Kids World News, Holt Public Schools, June 2019

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Kids’ World News

Volume 2, Issue 4, June 2019

Color your way to camp! Win a FREE Week To Mystic Lake!

RULES: Please color/add to the picture and turn it in to your teacher or mail by 6/7/19 to: Kids World News 5747 Otto Rd, Charlotte MI 48813 The winner will be featured in the July edition.










A SUMMER OF FUN • A LIFETIME OF MEMORIES At Mystic Lake YMCA Camp, our goals are centered around helping each child: • Learn to lead a more healthy and active lifestyle • Learn about social responsibility through environmental stewardship, community living and working with one another in a group setting that builds friendships. Ü 'HYHORS DQG OHDUQ QHZ VNLOOV WR KHOS LPSURYH WKHLU VHQVH RI VHOI ZRUWK DQG FRQåGHQFH by creating an accepting environment where all are welcome and everyone belongs.


Holt Public Schools Kids’ World News


June 2019, Page 2

Earth’s Oceans Did you know that our oceans cover 71% of the Earth’s surface? There are 328,000,000 cubic miles of seawater. The oceans also contain 97% of the Earth’s water supply! The oceans serve many functions that affect the weather and temperature. They moderate the Earth’s temperature by absorbing incoming solar radiation. This is heat energy. The ever moving ocean currents distribute the heat energy around the entire globe! This in turn, heats up the land and air during the winter and cools it during the summer. The evaporation of ocean water is the source of most rainfall. All of the Earth’s oceans are connected to one another. There are five oceans that are recognized. They are the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Arctic and the Southern. In the year 2000, the Southern Ocean was discovered. It surrounds Antarctica. Their average depth is about 12,460 feet with the deepest point of 36,198 feet which is in the Pacific Ocean. There are 20 seas that are smaller branches of the ocean. Seas are often partly enclosed by land. The largest seas are the South China Sea, the Caribbean Sea and the Mediterranean Sea. Here’s some interesting facts about our oceans! • The lowest known point on earth is called Challenger Deep and is located in the Pacific Ocean near Guam in the Philippine Sea. The depth recorded is 35,827 feet. • The largest ocean on Earth is the Pacific Ocean, it covers around 30% of the Earth’s surface. The Pacific Ocean’s name has an original meaning of ‘peaceful sea’. This ocean contains around 25,000 different islands, many more than are found in Earth’s other oceans. • The Pacific is surrounded by the Pacific Ring of Fire, a large number of active volcanoes. • The waters of the Indian Ocean provides the largest breeding grounds of the world for humpback whales. • A jellyfish with the funny name 'Lion's mane jellyfish' can be found in the Arctic Ocean's waters. It grows up to 8 feet across and lives on plankton and fishes. • The Southern Ocean is the home of Emperor Penguins and

Wandering Albatrosses. • The Mid Ocean Ridge forms a mountain range that’s almost 40,000 miles long. It weaves it’s way through all of the major oceans and is the largest single feature on Earth! The highest mountain is Mauna Kea in Hawaii. It rises 33,474 feet from it’s base on the ocean floor - but only 13,680 feet are above sea level. • Canada has the longest coastline of any country at 56,453 miles. • Ocean tides are caused by the Earth rotating while the Moon and Sun’s gravitational pull acts on ocean water. • Under-sea earthquakes and other disturbances cause tsunamis or great waves. The largest recorded tsunami measured 210 feet above sea level in 1737. • The ocean contains many species of life and is the Earth’s largest living space. More than 90% of the habitat exists in the deep sea known as the abyss. Only 10% of the ocean’s living space has been explored. The Great Barrier Reef, which is 1,243 miles, is the largest living structure on Earth. • The ocean provides us with a huge food source. Not only do we eat fish, lobster, crab and more, we use the substance from marine plants and animals in many products including medicine, ice cream, toothpaste, fertilizers, cosmetics, and livestock feed. • The ocean is a source of mineral deposits including oil. • The oceans are a form of transportation for many people and many trade products between nations.

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Holt Public Schools Kids’ World News

June 2019, Page 3


Across 4. What color are violets? 8. Look how _________ the grass and leaves are! 9. This is the color of snow. 10 Penguins are white and _______. Down 1. The sunflowers are a bright ________. 2. This color is also a name of a fruit. 3. Many bears are this color. 5. The sky is as ________ as your eyes. 6. Look at the ________ fire engine 7. This is the color you get if you mix red and white together.

Connect The Dots Using Your A-B-C’s! Help The Dog Find His Bouncing Ball!

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June 2019, Page 4

There is nothing like a day at the FAIR! Please use your imagination and/or your memory and write and essay about what a day at the FAIR is or would be like for you. Entry information listed below.

