Assessment Criteria for PK-3 Program PK-3 Candidate: __Katherine Brou_________________ Other Team Members: (name and affiliation)
Date:__Dec. 6, 2011_____
Karen Donnelly (LSU), Nora Miller (LSU), Terry Buchanan(LSU), JoEllen Daniel (Bains)
Levels: Beginning, Proficient, Advanced Placement/Grade
PPB1 Spanish Lake PK
Bains 2
Standard 1 – Promoting Child Development & Learning • 1a: Knowing and understanding young children’s characteristics and needs B/P B/P P/A • 1b: Knowing and understanding the multiple influences on development B/P P P/A and learning • 1c: Using developmental knowledge to create healthy, respectful, B/P P/A P/A supportive, and challenging learning environments Standard 2 – Building Family & Community Relationships • 2a: Knowing about and understanding family and community B P P/A characteristics • 2b: Supporting and empowering families and communities through B P P/A respectful, reciprocal relationships • 2c: Involving families and communities in their children’s development and B B/P P/A learning Standard 3 – Observing, Documenting, & Assessing to Support Young Children and Families • 3a: Understanding the goals, benefits, and uses of assessment P P P/A • 3b: Knowing about and using observation, documentation, and other P P P/A appropriate assessment tools and approaches • 3c: Understanding and practicing responsible assessment P P P/A • 3d: Knowing about assessment partnerships with families and other P B/P P/A professionals Standard 4 – Using Developmentally Effective Approaches to Connect with Children and Families • 4a: Understanding positive relationships and supportive interactions as the P P/A P/A foundation of their work with children • 4b: Knowing and understanding effective strategies and tools for early B/P P P/A education • 4c: Using a broad repertoire of developmentally appropriate B/P P/A P/A teaching/learning approaches • 4d: Reflecting on their own practice to promote positive outcomes for each B/P P/A P/A child Standard 5- Using Content Knowledge to Build Meaningful Curriculum • 5a: Understanding content knowledge and resources in academic B/P P P/A disciplines • 5b: Knowing and using the central concepts, inquiry tools, and structures of B P P/A content areas or academic disciplines. • 5c: Using their own knowledge, appropriate early learning standards, and B/P P/A P/A other resources to design, implement, and evaluate meaningful, challenging curricula for each child. Standard 6- Becoming and Professional • 6a: Identifying and involving oneself with the early childhood field P P A • 6b: Knowing about and upholding ethical standards and other professional B/P P P/A guidelines • 6c: Engaging in continuous, collaborative learning to inform practice B/P P P/A • 6d: Integrating knowledgeable, reflective, and critical perspectives on early B P P/A education • 5e: Engaging in informed advocacy for children and the profession B P P/A Comments (Teacher feedback, Goals met, Goals for next semester, Other) Strengths: Teaching strategies, assessment, differentiation Work on: Content knowledge, empowering families
Assessment Criteria for PK-3 Program
LSU PK-3 Program Grading Criteria Checklist - PPB3 12 A (Advanced)
10 P/A (Mastery)
P (Proficient)
B/P (Basic)
B (Emergent)
A letter grade of A indicates that the student: o Demonstrates excellent comprehension of the subject matter as evidenced by as evidenced by 5 Advanced, 13 Mastery, 4 Proficient, 0 Emergent on the PK-3 standards; o Submits work that is at a high level in content, organization and clarity; o Demonstrates knowledge beyond basic course content; o Demonstrates sound critical thinking, innovative ideas and personal engagement; o Takes initiative in fulfilling course requirements; o Shows leadership in class discussions and activities; o Is prompt and consistent in class and school site attendance. A letter grade of B indicates that the student: o Demonstrates a thorough knowledge of the subject matter as evidenced by as evidenced by 13 Mastery, 5 Proficient, 4 Basic, 0 Emergent on the PK-3 standards; o Submits work that is clear and explicit, demonstrating good use of existing knowledge on the subject: o Demonstrates some degree of critical thinking and personal involvement in the work; o Completes all assignments in a timely manner; o Actively participates in class discussions and activities; o Is prompt and consistent in class and school site attendance. A letter grade of C indicates that the student o Demonstrates a adequate knowledge of the subject matter as evidenced by 10 Mastery, 8 Proficient, 4 Basic, 0 Emergent on PK 3 standards; o Submits work that evidences some weakness in content, organization, personal involvement or critical awareness; o Completes all assignments in a timely manner; o Takes part in class discussions; o Attends class and school site regularly; is usually on time. A letter grade of D indicates that the student: o Demonstrates a minimal knowledge of the subject matter as evidenced by 11 Proficient, 7 Basic, 4 Emergent on PK3 standards; o Is not consistent in turning in class assignments; o Does not contribute in a positive way to class discussions or activities; o Does not attend class or school site regularly; is often late. A letter grade of F indicates that the student: o Demonstrates weak or unsatisfactory knowledge of subject matter as evidenced by less than 30% (6) proficient on PK3 standards; o Fails to comprehend class assignments o Does not contribute to class discussions or activities; o Is frequently absent from class or school site.
Recommended Grade: A