Kids World News, Holt Public Schools, July 2019

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Since 1960

Kids’ World News

Volume 2, Issue 5, July 2019

What Is Inertia? Inertia is a very important part of our lives that we are part of everyday but don’t think about. Galileo Galilei, a famous Italian scientist discovered it. Sir Isaac Newton, who was a scientist in England in the 1600’s discovered many things about math and science. He came up with the Laws of Motion which tell us the basics of how things move. The First Law of Motion has to do with inertia. This Law of Motion says: “An object in motion will continue to stay in motion unless acted upon by an outside force.” In other words, if something is moving, it will keep moving until something stops it. If something is NOT moving, it will just sit there until something else comes along and moves it. That’s inertia! Everything is made up of stuff that scientists like to call mass. The more mass there is in an object, the heavier it is here on Earth and the more inertia it has! It’s harder to get a heavier object moving that a light object. Moving objects can resist change too! They want to keep moving at the same speed in a straight line. An example of this is when you are in a car and the car makes a sudden stop. Your body feels like its being thrown forward at the same speed - but the car has slowed down. That’s why you should wear your seatbelt! Newton’s second law says that to speed up or slow down an object, you have to use force. Force is a push or pull. Friction plays a big part of this force. Friction is almost everywhere. It is two things rubbing against each other. When you feel the wind on your skin, that is friction. Friction can also create heat - like when you rub your hands together quickly. If you are on your roller blades and you pushed off on concrete and coasted - how long would it take you to stop? If you pushed off on a rough dirt road - you would stop quicker because there’s more friction to slow you down! There is no friction in outer space. There would be NOTHING to slow you down - that’s inertia!

Try These Experiments!

Materials you will need: • Two plates • A hard boiled egg • An uncooked (raw) egg Before you start this experiment, see if you can decide which egg is the raw one and which egg is the hard boiled one. Place the eggs on the two plates and start them spinning at the same time. The egg that continues spinning for the longest time is the hard boiled egg! 1st Experiment Place the uncooked egg on a plate and start it spinning. Touch it lightly with your fingertip to stop the egg spinning. Once the egg stops take your finger away immediately. What happens to the egg? The shell of the egg actually stops spinning but the inside (yoke and egg white) keeps spinning. Because the inside of the raw egg is a liquid, it makes the egg start to spin again. This force is called inertia. 2nd Experiment Place the hard boiled egg on a plate and start it spinning. Touch it lightly with your fingertip to stop the egg spinning. Once the egg stops, take your finger away immediately. What happens to the egg? The boiled egg stops spinning because the inside contents of the egg are a solid mass.

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Holt Public Schools Kids’ World News

July 2019, Page 2

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July 2019, Page 3

Creating Sculpture with Carving People have been carving objects out of wood, stone, elephant tusks, and sea shells since the beginning of time. The sculptures that are carved can be quite beautiful and detailed or simple and rough. There is no wrong or right way. Since I was a child, I have watched my Dad carve animals and people out of the wood he would find as he walked around his land. To him, he is “letting out” what he sees in a special twisted log. I was always interested in watching him carefully spend hour after hour creating beautiful carvings. After many years of carving wood sculpture, he has become a well known artist in his state. It takes a long time and a lot of practice to become a professional wood carver. A great way to start learning how to carve is by creating carvings using bars of soap. Because soap is soft, inexpensive and easy to cut, it is a wonderful way to begin learning the skills of carving sculpture. Give it a try and see what you can create!

Completed Fish Sculpture!

Let’s Create a Soap Sculpture Soap carving is a fun and creative project. Enjoy! 1. Gather the following items: New bar of soap. (Any soap will work, however, “Ivory” soap is the softest and easiest to use.) Newspapers to catch the scraped off soap. (or a large plastic bowl to hold on your lap) Carving tools: plastic knives, spoons, popsicle sticks, toothpicks. Some play dough tools work well. Since soap is quite soft, sharp knives and metal tools are not necessary. 2. Decide on what you would like to carve. A turtle or fish are great choices for a first carving because they are the same basic shape of most bars of soap. Additional ideas: birds, hearts, boats, a car. 3. Open a new bar of soap. Begin by drawing an outline of your carving on one side of the soap by scraping with a toothpick or knife. 4. Slowly begin removing the soap that is outside of your outline. Make sure to scrape away only small portions at a time. Work slowly and carefully scraping off what you do not need. Don’t worry about any details yet because you are creating the basic shape of the object or animal. 5. Continue to scrape and shape your project. Remember to turn your sculpture as you slowly and gently carve away soap to add details. Keep looking at your carving carefully. Don’t worry whether you are doing it perfectly, just look to see what you can do to make your carving look interesting. 6. Keep adding detail and final touches to your carving. When your carved project is finished, wet your finger with water and gently rub the surface of the soap to create a smooth finish. Allow to dry and harden for a day.