_________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________








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Kids Day Tuesday July 30 – save $5.00 on wrist bands! Admission Fees – Kids - $5.00, Adults $6.00

July 29 – August 3 Holt Public Schools Kids’ World News

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This Year’s Kids Day Activities: Games, Fairy Tale Theater, Racing Pigs And Petting Zoo Presented By

June 2019, Page 5

HOLT PUBLIC SCHOOLS WELCOME! It is with great pride and enthusiasm that I write to welcome you and our exceptional learning community to the 16th edition of our very own Kids’ World News! For over 20 years, the Holt Business Alliance has been the force that shapes our community’s future. The membership serves as a powerful networking partnership of local businesses, school representatives, and JRYHUQPHQW RI¿FLDOV ZRUNLQJ WRJHWKHU WR SURPRWH WKH mission of developing strong community support for our businesses, local government and schools. With that, the Holt Business Alliance proudly sponsors this SXEOLFDWLRQ (DFK PRQWK \RX ZLOO ¿QG FRQWHQW XQLTXH to Holt Public and our greater learning community! By creating a personalized publication, we believe we will engage our students at a deeper level. While our district provides the core curriculum each day, the Holt Business Alliance is choosing to supplement our curriculum by supporting the Holt Public Kids’ World News each month! In an effort to connect with our public, I send a weekly email called the Peek at the Week to interested stakeholders. If you would like to be added to the weekly email blast, please send a note to with the word Peek in the subject line.

So You Want to be in the Band? by Dennis Marvin President Holt High School Band Boosters “So You Want to be in the Band?,â€? presented by the Holt High School Band Boosters provides information about the high school band experience. The Band Boosters hopes this article will encourage kids to think about music, learning an instrument, and joining the band in middle school and for the rest of their years in Holt Public Schools. BAND CAMP-THE START OF MARCHING BAND SEASON Most band students say one of the best experiences of their time in band is summer band camp. They describe it as hard, exhausting, but fun. Band Camp is the cornerstone of the PDUFKLQJ EDQG VHDVRQ DQG EHOLHYH LW RU QRW ZLWKLQ ÂżYH GD\V WKH VWXGHQWV OHDUQ WKH IRRWEDOO season half time show. While Band Camp is a lot of work, it is also a lot of fun. The weeklong camp includes time at the high school swimming pool on one day and a water park the next. Of course, there is the annual senior class “prank on the band directorâ€? and party on the last night which includes group skits that are creative and funny. This year’s band camp will be held July 28 to August 2, 2019. Is the camp schedule grueling? It sure is. Here is a typical day: Wednesday, July31, 2019 8:00 AM: Field rehearsal 11:30 AM: Lunch –brown bagged 12:30 PM: 'HSDUW IRU (DVW /DQVLQJ $TXDWLF &HQWHU 4:15 PM: Music Rehearsal 4:45 PM: Dinner 5:45 PM: Outside Rehearsal 7:30 PM: Elimination Block 8:00 PM: Dismiss Rehearsal So, if you get bored in the summer and want to do something that is fun and rewarding, consider joining the band and attending band camp when you get to 9th grade. It is a decision you won’t regret.

Keep an eye on us as we Innovate, Educate and Inspire our learning community to achieve on every level! Together IS better! Throughout the school year, I urge you to engage with us on social media and I hope you enjoy reading this edition of the Holt Public Kids’ World News sponsored by the Holt Business Alliance.

District Pride, Community Wide! Dr. David G. Hornak

Stay Connected with HPS! #GOHPS #WOWWOWSUPERWOW Holt Public Schools Kids’ World News

Holt School @holtpublic Advantage

@holtpublicsch June 2019, Page 6


Saying Thanks

by John Hayhoe Kona Ice will be at several Holt events this summer. Keep your eyes open at softball games, baseball games, youth camps, and the Food Frenzies. Kona Ice will be everywhere! Holt Athletic Director, Renee Sadler looks forward to a Kona Ice.

by John Hayhoe Business Alliance President, Pat Brown, presented Board member, Stephanie Alexander, with a ‘going-away’ present, as she and her family will be moving to SE Michigan. We will all miss you Stephani. Thank you for your ongoing leadership and service!

Gravity Smokehouse & BBQ Restaurant to Open Soon by John Hayhoe Are you ready for some great BBQ! Gravity Smokehouse & BBQ is renovating the ‘old’ Hot n Now restaurant and will soon be serving drive-thru and sit-in BBQ dinners.

Holt Business Alliance Scholarships For over 20 years, the Holt Business Alliance has been awarding scholarships to outstanding graduating students from Holt Public Schools. This year, the Alliance awarded scholarships to: Riley Wegryn-Jones, Noel /H)HYUH 6DPDQWKD %LUG %ULDQ 5LFKDUG *ULI¿Q $ODLQD +RXVHU DQG $QQLH Hoang-Pham. Since the program’s inception, the Ronald Van Ermen Scholarship Fund KDV JUDQWHG RYHU WR QHDUO\ VWXGHQWV 1RZ WKDW GH¿QLWHO\ GHserves a wow, wow, super, wow!

