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Kids’ World News
Volume 1, Issue 6, August 2018
This is a zigzag search puzzle. Words go left, right, up, down, NOT DIAGONALLY and can bend at a right angle. There are NO unused letters in the grid and every letter is used only once! Good luck!
Can you find the 7 differences?
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August 2018, Page 2
Fun Food Facts For Kids! • Different parts of the world have their own local food they love. The diets and general food habits of various cultures depend on social, religious, economic and safety factors as well as the availability of different foods. Examples of food and cuisine that are popular or famous in certain areas of the world include hummus in the Middle East, apple pie in the United States, raw fish in Japan, cheese in France, roast meat and vegetables in England, curry in India and tortillas in Mexico. • There are approximately 2000 different plant types that humans use to cultivate food. • Some examples of popular vegetables include lettuce, carrots, asparagus, cauliflower, broccoli, spinach, potatoes and onions. • The sweet potato is a root vegetable and is NOT closely related to the potato! • Cutting onions releases a gas which causes a stinging sensation when it comes into contact with your eyes. Your body produces tears to dilute that irritant and remove it from your eyes. • Pumpkins are usually labelled as vegetables but they contain seeds and are technically fruit. • Some examples of popular fruits include apples, oranges, pears, strawberries, peaches, bananas, apricots and grapes. • Technically speaking, strawberries aren't even berries! Strawberries are edible and tasty, but technically, they are receptacles (the thickened part of a stem) rather than a berry. Making things even more confusing - the little hard pieces that appear to be seeds on a strawberry are actually a type of dry fruit called achene and they contain their own seeds! Figure that! • India is the world’s largest producer of bananas, producing nearly 22 million tons in 2007. • Humans use many different methods for gathering food which include farming, hunting, gardening, foraging and fishing. • Humans eat meat from a number of different animals that include meat from chickens, cows, sheep and pigs. Other food products that come from animals include milk, eggs and honey. • Although humans are omnivores (eating both plants and animals), many people choose not to eat meat and fish, they are known as vegetarians. Those who don’t eat or use any products made from animals (including eggs, dairy products and honey) are known as vegans.
• Food for human consumption is typically made from plants and animals but we also eat other products such as fermented foods and fungus. Some examples are mushrooms and cheese. • Cooking is an important part of food preparation that involves applying heat. In most cases this transforms the chemical make up of food, altering its texture, flavor, nutritional properties as well as appearance. The types of food used in cooking include ovens, microwaves, toasters, grills, pots and frying pans. The types of cooking methods are boiling, simmering, steaming, sauteing, pan frying, grilling and deep frying. • Around 70 million people suffer from food poisoning every year with around 7 million of these cases being fatal. Careful food storage, temperature control and preparation is necessary to avoid potentially dangerous bacteria, toxins and viruses. • Around 8% of children and 2% of adults have some kind of food allergy, this occurs when the body’s immune system incorrectly assumes a certain food protein is harmful and attacks it. Common examples of food allergies include reactions to peanuts, gluten and shellfish.
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Holt Public Schools Kids’ World News
August 2018, Page 3
Enjoy The Benefits Of Martial Arts! The benefits that come from practicing a martial art is that you have a healthier, fit body and mind. You gain agility, balance, coordination and reflexes. Those gains can translate into better performance in sports and in every day life. The true armor that martial arts gives to a student is the strength of self esteem. Strong values make a stronger person. In martial arts, respect for others is emphasized plus you learn to avoid dangerous situations and feel confident in the ability to defend oneself if needed.
Since 1960
Let’s talk about self esteem. Self esteem is the way we feel and think about ourselves. Healthy self esteem can affect everything we do in our lives. It promotes a positive “yes I can” attitude. It also enables us with the tools to have the best chance at being a happy and successful adult. An important part of self esteem is respect. In martial arts training, the student learns to have respect for the instructor and fellow students in the class. The martial arts instructor communicates with you about what is expected and informs you of your progress in learning. The classroom is also a great environment to meet new friends with similar interests. Discipline is an important ingredient when practicing martial arts. It takes discipline to consistently focus on improving skills, going to practice and concentrating on the work involved in growing. In addition, as you gain ranking in the martial arts studio, other students will look to you for guidance. You learn to feel confident in your abilities, communicate what you know to others and make new friends. As you move up in rank, you gain a different color belt that shows others how much effort you have put in. It is the philosophy of martial arts that both the body and the mind must be disciplined in order to overcome obstacles that hinder growth. Another benefit that comes from this disciplined approach is the ability to concentrate on achieving a goal. This can carry on to other areas of your life, including school work. It can also be an important factor as you grow up and face new challenges in your lives.