Carve outside of the outline to create a basic shape. Then, continue carving away excess soap to create more details.

Remember to carve on both sides - top, bottom and ends too!

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Holt Public Schools Kids’ World News

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Public Skating • Private Parties • Laser Tag Lessons • Fundraisers • Rollers and Strollers Field Trips • Team Building • Birthday Parties

ROLLERS & STROLLERS Every Saturday 10:00am to 12:00pm

July 2019, Page 4

HOLT PUBLIC SCHOOLS WELCOME! It is with great pride and enthusiasm that I write to welcome you and our exceptional learning community to the 17th edition of our very own Kids’ World News! For over 20 years, the Holt Business Alliance has been the force that shapes our community’s future. The membership serves as a powerful networking partnership of local businesses, school representatives, and JRYHUQPHQW RI¿FLDOV ZRUNLQJ WRJHWKHU WR SURPRWH WKH mission of developing strong community support for our businesses, local government and schools. With that, the Holt Business Alliance proudly sponsors this SXEOLFDWLRQ (DFK PRQWK \RX ZLOO ¿QG FRQWHQW XQLTXH to Holt Public and our greater learning community! By creating a personalized publication, we believe we will engage our students at a deeper level. While our district provides the core curriculum each day, the Holt Business Alliance is choosing to supplement our curriculum by supporting the Holt Public Kids’ World News each month! In an effort to connect with our public, I send a weekly email called the Peek at the Week to interested stakeholders. If you would like to be added to the weekly email blast, please send a note to with the word Peek in the subject line. Keep an eye on us as we Innovate, Educate and Inspire our learning community to achieve on every level! Together IS better! Throughout the school year, I urge you to engage with us on social media and I hope you enjoy reading this edition of the Holt Public Kids’ World News sponsored by the Holt Business Alliance.

District Pride, Community Wide! Dr. David G. Hornak

Stay Connected with HPS! #GOHPS #WOWWOWSUPERWOW Holt Public Schools Kids’ World News

Food Frenzy by John Hayhoe Chuck Grinnell, Holt Farmers Market Manager, and Holt Food Frenzy Director said the May and June Food Frenzy events drew in between 1200-1500 people and each future event will be even bigger and better! Chuck said each Food Frenzy is scheduled to have at least 15 food vendors on site and live music provided by the ‘Chicks with Pics. The food vendors will be serving hotdogs, burritos, donuts, Kona Ice, Gravity BBQ, pizza, kettle corn and much more! Chuck also wanted to thank the Holt Lions for helping setup and tear down the tables and chairs at each event.

Ribbon Cutting: Danceworks of Michigan by John Hayhoe After learning that Bridgett Bouchard, owner of Danceworks of Michigan, was started her business in 1989, the Holt Business Alliance stopped by with their ribbon and scissors and celebrated her 30th anniversary. Bouchard opened her business in the old Walter French building as Lansing Dance Foundation and in the year 2000, she changed the name to Dance Work of Michigan before adding Allegra 'DQFHZHDU 7ZHQW\ ÂżYH years ago, she moved

to Holt for a larger space and now has 85 students. Pictured are Alliance members Bill Wahl, Todd Wizard, Michelle Carpenter, and John Hayhoe as Bridgett Bouchard cuts the ribbon.

Holt School @holtpublic Advantage

@holtpublicsch July 2019, Page 5

HOLT PUBLIC SCHOOLS So You Want to be in the Band? by Dennis Marvin President Holt High School Band Boosters “So You Want to be in the Band?,” presented by the Holt High School Band Boosters provides information about the high school band experience with the next three summer issues featuring interviews with the Band Directors from the Middle Schools, Junior High, and High School. The Band Boosters hopes this article will encourage kids to think about music, learning an instrument, and joining the band in middle school and for the rest of their years in Holt Public Schools

HBB: What was the best part of being in band during your school years?

