FIFTY+SA Issue 05

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50 Years, Lee’s Taekwondo FIFTY+SA, 1st Anniversary Issue

Food + Wine + Art + Travel + Wellbeing


South Australian of the Year, Tim Jarvis

Nov - Feb


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Spend Spend more more time time enjoying enjoying life life “My “Mymother motherwas wasabout abouttotogo gofor foraa shoulder shoulderoperation, operation,and andsomeone someone suggested suggestedhaving havingher herassessed, assessed, because becauseshe shemight mightbe beable abletotouse useaa home homecare carepackage packagetotohelp helpwith withher her rehabilitation rehabilitation(at (atthe thegym). gym).I Ihadn’t hadn’t even eventhought thoughtofofthat thatpossibility! possibility! With Withthe thesupport supportofofECH, ECH,we wemade madeitit happen.” happen.” ––Alex Alex

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Tom Archontidis

Tim Jarvis AM

Charlotte Chambers

@timjarvisam @forktreeproject

EDITOR Olivia Williams


PHOTOGRAPHER Claudio Raschella

DESIGNER As Fifty+SA celebrates its first anniversary, it’s a fitting time to look back at a

Nicole Jesenko



Opinions expressed by the

Katie Brown

author are not necessarily

year dedicated to creating a publication that not only celebrates the cultural, artistic, and historical wealth of South Australia, but also honours the profound significance of lived experiences. those of the publisher.

Our launch issue saw the commemoration of The State Theatre Company’s fiftieth anniversary,

Whilst all care is taken,

where we had the privilege of sitting down with Artistic Director Mitchell Butel, whose passion for the

EDITORIAL CONTRIBUTORS the publisher accepts

performing arts has continued to shape the cultural identity of our state. His vision left us with a lot to be

Paul Kitching

no responsibility for any

excited about for the future of theatre in South Australia.

Jacqui Lim

errors or omissions.

Nick Stock

Throughout the year, we’ve introduced you to key creative figures contributing to all that is great about

Larissa Sewell

Fifty+SA is a team effort

our state, including Ruth Mackenzie, the Artistic Director of the Adelaide Festival, David Gaimster,

Dave Bradley

and if you have any

Director of the South Australian Museum, Ian Steele, founder of Kickstart For Kids, and Mr. Nick

Louise Hewitson

suggestions or questions

Chapley, the driving force behind Adelaide’s Finest Supermarkets. We’ve also looked at the impactful

Matthew Pantelis

we would love to hear

work of the South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute (SAHMRI), committed to improving

Kate Holland

from you.

community health and wellbeing. Fifty years of the Adelaide Festival Centre was another milestone which saw the pages of Fifty+SA graced with artistic triumphs, cultural diversity, and the enduring


impact of this iconic institution.

Fifty+SA has also been lucky to share the expertise of Food Editor Mandy Hall, who has given us an

Never miss a beat, subscribe to our weekly

exclusive “access all areas” look at the state’s finest dining experiences. Mandy’s discerning palate and

newsletter -

her ability to capture the essence of each culinary adventure have offered a tasting plate of all there is to share in South Australia’s food scene. As the perfect accompaniment, Nick Stock our Wine Editor has

We would like to acknowledge the Kaurna people as the

shared with us some of his top drops and rare insights into his career as a wine critic. And just in case

custodians of the lands and waters of the Adelaide region.

you’d like a show with your dinner and drinks, consummate entertainment expert Paul Kitching has kept us updated on the year’s most high profile events in his column, Let PK Entertain You. We’ve also had

Thank you to our publishing partners:

the privilege of featuring insights and perspectives from a line-up of well known South Aussie faces, including Jacqui Lim, Jane Reilly and Graham Cornes and the team at FIVEaa, among others. As we raise a toast to our first anniversary, we express our gratitude to all who have supported us on the adventure so far. Together, we will continue to embrace the wisdom of age, celebrate the beauty of maturity, and explore the boundless possibilities that life offers beyond fifty. 1,964kg

Tom Archontidis, Publisher

CO2 saved on this project FI FT Y+ S A


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Shining a light on Scott Hicks

Film Memorabilia Collection at The State Library of SA The State Library of South Australia is set to become the proud custodian of Australian Film Director Scott Hicks’ extraordinary collection of film memorabilia, marking a significant cultural acquisition for the institution. Hicks' donation includes a fascinating array of items like original film scripts, props, running sheets, and award submissions, offering a unique glimpse into the world of filmmaking. Among the standout pieces in the collection are a facsimile from the iconic Steven Spielberg congratulating Hicks on his Academy Award nomination for Shine (1996) and a captivating oil painting portrait of the director by acclaimed artist David Bromley. These, along with

The Scott Hicks archive is a testament to the life and work of one of Australia's most influential filmmakers, spanning the late 20th century to the 21st century. The library's team has meticulously processed, digitised, and preserved countless hours of never-beforeseen film material. This includes actors' screen tests, daily rushes, and more, providing an invaluable resource for film students, cultural historians, and the broader South Australian community.

thousands of other items, will become part of the State Library's diverse collection, adding a layer of cultural richness to its treasures. Geoff Strempel, Director of the State Library of South Australia, commented on the acquisition, stating, “Scott Hicks’ outstanding film work is synonymous with South Australia, and it is only fitting that these culturally significant film items are now part of the State Library’s diverse collection.”

Milk on Tap

Hicks' two new films, The Musical Mind and My Name's Ben Folds – I Play Piano, are set to have their world premieres at the upcoming Adelaide Film Festival. The event coincides with the public display of selected items from the Scott Hicks collection at the State Library. The inclusion of his memorabilia will undoubtedly serve as an inspiring resource for future filmmakers and enthusiasts, offering a window into the art and craft of filmmaking.

Hicks expressed his gratitude for the State Library's commitment to preserving his personal archive. He explained, “I seem to have thrown nothing away. It’s fascinating to think it may now be useful for future filmmakers and others to contemplate and learn from.” “South Australia is where I got my start in the film industry and remained my home base throughout my Hollywood career following the success of Shine. I’m deeply honoured to see my personal archive in the careful hands of the State Library of South Australia.” He went on to say he hopes the collection can create a portal into the art, the craft and the sheer heavy lifting of filmmaking. “It spans the end of the celluloid era into the digital domain of the present. I do hope a new generation of filmmakers can find inspiration in it, or simply fascination with the processes of a pre-digital generation,” he said.

State Library of South Australia North Terrace, Adelaide


In a bid to combat plastic waste, Fleurieu Milk Company is winding back the clock, and bringing back milk in glass bottles. That’s right, the much-loved farm fresh product is now available on tap

Fleurieu Milk Company's Sustainable Solution

from a growing number of markets, cafes and supermarkets around South Australia. “We have for quite a few years been trying to work out a way to bring back the glass bottle and create a more sustainable way of processing,” says Fleurieu Milk Company General Manager, Nick Hutchinson. “You hear a lot of stories about how families used to have glass milk bottles delivered, and the glass milk bottles for breakfast at school, but obviously the world moves forward,” Nick says. Fleurieu Milk Company is proud as punch to offer a new solution to customers looking to reduce their environmental footprint and the amount of plastics they bring into their home. Did you know, one plastic bottle can take up to 450 years to break down? However, through this game-changing new refillable milk bottle program, one 18-litre keg of milk will eliminate nine two-litre plastic bottles. And, over the lifetime of one keg, Fleurieu Milk customers will eliminate the need for 7000 single use plastic bottles (around 300 kg worth)! So that’s less energy and fossil fuels going toward manufacturing plastic, and less plastic ending up in landfill and in our oceans. Bottles can be refilled at the Willunga Farmers’ Market, Adelaide Showground Farmers’ Market and the Central Markets, Fleurieu Milk’s factory door, selected

Drakes supermarkets, and a growing list of suppliers across

From protecting the clean, green and pristine farmland on the Fleurieu Peninsula where our cows graze, to simple choices we can make at home to lessen our impact on the world around us – conservation of our environment is something we as a business and as community members, are committed to.

- Fleurieu Milk Company General Manager,

Nick Hutchinson

Adelaide and greater South Australia.

HOW DOES IT WORK? 1. Make a one-off purchase of an approved one-litre glass bottle at one of our supply points. 2. Fill it up with the Fleurieu Milk you know and love, available on tap. 3. Go home and enjoy your farm-fresh milk. 4. Wash the bottle once empty. 5. Bring it back into your local supplier, and repeat! 6

To find your closeest refill station head to:






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Adelaide Polo Classic 2023 Where sport meets style in the heart of Adelaide December 15-16, 2023 The Essence of Polo A day at the Polo Classic is a oneof-a-kind experience, seamlessly intertwining elements of a competitive sporting event, the thrill of live thoroughbred horses, refined hospitality, and haute couture fashion. This year, the South Australian Polo Association is poised to elevate the Adelaide Polo Classic to new heights, featuring two polo matches, showcasing the nation's top talent. What makes this event truly unique is the 20/20-style polo format. The playing field, though reduced in size, ignites the spirit of the game and is designed to maximise crowd engagement. With shorter quarters and heightened speed, every moment promises non-stop excitement and atmosphere.

Set against the panoramic backdrop of Adelaide's CBD, the Adelaide Polo Classic 2023 is an exhilarating two-day event that promises to deliver an unforgettable blend of sport, style, and South Australian hospitality. A Showcase of South Australia More than a sporting spectacle, the Adelaide Polo Classic is a celebration of South Australia's finest offerings. The event invites you to explore the state's renowned wineries, savour delicious cuisine, and enjoy the unparalleled atmosphere, both on and off the pitch. Imagine enjoying a glass of South Australia's best wine, watching exciting polo matches, and experiencing a touch of haute couture on the field. The Adelaide Polo Classic 2023 is where sport, style and the spirit of our state comes together.

Tickets on sale now. Ellis Park – Tampawardli – City West

wild year

Gift a

with a Zoos SA

membership! annual

365 days of unlimited entry to Adelaide Zoo, Monarto Safari Park and most major Australian Zoos! Family and concession memberships available



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Louise Hewitson,

Owner/Buyer, Denim Iniquity Established in 1982, fashion is in Louise’s blood. Denim iniquity has a well curated selection of designer collections from around the globe. Living the best of both worlds, fashion and wine (Hewitson Wines) Louise is lucky enough to travel for work. These trips are inspirational for buying, offering trends and international style that she can share in Adelaide.

New Season Trends Spring is upon us and we’re seeing a major change in silhouettes. Softer, wider legs paired with oversized blazers seem to be the direction people are now taking for effortless style. The Anine Bing Carrie pant is our current fave this season. A crisp, man-style shirt with relaxed pants and a high quality designer belt is the look we’re seeing at the moment. This, finished off with a blazer and ballet flats is spring style at its finest. Gone are the days of mixing gold and silver jewellery to be considered fashion suicide. Mixing metals is 2023’s jewellery trend we can all embrace.

Unique and Boutique Eyewear

Wardrobe Staples ANINE BING KAIA



Buy less, but better quality. It doesn’t matter how little there is in your wardrobe, if it includes the key staples that you’ll reach for again and again then this is all you need. The trick however, is to invest in high-quality pieces to ensure they last. Always remember, quality never goes out of style!! • Cashmere knit (can be worn as a jumper or knotted around the neck as a scarf) • Blazer (worn slightly oversized) • Trench coat (the ultimate wardrobe hero) • Jeans/Pants (think straighter legs) • White cotton shirt (borrowed from the boys)


Be uniquely you. After all, no one else can be. That’s the philosophy followed by the store teams at Optical by National Pharmacies. Our Optical Dispensers are infamously dubbed ‘Style Experts’, as the unofficial title more accurately describes their day-to-day activities.




The Elusive Miss Lou SKU 40090414


Optical by National Pharmacies has all your tried and true staple brands including Prada, Tiffany, Burberry and Dolce & Gabbana, but stores like Glenunga and Cumberland Park additionally feature a more boutique range.


Struktur SKU 40090268

“Coco Song, Lafont, The Elusive Miss Lou, Talla and many more – we have some fascinating frames available in stores and there’s always a story behind them.”


Whether you’re a Prada purist or looking for something a little different, the Optical by National Pharmacies Style Experts believe your glasses shouldn’t only help you see, but be seen as well. Come and have your sight – and style – checked out today.


1. When wearing oversized jackets/blazers, be sure to cuff the sleeves and show some wrist/arms. You will own this look and feel less like you’re drowning in these more oversized silhouettes. 2. People are now embracing “quiet luxury”. It’s less about the brands and more about layers and textures. Wear a simple tank with an open shirt over the top and a knit over your shoulders. This adds texture to what is otherwise a simple outfit and achieves the “effortless, yet luxe” look that we all aim for. 3. Think about your shoe choice and how it contrasts with your outfit. For example, pair a chunky sandal with a feminine dress, sneakers with a tailored suit or feminine heels with relaxed jeans. This helps to dress up a casual outfit and vice versa. 4. Don’t forget the details. The ultimate finishes to any look are always going to be your belt, bag, jewellery and sunnies. These accessories elevate even the most casual outfits, so don’t forget them! 5. When you want to step it up a notch with comfort still in mind, think ballet flats and loafers. These are the shoes of the season and they’re worth investing in.


Experienced Optical Dispensers Yuji (Norwood) and Elizabeth (Cumberland Park) are two of the many Style Experts offering their advice to fashion fanatics in Optical by National Pharmacies stores across the state. To them, it’s not about pushing the most popular or trending frames, but finding the right look for the individual.

“If I can help someone step outside of their comfort zone, they can end up with something really special that compliments their own personal style,” Yuji said.

5 Valuable Styling Tips for Mature Women

Denim Iniquity 142 King William Rd, Hyde Park | @deniminiquity


See the range in-store or online at: today. Prada SKU 40091457

Yuji - Norwood


Longchamp SKU 40076598

Elizabeth - Cumberland Park

$1,100 10

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Discover the heart of volunteering at Zoos SA

What inspired you to become a volunteer at Adelaide Zoo? Being challenged by a grandchild to become a guide

A Celebration of Heritage R.M.Williams' Adelaide Flagship Store

because I could talk a lot! But over time, my motivation

As a conservation charity, Zoos SA relies on the invaluable contributions of its volunteers. These important people play a pivotal role in advancing the zoo’s mission, which is twofold: to connect visitors with the wonders of the natural world and to work tirelessly to protect species from the brink of extinction. We spoke with two of the passionate individuals who dedicate their time to make a difference in the world of conservation and wildlife education at Adelaide Zoo and Monarto Safari Park.

has moved to support an organisation I truly respect in so many areas. I love making connections with our Elizabeth Crawley Adelaide Zoo Volunteer

visitors and leading them to discover ways to support our goals of connecting with nature and saving species.

How has your involvement at Zoos SA fostered a stronger connection with the local community or the broader

Founded back in 1932 amid the rugged beauty of South Australia's Flinders Ranges, this Adelaide store holds a special place in the heart of the brand. The legendary R.M.Williams workshop, where many of the brand's iconic footwear, apparel, and accessories are meticulously crafted, remains right here in Salisbury.

conservation community? The connections made with other volunteers for Zoos

What inspired you to become a volunteer at Monarto

SA, increase the feeling of belonging to a community with

Safari Park?

a great sense of purpose. There are many opportunities

I moved from England to Adelaide 18 years ago and joined as

to discuss conservation work, other volunteering areas, other

a way to get involved in the community and to meet people.

passions apart from conservation, and to support each other in those roles.

I’ve always been involved in volunteering and then wanted to Deb Jakes Monarto Safari Park Volunteer

R.M.Williams has just opened its doors at Rundle Place for a new shopping experience, marking its second collaboration with renowned Australian designers ACRD. This store is a tribute to craftsmanship, honouring the brand's illustrious history of artisanal excellence and local pride, with unique features and contributions from some of Australia's most innovative creatives.

For those considering volunteering, what advice or insights would you share

do something that I knew I couldn’t do anywhere else.

about the rewards of this experience?

Can you describe a typical day as a volunteer at Zoos SA?

Rewards are many; joy of connection, respect, responsibility, a feeling of truly

No day is ever truly the same as it depends on the animals and on our visitors! I

contributing to society and conservation, and many friendships.

Spanning a generous 227 square meters, the store offers dedicated sections for each product category, paying homage to Australia's rich heritage of craftsmanship. The focal point is a gracefully curved boot wall, inspired by the shape of a boot's heel, showcasing the brand's renowned collection of handcrafted leather boots.

welcome and assist with information hut, visitor experience, doing a handful of bus tour loops. Generally being an ambassador for the park, and always with a smile! My

Do you have a favourite animal you could tell us about?

day is full of engaging with the public, it’s a busy day but so rewarding!

Spotted hyenas for sure! Smart, strong, resilient but often considered in a negative light. They remind me that believing the current popular view of a group or an

For those considering volunteering, what advice or insights would you share

The store also features bespoke seating, creating a relaxed atmosphere where customers can enjoy personalised fittings for their very own pair of RMs.

individual can be unfair. Look closer! Look for the good!

about the rewards and challenges of this experience?

R.M.Williams Rundle Place Shop G29, Rundle Place, 77-91 Rundle Mall, Adelaide.

Adelaide Zoo | Monarto Safari Park | @zoossa

If anyone is considering it, I would tell them to enquire, come out and observe, and understand what’s expected. Stick at it, there’s a lot to learn but it’s very worthwhile. Every time we put on our shirts we feel privileged to be part of ZoosSA.



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Franz Josef Milford Sound Te Anau

Kakadu Darwin National Park Katherine Litchfield National Park


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Terms & Conditions: ^Advertised price based on 3 July 2024 departure. A supplement will apply for travel outside these dates. Prices are per person twin share. Prices correct at 17.10.2023. Subject to availability. Airfares, hotels & transfers are additional unless otherwise stated. Cancellation fees apply. IMPORTANT NOTE: While every effort will be made to adhere to the schedules outlined in the itinerary, please note all stops & sights outlined are subject to change, substitution or alteration for reasons of passenger safety & reasons beyond our control. For full terms & conditions contact Holidays of Australia & the World. E&OE.- HA7447



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Q: Paint us a picture of Tim Jarvis as a child. Was it always obvious that you would become an adventurer and planetary caretaker? A: My passion for adventure and sustainability started as a young child growing up in Malaysia in the 70s. I then went to a school that espoused the principles of ‘learning by doing’ and getting outdoors, (UWCSEA) in Singapore. It gave me self-confidence from needing to think on my feet and make decisions. I also developed a love of nature that has continued into adulthood. The longer I’ve gone on, the more I’ve come to realise how under threat the natural world is from our behaviour and conscious indifference. My journeys to the polar regions over the past 25 years have really focused my mind given how fragile and susceptible to pollution and climate change these regions are. Not only do I feel compelled to act, but I feel if I didn’t use the opportunity my expeditions, media coverage and work afforded me it would be an unforgivable wasted opportunity.

Q: What brought you to Adelaide? John Rymill, Sir Douglas Mawson and Sir Hubert Wilkins – three of the famous pioneers of Antarctic exploration from Australia – were all South Australian. Did that play a part? A: No, I actually came to South Australia as an environmental scientist looking at the health of

“I think the key message is that nature will find a way. All we have to do is give it a chance and it will come roaring back. But this does require effort on our part.”

the Murray-Darling river system. The work was here because the Murray mouth is here. We, as South Australians, are reliant on all the other states upstream doing the right thing for our water supply and the health of our environment, so it’s a very emotive issue. I’d done several Arctic trips before I arrived in Adelaide. Once I got here I immediately became aware of South Australia’s proud polar legacy (particularly in Antarctica) and the incredible journeys of Douglas Mawson, Hubert Wilkins and John Rymill. This led me to undertake a journey in Antarctica in 2006 using the same period clothing, equipment and starvation rations as Mawson had on his 1913 journey, to honour his legacy. South Australia has been producing this adventurous can-do attitude in people for many years and it continues to this day with many exceptional men and women doing work in a whole range of fields.

Q: You are lauded for re-creating both Douglas Mawson and Shackleton’s Antarctic expeditions true to their experience and not only surviving but applying what you learned to educate the world about the urgent need to find practical solutions to climate change. Can you give some examples and demonstrate how they helped with your crossover from adventurer to conservationist? A: In the first instance, I think in many people’s minds, melting Antarctic ice is the litmus paper

Tim Jarvis AM Environmental Warrior

showing us how climate change is impacting the planet. Telling stories about these journeys gives you immediate agency to talk about and show the effects of climate change. Above and beyond this though, these journeys teach you so much about how we can approach dealing with climate change. This includes lessons learnt from how those early explorers went about things but also the techniques I have learnt from carrying out expeditions myself.

By Kate Holland Photography by Claudio Raschella

Tim Jarvis AM is also a man of many titles. These include explorer, writer, speaker, filmmaker, and passionate environmental advocate. He’s been described by the Australian Museum as an adventurer who never chooses the easy road. Some have been icy cold, in fact. Tim has recreated several Antarctic expeditions without the benefit of modern technology and says they taught him plenty of transferable lessons for tackling global issues like climate change. He’s putting some of them into practice right here in SA.



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Take for example Shackleton’s intuitive understanding of his team members’ different personalities and his ability to tailor his message to each one in a way that resonated. This provides insights into how we can better connect with those whose environmental behaviour we seek to change. His optimism when dealing with problems - ‘difficulties are just things to overcome after all’ - demonstrates how we should measure our effort, control what we can, and strive to remain positive and react and adapt. Even the apocryphal expedition recruitment advert he ran ‘Men wanted for hazardous journey…Safe return doubtful’ is a masterful framing. It inspired a team that was prepared for and rose to the challenges faced. I think we can learn from this and apply it to our battle with existential crises like climate change and biodiversity loss. Expeditions also teach you to break down the enormity of the challenge into bite-sized pieces, celebrate success along the way, and control what you can (acknowledging that you can’t control everything). These are all transferable lessons for how we can approach global issues like climate change.



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Q: How have people (both near and far) responded to Forktree? Are there supporters and/or detractors that you wouldn’t have expected? A: The majority of people are very supportive of what we’re doing. We’re happy to share information and are pretty understated about what we do. We have supporters right across Australia but also from as far afield as the UK, Europe and the US. There are a few detractors who either don’t believe in climate change or don’t see the value of restoring land for nature, but I’m always prepared to engage with them and have a respectful conversation. At the end of the day, almost half of global GDP comes from services nature provides us for free, so we can’t afford to abuse it. (For example, producing the food we eat, cleaning the air we breathe and the water we drink, producing the soil we grow our crops in, pollination services, microbes that break down our waste, pharmaceutical wealth, and the list goes on).

Q: Dialogue around climate change is crowded and certain sectors are either overwhelmed or jaded towards inaction. How do you combat that? A: I think the first thing is to let people know

This needs to be within their means but also within a timeframe that makes sense to them. A politician or CEO normally thinks in three-tofour-year time frames, for example. There’s no point giving them a 20-year plan.

it’s not too late to deal with the issue. This involves getting a balance between showing the resilience of nature as well as the pressures we are subjecting it to. Too positive about prospects for the planet: complacency kicks in. Too negative: people become despondent and feel it’s too late to act.

Finally, we need education around the issue. Once people understand it better, they can make more informed decisions, and this can block out the noise coming from uninformed commentators.