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August 2018, Page 4
$IWHU +LJK 6FKRRO Manufacturing: Exciting and Innovative Tech Public perception has painted manufacturing as undesirable, conjuring images of unskilled laborers performing repetitive tasks in hot, dirty factories. But in reality manufacturers work highly skilled jobs in some of the most exciting and innovate work environments anywhere. Today’s manufacturing is about advanced technologies and fast-paced, state-of-the-art facilities. It is a rewarding career choice that includes practical, hands-on problems and solutions. Are you a creative, innovative and driven person? The manXIDFWXULQJ LQGXVWU\ RႇHUV ERWK PHQ DQG ZRPHQ GLYHUVH FDUHHU opportunities with advanced skills and high pay. It often involves plants, animals and real-world materials like wood, tools and machinery. Michigan’s top manufacturing operations are motor vehicle parts, metal working machinery, and motor vehicles (based on annual employment reportings by The Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2015.) Do you have a vision for creating the technologies of tomorrow? For example, making the future of auto safer, smarter, OLJKWHU PRUH SRZHUIXO PRUH HႈFLHQW )ROORZ \RXU SDVVLRQ IRU manufacturing. From assemblers, builders, craftsman, elecWULFLDQV IDEULFDWRUV ¿QLVKHUV IUDPHUV RSHUDWRUV PDFKLQLVWV and welders to designers, engineers, operations managers, researchers, – even sales and marketing professionals – the team of talent is vast. Advanced manufacturing techniques include automation, high performance computing, advanced robotics, control systems, and technology: computer tech, high precision tech, sustainable tech, process tech. To prepare for a career in manufacturing, students need to develop S.T.E.M. skills. There are also many national organazations with programs promoting and advocating manufacturing careers for men and women, such as:
• National Girls Collaborative Project - The vision of the NGCP mentorship program is to unite organizations throughout the United States that are committed to informing and encouraging girls to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). Find a STEM program in your area that matches your education level and needs in the online directory The Connectory. www.ngcproject.org
Green & White
Holt Public Schools Kids’ World News
• In Fall 2016 there were approx. 50,344 total students from 82 counties in MI, all 50 states in the United States, and 133 other countries.
• More than 275 study abroad programs in more than 60 countries on all continents.
• Dream It Do It - Launched in 2005 in response to negative misperceptions, the Manufacturing Institute wanted to inspire the next generation of manufacturer workers and change WKHLU PLQG DERXW PRGHUQ PDQXIDFWXULQJ 7KH LQLWLDWLYH RႇHUV the opportunity to partner with a respected national platform WR SURPRWH PDQXIDFWXULQJ DQG KHOS VWXGHQWV ¿QG WKH ULJKW HGucation path to manufacturer careers. The network is currently engaged in 40 states. www.dreamitdoit.com
• 200+ programs of undergrad, graduate, and professional study and 900+ student organizations.
• 2018 STEP Ahead - Developed by the Manufacturing Institute, the initiative has showcased the impact of women in manufacturing since 2012 through the STEP (Science, Technology, Engineering and Production) Ahead Awards, a national honors ceremony and gala to celebrate the accomplishments of women in manufacturing. www.themanufacturinginstitute.org/Initiatives/Women-in-Manufacturing/STEP-Awards.aspx
$௻OLDWLRQV Big Ten Big Ten Network NCAA
• MFG Day +HOG DQQXDOO\ WKH ¿UVW )ULGD\ LQ 2FWREHU 0DQXfacturing Day is a celebration of modern manufacturing meant to inspire and motivate the next generation. As manufacturers open their doors for open house tours and events to students, parents, educators, area businesses, the media, and public of¿FLDOV WKH FRPPXQLW\ LV PDGH DZDUH RI ,QWHUHVWLQJ DQG UHZDUGing manufacturing career opportunities. www.mfgday.com
August 2018, Page 5
2018 - 2019 Calendar
It is with great pride and enthusiasm that I write to welcome you and our exceptional learning community to the sixth edition of our very own Kids’ World News! For over 20 years, the Holt Business Alliance has been the force that shapes our community’s future. The membership serves as a powerful networking partnership of local businesses, VFKRRO UHSUHVHQWDWLYHV DQG JRYHUQPHQW RI¿FLDOV ZRUNing together to promote the mission of developing strong community support for our businesses, local government and schools. With that, the Holt Business Alliance proudly VSRQVRUV WKLV SXEOLFDWLRQ (DFK PRQWK \RX ZLOO ¿QG FRQWHQW unique to Holt Public and our greater learning community!