Mr. Thompson is the Band Director at Washington Woods Middle School and also teaches music at the Midway Early Learning Center. The following questions were posed by the Holt Band Boosters (HBB):

HBB: When did you decide you wanted to make music your career as a teacher and why?

HBB: As you think back in your life, why did you decide to join the school band and get involved in music? My older sister played the clarinet and I saw that she seemed to enjoy what she was doing. My mom also SOD\HG WKH FODULQHW VR ERWK RI WKHP LQÀXHQFHG PH WR JHW involved in music. HBB: What instrument did you play and why? My mom wanted me to play the clarinet, but I wanted to play the trumpet because I really liked a professional trumpet player by the name of Doc Severinsen who was the music director for the Tonight Show band. When I was young, I used to sneak out of bed just so I could hear the Tonight Show theme song. I could see and hear the TV without my parents knowing I was up so as soon as the theme song was over, I would go back to EHG , GLG WKDW IUHTXHQWO\ EHFDXVH , MXVW ORYHG WKH VRXQG of the trumpet.

7KDW LV DQ HDV\ TXHVWLRQ IRU PH WR DQVZHU 0\ IULHQGV All of my best friends were in band. In fact, I am meeting a friend this summer in Chicago who I have known since the Junior High School band who was also my roommate in college. In fact all of my friends are music related whether they are doing it for a living now or not.

7KDW LV UHDOO\ D JRRG TXHVWLRQ , DP QRW VXUH LI , ZDV thinking that far ahead about what I was going to do, but I just enjoyed it so much that it just kind of evolved into what I wanted to do for a living. Probably sometime in high school is when I made the decision I would continue on. From high school, I went onto the University of Illinois and participated in the Marching Illini Band where I LPPHGLDWHO\ PHW IULHQGV IURP WKH ¿UVW GD\ , VWDUWHG out as an education major, but my professors encouraged me to become a performance major. As a career, I started out as a professional freelance musician in Chicago for ten years playing for Broadway type theater performances, television and radio commercials, and convention work. A highlight of my early career was WR KDYH WKH FKDQFH WR SOD\ DV D ¿OO LQ WUXPSHW SOD\HU IRU the Tonight Show band. Eventually I decided I wanted to teach so I got the additional courses I needed to get P\ HGXFDWLRQ FHUWL¿FDWLRQ DQG ZDV KLUHG WR WHDFK DW +ROW Washington Woods and Hope Middle Schools. I have been in the district for the past twelve years. HBB: As a band director, what would you say to

students and parents about taking up an instrument and why? I got into teaching because I really like working with young people. I really believe that if kids have any interest in music as all, they should at least give it a try. You will never know until you try. I am excited about the future in Holt Public Schools because 5th grade students will now have the chance to formally participate in a band class two days a week, which will allow them to also take other electives like art or kinetics. This way they will be able to tell what they really want to do. HBB: What do you think students and parents should do to make the most of their band experience? To really be successful in band you need a good band director, support from your parents, and private music lessons. Practicing at home is really important because LW KHOSV \RX EXLOG WKH FRQ¿GHQFH WR EH VXFFHVVIXO VLQFH you can work out the things you need to practice by yourself and not make mistakes in front of your friends. Practicing does not have to be a lot of time, but some practice is important to achieve success.

Talk with Us Tuesday Podcast by John Hayhoe Dr. David Hornak, Superintendent of the Holt Schools, and John Hayhoe, Delhi Township Supervisor, recently held their 135th Holt Podcast and they wanted to make sure children continue to read this summer. As a result, they had Karon Walter, Holt Head Librarian, and Scott Duimstra, Executive Director of the Capital Area District /LEUDULHV RQ WKH SRGFDVW WR ¿QG RXW ZKDW HYHQWV WKH\ were planning to help keep kids engaged academically this summer. Karon walter, said “summer is here, and the library has VR PXFK JRLQJ RQ WKDW \RX DUH ERXQG WR ¿QG VRPHWKLQJ you like! Our theme this year is “out of this world” and we are really taking our events ‘out of this world’! We have events like our Wednesday performers ranging from animal visits to comedy shows to building rocket ships along with regular daily events ranging from storytimes to garden events to STEAM activities including Slime! Not even to mention all the great new things that the library is coming out with in our Library of Things like zoo passes, telescopes, board and lawn games, musical instruments and so much more!

