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Kids’ World News
Volume 2, Issue 6, August 2019
What Are The Highest Mountains On Each Continent Of The Earth? ASIA - MOUNT EVEREST 29,035 Feet - Located on the border of Nepal & Tibet
Did You Know? • Mountains make up about one-fifth of the world’s landscape. • There are mountains under the surface of the sea. • About 80% of our planet’s fresh water originates in the mountains. • The tallest known mountain in the solar system is Olympus Mons located on Mars. • The highest 14 mountains in the world are all found in the Himalayas.
SOUTH AMERICA - MOUNT ACONCAGUA 22,841 Feet - Located in Argentina
NORTH AMERICA - MOUNT McKINLEY 20,320 Feet - Located in Alaska, USA
AFRICA - MOUNT KILIMANJARO 19,340 Feet - Located in Tanzania
EUROPE - MOUNT ELBRUS 18,510 Feet - Located in Russia
ANTARCTICA - MOUNT VINSON MASSIF 16,050 Feet - Located in Antarctica
AUSTRALIA - MOUNT KOSCIUSZKO 7,310 Feet - Located in Australia
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Holt Public Schools Kids’ World News
August 2019, Page 2
Find The 10 Differences In These Two Pictures
Help Each Pencil Make Its Way To The Middle Of The Maze To Color The Picture!
Can You Unscramble These Animal Names?
1. PHLEENAT ___________________ 2. RAIGEFF _____________________ 3. OOBBAN _____________________ 4. LAMEC _____________________ 1. Elephant, 2. Giraffe, 3. Baboon, 4. Camel
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August 2019, Page 3
What Is Whooping Cough? Kids of today get a series of shots to protect them from getting whooping cough, but some kids will still get it. Babies who have not had all their series of shots are at risk for whooping cough. This is a very serious illness for a baby, and also affects adults ages 60 and older. Whooping cough, which is also called pertussis (pur-tus-is) is a bacterial infection of the respiratory system. This includes your lungs and breathing tubes. Whooping cough got its name from kids coughing a lot and in between coughs, they make a “whoop” sound when they try to take a breath. In 1906, two French scientists discovered the pertussis bacteria and this became the first step to creating a vaccine to prevent this disease. Thousands of children used to get it because it spreads very quickly. Pertussis bacteria can live in the saliva in mouths and in the mucus in noses. It is spread by people coughing or sneezing and releasing tiny droplets in the air that other people breathe in. Colds are caught this way also. The symptoms of whooping cough are similar to a cold but, unlike the cold, whooping cough sticks around and the cough gets stronger and more severe. If the doctor thinks that a child might have whooping cough, they may take a sample of the mucus in the back of their nose. This can be tested in a lab to see if there’s any bacteria in it. They may also order a chest Xray and blood tests. A child who has whooping cough will need to rest, drink plenty of fluids and eat healthy food. Also, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics to help fight the infection from the bacteria. This will guard from spreading the illness to others. Regular check-ups with the doctor will make sure that the breathing and coughing are improving. Whooping cough can be avoided by getting the pertussis vaccine called the DTaP. The shot prevents two other illnesses — diphtheria and tetanus in addition to pertussis. Today, kids are usually given five doses of it. The first three shots are given while a child is a baby. Another is given when a child is
a toddler and the fifth one is given between ages 4 to 6. And now, doctors want to give another shot when children are around 11 or 12 to make sure he or she is still protected. Washing your hands often and staying away from people who have a bad cough may help you avoid getting the disease.
Pencils? Check. Backpack? Check. Vaccines? Uh...
