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Kids’ World News
Volume 2, Issue 3, May 2019
Color your way to camp! Win a FREE Week To Mystic Lake!
RULES: Please color/add to the picture and turn it in to your teacher or mail by 5/10/19 to:
Kids World News 5747 Otto Rd, Charlotte MI 48813
The winner will be featured in the June edition.
A SUMMER OF FUN • A LIFETIME OF MEMORIES At Mystic Lake YMCA Camp, our goals are centered around helping each child: • Learn to lead a more healthy and active lifestyle • Learn about social responsibility through environmental stewardship, community living and working with one another in a group setting that builds friendships. Ü 'HYHORS DQG OHDUQ QHZ VNLOOV WR KHOS LPSURYH WKHLU VHQVH RI VHOI ZRUWK DQG FRQåGHQFH by creating an accepting environment where all are welcome and everyone belongs.
Holt Public Schools Kids’ World News
May 2019, Page 2
What Is A Tornado? Tornados come from powerful thunderstorms and appear as rotating funnel-shaped air with winds that can reach up to 300 miles per hour! Tornadoes cause damage when they touch down on the ground by uprooting trees, destroying buildings and homes, throw vehicles hundreds of yards away and more. They can cause damage in areas more than one mile wide and 50 miles long! Severe weather can be very scary for all of us. Most tornadoes need warm, moist air from the Gulf of Mexico and cool, dry air from Canada. When these two air masses meet, they create instability in the atmosphere. A change in wind direction and an increase in wind speed with increasing height creates an invisible, horizontal spinning effect in the lower atmosphere. Rising air within the updraft tilts the rotating air from horizontal to vertical. Every state is at some risk for tornado damage, but state in “Tornado Alley” (Arkansas, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Dakota and Texas) have the highest risk. More than 500 tornados typically occur in this area every year. Tornadoes can form any time of the year, but most always the season runs from March to August. Tornadoes are hard to predict. Most of the time, you will only have a few minutes warning. The most important thing to do is TAKE COVER when a tornado is nearby. It is also important to know the difference between a tornado watch and a tornado warning. A tornado watch is when tornadoes are possible in your area. No tornado has been spotted, but it could happen. It’s important to stay tuned to your radio or television for updates. A tornado warning is when a tornado has been seen. Then you should take shelter immediately in a place without windows, such as your bathroom or your basement. BEFORE A TORNADO: Have a disaster plan with your parents. Make sure everyone knows where to go in case a tornado threatens. Make sure you know which county you live in. Prepare a disaster supplies kit for your home and car. Include a first aid kit, canned food and a can opener, bottled water, battery-operated radio, flashlight, protective clothing and written instructions on how to turn off electricity, gas and water.
DURING A TORNADO: Go to the basement. If you do not have a basement, go to an interior room without windows on the lowest floor - such as a bathroom or closet. If you can, get under a sturdy piece of furniture, like a table. If you’re outside and can’t get into safe shelter, go to a deep ditch or low lying area and lie flat in it. Stay away from fallen power lines and stay out of damaged areas. IF YOU ARE AT SCHOOL DURING A TORNADO: Every school has a disaster plan and has frequent drills. They will instruct you in what you have to do. Pay attention to what they say and do it.
Make A Tornado In A Jar! Materials You Will Need: • Mayonnaise jar or a canning jar with a lid. • Clear liquid soup • Vinegar • Water Fill the jar about three-quarters full of water. Put a teaspoon of the liquid soap into the jar. Also, add a teaspoon of vinegar into the jar. Put the lid on and tighten it. Shake the jar to mix up the ingredients. Now, swirl the jar in a circular motion. The liquid will form a small tornado!
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Holt Public Schools Kids’ World News
May 2019, Page 3
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May 2019, Page 4
Fun Games To Play Outside! Spring means we’re all outside more! Yeah! That is a fun place to play games and enjoy the companionship of many friends and make new ones! The following are games you can play with more than one person.