Secondly, you need to remind people that although their contribution may be small, it’s significant. As I mentioned before, a golden rule of successful expeditioning is controlling what you can. In the context of climate change, we need to avoid being overwhelmed or distracted by what others are or aren’t doing. Thirdly, you need to choose language and metrics that suit the person you are trying to engage with or whose behaviour you are seeking to change. There’s no point using things that are too remote or unfamiliar. In the case of encouraging renewables uptake, for example, it doesn’t even have to be a moral argument as the economic case stacks up so well. Pick the path of least resistance! Fourth, we need to clearly explain what that person can do in their domain to make their contribution to solving the problem. FI FT Y+ S A

Q: You are currently working on the Forktree Project, a registered charity striving to return a degraded 133-acre former pastoral property in South Australia’s Fleurieu Peninsula back to nature. What are the goals of this project and what does it involve? A: This is a rewilding project that involves restoring the property by planting tens of thousands of native trees and shrubs, creating valuable habitats for native flora and fauna, and sequestering tens of thousands of tonnes of CO2 over the life of the project to help combat climate change. The Forktree Project has three main goals in addition to the restoration of the footprint of the land itself.

GOAL ONE: To set up a native seed nursery and rare seed orchard to grow native plants for use at Forktree and other Hills and Fleurieu 16

properties. This will help combat biodiversity loss and provide desperately needed native habitat for native flora and fauna. The rare seed orchard involves growing threatened species in a dedicated vermin-proof 1.5ha area for ease of seed harvesting and propagation and as a security population in the wild. The focus is on species that are rare or of significance to First Nations people. It is intended that First Nations land managers will be trained to help run these facilities as part of an educational outreach program and as part of their involvement in the project.

GOAL TWO: To trial innovative sustainable land management and plant husbandry techniques and provide sustainabilitybased guidance to others. This includes ways of calculating both above-ground and soil-based carbon for small/medium-sized rural landowners to reduce the costs of accessing carbon offset funding. We hope this will encourage their participation in land restoration. We’ll also trial innovative irrigation technology in our nursery and seed orchard.

Tim’s Top 5 suggestions for combatting climate change: 1. Use less electricity. It’s the largest contributor to your carbon footprint. 2. Re-think your transport. Cycle or walk to work, take public transport, car-share,

GOAL THREE: To educate the community

fly less for work (getting carbon offsets when you do), and travel locally.

3. Eat less meat and eat local. It’s healthier for you, animals, and the planet. 4. Invest well. Put your super into an ethical fund that doesn’t invest in

about the importance of environmental stewardship, both through the provision of curriculum-specific educational content to schools and the modelling of proactive sustainable practices. Principal target audiences include schools, young people, the local community, and rural landowners. IS S UE 0 5.

environmentally damaging activities.

5. Get involved. Assist a local sustainability project. A slogan to live by: CONSUME LESS, REUSE AND RECYCLE. F IF TY +S A


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“South Australia has been producing this adventurous can-do attitude in people for many years and it continues to this day with many exceptional men and women doing work in a whole range of fields.”

Q: In March this year, you posted a picture of a sapling that was grown in the Forktree Project nursery and left lying on its side in the bush after last year’s tree planting season. The roots had managed to grow out of the pot and into the ground on their own. You described this as ‘amazing resilience’ and commented that where there’s a way nature will find it. Do moments like this give you hope? A: Nature’s resilience always gives me hope. Look at places like Pripyat

Q: What other projects and plans are currently on your agenda? A: I’ve got lots of things on and work best when under a bit of friendly pressure. I’m the founder and presenter of Thin Ice VR – a film project that uses ground-breaking VR to show climate change in Antarctica (winner Best VR film at Cannes and LA Film Festivals 2022). I also work with The Pew Foundation and Australian Marine Conservation Society on marine conservation issues and was instrumental in helping secure the 475,000km2 Macquarie Island Marine Sanctuary declared by Minister Plibersek in July this year. We are now turning our attention to Australia’s other two subantarctic islands - Heard and McDonald Islands - and aiming for the protection of the oceans surrounding these islands too.

which has recovered from the effects of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, the Alaskan wilderness that bounced back from the Exxon Valdez disaster in 1989, or the recovery that is steadily occurring on KI since the devastating 2019 fires. The fact that nature continues to survive despite our best efforts to destroy it with overconsumption and fossil fuel emissions is amazing.

I also raise awareness of climate change via my 25Zero project and the plight of the world’s melting equatorial glaciers. It involves climbing all those mountains at the equator that have a glacier. I’ve done 16 out of 25 so far.

I think the key message is that nature will find a way. All we have to do is give it a chance and it will come roaring back. But this does require effort on our part. We need to stop making things worse by decarbonising our lives. Plus, we need to rehabilitate and regenerate nature by proactive acts of restoration to sequester CO2. Both are needed to combat the effects of climate change as carbon dioxide has a 200-year life in the atmosphere.

Tim doesn’t only refuse to take the easy road. He tackles many of them at a time. The planet is no doubt grateful.

We also must be careful not to overstate nature’s resilience or people will get complacent and feel they can simply sit back and let nature do all the work.

How to follow Tim’s adventures or get in touch: | @timjarvisam | @forktreeproject | FI FT Y+ S A

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BUILDING DREAMS An Inside Look at Normus Homes' 30-Year Legacy of Excellence

More than just bricks and mortar, a custombuilt home embodies individuality, reflects personal dreams, and ultimately transforms into a unique sanctuary where every detail reflects the homeowner's vision— a vision brought to life by the expertise and craftsmanship of Normus Homes.

Clayton Hunt Normus Homes, Managing Director

Q: Could you share how Normus Homes' strong foundation contributes to client satisfaction and project success? A: At Normus Homes, we have a proven track record of success, built over 30 years. This success is the result of our heritage, reputation, workplace culture, strong financial foundation, and long-standing partnerships with high-quality suppliers and tradespeople. Consistently receiving a 'Category A' rating for our building indemnity insurance, the highest and most stringent rating, is a testament to the strong protection we offer for our clients and projects. To add to that, in 2022 we won the title of the Housing Industry Association’s (HIA) Professional Medium Builder, which further solidifies our strong foundation. Q: What unique advantages does Normus Homes bring to clients? A: Our philosophy is to provide clients with uncompromised value throughout their building journey. Take, for instance, our Signature Collection, which was developed with this ethos front of mind. It provides flexibility and enables our valued clients to enjoy the selection process without feeling a need to upgrade any inclusions. The Signature Collection is proudly showcased at our display home in Tranmere.

In this conversation, we have the pleasure of sitting down with Clayton Hunt, the visionary Managing Director behind Normus Q: How does Normus Homes ensure Homes, a distinguished name in the South transparency and provide honest Australian custom home building industry. advice throughout the homebuilding process? With a steadfast dedication to excellence A: Ultimately, we treat our valued clients spanning over three decades, Normus how we wish to be treated. We pride Homes, established under Clayton's ourselves on upholding a high level leadership in 1991, has firmly cemented of communication. Our approach is to itself as a premier builder, renowned for empower and educate clients by providing crafting exceptional homes and nurturing honest, transparent and comprehensive unparalleled client satisfaction. advice from the outset. We identify and manage potential issues as early as We explore the solid foundation of Normus possible, improving results and delivery Homes, Clayton's commitment to timewith ease. By offering a “concept to honoured values, as well as the exclusive completion” solution enables us to benefits that clients can anticipate when choosing Normus Homes for their custom identify, discuss and address any issues to building needs. ensure that our clients' homes stand the test of time.

Custom Homes Consultant 0409 888 632 FI FT Y+ S A


“We take pride in the positive word-of-mouth and genuine client testimonials that consistently highlight our exceptional customer service.” Q: How does the “concept to completion” approach benefit clients? A: As a custom home builder, we are in a unique position as we work with our valued clients for an extended period of time, from design, through to construction and post-handover. We develop meaningful and valuable client relationships over this journey. Our “concept to completion” solution provides a convenient, comprehensive and streamlined approach. Starting with a blank canvas enables the best custom designed home outcome, while considering our valued clients’ property, budget, ideas and wish list. This starts with the opportunity to sit down with our Custom Home Designer, listening and learning about how our clients live and what they want from their new custom designed home. All development and council documentation is taken care of by our team and clients are helped by the expertise of selection consultants to guide and support them every step of the way. Site meetings, scheduled at key stages of construction, provide clients with the opportunity to view progress and discuss the next phase and feel involved the whole way through. Upon completion, clients are provided with peace of mind with our extended 12 month ‘NormusCare’ plan where they have direct contact with us for 12 months after handover. Q: How does Normus Homes go the extra mile for its clients? A: Our dedicated team strives to leave a lasting legacy through both our completed homes and exceptional client experiences. With a deliberate focus on quality over quantity, we design and build only a select number of homes each year, allowing our Site Managers to apply their expertise without constraints. We take pride in the positive word-of-mouth and genuine client testimonials that consistently highlight our exceptional customer service. Our unique selling point lies in our collaborative approach, where we work closely with valued clients to transform their dreams into reality. IS S UE 0 5.


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Eighty Eight O’Connell

“They are then surprised by the generously spacious apartments which underline the quality and careful thought that has gone into each and every element of the design.

Where effortless living

“Wellbeing and hospitality have been infused into every aspect of what’s on offer here and that’s what makes it such a compelling proposition – people aren’t just buying a home, they’re buying a highly desirable lifestyle.”

meets an elevated lifestyle In the heart of North Adelaide, one of the most anticipated new addresses is well on its way to creating a level of luxury living not seen before in Adelaide.

That lifestyle includes an array of amenities beyond the confines of the apartments themselves, including a New York inspired skydeck, a fresh produce market from the iconic institution that is Mercato, a wine bar and artisan coffee, integrated wellness studios, sauna, swimming pools and more.

For Michelle Dziego and David Fielding, it was this sense of sanctuary and retreat that drew them in, along with the quality of amenity and the village-style living on offer. The couple has purchased a level 10, two-bedroom apartment, from which they will enjoy incredible views of the Adelaide Hills. However, it was the sense of their lives being completely and perfectly catered to that really cemented the idea to call Eighty Eight O’Connell home.

“Imagine having access to a private outdoor terrace with a 10-metre heated swimming pool and poolside food and beverage service – it’s truly resort style living but for the everyday.

“It’s really going to be like a retreat for us where we can sit back and relax with no pressures.” As keen travellers, the couple are excited about the ease of being able to walk out the door at a moment’s notice – with little to organise and safe in the knowledge their apartment will be exactly as they left it on return. Looking to the future is another benefit that has driven the couple’s decision to purchase an apartment. “Having everything right underneath us as we get older will make life so much more convenient,” Michelle said.

“We have been looking at other properties over the past few years we could invest in, but we’ve always liked the idea of being near the city but not being right in the city,” Michelle said. FI FT Y+ S A

With an east-facing aspect to enjoy each sunrise as it unfolds, Apartment 304 in the Archer tower boasts an oversized terrace balcony which will be perfect for enjoying spectacular parkland views across Lefevre Terrace and beyond to the Adelaide foothills. With two bedrooms and two bathrooms, including a master suite which features a double vanity, Archer 304 places a premium on personal space and luxury amenity. Other apartments are also on offer for those seeking alternative configurations.

“Day-to-day living will be nothing short of incredible,” Georgie said.

“With all the cafés and restaurants along the promenade and with all the facilities in one complex, our lifestyle will be perfectly catered to, both now and in the future.”

Future residents Michelle & David

Feature apartment: Archer 304

“We won’t need to go anywhere else, everything that we will need will be in one central location which is reassuring. We know once we move in this will be our home for life.” Eighty Eight O’Connell currently has the largest two bedroom apartments on offer in Adelaide, providing a sense of space which Director of Sales Georgie Taarnby said complements the sense of easy living. 22

“Wellbeing and hospitality have been infused into every aspect of what’s on offer here and that’s what makes it such a compelling proposition – people aren’t just buying a home, they’re buying a highly desirable lifestyle.” - Georgie Taarnby, Eighty Eight O’Connell

“Many of our purchasers are attracted by the immediate sense of an effortless lifestyle that comes with an Eighty Eight O’Connell home,” she said. IS S UE 0 5.

“When you consider that North Adelaide has long been a highly sought-after suburb and then you add the incredible amenity and lifestyle on offer at Eighty Eight O’Connell, it’s not surprising purchasers such as Michelle and David are choosing to call it home.” Nestled within the North Adelaide skyline, Eighty Eight O’Connell is made up of three distinctive buildings which are currently taking shape. To the north is the Tynte tower; in the middle is the Centenary tower; and to the south is the Archer tower. Each of the buildings boast generously sized apartments and all of them provide access to the ultimate in amenity. Dayto-day living has never looked so good with bespoke culinary experiences, sophisticated retail, a local produce market and embedded health and wellbeing services. Start the day with a walk through the parklands or an energising session in the state-of-the-art gym. Follow it with artisan coffee from Mercato before heading out to enjoy the day. Dinner is then easily taken care of with the choice of dinner in the restaurant or fresh local market produce and quality pre-prepared meals that can be enjoyed in the comfort of your apartment. F IF TY +S A

To become part of this landmark community and discover an elevated lifestyle with a luxury residence of your own, please visit or call Georgie on 0417 852 357. 23

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Many people gather to watch you carve these beach mandalas. How do you feel about the public's interest and engagement with your art? To be honest I’m quite shy so at first the crowds were rather unsettling. However, when I began to focus on creating the sandala rather than my emotions it was fine. Now, I no longer seem to be affected by all the onlookers and I love chatting with people who stop to watch. The locals are so supportive, and they’ve become like a ‘beach family’ to me. Even some of the local dogs run up and drop their balls for me to throw.

Creating Zen on the Shore The Art of Beach Mandalas with Sue Norman Interview by Olivia Williams

Sue Norman is more than just an artist; she's a self-taught creative soul who has found her life's purpose in sharing the transformative power of art and meditation. With over four decades of experience in various artistic mediums, Sue's journey is a testament to the enduring passion and dedication she brings to her work. As a retired counsellor and art therapist, Sue has touched countless lives through her therapeutic guidance. For over 30 years, she has led meditation groups, providing individuals with a path to inner peace and self-discovery. But Sue's talents extend beyond the realm of therapy; she's also a loving mother to two amazing adults, a doting grandmother to four wonderful grandchildren, and a fervent advocate for the positive impact of art on individuals of all ages. In her 'mature' years, Sue has discovered a remarkable synergy between her diverse life experiences, culminating in what she fondly calls 'sandalas.' These intricate creations blend the artistry she honed from a young age, the therapeutic wisdom gained from years of counseling, and the serenity cultivated through decades of meditation. Sue's sandalas are more than just visually stunning; they are a unique tool for personal transformation, offering people of all ages a path to greater calm, balance, and self-awareness. Join us as we chat with Sue about her inspiring journey and explore the world of sandalas, where art, therapy, and meditation converge to create something truly remarkable. FI FT Y+ S A

Can you tell us more about how you first discovered your passion for creating beach mandalas? I’d been living in NZ for a few years and when I moved back to Adelaide, I found my new home by Brighton Beach. I spent my days on the beach while I thought about what I’d like to do next in life. I started doodling in the sand and surprisingly mandalas started to evolve. I loved the meditative feeling I experienced while creating them and as they grew larger, I realised the beach was like a giant canvas. A real draw for an artist! The larger the mandalas grew the more balanced and happy I felt. I also noticed the same effect in people who stopped to watch. When I first started creating sandalas, I was gifting one a week to the community. They were embraced by people of all ages and nationalities. When COVID appeared, the sandalas became the gift to give family when you couldn’t be with them for special occasions. I received commissions from all over the world for over two years and was creating up to five sandalas a week. I felt so honoured to be asked to connect families in this unique way. Working with nature and the elements can be unpredictable. Have you encountered any unexpected challenges while creating your sandalas, and how did you adapt to them? The tides and weather can always be unpredictable even though I study both before heading to the beach. It’s only if there’s a downpour or very high winds that I need to postpone. But that’s only happened a few times. After a storm the 24

beach may be covered in seaweed. I’ll either rake it or find a clear spot. It all just adds to the creativity in the moment.

“In all my years as an art therapist, I’ve never come across any ‘tool’ like the mandala for assisting people of all ages to find a healthier, calmer and more balanced sense of self.” Each beach mandala you create is unique. What factors influence your choice of design for a particular mandala? I’ve created over 600 sandalas during the past 7 years and as you’ve mentioned, each has been unique. I don’t tend to draw inspiration from any specific sources, however when I’m creating, I feel specific designs come to me which are similar to more traditional mandalas. When I’m preparing to create a non-specific sandala, it’s all feeling in the moment and allowing inspiration with no planning or measuring tools. Firstly, I stand on the sand and breathe. I fall into a calm, meditative space and connect to my surrounds. I let my mind go and my imagination blends with the space. The beach is wonderful for allowing inspiration. From that moment I begin to feel the designs and just ‘play’. Because each design is felt and not planned, each round of the mandala stays balanced and circular in shape as it grows to up to 14 metres. IS S UE 0 5.

Sand mandalas are known for their impermanence. How do you feel about the fact that your creations will eventually be washed away by the tide? I enjoy the impermanence of the sandalas. For me, life isn’t meant to be inflexible, it’s meant to be constantly changing and expanding. Some days I wander back in the afternoon to watch the tide draw the sandala into the waves. How does it affect me? I feel the expansion from allowing new potentials. It makes me smile.

Beyond the visual aesthetics, do your beach mandalas hold any deeper meanings or messages that you hope viewers will take away from them? The sandalas are so much more than visual art. The process for both the creator and viewer is naturally meditative. It’s like the process creates a safe space for all to potentially let go of their issues and take time to just be in the moment. The ‘meaning’ of the sandala tends to be different for each person. Like with most art it depends on how deeply a person chooses to feel. Some people watch for part of the creation and others feel the process deeply and stay for the whole process. While at least one person is enjoying and ‘feeling’ the sandalas I’ll continue to create for us both. F IF TY +S A

You have mentioned that you're open to guiding others in creating their own beach mandalas. What is the experience like for those who want to get involved in this artistic process? I love teaching mandala art whether it be on paper, chalking pavements, using organic materials in a garden or on the sand. I’ve never had a tool that balances emotions and inspires imagination as easily as creating a mandala can.

“I stand on the sand and breathe. I fall into a calm, meditative space and connect to my surrounds. I let my mind go and my imagination blends with the space. The beach is wonderful for allowing inspiration.”

I especially love showing others how to create sandalas. There’s a magic point when a person goes ‘off the page’ and creates on an unusually large scale. You can see the obvious freedom in their art and their movements from that point of release. You create beach mandalas both for yourself and by commission. Could you elaborate on the process of creating commissioned mandalas for special occasions like birthdays and weddings? How do you tailor each one to suit the occasion? I greatly enjoy creating commissioned work. It adds a different dimension to the sandalas. Once I’m contacted by a client, we discuss the type of sandala, the occasion and the wording they’d like. If it’s for a birthday I ask about the person’s likes and interests to establish a feel about them. I’ve also created wedding proposals, business logos, and special occasion sandalas. The public seem to particularly enjoy the ANZAC sandalas I do annually. Personally, I particularly enjoy creating memorial sandalas. I enjoy hearing about the person’s life and their passions, achievements and interests. It’s all very personal and I’m honoured to be trusted to bring the families feelings and memories into a meaningful expression. Could you share some insights into your future plans or upcoming projects involving beach mandalas? As an artist who seeks and allows new expressions, there’s always something new on the horizon to expand my artistic passions. There are a few exciting projects that I can’t share yet, so you’ll have to keep an eye on my social media pages.

For Sandala commissions, mandala workshops and personalised art pieces, or to contact Sue: @suenorman.artist 25

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YOU'VE HAD A DIVERSE CAREER SPANNING VARIOUS SECTORS. CAN YOU SHARE SOME EXPERIENCES OR LESSONS THAT HAVE HAD A PROFOUND INFLUENCE ON YOUR JOURNEY? 1. Enrolling at uni for a full-time load for a graduate entry degree three weeks before my first baby was due. The university staffer said it was a full load and I wouldn’t be able to do it. I was shocked. I said, fail me. I passed. 2. Taking time to read poetry because I find the efficiency and precision of poetry really helpful with metaphors, and for shaking me out of my familiar language. I saw Maya Angelou on Sesame Street and then started to read her work. Her poem ‘Still I Rise’ continues to be a go-to when I need a booster shot. 3. Going for a walk on The Burren in the west of Ireland was transformational. For the first time I felt I knew what being on country really meant. 4. Spending time on Adnyamathanha country in the northern Flinders Ranges shifted my understanding and deepened my knowledge. 5. Nothing like becoming a grandmother to kick me into shape to work more on environmental matters and keep my focus on the future.

In conversation with

Moira Were AM Interview by Olivia Williams

The ultimate career pivot Mayor of the City of Onkaparinga, Moira Were AM, is a dedicated advocate for positive change with a deep commitment to creating a more equitable and just society. Moira’s passion for social change is evident in her extensive involvement with women’s groups, her efforts in developing businesses, and her advocacy for children and young people to have a voice in decisions that affect their lives. Deeply rooted in her love for her community, Moira has tirelessly pursued change on multiple fronts, from grassroots initiatives around the kitchen table to influencing policies and strategies at the cabinet table and the board table. Her collaborative spirit shines through as she joins forces with others to drive systemic shifts towards greater equity and justice, not only for the present generation but also for those yet to come. Join us as we find out more about Moira’s journey and discover her vision for a fairer future. CONGRATULATIONS ON BEING APPOINTED AS A MEMBER OF THE ORDER OF AUSTRALIA IN 2019. WHAT HAS THIS RECOGNITION MEANT TO YOU PERSONALLY AND PROFESSIONALLY? It is such an honour. I didn’t know who had put my name forward for a nomination, but eventually worked it out from the groups and individuals I support and enhance through my advocacy.

YOU HAVE BEEN RECOGNISED FOR YOUR OUTSTANDING CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE COMMUNITY. CAN YOU SHARE SOME KEY HIGHLIGHTS OF YOUR PHILANTHROPIC WORK AND COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT? My first foray into the world of volunteering and philanthropic support was as a 15-yearold at the Tea Tree Gully Institute Hall with local bands from the northern suburbs. wSome of those are now household names like John Swann, Cold Chisel and an early version of the Little River Band. Those lessons of organising, raising funds, working with local police to deal with the bikies that would turn up, creating budgets and setting prices for drinks, and working with community leaders has stood me in good stead.

In the beginning I was really embarrassed and didn’t know how to accept the recognition, but I now wear my badge with pride every day as a way of saying to myself—as much as to the public—that my voluntary contributions have been recognised and are valued by my fellow Australians.

I am also delighted to have been a part of national events, as a volunteer leading facilitators, with a representative sample of hundreds of Australians at Old Parliament House. Topics included the Republic, Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal peoples and Muslims and non-Muslims in Australia. The lessons and experiences and partnerships built during the late 90s have served me well.