Is your child up to date on vaccines for the new school year? If not or if you’re unsure, we can help. Call us at (517) 887-4316.
hd.ingham.org Holt Public Schools Kids’ World News
August 2019, Page 4
HOLT PUBLIC SCHOOLS WELCOME! It is with great pride and enthusiasm that I write to welcome you and our exceptional learning community to the 18th edition of our very own Kids’ World News! For over 20 years, the Holt Business Alliance has been the force that shapes our community’s future. The membership serves as a powerful networking partnership of local businesses, school representatives, and JRYHUQPHQW RI¿FLDOV ZRUNLQJ WRJHWKHU WR SURPRWH WKH mission of developing strong community support for our businesses, local government and schools. With that, the Holt Business Alliance proudly sponsors this SXEOLFDWLRQ (DFK PRQWK \RX ZLOO ¿QG FRQWHQW XQLTXH to Holt Public and our greater learning community! By creating a personalized publication, we believe we will engage our students at a deeper level. While our district provides the core curriculum each day, the Holt Business Alliance is choosing to supplement our curriculum by supporting the Holt Public Kids’ World News each month! In an effort to connect with our public, I send a weekly email called the Peek at the Week to interested stakeholders. If you would like to be added to the weekly email blast, please send a note to suptofc@hpsk12.net with the word Peek in the subject line. Keep an eye on us as we Innovate, Educate and Inspire our learning community to achieve on every level! Together IS better! Throughout the school year, I urge you to engage with us on social media and I hope you enjoy reading this edition of the Holt Public Kids’ World News sponsored by the Holt Business Alliance.
District Pride, Community Wide! Dr. David G. Hornak
Stay Connected with HPS!
Ribbon Cutting: Feldpausch Cleaning Service by John Hayhoe Mike Feldpausch started ‘Feldpausch Cleaning Service’ in 2007. After 12 years, he has decided to make the Holt community the home of his business. The Holt Business Alliance came out to visit him and welcome him to Holt with a ribbon cutting ceremony. Pictured are JR McGraw, Mike Feldpausch, Bill Wahl, Todd Wizard, and Alliance President, Pat Brown.
Ribbon Cutting: Off Leash K9 Training by John Hayhoe The Holt Business Alliance brought out their ribbon and scissors and helped Mike Christie open his new Holt Business. Mike started ‘Off Leash K9 Training, in the mini plaza on Cedar street. Pictured are Bill Wahl, JR McGraw, Mike Christie, Todd Wizard, John Hayhoe, Ashland Dye, and Business Alliance President Pat Brown.
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Holt Public Schools Kids’ World News
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Come Check out Edrus Soft Serve’s All new Menu August 2019, Page 5
HOLT PUBLIC SCHOOLS So You Want to be in the Band? by Dennis Marvin President Holt High School Band Boosters “So You Want to be in the Band?,â€? presented by the Holt High School Band Boosters provides information about the high school band experience with the next three summer issues featuring interviews with the Band Directors from the Middle Schools, Junior High, and High School. The Band Boosters hopes this article will encourage kids to think about music, learning an instrument, and joining the band in middle school and for the rest of their years in Holt Public Schools Mr. Lewis is the Director of Bands at Holt Junior High School and Manages the Holt High School Marching Band drumline. The following questions were posed by the Holt Band Boosters (HBB): HBB: As you think back in your life, why did you decide to join the school band and get involved in music? Music has been part of my life since almost the beginning. I have a lot of professional instrumental musicians in my family and they noticed I had an aptitude for music at the age of four which is when I started piano lessons. Therefore, when I reached 6th grade, it was natural for me to join band. HBB: What instrument did you play and why? I started on percussion because it was pretty close to piano in that mallet instruments are set up the same way as a piano keyboard. In addition, there was a Fife and Drum Corp in Plymouth‌.not like the drum corps of today, but one that dressed up in Colonial style clothing. I had always wanted to be in that so I picked the drums so I could be part of the group, which was when I was in 8th grade. HBB: What was the best part of being in band during your school years?
I had a great experience in my school years. Not only did I play in the Plymouth Fife and Drum Corp, but also played in the Michigan Youth Symphony through the University of Michigan, as well as, attended the Interlochen Fine Arts camps during the summer. My high school band in Plymouth was a competitive marching band. Since the marching band was a combined band of two schools, we had to play every Friday night at a football game and then competed at different events most Saturdays. We were very competitive winning the state championship a few times and competed in the national championship in Indianapolis. Aside from the music, being involved in band is also about the friendships and having a sense of belonging. Band was a great experience for me, but as a teacher today, when my students leave junior high to go to the high school band, they start out with marching band summer camp. So by the time school starts their freshmen year, they already know the high school building, know a bunch of upper classmen, and it’s just a great place for kids to be. It makes the high school experience. HBB: When did you decide you wanted to make music your career as a teacher and why? By my junior year in high school, I decided I wanted to make music my career. I knew from the beginning I wanted to be a teacher although my professors in college pushed me toward performance. I did not like the performance lifestyle. In addition, performance did QRW ¿OO P\ SDVVLRQ IRU ZRUNLQJ ZLWK SHRSOH RU KHOSLQJ people. I really enjoy seeing kids catch on and get it, then get better‌..just how good it makes them feel when they accomplish something. I like being part of that. I initially went to Northwestern University, but transferred to Central Michigan University for a better percussion instructor and program.