Catch One, Catch All! Catch One, Catch All is usually played in a large field or yard with at least 10 participants. One person in the group is “it.” The first person she or he tags is also “it.” Now, the two “its” chase the others who when tagged are “its” also, and so on, until the last person is caught. The last person caught is “it” for the next round of play. There is no real winner, just pride in being the last one caught.
Simon Says One person is chosen to be “Simon” and the rest stand in a straight line. The Simon begins by calling out an action for the rest to follow. It can be anything like, “Simon says to touch your toes” or “Simon says to jump 10 times on 1 foot.” Everyone must follow that instruction. But when the Simon simply says the action by itself...”touch your ears” or “clap your hands” - then whoever does that action is out and has to sit down. You can use different actions according to the age group of children you are playing with. The last person who is standing becomes the next “Simon.”
Red Rover, Red Rover This game is when the kids form two opposing lines and attempt to”break through” the opposing team’s line. At first two teams are chosen of equal size, and they form two lines, facing each other
and holding hands. One side starts by picking a person on the opposing team and saying “Red Rover, Red Rover, send (Molly) right over.” Molly then lets go of her teammates hands and begins a headlong rush for the other line. Her goal is to break through the line by overpowering the kid’s hand hold on each other. If Molly breaks through, she chooses one person from the opposing team to join her team and they both go back and join in their line. If she fails to break through, Molly becomes part of the other team. Each team alternates calling people over until one team has all the people and is pronounced the winner. The best part is that, since all the players are on the winning team at the end, there really are no losers in the game. Just remember that the goal is not to hurt each other, it’s to play.
Freeze Tag This is another version of the game of Tag. One person is still “it”, but when they touch someone, that person is “frozen” in place. They cannot move and must stand with their feet apart. The only way they can become unfrozen is if a person crawls under their legs! Play continues until all the players are frozen. Then the last person to be frozen is “it” for the next game.
DAY CAMP #summerdiscoverY
Holt Public Schools Kids’ World News
May 2019, Page 5
HOLT PUBLIC SCHOOLS WELCOME! It is with great pride and enthusiasm that I write to welcome you and our exceptional learning community to the 15th edition of our very own Kids’ World News! For over 20 years, the Holt Business Alliance has been the force that shapes our community’s future. The membership serves as a powerful networking partnership of local businesses, school representatives, and JRYHUQPHQW RI¿FLDOV ZRUNLQJ WRJHWKHU WR SURPRWH WKH mission of developing strong community support for our businesses, local government and schools. With that, the Holt Business Alliance proudly sponsors this SXEOLFDWLRQ (DFK PRQWK \RX ZLOO ¿QG FRQWHQW XQLTXH to Holt Public and our greater learning community! By creating a personalized publication, we believe we will engage our students at a deeper level. While our district provides the core curriculum each day, the Holt Business Alliance is choosing to supplement our curriculum by supporting the Holt Public Kids’ World News each month! In an effort to connect with our public, I send a weekly email called the Peek at the Week to interested stakeholders. If you would like to be added to the weekly email blast, please send a note to suptofc@ hpsk12.net with the word Peek in the subject line. Keep an eye on us as we Innovate, Educate and Inspire our learning community to achieve on every level! Together IS better! Throughout the school year, I urge you to engage with us on social media and I hope you enjoy reading this edition of the Holt Public Kids’ World News sponsored by the Holt Business Alliance.
District Pride, Community Wide! Dr. David G. Hornak
Stay Connected with HPS! #GOHPS #WOWWOWSUPERWOW Holt Public Schools Kids’ World News
So You Want to be in the Band? by Dennis Marvin President Holt High School Band Boosters “So You Want to be in the Band?,� presented by the Holt High School Band Boosters, features a high school band member each month describing why they became interested in music, when they did, and the impact it’s had on their life. The Band Boosters hopes this article will encourage kids to think about music, learning an instrument, and joining the band in middle school and for the rest of their years in Holt Public Schools.
a pitch on at the time.
By: Dennis Marvin, President, Holt Band Boosters
HBB: What do you like most about being in the band?