Holt Public Schools Kids’ World News

Not only are there events you can go to or things you can get from the library, but you can also read over the summertime and get free prizes! Sign up for our summer reading logs and you can keep track of you time reading and do some activities that count also to get prizes such as coupons to the Ingham county fair or a free book! Best part about it all is that it is completely free to you! Come into the library or sign up online for the summer reading program, no card necessary and all ages are included! Reading over the summer for students is something the library knows if very important because those students who read over the summer statistically, have been proven to achieve to higher levels of success in their fu-

ture. We want all our community to be the best they can be, so we have made sure that all ages can participate and get prizes! Sign up today and start earning those free prizes!” For more information, contact the library at 517.694.9351 or go online to

July 2019, Page 6

HOLT PUBLIC SCHOOLS Junior High Quiz by Sandy Callis & Jean Antieau, Jr. High Quiz Bowl Coaches Quiz Bowl is a nationally organized academic tournament for students in grades 7-12. School teams compete DJDLQVW HDFK RWKHU DQVZHULQJ TXHVWLRQV RQ D YDULHW\ RI traditional academic and popular topics. The Holt Junior High Quiz Bowl Team had an outstanding year in 20182019! We started the season at the Holt Invitational, with the Âł$´ WHDP ZLQQLQJ ÂżUVW SODFH DQG ÂżYH VWXGHQWV SODFLQJ LQ the top ten. The top scoring students were Alexis Alvord, Ethan Antieau, Jake Bortnichak, Lucas Hartley, and Cooper Lee. In February and March, the Quiz Bowl team members competed in our Tri-County Winter League against local area schools and ranked second overall. The team continued to perform well, taking a second place at the DeWitt Spring Invitational. In late March, the students had the opportunity to try a new form of Quiz Bowl called an “arena competition,â€? at Legg Middle School in Coldwater, Michigan. We competed against 25 other schools, with two of our teams taking ÂżUVW DQG WKLUG SODFH 7KH Âł$´ WHDP WUDYHOOHG WR 'HWURLW Catholic Central High School for the State Invitational DQG SODFHG ÂżIWK RXW RI WHDPV -DNH %RUWQLFKDN WRRN DQ

LQGLYLGXDO ¿UVW SODFH UDQNLQJ RYHUDOO On May 10-12, our top students, consisting of Alexis Alvord, Ethan Antieau, Luke Ausel, Jake Bortnichak, Lucas Hartley, Evan Latty, and Camden Padgett participated in the Middle School National Academic Quiz Tournament in Chicago, Illinois. The team placed 137th in Back row: Coaches Jean Antieau & Sandy Callis the nation. Jake ranked 56th individFront Row L to R: Ethan Antieau, Luke Ausel, Evan Latty, ually. Additionally, over spring break Camden Padgett, Alexis Alvord, Lucas Hartley, Jake Bortnichak in April, Jake Bortnichak achieved a ranking of 32nd at the Individual Holtry, Spencer Huston, Cooper Lee, Camden Padgett, National Tournament in Chicago. In June, both Jake and Ian Quack, and Gavin Taylor. Ethan travelled to Atlanta, Georgia for the ACE science Quiz Bowl is an excellent opportunity for students of competition. Jake placed 9th and Ethan placed 11th. all academic levels. It’s a great way to meet friends and The following students all contributed to the many travel to new places. The Jr. High team is actively recruitsuccesses we celebrated this year: 7th graders Caroline ing new members and we encourage any 7th and 8th Halgren, Evan Latty, Elijah Straley, Olivia Thompkins, grade student interested in an academic challenge and and Jaylin Wilder. 8th graders Alexis Alvord, Ethan Antieau, Matteo Arredondo, Luke Ausel, Jake Bortnichak, a fast-paced competition to join us in the Fall! We look Logan Dextrom, Tabytha DeLeon, Lucas Hartley, Clara forward to meeting you!