We all learn from each other — age and experience mentoring go both ways. Having an open mind, being willing to ask questions, curiosity exploring new technologies, ideas and wondering what works well and why from the past never goes astray. FI FT Y+ S A

More recently, my contribution to closing the gender investment gap and supporting the emerging social enterprise sector have been twin pillars in my central commitment to equity. I founded Chooks SA as an online community six years ago and, literally, thousands of women have found jobs, investment, partners, connected ideas, built their own businesses and networks, and tested ideas. In parallel, I am the co-founder of Collab4Good, which is a social enterprise intermediary. With my co-founders, Amy range and Sarah Gun, we have shaped the foundations for successful social enterprise in this state. The federal government has recently invested in our approach to support 30 women transitioning from prison. This is going to be an incredible opportunity to bring to light systems barriers for these women and their tenacity to reach their potential. 26

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TALK TO US ABOUT CHOOKS, THE ONLINE SPACE YOU FOUNDED TO INVEST IN WOMEN ENTREPRENEURS IN SOUTH AUSTRALIA. I was sitting at home caring for my dying husband and had two conversations with young women about being excluded and not being taken seriously in their business ventures. I had the time, so I started researching what was getting in the way for these two women. I discovered the gender investment gap was enormous and clearly structural. Less than 4 percent of capital funding goes to female founders. I started Chooks because I am not a chick and I am offended by the diminishing term around smallness, immaturity and childlikeness of this metaphor—and I like to have a bit of fun. Chooks is for anyone who wants to contribute to closing the gender investment gap. Male membership of the group is around 5 percent. I would be happy with 50 percent. There is an inherent bias in design and the way money flows. We can do better for women and for our economy. Revolving funds like we have in Coralus is one way, using crowdfunding is another, and debt crowdfunding like LendForGood is another. CHOOKS EMPHASISES THE IMPORTANCE OF CONNECTING WOMEN ACROSS GENERATIONS. HOW DOES THIS INTERGENERATIONAL APPROACH BENEFIT THE COMMUNITY? We all learn from each other—age and experience mentoring go both ways. Having an open mind, being willing to ask questions, curiosity exploring new technologies, ideas and wondering what works well and why from the past never goes astray. F IF TY +S A


WHAT INSPIRED YOU TO PURSUE THE ROLE OF MAYOR FOR THE CITY OF ONKAPARINGA, AND WHAT DO YOU FIND MOST FULFILLING ABOUT YOUR POSITION? I felt the planets were aligning. I had decided to close my consulting business in June 2022 with a view to making space to see what would emerge. I was not thinking about local government. Making the space, several friends suggested it and I dismissed it at first, but then thought I should take the invitation from the universe and treat it seriously. In my usual way, I did a bit of research, talked to people close to me, and had a good think about it, tested a few ideas with trusted friends. I could then see it might be a great way to bring all my skills, networks and experience together. I was also concerned about where our city was going. Reputational injuries, a big debt and growing environmental and cultural challenges had already arrived, and there were more on the horizon. I thought I would treat the campaign as a 90-day project and then see what happened. I am deeply honoured by the trust the community has shown in me by voting me in as mayor.

I am loving the role. I enjoy hearing from all parts of the community, especially children and young people. I read stories and sing songs regularly with preschoolers in our libraries and try to get to as many youth events as I can. Citizenship ceremonies are another favourite. Being able to welcome people who have chosen Australia and our city as their home is humbling. We are so lucky to have such a beautiful place and I am getting to know more and more about our landscape and the incredible continuous custodianship of this place by Kaurna for millennia. CAN YOU SHARE SOME OF THE KEY INITIATIVES OR PROJECTS YOU'VE BEEN INVOLVED IN AS MAYOR? I am supporting the creation of a community canopy, planting more trees on private properties so we can keep our city cooler, and increase biodiversity and habitat. I am working on ways we can celebrate and support our young community leaders, through inviting them to participate in council events and encouraging them to step up and step forward when opportunities arise. My focus is increasing community participation in the development of the community plan. I want to hear more voices, not just the loudest ones or the usual suspects. Please get involved and share your aspirations for where you live, so we can find the best pathways to enhance our environment, create jobs, reduce homelessness, build pride of place and in people, respect Kaurna and face the future optimistically together. MOIRA’S FLEURIEU FAVES EAT: • The Little Rickshaw • The Salopian Inn • The Victory

LISTEN: • Nancy Bates • Loren Kate • Surahn Sidhu

DO: • Willunga Farmers Market • Walk in Onkaparinga Gorge • Concert at Aldinga’s Cooee Arthouse 27

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You’ll love living at Newenham

Of Arctic Adventures and Comfy Chairs

Open Space, Fresh Country Air, and a Community to call your own

Are you ready to discover the perfect place for your forever home? Then consider Newenham, a neighbourhood where open space, fresh country air, and a welcoming community are waiting for you. Winner of the Best Residential Development in 2020, here's 5 reasons why you'll fall in love with the idea of calling Newenham home.

By Matthew Pantelis, FIVEaa

Location 1. Perfect Newenham is ideally situated just 30 minutes from Adelaide’s city centre. This means you get to enjoy the best of both worlds: the tranquil beauty of country living and the convenience of the city. You’re also just 2km from the heart of Mount Barker, easily connected by the Newenham linear park and creekside pathway, making Newenham the best located and most accessible estate in all of Mount Barker.

2. Get ready to be impressed by the generously sized premium blocks at Newenham. Spacious Blocks

With beautiful tree-lined streets and stunning homes, you can choose from a variety of allotment sizes and orientations. New allotments have just been released that offer stunning views and are moments away from multiple reserves. To appreciate how spectacular these blocks really are, book a private tour and see them for yourself.

Focused 3. Community Newenham boasts a vibrant and tight-knit community. From events and workshops to a unique street library, you’ll find a diverse and welcoming neighbourhood. Kids can roam freely, exploring nature and enjoying the playground. Kings Baptist Grammar School is only moments away, ensuring a top-tier education. Plus, the Kitchen Farm cafe is your go-to spot for great coffee, delicious treats and community catch-ups, open 7 days a week.

on Your Doorstep 4. Nature Newenham offers plenty of natural open spaces and reserves designed to encourage active lifestyles, with 98% of existing trees preserved and hundreds more planted. The Western Flat Creek flows through Newenham, featuring native vegetation, wetlands, and viewing platforms. The Kitchen Farm will use 8 hectares of land as a productive, natural farm, offering naturally grown seedlings and produce, paddock-to-plate dining experiences and educational workshops.

much to see and do in the Adelaide Hills 5. So Living at Newenham you’ll be close to everything you need for a happy, healthy and active lifestyle in the stunning Adelaide Hills. Discover the region’s finest food and wine at nearby restaurants, wineries, and cellar doors. Explore charming villages like Hahndorf, Stirling, and Woodside or visit Jurlique, known for their world-famous skincare and biodynamic farm.

There's so much to explore at Newenham! If you're interested in securing your family’s future in this beautiful pocket of the Adelaide Hills, come visit the beautifully restored Sales Centre, or call to book a private one on one tour. FI FT Y+ S A


0429 107 497

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I recently watched a flick on the World Movie Channel called Arctic, the story of a 50-plus man stuck in a remote, northern tundra after his small plane crash landed. He was living in the fuselage, catching the occasional fish and dodging polar bears, while trying to get a signal to the outside world. I missed the start and don’t know if he’d upset the Gods in some way because after finally attracting the attention of a nearby helicopter, it was caught in a wind gust on approach and also crash landed, killing the pilot and severely injuring a passenger.

with over two decades of loyal service, is still so reliable, not even the non-stop massacre of would-be Wick assassins from opening to closing credits in 3 identically plotless movies could keep me awake. Or maybe the orgy of death became as repetitive as the colour pink, in Barbie.

“ “

The movie follows the man’s trek over following days, pulling the badly injured woman in a sled towards help through freezing conditions, still dodging polar bears. I won’t spoil the ending for you but I will say after scaling numerous peaks, trekking knee deep through snow while battling blizzards, the effects of frostbite showing on his fingers, surviving a fall through a crevasse and a narrowly missed chance of rescue, he was still very much in the middle of nowhere and at the very end of his endurance. When the credits rolled, I realised I had something very much in common with our hero - the struggle to rise from my recliner. It’s a battle that's become increasingly challenging as the years have gone by but at least I stayed awake throughout the movie, a feat in itself these days.

Several weeks ago I succumbed to a good old fashioned cold, the sort where lethargy overwhelms, the type that leaves your diaphragm sore from coughing too much and enough used tissues spread across the floor to resemble the knee deep snow of Iceland. But it was an opportunity to binge on Netflix and I thought I’d catch up on the John Wick franchise. My old recliner, now F IF TY +S A

I now leap to my feet with the grace of a newly born giraffe taking its first tentative steps in the wild of the living room and this won’t do.

My wife tells me it's time for Recliner 2.0 to come on the scene. The deep red leather tinge of my faithful companion is fading but, ahh, the memories. My boys grew up sitting either side on its wide welcoming arms, watching shows and movies like Thomas the Tank Engine, Pat the Postman (is there a more incompetent mailman?) Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and the Wizard of Oz. They viewed while between them I tolerated and with luck, dozed off. And there's its charm, because there were times when the three of us fell asleep in its safe embrace. But elegantly rising from its leathery depths is becoming increasingly problematic. To put that in less flowery terms, I now leap to my feet with the grace of a newly born giraffe taking its first tentative steps in the wild of the living room and this won’t do. A new recliner may be called for but I 29

scoff at those automated chairs that have people parallel before a setting gently tips them forward out of the slumber position and upright onto their feet. “Those are for OLD people”, I insist, as I flail my way to a standing position. This is generally achieved over 30 or so seconds through a combination of contortion, determination, gymnastics and what any observer would assume is some sort of medical episode. Mindful of my separation anxiety my wife has been trying to gently coax me into trying out replacements over the past few months but my heart isn’t in it and I feel as if I'm cheating on the oldest of friends. Despite ratings for comfort, I'm yet to find a recliner that feels quite as comfortable, with the grooves and springs in the right places. Other, newer models might have their fancy cup holders and electronics but nothing seems as practical and despite price offers and a free collection service, mine isn't going anywhere. Why should it when there's at least another 100 assassins in John Wick 4 to snooze through? No, comfort and rising elegantly be damned, I’ll make my own hazardous trek through an extreme snowfield before the recliner goes and at the end, I’ll need it more than ever. I can hear the leather calling me now, oh gentle sleep! Wake me in 20.

Matthew Pantelis hosts Adelaide’s #1 Evenings Programme, 8pm-Midnight on FIVEaa I S S U E 0 5.

Protecting Your Home

How often do I need a termite inspection? Government guidelines suggest conducting annual termite inspections according to your home's risk level. Given that termite damage isn't covered by home insurance, investing in a $200 inspection is a wise move.

Termite Inspections Explained Spring and summer bring their fair share of pests, but there's one tiny intruder that can spell disaster for your home – termites. When you consider one in five Adelaide homes has experienced a termite outbreak, with an average repair bill of $10,000, it's crucial to prevent them. Termites are the ‘silent destructors’, steadily feeding on the inside of your walls while you are none the wiser. By the time you notice the signs, the damage has usually been done.

Preparing for your inspection Make your inspection as thorough as possible by: • Ensuring easy access to entry and exit points • Moving furniture away from walls • Clearing items in wet areas • Trimming overgrown vegetation • Storing wood away from your house How we detect termites First we conduct a physical inspection of your property to check for damage and entry points. Then we search for hidden termite activity using specialised equipment, including borescopes, sounding tools, moisture metres and movement detectors.

Your best defence? An annual termite inspection While you may notice many newer homes have termite barriers, they aren't foolproof. To keep your home termite-free, it’s critical to get an inspection from a licensed professional, as these experts are trained to spot early signs of termite trouble.

Stay vigilant To protect your home and wallet from a termite attack, annual inspections are essential. Allstate's licensed inspectors use specialised equipment, offer safe treatments, and provide a 100% moneyback guarantee.

Treating a termite outbreak If we detect termites, we will provide a custom treatment plan. Options may include: • Premise Treated Zones, which confuses termites, making them vulnerable to deadly diseases • Sentricon® Always Active™, which disrupts termite growth and development and prevents future infestations While toxic for termites, our treatments are safe for humans and the environment.

We’re passionate about educating South Australians on living pest-free. Scan the QR code to read our full guide on termites. Allstate Pest Control is Adelaide’s leading family-owned pest control company. We protect homes and businesses with pest control services across greater Adelaide.

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The iconic cheesegrater building opened in November 2013.


Great Things At the SAHMRI ‘Cheesegrater’ on North Terrace, we’re celebrating ten great years of health and medical research. Adelaide’s brightest minds are researching dementia, endometriosis, spinal cord injury, and cancer to name a few. Read more about how we’re working to cure disease and save lives.

A Decade of Progress: Celebrating Ten Years of SAHMRI

At SAHMRI we don’t grate cheese, we do great things.

In the heart of Adelaide, a beacon of scientific excellence and healthcare innovation has been shining brightly for a decade.

S A H M R I .O R G . AU

The South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute (SAHMRI), affectionately known as the 'Cheesegrater', is celebrating 10-years of pioneering research and marquee discoveries that continue to profoundly impact health and well-being globally.

More than 700 researchers are working tirelessly under the one roof to improve quality of life for all ages and demographics. The institute's unique capacity for interdisciplinary teamwork facilitates extraordinary progress,

leading to the development of new cancer therapies, innovative disease prevention strategies and gamechanging approaches to managing chronic conditions.

Established in 2013, SAHMRI was founded with the vision of fostering collaboration between researchers, clinicians and healthcare providers to drive advances in health and medical research. Since its inception, SAHMRI has consistently delivered on its mission, with its exports spanning a diverse array of fields, divided across four main themes, Precision Cancer Medicine, Women and Kids, Aboriginal Health and Lifelong Health. FI FT Y+ S A


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Ann Pietsch was busy at her regular job in her local council office where she'd been working for years, when she first realised something wasn't right.

SAHMRI’s iconic building, with its striking architectural design, houses state-of-the-art laboratories equipped with the latest technology. These facilities attract some of the world’s best scientists, who nurture future generations, ensuring that SAHMRI remains at the forefront of medical research.

"Suddenly I was unable to do the tasks I'd always done with ease. I couldn't stay focused and I kept forgetting things from one meeting to the next," Ann said.

SAHMRI recognises the importance of engaging with the community and educating the next generation of scientists and healthcare professionals. Over the years, the institute has organised countless public events, workshops, and educational programs, fostering a deep connection between the institute and the broader community.

At home, things were getting harder too. Ann would forget the flour when baking a cake and find herself confused by simple tasks like hanging out the washing. As these little mishaps became more regular, her family and colleagues took notice and soon there was little doubt something was happening to Ann.

As SAHMRI celebrates its 10-year anniversary, it does so with an eye toward the future. As SAHMRI looks to the future, it does so with boundless optimism and a dedication to making the world a healthier and happier place for all. The institute’s commitment to advancing healthcare and medical research remains steadfast. It continues to attract world-class talent, secure significant research funding and collaborate with global partners to tackle some of the most pressing health challenges of our time. If you’re interested in learning more about SAHMRI, you’re invited to experience first-hand what the institute has to offer. A Window on SAHMRI Open Day is on Sunday, 26 November from 10am. Tour the one-of-a-kind building, speak to scientists about their latest research and find out how you can be part of the SAHMRI community. For more information:

Your gift will help change a life SAHMRI is South Australia's world-class independent not-for-profit health and medical research institute, but we can’t do what we do without you. We rely on the support of Australians to fund our lifechanging work.

"I've got a background in nursing and have spent a lot of time with people who had dementia, so I had an understanding of what might be happening to me, but that didn't make it any less scary." Ann didn't waste any time going to see her doctor, who confirmed her fears that she had dementia, changing her life forever. While Ann knew her memory was fading, her drive and passion has remained. A decade has now passed since her diagnosis, and she's been a dedicated advocate ever since. Sharing her experience to raise awareness about the reality of living with the condition, inspire hope and emphasise the importance of research.

Ann's a big proponent for personcentred care and optimistic about the search for answers. "I'm so grateful to organisations like SAHMRI that treat dementia as a challenge to be met, not a life sentence to pity." "The fear and stigma surrounding dementia stops many people from seeking help and that's why it's so important importance to address dementia with compassion and understanding." With unwavering determination, Ann continues to face down the unknown and embrace every day as an opportunity to make a difference. Her hope for the future rests on ongoing research, finding treatments and ultimately a cure, a mission she shares with SAHMRI's Dr Andrew Shoubridge. "I’m leading a unique project looking at the impact of food and medication on the development and management of dementia,” Andrew said.

Ann Pietsch & Dr Andrew Shoubridge

“This feeds into my broader research investigating the relationship between the gut and the brain. This is a rapidly growing field of medical research that’s showing strong promise as a foundation for the development of future dementia treatments.” “Thank you for your ongoing support of SAHMRI. You’re helping young researchers like me develop world-leading ideas that will have a major impact on our community and our loved ones.”

As the years go by, Ann's dementia continues to progress, with the onset of Parkinson's Disease symptoms making life even more difficult, affecting her balance and causing tremors. Sleep has also become a struggle, due to vivid hallucinations in the night and Ann's husband has had to be her rock, while her children continue to do their best to support her.

Your generous donation brings SAHMRI one step closer to a healthier, happier future for everyone. Donate online at



One of SAHMRI's distinguishing features is its commitment to translating research findings into tangible benefits for patients and communities. Its partnerships with healthcare providers, pharmaceutical companies and government agencies have resulted in numerous real-world applications. These include the development of life-saving drugs, the implementation of evidence-based healthcare policies and the delivery of improved clinical practices.


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Groundbreaking New Treatments for Blood Cancer Jess Simone was ten years old when she was told she had acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. It was terrifying news. But, thanks to advances in health and medical research, Jess is a cancerfree survivor who’s now in her twenties. “While I was having treatment, we saw a lot of friends pass away, and we’ve had family members also die from cancer,” Jess said.

To date, they’ve raised an incredible $168,000, which means more ground-breaking Adelaide research into new, more personalised treatments for kids with cancer.

“We realise how important research is because, without it, there is no way we will find a cure. Without research, I wouldn’t be here now.”

SAHMRI postdoctoral research fellow Elyse Page received a $100,000 grant from the Simone family to support her globally significant project. “It is absolutely amazing what they have done. It is sustaining our research, which is showing exciting possibilities for people with blood cancers,” she said. “It means so much to our lab and allows us to keep doing the work we are,” she said. “The work we are doing really is groundbreaking.”

Jess Simone & Dr Elyse Page

Her family – mum Bernie, dad Bruno and twin siblings Tony and Bianca, 10 – reacted to Jess’s experience by throwing a party. And they’ve devoted themselves to supporting cancer research by hosting elaborate “Life’s Good” fundraising events at their home every two years since. Jess said the family pulled the most recent event, which attracted 240 guests, together in just over a month. “As soon as COVID restrictions were lifted, my Mum said, ‘We are doing it, and we are doing it next month’,” Jess said. FI FT Y+ S A

A personal family connection drives Elyse’s quest for better cancer treatments. “My dad had blood cancer when I was a child, and while I didn’t understand it, I knew he was sick and wanted to find a way to stop it,” said Elyse. “In 2020, he relapsed, and the blood cancer transformed into a very aggressive disease. He had to have high-dose chemotherapy, which meant two weeks admitted to hospital on a chemo drip, then two weeks at home recovering before going back again for another fortnight. This went on for nine months until he achieved remission. But it was toxic to his 36

body, and it was hard to see one of the most active, fit people brought down like that.” Elyse said it is vital to find better therapies as many patients, like her father, do not respond well to chemotherapy. “My research is working towards identifying targeted therapies for children with leukaemia. Through clinical trials, we can find more specific treatments with fewer side effects so that leukaemia patients can have a better quality of life during treatment and less chance of relapse,” explained Elyse. “The first step towards achieving this is understanding the fundamental disease biology. Then, once we understand it, we can target the key pathways involved in spreading those cancer cells. If we can target the key molecule driving the leukaemia, we can potentially decrease the dose of the toxic chemotherapy.” All remains the most common cause of non-traumatic death of children in the Western world. For adults, survival rates are just 40 per cent, with patients who survive at risk of suffering longterm impacts of treatment from diabetes to cardiovascular disease and obesity. If you would like to support Elyse’s research, you can throw a party of your own or donate at IS S UE 0 5.

The SAHMRI Discovery Circle Join an exclusive group of committed donors who share a passion for life-changing research at South Australia’s independent, not-for-profit health and medical research institute. Each member commits to donating $5,000. These gifts combine to create a substantial investment in inspiring projects with the potential to improve the health and well-being of our community. All donations are tax-deductible and go wholly to the circle’s chosen research project. Please help SAHMRI create a world where we don’t just live longer but live better lives. Learn more at or call our Fundraising Manager, Alex Bassett, on 08 8128 4329



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Waking Up Paralysed

A gift of good health SAHMRI is one of the largest independent not-for-profit health and medical research institutes in Australia, but the researchers can't do what they do without the generous support of the community.

Imagine you’re a healthy, thriving young person with a bright future ahead of you.

One of the most significant ways you can help find treatments and cures for today's most significant health challenges is to leave a gift in your Will to SAHMRI.

You have a loving family and partner and you’re excelling in your career. Then one night you go to bed, just like any other night and with no warning, you wake up completely paralysed. Carlo Onorato & Dr O’Hare Doig That’s what happened to 20 year old Carlo Onorato, who loved playing soccer, was into cars, tattoos and video games. “One morning I woke up and went to use the bathroom, and quickly realised I couldn’t get up. I couldn’t move my legs. I was in pain and didn’t know what was happening,” Carlo said. After an early morning dash to the emergency room, Carlo underwent a 15 minute MRI that showed his spinal cord was severely swollen and compressed against his neck and that his lungs were no longer functioning. While Carlo doesn’t remember much from this first month in hospital, due to being in shock, his mother and two brothers certainly do. They watched on helplessly and were told to say ‘goodbye’, as Carlo was put in an induced coma. Thankfully, after a twelve month stay at the Royal Adelaide Hospital and Hampstead Rehabilitation Centre, that included multiple risky surgeries and intense rehabilitation, Carlo survived. However, he would come home wheelchair bound and paralysed from the shoulders down, facing the reality that he may never walk again. Tests later revealed Carlo suffered from an extremely rare case of nontraumatic spinal cord injury called transverse myelitis, a spontaneous inflammation of the spinal cord with no known cause, that often results in permanent paralysis. Transverse myelitis is not well understood and that’s why a research team led by Dr Ryan O’Hare Doig, Head of Spinal Cord Injury Research at SAHMRI’s Neil Sachse Centre for Spinal FI FT Y+ S A

Cord Injury and Research (NSC), is currently investigating the disease in a quest for answers. Currently more than 20,000 Australians are living with a spinal cord injury. No matter the cause, many experience paralysis and are likely to suffer from additional health problems. Of these complications, bowel dysfuntion, sexual dysfunction and chronic neuropathic pain are the most prevalent and severe. This affects relationships, ability to work and overall quality of life. It’s not yet understood why some people develop pain following spinal cord injury and others don’t. Clinical trials form a critical part of building our understanding, allowing researchers to put the pieces of the puzzle together through trial and error. To help Carlo and others like him, Dr O’Hare Doig is running multiple clinical trials using SAHMRI’s cutting-edge medical platforms. Through conducting these investigations, the NSC team has discovered a population of white blood cells that may contribute to the development of neuro-inflammation and neuropathic pain by interacting with gut microbiome. In combination with these ongoing clinical research studies, researchers are also tracking patients for a full year, collecting samples over time to identify the causes of paralysis, sexual dysfunction and neuropathic pain, measure the effects of treatments and accurately predict outcomes. In Australia, spinal cord injury research has less than a one percent success rate 38

in national funding. Despite these odds, the NSC has expanded to a team of eight talented PhD and undergraduate students. “Trials are expensive. To get the best results, we need to study a lot of people. The more participants we recruit, the more data we can collect and the more powerful our analysis will be,” Dr O’Hare Doig said.

