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Kids’ World News
Volume 1, Issue 10, December 2018
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December 2018, Page 2
Why Do Evergreens Stay Green All Year Round? Evergreen trees (also known as conifers because of the cones that hold their seeds) include spruce, fir and pine trees. Deciduous trees like maples, oaks, etc. loose all their leaves at about the same time. Evergreens do not. They are able to make new leaves before the old ones fall off. Some evergreens can keep their leaves a few years before they fall off! Evergreens have adapted to live in climates where there may be limited annual sunshine and/or available water. They thrive in cold climates like Michigan. The evergreen leaves look like needles. Botanists discovered that the needles are actually regular leaves that are rolled up very tightly and have a very waxy coating. This shape allows the evergreen to conserve water during the summer and winter months. The leaves on evergreen trees have the same function as the leaves of other trees. They make food for the tree through photosynthesis. Their leaves are often dark green indicating that a lot of the sun-absorbing chlorophyll is present. By having a lot of small leaves that are packed with chlorophyll, the tree gathers as much energy as it can from the lack of sunlight during the winter months as the evergreen does photosynthesis all year round. The dark color also keeps the tree warm in its cold environment because darker leaves absorb more sunlight.
In the cold climates where the evergreen lives, even with a large amount of precipitation, the water is often frozen and unavailable to the tree. When that happens, the evergreen will go dormant and rest until conditions are right for photosynthesis to start up again. The small surface area and the thick coating of wax on the needle like leaves, allows the plant to retain more water as there is less surface area available for evaporation. The small leaves also have small holes called stomata that are used for gas exchange. These can be closed very tightly to stop water loss. The small pointy leaves and the cone like shape of the tree itself, sheds snow more easily than other trees so the evergreens are not as likely to COLOR break under the heavy weight of snow and ice. ME!
Try This! Put two cups of water on a table in the sun. Leave one cup open to the air. Cover the other cup with plastic wrap. Notice how the sun’s energy begins to evaporate the water. From which cup is the water evaporating faster? The answer to this experiment will help you understand how the waxy coating on the evergreen leaves or needles helps to conserve water for the tree.
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Holt Public Schools Kids’ World News
December 2018, Page 3
Ice Skating Is A Fun Activity! Did you know that humans have been skating for thousands of years? The first skates were made from animal bones and attached to the feet with leather straps. People used skates as a way of crossing frozen lakes and rivers in the winter. In the 1850’s, figure skating began. Skaters started trying various spins and jumps on the ice. The first World Figure Skating Championships for men were held in 1896 in Russia. The first World Figure Skating Championships for women were held in Switzerland in 1906. Ice skating is a popular sport and thanks to indoor rinks, it can be enjoyed year round. As a competitive sport, skating includes figure skating, pair skating, speed skating, ice dancing, and ice hockey. So, one of the interesting concepts of skating is that it can be done alone, in pairs or on teams. Ice skating can be enjoyed at the ice rink or on a safe, frozen and approved body of water. Always check with your parent to make sure where you skate is safe. Another great part about skating is that it’s enjoyed by all age groups. Ice skating is an exciting, relatively inexpensive activity that provides a great source of exercise and entertainment for the entire family. Learning to ice skate is actually quite easy and a lot of fun. It however, does require determination and a lot of practice. Some benefits of skating include gaining muscle strength, endurance, balance, coordination and flexibility. Children must be mature enough to listen to his or her instructor and follow directions when learning to skate. Little ones of two or three years can be exposed to skating using double bladed skates for better balance. However, age four is the best age to start formal group lessons. Ice skating begins by learning how to balance on the skates and to move from point A to point B. The professionals will also teach how to fall cor-
Since 1960
rectly and how to get back up! Whether you are interested in skating for recreation or pursuing competitive skating - school is the first step. Each level is designed by professionals to meet a child’s age, ability and goals. Once this is completed, advanced skaters can move on to figure skating, ice dancing, ice hockey, synchronized or speed skating. Whether you skate indoors or outdoors, it is important that you dress for warmth by layering your clothing. Indoor arenas are kept between 50 and 60 degrees, so jackets are recommended. If you are outside skating, you need to dress for the temperature. Your clothing should be close fitting and comfortable. Waterproof snow suits are great for young children. Another suggestion is waterproof mittens, gloves and hat to keep ears warm. Make sure you wear a pair of warm, seamless socks. Helmets are recommended for children 6 and under and all beginning skaters. Skates can be rented from most indoor ice rinks but, if you purchase skates, make sure they are professionally fit. Remember, you will need to have your ice COLOR skates sharpened after every ME! four to six hours of ice time.