Holt Business Alliance Member Spotlight Paper Image is so much more than a printing company. They have built a reputation of helping businesses market themselves thru design, print, copy, direct mailings, and promotional products. Paper Image was recently honored with the 2019 Greater Lansing Entrepreneurial Award!


cards, graduation announcements, logo, business cards...the list goes on and on. Keep it local by calling Paper Image. “We do it ALL but we don’t do ugly!�

Paper Image was founded in 1985, relocating its business to Holt in 2001 after purchasing their current building. Missey Trudell and Todd Wallis know that happy employee’s create happy clients. Most of our staff have been with us for at least a decade. We have a full kitchen on site where Ken, our delivery driver, makes everyone lunch every day, even grilling in the summer. We support our staff in their passions outside of the business, with activities, volunteer work, and serving on committee’s and boards. We work, live, and play in Holt. It is important to us to create a culture of integrity. At the end of each day, we want our staff to be able to look in the mirror and feel good about what they did, and the community they served.

Join us at 7:30am for our breakfast meeting:

The next time you need a banner, copies, post-

July 18 @ Charlar Place, 4230 Charlar Dr.

Holt Business Alliance


Holt Public Schools Kids’ World News

July 2019, Page 7


VARSITY FOOTBALL Thursday Friday Saturday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday

08/29/19 09/06/19 09/14/19 09/20/19 09/27/19 10/04/19 10/11/19 10/18/19 10/25/19

Caledonia High School Hudsonville High School Traverse City West HS Dewitt High School Lansing Everett High School East Lansing High School Waverly High School Okemos High School Grand Ledge High School


Home Away Away Home Away Away Home Away Home

7:00 PM 7:00 PM 5:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM

JUNIOR VARSITY FOOTBALL Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday

08/22/19 09/05/19 09/12/19 09/19/19 09/26/19 10/03/19 10/10/19 10/17/19 10/24/19

Caledonia High School Hudsonville High School Traverse City West HS Dewitt High School Lansing Everett High School East Lansing High School Waverly High School Okemos High School Grand Ledge High School

Away Home Home Away Home Home Away Home Away

6:30PM 6:30PM 6:30PM 6:30PM 6:30PM 6:30PM 6:30PM 6:30PM 6:30PM

Away Home Home Away Home Home Away Home Away

4:30PM 4:30PM 4:30PM 4:30PM 4:30PM 4:30PM 4:30PM 4:30PM 4:30PM

FRESHMAN FOOTBALL Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday

08/22/19 09/05/19 09/12/19 09/19/19 09/26/19 10/03/19 10/10/19 10/17/19 10/24/19

Caledonia High School Hudsonville High School Traverse City West HS Dewitt High School Lansing Everett High School East Lansing High School Waverly High School Okemos High School Grand Ledge High School

GIRLS VARSITY SWIMMING/DIVING Saturday Wednesday Saturday Thursday Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Thursday Saturday Thursday Thursday Friday Saturday Thursday Friday Saturday

08/24/19 08/28/19 09/07/19 09/12/19 09/17/19 09/19/19 09/24/19 09/26/19 09/28/19 10/03/19 10/10/19 10/11/19 10/12/19 10/24/19 11/08/19 11/09/19

Oscoda Area High School Waverly High School Holt Invite Haslett High School Waverly High School East Lansing High School Lansing Everett High School St. Johns High School Loy Norrix HS (Loy Norrix Invite) Okemos High School Grand Ledge High School OPEN DATE (MISCA Tournament) OPEN DATE (MISCA Tournament) Dewitt High School St. Johns High School (CAAC @ St. Johns)

Away 9:00 AM Away 6:00 PM Home 10:00 AM Home 6:00 PM Away 6:00 PM Away 6:00 PM Home 6:00 PM Home 6:00 PM Away TBA Away 6:00 PM Home 6:00 PM Away TBA Away TBA Away 6:00 PM Away TBA Away TBA

CROSS COUNTRY Friday Thursday Thursday Friday Saturday

08/16/19 09/19/19 10/17/19 10/25/19 10/26/19

St. Johns High School DeWitt High School Grand Ledge High School OPEN DATE (MHSAA Regionals) OPEN DATE (MHSAA Regionals)

Away 9:30 PM Away 4:00 PM Home 4:00 PM Away TBA Away TBA

Holt Public Schools Kids’ World News

Saturday Thursday Tuesday Thursday Saturday Thursday Tuesday Thursday Saturday Tuesday Thursday Saturday Tuesday Saturday Tuesday Thursday Tuesday