Our brilliant researchers are making a real, measurable impact on improving the health and wellbeing of people across South Australia and beyond in areas that include premature birth, heart disease, diabetes, cancers, dementias, and so much more. Your gift to SAHMRI can push our vital research closer to the next life-changing discovery, taking us one step closer to a brighter future. By leaving a gift to SAHMRI in your Will, your legacy creates a lasting impact benefitting the health of all Australians.

“With the public’s support, we can continue to grow our impact.” Carlo’s dream is to walk again; to play with his niece and nephew in the backyard, to make a contribution and positively impact the lives of those around him.

The Honourable Hieu Van Le AC Chair of the SAHMRI Board

A legacy for better health

“I just want to get on with my life and do what I can to help other people, instead of feeling like a burden.” Carlo said.

Please consider remembering SAHMRI in your Will and help us turn research discoveries into tangible benefits for the community.

Dr O’Hare Doig shares the same dream for Carlo and everyone with a spinal cord injury. It’s not just about finding a cure, there are many other important improvements to be made along the way to help make life with SCI more liveable.

“Visiting SAHMRI was an illuminating experience. It’s impressive to see real progress being made across many research areas, which will benefit so many people and their loved ones. I’m leaving a gift in my Will to SAHMRI to help further their work – doing what I can to make a difference.”

For a confidential discussion about leaving a gift to SAHMRI in your Will, please contact Alexandra Bassett, Fundraising Manager, on 8128 4329.

“When you know there’s research going on, it gives you hope. You want to fight, you don’t want to give up. It’s so important to have that hope, I’ve seen what happens to people when they lose it,” Carlo said.

You can also support SAHMRI’s life-changing work today by making a gift at

Bev Harvey Walker Society Member

If you’re interested to find out more about how to give those living with SCI the best chance of recovery and help them live brighter, healthier lives, go to IS S UE 0 5.



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The Myths around Depression

Physically healthy older people are much more content than younger people and have falling rates of clinical depression – probably as a result of improved brain health, social participation, longer work lives and improved general health care.

And why your best days are ahead of you

By Ian Hickie, Co-Director of Health and Policy at The University of Sydney’s Brain and Mind Centre

This is an abridged excerpt from Ian Hickie’s The Devil You Knew which explores the spectre of depression – what it is, where it comes from and the common myths and misconceptions surrounding it – so we can find our unique path to healing and live fulfilling lives on our own terms. One of the great things about living in Australia is that the vast majority of people I speak to are incredibly interested in mental health, and particularly the experience of depression. The public is almost universally sympathetic to the devastating impacts on those who live with the illness, along with the consequences for their families and carers. But, one of the most frustrating aspects of spending a great deal of my professional life talking about depression in the wider public domain is the continuing need to confront commonly believed ‘facts’. One of my main motivations for writing this book was to confront destructive myths about depression – with specific emphasis on debunking just-plain-wrong ideas about ‘known’ causes, ‘useless’ treatments, ‘resilience’, ‘self-help’ and ‘universal’ prevention.

Given the unrelenting public belief that traumatic life events cause depression, and the insatiable human drive to wrap our feelings and experiences within our own personal narrative, someone – and, typically some poorly informed relative, friend or health professional – will come up with a story that ‘explains’ all we need to know about the onset and course of your illness.


If we all exercise more, lose weight, eat special diets, stop alcohol, think rationally and get a good job or education, then we will prevent clinical depression. Ah, if only depression prevention were so simple! And, of course, those people who are clinically depressed must have failed to do one or more of these essential depression prevention strategies. After all, someone must be to blame. The historical record of blaming those who are sick for their own demise is long and rich. When people who have engaged in a lot of self-improvement strategies do find themselves lost in the depths of depression, they can be particularly hard to assist. The ‘why me?’ syndrome kicks in hard.

3 myths about clinical depression

The harsh reality of the onset of many life-threatening illnesses is that despite our best efforts at reducing risk, there are many other processes at work. A really interesting paradox is that as we improve the environment to reduce risk factors, including mental disorders, those with high inherited risks will be more evident among those coming into care



Every day, I hear various versions of these myths, often presented by well-meaning media, relatives of those affected and even some health professionals. The hurt and confusion caused to those who live with the condition is considerable.

Clinical depression results from acute traumatic events. While acute traumatic events often result in great distress, grief, sleep disturbance, fear or tears, they have little to do with the onset of clinical depression. Clinical depression didn’t start yesterday when you lost your job or your partner walked out. Chronic unresolved stressors, like prolonged unemployment, abusive intimate relationships or poor physical health are important risk factors. In reality, many episodes of clinical depression occur without any clear life event or chronic stressor. FI FT Y+ S A

Older people get depressed inevitably as they age. Leonard Cohen – there he was, aged in his mid 70s, touring the world with perhaps his most successful artistic collaboration ever, full of life, energy, creativity and empathy, and attracting both public and critical acclaim. This was all despite many darker periods of ‘melancholy’ earlier in his life. ‘It’s been a long time since I stood on this stage in London,’ he recalled. ‘It was about 14 or 15 years ago. I was 60 years old, just 40

a kid with a crazy dream. Since then I’ve taken a lot of Prozac, Paxil, Wellbutrin, Efexor, (antidepressants) Ritalin, Focalin (stimulants). I’ve also studied deeply in the philosophies and the religions, but cheerfulness kept breaking through!’ In fact, physically healthy older people are much more content than younger people and have falling rates of clinical depression – probably as a result of improved brain health, social participation, longer work lives and improved general health care. As you get older, your mental health improves and you react less dramatically to life’s difficulties – as long as you are able to do those things physically and socially that keep you well. When clinical depression does occur in older people, it is often a signal that something has changed in their physical health (e.g. small brain strokes, Parkinson’s disease, thyroid disease, musculoskeletal changes and pain). When it does occur, it is commonly associated with memory, attention and other cognitive difficulties. Sadly, it is often mistakenly attributed to ageing or dementia. Importantly, clinical depression in older people is highly treatable, but it requires additional care and effort due to the increased rates of complications (confusion, loss of balance, falls, gut changes) from medicines and other physical treatments. In my view, if we all dispensed with these very unhelpful myths and simply shared the known facts, we could make the journey to recovery a whole lot easier for those most affected.

That sounds bet ter!

Informed by internationally renowned psychiatrist Ian Hickie’s 35 years of clinical experience and extensive case studies, The Devil You Knew explores the inner workings of the depressed mind and the myriad influences – environmental, physiological, social – to guide us towards the right diagnosis and offer pathways to healing.

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The Devil You Knew is published by Penguin, RRP $34.99 IS S UE 0 5.


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UNLOCKING WELLNESS Melisa Byrne, Naturopath & Nutritionist In the field of healthcare, the path to finding your calling can often be deeply personal, driven by a profound experience that sparks a lifelong dedication to helping others. For Melisa Byrne, Naturopath, Nutritionist, and Metabolic Balance Practitioner, this calling was ignited by her own transformative journey. With over a decade of clinical practice under her belt, Melisa's story is one of both personal and professional growth. Her journey into the world of natural medicine and nutrition was not just a career choice, but a testament to the incredible potential of holistic healthcare. Travelling through India and South East Asia in her twenties, Melisa encountered unexpected gut issues. Discovering naturopathy for relief, this marked the start of her passion for the transformative potential of natural medicine and nutrition. Naturopathy: A Holistic Approach to Wellness Naturopathy, as Melisa Byrne practises it, is more than just a profession; it's a holistic philosophy that considers the entirety of an individual's health. Rather than simply addressing specific diseases or symptoms, naturopathy embraces the principle of treating

the whole person, encompassing lifestyle, nutrition, and overall well being. Over the years, Melisa has harnessed the power of naturopathy to assist countless individuals in their pursuit of wellness. Her expertise extends to a wide range of conditions and disorders, including but not limited to irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), autoimmune conditions, and hormonal imbalances in both women and men. Empowering Women Through Midlife Transitions One of Melisa’s primary areas of specialty lies in helping women navigate the intricate terrain of midlife. Prior to menopause, many women are often unaware of the profound impact that hormonal changes can have on their overall health and well being. These changes, which extend beyond known symptoms like hot flushes and night sweats, can affect mood, memory, metabolism, libido, weight, bone health, and skin. For some women, this transition can be particularly challenging, with a noticeable loss of energy and confidence, often accompanied by weight gain. Melisa firmly believes that women need not endure these distressing symptoms as an inevitable part of midlife. Through her expertise in naturopathy and nutrition, she empowers women to take charge of their

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health, offering them the tools to regain their vitality and embrace this life stage with confidence and grace. Melisa's journey, from her personal experience to becoming a vital part of the healing process for those seeking natural health solutions, is a testament to the transformative potential of holistic healthcare. In her clinical practice, she helps people achieve healthier and more vibrant lives, one person at a time.

Suite 1 The Clocktower, Cnr Grove and Golden Ways, Golden Grove @melisa_byrne_naturopath

• Passionflower decreases time to fall asleep and enhances healthy sleep patterns. This stress-busting ingredient calms the mind, relieves tension and soothes frazzled nerves. • English lavender helps fight insomnia and calms the mind. Helping you wind down for the night and relieving symptoms of mild anxiety. • Ashwagandha is an adaptogen that helps relieve anxiety and stress, as well as improving brain function and a more restful sleep. • Lemon Balm calms the mind, reduces stress and promotes sleep. California Poppy helps combat anxiety, insomnia and aches. It also promotes sleep and relaxation. • Brahmi works to reduce the stress hormone (cortisol) levels. • Kava Kava helps to alleviate anxiety, stress and insomnia.


Hessel Group’s traineeship success There's nothing quite like embracing challenges head-on, persevering through unexpected obstacles, and emerging on the other side with a transformed career, outlook on life, an expanded network and valuable skills. Not to mention nationally recognised qualifications. This summarises Seena's transition to a new career as an Educator in Early Learning. Watching her daughter-in-law flourish in her career as an Educator ignited a spark in Seena, aged 63. In search of her next professional challenge, her path led her to the world of Early Learning. With two young grandchildren attending Hessel Children's Centre in Port Adelaide, she seized the opportunity to explore this newfound interest, speaking with Centre Director, Hana Simes, who directed her to Enhance Training RTO 40387 and Hessel GTO to explore courses and traineeship opportunities to become an Educator. This traineeship was a golden opportunity for Seena, as it allowed her to study while working part-time at the centre.

Seena with Field Officer Bernie Crafter

Throughout her traineeship, Seena received regular check-ins to ensure her progress and comfort. This support system created an environment where any challenges could be addressed and resolved, promoting positive outcomes.

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Seena’s transformation from a mother and grandmother to a skilled and qualified Educator serves as an example of what can be achieved with dedication and a willingness to embrace change. She has not only enriched the Hessel Children’s Centre with her presence but has also contributed positively to the Early Learning sector as a whole. If you’re interested in pursuing a flexible and rewarding career like Seena’s, explore Enhance Training RTO 40387 courses that can equip you with the skills and confidence to thrive in the Early Learning industry.

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The traineeship provided Seena with the unique advantage of earning while learning, all the while benefiting from the support of her trainer, colleagues, and Field Officer, Bernie Crafter, who played an integral role in her journey. Hana Simes, Hessel Children’s Centre Director, expressed her admiration for Seena’s contributions, saying, “Seena has made incredible connections with families and children. She brings her extensive life skills and knowledge to her role.”


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I was also a national team coach in the 1970’s, and in 1974 I took a group of black belts to Korea for the first Asian Taekwondo Championship and we won 4 bronze medals. We came in third place from 22 countries. In 1980 I stopped coaching the national team and just looked after teaching at our club in Adelaide only.

Tradition Starts Here

50 YEARS OF LEE’S TAEKWONDO Interview by Olivia Williams


In the heart of Adelaide, a legendary institution quietly marks a significant milestone. Adelaide Taekwondo Academy, known to the initiated as Lee's Taekwondo, is celebrating an impressive 50 years of martial arts excellence. At the core of this remarkable legacy is Grandmaster Choon Bong Lee, its visionary founder. In 1973, the course of Choon Bong Lee's life was forever altered when an invitation from a Japanese Karate club found him relocating to teach Taekwondo in Adelaide. Leaving Korea to touch down in South Australia, he went on to transform the city's martial arts landscape. Throughout the years, Grandmaster Lee etched his legacy in the annals of martial arts history, earning widespread recognition in the martial arts community. His story embodies unwavering dedication and the pursuit of excellence, reflecting the core principles of Taekwondo. In this interview we sit down with Grandmaster Lee and his son, Tae Won, who runs the club today, to find out more about the history of Lee’s Taekwondo as they celebrate five decades, and explore how the sport can positively impact people of all ages, both physically and spiritually.

Q: How has Lee’s Taekwondo Studio evolved over the past five decades? Choon Bong: In the early days we had a lot of students, the club was full. We were teaching beginners and seniors classes every day, Monday to Saturday. At that time Bruce Lee’s movies had started in Adelaide, so then people began to understand more about martial arts, we did a lot of public demonstrations, and on TV shows, as well as newspaper stories. Q: How has the academy embraced innovation while preserving the core values of Taekwondo? Tae Won: Over the years we’ve seen a move away from the traditional arts, especially with the popularity of Mixed Martial Arts, which is a specifically competition focused combat style that encompasses different systems. I think we will see a swing back as people realise that the journey is really about discovering the self, and that the battle with the self is actually the central process we undertake as martial artists. In this current fast moving environment, especially accelerated by online media and the hyper commercialisation of the sport aspects, we are developing a middle way, where those wanting to compete and test themselves have an outlet that closely mirrors self defence situations in a safe environment. We also want to provide a space for others that don’t fit into that very narrow combat focus and can still gain benefit from training and going through the process of integrating mind and body in other ways. Too much one way or the other I think is not beneficial to growing as a person.



OUR STUDENTS COME FROM MANY BACKGROUNDS AND AGES, BUT COMMON TO ALL IS AN AWARENESS OF HOW THEIR BODY AND MIND WORK TOGETHER. THEY LEARN THAT DISCIPLINE AND PUSHING BOUNDARIES CAN EXPAND OUR EXPERIENCE OF THE WORLD AND HOW WE NAVIGATE IT. Q: As Lee’s Taekwondo Academy celebrates its 50th anniversary, what are some of the most memorable moments and achievements that stand out in its history? Choon Bong: Over the last 50 years we have celebrated every 5 to 10 years, up to this year which was a special one for us. We are so happy to get this far with my son, Tae Won, taking over the organising and running of the academy. That’s been the most memorable moment for me personally so far. The American actor Chuck Norris came to Adelaide in 1978 to promote his movie. He was famous for having acted with Bruce Lee in Way of the Dragon, fighting in the Coliseum in Rome. Chuck was actually a student in America of a Master who was a friend of my Master in Korea. He was a fifth dan then in the same style of taekwondo as us which is Moo Duk Kwan style. We did a demonstration together at Apollo Stadium and had about 3000 spectators. In 1982 he came back to Adelaide to promote another movie and we did a demonstration in the cinemas on Hindmarsh Square, as well as having a barbecue at our place. Then in 1983 I visited America and went to his club in Los Angeles. IS S UE 0 5.

Q: Finally, for those who may be considering joining Lee’s Taekwondo Academy in its 50th year, what words of encouragement or wisdom would you offer to inspire them to embark on this martial arts journey? Choon Bong: Next year I will be 80 years old. I still train every morning. Taekwondo training has helped me mentally, physically and kept me otherwise healthy. It stops me getting lazy, it makes me get up and keep moving, especially when I train with and teach other people. As you get older, it will help you stay strong and happy in your mind, thinking positively. It helps when dealing with other people, you always talk nicely, and you smile, laugh and be happy. And that’s a good thing for your life.

Q: The 50th anniversary is a momentous occasion. Can you share any special events or initiatives that are planned to celebrate this milestone with the academy’s students and the broader community? Tae Won: We recently had our 50th Anniversary Lunch, at Adelaide Pavilion, who did a great job looking after us. It was great to get together socially as a group outside of training, especially as the branches don’t often get together as a group, and showed how much passion and goodwill is out there for our academy. Part of this is also developing programs for older people, a demographic that often gets left out of many martial arts groups. Master Lee is turning 80 next year, and I recently turned 51 so we have a personal understanding of the issues faced by older students, and how their needs change in response to their current life situation. Towards the end of next year, we are planning a Lee’s Taekwondo Festival, incorporating Korean food, demonstrations and a club competition open to students and invited affiliated clubs. This is an opportunity for friends, families and the wider community to get together and celebrate this special year with us. Q: Taekwondo is not only about physical fitness but also personal growth. How have you seen students transform mentally, emotionally, and spiritually through their Taekwondo journeys at Lee’s Taekwondo Academy? Tae Won: Our students come from many backgrounds and ages, but common to all that make it through the beginning F IF TY +S A

I don’t know how many years my life will be, but I will keep practising every morning until I can’t do it anymore. So I will keep doing it for the next 5, 10 years, I’m not sure.


stages is an awareness of how their body and mind work together. They learn that discipline and pushing boundaries of both can expand our experience of the world and how we navigate it. Training can often be difficult both physically and mentally but finding a way through can help us find our inner strength and self regulate our responses to situations that might not be ideal in our everyday lives. This is what the structure of our classes can offer to people: a safe but expansive way to find a larger, more capable version of themselves, which ultimately is a spiritual path. I think this is one of the main benefits that arise from having 50+ years of experience. We generally have a sense for what people need/are looking for to improve their lives. Having said that we are always improving and examining ourselves and our methods, while keeping and evolving what continues to work. We need to examine and keep the best of the past to inform the best course of action for the future for ourselves and for our students. 45

Then in the next 50 years I hope Tae Won keeps practising and keeps teaching, and the next person keeps teaching as well so we can have another celebration for the 100th year. I won’t be in this world anyway, but I hope.

Lee’s Taekwondo City / Golden Grove / Magill / Kilkenny / Parafield Gardens / Seaview Downs I S S U E 0 5.

Concerned about the climate crisis and biodiversity loss? Keen to contribute and make a difference?


Come and join us at The Forktree Project as we re-establish native habitat in the spectacular coastal hills of the Fleurieu Peninsula. Volunteers for all aspects of habitat restoration from propagating to tree planting and a range of circular economy-based infrastructure activities are warmly welcome. Please register via the QR code or contact us on hello@theforktreeproject to find out more.

These honours underscore Dr Gupta’s outstanding academic achievements and her unwavering pursuit of excellence. She actively participates in research and clinical trials, frequently presenting her findings at both local and international conferences. Moreover, she holds the position of Senior Lecturer at the University of Adelaide, where she plays a pivotal role in educating the next generation of ophthalmologists, thereby ensuring a lasting legacy of high-quality eye care.

Positive engagement enhances our mental wellbeing: feel good by doing good! Rewilding: it's in our nature.

Scan the QR code for more information

The Forktree Project Carrickalinga, SA

in 2013 from the Australian Government Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research, and Tertiary Education, and a Merit Scholarship for Medicine at Monash University.

IVISION LASER is Adelaide's premier destination for transformative vision correction, led by distinguished ophthalmologist Dr Aanchal Gupta. With over a decade of experience and a passion for excellence, Dr Gupta has dedicated her career to helping thousands of patients reclaim their vision, achieving freedom from the constraints of glasses and contact lenses. Dr Aanchal Gupta is a highly qualified ophthalmologist, holding Fellowships from prestigious institutions like the World College of Refractive Surgery and Visual Sciences (WCRS&VS) and the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists (RANZCO). Dr Gupta’s journey to becoming an eye expert is a global one. Moving to Australia when she was just 10 years old, she now calls Adelaide home. Her training, however, spans multiple cities and countries. Dr Gupta earned her Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery from Monash University in Melbourne, gained clinical experience in London, completed a fellowship at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, and underwent advanced ophthalmic training right here in South Australia. These diverse experiences have laid the foundation for her successful career in ophthalmology.

A VISIONARY PRACTICE Opening her own independent practice, IVISION LASER, in 2022 has been an immensely rewarding and impactful decision. For Dr Gupta, this venture represents a deepseated passion for changing lives through cutting-edge technology and personalised care. As the founder, she envisioned a space where her expertise and dedication converge to create a haven for those seeking state-ofthe-art eye care solutions, specifically laser eye surgery and cataract surgery. Her decision to embark on this journey was fuelled by a desire to revolutionise the eye care landscape, to go beyond conventional boundaries, and to redefine what's possible for her patients. It’s all about making a real difference in peoples’ lives. IVISION LASER views laser eye surgery and cataract surgery as an art. Success in vision correction depends on the surgeon's expertise, technology, and a deep understanding of each patient's unique needs and goals. Dr. Gupta and the team create a personalised sanctuary where patient needs are compassionately addressed.


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If you're over 50 and have relied on glasses for most of your life, the prospect of being free from them might seem like a distant dream. IVISION LASER offers specialised refractive (vision correction) surgery tailored to patients over 50, addressing age-related visual concerns such as presbyopia (inability to read without glasses) and cataracts. IVISION LASER uses cutting-edge technology and distinguishes itself as the exclusive provider of the SCHWIND AMARIS 1050RS in Adelaide, showcasing a commitment to top-tier vision correction. Coupled with the advanced Zeiss VisuMax 800, the clinic offers unparalleled precision, efficiency, and personalised treatment plans. Services include lens-replacement surgery, cataract surgery, SMILE Pro®, LASIK, PRK, and ICL.

“Success in vision correction depends on the surgeon's expertise, technology, and a deep understanding of each patient's unique needs and goals.” Located in the heart of Adelaide, the beautiful IVISION LASER clinic is not just a medical facility; it's a space where transformations occur and lives change. Dr Gupta is not just a surgeon; she is a visionary in her field, driven by a profound commitment to helping her patients experience life with exceptional vision, free from the limitations of glasses and contact lenses. Ultimately, IVISION LASER represents a manifestation of her mission to make a profound difference in the lives of her patients. Her relentless pursuit of excellence, combined with a deep-seated passion for enhancing vision and promoting ocular health, has led to the creation of a practice that stands as a beacon of hope and transformation in the field of eye care. Discover the difference that personalised expert care can make, and take the first step towards a brighter, clearer future.

PRESTIGIOUS RECOGNITIONS Dr Gupta’s dedication to excellence has earned her several prestigious awards and scholarships. Her commitment to advancing her field is clear through these accolades, which include the RANZCO/ALLERGAN Scholarship in 2011 for her fellowship in Canada, the Endeavour Executive Award FI FT Y+ S A


176 Fullarton Road, Dulwich 08 7082 2066 47

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Taste the best of

South Australia by Larissa Sewell

Alexandrina Cheese Since 2001, Alexandrina Cheese has been winning over the hearts of South Australians with their exceptional, hard-style Jersey farmhouse cheeses and luxury dairy products. Located in the serene Mount Jagged area on the central Fleurieu Peninsula, this three-generational, family-run haven is where dairy dreams come true.

Singing Magpie Produce Nestled in South Australia's picturesque Riverland region, Singing Magpie Produce is a true culinary treasure that seamlessly weaves tradition, sustainability, and irresistible flavours into every bite. This family-run business has a rich history dating back to 1921 when Jack Heward planted their very first orchard. Today, it's Sue Heward, a fourthgeneration orchardist, who leads the charge with her unwavering passion for all things delicious.

Something incredible about Alexandrina Cheese is their commitment to crafting their dairy delights from single-origin Jersey milk. Their herd of sixty Jersey cows grazes on green, lush pastures on their dairy farm, producing approximately 250,000 liters of grass-fed milk each year. With an unwavering dedication to organic farming principles and a true "farmhouse specialty cheese-maker" ethos, they're a true SA dairy treasure.