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December 2018, Page 4
I Want To Play Drums! The drum is a member of the percussion group, technically classified as a membranophone. They consist of at least one membrane, called a drumhead or drum skin, that is stretched over a shell and struck. It is struck directly with a player’s hands or with some sort of implement such as a drumstick to produce sound. Drums are the world’s oldest and most widely used musical instrument. The basic design has remained pretty much unchanged for thousands of years. Most drums are considered “untuned instruments,” however many modern musicians are beginning to tune drums to songs. A few such as the timpani, are always tuned to a certain pitch. Often, several drums are arranged together to create a drum set, which can be played by a musician. The shell almost always has a circular opening over which the drumhead is stretched, but the shape of the remainder of the shell varies widely. In the western musical tradition, the most usual shape is a cylinder. Although, the timpani, for example, use bowl shaped shells. Other shapes include COLOR a frame deME! sign, shortened cones like bongo drums, goblet shaped, and joined cones (talking drum). Several factors determine the sound a
drum produces, including the type of shell the drum has, the type of drumheads it has, and the tension of the drumheads. Different drum sounds have different uses in music. For example, a jazz drummer may want drums that sound crisp, clean and a little on the soft side. A rock and roll drummer may prefer drums that sound loud and deep. Because these drummers want different sounds, their drums will be constructed differently. In many traditional cultures, drums have a symbolic function and are often used in religious ceremonies. In the past, drums have been used not only for their musical qualities, but also as a means of communication through signals. The talking drums of Africa can imitate the inflections and pitch variations of a spoken language and are used for communicating over great distances. Throughout Sri Lankan history, drums have been used for communication between the state and the community. Sri Lankan drums have a history stretching back over 2500 years. Japanese troops used Taiko drums to motivate troops, to help set a marching pace, and to call out orders or announcements. Fife-and-drum corps of Swiss mercenary foot soldiers also used drums. They used an early version of the snare drum, carried over the player’s right shoulder, suspended by a strap and typically played with one hand. The oldest known drums are from 6000 B.C.
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Holt Public Schools Kids’ World News
December 2018, Page 5
HOLT PUBLIC SCHOOLS WELCOME! It is with great pride and enthusiasm that I write to welcome you and our exceptional learning community to the tenth edition of our very own Kids’ World News! For over 20 years, the Holt Business Alliance has been the force that shapes our community’s future. The membership serves as a powerful networking partnership of local businesses, VFKRRO UHSUHVHQWDWLYHV DQG JRYHUQPHQW RI¿FLDOV ZRUNing together to promote the mission of developing strong community support for our businesses, local government and schools. With that, the Holt Business Alliance proudly VSRQVRUV WKLV SXEOLFDWLRQ (DFK PRQWK \RX ZLOO ¿QG FRQWHQW unique to Holt Public and our greater learning community! By creating a personalized publication, we believe we will engage our students at a deeper level. While our district provides the core curriculum each day, the Holt Business Alliance is choosing to supplement our curriculum by supporting the Holt Public Kids’ World News each month! In an effort to connect with our public, I send a weekly email called the Peek at the Week to interested stakeholders. If you would like to be added to the weekly email blast, please send a note to suptofc@hpsk12.net with the word Peek in the subject line.
our learning community to achieve on every level! Together IS better! Throughout the school year, I urge you to engage with us on social media and I hope you enjoy reading this edition of the Holt Public Kids’ World News sponsored by the Holt Business Alliance.
District Pride, Community Wide! Dr. David G. Hornak
Holt Public Schools Kids’ World News
By Dennis Marvin President Holt High School Band Boosters “So You Want to be in the Band?,� presented by the Holt High School Band Boosters, features a high school band member each month describing why they became interested in music, when they did, and the impact it’s had on their life. The Band Boosters hopes this article will encourage kids to think about music, learning an instrument, and joining the band in middle school and for the rest of their years in Holt Public Schools. Sarah Hanley (SH) is a Senior at Holt High School.. The following questions were posed by the Holt Band Boosters (HBB): HBB: play?
