Child Assessment Portfolio - 2nd grade (with progress)

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Assessment Portfolio

Hayes Green– 2nd grade


Language Arts


•  This is a rough draft with revision markings on it to •  This is the final revision of what life would be like

a writing that was supposed to be about what life would be like if you were your pencil. •

as a pencil piece of writing.

23. Develop compositions of one or more paragraphs using writing processes such as the following: •  •  •  •

independently generating ideas for writing by using various strategies (e.g., listing, brainstorming, drawing) creating a plan (e.g., graphic organizer, web) appropriate to the purpose of writing writing a first draft with a developed beginning, a middle, and an end conferencing with a teacher or peers

revising for clarity, grammatical and mechanical correctness, and/or to include additional information

creating a final draft for possible publication (ELA-2-E

•  This is an example of Hayes’ writing process from a rough draft with corrections to a final draft ready to be on display.


Language Arts

•  This is a journal entry from morning work. Hayes

had ample time to write about what he would do to be neighborly, but this is all he wrote. •

Date: 11/28/11

ANECDOTAL NOTE Every morning the children in the class are expected to work on a journal entry. On this particular day, the journal prompt was about what had happened over Thanksgiving break and the class was allowed to share them if they wanted to. Hayes’ entry was very detailed and coherent talking about how he “went to [his] maw maw’s house and played outside with [his] brothers.” His thought process was very clear as his journal went from topic to topic about his break, which is something that he can improve in the future, instead of just writing whatever you think, stringing his thoughts into paragraphs that build on each other.

26. Write for various purposes, including: •  letters or invitations that include relevant information and follow a •  letter/envelope format •  informal writing, including messages, journals, notes, and poems (ELA-2-E6Connecting statement

•  Over the course of the semester, Hayes’ journals have grown from one or two sentence entries (like the one pictured at the left) to entries with more sentences and much more detail. He can continue to work on his journals by stringing the thoughts and sentences in his writing together in a more cohesive way.

Language Arts 11.17.11 During library Hayes was exposed to an atlas and was asked along with the class to locate different locations on different maps of the continents. Hayes really enjoyed the atlas looking fascinated while he frantically searched for the location of a city to yell out that he had found it. 54. Locate and read information on a chart, graph, diagram, map, and simple timeline (ELA-5-E6) Hayes is exposed to a new way of reading information – on a map in a book of maps called an atlas.


9.8.11 ANECDOTAL NOTE While completing a math interview with Hayes, I found that he had some trouble remembering all of his tens facts. He was very distracted and appeared to be completely guessing. He could not tell me all of his tens facts, even when given manipulatives (cubes) to work it out.


10.5.11 Hayes is using double colored chips to practice his tens facts.


During the daily math practices today, the class was asked to add the following addition problem, 7+6+3=__. After establishing the answer as 16, different children in the class were asked to explain how they solved the problem, Hayes responded, “I added 7+3 first, because I know it equals 10 and then added 6 because I know 10+6=16.” •

GLE”S: 7. Know all basic facts for addition and subtraction and use them to solve real-life problems (N-5-E) (N-6-E) (N-7-E) (N-8-E) (N-9-E)

•  Over the course of the semester, Hayes has gone from not being sure of his 10’s facts, to practicing them with counters, and then to knowing them to help him solve other problems.


Science 11.8.11 •  Hayes grows his

When given the pretest at the same time as the rest of the class, Hayes only knew these three parts of the plant.


own sprout/plant from a lima bean and got to see the different parts of the plant form from his seed.

When given the post-test, Hayes was able to name two more parts of a plant (pollen, and flower)

28. Describe structures of plants (e.g., roots, leaves, stems, flowers, seeds) (LS-E-A3)

Hayes’ knowledge of plant parts increased after an activity in which he got to see a plant grow all the parts.




•  Hayes is at the science center when we had plant •  Description of the context of the picture or artifact

centers and he is observing many different characteristics of a plant such as color, height, texture, smell, etc…

5. Use a variety of methods and materials and multiple trials to investigate ideas (observe, measure, accurately record data) (SI-E-A2) 6. Use the five senses to describe observations (SI-E-A3)


Social Studies

•  This map

•  This map was

was drawn in their writing journals one morning. It did not accompany a story and there was no prompt.

•  This is a map of Mississippi. When

looked at closely, you can see the Vicksburg and Port Gibson in an approximately accurate location.