Talk with Us Tuesday Podcast
Food Frenzy by John Hayhoe
by John Hayhoe Dr. David Hornak, Superintendent of the Holt Schools, and John Hayhoe, Delhi Township Supervisor, recently held their 142nd Talk with us Tuesday Podcast. Chuck Grinnell joined the podcast to make sure the community was aware of the newly redesigned Holt Fest! Chuck shared some information regarding the redesigned Holt Fest on August 17. He also To listen to this podcast or previously rementioned that there would be a $500 prize corded shows, visit: https://gohps.net/hpspodIRU WKH EHVW ÀRDW WKLV \HDU 7KH +ROW )HVW ZLOO cast142 or http://holtpublicsch.podbean.com/ have music, a parade, arts/crafts, bingo, food Thanks for listening and remember to read! and more! For more information or to volunteer, Enjoy! check out www.holtfest.com!
Holt Public Schools Kids’ World News
HBB: As a band director, what would you say to students and their parents about taking up an instrument and why? I encourage all parents to put their kids in band because it is a great place to be. If they want to put their kids in an environment where they are with other students who are excelling both academically and musically this is the place. Then once kids get in, they really need to practice. If you want to keep having fun, then you need to be good at it. I have found that kids that are disappointed with their band experience are ones who do not practice and get discouraged. On the other hand, I DOVR VHH NLGV WKDW ¿QG VFKRRO WR EH HDV\ IRU WKHP FDQ EH challenged by what it takes to succeed in band because LI WKH\ DUH QRW FKDOOHQJHG WKH\ QHYHU ¿QG RXW ZKDW WKH\ are capable of doing. Musicians are among the most KDUG ZRUNLQJ GHGLFDWHG SHRSOH \RX DUH JRLQJ WR ¿QG HBB: What do you think students and their parents should know to make the most of their band experience? Students who come into band have to understand the instrument does not play itself. They have to put in some effort. It is also learning how to be a part of the team. It is all teamwork. In my view, it takes more team work to perform music than many team sports because they tend to be individual skills based where being in the band has to blend‌.you have to interact with others constantly. If your kid is in the marching band, you know they have friends, are in with a good crowd, and are going to have a great experience.
Chuck Grinnell, Holt Farmers Market Manager, and Holt Food Frenzy Director said the July Food Frenzy event drew in between 1200-1500 people and each future event will be even bigger and better! Chuck said each Food Frenzy is scheduled to have at least 15 food vendors on site and live music provided by the ‘Chicks with Pics. The food vendors will be serving hotdogs, burritos, donuts, Kona Ice, Gravity BBQ, pizza, kettle corn and much more! Chuck also wanted to thank the Holt Lions for helping setup and tear down the tables and chairs at each event. The next Food Frenzy will be held on August 7 from 5pm-8pm at the Holt Farmers Market!