What instrument do you
SH: I play the trumpet in the High School Marching Band and for my last year in high school, the Wind Ensemble. I have been in the Marching Band since 9th grade, played two years in the Concert Band, and last year I played in the Symphonic Band. HBB: Why did you decide to play the trumpet and when?
Keep an eye on us as we Innovate, Educate and Inspire
So You Want to be in the Band?
SH: First, my older brother, who was in the High School %DQG LQĂ€XHQFHG PH ZKHQ , went into 6th grade. My family and I went to watch him at all the football games and his concerts so I really developed an interest in music and decided I wanted to make it. My family owned a cornet and French horn so my Mom said I could pick one or the other. I picked
Holt School Advantage
the cornet because I had heard the French horn was really hard to play. I can play it, but I really like the cornet and trumpet. HBB: When did you join the band? 6+ 0\ ÂżUVW EDQG ZDV LQ WK grade at Washington Woods Middle School. Even though I didn’t think we sounded too good at the time since we were all beginners, I really enjoyed the experience. As they always say, you have to start somewhere. HBB: Why did you join the band? SH: As I said before, my older EURWKHU UHDOO\ LQĂ€XHQFHG PH , especially enjoyed watching the Marching Band perform. I thought it was really “cool.â€? HBB: What do you like most about being in the band? SH: Music means a lot to me in many ways. First I really like the idea of making something beautiful from nothing. I also like the camaraderie for sure. When I joined the band in 6th grade, so did a number of my friends. Many of us have stayed involved in the band including junior high and now high school. I have also made a lot of new friends, too. One of my most favorite things to do in band is summer band camp, especially this past summer camp since it is my senior year. We had a lot of fun with the senior prank and walking down the stairs in our costumes on Senior Night. It was fun being “recognized by the underclassmen,â€? which
I had to do the last three years. Finally, I really enjoy working with Mr Emerson. HBB: Do you plan to stay involved in music or band after High School? 6+ , GH¿QLWHO\ SODQ WR VWD\ LQvolved in music. I hope to go to Michigan State University and make it into the Spartan Marching Band. I love marching and making music, but I see it more as a hobby. From a career standpoint, I hope to become a medical examiner. An unusual career choice, but it’s something I’ve thought about doing for a long time. HBB: Why do you think younger kids should think about joining the band? SH: Being in the band has EHHQ JUHDW VLQFH , ¿UVW MRLQHG in 6th grade. I’ve made a lot of friends, had a lot of fun, and while you may not always make the band you want at the time, you just have to keep trying and most of all practice. It’s well worth the time and very rewarding. Something I will always remember.
@holtpublicsch December 2018, Page 6
HOLT PUBLIC SCHOOLS Building 21 Tailgate Fundraiser by John Hayhoe
Building 21 recently held a tailgate fundraiser to collect funds for their buildings. Chris Trubec, Holt Kiwanis member and Building 21 Board Director said over 240 people attended the event and with donations still coming in, they have surpassed $14,000. Chris said the number of people and donations exceeded expectations. Pictured are Holt Kiwanians (who sponsored a table) Chris Trubac, Ron Venner, Patsy Lovely, and Karla Janing.
Talk with us Tuesday Podcast by John Hayhoe
Dr. Hornak, Holt Schools Superintendent and John Hayhoe, Delhi Township Supervisor, had George Hayhoe on their 102nd podcast. Mr. Hayhoe spoke of how the Hayhoe Trail just crossed the Sycamore Creek with a newly installed bridge. This trail will continue along Howell road to Cedar Street, then along Cedar, in front of Dart Container, up to College road. Delhi Township hopes to collect some funds from the county to continue the trail along Cedar Street to the round a bought where it will tie into the Holt trail system. In a few more years, you will be able to bike/walk from Mason to north Lansing. George Hayhoe said, “this has been a passion of mine for the past several years. I truly expect/ KRSH WR VHH LW ÂżQLVKHG LQ P\ OLIHWLPH ´
Sheep Love Pumpkins! by John Hayhoe
Several years ago, the Delhi Township Water Treatment Plant purchased some sheep to keep the grass and weeds maintained around the water ponds. This not only saved in personnel costs but also put less pollutants into the air. In the last few years, the Holt/Dimondale communities have chipped in by donating their used Halloween pumpkins for WKH VKHHS WR HDW 5DWKHU WKDQ SXWWLQJ WKHP LQWR ORFDO ODQGÂżOOV it was discovered that the sheep enjoy eating the rinds and seeds. The community gets a great sense of satisfaction in being a ‘green’ community and helping our environment. This is a win/win for the community and the sheep.
