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It’s a


January/February 2018 Volume 55

TraDeshoW CaLenDar

reTaIL reVIeW:

WeB Vs BrICK & MorTar


FaLL/WInTer PreVIeW 2018

It’s a KIdsworld | 3

4 | It’s a KIdsworld New York Ilene Oren & Company (212) 563-5020

5 | It’s a KIdsworld

Los Angeles Shayna Masino Sales (213) 689-4950

6 | It’s a Kidsworld

Phone: (914) 330-3056 | Lesley Lewis Showroom | Dallas, TX | (214) 630-4649 & Marci Nicole Showroom | Dallas, TX | (214) 213-6974

It’s a KIdsworld | 7

From the Publisher

neW Year... neW BegInnIngs

130 Rio Vista Drive, Norwood, NJ 07648 Phone/Fax: 201.969.1600 Email: puBlisHer/Ceo Caryn Salomon ViCe presiDeNT/CoNTroller David Salomon europeAN CoNTriBuTiNG eDiTor Janet A. Jacobs

Dear Readers, This time of year always motivates me to clean house... literally, and start fresh. New Year means new beginnings. A time to reevaluate what is working for me both personally and with work. And then revamp. Start new and make things better. This year I will be focusing more on bringing a larger social media aspect to It’s A Kidsworld. Benefiting both our marketing partners as well as our readers. We will be showcasing up to date information and trends to our readers via Instagram and helping guide the industry in a more timely fashion, offering manufacturers an outlet for immediate sales. It’s A Kidsworld will be giving even more exposure to manufacturers and connecting them to those savvy retailers who are already utilizing social media as a buying tool.

ArT DireCTioN/MAGAZiNe lAYouT Christine Joy Décary

If you would like to receive a digital copy of It’s A Kidsworld or would like info on how to showcase or be featured in our pages please contact Caryn at

So if you have not done so already, please like us: KidsworldMagazine/ and follow us @its_a_kidsworld to ensure that you are in the know! Happy shopping!

Caryn salomon publisher/Ceo it’s A kidsworld

kidsworldmagazine @its_a_kidsworld

8 | It’s a KIdsworld

oN THe CoVer Brand: Yo Baby Designers: Haroon Shahab & Kunjan Jain Photographer: Shaina Leigh

It’s a Kidsworld | 9

10 | It’s a KIdsworld


Gain Maximum Exposure for Your Brand Book Your Space NOW for 2018 & Receive Discounted Rates MARch/ApRIl DOuBlE ISSuE

Fall/Winter 2018 Back to School Issue TrendWatch Accessories


Spring/Summer 2019 Preview Retailer Review Footwear Round Up

OctOBER/NOvEMBER DOuBlE ISSuE Spring/Summer 2019 EuroWatch Dress Up

Bonus distriBution at all major tradeshows: Children’s Club NY, Playtime, Children’s Club Las Vegas, Great Event Shoe Show and all Regional Marts

Ask us about our email blast and reach over 6,000 buyers nationwide! To book your space or for info please email

*Editorial subject to change It’s a KIdsworld | 11

News aMaYa


#FIMIMoVeMenT FIMI, International Kids Fashion Fair, is changing its communications strategy and is creating the FIMI MOVEMENT. Circulation, activity, trend, style and most of all, opinion. Because Spanish fashion has a lot to say. The Fair, conscious of the changes in the sector, renovates and creates a movement that has been called #movimientofimi (FimiMovement) with which it wants to reach and increase the number of international and national exhibitors and buyers. 86 editions support them. FIMI continues to be the sum of the brands that represent it ,designers and workers that make an effort with love and dedication, day by day. Kids fashion is the future and its objective is to raise awareness about the importance of the values of the Made in Spain manufacture. FIMI wants to transmit in its next edition January 19th to 21st 2018, to all the exhibitors and sponsors that participate,a feeling of change, choosing style trends that are gathered inside the SEE ME space, as well as the brands most loyal to its way so understanding kids fashion in FIMI. Both make it the only fair that looks for the best quality and comfort to dress the little ones. This season offers are newer space and a movement where the common core will be the fashion showcase, its fashion show FIMI KIDS FASHION WEEK, able to attract the visitors from the five continents; a debate space with its own short talks.