Michael Crosslan
MC: Most of my friends are in WKH EDQG VR , ¿QG LW WR EH D JUHDW way to work with all of them on something we all have in common beyond school work. It’s fun and I enjoy the camaraderie of being with people who have the same interest. I especially enjoy being in the marching band because of the challenges you have along with the opportunities. Band camp is tough and really tests your patience sometimes. An example is when you miss your formation marching position, which makes you mad, but once camp is over, we are ready to perform. I also like the travel opportunities such as going to Cincinnati two years ago. There were four of us in the same hotel room including one guy I didn’t really
Michael Crosslan (MC) is a Sophomore at Holt High School. The following questions were posed by the Holt Band Boosters (HBB): HBB: What instrument do you play? MC: I play the mellophone in the marching band and French Horn in the symphonic band. HBB: Why did you decide to play the French Horn and when? MC: I started to play the French Horn toward the end of 5th grade. I originally looked at the clarinet and trombone when we ZHUH ÂżUVW LQWURGXFHG WR WKH W\SH of instruments we could play, but I liked how the French Horn looked and discovered it was really the only one I could make
HBB: When did you join the band? 0& 0\ ÂżUVW EDQG ZDV LQ WK grade at Hope Middle School. I decided to join the band because I had just left a sport and ORRNLQJ IRU VRPHWKLQJ WR ÂżOO P\ time. I really enjoyed my time in the middle school band and working with the Director, Mr Thompson. “He’s a legend.â€? Then I moved on to playing in the junior high school band.
Holt School @holtpublic Advantage www.kidsworldnews.org
know, but now he’s one of my best friends. I am really looking forward to our trip to Cleveland next fall. HBB: Do you plan to stay involved in music or band after High School? MC: I would like to continue playing the French Horn, but I am not sure if I am ready to major or minor in music yet. It would be “awesomeâ€? to play in the Spartan Marching Band, but I know it’s a lot more intense and harder than high school. Right now, I am leaning more toward engineering or business. I just don’t know yet. HBB: Why do you think younger kids should think about joining the band? MC: There are many reasons to join the band. For example, it’s a way to “express your feelings without saying it.â€? It’s different, but in a good way. Band may not be for everybody, but based on my expeULHQFH LI VSRUWV GRQÂśW ÂżW \RX WU\ the band. It’s something you won’t regret.
@holtpublicsch May 2019, Page 6
HOLT PUBLIC SCHOOLS Holt Early College News by Lucas Schrauben, Director of Secondary Programs Holt Early College students pictured above had an opportunity to tour Lansing Community College on Friday, April 19th. Students received their LCC Star Cards and learned about campus life, student organizations, and resources available to them on campus. These students will be in year 12 next year; they will have half of the academic delivery next year on Holt High School’s Senior Campus and half on Lansing Community Colleges campus. Holt Early College is designed to allow a student to earn a high school diploma and either an associate’s degree or up to 60 transferable college credits at
the same time. Early College High Schools can begin as early as 9th or 10th grade. Students attend for ÂżYH \HDUV DQG IROORZ D VSHFLÂżF ÂżYH \HDU SURJUDP RI LQVWUXFWLRQ An “Early College Programâ€? is D ÂżYH \HDU KLJK VFKRRO SURgram designed to allow a pupil to earn a high school diploma and substantial college credit WKURXJK DQ DGGLWLRQDO ÂżIWK \HDU of study. A formal agreement with each postsecondary partner LV UHTXLUHG IRU ERWK WKH (& +LJK School and Program Models. Programs of study are aligned with our post-secondary partners to provide the student the
opportunity to earn an associate’s degree in a high demand profession:
Associates of Human Services – Lansing Community College
Associates of Kinesiology – Lansing Community College
Associates of Insurance & Risk Management – Lansing Community College
Associates of Business Administration – Davenport University Associates of Computer Programming – Davenport University
Associates of Computer Networking (Cybersecurity path) – Lansing Community College
Student can apply to be in Holt Early College during fall of their sophomore year.
