St John’s Renfield Church Playgroup Equal Opportunities Policy Statement: St John’s Renfield Church Playgroup seeks to provide and maintain equality of opportunity for all children and parents and carers within the group and should reflect the needs of members and future members of the group and the wider community. Allied to this general statement of policy St John’s Renfield Church Playgroup has the following subsidiary sections: •
Advertising the Playgroup – The Playgroup will try to ensure that everyone in the community knows where the group meets. This will be done by - advertising in local shops – advertising in the church magazine - advertising in the local schools’ newsletters – adverting by poster in the local community – advertising on the Church’s website and the Glasgow Childcare website. Admission to the Playgroup – The Playgroup is open to every family in the community. The following system is used to accept children – a child in their pre-school year will obtain a place as soon as one becomes available – a child who has moved into the area and is already three years old will obtain a place if one is available – if there are special circumstances these will be taken into consideration when offering places. Employment of Playgroup leaders/helpers – The Playgroup will appoint the best person for each job and will treat fairly all applicants for jobs and all those appointed. No applicant will be rejected on the grounds of age, gender, sexuality, class, means, family status, disability, colour, ethnic origin, culture, religion or belief. Commitment to the Playgroup’s Equal Opportunity Policy will form part of the job description for all workers. Parents role in the Playgroup – The Playgroup will encourage parents and carers to become involved by making them welcome, by respecting the differences in families, their language and cultures and by encouraging them to contribute in whatever way they can. Involvement will be encouraged by – the parents daily rota – invitations to attend special occasions – newsletters to keep them abreast of the current situation – using the special talents/gifts of parents to help contribute in a variety of different ways e.g. baking, dance activities, music etc. Children in the Playgroup – All children will be respected and their individuality and potential recognised, valued and nurtured. Activities
and the use of play equipment will offer children opportunities to develop in an environment free from prejudice and discrimination. Opportunities will be given to the children to explore, acknowledge and value similarities and differences between themselves and others. The Playgroup will do this by – using books with different cultures/colour/countries highlighted – the acknowledgement of different festivals throughout the year – the introduction of different foods from a variety of countries – the use of dressing up materials to highlight clothing differences. Resources – all resources will be regularly checked to reflect that they reflect the multi-cultural, multi-racial society in which we live. Boys and girls will have the opportunity to and be actively encouraged to, use all activities. Special Needs – Wherever possible the Playgroup will provide for the needs of the children in the community who have particular special needs. The Playgroup will be more accessible by the introduction of wheelchair access via the rear of the building. Discriminatory behaviour or remarks – These are unacceptable in the Playgroup. The response will aim to be sensitive and supportive to the feelings of the victim and to help those responsible to understand and overcome their prejudices. The Playgroup will challenge any statements made by anyone in the group which are sexist or racist or which reinforce stereotypes by – quietly and quickly stopping the name calling/or any other anti feeling by encouraging positive play together – by encouraging sharing of materials/co-operation in activities etc – by the use of puppets to illustrate negative and positive behaviours – by the use of role play – by posters.
This policy was adopted at a meeting of St John’s Renfield Playgroup Committee held on _________________. Nominated committee member ________________________________. Nominated Play leader _______________________________________.