Its objective is that every corner of the fair transmits the new change. The new FIMI movement, attractive to national and international buyers. The best offer for the most demanding demand.

For more information please visit http:// www.ďŹ

Photography by Marcos Soria 12 | It’s a KIdsworld

La orMIga

Lea LeLo

News Jose Varon

Agatha Ruize De La Prada




OCA LOCA It’s a Kidsworld | 13



YO BABY Founded in 2008 by Haroon Shahab, Yo Baby is based out of Jaipur, India. Their aim is to be able to provide clients both, fantastic quality and well invested design. With their own factory facilities in India they have successfully maintained partnerships with boutiques globally in the USA, New Zealand, Australia and Europe. “At Yo Baby our concept is to create unique, fun clothing for kids with special attention to detail. The collections feature dresses, ensembles, tops and skirts that play off style and attitude in keeping with our image – UNIQUE! “ The collections are based on high quality materials with an emphasis on trims and hand-work, not found anywhere else. Their designers incorporate sophisticated materials into fresh, youthful kids’ fashion! Each month they offer new prints & designs which are designed in-house, making the collection fresh and exciting every time. All fabrics are carefully sourced and are of highest quality, silks, velvets and crisp cottons. The feel of fabric is of utmost importance hence nearly all fabrics used are made up of natural fiber’s. Yo Baby collections provide long lasting quality, beautiful clothes that at the same time maintain the integrity and innocence of childhood. With all styles priced at or below $15 their wholesale website www. makes it easy to order as they have ready to ship inventory with Free shipping on all orders.

For more information please email

14 | It’s a Kidsworld

It’s a Kidsworld | 15

Retailer Review

Brick & Mortar vs Online IT’S A KIDSWORLD speaks with two popular children’s retailers to discuss the ins and outs of the retail business from two different selling perspectives. We spoke with New York based Tutti store owner Christina Conelly as well as online retailer Gypsy Girl owner Cheryl Vann. They both shared their ideas of why their way of selling works for them and what they do to keep their retail business thriving in today’s retail environment.

Tutti New York 1. What was the inspiration for opening your store? How did it start it? How many years are you in business? I had a business before, that entailed all children clothing, when I noticed there is a hole in the market for infant clothing. I realized that I had to jump on that. I bought out my partner, and started Tutti. There were NO baby boutiques in Long Island, and I knew that this was a calling for me. I revamped my entire business plan to only market towards the baby business. I changed the logo, the name, and target market. I now sell for only young children sizes infant to size 8. My boutique is a great shop to purchase all baby gifts! 2. What are some of the most important categories for your store? What are the best selling items? The most important categories in my store are anything and ALL infant gifts and accessories. 3. Are any of your merchandise products

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personalized? What are some of the typical occasions that people come to you for gifts? We do not provide any personalized gifts, but the process of shopping at Tutti is a personalized experience, we offer great customer service that gives us a high return customer rate! We cater mostly for baby gifting, but we do have many birthday gifts being purchased for many young children. 4. How involved are you in social media? How important is social media to your company? Social media is EXTREMELY important to my business, it is the best way to get the products out. I am on Facebook and Instagram, but Instagram has definitely helped my business for

the better. Make sure to follow us on Instagram @tutti.ny 5. How have you managed to keep your company updated and relevant? To make sure my shop is always up to date I am always researching new lines. This is a 24/7 process to making sure I have what all my customers want. I go to all the trade shows to see the new and best lines to have in my store. Also, I travel EVERYWHERE, including Italy to have the best quality items for ALL my customers. 6. How have you see your business change over the years? The retail business has been more challenging in this day of age. Since the whole era of online shopping has occurred, I really had to step up my business and make sure to get people into my store. I ensure the whole shopping experience and really connect with each and every one of my customers.