August 2019, Page 6
HOLT PUBLIC SCHOOLS Holt Public Schools Expands Opportunities for Early College Credits by Lucas Schrauben - Director of Secondary Programs Holt High School offers many opportunities for students to get a jumpstart on their academic futures and earn college credit while in high school. One of the most exciting and accelerated options is the new Holt Early College. Holt High School is one of the only schools in the Mid-Michigan area to have their own Early College program. Entering its second-year partnership with Lansing Community College and Davenport University, Holt Early College makes it possible for 11th graders to remain at Holt High School and earn college credits at the same time that they work toward high school graduation. Holt Early College provides an opportunity to earn a FDUHHU FHUWL¿FDWH XS WR WUDQVIHUDEOH FROOHJH FUHGLWV RU an associate’s degree while still attending high school. In the past, students participating in The LCC Early College and took all of their classes at LCC beginning in their junior year and continuing until grade 13. 1RZ VWXGHQWV KDYH D PRUH ÀH[LEOH GHOLYHU\ WKH\ remain at Holt High School during 11th grade. In year 12, their classes will be a mix of classes at Holt High School and college classes that can be taken at HHS or their College campus. Students will now be eligible to participate in all regular high school activities. In grade 13, students will be onsite at LCC or Davenport Univer-
sity Lansing campuses for the entirety of their academic schedule. Students will walk with their class at graduation after year 12 but will not receive their diploma until they complete grade 13. 7KH EHQH¿WV RI (DUO\ &ROOHJH DUH VXEVWDQWLDO $OO college tuition expenses (up to 60 credits), books, and fees are provided with NO cost to the student or parent for three years. Transportation, however, is not generally provided. Mentors are available at both the high school and the college campus, and students are provided with transition activities to prepare them to enter the workforce or a four-year university upon completion of the program. The early college application window is open in the fall of students’ sophomore year. Parents will receive communication via email, and applications are available LQ WKH FRXQVHOLQJ RI¿FH ZKHQ VFKRRO UHVXPHV 6XFcessful applicants are sophomores who are on track to graduate have the maturity and self-discipline to manage and adapt to the two learning environments. Students will need to have college ready PSAT scores to be able to enroll in college courses (minimum Evidence-Based Reading and Writing Score of 480). As part of the LCC SDUWQHUVKLS VWXGHQWV ZLOO EH UHTXLUHG WR HQUROO LQ 0DVWHU
Holt Business Alliance Member Spotlight Wahl and Associates has been in place since 1991. Co-owners Bill and Mary Wahl are experienced and educated to help you move forward in achieving your goals by providing you with the right tools and direction through coaching. Bill holds a B.S. and M.S. from MSU and successful careers in Criminal Justice, Leadership Development and commercial Real Estate. Mary also holds a B.A. and M.A from MSU. Wahl and Associates can help you connect the dots in the six major areas of your life (business, home, social, physical, mental, and spiritual).
Transfer Agreement (MTA) courses in English composition, Communications, Humanities/Fine Arts, Mathematics, or Natural and Social Sciences. At Davenport, enrollees must have a minimum GPA of 2.5, and they will be expected to have taken Promotional Marketing and Business Management courses at the high school before attending the university. (DUO\ &ROOHJH FDQ VLJQLÂżFDQWO\ LQFUHDVH WKH OLNHOLKRRG of high school graduation, as 90 percent of Early College students graduate compared to the national rate of 78 percent. )RU IXUWKHU LQIRUPDWLRQ RU TXHVWLRQV FRQWDFW /XFDV Schrauben, Director of Secondary Programs, at lucas. schrauben@hpsk12.net, or 517-699-7631
Bill and Mary Wahl and Associates
Girls Scout News The Girl Scouts of Holt/Dimondale recognized and celebrated the achievements of these young ladies and also recognized the scout leaders and businesses that supported them. Missey Trudell and Todd Wizard, owners of Paper ,PDJH UHFHLYHG D FHUWLÂżFDWH IURP *LUO 6FRXW $UHD 0DQDJHU Sara Reedy. Pictured is Todd Wizard, Missey Trudell, Sara 5HHG\ DQG WZR 6FRXWV 7KDW GHÂżQLWHO\ GHVHUYHV D ZRZ ZRZ super, wow!
Holt Public Schools Kids’ World News
Holt Business Alliance
Join us at 7:30am for our breakfast meeting: August 15 @ Charlar Place, 4230 Charlar Dr.
