6 minute read
Sorrento Health
(Continued from page 20) Don't pull them out unless somehow the object is interfering with your breathing. Pulling the object out can damage internal structures as well as make the bleeding worse. Call 911. Stabilize the object by placing towels or something similar around it to limit movement.
Treating your wound at home? Keep your eye on the healing process to make sure it doesn't become infected. If the surrounding area is swollen and red, if it is throbbing, warm to touch or it is oozing pus, then it is infected. Hopefully you catch it early on and can just apply some antibiotic ointment like Polysporin.
Now that you've read a bit and hopefully been reminded of your wound care skills, how about going and cleaning that mud room?
PS: Your friendly South Shuswap First Responders will gladly drop all their mud room cleaning and other chores to come and assist with any medical emergencies that 911 dispatch calls us out to. These days of COVID, we aren't getting called to go to attend some of the minor ones so we might not see you unless you are calling 911 for something major. If we do show up, you'll know it's us from more than the green first responder license plate on our vehicle. We will be wearing a mask, a gown, gloves and maybe a face shield - just trying to keep everyone safe.
What`s the SCOOP in your neck of the woods? Let us know! shuswapscoop@gmail.com 250.463.2611
Flu Shots Sorrento and Area Community Health
By Marilyn Clark
As if having COVID-19 around isn't enough, we have now also entered flu season – likely a good time to have a flu shot. This year, rather than having "flu clinics", people must make an appointment for a flu shot – whether at your family physician, local pharmacy or at either the Chase or Salmon Arm Health Clinics. Interior Health is prioritizing their appointments for children 12 years and younger and their immediate family members along with clients with health conditions.
The people at the greatest risk of influenza related complications are adults and children with underlying health conditions, residents of nursing homes and other chronic care facilities, people 65 years of age and older, children under 60 months of age, pregnant women, and Aboriginal peoples.
Interior Health recommends everyone get a flu shot. It is important to get one every year as the strains change from year to year and you want to be protected against the strains anticipated this fall and winter.
The following classes of people are eligible to receive free flu shots: 1. People at high risk • Aged 65 years and older • Residents of long-term care facilities • With chronic health conditions: • Children and adolescents (6 months to 18 years of age) with conditions treated for long periods with acetylsalicylic acid • Children and adults who are morbidly obese • Indigenous peoples (on and off reserve) • Healthy children 6 to 59 months of age • Pregnant women • Inmates of provincial correctional institutions • People working with live poultry 2. People capable of transmitting influenza to those at high risk: • All health care workers who come into contact with patients • Visitors to health care facilities and other patient care locations • Household contacts (including children) of people at high risk 3. People who provide essential community services: • First responders: police, fire fighters, ambulance • Corrections workers.
On a lighter note, we are having discussions with a licensed acupuncturist to provide care within our Health Centre and will promote that widely when we can confirm. Please make a note of our new phone number at the Health Centre, 250 675-2167.
As Bonnie Henry says: "Be kind, be calm and be safe!" Do what you can do to be as healthy as you can be!
Taste of the Shuswap Features Jack Sam’s at Quaaout Lodge
By Margaret McCormick time as Chef Whittaker and his talented team have created several Authentic Experience Consulting unique feasting selections. Returning this year is the Taste! Din-
Taste of the Shuswap is delighted to make your acquaintance. ner Series, a reserved event featuring five very special courses We are Margaret and Nigel, transplants from the lower and wine pairings showcasing a different local winery or brewmainland corporate world now living our dream in Ea- ery. From what we saw about their event Taste! Of Autumn, gle Bay on beautiful Shuswap Lake. Over the past the kitchen is outdoing itself so if you are interested keep four years we have been discovering local and de- an eye on their social media accounts @QuaaoutLodge as licious culinary experiences and Taste of the Shus- these tickets go fast! wap was born out of a desire to support so many won- New this year, Chef is offering a special three course dinner derful local businesses. We look forward to sharing them menu every Saturday and Sunday night. We had a wonderful with you. meal of turkey and all the fixings during Thanksgiving weekend
For our first column we and the following weekend featured want to share an experience that sablefish. At $45 for all three coursmany of you may be thinking es it was very affordable, and we about as our summer is really took advantage of the $20 add-on and truly over and that means local wine tasting too. Chef tells me that some of our favourite patio that he usually decides what he will restaurants have, like the bears, feature on Friday morning when his gone into hibernation. We miss fresh farm orders arrive. Can’t get you Finz and Bayside! fresher than that!
Lucky for us, we have other We love Jack Sam’s for many reafabulous dining experiences sons but especially because Chef right here in our own back yard Whittaker and his staff exemplify to tide us over through the win- what we believe makes cuisine in the ter. If you haven’t been to Jack Shuswap so special which is an emSam’s at Quaaout Lodge recently then perhaps this is the Venison Beef Wellington and Poached Wild Spring Salmon. Photos credit: Jodi Shakespeare from Tapped Events phasis on the freshest high-quality ingredients and locally inspired culinary traditions. Chef is always introducing partnerships with local farmers and you may find a new local food source yourself. When we tasted the tomato broth featuring Spotted Moose Farm tomatoes, we just had to find some for ourselves. Since moving to the Shuswap, we have been heartened by the support that our local businesses give each other. Case in point is the photo featured in this article from a local entrepreneur Tapped Events (@Tapped.Events on IG) who shared their Taste! dining experience on their social media account. Now more than ever we all need to support our local businesses and we at Taste of the Shuswap will be doing just that in future articles. You can find Taste of the Shuswap on Instagram @TasteoftheShuswap and on our website www.TasteoftheShuswap.ca. Please follow along with us!