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November 2018 Su M T W Th F 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 26 27 28 29 30
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By creating a personalized publication, we believe we will engage our students at a deeper level. While our district provides the core curriculum each day, the Holt Business Alliance is choosing to supplement our curriculum by supporting the Holt Public Kids’ World News each month! In an effort to connect with our public, I send a weekly email called the Peek at the Week to interested stakeholders. If you would like to be added to the weekly email blast, please send a note to suptofc@hpsk12.net with the word Peek in the subject line. Keep an eye on us as we Innovate, Educate and Inspire our learning community to achieve on every level! Together IS better! Throughout the school year, I urge you to engage
February 2019 Su M T W Th F Sa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 May 2019 T W Th 1 2 5 6 7 8 9 12 13 14 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 26 27 28 29 30
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with us on social media and I hope you enjoy reading this edition of the Holt Public Kids’ World News sponsored by the Holt Business Alliance.
September 2018 Su M T W Th F
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December 2018 Su M T W Th F
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Balanced School Year First day of School No School Half Day
District Pride, Community Wide! Dr. David G. Hornak
Stay Connected with HPS! #GOHPS #WOWWOWSUPERWOW Holt Public Schools Kids’ World News
Early Release
Holt School Advantage
Last Day of School (half day)
Sa 2 9 16 23 30
October 2018 Su M T W Th F 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 29 30 31
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Traditional School Year First day of School Half Day K-12 Half Day Grades 7-12 No School Late Start/Early Release Last Day of School (half day)
@holtpublicsch August 2018, Page 6
HOLT PUBLIC SCHOOLS Destination Imagination: 2018-19 Challenge Previews With the start of the new school year only weeks away, it is not too early to begin thinking about the upcoming Destination Imagination season. New and returning Holt-Dimondale D.I. students/teams can visit the Destination Imagination web site at: https://www.destinationimagination.org/challenge-program/2018-19-challenge-previews/ and download the “First Look Documentâ€? to learn more about each of this year’s competitive Team Challenges. Important! The below information which comes from the First Look document is a synopsis of each Challenge and is designed to help teams decide on which Challenge they would like to solve. Your team MUST download and read the full Challenge and Rules of the Road from the Resource Area in order to solve the Challenge successfully. Teams are strongly encouraged to read and use Roadmap as you create your Challenge solution). TECHNICAL CHALLENGE - The Technical Challenge prompts students to complete tasks by using engineering, research, strategic planning, and related skills. This year’s Technical Challenge is called “On Targetâ€? and will require teams to: • 'HVLJQ DQG EXLOG DQ DLUFUDIW WKDW WDNHV RII Ă€LHV and lands. • Design the aircraft to deliver a team-created payload. • Create and present a story about one or more characters exploring a remote place. • Create and present two Team Choice Elements that show off the team’s interests, skills, areas of strength, and talents.
by Chris Knapp
FLÂżF PDWHULDOV 7KLV \HDUÂśV (QJLQHHULQJ &KDOOHQJH LV called “Monster Effectsâ€? and will require teams to:
• Identify, design, and carry out a project that addresses a need in a real community.
• Design and build a structure that can support weight without breaking.
• Create and theatrically present a story that builds suspense about characters who attempt an escape.
• Test the structure by placing weights and then removing them. • Create and present a story in which the sudden appearance of a monster has surprising results. • Design and create a special effect to enhance the sudden appearance of the monster and/or the events surrounding the monster in the story. • Create and present two Team Choice Elements that show off the team’s interests, skills, areas of strength, and talents. FINE ARTS – The Fine Arts Challenge helps students develop acting and creative skills through artistic media, theater arts, script writing, and prop design. This year’s Fine Arts challenge is called “Game Onâ€? and will require teams to: • Create and present a story that integrates research of a team-selected game. • Create and present a game gizmo that causes an action or event to occur. • Design and create a container that goes through a transformation. • Design either the game gizmo or the container to be a technical element. • Create and present two Team Choice Elements that show off the team’s interests, skills, areas of strength, and talents.