Kona Ice is Everywhere by John Hayhoe When the Holt Business Alliance held a ribbon cutting, Mary Breier and her truck were there to help celebrate the event. Recently she spent a week at the Holt Dart Bank. She already has plans to help the Holt Relay for Life, attend the Holt Fest, and the Food Frenzies that Chuck Grinnell, Holt Farmers Market manager chairs. Thanks Mary!
Holt Public Schools Kids’ World News
May 2019, Page 7
HOLT PUBLIC SCHOOLS Biggby Coffee News by John Hayhoe Ronda and Andy Bunnell, owners of the Biggby’s on Jolly road, recently purchased the franchise rights to the Holt Biggby’s on Cedar Street. The Holt Business Alliance brought out their ribbon, scissors, and 20-members helped them celebrate opening with a ribbon cutting ceremony. Welcome back to Holt!
Holt Public Schools Kids’ World News
May 2019, Page 8
HOLT 2019 SPRING SPORTS SCHEDULE BOYS VARSITY BASEBALL Thursday Thursday Monday Monday Thursday Thursday Saturday Monday Monday Thursday Thursday Monday Monday Thursday Thursday
05/02/19 05/02/19 05/06/19 05/06/19 05/09/19 05/09/19 05/11/19 05/13/19 05/13/19 05/16/19 05/16/19 05/20/19 05/20/19 05/30/19 05/30/19
Lansing Everett High School Lansing Everett High School East Lansing High School East Lansing High School Coldwater High School Coldwater High School Portage Northern Invite Dewitt High School Dewitt High School Grand Ledge High School Grand Ledge High School Lansing Catholic High School Lansing Catholic High School Haslett High School Haslett High School
GIRLS VARSITY SOFTBALL Home 4:00 PM Home 6:00 PM Home 4:00 PM Home 6:00 PM Home 4:00 PM Home 6:00 PM Away 9:00 AM Away 4:00 PM Away 6:00 PM Away 4:00 PM Away 6:00 PM Home 4:00 PM Home 6:00 PM Home 4:00 PM Home 6:00 PM
BOYS JV BASEBALL Thursday Thursday Monday Monday Thursday Thursday Monday Monday Thursday Thursday Monday Monday Thursday Thursday
05/02/19 05/02/19 05/06/19 05/06/19 05/09/19 05/09/19 05/13/19 05/13/19 05/16/19 05/16/19 05/20/19 05/20/19 05/30/19 05/30/19
Lansing Everett High School Lansing Everett High School East Lansing High School East Lansing High School Coldwater High School Coldwater High School Dewitt High School Dewitt High School Grand Ledge High School Grand Ledge High School Lansing Catholic High School Lansing Catholic High School Haslett High School Haslett High School
Away 4:00 PM Away 6:00 PM Away 4:00 PM Away 6:00 PM Away 4:00 PM Away 6:00 PM Home 4:00 PM Home 6:00 PM Home 4:00 PM Home 6:00 PM Away 4:00 PM Away 6:00 PM Away 4:00 PM Away 6:00 PM
Thursday Thursday Saturday Monday Monday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Tuesday Tuesday Thursday Thursday
05/02/19 05/02/19 05/04/19 05/06/19 05/06/19 05/09/19 05/09/19 05/16/19 05/16/19 05/21/19 05/21/19 05/23/19 05/23/19
Lansing Everett High School Lansing Everett High School Holt Varsity Round Robin East Lansing High School East Lansing High School Coldwater High School Coldwater High School Grand Ledge High School Grand Ledge High School Dewitt High School Dewitt High School Rockford High School Rockford High School
BOYS VARSITY LACROSSE Home 4:00 PM Home 5:30 PM Home 9:00 AM Home 4:00 PM Home 5:30 PM Home 4:00 PM Home 5:30 PM Away 4:00 PM Away 5:30 PM Away 4:00 PM Away 5:30 PM Home 4:00 PM Home 5:30 PM