08/24/19 09/05/19 09/10/19 09/12/19 09/14/19 09/19/19 09/24/19 09/26/19 09/28/19 10/01/19 10/03/19 10/05/19 10/08/19 10/12/19 10/15/19 10/17/19 10/22/19

Grand Ledge Invite Lansing Everett High School Waverly High School East Lansing High School Battle Creek Lakeview Invite Okemos High School Dewitt High School Grand Ledge High School Holt Varsity Volleyball Invite Lansing Everett High School Waverly High School Perry Invite East Lansing High School St. Johns Invite Okemos High School Dewitt High School Grand Ledge High School


Away Away Away Home Away Home Away Away Home Home Home Away Away Away Away Home Home

8:00 AM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 8:00 AM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 8:30 AM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 9:00 AM 6:30 PM 8:00 AM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM

09/05/19 09/10/19 09/12/19 09/14/19 09/19/19 09/24/19 09/26/19 10/01/19 10/03/19 10/08/19 10/12/19 10/15/19 10/17/19 10/19/19 10/22/19 10/26/19

Lansing Everett High School Waverly High School East Lansing High School Williamston High School Okemos High School Dewitt High School Grand Ledge High School Lansing Everett High School Waverly High School East Lansing High School Battle Creek Lakeview HS Okemos High School Dewitt High School Holt JV Invite Grand Ledge High School End of season JV Tourney

Away Away Home Away Home Away Away Home Home Away Away Away Home Home Home Away

5:00PM 5:00PM 5:00PM 9:00 AM 5:00PM 5:00PM 5:00PM 5:00PM 5:00PM 5:00PM 8:00 AM 5:00PM 5:00PM 8:30 AM 5:00PM 8:00 AM

FRESHMAN VOLLEYBALL Thursday Saturday Tuesday Thursday Thursday Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Thursday Saturday Tuesday Saturday Tuesday Thursday Tuesday

09/05/19 09/07/19 09/10/19 09/12/19 09/19/19 09/24/19 09/26/19 10/01/19 10/03/19 10/05/19 10/08/19 10/12/19 10/15/19 10/17/19 10/22/19

Lansing Everett High School Olivet High School (Olivet Invite) Waverly High School East Lansing High School Okemos High School Dewitt High School Grand Ledge High School Lansing Everett High School Waverly High School Holt Freshman Invite East Lansing High School Battle Creek Lakeview HS Okemos High School Dewitt High School Grand Ledge High School

Away Away Away Home Home Away Away Home Home Home Away Away Away Home Home

5:00 PM 8:30 AM 5:00PM 5:00PM 5:00PM 5:00PM 5:00PM 5:00PM 5:00PM 8:30 AM 5:00PM 8:00 AM 5:00PM 5:00PM 5:00PM

Away Home Home Away Away Away Away Away Away

9:00 AM 2:00 PM 9:00 AM TBA 9:30 AM TBA TBA TBA TBA

VARSITY GIRLS GOLF Tuesday Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Tuesday Thursday Friday

08/20/19 08/27/19 09/05/19 09/10/19 09/12/19 09/17/19 09/24/19 10/10/19 10/18/19

Grand Ledge High School OPEN DATE Holt Invitational Dewitt High School St. Johns High School East Lansing High School Waverly High School OPEN DATE (MHSAA Regionals) OPEN DATE (MHSAA Finals)



Holt JV Golf Invite

08/20/19 08/24/19 08/26/19 09/04/19 09/07/19 09/09/19 09/11/19 09/14/19 09/16/19 09/21/19 09/23/19 09/25/19 10/01/19 10/03/19

Mason High School Rockford High School Fowlerville High School Okemos High School Lansing Catholic High School Waverly High School Lansing Everett High School St. Johns High School East Lansing High School Haslett High School Dewitt High School Grand Ledge High School OPEN DATE (CAAC Cup) OPEN DATE (CAAC Cup)

Away 6:30 PM Home 1:30 PM Home 6:30 PM Away 6:30 PM Away 12:30 PM Home 6:30 PM Away 5:30 PM Home 11:30 AM Away 6:30 PM Away TBA Home 6:30 PM Home 6:30 PM Away 6:30 PM Away 6:30 PM


JUNIOR VARSITY VOLLEYBALL Thursday Tuesday Thursday Saturday Thursday Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Saturday Tuesday Thursday Saturday Tuesday Saturday