IMPROVISATIONAL – The Improvisational Challenge is all about research, spontaneity, and storySCIENTIFIC CHALLENGE 7KH 6FLHQWLÂżF &KDO- telling. Teams receive topics and produce skits right OHQJH EOHQGV WKH FXULRVLW\ RI VFLHQWLÂżF UHVHDUFK ZLWK on the spot. This year’s Improvisational challenge is the creative expression of performance art. This called “Heads Upâ€? and will require teams to: \HDUÂśV 6FLHQWLÂżF &KDOOHQJH LV FDOOHG Âł0HGLFDO 0\V• 5HVHDUFK KLVWRULFDO ÂżJXUHV IRXQG RQ FRLQV IURP teryâ€? and will require teams to: around the world. • Research the human body and medical condi• Create and present an improvisational skit that tions that affect the human body. LQFOXGHV WKH KLVWRULFDO ÂżJXUHV LQ D WDOH • Create and present a story about a medical • Integrate an event that has an impact on the mystery that affects a human character. tale. • Design and build a representation that shows • Present the skit in two parts, changing between the medical mystery and at least one symptom. comedy and tragedy. • Present an action or scene that is shown from • Present the skit in two styles, changing from vertwo or more perspectives at the same time. bal to nonverbal. • Create and present two Team Choice Elements that show off the team’s interests, skills, areas of SERVICE LEARNING – The Service Learning Challenge is designed to engage students in public serstrength, and talents. vice that addresses real-life community issues. This ENGINEERING CHALLENGE - The Engineering (or year’s Service Learning challenge is called “Escape Structural) Challenge asks students to design, build, Artistsâ€? and will require teams to: and test load-bearing structures created from spe-
Holt Public Schools Kids’ World News
• Integrate information about the project through clues that help the characters attempt to escape. • Integrate information about the future of the project. • Create and present two Team Choice Elements that show off the team’s interests, skills, areas of strength, and talents. EARLY LEARNING / RISING STARS – The Rising Stars for Early Learners Challenge offers simple experiences with the creative process, and it gives young kids (preschool through 2nd grade) a place to work together and make new friends. This year’s Rising Stars challenge is called “Pop Upâ€? and will require teams to: • ([SORUH ÂżFWLRQ DQG QRQÂżFWLRQ VWRULHV • Create and present a story that combines elePHQWV RI ERWK ÂżFWLRQ DQG QRQÂżFWLRQ • Design and build a technical device. • Create an interactive, life-size pop-up book to help tell the story. Integrate a randomly selected item into the story. INSTANT CHALLENGE - Instant Challenges require teams to engage in quick, creative and critical thinking. In a world with growing cultural connections, increased levels and types of communication, and a new need for real-time teamwork and problem solving, the ability to solve problems quickly is becoming increasingly critical. • At a tournament, a team will receive an Instant Challenge and the materials with which to solve it. • The team members must think on their feet by applying appropriate skills to produce a solution LQ D SHULRG RI MXVW ÂżYH WR HLJKW PLQXWHV • Instant Challenges are performance-based, task-based, or a combination of the two. • Although each Instant Challenge has different requirements, all Instant Challenges reward teams for their teamwork. • ,QVWDQW &KDOOHQJHV DUH NHSW FRQÂżGHQWLDO WKURXJK the day of the tournament. For any students new to D.I. who are interested in participating in the 2018-2019 Holt-Dimondale Destination Imagination program, please contact your school’s principal to be connected with the D.I. Coordinator for your building.
August 2018, Page 7
HOLT PUBLIC SCHOOLS Grading the Band-Three F’s by Dennis Marvin, President - Holt High School Band Boosters Are you interested in getting three F’s? Not an F for failure, but three “F’s� that mean Friends, Fun, and Football. Holt Public Schools offers an opportunity for students to be involved in the band starting in 6th grade all the way through High School. The bands, which vary by grade and school, include concert, symphony, jazz, wind ensemble, and of course everyone’s favorite, the marching band.
tire band experience no matter what grade or what band. The fun includes parades to trips to places like Cleveland and Cincinnati, and everything in between; being in the band is nothing but “pure fun.�
Finally, the third F is Football. Football means marching band, which is probably most kid’s favorite band. The marching band presents a half time show at every home football 6R ZK\ WKUHH )ÂśV" 7KH ÂżUVW ) LV game including a theme of music and Friends. When you are in the band, precision drills. The 2018 Holt High you make friends that in many cas- School marching band show features es are in the middle school, junior the music of a rock group from the high, and high school bands with you. 1970’s called Led Zepplin. The 2017 Friends that may last a lifetime, but at theme was Star Wars. The marching the very least provide memories you band also performs every two years will never forget. at the Silver Bells holiday parade in The second F is Fun. Being in the Lansing, as well as, the Holt Memorial band can be hard work (called march- Day parade every year. ing band summer camp), but there is Probably the Holt marching band is no shortage of fun throughout your en- best known for its annual “Light Showâ€?