7. Any news about new merchandise or special events? We are looking to expand to the European market by going to Italy and seeing all the products they have to offer. 8. How has your store evolved over the years? How do you hope to see it evolve in the future? In the course of every 10 years, I’d love to revamp and update my store. Staying current with all the new trends is the best way to also look into the future. I also follow adult trends, because those trends translate over to kids fashion. 9. How do you market to your customers? How do you find new customers? I really rely on social media and word of mouth from all my customers. This has really helped me in gaining and keeping customers. 10. Who are your main buyers/customers? My main buyers are the grandmas of the babies, the young moms, and the gift givers! Anybody can shop in this boutique. 11. What are some of the differences of having an online store compared to a brick and mortar shop? I feel like having a brick and mortar shop enables the customers to get the real feeling and experience with shopping. The customers get to come in and feel the

clothing, whereas online you order and hope the clothing suits your need. Also, you have the employees helping you put together and outfit that you love. It is such a personalized feeling. Especially in my shop, I have full time employees to always ensure the customers to have the best experience. 12. Where do you see brick and mortar stores in the future? Brick and mortar shops have to start stepping it up, these certain shops are going to have to ensure such an amazing experience when coming in. They need to start going the extra mile to make sure their customers will come back. Everything needs to be kept updated and when walking in to a store the customer has to feel welcomed and LOVED. In my store, I have merchandisers to keep my store updated, I always have the right music playing at all times and also the right lights to set the mood for each day. Every little personal touch is so important to attract the customer and make sure they come back and tell their friends. 13. How do you get traffic to your store? We hold a lot of events and we attract people to come to them by e-mail blasts. When we gain a new designer, we get extremely excited and hold an event. We advertise A LOT on Instagram and Facebook especially when we hold events.

14. How do you manage sizing? We specialize in infants to size 8, but we do hold specialty items sizes up to 14. 15. How do you control your inventory? We control our inventory through a computer system. It runs reports every day and notifies me when I need to restock on certain products and which products are selling the best. 16. How do you participate in Black Friday? We have a lot of great deals! We have 20% customer appreciation coupon also we upped all our sale items to have an even bigger discount 17. Do you have a fulfillment center? Drop ship? Warehouse? We get all our shipping right to our store. 18. Do you have full time employees? How do you manage payroll? We have a bunch of full time employees, and I also work everyday! 19. How do you think you would be able to expand in the next couple of years? I am hoping to start an online store and if I found another great location, I am looking to maybe expand to a different store.

For more info please email

It’s a Kidsworld | 17

Retailer Review

Gypsy Retail 1. What was the inspiration for opening your online? How did it start it? How many years are you in business? My inspiration for my online retail store are my kids. It is really hard to find cute and trendy clothes in the south so I wanted to be able to have as many options for my kids. I have been in business for one year now. My website is https://, I also provide free shipping and all clothes are sent out as fast as possible. 2. What are some of the most important categories for your website? What are the best-selling items? I sell a lot of dresses, they are the main focus. Many of my customers buy special occasion

dresses. We range from all different types of clothing anything from cute tops to rompers! 3. Are any of your merchandise products personalized? What are some of the typical occasions that people come to you for gifts? We do not provide any personalized items but we get a lot of customers during the seasonal changes! Also, many of our customers come for special occasion apparel! 4. How involved are you in social media? How important is social media to your company? Social Media is extremely HUGE for us! You can find us on Facebook and Instagram! We have many instafamous models showing off our online store so our company becomes EXTREMELY well known. Our Instagram account is @gypsygirl_boutique 5. How have you managed to keep your company updated and relevant? I LOVE fashion so I am always on top of all the new fashion and what is going on with the fashion world. I follow all the fashion bloggers to stay on top of all the new styles. Since fashion is so fast paced, changing styles on my website is crucial to make sure we are meeting all our customers’ needs. 6. How have you see your business change over the years? I used to sell

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on Facebook before starting my online store. I then realized that Instagram become more popular so I moved the main focus to Instagram to meet all my customers and get my name out. 7. Any news about new merchandise or special events? We are just getting in our new Resort Collection, which is supposed to be a top seller. We also just picked up GiGi Ri Fashion which specializes in special occasion dresses. I also have been getting to some tradeshows to promote my business and recruit more manufactures. 8. How do you market to your customers? How do you find new customers? I really rely on word of mouth and social media. We have a really great return customer rate. And we send e-mail blasts to returning customers as well as new potential ones! 9. Who are your main buyers/customers? We really market our business to moms ranging in the age of 30-50 buying for girls ranging in the age of 7-14. 10. Would you ever consider opening a brick and mortar store? And why? Not at this point, as of right now we are doing a very effective job online. This is because moms can be very buys, and going out to shop for their kids in between their busy schedules is very hard. We provide an easy and efficient

way for moms to purchase new clothes for their daughters, and we also provide free shipping! 11. What are some of the differences of having an online store compared to a brick and mortar shop? One of the main reasons is I do not have to be there all the time and I can work on the website whenever the time is needed! I can run it on my own time, which is really great! 12. How do you get traffic to your site? I spend a lot of time studying google analytics to see how I can increase my customers. I also send emails to the people who sign up! Social media is also a really huge factor in getting new customers. I also spent time making sure google has key search words for my online store!