August 2019, Page 7
VARSITY FOOTBALL Thursday Friday Saturday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday
08/29/19 09/06/19 09/14/19 09/20/19 09/27/19 10/04/19 10/11/19 10/18/19 10/25/19
Caledonia High School Hudsonville High School Traverse City West HS Dewitt High School Lansing Everett High School East Lansing High School Waverly High School Okemos High School Grand Ledge High School
Home Away Away Home Away Away Home Away Home
7:00 PM 7:00 PM 5:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM
JUNIOR VARSITY FOOTBALL Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday
08/22/19 09/05/19 09/12/19 09/19/19 09/26/19 10/03/19 10/10/19 10/17/19 10/24/19
Caledonia High School Hudsonville High School Traverse City West HS Dewitt High School Lansing Everett High School East Lansing High School Waverly High School Okemos High School Grand Ledge High School
Away Home Home Away Home Home Away Home Away
6:30PM 6:30PM 6:30PM 6:30PM 6:30PM 6:30PM 6:30PM 6:30PM 6:30PM
Away Home Home Away Home Home Away Home Away
4:30PM 4:30PM 4:30PM 4:30PM 4:30PM 4:30PM 4:30PM 4:30PM 4:30PM
FRESHMAN FOOTBALL Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday
08/22/19 09/05/19 09/12/19 09/19/19 09/26/19 10/03/19 10/10/19 10/17/19 10/24/19
Caledonia High School Hudsonville High School Traverse City West HS Dewitt High School Lansing Everett High School East Lansing High School Waverly High School Okemos High School Grand Ledge High School
GIRLS VARSITY SWIMMING/DIVING Saturday Wednesday Saturday Thursday Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Thursday Saturday Thursday Thursday Friday Saturday Thursday Friday Saturday
08/24/19 08/28/19 09/07/19 09/12/19 09/17/19 09/19/19 09/24/19 09/26/19 09/28/19 10/03/19 10/10/19 10/11/19 10/12/19 10/24/19 11/08/19 11/09/19
Oscoda Area High School Waverly High School Holt Invite Haslett High School Waverly High School East Lansing High School Lansing Everett High School St. Johns High School Loy Norrix HS (Loy Norrix Invite) Okemos High School Grand Ledge High School OPEN DATE (MISCA Tournament) OPEN DATE (MISCA Tournament) Dewitt High School St. Johns High School (CAAC @ St. Johns)
Away 9:00 AM Away 6:00 PM Home 10:00 AM Home 6:00 PM Away 6:00 PM Away 6:00 PM Home 6:00 PM Home 6:00 PM Away TBA Away 6:00 PM Home 6:00 PM Away TBA Away TBA Away 6:00 PM Away TBA Away TBA
CROSS COUNTRY Friday Thursday Thursday Friday Saturday
08/16/19 09/19/19 10/17/19 10/25/19 10/26/19
St. Johns High School DeWitt High School Grand Ledge High School OPEN DATE (MHSAA Regionals) OPEN DATE (MHSAA Regionals)
Away 9:30 PM Away 4:00 PM Home 4:00 PM Away TBA Away TBA
Holt Public Schools Kids’ World News
Saturday Thursday Tuesday Thursday Saturday Thursday Tuesday Thursday Saturday Tuesday Thursday Saturday Tuesday Saturday Tuesday Thursday Tuesday
08/24/19 09/05/19 09/10/19 09/12/19 09/14/19 09/19/19 09/24/19 09/26/19 09/28/19 10/01/19 10/03/19 10/05/19 10/08/19 10/12/19 10/15/19 10/17/19 10/22/19
Grand Ledge Invite Lansing Everett High School Waverly High School East Lansing High School Battle Creek Lakeview Invite Okemos High School Dewitt High School Grand Ledge High School Holt Varsity Volleyball Invite Lansing Everett High School Waverly High School Perry Invite East Lansing High School St. Johns Invite Okemos High School Dewitt High School Grand Ledge High School
Away Away Away Home Away Home Away Away Home Home Home Away Away Away Away Home Home
8:00 AM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 8:00 AM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 8:30 AM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 9:00 AM 6:30 PM 8:00 AM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM
09/05/19 09/10/19 09/12/19 09/14/19 09/19/19 09/24/19 09/26/19 10/01/19 10/03/19 10/08/19 10/12/19 10/15/19 10/17/19 10/19/19 10/22/19 10/26/19