Food Frenzy!
which is performed at half time around the third or fourth home football game of the season. The Light Show includes both the high school marching band and students from the Holt Junior High School bands. With the stadium lights turned off, the bands appear as multicolor twinkling stars on WKH ÂżHOG $ VSHFWDFXODU VKRZ WKDW ÂżOOV
the football stands.
been turned off. Deputy Duling was able to turn on all the breakers and restore full power back to the residence. Deputy Duling then took the elderly man to the grocery store and he was able to obtain enough food to get by for a few days. Three Days later Sargent Daenzer reviewed the report and decided to go check on the elderly man. Pictured are Sgt. Daenzer and Deputy Duling.
The Holt Education Foundation will be hosting a Pregame Cookout prior to the home football game against Traverse City Central on 6HSWHPEHU 3URÂżWV IURP the annual cookout are used by the Holt Education Foundation to provide scholarships to Holt students. Food service begins at 5pm with the last service to conclude at 6:45pm or when the food is gone!
As you think about your future in Holt Public Schools, we hope you will think about getting involved in band and on your way to getting “Three F’s.� The one and only “F� grade your parents will agree is ok with them.
by John Hayhoe
by John Hayhoe
With three successful Food Frenzies , Chuck Grinnell, Holt Famers Market Chairman and chair of the Food Frenzie events is having a 4th event on Wednesday, August 8 from 5-8pm at the Holt Farmers Market. 7KH ÂżUVW HYHQW EHJDQ ZLWK IRRG WUXFNV and due to the success, Mr. Grinnell has expanded and now has 13 food trucks coming in! Chuck also has the Holt Lions Club supporting each event. Mr. Grinnell said, “The Holt Lions have been a great help, setting up, busing tables, and tearing down after the event. If not for them I would be putting away tables and chairs until mid-night.â€? Stop by the next Food Frenzie on August 8!
The Delhi Township Board of 7UXVWHHV UHFRJQL]HG WZR RIÂżFHUV for their work in the township. The police report reads, ‘Deputy Duling responded to a residence at Holt road for a citizen’s assist. The resident, an elderly male called and stated he wanted a Deputy to stop by because he did not have food in the house and had very little electricity coming into the residence. Upon Deputy Duling’s arrival, he found the elderly man only had one box of cereal and had not eaten much in two days. The man also informed Deputy Duling that he was just released from the hospital a few days ago and he had money for food, but no transportation to get there. Deputy Duling then checked his electrical box and found several breakers had
Holt Public Schools Kids’ World News
August 2018, Page 8
VARSITY FOOTBALL Thursday Thursday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday
08/23/18 08/30/18 09/07/18 09/14/18 09/21/18 09/28/18 10/05/18 10/12/18 10/19/18
Caledonia High School Hudsonville High School Traverse City West HS Dewitt High School Lansing Everett High School East Lansing High School Waverly High School Okemos High School Grand Ledge High School
Away Home Home Away Home Home Away Home Away
7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM
Saturday Saturday Thursday Saturday Tuesday Thursday Thursday Saturday Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Thursday Saturday Tuesday Tuesday Thursday Tuesday
JUNIOR VARSITY FOOTBALL Wednesday Wednesday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday
08/22/18 08/29/18 09/06/18 09/13/18 09/20/18 09/27/18 10/04/18 10/11/18 10/18/18
Caledonia High School Hudsonville High School Traverse City West HS Dewitt High School Lansing Everett High School East Lansing High School Waverly High School Okemos High School Grand Ledge High School
Home Away Home Home Away Away Home Away Home
6:30 PM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM
08/22/18 08/29/18 09/06/18 09/13/18 09/20/18 09/27/18 10/04/18 10/11/18 10/18/18
Caledonia High School Hudsonville High School Traverse City West HS Dewitt High School Lansing Everett High School East Lansing High School Waverly High School Okemos High School Grand Ledge High School
