The YMCA and YWCA in Denmark
PROFILE OF A JOINT MOVEMENT The YMCA and YWCA in Denmark has been a joint movement for over 30 years. Both organisations were established around 1880. In October 2008 we celebrated the 125th anniversary of the Danish YWCA and hosted the YWCA European Representatives Meeting. The joint movement today has around 10.000 members in some 150 local associations and is governed by a female and a male President and a Board with 50-50 representation of men and women.
The joint movement is the exclusive owner of two companies, UNITAS Travel Agencies and UNITAS Publishing House. They generate important income for our programme activities.
THE »Y-FAMILY« YMCA and YWCA in Denmark differ from many other national movements. Many YMCA and YWCA activities in Denmark have from the early days been organised in separate organisations and still remain so – as YMCA Sports, YMCA Scouts, YWCA Girl Guides, YWCA Social Work, YMCA Social Work etc. Nine independent organisations now belong to the »Y-family« including Y´s Men Region Denmark.
INTERNATIONAL INVOLVEMENT The international commitment plays an important role in the YMCA and YWCA in Denmark and comes to life, among other things, through our development projects. We also offer members to become volunteers at international camps and events.
The international programme focuses on the UN Millenium Development Goals 2015. The programme takes place in cooperation with YMCA Madurai, YWCA Salem and Y Care International and includes support for children, youth, women and other marginalized groups.
The YMCA and YWCA in Denmark are partners with the Joint Advocacy Initiative in Palestine. We continue to be involved in advocacy work, to support the Olive Tree Campaign and to send participants on exposure trips through the Journey for Justice programme and other delegations.
For us, international outlook and commitment are important values. We believe we are a part of a larger whole, also internationally. We share responsibility for each other, and we want to show children and young people in Denmark that there is inequity in the world, and that they can make a difference.
INTERPOINT Every year, the YMCA and YWCA in Denmark meets youth from around the world, both in our events and our YMCA Interpoint hostel in Copenhagen, situated close to the central railway station. Visit www.ymca-interpoint.dk for more information.
NATIONAL STATISTICS The National Council of the YMCA and YWCA in Denmark: Members: Approxim. 10.000, of whom around 60 % are under 30 Approxim. 2.600 volunteer leaders and committee members Number of employees at national and local level: 35
VISION AND ACTIVITIES Our work and efforts are founded in our vision that »children and young people should know that they can believe in God – and that God believes in them«. This vision reflects the purpose of the movement and the need for a Christian contribution to our secularized society. Our activities include leadership training, Christian education, Ten Sing, international exposure and solidarity work, festivals, summer camps, and club activities for children and youth. Every year we host an Easter camp for grand parents and their grandchildren. During summer, YMCA and YWCA host regional children and youth camps and family based summer camps for more than 1000 participants. During spring 2012, 1500 children were gathered for a children´s festival, and in March more than 500 youth were gathered at TeenEvenT, a non-alcoholic festival with music and fellowship. I 2013, YMCA and YWCA in Denmark host Wonderful Days, a big youth festival with international participation. See more at www.wonderfuldays.com
WEBSHOP www.kfum-kfuk.dk/ medlemsbutikken Logo and profile articles, presents and clothes.
NATIONAL OFFICE YMCA and YWCA in Denmark Valby Langgade 19 DK-2500 Valby Phone: +45 36 14 15 33 e-mail: national@kfum-kfuk.dk www.kfum-kfuk.dk/english
GENERAL SECRETARY Ms. Kirsten Lund Larsen kll@kfum-kfuk.dk
INTERNATIONAL SECRETARY Rev. Lene Suh Nicolaisen international@kfum-kfuk.dk lsn@kfum-kfuk.dk