Lansing Everett High School Waverly High School East Lansing High School Williamston High School Okemos High School Dewitt High School Grand Ledge High School Lansing Everett High School Waverly High School East Lansing High School Battle Creek Lakeview HS Okemos High School Dewitt High School Holt JV Invite Grand Ledge High School End of season JV Tourney
Away Away Home Away Home Away Away Home Home Away Away Away Home Home Home Away
5:00PM 5:00PM 5:00PM 9:00 AM 5:00PM 5:00PM 5:00PM 5:00PM 5:00PM 5:00PM 8:00 AM 5:00PM 5:00PM 8:30 AM 5:00PM 8:00 AM
FRESHMAN VOLLEYBALL Thursday Saturday Tuesday Thursday Thursday Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Thursday Saturday Tuesday Saturday Tuesday Thursday Tuesday
09/05/19 09/07/19 09/10/19 09/12/19 09/19/19 09/24/19 09/26/19 10/01/19 10/03/19 10/05/19 10/08/19 10/12/19 10/15/19 10/17/19 10/22/19
Lansing Everett High School Olivet High School (Olivet Invite) Waverly High School East Lansing High School Okemos High School Dewitt High School Grand Ledge High School Lansing Everett High School Waverly High School Holt Freshman Invite East Lansing High School Battle Creek Lakeview HS Okemos High School Dewitt High School Grand Ledge High School
Away Away Away Home Home Away Away Home Home Home Away Away Away Home Home
5:00 PM 8:30 AM 5:00PM 5:00PM 5:00PM 5:00PM 5:00PM 5:00PM 5:00PM 8:30 AM 5:00PM 8:00 AM 5:00PM 5:00PM 5:00PM
Away Home Home Away Away Away Away Away Away
9:00 AM 2:00 PM 9:00 AM TBA 9:30 AM TBA TBA TBA TBA
VARSITY GIRLS GOLF Tuesday Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Tuesday Thursday Friday
08/20/19 08/27/19 09/05/19 09/10/19 09/12/19 09/17/19 09/24/19 10/10/19 10/18/19
Grand Ledge High School OPEN DATE Holt Invitational Dewitt High School St. Johns High School East Lansing High School Waverly High School OPEN DATE (MHSAA Regionals) OPEN DATE (MHSAA Finals)
Holt JV Golf Invite
08/20/19 08/24/19 08/26/19 09/04/19 09/07/19 09/09/19 09/11/19 09/14/19 09/16/19 09/21/19 09/23/19 09/25/19 10/01/19 10/03/19
Mason High School Rockford High School Fowlerville High School Okemos High School Lansing Catholic High School Waverly High School Lansing Everett High School St. Johns High School East Lansing High School Haslett High School Dewitt High School Grand Ledge High School OPEN DATE (CAAC Cup) OPEN DATE (CAAC Cup)
Away 6:30 PM Home 1:30 PM Home 6:30 PM Away 6:30 PM Away 12:30 PM Home 6:30 PM Away 5:30 PM Home 11:30 AM Away 6:30 PM Away TBA Home 6:30 PM Home 6:30 PM Away 6:30 PM Away 6:30 PM
JUNIOR VARSITY VOLLEYBALL Thursday Tuesday Thursday Saturday Thursday Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Saturday Tuesday Thursday Saturday Tuesday Saturday
Tuesday Saturday Monday Wednesday Saturday Monday Wednesday Saturday Monday Saturday Monday Wednesday Tuesday Thursday
Home 12:00 PM
Tuesday Saturday Monday Wednesday Saturday Monday Wednesday Saturday Monday Saturday Monday Wednesday Tuesday Thursday
08/20/19 08/24/19 08/26/19 09/04/19 09/07/19 09/09/19 09/11/19 09/14/19 09/16/19 09/21/19 09/23/19 09/25/19 10/01/19 10/03/19
Mason High School Rockford High School Fowlerville High School Okemos High School Lansing Catholic High School Waverly High School Lansing Everett High School St. Johns High School East Lansing High School Haslett High School Dewitt High School Grand Ledge High School OPEN DATE (CAAC Cup) OPEN DATE (CAAC Cup)
Away 5:00 PM Home 11:00 AM Home 5:00PM Away 5:00 PM Away 11:00 AM Home 5:00PM Away 4:00 PM Home 10:00 AM Away 5:00 PM Away TBA Home 5:00PM Home 5:00PM Away 5:00 PM Away 5:00 PM
VARSITY BOYS TENNIS Saturday Friday Saturday Wednesday Thursday Saturday Tuesday Thursday Saturday Tuesday Thursday Saturday Thursday Saturday Monday Tuesday
08/17/19 08/23/19 08/24/19 08/28/19 09/05/19 09/07/19 09/10/19 09/12/19 09/14/19 09/17/19 09/19/19 09/21/19 09/26/19 09/28/19 09/30/19 10/08/19