Thursday Saturday Tuesday Thursday Monday
05/02/19 05/04/19 05/07/19 05/09/19 05/14/19 05/15/19 05/16/19
Away 4:00PM Away 5:30 PM Away 4:00PM Away 5:30 PM Away 4:00PM Away 5:30 PM Home 9:00 AM Home 4:00PM Home 5:30 PM Home 4:00PM Home 5:30 PM Away 4:00PM Away 5:30 PM
05/02/19 05/04/19 05/07/19 05/14/19 05/15/19
Thursday Thursday Monday Monday Thursday Thursday Saturday Thursday Thursday Tuesday Tuesday Thursday Thursday
05/02/19 05/02/19 05/06/19 05/06/19 05/09/19 05/09/19 05/11/19 05/16/19 05/16/19 05/21/19 05/21/19 05/23/19 05/23/19
Lansing Everett High School Lansing Everett High School East Lansing High School East Lansing High School Coldwater High School Coldwater High School Holt JV Round Robin Grand Ledge High School Grand Ledge High School Dewitt High School Dewitt High School Rockford High School Rockford High School
05/02/19 05/03/19 05/07/19 05/13/19 05/14/19 05/15/19 05/20/19 05/21/19
Holt Varsity Golf Invite St. Johns High School Okemos High School OPEN DATE (Groesbeck) OPEN DATE (CAAC Jamboree) OPEN DATE (CAAC Open @ TBD) Battle Creek Lakeview HS Waverly High School
Thursday Saturday Tuesday Thursday Monday
05/02/19 05/04/19 05/07/19 05/09/19 05/13/19
East Lansing High School Battle Creek Lakeview HS OPEN DATE (CAAC Tourney) OPEN DATE (CAAC Tourney) OPEN DATE (CAAC Tourney)
Away 5:30PM Away 5:30PM Away 5:30PM Away 5:30PM Away 5:30 PM
Thursday Monday Wednesday Friday Monday
05/02/19 05/06/19 05/08/19 05/10/19 05/13/19
East Lansing High School OPEN DATE (CAAC Tourney) OPEN DATE (CAAC Tourney) OPEN DATE (CAAC Tourney) Kalamazoo Central HS
Home 7:00 PM Away 7:00 PM Away 7:00 PM Away 7:00 PM Home 5:30 PM
GIRLS JV LACROSSE Thursday Monday Wednesday Friday
05/02/19 05/06/19 05/08/19 05/10/19
East Lansing High School OPEN DATE (CAAC Tourney) OPEN DATE (CAAC Tourney) OPEN DATE (CAAC Tourney)
Home 5:30 PM Away 5:30 PM Away 5:30 PM Away 5:30 PM
05/03/19 05/04/19 05/10/19 05/17/19 05/21/19 05/23/19 05/28/19 06/01/19
Corunna High School (Corunna)Away TBA OPEN DATE (New Balance) Away TBA (CAAC League Championships)Home 2:00 PM OPEN DATE (MHSAA Regionals)Away TBA Okemos High School Away TBA Grand Ledge High School Away 4:00 PM OPEN DATE (Honor Roll at MSU)Away TBA OPEN DATE (MHSAA State Finals)Away TBA
GIRLS JV SOCCER Away 4:30 Home 9:00 AM Home 4:30 Away 4:30 Home 4:30
BOYS VARSITY GOLF Thursday Friday Tuesday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Monday Tuesday
Friday Saturday Friday Friday Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Saturday
Okemos High School Home 4:00 PM OPEN DATE (Allegan Invite) Away 8:00 PM Grand Ledge High School Away 4:00 PM Okemos High School Away 9:00 AM Portland High School Home 4:00 PM Haslett High School Away 4:00 PM OPEN DATE (MHSAA Regionals)Away9:00 AM
Okemos High School Holt JV Invite Grand Ledge High School Portland High School Haslett High School
Away 7:00 PM Away 1:00 PM Away 7:00 PM Away 7:00 PM Away 7:00 PM
GIRLS JV TENNIS Thursday Saturday Tuesday Tuesday Wednesday
East Lansing High School Battle Creek Lakeview HS OPEN DATE (CAAC Tourney) OPEN DATE (CAAC Tourney) OPEN DATE (CAAC Tourney)