Home Away Home Home Away Away Home Away Home
Thursday Saturday Tuesday Thursday Thursday Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Thursday Saturday Tuesday Saturday Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Saturday
4:30 PM 4:30 PM 4:30 PM 4:30 PM 4:30 PM 4:30 PM 4:30 PM 4:30 PM 4:30 PM
VARSITY GIRLS GOLF Wednesday Thursday Monday Tuesday Thursday Monday Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Tuesday Friday Tuesday Tuesday
08/15/18 08/16/18 08/20/18 08/21/18 08/23/18 08/27/18 08/28/18 09/06/18 09/11/18 09/18/18 09/21/18 09/25/18 10/02/18
Traverse City Central (TCC Invite) Traverse City Central (TCC Invite) Forest HIlls Central HS (FHC) CAAC Blue Jamboree @ Holt Mona Shores High School Brighton High School Dewitt High School Holt Varsity Girls Golf Invite East Lansing High School Okemos High School Greenville High School Waverly High School Grand Ledge High School
Away 9:00 AM Away 9:00 AM Away 9:00 AM Home 9:00 AM Away 9:00 AM Away 10:00 AM Away 3:00 PM Home 9:00 AM Away 3:00 PM Away 3:00 PM Away 9:00 AM Away 3:00 PM Away 9:00 AM
09/11/18 09/27/18
Lansing Catholic High School Holt JV Golf Invite
Away Away Home Away Home Away Away Home Home Home Away Away Home Home Home Away Away
8:30 AM 9:00 AM 6:00 PM 8:00 AM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 8:30 AM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 8:00 AM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM
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Lansing Everett High School Williamston Invite Waverly High School East Lansing High School Okemos High School Dewitt High School Grand Ledge High School Lansing Everett High School Waverly High School Battle Creek Lakeview Invite East Lansing High School Holt JV Volleyball Invite Okemos High School Dewitt High School Grand Ledge High School Dewitt High School
Home Away Home Away Away Home Home Away Away Away Home Home Home Away Away Away
5:00 PM 9:00 AM 5:00 PM 5:00 PM 5:00 PM 5:00 PM 5:00 PM 5:00 PM 5:00 PM 8:00 AM 5:00 PM 8:30 AM 5:00 PM 5:00 PM 5:00 PM 9:00 AM
Home Home Home Away Away Home Home Away Away Away Home Home Away Away Home
8:30 PM 5:00 PM 5:00 PM 5:00 PM 5:00 PM 5:00 PM 5:00 PM 5:00 PM 5:00 PM 8:00 AM 5:00 PM 5:00 PM 5:00 PM 5:00 PM 9:00 AM
FRESHMAN VOLLEYBALL Saturday Thursday Tuesday Thursday Thursday Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Thursday Saturday Tuesday Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Saturday
Grand Haven Grand Ledge High School Lansing Everett High School Battle Creek Lakeview Invite Waverly High School East Lansing High School Okemos High School Holt Varsity Volleyball Invite Dewitt High School Grand Ledge High School Lansing Everett High School Waverly High School St Johns Invite East Lansing High School Okemos High School Dewitt High School Grand Ledge High School
FRESHMAN FOOTBALL Wednesday Wednesday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday
08/18/18 08/25/18 09/06/18 09/08/18 09/11/18 09/13/18 09/20/18 09/22/18 09/25/18 09/27/18 10/02/18 10/04/18 10/06/18 10/09/18 10/16/18 10/18/18 10/23/18
Away 1:00 PM Home 1:00 PM
08/25/18 09/06/18 09/11/18 09/13/18 09/20/18 09/25/18 09/27/18 10/02/18 10/04/18 10/06/18 10/09/18 10/16/18 10/18/18 10/23/18 10/27/18
Holt Freshman Volleyball Invite Lansing Everett High School Waverly High School East Lansing High School Okemos High School Dewitt High School Grand Ledge High School Lansing Everett High School Waverly High School Battle Creek Lakeview Invite East Lansing High School Okemos High School Dewitt High School Grand Ledge High School CAAC Tourney @ Holt
CROSS COUNTRY Friday Tuesday Saturday Saturday Thursday Saturday Saturday Friday Thursday Saturday Thursday Friday Friday
08/17/18 08/21/18 09/08/18 09/15/18 09/20/18 09/29/18 09/29/18 10/05/18 10/11/18 10/13/18 10/18/18 10/26/18 10/26/18
St. Johns Under the Lights Invite Lansing Catholic High School Bath Invite Holly Festival Dewitt High School A2 Coaching Legends Invite Dewitt High School (Dewitt Invite) Fowler Invite @ Uncle Johns Cider Mill East Lansing High School (EL JV Invite) Grand Ledge High School Grand Ledge High School Brighton Regional JV @ Huron Meadows MHSAA Regional @ Brighton