Holt Public Schools Kids’ World News
December 2018, Page 7
HOLT PUBLIC SCHOOLS Food Drive Scheduled by John Hayhoe For over 50 years, baskets have been placed in the Holt schools to collect food to give families a nice Holiday dinner. This year the baskets go into all the elementary schools Monday, November 26th and collected Friday, December 7th. They are transported over to the Holt Presbyterian Church where Holt school children separate and sort items into bags. This is the community’s biggest food drive. In 2017, the Postal Workers food drive collected 4,562lbs. of food. This drive collected 6,528 lbs. last year! Please help us break a record by donating some non-perishable food items! The food drive will end on December 6, 2018.
Holt Business Alliance Member Highlight:
Legg Lumber Helping Holt with Building Projects by Jessica Rademacher
by Principal, Mrs. North
Legg Lumber, formerly Lumbertown, has been a part of the Holt community for many years, selling lumber and building materials and helping people with projects both big and small. The OXPEHU\DUG LV MXVW RQH RI ¿YH /HJJ Lumber locations in Michigan. The other locations are in Allegan, Marshall, Albion, and Coldwater, which is the oldest lumberyard and has been open since 1884. Today, the Legg Lumber in Holt is run by Jon Legg, the sixth generation in his family’s lumberyard history, and his wife, Jessica Rademacher. Lumberyard business is different today that it was in the past. Now, places like Legg Lumber compete for customers with stores like Home Depot and Lowe’s. So what makes Legg Lumber different from the big box stores? The biggest difference is our customer service! Our employees are helpful and knowledgeable and they know what you need for your project. They work with our customers from the start, planning construction of everything from tables and chairs to houses. Some of our customers have even been local kids building benches and docks for their Eagle Scout projects! Once the customer has a building plan ready, our team works with them to select materials, like choosing a style RI ZLQGRZ RU D FRORU RI VLGLQJ RU URR¿QJ ,I \RX are picking up your materials, we can load them into your truck or trailer. The other option is for us to use one of our trucks to deliver the building materials to the job site so the crew
Friendship Feast at Elliott At Elliot Elementary Thanksgiving is a time WKDW ZH DOO UHÀHFW RQ ZKDW ZH DUH WKDQNIXO IRU To support this theme, we have adopted this KROLGD\ DQG QDPHG LW ³7KH )ULHQGVKLS )HDVW´ to recognize all the special friends that have made a difference in our lives.
can get to work. We keep working with our customers until their jobs are complete. Another way the lumberyard is different from the bigger stores is that we can choose what products we want to sell, especially if a FXVWRPHU UHTXHVWV VRPHWKLQJ VSHFL¿F 2QH RI the newest products that we decided to offer to our customers is a kind of decking made out of a material that combines recycled plastic mixed with small pieces of wood. This product is called composite decking and it comes in a variety of colors and lasts for years. Saving the best for last, everyone’s favorite thing about Legg Lumber is our friendly greeter, Gibby. He is a 15 pound dog who loves working at the lumberyard and getting to say hi to our customers. Come see Gibby and our wonderful staff when you are ready to start your next project!