9.27.11 drawn in their writing journals during morning work. It accompanied an entry and was provoked by the writing prompt “What will you do over Labor Day Weekend?”

•  This is a map of some southern states .It includes Louisiana,

Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama and Florida (all marked by abbreviations and shapes drawn fairly accurately). This map is very detailed and includes cities such as St. Francisville, Vicksburg and Port Gibson, as well as landmarks such as Ole Miss (all in their true approximate locations)

4. Identify geographical features in the local region (G-1A-E2)

•  Hayes’ map drawing skills have increased over the course of the semester as he gets more detailed and this is all without guidance or prompting!


Art - visual

•  Self Portrait done in art class with crayons and

pencil. The children were given mirrors to look in and asked to draw themselves as best they could/


•  Hayes sculpted with play-doh during an inside

recess because of the rain. He showed me his art and said “Look at my rabbit Miss Brou!”

CE-1VA-M1 demonstrating art methods and techniques in visual representations based on research of imagery; (1, 2) CE-1VA-M2 selecting and applying media, techniques, and technology to visually express and communicate;

•  Hayes is learning to use different art methods and mediums to express his artistic ability.

Art - music This is Hayes’ music folder in which he learns how to write different music symbols and language of music. The music teacher provided me with this to show his progress over the year. Each Monday Hayes attends music class and one of these symbols is the focus. He has learned to draw/write roughly one symbol per week since the beginning of school and this shows his progression. CE-1M-M2 interpreting elementary symbols and vocabulary that convey precise musical meaning; (2, 3, 4) •  Hayes’ knowledge of music symbols increases over the semester.

11.29.11 Date




•  The above is a movie file taken during library time •  Description of the context of the picture or artifact

in which the children were being taught how to use the online encyclopedia for research. •

GLE: ELA 50. Locate information about a topic from a variety of sources, including children’s magazines, children’s encyclopedias, and electronic references (ELA-5-E2)

•  Hayes went from being instructed step by step by the librarian how to use the computers for research to being able to research and fill out information about the country of Peru using a computer alone.


Physical – Fine Motor11.6.11

Through a questionnaire I sent home at the beginning of the year, Hayes’ mom told me that she thinks “Hayes has very poor motor skills (always has)… he has difficulty holding a pencil correctly (he did not walk until 16 months, didn’t actual run until age 3, didn’t climb for a long time).” As you can see from the handwriting sample below, Hayes is able to form letters correctly, but can continue to improve on his neatness and by improving his fine motor muscle control.

10.17.11 •  Hayes’ mom sent me this picture of him cracking

pecans with his grandmother over the weekend in November. This is definitely helping his fine motor skills develop.

•  Learning to master physical skills -- •  Hayes continues to work on improving his fine motor skills through activities such as cracking pecans with his grandmother and practicing neat penmanship.

Physical – Gross motor


10.10.11 •  Hayes’ mom sent

me a picture of him at the beach. She said he really enjoyed running around and swimming

•  Hayes’ mom sent me this picture of him “playing

football with his younger brother BeBe.” •  •  •

1-P-1.1 Demonstrate mature form for locomotor skills (walk, run, jog, leap, jump, hop, slide, gallop, and skip). 1-P-1.2 Demonstrate locomotor skills combining two or more while using different levels, tempo, directions, and pathways. 1-P-1.3 Demonstrate skills of chasing, fleeing, and dodging to avoid or catch others, individually and with a partner.

•  Hayes initially demonstrated mature locomotor skills such as running and swimming at the beach. He was then able to combine two or more skills using different levels while playing football with his brother.


Social/Emotional 9.29.11


Hayes tends to keep to himself and when others try to talk to or work with him he seems to prefer being alone. •  Hayes is working on this science experiment with

the boys around him. When I asked him how he worked with that group of boys he responded, “Well, they are my friends!” GRADES K-3 •  Learning to be friends with others •  Young children enjoy playing together but by the end of the stage boys and girls will separate

•  Hayes went from someone who was always working alone to someone who thoroughly enjoyed working with his friends around him.

Other •  Hayes’ mom sent me a picture

of when he was awarded his tiger cub badge for cub scouts. Cub scouts earn badges for accomplishing or learning a new skill. •  Hayes was presented with this

badge for joining cub scouts to show that he was at the cub scout level within his pack.

•  GLE/Standard •  Connecting statement


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