Sue Heward and her fantastic team are experts in sun-dried fruits; they're the guardians of South Australia's farming legacy and champions of eco-friendly practices. Through their delectable creations and strong sense of community, they've carved out a special place in the world of South Australian artisanal food. OUR PICK: A hard tie between the sticky quince syrup and the Chocolate Rainbow Gift box.

You can find their premium products in around 40 independent stores across South Australia, and they proudly sell directly at the Adelaide Showgrounds Farmers Market every week. I can’t help but feel so incredibly lucky to call South Australia my home. We live in a region blessed with stunning vineyards, rolling pastures and pristine coastlines that produce some of the freshest, premium produce this country has to offer - a true gastronomic wonderland. And while we are very well known for our magnificent wines and our Haighs Chocolates; there is a delicious underbelly of local food and beverage businesses making their (very tasty!) mark on our beautiful state.

@sue_singingmagpieproduce |

OUR PICK: The full cream Jersey Milk (easily identifiable by its yellow lid) is absolutely life-changing! You’ve been warned.

San Josè Smallgoods Since 2006, San José Smallgoods has been crafting a range of artisan salumi and smallgoods using 100% Australian pork and traditional recipes. Their artisanal products are a testament to the craftsmanship and the natural flavours found in traditionally made salumi and embutidos - it’s this dedication that has earned Josè numerous awards, including champion titles and medals at national competitions.

@alexandrinacheese |

Founded by José Coutinho, whose 35 years of experience in artisanal salumi shines through every product, San José Smallgoods is the realization of a lifelong dream. José's refusal to compromise on quality is at the heart of their philosophy, as they source fresh, free-range pork exclusively from South Australian farmers. With inspiration drawn from Italy, Spain, and Portugal, their range of salumi and embutidos offers authentic, handcrafted flavours without artificial additives, reflecting the essence of Western European food preservation techniques. From Jamon to Prosciutto, Sopressa to Bresaola, their award-winning products have rightfully established San José Smallgoods as a premier artisanal salumi producer in Australia.

Here we uncover some my favourite South Australian hidden gems that will take your palate on a wild ride. From charming little Adelaide Hills family businesses, to truffle dogs and zesty warehouse picklers… raise your glasses as we discover the culinary magic that South Australia has been quietly brewing, just waiting for us to dig in.

OUR PICK: We have been visiting Josè at the Adelaide Farmers Market since before my twinnies could even walk - our favourite are his Nitrate Free Saucissons and bacon.


@sanjosesmallgoods | Baylies Epicurean Delights For nearly three whole decades, Baylies Epicurean Delights, a family affair, has been baking, stirring and creating their gourmet deliciousness right here in South Australia. From my favourite cheese board staple - sea salt lavash to their premium crackers, grissini, preserved fruits, gourmet cakes, jams, and festive treats, they've got your taste buds covered. Our pantry often has a big glass jar of Baylies sweet cookies hidden far, far in the back - for after the kids go to bed (I’m not sharing my chocolate chip cookies with anyone!)

Two Gulfs Crab Meet the seafood aficionados behind Two Gulfs Crab, a down-to-earth South Australian family business who have been the crab masters for more than three decades. They've got one specialty, and they do it darn well: Blue Swimmer Crabs. And why "Two Gulfs"? Well, it’s because they haul in these delicious crustaceans from both Gulf St Vincent and Spencer Gulf. It's a bit of a nod to the good ol' Two Dogs Lemonade – remember that? Dennis and Karen Holder, the brains and hearts of Two Gulfs Crab, live, breathe, and dream about these iconic blue swimmers. Not only do they bring in the freshest catch, but they've also got a whole collection of crab-inspired art and other cool crab memorabilia. You could say they're a bit crab-crazy (in the best way possible, of course!)

Baylies started in a cosy country kitchen and blossomed into the national foodie sensation it is today. Located in the Adelaide Hills, they've earned a reputation for crafting top-notch gourmet goodies. What makes them extra special? They're all about local love, sourcing Aussie-made ingredients whenever possible. No nasties here – just natural goodness with fresh butter, free-range eggs, extra virgin olive oil, and unbleached flour. Oh, and did I mention their treats are preservative-free?

You can get your crab fix in all sorts of ways from Two Gulfs Crab. Whole crabs, crab meat packs, crab shells – they've got it all. Plus, these guys love hanging out at local food events like The Chilli Crab Shack and Tasting Australia. OUR PICK: Confession: I first stumbled across Two Gulfs Crab at a Tasting Australia event, where I was adamant that I was not a crab lover - but I was so wrong! I’ll have my crabmeat picked thanks.

OUR PICK: The mixed bag of sweet biscuits - oh my goodness!

@twogulfscrab | @bayliesdelights | FI FT Y+ S A

@bayliesdelights 48 IS S UE 0 5.



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Threefold Distillery What started as a chill gathering of friends – Aidan, Luke, and Steve – sipping on gin and tonic and sharing their passion for spirits (not unlike your average girls’ night at my house, really - just less productive) morphed in to Threefold Distilling, a testament to their passion for quality craft spirits, understanding of flavours and their combined years of experience in hospitality. Threefold are incredible at blending unique flavours and ingredients, take their unique creation – the "Tom Yummy" gin, for example. Inspired by the lively streets and vibrant flavours of Southeast Asia, this gin packs the zing of lemongrass, the warmth of ginger, and the zest of kaffir lime. It's your ticket to humid nights, adventurous dining, and vibrant moments. Imagine sipping it with friends with a splash of tonic, a squeeze of lime, or a hint of chili for that perfectly-paired, Asianinspired dining experience. Threefold Distilling tasting room is located in Glenelg, where you can relish their concoctions they also host masterclasses and corporate events. (Please. All corporate events should involve gin). Whether you're new to gin or a seasoned enthusiast, they've got something for every palate. OUR PICK: Aromatic Gin is a staple on my library shelf. Going to try the raspberry gin next!

@threefolddistilling | Nice Pickles Coming from a Russian and Ukrainian background, I’d like to consider myself a pickle connoisseur - so it’s no surprise that the good folks at Nice Pickles have made my list! Nice Pickles, is a pickle connoisseur's dream come true, what began as a fun side project, quickly blossomed into a nationally recognised brand. Their unique range of pickles has taken the country by storm, gracing the shelves of supermarkets, wineries, restaurants, cafes and providores (you may have even spotted their jerk beans on this season of MasterChef Australia) Some of their standouts are the Jerk Beans, Table Pickles, and Spiced Cauli, which have become staples for pickle aficionados. Nice Pickles are truly next level picklers - their innovation and commitment to pushing the pickle boundaries is incredible. They've introduced limited special runs of products, including my personal favourite - the wildly successful Pickled Pineapple – a sweet, spicy, and zesty delight that will leave your taste buds tingling.

Freshly baked for less dough

OUR PICK: There is no question that my pick is the pickled pineapple - however, the pickled green tomato has my mouth watering too! A mouth-puckering must-try for anyone seeking pickle perfection with a twist.

@nicepickles | Quercus Truffles Did you know that we have black truffles, right here in the beautiful Adelaide hills? You’ll find Quercus Truffles in the heart of the Adelaide Hills' Piccadilly Valley, they’re a family-run gem responsible for supplying South Australia's finest restaurants with premium Perigord black truffles. This venture was sparked by Matt and Georgie, who, after being captivated by truffles in Italy in 2004, decided to transform Piccadilly Spring Farm into a trufferie. Their journey involved improving soil, setting up irrigation, and planting over 650 truffle-inoculated trees. This dynamic duo's (along with farm manager, Emma’s) commitment to organic farming principles and meticulous care for their truffle orchard have resulted in increasing yields year after year. The truffle season, from early June to early September, sees them braving freezing temperatures and rain to bring these aromatic treasures to the table. With Riley the Weimaraner (and Rowlf the black Labrador truffle-dog-in-training) leading truffle hunts every Thursday and speedy delivery to restaurants within 24 hours, they ensure chefs get the freshest truffles, preserving that unmistakable aroma and flavor. Quercus Truffles has recently expanded to local markets and collaborated on truffle-themed experiences, promising even more exciting hospitality ventures in 2024. OUR PICK: Black truffle anything, any day of the week (and a ‘good boy’ for Riley & Rowlf!) FI FT Y+ S A

@quercustruffles | 50

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Roasted Sweet Potato and Cauliflower Salad Recipe: Local Kitchen Co

In recent years, the sober curious movement has been quietly reshaping attitudes toward alcohol and inspiring a healthier, more mindful approach to life's pleasures. As we transition into our best years, we place a greater emphasis on our health, and many are increasingly open to exploring a sober or moderation-oriented lifestyle. The reasons for this shift are diverse, ranging from health considerations to personal growth and spiritual awakening. While moderate alcohol consumption has long been considered harmless, research now highlights the numerous advantages of abstaining from alcohol altogether.

INGREDIENTS • ½ cauliflower • 2 sweet potatoes • 1 tsp ground coriander • 1 tsp ground cumin • ½ tsp garlic powder

• 1 tsp curry powder • 1 tsp salt • 4 tbs olive oil • 2 carrots • 1 can chick peas

METHOD 1. Preheat oven to 180C. 2. Peel the sweet potato and cut into large dice, cut cauliflower into small florets. 3. Combine all dried spices and olive oil, add sweet potato and cauliflower and toss

In recent years, a notable cultural shift has given rise to this concept of a sober-curious lifestyle—a deliberate choice to explore life without alcohol. This transformative lifestyle change offers a multitude of health benefits that significantly contribute to overall wellbeing, safeguard against age-related health conditions, and elevate your quality of life.

to coat. Spread out on two oven trays roast until tender (approx 30mins) leave aside to cool. 4. Peel and grate carrots. Pick the leaves from the mint and coriander, finely slice the spring onions. 5. Drain the tinned chick peas. 6. Combine all prepared ingredients and toss. Drizzle with lemon juice and olive oil. Serve at room temperature.

For many over the age of 50, the association between alcohol and enjoyment is deeply ingrained. However, embracing a sober-curious lifestyle opens up new avenues for discovering authentic joy. One of the significant drivers of the sober curious movement is the availability of high-quality alcohol-free alternatives. Today, there is a vast array of alcohol-free beverages that offer the same complexity and sophistication as their alcoholic counterparts. This diversity of choices makes sobriety a more exciting and appealing option.

Local Kitchen Co - Malvern | Parkside @localkitchencomalvern | @localkitchencoparkside


Chilli Fish with Tahini

To find out more on sober-curious lifestyles and non-alcoholic options, we spoke with Lisa Fraser of ANA Drinks on Hutt Street, South Australia’s only dedicated non-alcoholic bottle shop.

Recipe: Ottolenghi Simple: A Cookbook

There are very few things, in my book, which aren’t improved by a drizzle of creamy tahini sauce. Here it makes perfect sense, balancing out the chilli and bringing a welcome creaminess. I tend to make double the tomato sauce and keep the excess in the fridge for a week, or the freezer for a month, so you can either make this dish twice or spoon it alongside some grilled chicken or veg. The tahini sauce can be made 3 days ahead and kept in the fridge.

“We’re finding a large number of people over 50 that come in [to the shop] are on doctors orders. So they are being told they should cut back on alcohol or go without it altogether for health reasons,” says Lisa.

“We are also finding that many older adults are proactively looking after their health and recognising that they’re consuming too much in their lifestyle.” As we enter the later stages of life, choosing a sober-curious lifestyle offers a unique chance to focus on personal well-being and take on a transformative journey towards a better life. And with a wide array of non-alcoholic beverages to choose from, the decision becomes even easier.

Our Top Picks

• Patritti / V.NO Sparkling Shiraz - RRP $23 • Sidewood Estate / ‘Nearly Naked’ Sauvignon Blanc - RRP $25 • Triple Creek / ‘B1654’ Chardonnay - RRP $24 • Pure Vision / Zero Shiraz - RRP $22 • Wolf Blass / Sparkling Cuvée - RRP $14 • Artisan Distillers / ‘The Imposter’ Zero Gin - RRP $38 • Little Bang Brewery / ‘Spacer’ - RRP $17.99, 4 pack • NON / No. 2 - RRP $30 • POLKA / Non-Alcoholic Botanical Spirit - RRP $39.95 • Seedlip Grove 42 Citrus / Non-Alcoholic Gin - RRP $49

You can shop some of these at ANA Drinks Shop 1 / 206-208 Hutt Street, Adelaide | @aus_non_alc FI FT Y+ S A

• 1 bunch coriander • 1 bunch mint • ½ bunch spring onions • Juice of 1 lemon



Serves four • 800g halibut (or other firm white fish), either 4 steaks, on the bone, or 4 fillets, skinless and boneless • 60ml olive oil • 1–2 red chillies, chopped widthways into 2cm long chunks, most of the seeds removed • 3 garlic cloves, thinly sliced • 1 tsp caraway seeds, plus ¼ tsp to serve • 1 dried ancho chilli, trimmed, seeds discarded, torn into 5cm pieces (or 1 tsp sweet smoked paprika) • 1kg plum tomatoes, chopped into 1cm dice • 2 tbsp tomato paste • ½ tsp caster sugar • 5g coriander leaves, roughly chopped, to serve • Salt TAHINI SAUCE • 50g tahini • 1 tbsp lemon juice

1. Lightly season the fish with just 1∕3

Ottolenghi Simple: A Cookbook RRP $55.00 52

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teaspoon of salt. Set aside. 2. Put the oil into a large sauté pan, for which

you have a lid, and place on a medium high heat. Once hot, add the fresh chillies and fry for 2 minutes, stirring frequently. Add the garlic, caraway seeds and ancho chilli and continue to fry for 1 minute, until the garlic is starting to turn golden-brown. Add the tomatoes, tomato paste, sugar and ½ teaspoon of salt, then, once boiling, reduce the heat to medium and leave to simmer for 15 minutes, stirring from time to time, until the sauce is thick. Add the fish, cover the pan and continue to cook for 10 minutes. 3. To make the tahini sauce, mix the tahini and lemon juice with 60ml of water and 1∕8 teaspoon of salt. 4. When ready to serve, gently lift the fish out of the pan and set aside somewhere warm. If the fish has released a lot of liquid during the cooking and the sauce is runny, increase the heat and let it bubble away quickly until thick. Taste and add salt if needed. 5. Transfer the fish to a serving dish. Spoon over the sauce, sprinkle over the coriander and serve. I S S U E 0 5.


The New Guard @ Food SA Q: For someone visiting South Australia for the In conversation with Marni Cook, CEO of Food South Australia

first time, what would you recommend as a

"must-try" food/beverage or culinary experience in the region?

There's a fresh face at the forefront of South

A: That’s not easy to narrow down! But what I do love

Australia's flourishing food and beverage sector

about our state is you can go straight from the airport

and Marni Cook, the recently appointed CEO of

to the sea and vines within 25 mins for a decadent day

Food South Australia, brings her passion for the

of food and wine, fit in a swim, head to the Adelaide

region's premium quality produce to the role.

Hills for dinner, stay in a historic hotel, experience the

With South Australia's food scene being

Hills food and beverage offerings, head to the city and

celebrated globally, Marni is poised to spearhead

choose from so very many pockets of food and wine

the promotion and support of this vibrant industry. excellence, and still have time to spend a day or two We chat with Marni about the uniqueness of SA

further afield in say the Barossa or Clare Valley. I don’t

produce, her recommendations for a culinary

think there is anywhere else in the world you can fit in

adventure in the region and recently turning 50!

such diverse, decadent experiences so affordably and accessibly from a price or time perspective. Also for

Q: South Australia boasts an impressive

those who can’t venture too far, the Adelaide Central

food scene; what, in your opinion, sets South

Markets is a jewel in our crown. Make it a regular part of

Australian food and beverages apart from

your week and show it off to visitors.

Marni with son Tom Ladd, daughter Olivia Ladd, and partner Richard Ellerman

“This stage of life is a time in life when we have enough experience to be able to make a considerable difference and meaningful contribution, and enough sense to cut out some of the rubbish and noise, to focus and find balance. That’s the plan anyway...”

other regions? A: Our produce (its quality and diversity) as well as Q: Tell us what you are loving most about this stage of your life?

The south coast’s newest beachfront bar and dining experience is here.

its premium nature. The abundance, accessibility,

A: Well, I just turned 50 recently. Earlier this year, turning 50 played on my mind. Not that 50 worried me

range and affordability of our premium quality

so much, but I found its proximity to 60 a little confronting. I haven’t had time to think about turning 50,

food and produce brings both chefs and visitors

until the very day was upon me! I spent the day at a work function, the Royal Adelade Wine and Spirits

to our state from all over the world. Whilst there

Show Awards lunch where I was honoured to be awarded with a Wine Communicators of Australia

is premium food available in other states of

Lifetime Membership Award for contribution and leadership of WCA. Her Excellency the Honourable

Choose from Mediterranean-inspired menu with the best local produce highlighted with beach-friendly flavours. Craft beer, custom spritzes and a world-class wine list featuring the best local and international drops.

Australia, and indeed parts of the world, it is the

Frances Adamson AC, Governor of South Australia attended the event and spoke to my children. She said

Get coastal at the Silver Sands Beach Club.

concentration of it here and the importance and

the great thing about this award was that it is normally reserved for someone much older, and it was great

Aldinga Beach |

pride our state has for it that makes it a defining

to see a young person, especially a young woman, acknowledged in this way! Up until that very moment I

characteristic of SA. Much like wine.

am quite sure neither my kids, nor I considered myself a young person!

Food, History, and Culture

families and how it has evolved over the years,

An Audio Tour of Adelaide Central Market with Adam Liaw and Katie Spain

Australia's identity.

becoming an integral part of South

During the 50-minute self-guided walking tour, you'll uncover hidden gems and musttry products from a multitude of stalls as you meander through the culinary wonderland that is the incredible Adelaide Central Market. As one of the largest fresh produce markets in the southern hemisphere, the market is a testament

Wandering through the Market is like taking a

to the diverse cultures that have shaped South

stroll through a living time capsule. You'll pass

Australia's food landscape. It supports the

by the oldest camera shop in South Australia

state's network of local growers, producers, and

and discover a restaurant serving authentic

suppliers, selling millions of kilograms of fruit,

laksa found nowhere else in Australia. You'll

vegetables, and fresh food every month.

also revel in the knowledge of where politicians, celebrity chefs, and prime ministers have

Take a step back in time and experience over

The Adelaide Central Market is a melting pot of

savoured meals, adding a touch of intrigue to

150 years of history and culinary heritage as

cultures from around the world. From the first

your experience.

you step into the vibrant world of the Adelaide

pizza place in Adelaide to a world-renowned

Central Market through a new immersive audio

cheese master and even an Olympic volleyballer

The Adelaide Central Market Audio Tour runs

tour. Renowned foodies and co-hosts, Adam

turned chef, the Market is brimming with

for 50 minutes and is available for free on all

Liaw and Katie Spain will be your guides,

fascinating and unexpected stories waiting to

Android and Apple podcast platforms. Visitors

sharing their favourite dishes and products

be explored.

can pick up a map and start their tour from

while providing insights into the heart of

the Market Stall, conveniently located on the

multi-generation traders. You'll hear first-hand

"Lucia's is one of the most iconic restaurants in Adelaide. I've been eating here since I was young, and outside of Italy, this is the only place that I will eat spaghetti Bolognese in a restaurant rather than cooking it at home," said host

accounts of what the Market means to these

Adam Liaw.

the market. The audio tour offers a glimpse into the early days of the Market through the stories of



ground floor near the central Gouger Street entrance.

Adelaide Central Market Gouger Street, Adelaide IS S UE 0 5.



I S S U E 0 5.


F O O D + W I NE

Willy’s Wine Bar


Q: Can you tell us about the name Willy’s?

Q: What is the food

A: Well it’s about the location, King William Road,

offering like?

King Willy Road. We thought “we’re going to

A: We didn’t want to offer a

King William Road has long been missing

Willy’s” sounded good and catchy, and we do have

huge amount, we wanted to

a wine bar, but now locals have the perfect

a son called William… he thinks it’s named after

offer a light meal or a snack

venue for after work drinks during the week or

him. There is also the famous “Willies Wine Bar” in

that goes with wine. We offer

long catch ups with friends over the weekend.

Paris that we drew inspiration for the name from.

a variety of nibbles from

Your new location for King William Rd

With an extensive wine list and light nibbles to

Jacqui Lim is a passionate, active advocate of the food and wine industry. Besides eating and drinking a lot, she sees her role to be connecting people with, and through, good food whether it be organising food and wine events, sharing her experiences on Instagram @jacquisfoodfetish, recommending restaurants or simply bringing friends together to enjoy a meal. Follow @jacquisfoodfetish for more insights into the dining plates of Australia’s best restaurant.

Down The Rabbit Hole

A LA CARTE AND SET MENUS OPTIONS $75 - $85PP Here’s a winery/restaurant gem in McLaren Vale with food that celebrates the beautiful regions of Italy. Executive Chef Nick Tadija says it’s a ‘love letter to Italy’, using the highest quality seasonal produce from within close proximity. Pasta and bread are made by hand in-house, and vegetables and herbs are grown in their garden. It’s generous and it’s delicious, like this garganelli with pork and fennel sausage and peperonata ragu.

to a thin German pizza

Willy’s, what made you choose this spot?

called ‘Flammekueche’.

We spoke to owners, Darren and Jessica Packer,

A: It’s a great location! Within walking distance to

We have a following for

about what to expect at Willy’s.

some fabulous restaurants. We thought the street

our traditional Chicken

could do with somewhere people could pop in and

Sandwich, like my grandma

have a casual drink before or after dinner, or even

used to make!

after an afternoon shop! Willy’s is even a location

As well as the hit staple,

for a drink and casual dinner; we think it’s a great

Willy’s special nuts. And we

date night spot.

are currently working on

Jolleys Boathouse

ENTREES $23 - $35, MAINS FROM $32, CHEF’S MENU $95PP It’s time to revisit Jolleys with new Head Chef Harry Bourne serving classic European-style cuisine. The food is produce-driven with minimal fuss plating and a nod to 70/80’s nostalgia. It's a high-end bistro, paying respect to the history of Jolleys with its long-standing reputation for quality food and service. The lobster tortellini is a must – saffron pasta filled with scallop, leek and crayfish mousseline with a lobster and mud crab bisque.

Q: Tell us about your wine list and other

1 Jolleys Lane, Adelaide @jolleysboathouse

SIGNATURE MENU $265PP If you’re after a taste of the finer things in life, Magill Estate Restaurant is the place to go. It’s one of the few true fine dining restaurants in South Australia. It’s about precision, perfection and a quality dining experience from go to whoa. For Executive Chef and owner Scott Huggins, it’s creating dishes of ‘refinement, magic and flavour’. His lobster and scallop-stuffed chicken wing will always have my heart!

SMALL PLATES $10 - $30, LARGE PLATES $34 - $54 What I love about Fishbank is you can have anything from oysters and sashimi, to prawn toast and fried whitebait, to a whole fish or wok-fried lobster, and don’t forget the shoestring fries on the side. I’ve been loving Executive Chef Tony Carroll’s food here since it opened. Great for a quick or long lunch or dinner, or just pop in for oysters and bubbles. It’s a place for all seafood lovers.

38 Murray St, Angaston @othernesswines

78 Penfold Rd, Magill @magillestaterestaurant

Ground level, 2 King William St, Adelaide @fishbankadl


Q: What is the vibe or feel you’re hoping to

some of the best wines located on our doorstep.

create at Willy’s?