Holt Public Schools Kids’ World News
December 2018, Page 8
BOYS VARSITY BASKETBALL Tuesday Friday Tuesday Friday Tuesday Friday Tuesday Friday Tuesday Friday Tuesday Friday Tuesday Friday Friday Tuesday Friday Tuesday Friday
12/04/18 12/07/18 12/11/18 12/14/18 12/18/18 12/21/18 01/08/19 01/11/19 01/15/19 01/18/19 01/22/19 01/25/19 01/29/19 02/01/19 02/08/19 02/12/19 02/15/19 02/19/19 02/22/19
Milford High School Lansing Everett High School St. Johns High School Okemos High School Eastern High School East Lansing High School Haslett High School Dewitt High School Waverly High School Grand Ledge High School Lansing Sexton H.S. Lansing Everett High School Okemos High School East Lansing High School Loy Norrix HS Dewitt High School Waverly High School Lansing Catholic High School Grand Ledge High School
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7:00 PM 6:00 PM 7:00 PM 6:00 PM 7:00 PM 6:00 PM 7:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 7:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 7:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 7:00 PM 6:00 PM
Friday Saturday Tuesday Friday Tuesday Friday Tuesday Friday Tuesday Friday Tuesday Friday Tuesday Friday Friday Tuesday Friday Friday Tuesday Thursday
Saturday Saturday Wednesday Friday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Friday Saturday Friday Saturday Wednesday Friday Friday Saturday Friday Saturday Friday Saturday
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Lansing Everett High School OPEN DATE (Okemos Showcase) St. Johns High School Okemos High School Eastern High School East Lansing High School Haslett High School Dewitt High School Waverly High School Grand Ledge High School Lansing Sexton H.S. Lansing Everett High School Okemos High School East Lansing High School Loy Norrix HS Dewitt High School Waverly High School Grand Ledge High School Williamston High School Mason High School
Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Thursday Monday Thursday Tuesday Thursday Monday Thursday Friday Monday Thursday Tuesday Thursday
Thursday Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Thursday Monday Thursday Tuesday Thursday Monday Thursday Friday Monday Thursday Thursday Tuesday Thursday
12/04/18 12/06/18 12/11/18 12/13/18 12/18/18 12/20/18 01/08/19 01/10/19 01/14/19 01/17/19 01/22/19 01/24/19 01/28/19 01/31/19 02/08/19 02/11/19 02/14/19 02/19/19 02/21/19
Milford High School Lansing Everett High School St. Johns High School Okemos High School Eastern High School East Lansing High School Haslett High School Dewitt High School Waverly High School Grand Ledge High School Lansing Sexton H.S. Lansing Everett High School Okemos High School East Lansing High School Loy Norrix HS Dewitt High School Waverly High School Lansing Catholic High School Grand Ledge High School
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4:00 PM 5:30 PM 4:00 PM 5:30 PM 4:00 PM 5:30 PM 4:00 PM 5:30 PM 5:30 PM 5:30 PM 4:00 PM 5:30 PM 5:30 PM 5:30 PM 4:00 PM 5:30 PM 5:30 PM 4:00 PM 5:30 PM
12/04/18 12/06/18 12/11/18 12/13/18 12/18/18 12/20/18 01/08/19 01/10/19 01/14/19 01/17/19 01/22/19 01/24/19 01/28/19 01/31/19 02/08/19 02/11/19 02/14/19 02/19/19 02/21/19
Milford High School Lansing Everett High School St. Johns High School Okemos High School Eastern High School East Lansing High School Haslett High School Dewitt High School Waverly High School Grand Ledge High School Lansing Sexton H.S. Lansing Everett High School Okemos High School East Lansing High School Loy Norrix HS Dewitt High School Waverly High School Lansing Catholic High School Grand Ledge High School
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5:30 PM 7:00PM 5:30 PM 7:00PM 5:30 PM 7:00PM 5:30 PM 7:00PM 7:00 PM 7:00PM 5:30 PM 7:00PM 7:00 PM 7:00PM 5:30 PM 7:00 PM 7:00PM 5:30 PM 7:00PM
