit is called:

the Breath of God.

Here is a fun way of allowing ourselves to get some sense of Who the Holy Spirit, the Breath of God, is ! - and how the influence of the Spirit touches our lives.

The power of your own breath is one of the things you will be very aware of when you breathe into a balloon. Invite someone to come out to fill a balloon with their breath. Now you have made the balloon able to do things it had no chance of doing -

without your breath!

Before the rest of us fill balloons with our breath, we will look at what the Bible is trying to tell us 2

when it calls the Holy Spirit -

the Breath of God.

Before this action begins,

2011 Leader’s Guide: After Confirmation, Breath of the Spirit Event

Team members prepare the quotations and labels in a way that will suit the age range of the Confirmed. The 10 quotations about Breath could be given out first. The final 3 quotations about the Wind might be kept until the first quotes are discussed. Then people who have finished quickly could be offered this further choice of 3.

Here are a few quotations from the Bible (Give out the first 10) in which the word Spirit or Breath is used to mean God or the life that God has given you. Remember that they were all written for people who lived 2,000 years ago - or more! So - at first - you are not likely to feel they are speaking to you .

But the Bible is a great deal more than an old book!

God will really give you ideas to think about - in some of these lines if you are prepared to look for the point.

Talk about the quotations first. Then try to find four

that mean something to you.

Put each of your

four chosen quotations onto a label, ready to be tied to a balloon.

Galatians 5: 16

If you are guided by the Spirit you will be in no danger of yielding to self-indulgence. 30 )V 4 0 d. 1 orl 03( eath, , w 1 e br ins th lm Psa give e beg wing f u e Yo sh li ren fre keep you

When some families have completed their 4 labels, introduce the second set of 3 quotations:


- the Holy Spirit compared to a powerful wind.

Invite people to choose one to put on a label.

Final page of 2011 Leader’s Guide: After Confirmation, Breath of the Spirit Event See separate leaflet for Scripture Quotes

As soon as you have your set of labels ready, choose a balloon, blow it to its full size and tie it firmly closed.

‘Tie the balloon tightly!’

Now add your labels with their quotations about theSpirit and show your finished work to people around you.

When everyone is ready, we will go outside and let the wind help us carry forward our ‘Breath of the Spirit!’

Running and Breathing with the Spirit!


The session might end by coming together to sing, ‘Breathe on me or some other prayer or hymn to the Holy Spirit.

Breath of God’

2011 Leader’s Guide: After Confirmation, Breath of the Spirit Event Scripture Quotes

Job 33: 4

God’s breath it was that made me. The breathing of God that gave me life.

Job 12: 10

God holds in his power the soul of every living thing and the breath of each one’s body. Isaiah 11: 1-2

On the Messiah the spirit of God rests, a spirit of wisdom and insight, a spirit of counsel and power, a spirit of knowledge and reverence. John 20: 22

Jesus breathed on them and said: ‘Receive the Holy Spirit’.

1 Corinthians 3: 16-17

Didn’t you realise that you were God’s temple and that the Spirit of God was living among you?

Job 27: 2-3 As long as the breath of God

breathes in my nostrils, my lips shall never speak untruth.

Psalm 103(104) V 30

You give breath, fresh life begins, you keep renewing the world.

Isaiah 32: 15-18

Once more there will be poured on us the Spirit from above; ... integrity will bring peace, justice give lasting security. John 16:13

The Spirit of truth will lead you into complete truth.

Galatians 5: 16

If you are guided by the Spirit you will be in no danger of yielding to self-indulgence.

Ecclesiastes 8:8

No one can master the wind so as to hold it back.

Acts of the Apostles 2: 2-4

Suddenly they heard what sounded like a powerful wind from heaven. They were filled with the Holy Spirit. This 14 label layout fits standard envelope labels

John 3: 8

The wind blows wherever it pleases; you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. That is how it is with the Spirit.

2011 Series

Family preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation:


Family Faith

Confirmation Programme Plan Going where Baptism Leads

The Introductory Session for Parents gently invites them to reflect on their own beliefs and renew their commitment to the Faith, as they support their children in their new step in faith. Family Session One The Message in Water and Light This session aims to help the children become aware that Confirmation is a dynamic process. Children ask parents for a candle representing their Baptismal Candle and make a simpified version of the Baptismal Promises.

Family Session Two The Message in Chrism Families learn, first, about the chrism with which the children will be blessed in the Sacrament of Confirmation. From Exodus 30: 22-30, they hear why Moses used chrism.

They then choose ingredients for ‘home made’ chrism.

That chrism is used by parents to anoint their children and pray: ‘May the Holy Spirit fill you with goodness’.

You will be My Witnesses

After Confirmation Session Sharing Goodness Session begins with the Presentation of Confirmation Certificates. Then parents discuss with their children the good qualities they already show - and how they can build on these by the power of the Spirit.

2011 Family Faith Programmes created by Sr Doreen Grant SND and Sr Janet McKenna RSM Supported by Keywest

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