We started wanting to showcase these and it just

A: We’re after a mature audience that

went on from there. We have also had fantastic

appreciates a relaxed and comfortable

guidance from a number of friends in the wine

environment to enjoy great wines, cocktails

industry. We’re happy to offer what we feel the

and nibbles.

A: Oh that’s a hard one to pick… we do love the

Second-generation hotelier James Franzon describes it as "a nod to [their] history and a celebration of the present."

SHARE PLATES $6 - $60, TASTING MENU $75 - $95 You’ll find Otherness on the main street of Angaston – a cellar door, bottle shop, wine bar and eatery all in one, where chef Sam Smith offers an enticing menu of share plates – fresh, local and seasonal. The dishes are kept simple and full of flavour. Order from the menu or remove the option anxiety and choose one of the Tasting Menu options, and there’s an excellent selection of wines.


IS S UE 0 5.

owners of Willy’s Wine Bar

A: We are so fortunate in South Australia to have

Q: Any signature cocktails we should expect?

Simple Luxury at Bobbi’s Bar & Restaurant


Darren and Jessica Packer,

with fortified wines to match.

locals are looking for.

The Hilton Hotel has officially opened its newly revamped dining destination, Bobbi's Bar & Restaurant. The fresh and inviting space promises a unique culinary experience, blending Modern Australian cuisine with a nod to the owner's rich European heritage.

Magill Estate Restaurant

offering a dessert board alcohol offerings?

classics like an Amaretto or a Gin Sour.

233 Binney Road, McLaren Vale @downtherabbitholewines


cheese board and antipasto Q: KWR has long been missing a wine bar like

accompany, Willy’s is the perfect relaxed spot.

The restaurant's name pays homage to the late Robert 'Bob' Franzon, the hotel's previous owner and publican, who, in the early days of Hilton Hotel, opened Bob's Bar and Grill, specialising in Classic Pub Fare. "It felt fitting to pay homage to the past as we look into our future," said James. Bobbi's Bar & Restaurant combines an archival photographic style with a simple yet luxurious aesthetic, with the aim of evoking nostalgia while offering a contemporary dining experience. The family has even imported a pizza oven from Verona, Italy, a region close to their family ancestry, to bring authenticity to their cuisine. F IF TY +S A

Willy’s Wine Bar Open Wed - Sun 96 King William Road, Goodwood @willys_96

"Bobbi's is about the meeting of old and new in a fruit-of-the-earth type of place which celebrates the history of family and brings people together with dishes that are designed to share in a beautiful modern way,” James said. The restaurant's menu is an evolution from the former Fedora's Restaurant, featuring a fresh take on seasonal Modern Australian and Mediterranean cuisine. Curated by former Qantas First Class International Lounge Executive Chef Mareko Webb, the menu offers an array of shared items and mains. Dishes like Spencer Gulf King prawns with romesco sauce and chili prawn linguine showcase the use of fresh, quality, and local ingredients. Whether you’re seeking a delicious meal, a memorable ambiance, or a celebration of heritage, Bobbi’s welcomes you to share the experience.

Bobbi’s Bar & Restaurant is open Tuesday to Friday for lunch and dinner and for dinner on Saturdays.

Bobbi’s Bar & Restaurant Hilton Hotel at 264 South Road, Hilton @bobbis_barandrestaurant

Bobbi's is about the meeting of old and new in a fruit-of-the-earth type of place which celebrates the history 57 of family and brings people together with dishes that are designed I S S U E 0 5. to share in a beautiful modern way. - James Franzon, Hotelier


F O O D + W I NE

Easy Drinking

by Nick Stock

I chaired the Clare Valley wine show judging panel in October this year and had a deep dive into a region that is doing brilliantly, making whites and reds that are always ready to drink, as well as worthy of some real estate in your cellar. The 2023 rieslings from Clare are drinkable on release, packed with fruit and quite fleshy. Pikes, Pauletts, Naked Run, Claymore and Jim Barry have all made top wines from this latest vintage.


In Adelaide’s vibrant culinary landscape, change is the only constant. As our great city continues to evolve, its dining scene embraces innovation, creativity, and a passion for flavour. We’ve taken a look at the latest additions to Adelaide's food scene, each offering a distinct personality and culinary excellence. From contemporary fusion to classic comfort, these eateries are reshaping the way we dine. Bon appetit!

Clare Valley reds are the big news of recent years though. Not to take anything away from the legendary rieslings, the reds have improved out of sight and are looking more polished and more refined, the best examples are glowing with vibrantly fresh and ripe fruit characters. Nick Stock is one of Australia’s most wellknown and highly-regarded wine critics. He co-owns McLaren Vale’s favourite beach front bar and restaurant the Silver Sands Beach Club. | @stockwine The flurry of new releases at this end of the

Jim Barry’s Cabernet Malbec The Farm 2021 took out the best wine of the whole show and is a great value red that is an each-way bet to drink now or to cellar. It embodies the sort of attractive mid-range power that is the envy of red winemakers the world over. It is effortlessly grand yet not over the top at any moment with depth of flavour and a refined feel. Do yourself and your friends a favour and pick up a half dozen before it sells out. I’ve included the 2023 Shaw + Smith Sauvignon Blanc 2023 in the mix here, a wine that really needs little introduction and certainly no help to sell but this is a strikingly fresh, elegant and distinctive vintage. It is hinged more to the sleek lime-edged citrus zone with fine and zingy acidity that makes it so handy as a fresh lunchtime accompaniment.

calendar means there are so many great choices and, as the entertainment season warms up, I’ve grabbed a bunch of bottles that are going to set you up nicely for the fun end of the year. The versatility and drinkable style of the best

And whilst we are talking whites, the talented Mr. Hickey of Brash Higgins is really hitting full stride with another set of delicious spring releases. The wine I always run to is the chenin blanc which he abbreviates to CHN on the label and adorns it with a spray of fresh spring flowers. The wine is cleverly textural, super fresh and brings an innovative approach to make a really appealing white wine from a grape that is otherwise quite austere. Clever stuff.

new wines we are seeing from South Australia’s cutting edge winemakers is hard to beat and there

See you at the beach!

Nick Stock

is seemingly no style they cannot master. These are exciting wines that are very cleverly executed.

Have a glass of… Worlds Apart Syrah Into The Black 2023 It is great to see a young and determined

Shaw + Smith Sauvignon Blanc 2023 A cooler climate in a cooler year means this

Grant Nash Rosé 2023 A new brand that is playfully framed around the

winemaker like Louis Schofield hit their straps

edition is a racy one on release and will build

name of the grape that is on the lips of every

and the confidence with which this wine has

some flesh and texture as it settles in over

switched on wine lover, grenache. This pale,

been delivered is really impressive. Plenty of

summer. Bright lime citrus fruit takes the lead

textural, smooth and fresh rosé is a stunning

attractively fragrant spice and a little pepper

here and the fresh and zesty feel on the palate

drink for just about every occasion. In fact the

too, sappy blackberry and dark plum fruits

is very appealing. There’s a refinement and

only fault I can find is that the bottles seem to

abound. Whole bunches fermented so well.

restraint to this one. Drink now.

empty themselves way too quickly.

A Prayer For The Wild At Heart A Prayer for the Wild at Heart, the sibling restaurant to the acclaimed My Kingdom for a Horse, graces the vibrant backdrop of Hurtle Square in Adelaide. Inspired by Tennessee Williams' play Stairs to the Roof, this establishment is a heartfelt ode to the hospitality industry. With its doors open from Wednesday to Sunday night and welcoming guests every day for breakfast and lunch, it offers a versatile modern brasserie menu that caters to everything from casual gettogethers to intimate dinners. Complement your dining experience with a thoughtfully curated selection of local and international wines, cocktails, and spirits. 44 Hurtle Square, Adelaide

Bandit Pizza & Wine Hyde Park has welcomed a new trattoria sibling to Anchovy Bandit. The menu may be concise, but it packs a punch with its blend of classic and inventive Neapolitan-style pizzas. You'll also find an array of flavour packed nibbles, including gnocco fritto, arrosticini skewers, and plates adorned with jamon iberico. For those seeking heartier fare, there are offerings like hearth-cooked vegetables, prawns, and succulent pork chops. With its low ceilings, classic trattoria curtains, and inviting neighbourhood wine bar ambiance, it's a spot you'll want to make a regular haunt. 248 Unley Rd, Hyde Park

Better buy a few of these.

Smooth texture, very drinkable.

Pikes Riesling Traditionale 2023 Won the trophy for best riesling at this year’s

Four Sides Bar & Kitchen Four Sides Bar and Kitchen, an exciting venture by the team behind the beloved Bistro Français, is already making its mark since its opening in August. Here, modern Australian cuisine takes centre stage, celebrating a diverse range of culinary influences and ingredients from both local and international sources. The venue unfolds into two distinct spaces: a stylish bar seamlessly transitioning into a welcoming dining area, and offers a unique blend of experiences, where you can savour small plates and mains while exploring an extensive by-the-glass wine selection. 165/167 King William Rd, Hyde Park

Brash Higgins Chenin Blanc CHN 2022 Winemaker Brad Hickey has become

Jim Barry Cabernet Malbec The Farm 2021 This blended red combination is arguably

Clare Valley Wine Show, it is one of the

well-known for this wine which has really

the greatest red style the Clare Valley region

ultimate hero wines of the region that we

captivating textural complexity whilst hitting

produces and has the backing of a superior

can all enjoy regularly through the warmer

a fresh, energetic style. He gives these

vintage here. Rich fruit aromas and flavours

months. The bright, fresh and zesty lime-

fresh white grape flavour bombs a little skin

in the blue, red and black berry zones sit

focused fruits are delivered in such enjoyable

contact and then ferments and ages the wine

bright throughout and the freshness makes

style here. A perfect accompaniment for

in barrel for a year. It is packed with fresh

this attractive now as well as a solid bet for

beautiful South Australian seafood.

apple, flowers and lemon citrus.

cellaring. Trophy for best wine of the Clare

Paper Tiger Paper Tiger has roared onto Rundle Street, inspired by Melbourne’s renowned Chin Chin. Paper Tiger has quickly become a local sensation, impressing diners with exquisitely presented dishes and imaginative cocktails. The menu takes you on a Southeast Asian culinary journey, offering delights like succulent lemongrass lamb skewers and perfectly grilled scallops in a chic and contemporary setting. 285 Rundle Street, Adelaide

Allegra Dining Room Allegra Dining Room, located above the beloved pizzeria Etica, offers an intimate setting for 28 guests. Driven by a passion for flavour, a connection to nature, and a spirit of innovation, the Allegra team curates a nightly multi-course dinner showcasing seasonally inspired plant-based dishes. L1 125, Gilles Street, Adelaide

Umaii Umaii is Adelaide's new Japanese izakaya, where you can enjoy sushi and sake in a casual setting with a cool vibe. They serve a variety of dishes, including yakitori, sushi, and snacks like bluefin tuna nori bites and pork and prawn wontons. What sets Umaii apart is the lively ambiance with a soundtrack of solid 80s Japanese pop music, making it the perfect spot for enjoying sushi and drinks all night long. 27 Currie Street, Adelaide

Valley show this year. Top value too. FI FT Y+ S A


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I S S U E 0 5.


Spilling the Beans On Local Coffee Roasters In a world where coffee has become more than just a beverage but a daily ritual, the art of coffee roasting has taken centre stage. Beyond the convenience of a quick caffeine fix, there exists a thriving subculture of passionate artisans dedicated to perfecting the coffee experience.

Subscribe to the FIFTY+SA e-newsletter for the very best of South Australian events, food and wine, travel, people, and culture in your inbox every week.

These unsung heroes of the coffee world are your local coffee roasters, masters of a craft that combines quality, flavour, and aroma. Join us as we spill the beans on the best neighbourhood coffee roasters and their commitment to brewing excellence right on your doorstep.

Curated for today’s 50+ generation, become a part of our community and enjoy the boundless possibilities that life offers beyond fifty.

b3 Coffee The team at b3 are passionate about great tasting coffee and carefully source their beans from some of the best growers across the world.

Faithful Hound Coffee In Adelaide’s western suburbs, Faithful Hound Coffee takes pride in its locally roasted coffee beans, delivering a full bodied coffee experience to the community.

De Groot Coffee Co. De Groot Coffee Co. is a family-owned coffee roastery in Port Elliot who like to keep things simple and make, roast and brew really good coffee.

Roasting in small batches, b3 aims to bring out the best attributes in every cup. In fact, every week, their dedicated roasters meet for a coffee cupping to discuss upcoming roasts and beans they will have on offer. Coffee cupping is an industry-standard practice and is one of the ways roasters monitor and maintain quality in each batch.

Faithful Hound offers two distinct coffee bean blends, each carefully crafted in small batches using premium, high-grade beans. Whether you're an espresso aficionado, a French press enthusiast, or a devotee of stove-top brewing methods, their blends are designed to elevate your coffee experience. And if you’re an animal lover, you’ll be pleased to know Faithful Hound Coffee donate 10% of the profits to Australian dog rescue shelters. @faithful_hound_coffee

De Groot Coffee Co. prioritise the bean, the brew, and their customers. Focusing on singleorigin coffee, they take a thoughtful approach without being overly preoccupied with global specialty coffee trends. @degrootcoffeeco

Visit their Blackwood cafe to enjoy a cup of their coffee or buy some beans to take home. @b3coffeeau


FIFTYPLUSSA.COM.AU Let us cook for you this Christmas

Dawn Patrol Starting out in Kangarilla, today Dawn Patrol operates from its permanent headquarters in one of the state's finest wine regions, the McLaren Vale. Their unique approach to coffee centres around a cellar door experience, driven by a genuine passion for coffee. Visitors to their cellar door can explore a wide range of coffee offerings and dive deep into the world of a full-bodied brew. Dawn Patrol's commitment to quality is evident in their meticulous tracking of bean origins, from growers to processing methods. They go to great lengths to source, roast, and deliver exceptional, premium coffees, ensuring they support ethical and sustainable practices among some of the world's best coffee growers. @dawnpatrolcoffee FI FT Y+ S A

Arrosto Coffee Arrosto Coffee transformed the old Renmark Fire Station into a vibrant cafe and roastery allowing customers to enjoy the unique experience of tasting coffee straight from the roastery. The team have roasters from premium Turkish manufacturers to help with producing multiaward winning blends and single origins at both national and international level. Branching out into different flavours, they have produced a Cold Drip Concentrate for use in anything from iced coffees to Espresso Martinis - The Concentrate has proved so popular they can barely keep up with demand. Keeping it local, the team has also reached out to producers Woolshed Brewery to collaborate on specialty offerings from Coffee Stout to Firewater Coffee liqueur. @arrosto_coffee 60

We love cooking for our customers and feel fortunate to be able to offer you a relaxed Christmas Day - Pre-orders online or in-store from our chef prepared menu pick up only on Christmas Eve in-store.

Hark! When it comes to roasting, Hark! specialises in the dark arts. While the city has been brewing the trend of golden, slightly acidic espresso shots from lighter roasts, Hark! takes a different path, curating a selection that resonates with the deeper, more complex flavours of tobacco, cacao, and caramel. Operating primarily as a wholesaler, Hark! meticulously sources its coffee beans from the lush regions of Brazil, Peru, and Papua New Guinea. Renowned for nurturing personal relationships with coffee farmers, this approach ensures not only the finest quality but also the ethical and sustainable cultivation of their beans. Hark! also boasts an espresso bar and kitchen for those who appreciate coffee on-site. @harkcoffee IS S UE 0 5.

Offering delicious home style meals with online ordering & delivery for our HCP & NDIS clients. “Spend less time worrying about what's for dinner and more time enjoying it.”

Sarsha Harvey





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0479 055 025

0402 898 950

0478 489 522


I S S U E 0 5.


Escape to Tranquillity at ANLABY Nestled between South Australia’s picturesque Barossa and Clare Valleys, Anlaby is the perfect place to enjoy a day visit steeped in history or stay for a while and experience all the region has to offer. Offering the ultimate retreat that allows travellers to unwind amidst the splendour of nature, far removed from the hustle and bustle of city life, this timeless estate invites you to immerse yourself in its rich history and stunning surroundings.


Anlaby boasts a selection of charming cottages that provide a cosy and welcoming atmosphere. These cottages, each overflowing with their own unique charm, ensure your stay is as comfortable as it is memorable. THE MANOR HOUSE Among the treasures of Anlaby stands the Manor House, an architectural gem that reflects the estate's rich history. This doublestorey stone building is part of the complex that surrounds the stable quadrangle and is one of Anlaby's oldest structures. HEAD GARDENER'S COTTAGE The Head Gardener’s Cottage is an ode to heritage and hospitality. Built in the early 1900s, this elegant residence has been lovingly restored with modern touches that make it an ideal accommodation for six guests. Guests can enjoy three spacious bedrooms and will also have access to two cosy lounges, three exquisite bathrooms (one ensuite), as well as all the necessary amenities found within its fully-equipped kitchen.

Exploring Australia and Beyond

Stress-Free Exploration Small group tours offer a stress-free travel experience. Travellers can leave the logistical details to the tour operator and enjoy a wellorganised itinerary. This allows them to relax, embrace new experiences, and create lasting memories without the burden of planning and decision-making. FI FT Y+ S A

Aldgate Valley Nature Walk, Adelaide Hills Tucked away in the Adelaide Hills, the Aldgate Valley Nature Walk offers a serene escape into the heart of nature. This gentle walk winds through forests and alongside babbling creeks, providing a relaxing experience for hikers of all levels.

Onkaparinga Gorge River Hike, Port Noarlunga For a refreshing summer walk, head to the Onkaparinga Gorge River Hike near Port Noarlunga. This trail combines the best of both worlds: a scenic hike through the gorge and the chance to refresh in the pristine waters of the Onkaparinga River.

From rugged coastlines to lush forests and towering peaks, the state offers endless hiking opportunities. This summer, lace up your hiking boots and set out on adventure through some of South Australia's most spectacular trails. COACHMAN'S COTTAGE For the ultimate indulgence, this elegant cottage was built for the Head Coachman in 1905. The cottage has recently been beautifully renovated to accommodate up to four guests. The cottage has two bedrooms, each with its own ensuite and beautiful garden views. The master bedroom has a king bed, with a luxurious ensuite complete with large walk-in shower and bath. There is a comfortable lounge room, small dining room and a fully equipped kitchen. Whether you choose the Manor House, the Head Gardener's Cottage, or the Coachman's Cottage, your stay at Anlaby promises a serene and unforgettable experience in the heart of South Australia's pastoral paradise. @anlaby_station

With its enchanting surroundings and a distance of approximately 4km, this walk is perfect for a leisurely afternoon outing in summer. Keep an eye out for native wildlife and enjoy the therapeutic benefits of being immersed in nature.

Independence Trail, American River Situated on Kangaroo Island, the Independence Trail offers a unique opportunity to explore the island's diverse landscapes. This moderate hike covers 3.6km one way or 7.1km return, guiding you through bushland, tranquil wetlands, and coastal stretches. The trail provides glimpses of the island's rich history and showcases its vibrant ecosystems. From the coastline to the wetlands, the Independence Trail captures the essence of Kangaroo Island's natural beauty.

The 6km loop takes you through lush woodlands, providing a chance to spot native wildlife and bird species. Be sure to bring your bathers, as the trail leads to waterholes where you can take a dip. This hike is a perfect blend of adventure and relaxation, making it an excellent choice for a summer day out.

Holidays of Australia & the World is one of Australia’s leading providers of escorted holidays. Experienced and passionate tour escorts provide that extra comfort and peace of mind while you are away by coordinating all aspects of your holiday, allowing you to relax and enjoy yourself.

Small group travel tours offer tailored benefits that can enhance the travel experience for people of all ages..

Expert Guidance Knowledgeable guides offer valuable insights into destinations. They provide historical and cultural context, answer questions, and offer recommendations for local attractions.

Here are our six must-visit hikes that promise breathtaking views and unforgettable experiences.

ALWAYS REMEMBER… • Bring enough water and food with you • Use sun protection • Pack a first aid kit • Avoid the hottest part of the day - earlier the better • Tell a friend where you’re going and when they should expect you back

Holidays of Australia & The World Small Group Tours

The Benefits of Small Group Tours

Safety and Comfort Small group tours provide a sense of safety and security. Travelling with a group reduces the risk of getting lost or encountering safety issues. Tour guides are experienced professionals who are well-versed in the local customs, language, and potential challenges, ensuring a smooth and secure journey.

Discovering South Australia Best summer walks

Whether you seek a peaceful escape or a base to explore the nearby Barossa and Clare Valleys, Anlaby promises the perfect home away from home.

Tailored Experiences Small group tours can be customised to accommodate specific needs and preferences. This includes considerations for mobility, pace, and interests, ensuring a personalised and engaging experience. They also generally involve less strenuous physical activities compared to independent travel. Designed with the comfort and mobility of older people in mind, the itineraries are carefully crafted to include manageable walking distances, accessible accommodations, and appropriate transportation options. Social Connections Travelling in small groups encourages social interaction and companionship. Travellers can meet like-minded individuals, make new friends, and share memorable experiences. 62

Upcoming tours include: - Norfolk Island - Kangaroo Island - Lord Howe Island - Tasmania - Broome/Kimberley - South Western WA - Indian Pacific - Egypt - Malta and Sicily - Spain and Portugal - London to Istanbul by rail

1/339 King William Street, Adelaide 1300 854 897 IS S UE 0 5.

Deep Creek Circuit Hike, Fleurieu Peninsula Nestled along the stunning Fleurieu Peninsula, the Deep Creek Circuit Hike is a true gem. This trail extends through the Deep Creek Conservation Park, offering coastal views, pristine beaches, and vibrant flora. The loop covers approximately 15km and can be completed in a day, ideal for a summer adventure. As you make your way through the rugged terrain, keep an eye out for native wildlife, including kangaroos and an array of bird species. The highlight of this hike is undoubtedly the views of the Southern Ocean, which provide a picturesque backdrop for a well-deserved rest. For those seeking a refreshing dip, secluded beaches like Blowhole Beach offer a fun way to cool off. F IF TY +S A

Coast to Vines Rail Trail, Fleurieu Peninsula Spanning from Marino to Willunga, the Coast to Vines Rail Trail is a scenic route that showcases the best of South Australia's wine country and coastal beauty. This cycling and walking trail spans approximately 37km, offering a journey through vineyards, townships, and coastal reserves. While cycling is a popular choice, the trail also works for walkers seeking a relaxed pace and the opportunity to savour the stunning landscapes. Make sure to stop at local wineries and cafes along the way to sample the region's renowned produce. So, don your hiking boots, pack a backpack, and set off to discover the beauty that South Australia has to offer. 63

Chambers Hike, Cleland Just a stone's throw from Adelaide, the Chambers Hike in Cleland Conservation Park provides a convenient yet immersive nature escape. This moderate trail guides hikers through the park's woodlands, showcasing South Australia's unique native flora and fauna. With its canopy of trees and the babbling brook beside the trail, Chambers Hike makes the perfect hike for a summer’s day. As you ascend, the trail opens up to reveal spectacular views of the Adelaide Plains and beyond. With a total distance of around 7km, the Chambers Hike offers a perfect opportunity for a morning adventure, making it accessible to a wide range of hikers. Happy hiking!

For more walks: I S S U E 0 5.