CHEERLEADING Saturday Friday Saturday Wednesday Saturday Wednesday Saturday Monday Friday
12/08/18 12/14/18 01/12/19 01/16/19 01/26/19 01/30/19 02/02/19 02/11/19 02/15/19
OPEN DATE Dewitt High School Perry High School Eaton Rapids High School Holt Invitational Portland High School OPEN DATE (Monroe) St. Johns High School MHSAA Districts
Lansing Everett High School St. Johns High School Okemos High School Eastern High School East Lansing High School Haslett High School Dewitt High School Waverly High School Grand Ledge High School Lansing Sexton H.S. Lansing Everett High School Okemos High School East Lansing High School Loy Norrix HS Dewitt High School Waverly High School Grand Ledge High School Williamston High School Mason High School
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7:00PM 5:30 PM 7:00PM 5:30 PM 7:00PM 5:30 PM 7:00PM 7:00 PM 7:00PM 5:30 PM 7:00PM 7:00 PM 7:00PM 5:30 PM 7:00 PM 7:00PM 7:00PM 5:30 PM 5:30 PM
BOYS JV BASKETBALL Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Thursday Monday Thursday Tuesday Thursday Monday Thursday Friday Monday Thursday Tuesday Thursday
12/06/18 12/11/18 12/13/18 12/18/18 12/20/18 01/08/19 01/10/19 01/14/19 01/17/19 01/22/19 01/24/19 01/28/19 01/31/19 02/08/19 02/11/19 02/14/19 02/21/19 02/26/19 02/28/19
Home 7:30 PM Away 2:00 PM Home 7:00 PM Away 7:30 PM Home 7:00 PM Home 7:30 PM Away 7:00 PM Away 7:30 PM Away 7:30 PM Home 7:30 PM Away 7:00 PM Away 7:30 PM Home 7:30 PM Away 7:30 PM Home 7:00 PM Home 7:30 PM Home 7:30 PM Away 7:30 PM Home 7:00 PM Away 7:00 PM
Away 9:00 AM Away 6:00 PM Away 9:00 AM Away 6:00 PM Home 9:00 AM Away 6:00 PM Away 9:00 AM Away 6:00 PM Away 6:00 PM
Holt Public Schools Kids’ World News
Thursday Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Thursday Monday Thursday Tuesday Thursday Monday Thursday Friday Monday Thursday Thursday Tuesday Thursday
12/06/18 12/11/18 12/13/18 12/18/18 12/20/18 01/08/19 01/10/19 01/14/19 01/17/19 01/22/19 01/24/19 01/28/19 01/31/19 02/08/19 02/11/19 02/14/19 02/21/19 02/26/19 02/28/19
Lansing Everett High School St. Johns High School Okemos High School Eastern High School East Lansing High School Haslett High School Dewitt High School Waverly High School Grand Ledge High School Lansing Sexton H.S. Lansing Everett High School Okemos High School East Lansing High School Loy Norrix HS Dewitt High School Waverly High School Grand Ledge High School Williamston High School Mason High School
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5:30PM 4:00 PM 5:30PM 4:00 PM 5:30PM 4:00 PM 5:30PM 5:30 PM 5:30PM 4:00 PM 5:30PM 5:30 PM 5:30PM 4:00 PM 5:30 PM 5:30PM 5:30PM 4:00 PM 4:00 PM
GYMNASTICS Saturday Saturday Wednesday Saturday Wednesday Wednesday Saturday Wednesday Saturday Monday Wednesday Saturday
12/01/18 12/15/18 01/09/19 01/12/19 01/16/19 01/23/19 01/26/19 01/30/19 02/02/19 02/04/19 02/06/19 02/16/19
Holt Invite Home Lumen Christi High School Away 9:00 AM Grand Ledge High School Home 6:30 PM East Lansing High School Away 9:00 AM East Lansing High School Home 6:30 PM Linden High School Home 6:30 PM (Kenowa Hills Invite) Away10:00 AM Fowlerville High School Away 6:30 PM Invite @ Canton or Haslett Away 9:00 AM Haslett High School Away 6:30 PM OPEN DATE (With Huron Valley) Home 6:30 PM Fowlerville High School Away 9:00 AM
12/01/18 12/08/18 12/12/18 12/14/18 12/15/18 12/22/18 12/29/18 01/05/19 01/11/19 01/12/19 01/18/19 01/19/19 01/23/19 01/25/19 02/01/19 02/02/19 02/08/19 02/09/19 02/15/19 02/16/19
Mount Pleasant H.S. Kalamazoo Central HS OPEN DATE (Kenowa Hills) Okemos High School OPEN DATE (Northview) OPEN DATE (Kenowa Hills) Bedford High School Kalamazoo Central HS Pinckney High School OPEN DATE (West Catholic) Dewitt High School OPEN DATE (Eastside) Lumen Christi High School OPEN DATE (East side) Okemos High School Lumen Christi High School Dewitt High School West Bloomfield High School Grosse Ile HS/MS Royal Oak