GIRLS VARSITY TENNIS Thursday Saturday Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
05/02/19 05/04/19 05/07/19 05/09/19 05/13/19
Home Away Away Away Home Away Away Away
9:00 AM 9:00 AM 2:00 PM 9:00 AM 2:00 PM 9:00 AM 9:00 AM 9:00 AM
Holt Public Schools Kids’ World News
Saturday Monday Wednesday Friday Monday Wednesday Friday
05/04/19 05/06/19 05/08/19 05/10/19 05/13/19 05/15/19 05/17/19
St. Johns High School Away10:00 AM Dewitt High School Away 5:00 PM Grand Ledge High School Away 5:00 PM Eaton Rapids High School Home 5:00 PM OPEN DATE (CAAC Cup) Away 5:00 PM OPEN DATE (CAAC Cup) Away 5:00 PM OPEN DATE (CAAC Cup Finals) Away 5:00 PM
GIRLS VARSITY SOCCER Saturday Monday Wednesday Friday Monday Wednesday Friday
05/04/19 05/06/19 05/08/19 05/10/19 05/13/19 05/15/19 05/17/19
St. Johns High School Away11:30 AM Dewitt High School Away 6:30 PM Grand Ledge High School Away 6:30 PM Eaton Rapids High School Home 6:30 PM OPEN DATE (CAAC Cup) Away 6:30 PM OPEN DATE (CAAC Cup) Away 6:30 PM OPEN DATE (CAAC Cup Finals) Away 6:30 PM
JV TRACK & FIELD Wednesday
East Lansing High Schoo
OPEN DATE (Holt JV Invite)
4:00 PM
JUNIOR HIGH TRACK & FIELD Wednesday Wednesday Monday Wednesday
05/01/19 05/08/19 05/13/19 05/15/19
Jackson Parkside MS Eaton Rapids Middle School Chippewa Middle School E.L. MacDonald Middle School
Away 4:30 PM Away 4:30 PM Home 4:30 PM Home 4:30 PM
BOYS JV GOLF Friday Thursday
05/10/19 Dewitt High School 05/23/19 Holt JV Invite
Away 10:00 AM Home 10:00 AM
May 2019, Page 9
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“The Tulip Cityâ€? Holland, Michigan was founded in 1847 and is located on the West side of the lower peninsula on Lake Michigan, in Ottawa and Allegan Counties. Holland was founded by Dutch Americans, and is in an area that has a large percentage of citizens of Dutch American heritage. • In 1929, at the suggestion of a Holland High School teacher, the week-long “Tulip Time Festivalâ€? began. Hundreds of thousands of fully bloomed tulips and other perennials are captured along an eight mile stretch of land. This festival runs May 4-12 this year and will bring in thousands of visitors. It features parades, tours, dining, dancing, and much more, celebrating all things Dutch. • Holland is home to the only wooden shoe factory in North America and the only blue and white delftware factory in the United States. • Heinz, U.S.A., the world’s largest pickle factory makes its home in Holland. Up to one million pickles are processed every day! • The 240 year old DeZwaan Windmill that is located in the center of 35 acre Windmill Island was brought from the Netherlands to Holland in 1964. It is a fully functioning windmill that grinds wheat into Ă€RXU 7KH QDPH 'H=ZDDQ PHDQV ÂłWKH VZDQ ´ 7KH windmill stands twelve stories high and is the only authentic Dutch windmill in the United States. After the DeZwaan was brought to the United States, the Dutch government stopped allowing windmills to be removed from the Netherlands. • Holland’s downtown is listed in the National Register of Historic Places. The “Snowmelt Projectâ€?
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Across the channel is the Holland Harbor Light, known as “Big Red�, a lighthouse in Michigan.