Hi everyone, Can you believe it’s almost Christmas? We’ve got the perfect gift solution for the travel lovers in your life – our Short Breaks Australia gift cards. A travel gift card is a thoughtful and versatile gift that grants the recipient the freedom to create their dream adventure, making it a wonderful choice for the holiday season.

You can purchase them online at or you can call the team on 1800 810 910. Wishing you and your families a happy and safe Christmas and New Year.

The Ghan: Journey through the Heart of Australia The iconic Ghan offers a transcontinental odyssey that unfolds between Darwin and Adelaide and vice versa over 3 days/2 nights, or 4 days/3 nights on the southbound Expedition journey. Covering an awe-inspiring 2,979 kilometres, this epic journey is a true passage through the heart of the Australian continent. As you embark on this unforgettable adventure, you’ll be captivated by the remarkable diversity of landscapes that unfold before your eyes. Traverse the rugged expanse of the outback, where the ochre hues of the earth meet the endless horizon. This is a beautiful gateway into South Australia and the Northern Territory taking you to both the Red Centre and tropical Top End. Yet, what truly distinguishes the Ghan is its premium level of service. Attendants, dedicated to ensuring your comfort and delight, provide a level of care and attention that makes this journey exceptional.

Indian Pacific: Coast to Coast Journey Across Australia

Kim n & Be

Incredible Australian Rail Journeys Australian rail journeys provide such an authentic encounter crossing through the country’s cities, outback towns and diverse, vast landscapes not seen by many, via a relaxing locomotive. They also embrace all the benefits of slow travel; unrushed and even paced, just sit back, relax and take it all in. Choose from the all-inclusive sumptuous cuisine, fine wines, warm hospitality and immersive experiences aboard the Ghan, Indian Pacific and Great Southern. How about the old world charm, unique touring and inclusive dining aboard a Vintage Rail journeys train exploring regional New South Wales? Whichever train you choose, an unforgettable Australian rail journey awaits.


A remarkable 4 day/3 night journey from Sydney to Perth (or vice versa), you’ll witness the transformation of landscapes. Indian Pacific boasts elegant cabins, world-class cuisine, and immersive off-train experiences. This is more than just an amazing rail journey; it’s a fantastic way to access New South Wales, South Australia and Western Australia travelling across the vast Nullarbor plain, offering adventures and guided train journey experiences in one unforgettable holiday.

Great Southern: An Australian Immersion Embark on an immersive Australian adventure with the Great Southern. This train journey takes you between the wine region-rich South Australian city of Adelaide to the stunning beaches of Brisbane (or vice versa) over 4 days/3 nights from Brisbane, or 3 days/2 nights from Adelaide, showcasing the diversity of Australia’s landscapes along the way. Great Southern also offers unique off-train excursions that allow you to explore every destination 64

along the way, making it one of the best rail journeys for holidays filled with adventure. Each direction features a different itinerary so you could travel on a round trip for a unique Australian experience. Plus, it operates exclusively during the Australian summer, aligning perfectly with cruising season in Australia, providing a great opportunity to pair this up with a cruise departure from the port of Brisbane.



SA’s National Parks

Dining Beneath the Canopy

Explore the outdoors and uncover 5 of SA's most beautiful conservation sites.


Adelaide foothills

Aurora Australis: An Expedition from Another Era For a truly unique rail experience, you can’t go past Vintage Rail Journeys’ holidays aboard the restored 1960s ‘Aurora Australis’ sleeping train. Celebrate Australia’s diverse history and rich culture with visits to regional towns, gardens and attractions. Navigate outback New South Wales through dramatic sandstone cliffs, and sprawling vineyards of Hunter Valley. There are three itineraries taking in the Golden West, Riverina and North Coast regions. The trip takes a leisurely pace over five days, to ensure you have plenty of time to soak up the experience of a lifetime.

When you book a rail getaway with Holidays of Australia & the World, you’re not just signing up for a trip; you’re signing up for peace of mind. The team will handle all the logistics from accommodation, flights and sightseeing, so you can relax and enjoy the journey.

Minutes from the city and accessible by public transport, Belair National Park is the gift that keeps on giving. Enjoy guided bushwalks, spot wildlife, visit Old Government House, and have a picnic. Play tennis on park courts or take home native plants from the nursery. COFFIN BAY NATIONAL PARK

Eyre Peninsula

Nestled amidst Kangaroo Island's unspoiled wilderness, The Enchanted Fig Tree Restaurant promises a unique and truly bucket-list-worthy dining experience. This exceptional eatery is housed within a centuryold Moreton Bay fig tree, creating an enchanting atmosphere where nature takes centre stage.

Coffin Bay National Park on the Eyre Peninsula offers pristine coastal beauty and abundant wildlife. For those who prefer to keep dry, there are plenty of accessible two-wheel and four-wheel drive tracks to explore, along with challenging surf breaks for experienced riders and excellent fishing spots.

The story of The Enchanted Fig Tree Restaurant begins with the ancient fig tree itself. Its colossal branches form a natural canopy that transforms dining into a magical affair. On arrival you will be welcomed by your host with a Kangaroo Islands Spirits cocktail and a selection of canapes. You will then be invited to venture through the leafy entrance of the majestic fig where it will open up into a collection of natural ‘living’ rooms, each decked out with stunning table settings ready for you to experience a magical feast of the senses.


Coorong and Murray Mouth Coorong National Park, a wetland wonderland, boasts a unique ecosystem teeming with diverse birdlife. Visitors can fully immerse themselves in the tranquility of nature, whether opting for a day trip or an extended stay at one of the park's campsites.

Inspired by fig mythology, the island location, sea, land, and earth – the restaurant’s culinary team will create a special handcrafted menu that includes a hint of local history, a splash of fairy tale, and a sprinkle of the unexpected. With a focus on seasonal ingredients sourced locally, the menu offers a delightful array of flavours. Fresh seafood, farm-fresh vegetables, and handcrafted delicacies come together to create dishes that showcase the island's bounty.


Lake Eyre Kati Thanda-Lake Eyre National Park showcases the mesmerising transformation of Australia's largest salt lake, drawing visitors with its ever-changing landscape and stunning salt flats. The prime time to explore this remote wilderness is between April and October, providing an escape from modern distractions with no mobile phone coverage; it’s just you and nature.

At The Enchanted Fig Tree Restaurant, the immersive experience is part of the charm. While you dine, the rustling leaves of the ancient fig tree and the melodies of native birds provide a serene backdrop. Communal tables encourage diners to connect over their shared love for exceptional food and the island's breathtaking beauty.


Flinders Ranges

1/339 King William Street, Adelaide 1300 854 897 IS S UE 0 5.

Nilpena Ediacara National Park in South Australia provides a unique window into ancient history, preserving the fossilised remains of Earth's earliest complex life forms, dating back over half a billion years. Opening to the public for the first time in April this year, park visitors are in for a world-class fossil adventure, complete with guided tours offering upclose encounters with the fossil beds. F IF TY +S A

Getting to The Enchanted Fig Tree is an adventure in itself. Situated in the heart of Kangaroo Island, the restaurant is accessible via a guided tour through the island's rugged terrain.

Season dates | 8 Nov 2023 - 8 April 2024 65

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more than just sport

Experience Mindful Yoga at LOFT At LOFT Meditation Yoga, yoga is not just a practice; it's a philosophy that encourages mindfulness, strength, and holistic well-being both on and off the mat. The team’s mission is to provide a complete yoga system that nurtures the body and mind, fostering a deep sense of connection and balance. LOFT approaches the asana practice as a form of moving meditation, which leads to a powerful, lucid, and unified body and mind. The emphasis lies in maintaining the integrity and fluidity of movement, which is achieved through a seamless synchronisation with the breath. With each inhalation, there is an initiation of graceful lifts, expansion, and openings, while every exhalation takes practitioners deeper into the profound realm of existence.

The LOFT approach is deeply rooted in the venerable traditions of yoga, with a deep respect for all eight limbs of this ancient discipline, which include: • Yama (Ethical Disciplines): Guiding principles that navigate ethical choices and interactions in everyday life. • Niyama (Self-Observation): Self-discipline and self-reflection, essential for personal growth. • Pranayama (Breath Control): Techniques to regulate and deepen the breath, fostering vitality and mindfulness.

Our Stepney Healthcare Hub offers patients a onestop facility where they can be diagnosed, treated and managed in one central location.

Whether individuals are new to yoga or seasoned practitioners seeking deeper connection and growth, LOFT Meditation Yoga extends a welcome to all. The classes cater to a diverse range of participants, ranging from beginners taking their initial steps on the mat to experienced yogis in pursuit of profound connection and growth.

Services include: • • • • • •

LOFT is dedicated to creating an inviting and inclusive environment characterised by positivity and acceptance. The community exudes a laid-back and open-minded vibe, fostering empowerment on the path to a healthier, more mindful, and happier life.


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LOFT Meditation Yoga Hewitt Avenue & Winchester Lane, Rose Park @loft _ meditation _ yoga


From our origins as a centre of excellence in sports injuries to our position now as a world-leading healthcare provider, we’ve grown to specialise in the prevention, treatment and recovery of bone, joint, muscle, ligament, tendon, nerve and arthritis issues.

Time-Honoured Yoga Traditions

IS S UE 0 5.



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A Modern Twist on Mozart: The Marriage of Figaro Returns to the Stage Long before Bridgerton and Bridget Jones’s Diary, Mozart gave us a slap-stick rom-com for the ages: The Marriage of Figaro. In November, State Opera South Australia will present this classic opera in a bold, modern version directed by Adelaide-

Cannon said, “together with our incredible cast and creatives, we’re catapulting the narrative into modern day with renowned operatic classics and a vibrant, fizzing score. Audiences will be on the edge of their seats as Figaro and his betrothed fight the odds on their way to the altar.”

based Nicholas Cannon (Love Burns, Christina’s World).

Sure to be an absolute hit, Cannon and his all-South Australian creative team are putting a modern twist on this production. The Marriage of Figaro is the story of a man and woman who fall in love and plan to marry but incredible drama unfurls in the lead up to the wedding. Forbidden crushes are disclosed, revenge plots carried out and secret long-lost sons revealed! Throw in a handsy boss, a cheating scandal and drunken gardeners and the perfect day soon erupts into chaos!

This is the ultimate rom-com full of truth and incredible beauty. It’s the perfect opera for first timers, with plenty of arias that even non-opera goers would have heard before in movies and commercials. - Jessica Dean

Bass baritone Jeremy Kleeman and soprano Jessica Dean, last seen together earlier this year in State Opera’s H.M.S. Pinafore as part of the G&S FEST, portray groom Figaro and his beloved bride, Susanna, on stage. “Figaro is the quintessential underdog and it’s impossible for the audience not to side with him,” Kleeman said. “It is a lot of fun to play a character who is so full of cheekiness, wittiness, boldness and charisma.” Dean adds, “be prepared to have a laugh and be moved. This is the ultimate rom-com full of truth and incredible beauty. It’s the perfect opera for first timers, with plenty of arias that even non-opera goers would have heard before in movies and commercials.”

The principal cast rounds out with a parade of gifted Australian artists, and talent shines bright in the creative team as well with stunning set and costume designs from Ailsa Paterson, and lighting designed by Tony award-winner Nigel Levings. In the pit, conductor Tobias Ringborg helms the Adelaide Symphony Orchestra. Save the date for a funny, romantic, and scandalous night at the opera.

The Marriage of Figaro 16 - 25 November 2023 Her Majesty’s Theatre

ASO 24

CONVERSATIONS WITH CORNESY SPORTING LEGEND. SEASONED BROADCASTER. SA ICON. THAT’S CORNESY. FIVEaa presents a special series called ‘Conversations with Cornesy’ with Graham Cornes. Discover the stories behind the biggest sporting identities, musicians and politicians. FIVEaa’s Conversations with Cornesy are unguarded, authentic and utterly captivating. AUSTRALIAN ENTERTAINER, RHONDA BURCHMORE, ON HOW SHE STILL LIGHTS UP THE STAGE AT 63 YEARS OF AGE. “I am a certain age, and a lot of my friends are now retiring but I have no intention of putting those tap shoes, those legs, that voice away… I still do the songs, I still dance, I love what I do, and I think that keeps me young without me thinking oh my gosh I’m that age.”

FORMER STATE LIBERAL LEADER TURNED LABOR MINISTER, MARTIN HAMILTON-SMITH, ON HIS TIME IN THE ARMY SPECIAL FORCES WHICH INCLUDED SEVERAL NEAR-DEATH EXPERIENCES. “When you have served your country in the defence force, you make a certain commitment to your country, and you take certain risks. It really defines you in your later life…that’s what really shaped my character and my perceptions.”

FORMER HUNTERS AND COLLECTORS FRONTMAN AND SONGWRITER, MARK SEYMOUR, ON HOW THEIR HIT SONG HOLY GRAIL WASN’T ORIGINALLY WELL-RECEIVED BY ALL WITHIN THE CIRCLE. “With the Hunters and Collectors, I was always guessing how people would react (to his songwriting)…this was just one instance where I went, no way, we’ve got to put this on the record.”

AUSTRALIAN SINGER-SONGWRITER TINA ARENA REFLECTS ON HER TIME APPEARING ON YOUNG TALENT TIME IN THE 1970’S. “What a joyful period of my life. Taught me a craft, had so much fun, you could take incredible risks, and you didn’t have social media for people to sit there and think that they can make comments about you. A beautiful, beautiful world.”

THE VOICE OF WORLD CYCLING, PHIL LIGGETT, ON HIS LOVE FOR ADELAIDE. “I fell in love with the city…there is no question that had I re-lived my life, I could very well have lived in Adelaide. I call it a little village in a big city, it’s a fabulous place to come.” FI FT Y+ S A


To listen to these episodes and more scan the QR code or listen ON AIR weekdays, 12:30pm-1:30pm.

Season on sale now IS S UE 0 5.



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Behind the Scenes with Nigel Huckle

Bringing Chris in Miss Saigon to Life

Prepare to step into the world of Cameron Mackintosh's sensational musical phenomenon, Miss Saigon, as it sweeps across the country to thunderous applause and rave reviews. This epic production is set to arrive in Adelaide in January 2024.

Q: Congratulations on being part of the Australian production of Miss Saigon! What initially drew you to this iconic musical and the role of Chris? A: It cannot be said enough that Miss Saigon features one of the most incredible musical scores ever composed for the theatre. They simply don't write musicals this grand and sweeping anymore, so the music is the first major draw for any actor, myself included. I'm also a bit of a history buff, and the fact that the Vietnam War was so recent, and in some ways so full of mystery, makes the challenge of bringing such realism to life an attractive prospect as well. Chris is one of the most demanding male roles in the musical theatre canon. Every tenor worked on "Why God Why?" in drama school. Getting to perform it on stage professionally is a whole new adventure, one I’ve dreamt about for a while and now I finally get to do it. FI FT Y+ S A

Q: Miss Saigon is known for its emotionally charged storyline. How do you prepare yourself to portray the complex character of Chris? A: The key component for me is to fully commit to the role. Chris's journey takes several twists and turns, and in a way, the story hinges on split-second decisions that he makes that we might, in everyday life these days, consider rash. But at its essence, the American presence in Vietnam was based on the idea that they were there to do some sort of good in coming to the aid of their South Vietnamese friends. And so meeting Kim finally gives him that realisation that there is good to be discovered, and that perhaps he can do some good in return (though sadly, he fails in his efforts).

I think Adelaide audiences are going to be moved by such an epic piece in a way they probably haven't been in quite some time. Yes, it's a summer blockbuster, but it's also a beautiful and crushing love story that stays imprinted on you long after you leave the theatre.


In this interview, join us as we dive into the heart of this iconic production with Nigel Huckle, who plays the male lead, Chris. Discover what inspired him to take on this extraordinary role, the emotional depth he brings to his character, and why Miss Saigon holds a special place in the hearts of Australian audiences.

Q: The original production of Miss Saigon premiered in Australia in 1995. What aspects of this new production do you believe will resonate strongly with Australian audiences? A: Musically, the orchestrations are much more true-to-life. Instead of the synthesisers of 1995, the percussion kit is so large it has its own room in the pit next to the rest of the 25-piece orchestra. Visually, the production design is also more true-to-life with more colour in the costumes and the set, and of course, the life-sized Huey helicopter that flies down to the stage to evacuate the US Embassy. But the creative team has also taken licence and given us licence to update lyrics in parts of the show that breathe new life into the piece and highlight the relevance of doing Miss Saigon almost thirty-five years after it was first staged. Finally, this cast is made up of Vietnamese, Filipino, Singaporean, Chinese, African, Indonesian, Burmese and Polynesian Australians and New Zealanders, and skilled international artists hailing from four continents. I think Australian audiences will resonate with a cast that actually looks like Australia delivering this story with unapologetically unique performances. IS S UE 0 5.

Q: The musical's score features memorable songs like 'The Heat is On in Saigon' and 'Last Night of the World.' Can you share your experience of bringing these powerful songs to life on stage? A: We have an incredible music team that is really attuned to what it takes to make these songs sound like real life. Though it is a sung-through musical, the style of the show requires enormous acting skill to drive the story in a way that allows those iconic songs to really soar. I remember in my final audition, our producer Cameron Mackintosh stopped me seconds into my first pass at 'Last Night of the World' to emphasise that we can't go from recitative scenes into "pretty" singing in a way that makes the songs look like "musical theatre land", the dramatic demands of the show are simply too high. Instead, there's a layer of humanity and realism that we have to build into the singing. Both audiences who are coming to hear this luscious score, and those who are coming to watch powerful drama will be immensely satisfied by how this production is delivered.

Miss Saigon Festival Theatre From 2 January 2024 Tickets available now from Ticketek F IF TY +S A

Miss Saigon Comes to Adelaide

As the renowned Miss Saigon takes centre stage in the City of Churches, we sit down with Torben Brookman, the mastermind behind the magic at GWB Entertainment. Get ready for an exclusive peek behind the curtains and discover what makes this summer season’s Miss Saigon a must-see event in Adelaide’s cultural calendar. Congratulations on bringing this spectacular new production of Miss Saigon to Adelaide. Can you share with us what sets this production apart from previous versions? This new production of Miss Saigon incorporates the spectacular stage effects of the original and delivered by an incredibly talented and dynamic cast. Cameron Mackintosh himself said it’s one of the best casts that he’s ever seen! Can you tell us about what makes this cast particularly special? This cast has been drawn from all over Australia and features some of the finest talent that we have in the country. Miss Saigon places huge demands on the company of performers (and crew!) given the size and complexity of the production and finding the right performers to create these characters night after night is always a challenge. The current company is an exceptional group who breathe fresh life into this incredible production. Miss Saigon has been seen by millions of people across the globe. What excites you the most about bringing it to Adelaide for this summer season? Adelaide audiences have a strong history of supporting the performing arts and deserve to see the best shows in the world. As an Adelaide based company, it’s incredibly exciting to bring one of the world’s great musicals here this summer. Often the economics of staging these huge shows make it challenging to bring these productions to Adelaide, however, we believe that there is strong demand to see the best that the world has to offer, so we are confident in taking this risk. We hope that Adelaide audiences will support the production and all come to the Festival Theatre this summer so that we can bring many more shows here in the future. 71

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Bringing Memories to Life With Rebecca Murrary


Can you tell us about your artistic journey and what led you to focus on capturing childhood moments in oil paintings?

I graduated from the Adelaide Central School of Art and it was there that I found the relationship between children and their environment so enjoyable. I saw a unique opportunity to capture these fleeting moments of childhood in a timeless manner, which led me to focus on this incredibly special and emotional aspect of life.

What do you hope people feel or experience when they view your paintings?

First and foremost I strive to achieve that ‘wow’ factor! I want viewers to experience a sense of being transported to the scene, either remembering the time, or feeling like they could have been there. The emotions I most often explore—innocence, discovery, happiness, and playfulness—should resonate with anyone who has experienced or witnessed the magic of childhood.

Could you describe your artistic process?

The process begins with close collaboration with my clients to identify themes and emotions they wish to capture. We then source reference photos, or specifically take photos, often considering locations of personal significance. The key is to find images that capture a unique personality, then make these memories come alive.

In Adelaide’s picturesque coastal suburb of Sellicks Beach, artist Rebecca Murray finds her inspiration. A graduate of the esteemed Adelaide Central School of Art, she has honed her craft to perfection, channelling her passion into the creation of breathtaking oil paintings that capture the essence of cherished moments. Recognising the central place children hold in our lives, Rebecca views art as a means to immortalise the ephemeral beauty of childhood. As a dedicated artist, she specialises in crafting oil paintings that evoke the emotions and memories of these precious moments in time. We chat with Rebecca about her artistic process and the vision behind her incredible pieces.

I love how the colours of the sky shift during sunrise and sunset, the play of light on water, the energy and movement of nature, these elements often find their way into the backgrounds and even the mood of my work. Many artists find inspiration in the work of others. Are there any artists or artistic movements that have influenced your style or approach?

I’ve always been inspired by the Old Masters for their technique and the way they could capture emotion so vividly. More recently, artists like Mary Cassatt, Edgar Degas, William Merritt Chase and John Singer Sargent have influenced my focus on intimate, everyday scenes.

How do you collaborate with your clients to ensure the artwork you create truly reflects the essence of their cherished moments?

The most meaningful art emerges from a true understanding of the client’s vision. We often sit-down multiple times, either in person or virtually, to discuss the emotions and themes they want to see immortalised. It is also critical that we source the best possible photographic reference with the best lighting and facial expressions possible.

How do you envision your art evolving in the coming years?

I envisage exploring more complex compositions and scenes, and immortalising those fleeting moments within the coastal environment. As I continue to grow as an artist, I am exploring the possibility of delving into capturing moments across various stages of life. But always, the focus will remain on capturing the emotional essence of my subjects.

How does the coastal environment influence or inspire your artwork?

Tell us about the themes and emotions you explore in your artwork.

I want to transport the viewer into the magic moments within my vivid coastal paintings, that often explore the relationship between children and their environment. I strive to create paintings that capture the time and place, making that moment eternal. They draw you in with the familiar, and invite you to interpret the story behind them. FI FT Y+ S A

The beach has always been a huge part of my life from childhood summer holidays, to now the inspiration behind my artworks. Sellicks Beach has featured in our lives more than most and now we live here! Our family weekends and holidays have provided an endless source of inspiration. I love how the colours of the sky shift during sunrise and sunset, the play of light on water, the energy and movement of nature, these elements often find their way into the backgrounds and even the mood of my work. The seaside with its endless changing landscape, the constant motion and aiming to captivate nature’s fugacity on a canvas is inspiring. 72

AGSA's Tarnanthi Showcasing 1500+ Contemporary Indigenous Artists Until 21 Jan 2023 Renowned as Australia's premier First Nations Program Highlights art festival, Tarnanthi 2023 exhibitions and • Vincent Namatjira: Australia in colour will accompanying events will be on display across premiere at Tarnanthi, featuring new paintings 27 venues, featuring more than 1500 artists by the celebrated Archibald prize winning First from across the continent, from as far north as Nations satirical portraitist. With works that offer Arnhem Land to the heart of the Great Victoria a wry look at the politics of history, power, and Desert and beyond. leadership from Namatjira’s signature contemporary Aboriginal perspective. • Kala kunbolk (Colour Country) at AGSA will feature exquisite woven baskets by the Kunwinjku Working diversely in painting, photography, women of Gunbalanya in west Arnhem Land. They are exploring the profound world of fibre art weaving, carving, sculpture, moving image, through traditional weaving practice that can be traced back thousands of years. works on paper and textiles, the artists express • Among the senior artists exhibiting at Tarnanthi in 2023 is Bugai Whyoulter, a Kartujarra artist traditional cultural knowledge through their who paints with Martumili Artists in the Pilbara region of Western Australia. Her work depicts contemporary works of art. the seasonal changes across the salt lakes and sand dunes of Wantili, the Country where she was born. • Wally Wilfred, a Wägilak artist working at Ngukurr Arts in southeast Arnhem Land, is renowned for his extraordinary use of vivid colour in his paintings. Wilfred’s contemporary works on paper reflect stories handed down to him from his grandfather. The works speak of cycles, life and death, and the ongoing connection to strong traditions and culture.