Home TBA Home TBA Away TBA Home TBA Away TBA Home TBA Home 7:00 PM Home TBA Home TBA Home TBA Away TBA Away TBA Home TBA Home TBA Away 6:30 PM Away TBA Home TBA Away TBA Home 7:30 PM Away TBA
VARSITY WRESTLING Wednesday Saturday Wednesday Friday Saturday Wednesday Wednesday Saturday Wednesday Wednesday Saturday
12/05/18 12/08/18 12/12/18 12/14/18 12/15/18 12/19/18 01/09/19 01/19/19 01/23/19 01/30/19 02/02/19
Okemos High School Rochester High School Waverly High School (North Canton Hoover Invite) (North Canton Hoover Invite) Lansing Everett High School East Lansing High School Holt Varsity Invite Dewitt High School Dewitt High School Grand Ledge High School
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6:00 PM 9:00 AM 5:00 PM 9:00 AM 9:00 AM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 8:00 AM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 8:00 PM
JV WRESTLING Wednesday Wednesday Saturday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Saturday
12/05/18 12/12/18 12/15/18 12/19/18 01/09/19 01/23/19 01/30/19 02/09/19
Okemos High School Waverly High School Holt JV Invite Lansing Everett High School East Lansing High School Dewitt High School Dewitt High School Holt JV Invite II
Home 6:00PM Away 6:00PM Home 8:00 AM Home 6:00PM Home 6:00PM Home 6:00PM Away 6:00PM Home 8:30 PM
BOYS/GIRLS VARSITY BOWLING Wednesday Friday Monday Thursday Monday Friday Thursday Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Thursday Saturday Thursday Friday Friday Saturday
12/12/18 12/14/18 12/17/18 12/20/18 01/07/19 01/11/19 01/17/19 01/22/19 01/24/19 01/29/19 01/31/19 02/02/19 02/14/19 02/15/19 02/22/19 02/23/19
Portland High School Home 3:30 PM Dewitt High School (@ Royal Scot) Away 3:30 PM Mason High School Away 3:30 PM Eaton Rapids (@ Char Lanes) Away 3:30 PM East Lansing High School Home 3:30 PM Haslett (City Limits East Lansing) Away 3:30 PM Charlotte (@ Char Lanes) Away 3:30 PM Charlotte High School Home 3:30 PM Haslett High School Home 3:30 PM Eaton Rapids High School Home 3:30 PM East Lansing (@ Sparetime) Away 3:30 PM (CAAC Singles Tournament @ Royal Scot) Away 9:00 AM Mason High School Home 3:30 PM (JV State Championships @ Sterling Heights) Away 3:30 PM (Team Regionals) Away 10:00 AM (Regionals Singles) Away 9:00 AM
December 2018, Page 9
Republic Of Lithuania • Lithuania is a country in Northern Europe, in fact, the largest of the three Baltic states. It is situated along the southeastern shore of the Baltic Sea, to the east of Sweden and Denmark. It borders Latvia to the north, Belarus to the east and south, Poland to the south, and Kaliningrad Oblast (a Russian exclave) to the southwest. • The capital and largest city of Lithuania is Vilnius. Vilnius is one of the few European capital cities where a person can fly with hot air balloons. Vilnius is also the home to a number of well-preserved examples of Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque architecture. • Lithuania has 758 rivers and more than 2 800 lakes, and the landscape is flat. • The population of Lithuania is about 2,848,000 people. • The currency of Lithuania is Litas. • The official language is Lithuanian, but Russian and Polish are also widely spoken in the minority. • Major industries include biotechnology, wood, processing and tourism. The principal trading partners are Vilnius, the capital city Poland, Russia, Germany and Latvia. Before the financial crisis of 2007–2010, the Lithuanian economy was considered to be one of the fastest growing in the European Union. • The government of Lithuania is a parliamentary democracy. The president currently is Dalia Grybauskaitė. • Lithuania’s weather is generally mild. In Vilnius the average temperatures are 21 °F in January and 61 °F in July.