Away Away Away Away Away Away Away Away Away Away Away Away Away
9:30 PM 4:00 PM 8:30 AM 9:00 AM 4:00 PM 9:00 AM 9:30 AM 4:00 PM 3:00 PM 10:00 AM 4:00 PM 4:00 PM 4:00 PM
Holt Public Schools Kids’ World News
Tuesday Thursday Saturday Monday Wednesday Monday Wednesday Saturday Monday Saturday Monday Wednesday Tuesday Thursday Monday Tuesday
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Mason High School Swartz Creek High School Lansing Catholic High School Fowlerville High School Okemos High School Waverly High School Lansing Everett High School St. Johns High School East Lansing High School Haslett High School Dewitt High School Grand Ledge High School OPEN DATE (Soccer Cup) OPEN DATE (Soccer Cup) OPEN DATE (Soccer Cup) OPEN DATE (Soccer Cup Finals)
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JUNIOR VARSITY BOYS SOCCER Tuesday Thursday Saturday Monday Wednesday Monday Wednesday Saturday Monday Saturday Monday Wednesday Tuesday Thursday Monday Tuesday
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Mason High School Swartz Creek High School Lansing Catholic High School Fowlerville High School Okemos High School Waverly High School Lansing Everett High School St. Johns High School East Lansing High School Haslett High School Dewitt High School Grand Ledge High School OPEN DATE (Soccer Cup) OPEN DATE (Soccer Cup) OPEN DATE (Soccer Cup) OPEN DATE (Soccer Cup Finals)
Home 5:00 PM Home 5:30 PM Home 11:00 AM Away 5:00 PM Home 5:00 PM Away 5:00 PM Home 5:00 PM Away 11:00 AM Home 5:00 PM Away 5:00 PM Away 5:00 PM Away 5:00 PM Away 5:00 PM Away 5:00 PM Away 5:00 PM Away 5:00 PM
VARSITY BOYS TENNIS Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Saturday Tuesday Thursday Saturday Tuesday Thursday Saturday Thursday Monday Tuesday
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Triple Dual St. Johns High School Okemos High School Holt Varsity Tennis Invite Grand Ledge High School Dewitt High School Holt Invite #2 East Lansing High School Waverly High School Grandville Invite CAAC League Meet at GL Haslett High School Portland High School
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9:00 AM 4:00 PM 4:00 PM 9:00 AM 4:00 PM 4:00 PM 9:00 AM 4:00 PM 4:00 PM 8:30 AM 9:00 AM 4:00 PM 4:00 PM
JUNIOR VARSITY BOYS TENNIS Saturday Wednesday Thursday Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Saturday Monday Tuesday
08/18/18 08/29/18 09/06/18 09/11/18 09/13/18 09/18/18 09/22/18 10/01/18 10/09/18
Portland High School St. Johns High School Okemos High School Grand Ledge High School Dewitt High School East Lansing High School Holt JV Invite Haslett High School Portland High School
Away Home Away Away Away Home Home Home Away
9:00 AM 4:00 PM 4:00 PM 4:00 PM 4:00 PM 4:00 PM 9:00 AM 4:00 PM 4:00 PM
August 2018, Page 9
The United Kingdom • The United Kingdom is an island located in Europe. It borders the North Sea, English channel, and the Atlantic Ocean. The United Kingdom consists of Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales, and England. It’s about twice the size of New York state. • England is the most populated area, with 49 million people living there. Many of these people live in southern England, near London. London is the capital of the United Kingdom, and is home to about 7.6 million people! • The United Kingdom is often called Britain or simply the UK. • The official languages in the United Kingdom are English, Welsh, and a Scottish form of Gaelic. • The industrial revolution was born in the United Kingdom in the 18th century, making it the first industrialized nation. • The currency of the United Kingdom is the British pound. • The total population is estimated to be about 65 million people! • Major industries include machine tools, electric power equipment, automation equipment, railroad equipment, ship building, cereals, oilseed, potatoes, vegetables, cattle, and fish. • The government of the United Kingdom is a unitary parliamentary democracy and a constitutional monarchy. The Prime Minister is the head of the government. The queen right now is Elizabeth II and the prime minister is Theresa May.