Jenison High School (Jenison Invite)Away 8:30 AM Holt Double Dual Home 10:00 AM TCC Invite Away TBA St. Johns High School Away 4:00 PM Okemos High School Away 5:00 PM Holt Invite #1 Home 9:00 AM Grand Ledge High School Away 5:00 PM Dewitt High School Away 5:00 PM Holt Invite #2 Home 9:00 AM East Lansing High School Home 5:00 PM Waverly High School Home 5:00 PM Grandville Invite Away 8:30 AM CAAC @ Holt Home 9:00 AM Allegan Public Schools Away 10:00 AM Haslett High School Home 4:00 PM Portland High School Away 4:00 PM
JUNIOR VARSITY BOYS TENNIS Wednesday Thursday Saturday Tuesday Thursday Saturday Tuesday Thursday Saturday Monday Tuesday
08/28/19 09/05/19 09/07/19 09/10/19 09/12/19 09/14/19 09/17/19 09/19/19 09/28/19 09/30/19 10/08/19
St. Johns High School Okemos High School Portland High School Grand Ledge High School Dewitt High School Sturgis High School East Lansing High School Waverly High School Holt JV Invite Haslett High School Portland High School
Away 4:00 PM Home 5:00 PM Away 10:00 AM Home 5:00 PM Home 5:00 PM Away 9:00 AM Away 5:00 PM Away 5:00 PM Home 9:00 AM Away 4:00 PM Home 4:00 PM
August 2019, Page 8
The Holt Alliance presents
BACK TO BASICS Proceeds to benefit the Ron VanErmen Scholarship Fund
4BUVSEBZ "VHVTU UI at Buddies 2040 N. Aurelius, Holt
Raffle-(3&"5 13*;&4
Food will be available for purchase
$3 admission includes 2 hard cards
(Additional cards can be purchased for $1.00 each) License# V08959
Bring this coupon and receive 2 additional Bingo cards
register at the event or to Pat Brown pat@holtdimondaleagency.com or Bill Wahl wmwahl1@comcast.net
Top 3 get prizes Event sponsored by: #VEEJFT 1VC (SJMM t #MPDL *NBHJOH 5BTNBOJBO 5JSF $P 3POBME 7BO&SNFO 'BNJMZ
Holt Public Schools Kids’ World News
August 2019, Page 9
The Robin: Michigan’s State Bird The American Robin lives in North America. Robins breed from Alaska east to Newfoundland, Canada and south to California and east to Florida. They can be found in farmlands, suburbs and urban areas. The robin was designated the official state bird of Michigan in 1931 after an election held by the Michigan Audubon Society. The legislation noted that "the robin redbreast is the best known and best loved of all the birds in the state of Michigan." The robin is also the state bird of Connecticut and Wisconsin. The American Robin eats earthworms, insects and berries. About ten inches long, American Robins are gray-brown birds with warm orange underparts and dark heads. In flight, a white patch on the lower belly and under the tail can be seen. Compared with males, females have paler heads that contrast less with the gray back. Robins are commonly heard singing in forests and suburbs. Their calls include a loud song that sounds like cheer-up cheerily, cheer-up cheerily or a rapid tut tut tut. It is among the first birds to sing at dawn. The American robin is active mostly during the day and assembles in large flocks at night. Robins pair bond during the breeding season. Both parents build the nest that is made of twigs, mud and lined
Quality ityy Eyewearr with a Fashionablee Flair
with dry grass. Sometimes it will have string or ribbon intertwined in them when they find some. The nests are cup shaped and are built in a bush, tree or under the eaves of buildings. The female lays two to four light blue eggs. After around two weeks, the eggs hatch and both parents care for the young. The chicks fledge when they are about 14 to 16 days old. Fledge means to acquire the feathers necessary for flight. Did you know that the chicks are born with their eyes shut and first open them around five days after hatching? Interesting Facts: • Until the early years of the 20th century - the robin was commonly known as the redbreast. • The robin is a member of the thrush family so it’s related to the Eurasian blackbird and the nightingale. • Baby robins are helpless at birth, but reach the size of their parents after about two weeks! • Robins fly at 17 to 32 miles per hour! • Robins have approximately 2,900 feathers. • Robins are one of the most widespread songbirds in the Western Hemisphere.