• Lithuania was the first Soviet republic to declare independence from the USSR on March 11, 1990. On May 1, 2004, Lithuania joined the European Union. • The total area of Lithuania is 65,300 square miles. Lithuania was one of the biggest countries in Europe during the middle ages! • Nemunas River is the longest river in Lithuania. Most of Lithuania is plains. • A popular Lithuanian dish is Cepelinai. This is an oval-shaped potato dumpling filled with ground meat, cheese, or mushrooms. Bread is also a staple food. Many different types of bread are found in Lithuania, and it is common to be greeted with bread and salt for important guests or a recently married couple. • The colors of the Lithuanian flag represent the sun (yellow) the land (green) and the blood of the people (red). • The national bird of Lithuania is the white stork. • Lithuania was the last European country to adopt Christianity. Now most of the population is Roman Catholic. • Lithuania is the only country in the world which has a national perfume that depicts about the cultural heritage of Lithuania. • A popular sport in Lithuania is basketball. • Lithuania enjoys the fastest internet upload and download speed. • Vilnius University was the first University in the Eastern Europe. It was founded in 1579 by Grand Duke of The Geographic Center of Europe is in Lithuania Lithuania, Stefan Batory.
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December 2018, Page 10
The Orca The orca is also called a killer whale. These two terms are widely known. Some even call them blackfish! The orca is a toothed whale belonging to the oceanic dolphin family. They are the largest of the dolphins. Killer whales are found in all oceans, from the frigid Arctic and Antarctic regions to tropical seas. There are many different types of killer whales, but most types are classified into four groups based on physical features. • The first group looks like the typical killer whale, with a large black and white body and medium sized white eye patches. These whales live in open water and feed mostly on minke whales. • The second type is a bit smaller, with a larger white eye patch. Instead of black patches, their dark spots are a medium grey color, and the white on their bodies is stained a slight yellow. It has a dark gray patch called a "dorsal cape" stretches back from its forehead to just behind its dorsal fin. This type feeds mostly on seals. • The third type is the smallest type. It lives in larger groups than the others. The eye patch is distinctively slanted forwards rather than parallel. It’s primarily white and medium gray with a dark gray dorsal cape and yellow tinged patches. The only observed prey is the Antarctic cod. • The fourth type is based on photographs of a 1955 mass stranding that took place in New Zealand. Plus there were six at sea sightings since 2004. It has an extremely small white eye patch, a shorter than usual dorsal fin and a bulbous head (similar to the pilot whale). It is assumed their diet include fish as groups have been photographed around longline vessels. Orcas have a layer of insulating blubber (7.6 to 10 cm thick), which keeps their bodies around 96 to 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Killer whales can
weigh up to six tons! Males are typically 20-26 feet long and females are around 16-23 feet long. Killer whales have 40 to 50 teeth that are up to four inches long. In the wild, killer whales can live for about 2950 years, while captive whales only live for about 25 years. Killer whales in the wild are considered one of the most powerful predators. Killer whales live in family groups called "pods" with up to 40 individual killer whales. There are two types of killer whale pods. One is transient and preys on marine mammals. The other is considered residential and seems to prefer fish. Both types of killer whale pods hunt cooperatively, similar to a wolf pack. An average-sized orca may eat about 500 pounds of food a day. Whales use echolocation to hunt, which means they send out sound waves until it bounces back and tells them where things are located. Males nearly always mate with females from other pods. Killer whales give birth every three to five years in the wild, although in captivity they have been known to give birth every two years. Baby orcas are born up to 8 feet long and weigh from 300 to 400 pounds. Killer whale families are protective of young and adolescent females and assist one another in caring for them. They also tend to live in the same pod as their mother. Whales make a lot of communicative sounds, and each pod has distinctive noises that its members will recognize at a distance. Orcas are considered to be very intelligent and trainable mammals, and so have been chosen as the stars of many aquarium shows, such as those at Sea World and Marineland.
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December 2018, Page 11
HOLT PUBLIC SCHOOLS Upcoming Events - December 2018 5
• Late Start/Early Release • Community Coffee: 9am @ MorningLory Bakery in Dimondale
• Holt Historical Society Fundraiser – History of Edru @ 7pm
10 11
• Board of Education Committee of the Whole: 5:30pm • Board of Education Regular Meeting: 7pm • • • •
• No School
• Free Holiday Tree Drop Off: 1492 Aurelius Rd
• No School
• Free Holiday Tree Drop Off: 1492 Aurelius Rd • No School
• Free Holiday Tree Drop Off: 1492 Aurelius Rd
Junior High PAC Meeting: 6pm Horizon HOPS: 6:30pm Sycamore PTO: 6:30pm Wilcox PTO: 6:30pm
• Late Start/Early Release
• Full Day of Instruction
• No School
• No School
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Happy Holidays!
December 2018, Page 12