• In the north and west of the United Kingdom, mountain ridges and deep valleys are common. The south countryside is mainly rolling hills. • In northwest England and the Scottish Highlands are dozens of lakes, called lochs. You’ve probably heard this term before when telling the story of the Loch Ness monster. Lock Ness is a lake in Scotland, and many people claim to see “Nessie” or a giant monster living there. • The United Kingdom used to be covered in thick forests. Now only 10% of the land is forest. • Soccer, rugby, cricket, boxing, and golf were all invented in the United Kingdom! • The United Kingdom has produced many great writers including William Shakespeare, Charles Dickens, and Robert Burns. J.K. Rowling, the writer of the Harry Potter books, is also from the UK! • Stonehenge is one of the most popular tourist sites in the United Kingdom! Located in England, this structure dates back to around 3000 to 2000 BC. Why they are there is unknown, but there are many theories, including religious reasons, burial grounds, and even aliens! • British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), is the largest broadcasting corporation in the world. The corporation is very popular in the United States for news as well is television programs. • London was the first city in the world to have an underground subway system! • London hosting the 2012 Olympics is the first time a city has ever hosted the Olympics three times. That was also the first Olympics that had at least one female athlete from every country.
Stonehenge is a prehistoric monument in Wiltshire, England. It’s one of the most famous sites in the world. Archaeological evidence found by the Stonehenge Riverside Project in 2008 indicates that it could have been a burial ground.
Tower Of London
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Holt Public Schools Kids’ World News
August 2018, Page 10
0LGGOH *URXQG Practice Response-Ability: Good character is developed thru S.U.P.E.R.H.E.R.O.E.S. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to live in such a way that if anyone should speak badly of you, no one would believe it? It’s not easy being responsible for how you act, but decision skills FDQ VWUHQJWKHQHG ZLWK Hႇ RUW DQG ULJKW VWUDWHJLHV One way to make informed and responsible choices is to STOP ...... and give yourself time to think LOOK ....... at all your options THINK ..... about the consequences of each option DECIDE.... what’s best for the most people involved. Ask yourself “Who will care?” Think of all the stakeholdHUV ± RU WKRVH Dႇ HFWHG LQ WKH RXWFRPH RI \RXU GHFLVLRQ )RU example, say you were a pitcher showing up late for a ball game: stakeholders would include the catcher, backup pitcher, coach, your teammates, the other team, umpire, coaches, parents, fans ... even the concession manager! Visualizing a mental list like this can help you understand the importance of thinking things through. Your choices make you who you are. You’re in charge of you in the classroom, in the lunchroom, at recess, in the hallways,
on the stairs, in the bathroom and on the bus. You can change the world with the right words. In the 2014 Kindle book "What's Under Your Cape," Barbara Gruener points out everyone can be superheroes to themselves and others by practicing: S ervice U nconditional Love P erseverance E mpathy R espect H onesty E nthusiasm R esponsibility O bedience E ncouragement S elf-Discipline
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Holt Public Schools Kids’ World News
August 2018, Page 11
HOLT PUBLIC SCHOOLS Upcoming Events - August 2018 1
• First Day of School for Balanced Calendar Schools: Horizon and Sycamore
• Dimondale Farmers Market: 3pm-7pm
• Holt Hometown Festival • Holt Farmers Market: 9am-2pm
• Holt Farmers Market: 9am-2pm
• No School: Balanced Calendar Schools
• High School Kick Start Orientation: 3pm-8pm
• First Day of School for Traditional Calendar Schools • Full Day of Instruction for Balanced Calendar Schools
• Early Release for Balanced Calendar Schools • High School Kick Start Orientation: 3pm-8pm • Food Frenzie 5pm-8pm @ The Holt Farmers Market
22 23
• Dimondale Farmers Market: 3pm-7pm
• Holt Farmers Market: 9am-2pm
• Late Start/Early Release
• High School Kick Start Orientation: 10am-3pm • Dimondale Farmers Market: 3pm-7pm
• No School: Balanced Calendar Schools
• Holt Farmers Market: 9am-2pm
• Junior High Kick Start Orientation: Noon-7pm
• Full Day of Instruction
• Dimondale Farmers Market: 3pm-7pm
• Dimondale Farmers Market: 3pm-7pm
• No School: Labor Day Weekend
Holt Public Schools Kids’ World News
August 2018, Page 12