to the people who have signed up for the emails blasts. They receive great coupon codes! Also, we provide coupon codes on Instagram and the website itself! 16. Do you have a fulfillment center? Drop ship? Warehouse? We have a warehouse in Alabama. 17. Do you have full time employees? How do you manage payroll? I have a couple of part time employees they are mostly college students. 18. How do you think you would be able to expand in the next couple of years? We plan on expanding to juniors soon and we are also looking to design own

clothing line for ages of 7-14. 19. Anything else you would like to include? My company enables kids to express their confidence in their own way and show off their own flair so they can empower their OWN sense of style.

For more info please email

13. How do you manage sizing? All our sizing is true to size! We do provide sizing charts especially for special occasion dresses and specific outfits. We have a great return policy so if something does not fit it is not difficult for the customer to get the product they want. 14. How do you control your inventory? I have a specific program that allows me to make sure everything is extremely organized!!! 15. How do you participate in cyber Monday? I send out email newsletters

It’s a Kidsworld | 19

Shayna’s Shoutout

Kids Kloset —By Shayna Salomon

Hey guys, it’s Shayna, and I am back with fashionista Sydney Levitt. A tween from Wayne, New Jersey, Sydney has always had a love for fashion, but as she got older her passion has grown even more. She always had role models that have helped her show off her true sense of style. Sydney is a trendsetter at her school, and expresses her passion for fashion with new outfits every day. She loves to mix and match all of her clothes to make new and trendy outfits to showcase to all her friends. She does not let anyone tell her what to wear and never lets anyone push her down. She wears what she thinks is cute, it does not need to be a name brand, she will wear whatever. Sydney is always looking for new trends by reading magazinea and constantly shopping. It does not matter if it is online or in a store, Sydney is always looking for something to spice up her wardrobe. Make sure to check out our Q & A to see all the trends from a tween perspective.

Hope you Enjoy. All my love, Shayna Salomon

20 | It’s a Kidsworld

Sydney Levitt Age: 13 Wayne, NJ

Would you prefer to wear summer outfits or winter outfits? I love summer outfits, because I love wearing shorts and being able to mix and match my outfits. Also, the clothes are definitely trendier and there are more choices to choose from. How long does it take you to plan your outfits for school? It usually takes me 10 minutes to pick an outfit for school. I usually do so in the morning, but when I want to dress“fancier”I pick my outfits at night. What and who is your inspiration for your style? A lot of my inspiration comes from my friends and older cousins and family friends. They really inspire different aspects in my style and make me show off my best self. Do you read or watch anything fashion related to know what is in style? I read Vogue and Seventeen to keep up with new styles and trends.

Do you consider yourself a trendsetter? Yes, many of my friends like my clothes and like to borrow/buy what I have. It makes me feel so good and it makes me want to show off my style even more. Do you wear jewelery with any of your outfits? Yes, I always wear my heart necklace with my outfits. I also like to wear a bracelet and rings, and sometimes to spruce up an outfit I wear a pair of earnings. What is your favorite store to shop at and why? One of my favorite stores is Pac Sun. It has really trendy and cute clothes that I absolutely love. How often do you go shopping? Daily, I am either online shopping or in store. My friends are always able to find me in a store or in my room looking at new clothes on numerous websites. How would you describe your style? My style is definitely trendy, fun and different. I love to wear whatever speaks

“I will wear anything if I think it is cute, does not matter where it is from or what the label says.” to me and never let anyone take away my love for my style. Do your shoes determine your outfit choice or do you plan your outfits and choose the shoes later? I always plan my outfits first and then choose the shoes later. I have different colored shoes that go with a lot of my clothes so it is never too hard to match my outfits and shoes. Do any of your friends inspire you for your fashion choices? Yes, sometimes I see something they are wearing that I think is cute and I sometimes I end up getting it and putting my own twist on what they are wearing to make it my own. Do you have a special outfit that you like to wear all the time? I change my outfit up everyday. I like to be unique in my style and mix and match all my pants and shirts.