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Holt Public Schools Kids’ World News
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August 2019, Page 10
The Amazon Rainforest!
The Amazon is a rainforest in South America. It encompasses 1.2 billion acres, with parts located within nine nations: Brazil (with 60% of the rainforest), Colombia, Peru, Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, Guyana, Suriname and French Guiana. This forest represents over half of the planet's remaining rainforests. The forest lies in a basin drained largely by the Amazon River, with 1100 tributaries. This basin was formed between 500 and 200 million years ago! The region is home to 2.5 million insect species, tens of thousands of plants, and some 2000 birds and mammals. This is the largest collection of living plants and animal species in the world. One in five of all the birds in the world live in the rainforests of the Amazon.
The Red-Eyed Tree Frog Being green helps the red-eyed tree frog blend in with tree leaves. This keeps it hidden from both the insects it eats and the predators that want to eat them. Red-eyed tree frogs are nocturnal, or active at night. During the day they rest. When one of these tree frogs sits still on a green leaf, legs tucked in and eyes shut, it is practically invisible. So why do the frogs have brightly colored bodies and huge red eyes? The bright colors are a defense mechanism. If the green camouflage fails and a predator spots a sleeping frog, it swoops in for what it thinks will be a tasty meal. But the awakened frog’s eyes pop open, revealing their startling bright red color! Also, when the frog rushes to get away, it untucks its brightly colored legs The predator is often so surprised by these sudden flashes of color that it is momentarily confused and hesitates. And while it does, the frog has a split second to make its escape!
The Toucan! The toucan lives in the Amazon Rainforest. There are more than 40 types of toucans. Their diet is made up of insects, fruit and small lizards. It eats by tossing its food into the air and flying to catch it. Toucans love to fly! They can be up to 26 inches tall including their bill. Toucans mostly live in dead trees. The males look for food while the females protect the tree with their nest. The toucans babies are born featherless!
What’s A Caiman? All caimans live in South and Central America. Caimans like wetlands such as rainforests or the Amazon river basin. Caimans also live in flooded savannahs. Caimans belong to the same group as alligators because of a bony ridge that is above their eyes. They lay between 14 and 60 eggs. They are nocturnal which means they are awake during the night. They hunt fish, birds, turtles, reptiles, and mammals. They have about 75 long and sharp teeth. They don’t tear their prey up, they swallow it whole.
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Holt Public Schools Kids’ World News
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August 2019, Page 11
HOLT PUBLIC SCHOOLS Upcoming Events - August 2019 1
• First Day of School: Sycamore & Horizon
• No School: Sycamore & Horizon
• High School Kick Start Student Orientation 3pm-8pm
• No School: Sycamore & Horizon
• Early Release: Sycamore & Horizon • High School Kick Start Student Orientation 3pm-8pm • Food Frenzy 5pm-8pm @ Holt Farmers Market
8 12 13
• High School Kick Start Student Orientation 10am-3pm • Board of Education Committee of the Whole: 5:30pm • Board of Education Regular Meeting: 7pm
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• First Day of School: Traditional Calendar • Full Day of Instruction: Sycamore and Horizon
• Late Start/Early Release
• Holt Business Alliance Pre-Game Hotdog Cookout
• No School: Labor Day Break
• Junior High Kick Start Student Orientation • 7th Grade : Noon - 3pm
Welcome Back!
• 8th Grade: 4pm - 7pm
• Full Day of Instruction: Sycamore and Horizon
Holt Public Schools Kids’ World News
August 2019, Page 12