Tuesday Saturday Monday Wednesday Saturday Monday Wednesday Saturday Monday Saturday Monday Wednesday Tuesday Thursday

Home 12:00 PM

Tuesday Saturday Monday Wednesday Saturday Monday Wednesday Saturday Monday Saturday Monday Wednesday Tuesday Thursday

08/20/19 08/24/19 08/26/19 09/04/19 09/07/19 09/09/19 09/11/19 09/14/19 09/16/19 09/21/19 09/23/19 09/25/19 10/01/19 10/03/19

Mason High School Rockford High School Fowlerville High School Okemos High School Lansing Catholic High School Waverly High School Lansing Everett High School St. Johns High School East Lansing High School Haslett High School Dewitt High School Grand Ledge High School OPEN DATE (CAAC Cup) OPEN DATE (CAAC Cup)

Away 5:00 PM Home 11:00 AM Home 5:00PM Away 5:00 PM Away 11:00 AM Home 5:00PM Away 4:00 PM Home 10:00 AM Away 5:00 PM Away TBA Home 5:00PM Home 5:00PM Away 5:00 PM Away 5:00 PM

VARSITY BOYS TENNIS Saturday Friday Saturday Wednesday Thursday Saturday Tuesday Thursday Saturday Tuesday Thursday Saturday Thursday Saturday Monday Tuesday

08/17/19 08/23/19 08/24/19 08/28/19 09/05/19 09/07/19 09/10/19 09/12/19 09/14/19 09/17/19 09/19/19 09/21/19 09/26/19 09/28/19 09/30/19 10/08/19

Jenison High School (Jenison Invite)Away 8:30 AM Holt Double Dual Home 10:00 AM TCC Invite Away TBA St. Johns High School Away 4:00 PM Okemos High School Away 5:00 PM Holt Invite #1 Home 9:00 AM Grand Ledge High School Away 5:00 PM Dewitt High School Away 5:00 PM Holt Invite #2 Home 9:00 AM East Lansing High School Home 5:00 PM Waverly High School Home 5:00 PM Grandville Invite Away 8:30 AM CAAC @ Holt Home 9:00 AM Allegan Public Schools Away 10:00 AM Haslett High School Home 4:00 PM Portland High School Away 4:00 PM

JUNIOR VARSITY BOYS TENNIS Wednesday Thursday Saturday Tuesday Thursday Saturday Tuesday Thursday Saturday Monday Tuesday

08/28/19 09/05/19 09/07/19 09/10/19 09/12/19 09/14/19 09/17/19 09/19/19 09/28/19 09/30/19 10/08/19

St. Johns High School Okemos High School Portland High School Grand Ledge High School Dewitt High School Sturgis High School East Lansing High School Waverly High School Holt JV Invite Haslett High School Portland High School

Away 4:00 PM Home 5:00 PM Away 10:00 AM Home 5:00 PM Home 5:00 PM Away 9:00 AM Away 5:00 PM Away 5:00 PM Home 9:00 AM Away 4:00 PM Home 4:00 PM

July 2019, Page 8

There is nothing like a day at the FAIR! Please use your imagination and/or your memory and write and essay about what a day at the FAIR is or would be like for you. Entry information listed below.

_________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________








Turn in entries by Monday, July 15, 2019 WR WKH IDLU RI¿FH RU WR \RXU WHDFKHU Winner will receive 4 admission tickets and 2 ride wristbands for any day at the 2019 Ingham County Fair

Please send entries to: The Ingham County Fair, 700 E. Ash St., Mason Mi 48854 or email to:

Kids Day Tuesday July 30 – save $5.00 on wrist bands! Admission Fees – Kids - $5.00, Adults $6.00

July 29 – August 3 Holt Public Schools Kids’ World News

700 E Ash Street • Mason, MI 48854 517-676-2428 •

This Year’s Kids Day Activities: Games, Fairy Tale Theater, Racing Pigs And Petting Zoo Presented By