Does your outfits change from the weekends to the weekdays? Yes, a typical school day I wear leggings and t-shirts/sweaters. But on the weekends, I love to dress fancier and more fun by wearing jeans and cute tops. When you go out do you wear nicer clothing and try harder with your outfit choices or do you just throw on whatever you see? When I go out to dinner I always plan ahead on what I am going to wear because I love to look trendy and presentable. It usually takes me a little bit longer because I know I will be taking pictures and I want my outfits to stand out. What is your go to outfit? My go to outfit has to be leggings and any one of my t-shirts and I always wear my winter Uggs if it’s a chilly day. What stores do you shop at? I shop at so many.. Definitely the top stores are: Pacsun, Hollister, American Eagle, Denny’s, Forever 21, and Urban Club. Have you ever been to a fashion show before? No but I really want to go to one. I know it will be so much fun and I will learn so much about fashion. Do you get an allowance to buy clothes? No, my mom is super amazing and buys all my clothes for me. Has your style changed increasingly over the years? When I was younger I did not care as much, but now I really like to dress up and be trendy. Do you like to wear only name-brand clothing or will you wear anything? I will wear anything if I think it is cute,

does not matter where it is from or what the label says. Do you think the new trends differ from up West from the East Coast? I think everyone has the same styles. We all follow the same“famous”people and learn about the trends from them. What is the trendiest style right now? As of right now, ripped jeans with the fringes at the bottom with a strapless crop top is THE trendiest outfit to wear right now and if you have the round RayBans and it is a sunny day, it will spice up the outfit so much more. What advice can you give other stylish people like you? Dress as yourself. Whatever you think is the right clothes for you will make you the trendiest person in your eyes. Do not be afraid to show your true self.

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trade show calendar January-July 2018 January 2018 January 7-9

Children’s Club Javits Center New York City 212.759.8055 childrensclub

January 15-17

LA Kids Market 110 East 9th Street 6th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90079 213.630.3600

January 17-23

Dallas Home & Gift Market 2100 Stemmons Freeway Dallas, TX 75207 214.744.7444

January 18-20

Pitti Immagine Bimbo Fortezza da Basso viale F. Strozzi 1, Florence

January 19-21

FIMI Valencia, Spain

January 24-27

Dallas KidsWorld Market 2100 Stemmons Freeway Dallas, TX 75207 214.744.7444

24 | It’s a Kidsworld

January 27-29

PLAYTIME PARIS Paris, FRANCE Organizer PICAFLOR SARL +33 1 43 72 75 37

January 28-30

KIDZ at STYLEMAX 222 Merchandise Mart Plaza Suite 470 Chicago, IL 60654 312-527-7759

January 29-31

United Boston Children’s Wear Show 75 McNeil Way Dedham, MA (781) 407-0055

January 28-29

February 3-8

New York International Gift Show NY NOW Jacob K. Javits Convention Center / Pier 94 800-272-SHOW (7469)

February 6-9

Atlanta Apparel Market Children’s World AmericasMart Atlanta, GA (404) 220-3000

February 10-12

The Children’s Show At Deerfield Embassy Suites Deerfield, IL (248) 478 1732

Bubble London Business Design Centre 52 Upper Street, Islington London N1 0QH +44 (0)1484 846069

February 11-14

February 2018

Children’s Club MAGIC Las Vegas Convention Center Las Vegas, NV childrensclub-magic

February 3-5

Northwest Kids Show Location: DoubleTree by Hilton, Seattle, WA

Playtime New York Metropolitan Pavilion 125 W 18th Street, NY

February 12-15

February 12-14


(continued next spread)

It’s a Kidsworld | 25

Trade Show Calendar February 17-20

Toy Fair Jacob Javits Convention Center New York

February 21-22

The Children’s Great Event Shoe Show The Marriott Teaneck Teaneck, NJ (718) 769-4251

February 21-23

PLAYTIME TOKYO Belle Salle Shibuya Garden Tokyo, Japan Organizer PICAFLOR JAPAN CO. LTD +81 (0)3 3793 0057