Kulata Tjuta, 2017, Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Lands. Courtesy the artists and Ernabella Arts, Iwantja Arts, Kaltjiti Arts, Mimili Maku Arts, Ninuku Arts, Tjala Arts, Tjungu Palya, APY Art Centre Collective. Photo: Saul Steed

As well as group and solo exhibitions, this year’s partner projects include a First Nations dance development opportunity with Australian Dance Theatre as well as opportunities for First Nations writers to engage with Tarnanthi exhibitions, involving Writers SA, the SA First Nations Writers Group and Our Words at the Adelaide Festival Centre. Meanwhile, the newly formed Kaurna Women’s Art Collective share their collective strength to present Footprints, a showcase of textiles, moving image, portraits and text at Hart’s Mill in Yartapuulti (Port Adelaide).


Friday 3 Nov - Saturday 25 Nov

On November 3, BMG is excited to open two exhibitions that delve into the world’s of sculpture and abstract forms, featuring the works of Basil Papoutsidis and Fiona Halse, both hailing from Melbourne. Basil Papoutsidis specialises predominantly in

Fiona Halse describes her art as an exploration of

sculpture. His art goes beyond traditional forms,

human presence and visceral essence.

focusing on creating three-dimensional objects

“I am not interested in replicating objects;

that reveal the intricacies of construction methods

instead I seek to assemble visceral abstract forms

and materials, all while conveying architectural

that have been shaped in the unconscious and


visions through his work.

transferred into a material presence.

Water Tide; Mixed media on canvas; 25 x 25cms

Whilst I refer to the human figure metaphorically


in my work, I am referring to memories that are

Untitled (Open Cut); Stainless steel & polyurethane

connected to self and are projections of being.

paint; 100 x 120 x 90cms

My work could be considered a personal ontology." These exhibitions at BMG offer art lovers a chance to engage with thought-provoking and boundary-pushing art. Basil Papoutsidis and Joining him is Fiona Halse, another talented

Fiona Halse invite you to explore their distinct

Melbourne artist with over 25 years of experience

artistic visions, where the tangible and intangible

in her craft since graduating from Monash

meet in a display of creativity and inspiration.

University. Fiona's artistic journey has taken her around the world, drawing inspiration from @art_by_rebecca.m

various art residencies in New York, Spain, Berlin, and New York again. IS S UE 0 5.

F IF TY +S A / @bmgart 73

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BRUSH UP YOUR SKILLS Adelaide’s Best Short Art Courses

Are you keen to explore various artistic disciplines or hone your existing creative skills? Whether you're a beginner ready to pick up a brush or an experienced artist in search of fresh inspiration, Adelaide has a diverse array of short courses tailored just for you. These courses provide the perfect opportunity to unlock your artistic potential, regardless of your skill level.

During this workshop, you'll learn to capture various stunning moments, including beach sunsets, long exposure seascapes, captivating night portraits, and even the magic of light painting, featuring the mesmerising Ferris wheel.

MINDFUL CLAY Urth Clay Studio Roll up your sleeves and join Urth Clay for some creative pottery sessions. Urth Mindful Clay Program is the ultimate mindfulness therapy for all that life may throw at you. Perfection is not sought and there is no right or wrong; it’s all about enjoyment and personal growth. Nothing beats the sense of pride and achievement that you will feel from creating your unique hand-crafted pieces. Many different pottery techniques such as hand building, slab rolling, coiling, and wheel throwing are explained to enable you to explore what gives you the most satisfaction, enjoyment, and sense of empowerment.


Designed for the absolute beginner, this introductory course teaches you basic silver jewellery making skills and techniques, such as sawing, filing, soldering, forming and roller printing to achieve various textures and finishes. Students will design and make their own jewellery pieces, beginning with a simple silver ring, with the option of making a brooch, pendants or earrings for subsequent projects.

Jam Factory In this eight-week introduction course, students will be guided through the use of machine and hand tools and weaving processes to create a solid timber bar stool and Danish cord woven seat under the guidance of JamFactory's Head of Furniture Studio, Andrew Carvolth.

NIGHT PHOTOGRAPHY Adventure Art Photography Join Adventure Art Photography for a unique photography workshop along the picturesque Glenelg Jetty. Whether you're capturing the beauty of a golden sunset or the enchanting glow of the Ferris wheel under the night sky, this hands-on experience is designed to help you master the art of low-light photography.

Participants will be shown how to shape and join timber in the construction of a unique stool frame out of Tasmanian blackwood, and use Danish paper cord to weave a robust and distinctive seat in the tradition of many Danish, Scandinavian and Mid Century Modern furniture designs. All necessary materials are supplied. This course is suitable for complete beginners.


Adelaide Central School of Art's Short Course programs cater to adults of all skill levels, offering a diverse range of studio-based courses instructed by practising artists. With class sizes limited to a maximum of 13 participants, everyone benefits from individualised and expert guidance. The course options encompass various art forms, such as etching and printmaking, oil painting, and the fundamentals of figure drawing.

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With an unapologetic nod to the Mid Century aesthetic, Bob Window produces limited edition home wares and accessories from both vintage and his own hand printed fabrics. Designed, printed and made, by Bob, here in Adelaide.

Jenni Armstrong is the sole creative designer behind the JASKA label. Over the years JASKA has evolved and today it is a unique accessories brand where Jenni turns her original artwork into what she calls ‘functional art pieces'.



I have a design called ’Tango’ that was both inspired to me by a piece of mid-century pottery and also the colours of my grandmother’s very contemporary curtains in the 60’s. That design and colour has become the most popular bob window fabric.

Painting for me is my happy place. I can get lost in a piece for hours when creating. Inspiration for me can come from many and very diverse sources. It could be another piece of art I see, a fabric I spot while out and about. I love flipping through magazines, ideas can come to me while doing this. Sometimes it can be just a colour combination I see. Nature though is probably my greatest form of inspiration! From beaches to mountains and everything in between.


I am obsessed with mid-20th design and have been my entire adult life. The colours and forms are carried into my own designs and items. There’s no such thing as too much Burnt Orange or Chocolate Brown.




Adelaide Central School of Art


Adelaide’s premier design market, Bowerbird, returns in November, spotlighting Australia’s top makers, designers, and producers. We had the chance to connect with two of the remarkable creators featured in this year’s lineup to find out more about their work.

Jam Factory

No prior experience required. All necessary tools and materials are supplied; students may choose to purchase additional silver if desired.




I guess the one thing I continually go back to in my artwork is my "by sight, repeat patterns". Personally, I find computer generated repeat patterns too perfect for my products. One of the main reasons I started using my own artwork as opposed to computer printed artwork. It is also what makes each piece a one-of-a-kind. I don't use a ruler or measure anything. I produce a repeat pattern going by sight only. By the time I get to the end I am filling in spaces with unique strokes for that area.

Many years ago whilst studying textile design in Sydney I found I was drawn to Mid Century fabrics. When I first started Bob Window I stumbled across a bolt of vintage Australian Sheridan ‘Mikado’ print fabric - it really did open my eyes to the possibilities of sharing my passion with other collectors. I still have some of the bolt and every now and then it pops up in the form of a bob window lampshade.

WHERE CAN PEOPLE SEE AND PURCHASE YOUR BAGS? Being an Adelaide girl, I am so looking forward to returning for Bowerbird in November and visiting lifelong friends.

Bob window is in residence at The Mill Adelaide (by appointment) but if you want to see him in full illuminated glory visit his stand at the upcoming Bowerbird Design market in November. | @bobwindow IS S UE 0 5.

F IF TY +S A | @jaskabyjenni 75

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MUST-READ BOOKS Grandparents

Enjoy these page-turners in a shady spot this summer

By Dave Bradley

by Michael Carr Gregg A groundbreaking guide to grandparenting and a celebration of grandparents, from one of Australia's foremost parenting experts.

Frank Moorhouse: Strange Paths

by Matthew Lamb Frank Moorhouse was legendary in Australian literary and cultural life, the author of a huge and diverse body of work – essays, short stories, journalism, scripts, the iconic Edith Trilogy – an unapologetic activist, intellectual, libertarian and champion of freedom of speech and sexual self determination. Though he lived his life publicly, his private stories have not been shared, the many paths he forged left unexamined, until now.

The grandparent–grandchild relationship is a truly special one, but the lives of grandparents and grandkids have changed so much in recent times. How do grandparents create close relationships with the children they adore while living their own busy lives?



HOLLY by Stephen King

An invaluable resource for modern grandparenting, Grandparents is the perfect gift for a first-time grandparent, or whenever challenges arise. $29.99 Allen & Unwin

Matthew Lamb shared many a luncheon table with Moorhouse and immersed himself in the archived life and cultural ephemera of Frank’s world. This landmark study, from Moorhouse’s own publisher, the first in a projected two volumes, is the fascinating and comprehensive story of how one of Australia’s most original writers and pioneer of the discontinuous narrative came to be. $45.00 Penguin

The irrepressible King follows up last year’s overwritten Fairy Tale with the first story entirely devoted to his beloved private detective, sorry, investigator Holly Gibney, who has so far appeared in the ‘Bill Hodges Trilogy’ (Mr. Mercedes, Finders Keepers, End Of Watch), The Outsider and the novella If It Bleeds, from his anthology of the same name.

Our Voices From The Heart

by Patricia Anderson AO and Professor Megan Davis

Stephen has declared his great love for Holly, whose exploits recall this writer’s crime tales from back in the early 1970s, before he became so associated with horror and darkness. But that’s not to say that Holly is your typical gumshoe type: she’s plagued with self-doubt, notably eccentric and still seriously uneasy in social situations, but the late Hodges taught her well and she’s got her idiosyncrasies under control. Almost.

Australia finds itself standing on the edge of a 60,000-yearold precipice. The Uluru Statement From The Heart respectfully asks for First Nations people to finally be given a Voice - but what path led us here?

Stone Yard Devotional

by Charlotte Wood A woman abandons her city life and marriage to return to the place of her childhood, holing up in a small religious community hidden away on the stark plains of the Monaro. She does not believe in God, doesn't know what prayer is, and finds herself living this strange, reclusive life almost by accident. As she gradually adjusts to the rhythms of monastic life, she finds herself turning again and again to thoughts of her mother, whose early death she can't forget. Disquiet interrupts this secluded life with three visitations. First comes a terrible mouse plague, each day signalling a new battle against the rising infestation. Second is the return of the skeletal remains of a sister who left the community decades before to minister to deprived women in Thailand - then disappeared, presumed murdered. Finally, a troubling visitor to the monastery pulls the narrator further back into her past. $32.99 Allen & Unwin

The story of the twelve Regional Dialogues and the Uluru National Constitutional Convention has never been told. It is a yarn borne from centuries of struggle, full of vision, determination and courage. These community gatherings, led and attended by fifteen hundred everyday First Peoples, represent the largest ever consultation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders in history. The unanimous result was the Uluru Statement From The Heart, and its call for Voice and Makarrata.

This contrivedly crowd-pleasing factual drama still works and remains watchable due to the performances by a showboating Jamie Foxx and a quietly reserved Tommy Lee Jones (who was cast after Harrison Ford became unavailable, surely due to Indiana Jones duties)

Our Voices From The Heart is the official celebration of the grassroots campaign that guided us to this inspiring moment in Australia's history. It is a profound call to action for the nation, but is also an offering of peace and unity that recognises the past and reconciles it with the truth. $39.99 Harper Collins

Back in 1995, Jones’ Jeremiah O’Keefe, a family man and owner of a chain of Mississippi funeral homes, ventures to Vancouver with his longtime lawyer pal Mike Allred (Alan Ruck) to sell three of them to the Loewen funeral company, as represented by CEO Ray Loewen (played by the frequently dastardly Bill Camp). A contractual issue and legal case lead young attorney and family friend Hal Dockins (Mamoudou Athie) to suggest that Jeremiah hire star personal injury lawyer Willie E. Gary (Foxx), who performs in court in much the same way he does in church.

The Seven

Taking place mostly in 2021 (although we do sometimes flash back), this finds Holly trying to keep the Finders Keepers business going during the pandemic. We begin with her watching her anti-vaxxer Mom’s funeral via Zoom, and then she’s called by Penny Dahl, whose daughter Bonnie has gone missing under suspicious circumstances.

Co-written and directed by Maggie (sometimes Margaret) Betts, it’s loosely drawn from a 1999 New Yorker article penned by Jonathan Harr, and although you can be pretty sure how the story’s going to progress, you’ll be dragged into the somewhat awkward tale anyway.

Holly’s haunted by the events of the previous books, misses Bill terribly, and keeps finding out awful truths about her late mother, but she still works hard to find out what happened to Bonnie. However, King structures the story so that we have little doubt where this young woman is: she’s surely been kidnapped by a pair of elderly but monstrous academics for whom abduction and murder are only the beginning. Indeed, these villains are amongst the nastiest in King’s recent books: they’re racists, cannibals and (gasp!) Republicans. And they do truly ghastly things despite arthritis, sciatica, and other health conditions.

by Chris Hammer Yuwonderie's seven founding families have lorded it over their district for a century, growing ever more rich and powerful.

An Unlikely Prisoner

by Sean Turnell

But now—in startling circumstances—one of their own is found dead in a ditch and homicide detectives Ivan Lucic and Nell Buchanan are sent to investigate. Could the murder be connected to the execution of the victim's friend thirty years ago—another member of The Seven— or even to the long-forgotten story of a servant girl on the brink of the Great War? What are the secrets The Seven are so desperate to keep hidden? $32.99 Allen & Unwin

For 650 days Sean Turnell was held in Myanmar’s terrifying Insein Prison on the trumped-up charge of being a spy. In An Unlikely Prisoner he recounts how an impossibly cheerful professor of economics, whose idea of an uncomfortable confrontation was having to tell a student that their essay was ‘not really that good’, ended up in one of the most notorious prisons in South-East Asia. And how he not only survived his lengthy incarceration, but left with his sense of humour intact, his spirit unbroken and love in his heart. $35.00 Penguin FI FT Y+ S A


The issue of race here is fumbled somewhat, and yet Betts, Foxx and the rest of the cast ensure that it’s powerful nevertheless - and, as this is America, it’s inescapable. However, despite these angry underpinnings, there’s a fair quotient of charming comedy too, with a friendship developing between Willie and Jeremiah that leads to some genuinely funny and sweet scenes that might have actually happened.

It’s obvious, too, that King really loves Holly, and that this won’t be her last hurrah. After all, “There’s no end to evil.”

“Indeed, these villains are amongst the nastiest in King’s recent books: they’re racists, cannibals and (gasp!) Republicans. And they do truly ghastly things despite arthritis, sciatica, and other health conditions.”

Or did they? Naturally, as with so many ‘inspirational’ true stories, it’s hard to tell and you can’t help but feel suspicious, but this isn’t fastidiously trying make sure the facts are all 100% correct: no, it’s hoping to win you over with this study of two upstanding guys fighting to bury a seemingly untouchable and seriously evil multi-billionbuck corporation. Which, it must be said, was really asking for it.

Hachette Australia: Hodder & Stoughton, RRP $34.99 (paperback)

The Burial is now streaming on Amazon Prime. 76

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What's On?

LET PK ENTERTAIN YOU! wait for it, Back Live tour and Adelaide does not miss out! This will be a night to remember as Harry and his band deliver song after song from across his entire career-spanning catalogue of hits, from originals to standards and everything in between! Go Harry!

Paul Kitching - aka PK - from Fuller Brand Communication has been out and about enough over his 50+ years to still have his finger on the pulse for the best things to see, do and enjoy in our excellent state. Whilst we all know life starts at 50, we also know what we like and are choosy about how we dedicate our precious spare time. PK reckons these gems are all worthy…

On The Terrace AGSA, State Library, SAM, Migration Museum Sun Nov 19 (and it’s FREE!) Heard of chamber music? This is the way to find out more, or lap it up if you love it—and all for free in the major cultural institutions along North Terrace. Chamber Music Adelaide’s day-long program of 28 mini-concerts lets audiences experience the intimate conversations between musicians in performance. Take in some music and art, pause for a break, then head to another mini-concert with a different musical flavour. Everyone of all ages is welcome and it’s free!

Harry Connick Jr. Adelaide Festival Theatre Tue Dec 5 Who doesn’t love Harry?! Who’s been waiting over a decade for his long-awaited return to Australian stages?! Yes, the legendary live performer Harry Connick Jr. is back live for his, FI FT Y+ S A

Christmas Actually Her Majesty's Theatre Fri Dec 8 Yes, you will know all of the songs. Yes, you will see a singing lobster. Yes, this is the music of ‘Love Actually’ – the world’s most-loved movie soundtrack live on stage featuring Australian cabaret icon Libby O’Donovan OAM, Josh Robson (Phantom of the Opera), Irena Lysiuk (The Sunshine Club) and JD Smith (The TEN Tenors). What a way to celebrate the festive season and experience smash hit songs by Mariah Carey, Joni Mitchell, Norah Jones, Eva Cassidy, The Beatles and more. Jingle your way to this one super quick!

Explore what’s coming up in the Adelaide event calendar. To stay up to date, head to

and unmissable occasions. Adelaide fans, who have only ever witnessed the unique soulfulness of this LA-based musician perform as part of his acclaimed ensemble ‘Ryan Adams & The Cardinals’, will now get the opportunity to see Ryan Adams perform solo for the first time and celebrate his life-long dedication to song-writing.

An Unfunny Evening with Tim Minchin and his Piano Her Majesty's Theatre Thu Feb 8 - Sun Feb 11 The uber-talented Tim Minchin is only playing a handful of intimate, informal, solo dates in Australia this summer, where the set list will be fluid, the chat unplanned, and the vibe informal. Performing songs from his albums, from his musicals, Matilda and Groundhog Day, from his TV and film writing, and more, this is a rare chance for Minchin, and songwriting, fans alike.

AND DON’T MISS... Miss Saigon Adelaide Festival Theatre From Tue Jan 2 Based on the equally marvellous Madama Butterfly, Cameron Mackintosh’s musical blockbuster, Miss Saigon, is one of the most stunning theatrical events of our time! With standing ovations in Sydney and five-star reviews, Australian critics are calling it “spectacular: a phenomenon of musical and theatrical display” (SMH). A soaring musical score brought to life by “a knockout ensemble of triple threats” don’t miss this award-winning musical!

• Skunkhour, The Gov, Sat Nov 25 • Robbie Williams, VAILO Adelaide 500, Sun Nov 26 • Dead Man's Cell Phone, Slingsby’s Hall of Possibility,

Ryan Adams Adelaide Entertainment Centre Fri Jan 19 Back in Australia for his first solo tour in over a decade, the incredibly talented Ryan Adams promises to deliver one of those truly unique

• Bjorn Again, The Gov, Fri Jan 26 • Vintage Vibes Festival, Tomich Hill Winery, Sat Jan 27

Italian Festival Autoclassica Adelaide Festival Plaza Sun 12 Nov Shannon’s Adelaide Rally 17 - 19 Nov

The Adelaide Italian Festival’s signature all-Italian vehicle show Autoclassica is returning to the 10-day festival at an exciting new location, the Festival Plaza after a one-year hiatus. Admire classic Italian-made cars like the Fiat, Alfa Romeo, Ducati, Ferrari and Lamborghini at this all-Italian vehicle show. Kicking off at 10am, visitors of all ages will be able to view a range of innovative and iconic Italian motor vehicles, while having the opportunity to get up close and personal with some of their favourite vehicles!

The Shannons Adelaide Rally is a three-day tarmac rally featuring over 400 participants in various touring and competitive categories. The rally spans multiple regions around Adelaide, offering dedicated spectator zones on each event day, including the Wairoa Stage on Saturday afternoon. Additionally, you can enjoy up-close experiences with all the cars at our renowned community events such as the Gouger Street Party, Bridgewater and Strathalbyn lunch stops, and the Victoria Park Finale. These events provide family-friendly entertainment and are completely free!

Robbie Williams VAILO Adelaide 500 After-Race Concert Series Sun 26 Nov We know Robbie is the ultimate showman, with this global superstar bringing his high-octane XXV tour and countless pop hits to Adelaide, ready to turn it up! The legend has sold over 85 million albums, had 14 UK number one albums (the most for any solo artist, equalled only by Elvis Presley) and 14 number one singles as a solo artist. Robbie will not only be performing a full set but the energised Sneaky Sound System will be there too on the night as well hot-right-now British singer-songwriter Gaz Coombes; and all supported by newly formed Australian electronic group Lufthaus. What a show!!

Santos Tour Down Under Sat 13 Jan - Mon 22 Jan The world’s best cyclists will race in South Australia in January 2023 as the Santos Tour Down Under makes a bold return. Ten action-packed days and nights await fans at the UCI WorldTour event, which is set to launch the international cycling calendar for the first time since 2020.

Sat Nov 25 - Sun Dec 10

Birds of Tokyo and the Adelaide Symphony Orchestra present Birdsongs Adelaide Festival Theatre Thu Nov 30 & Fri 1 Dec

• Wendy Matthews & Grace Knight, We’re Going To Graceland, The Regal Theatre, Fri Dec 1 & Sat Dec 2

• Megan Washington with Paul Hankinson, UKARIA James Morrison and his Big Band Her Majesty’s Theatre Sat 2 Dec

Cultural Centre, Sat 2 Dec

• The Cruel Sea, The Honeymoon Is Over 30th Anniversary Tour, Hindley Street Music Hall, Thu Dec 7

• Kraftwerk, Adelaide Entertainment Centre, Tue Dec 12 • Grinspoon, Adelaide Entertainment Centre, Sat Dec 23 • The Fabulous Caprettos-Dave Gleeson/Russell Morris/Jack Jones/Rae Thistlethwayte, The Gov, Thu Jan 11



& Sun Jan 28

• Henry Winkler: The Fonz and Beyond, Her Majesty’s Theatre, Wed Feb 7 IS S UE 0 5.

This will be a stellar collaboration as one of Australia’s iconic bands in Birds of Tokyo teams up with the Adelaide Symphony Orchestra for Birdsongs, an electrifying concert experience at the Adelaide Festival Theatre. Birds of Tokyo have cemented their place as Australia’s most successful contemporary rock band and will perform all their classics (yes that includes ‘Lanterns’) alongside new works, reimagined with stunning orchestral arrangements. And the talent within our ASO goes without saying ensuring this captivating live performance delivers spine-tingling dynamic songs matched by the power of a fullv orchestra. Should be breath-taking.

James Morrison is a musical genius, a multi-instrumentalist, and a highly entertaining showman, who always delivers an unforgettable performance. Joining James on stage will be some very special guests and an All-Star Big Band, boasting some of the best jazz musicians in the country. If you’ve heard James Morrison with a small band and fallen for his musical magic, imagine that superb sound with twice the trumpets and trombones, three times the saxophones, incredible guest musicians and James trumpeting away in the lead like a man possessed! F IF TY +S A


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