Holt Public Schools Kids’ World News
established pipes transporting warm water from the nearby power plant to travel underneath downtown with the purpose of clearing the streets and sidewalks in the downtown area of any snow. ‡ 7KH FLW\ VXIIHUHG D PDMRU ¿UH RQ 2FWREHU ¹ 1871, the same time as the Great Chicago Fire in Illinois and the very deadly Peshtigo Fire in Wisconsin. • In 1987, a 23-year-old City Council member Phil Tanis was elected mayor of Holland, becoming its youngest mayor while he was still a Hope College student. • Holland was settled in 1847 by Dutch Calvinist separatists, under the leadership of Dr. Albertus van Raalte. Dire economic conditions in the Netherlands compelled them to emigrate, while their desire for religious freedom led them to unite and settle together as a group. Van Raalte and his colony settled on land in the midst of the Ottawa (Odawa) people’s Old Wing Mission Colony near the Black River where it streamed to Black Lake (now Lake Macatawa) which, in turn, led to Lake Michigan. Joint occupation by the two communities was not a good thing. Eventually, the Dutch settlers purchased the land from the natives, who moved north in an effort to preserve their way of life and culture.
May 2019, Page 10
Bengal Tiger The Bengal Tiger resides in several countries; India, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Bhutan. The population is quite small, estimated at 1,706–1,909 in India, 440 in Bangladesh, 163–253 in Nepal and 67–81 in Bhutan. Tigers like forest habitats and many of them live in national parks. Tigers are also really special, because they are the national animal of both India and Bangladesh, as well as the mascot for many sports teams and companies. Tigers are really big! Males are on average 110 to 120 inches long and about 35 to 43 inches tall. Females are 94 to 104 inches long. Females weigh about 220 to 350 pounds and males weigh about 400 to 570 pounds! Bengal Tigers usually live in moist and dry forests and grasslands. Many of the reserves meant just for them are located in these areas. Tigers are carnivores, which means they eat meat! They prey on ungulates, hog deer, sometimes even porcupines,
and much more. They rarely hunt humans, and only attack when provoked. Most tiger young are born in December and April. When they are 2 or 3 years old, they start to branch off from the family group to find an area to claim as their own territory. Poaching is a very big problem for tigers. They are often used as hunting prizes, and their fur is valuable. Many reserves lost large populations of their tigers due to humans hunting them. The total population of Bengal tigers in the world has shrunken significantly over the years. This means that they are an endangered species and efforts are taken to protect them.
Did You Know? -A tiger’s roar can be heard up to two miles away! -No two tigers have the same stripes! Every tiger is different. -A Bengal tiger can eat up to 21 kg in one night! That’s almost 50 pounds!
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Steve Croze
Holt Public Schools Kids’ World News
Nikki Riley
Bruce Carpenter
Life • Health Auto • Home • Business
Public Skating • Private Parties • Laser Tag Lessons • Fundraisers • Rollers and Strollers Field Trips • Team Building • Birthday Parties
ROLLERS & STROLLERS Every Saturday 10:00am to 12:00pm
May 2019, Page 11
HOLT PUBLIC SCHOOLS Upcoming Events - May 2019 1
• Late Start/Early Release
• Discover Dimondale
• Late Start/Early Release
• Community Coffee 9am @ Coffee Barrel
10 11 12
• Late Start/Early Release • Food Frenzy at the Holt Farmers Market: 5pm-8pm
• Dimondale PTO: 6pm
• Late Start/Early Release
• No School: Memorial Day • Dimondale Parade • Holt Parade
• No School –Balanced Calendar Schools: Sycamore and Horizon
• No School –Balanced Calendar Schools: Sycamore and Horizon
• No School –Balanced Calendar Schools: Sycamore and Horizon
• No School –Balanced Calendar Schools: Sycamore and Horizon
• District Pride/Community Ride (Bike Tour)
• No School: Spring Break for Balanced Calendar Schools Only
• Happy Mother’s Day
• Board of Education Committee of the Whole: 5:30pm
• Horizon HOPS: 6:30pm
• Board of Education Regular Meeting 7pm
• Sycamore PTO: 6:30pm • Wilcox PTO: 6:30pm
Holt Public Schools Kids’ World News
May 2019, Page 12