Flip introduction pack

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Welcome to Flip

If any of the following are affec6ng you -­‐ then you need Flip

I am embarrassed about anything which requires a credit report I have been rejected for a loan or credit U6lity companies asking me for a deposit I can’t get a mobile phone contract I hide from my credit score because I think I can’t improve it I am having difficulty ren6ng a home My credit ra6ng is stopping me star6ng my own business I think I’m paying more for credit facili6es

What’s Our Value Proposi6on? At Flip we hand-­‐hold you through a unique process to take your credit ra6ng from VERY POOR TO GOOD, in an accelerated period of 6me

Top 5 Myths About Credit Report When you finish your Insolvency Arrangement the Credit Report automa6cally updates itself…and You have no further ac6on to take Once you complete your Insolvency Arrangement, your credit file resets itself to pre-­‐insolvency status…You are s6ll categorised as lower than sub-­‐prime You can improve your credit file without becoming Credit Ac6ve, its like wan6ng to be a great car driver without geTng behind the wheel of a car and driving Credit companies will consider me to be a good risk and offer me cheaper credit even if I have successfully completed my Insolvency Arrangement Every credit facility I use automa6cally updates all 3 Credit Reference Agencies – no they don’t, most lenders only report to 1 credit reference agency

Credit Reference Agencies are Equifax, Experian & Call Credit

Why Flip? Our Customers are called ‘Sub-­‐Prime’ by the Lending community, a[er they have entered into an Individual Insolvency Arrangement Once our clients are finished their Arrangement, the hangover of having been in an Insolvency Arrangement remains for many years, and kills their credit ra6ng GeTng access to main stream financial products is virtually impossible and consequently, Flip customers find themselves: •

GeTng rejected for credit

Overpaying for credit

Being a financial outcast from mainstream society

Why Flip? For most Lenders, Insolvency is a show stopper Some of our customers will gravitate to pay day lenders and their now highly cri6cised huge fees Flip is the only company focussed on helping customers who find themselves “financially outcast” a[er an Insolvency Arrangement

What’s the Future without using Flip? Financial pain flowing throughout our lives: •

Paying more for credit and financial products

Rejec6on from Lenders

In summary, for customers with a poor credit ra6ng they can feel Condemned Financially and adversely Affected Psychologically

Next Steps Please ask yourself the following 2 ques6ons: “Do I want to fix my credit ra6ng?” • Contact the Flip team on 0800 043 3547 to start the process today

“Am I serious about fixing my credit ra6ng?” • Contact the Flip team on 0800 043 3547 to start the process today

Based at -­‐ Regent Court – 70 West Regent St., Glasgow, G2 2QZ Telephone Number – 0800 043 3547 Licensed by the FCA – CCL 640669 Com Reg -­‐ 06793893 DPA – ZA049497 Registered Address –Northern Suite, WellcroQ, Shipley, BD18 3QH

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