July 2019, Page 9

Michigan’s Painted Turtle The painted turtle was designated the official state reptile of Michigan in 1995. The painted turtle is the only turtle still commonly found in Michigan (of the nine or ten native species that live in this state). The other turtles native to Michigan are Blanding's turtle, the snapping turtle, musk turtle, spotted turtle, wood turtle, eastern box turtle, common map turtle, and eastern spiny softshell turtle. The painted turtle is the most widespread native turtle of North America. This turtle lives in ponds, lakes, marshes, and in slowmoving rivers that have soft, muddy bottoms. Fossils show that the painted turtle existed 15 million years ago. Four regional based subspecies evolved during the last ice age. They are the eastern, midland, southern and western. The adult painted turtle female is 4 to 10 inches long and the male is smaller. Males have very long front claws, used to tickle females during courtship. The turtle’s top shell is dark and smooth - without a ridge. Its skin is olive to black in color with red, orange or yellow stripes on its extremities. The subspecies can be distinguished by their shells - the eastern has straight aligned top shell segments - the midland has a large gray mark on the bottom shell - the southern has a red line on the top shell and the western has a red pattern on the bottom shell. The turtle eats aquatic vegetation, algae, and small water creatures including insects, crustaceans and fish. Turtles don't have teeth, but instead have horny ridges that are serrated and sharp on their upper and lower jaws. Although they are frequently consumed as eggs or hatchlings by rodents, ca-

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nines and snakes, the adult turtles hard shells protect them from most predators. For protection, they can quickly retract their head and legs into their hard shell. They rely on warmth from their surroundings. The painted turtle is active only during the day when it sunbathes for hours on logs or rocks. During the winter months, the turtle hibernates, usually in the mud at the bottom of water bodies. Females dig nests on land and lay eggs between late spring and mid-summer. Hatched turtles grow until maturity, 2 to 9 years for males and 6 to 16 years for females. Loss of habitat and road killings have reduced the population but, its ability to live in human disturbed settings has helped it remain the most abundant turtle in North America. Adults in the wild can live for more than 55 years! Did You Know: • Turtles shed their shell as they're growing; this skin resembles a burnt leaf. • Painted turtles can swim underwater. • A group of turtles is called a 'a bale of turtles'. • They are diurnal; at night they sleep at the bottom of the pond. • Painted turtles can carry salmonella, a contagious bacterial disease that affects the human intestines. Hence, maintaining cleanliness and hygiene after handling a turtle is important.

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July 2019, Page 10

The Arctic Fox The arctic fox likes very cold places. It lives in the Arctic regions of the earth, giving it it’s name. The areas include the areas throughout the entire Arctic tundra, through Alaska, Canada, Greenland, Russia, Norway, Scandinavia, and even Iceland. The arctic fox is also called the “polar fox” and the “snow fox”. The population is in the hundred thousands, and endangerment isn’t a threat in most areas. The way these foxes hunt is unique, because each fox has excellent hearing! Males are on average 33.6” in length. Females are 32.3” in length. Females weigh about approximately 6.4 pounds and males weigh about 7.7 pounds! The arctic fox lives right alongside polar bears! The cold is just right, and the foxes have different coats of fur for the different seasons. In the warm months of the summer, they have a brown coat. In the winter, they have a white coat to match the snow! To eat, arctic foxes eat primarily lemmings or any small animal they can find. Most young foxes are born in the early summer. They stay in dens and both parents take care of them. When they grow older, the females leave the family while males stay. Young from previous litters might even stay to help raise their baby siblings! Poaching is only a problem in some areas where arctic foxes live. In the mainlands of Sweden, Finland, and Norway, the population has shrunk due to hunting but at this time, the arctic fox is not considered endangered.

The Arctic Fox in it’s summer coat!

The Arctic Fox in it’s winter coat!

Did You Know? • The arctic fox is the only land mammal native to Iceland. • They often follow polar bears to eat their leftovers! • There is hair on the bottom of an arctic fox’s paws to help create traction on the icy ground.

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Holt Public Schools Kids’ World News

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July 2019, Page 11

HOLT PUBLIC SCHOOLS Upcoming Events - July 2019 4

• Happy Fourth of July!


• Board of Education Statutory Organizational Meeting @ 6:30pm • Board of Education Regular Meeting @ 7pm

9 10 11

• Visit the Library

• Food Frenzy @ Holt Farmers Market (Dinner Time)

• Take a walk


• Complete a math game


• Visit the Library

Holt Public Schools Kids’ World News


• Take a walk


• Complete a math game


• Visit the Library


• Take a walk


• Complete a math game


• Visit the Library

Have A Great Summer!

July 2019, Page 12

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