February 23-25

Mid-Atlantic Children’s Apparel Sales Organization (MACASO) Embassy Suites - BWI Linthicum, MD 215-782-9853

February 26-March 1

CHILDREN’S CLUB Javits Center New York City 212.759.8055 childrensclub

MARCH 2018 March 10-12

Midwest Children’s Apparel Group: The Livonia Children’s Show Embassy Suites, Livonia, MI 847.945.4500

March 12-17

Kids Market NYC

March 12-15

LA Kids Market 110 East 9th Street 6th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90079 213.630.3600

March 14-15

Midwest Children’s Apparel Group: The Indy Children’s Show Embassy Suites North, Indianapolis, IN 847.945.4500

March 20-25

JPMA Baby Show

(continued next spread)

(continued next spread) 26 | It’s a Kidsworld

It’s a Kidsworld | 27

Trade Show Calendar

March 21-24

Dallas KidsWorld Market 2100 Stemmons Freeway Dallas, TX 75207 214.744.7444

APRIL 2018 April 7-9

The Children’s Show At Deerfield Embassy Suites Deerfield, IL (248) 478 1732

April 8-10

KIDZ at STYLEMAX 222 Merchandise Mart Plaza Suite 470 Chicago, IL 60654 312-527-7759

April 25-27

PERU MODA Lima – Peru

April 10-14

Atlanta Apparel Market Children’s World AmericasMart Atlanta, GA (404) 220-3000

MAY 2018 MAY 4-6

FIMI Valencia, Spain

May 20-22

JPMA Baby Show - NY

May 22-24

ABC Spring Educational Conference

28 | It’s a Kidsworld

May 22-24

Licensing Expo Mandalay Baby Convention Center Las Vegas, NV

June 2018 June 6-9

Dallas Apparel & Accessories Market 2100 Stemmons Freeway Dallas, TX 75207 214.744.7444

June 13-16

Atlanta Apparel Market Children’s World AmericasMart Atlanta, GA (404) 220-3000

June 18-20

LA Kids Market 110 East 9th Street 6th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90079 213.630.3600

June 20-26

Dallas KidsWorld Market 2100 Stemmons Freeway Dallas, TX 75207 214.744.7444

JULY 2018 July 10-16

Atlanta Gift & Home Furnishings Market Children’s World AmericasMart Atlanta, GA (404) 220-3000

July 14-17

Swim Show Miami Beach Convention Center Miami, FL Tel: 305-262-4556

July 22-25

CHILDREN’S CLUB Javits Center New York City 212.759.8055

To submit trade show information please email

Show dates for all listings are subject to change

It’s a Kidsworld | 29

Fashion Hot Picks

IT’s a KIDsWorLD FeaTUres ThIs season’s

BesT FInDs Lanoosh



30 | It’s a KIdsworld

MoD gIrL

BUTTerFLIes & ZeBras


It’s a KIdsworld | 31

The “IT” List

Where to find it Brand


Size Range / Product


ABC Children’s Show

Sarah Kokernot

Baby & Kids Trade Show


Adams & Company Realty

David Levy

Premier Children’s Building


Butterflies & Zebras

Shari Horowitz

Girls & Tweens Lifestyle


Children’s Club / UBM

Customer Service

Trade Show


Dallas Market Center

Customer Service

Regional Mart


Dignity U Wear

Karin Bunell

Non profit charity for kids


Great Event Shoe Show

Allen Blum

Footwear Trade Show



Customer Service

European Trade Show

+91 9829058659


Girls 2-14


Malibu Sugar Inc.

Jil Garcia

Girls 4 - teen



Customer Service

Trade Show


MOD Active + MOD Girl

Kristina Hastings

Girls 6x-16 Tweens & Teens



Terri Kuoch

Tween active wear sizes 2-14


Teeny Tiny Optics

Alice Lando

Children’s Sunglasses


Yo Baby

Haroon Shahab

Girls infants, toddler and big girl

+91 9829058659

For more information on how to get on the “IT LIST”, please email

32 | It’s a Kidsworld


+91 9829058659 Nothing over 15 dollars Free Shipping

It’s a Kidsworld | 33

34 | It’s a Kidsworld

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