Holt Public Schools Kids’ World News

June 2019, Page 7


Top Ten Class of 2019

Carter Colligan

Ryan is the son of Melissa and Brad Blackmer of Holt. He is a member of National Honor Society, Wired Leadership Academy, where KH VHUYHV DV WKH KHDG RI WKH ¿QDQFH FRPPLWWHH 6FLHQFH 2O\PSLDG he is an AP Scholar with Honors, and a National Merit Commended Scholar. He played varsity soccer all four years and played football his senior year. He volunteers at his church in various activities and on mission trips, and at Science Olympiad invitationals. He has worked at White Star Snowmobile Auctions as a clerk and at Yaya’s Flame Broiled Chicken as a cook and server. Ryan is inspired by his family, friends, teachers and coaches.

Carter is the son of Laura and Craig Colligan of Holt. He is a member of Science Olympiad and National Honor Society where he serves as the Historian. He played varsity soccer and track. He volunteers with the American Red Cross blood drive, the Senior Santa Project and as a volunteer soccer coach for Holt Jr. Rams. He works at Sweet Sensations as an ice cream technician. Carter is inspired by Martin Luther. His life philosophy is: Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get.

+LV IDYRULWH TXRWH LV ³'RQœW MXGJH D FRYHU RI D ERRN E\ LWV ORRN´ E\ Ricky LaFleur from Trailer Park Boys.


His favorite book is; “To Kill a Mockingbird� by Harper Lee.

His favorite book is: Siddhartha by Herman Hesse

Ryan will attend Frederik Meijer Honors College at Grand Valley State University to study pre-med.

Carter plans to attend Colorado School of Mines to study environmental engineering.

Foster Gonzalez

Lauren Grasso

Foster is the daughter of Benjamin Gonzalez of Lansing. She is a member of National Honor Society, the Debate Team where she has served as the team captain all four years, and Forensics Club where she serves as the team captain. She volunteers with a various events through National Honor Society, at Horizon Elementary and at the Holt Food Bank. She works at the Holt-Delhi Library as a library page. Her life philosophy is: It is up to you, and you alone, to make something of yourself.

Lauren is the daughter of Amy and Jay Grasso of Holt. She is a member of National Honor Society and Wired Leadership Academy. She is a CAAC All Academic athlete and received the National Merit Scholars letter of commendation. She serves as the managing copy editor of the Ramparts newspaper. She has been a member of the varsity golf team all four years and is a member of the All Star Cheer team. She volunteers at Sparrow Hospital and the Capital Area Humane Society. She works as an Administrative $VVLVWDQW DW 'LYHUVLÂżHG ,QVXUDQFH *URXS DW 0LFKLJDQ 6WDWH 8QLversity in the Greenhouse and Tutors high school students in many subjects and with SAT prep.

+HU IDYRULWH TXRWH LV ³$QG RQFH \RX DUH DZDNH \RX VKDOO UHPDLQ awake eternally.� By Friedrich Nietzsche

Lauren is inspired by her parents because they worked hard to make a good life for their family and Lauren aspires to be like them.

Her favorite book is: Last Night I sang to the Monster by Benjamin Alire SĂĄenz

Her life philosophy is: Treat others with utmost respect unless they give you a reason not to.

Foster plans to attend Northeastern University to study behavioral neuroscience and minor in Spanish.

+HU IDYRULWH TXRWH LV ³,W MXVW EORZV P\ PLQG WKDW GHHU VOHHS RQ WKH side of the road. You think they’d prefer the woods or something.� By James from Twitter.

His life philosophy is: Live life to the fullest, appreciating every moment while making a positive impact on others.

Foster is inspired by Frida Khalo.

Her favorite book is: The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas Lauren plans to attend Michigan State University Lyman Briggs College to study Physiology and pre-med.

Tyler Harvey

NoĂŤl Lefevre

Tyler is the son of Lori and Rob Harvey of Holt. He is a CAAC All Academic athlete for his participation in football, track, cross country and band. He also earned his Academic H award.

NoĂŤl is the daughter of Angel and Patrick Lefevre of Holt. She is a member of National Honor Society, an Academic All American, and AP Scholar with Honor and she has earned her Academic H Award. She served as the captain of the varsity swim team and captain of the Holt/East Lansing water polo team. She has worked as a swim instructor teaching children and adults how to swim.

Tyler is inspired by his parents. His life philosophy is: The man who fears of losing has already lost. +LV IDYRULWH TXRWH LV ³1HYHU IRUJHW ZKDW \RX DUH IRU VXUHO\ WKH world will not. Make it your strength. Then it can never be your weakness� By George R. R. Martin His favorite books are: The Percy Jackson series by Rick Riordan Tyler plans to attend Michigan State University to study engineering.

NoĂŤl is inspired by her parents and Maya Dirado Her life philosophy is: “Brush your teeth. Now, boom, orange juice. That’s life.â€? By John Mulaney +HU IDYRULWH TXRWH LV Âł-XVW WU\ WR OLYH HYHU\ GD\ DV LI LW ZDV WKH ÂżQDO GD\ RI \RXU H[WUDRUGLQDU\ RUGLQDU\ OLIH ´ )URP WKH ÂżOP $ERXW Time. Her favorite book is: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead by Tom Stoppard NoĂŤl plans to attend Michigan State University to study computer science and neuroscience.

Holt Public Schools Kids’ World News

June 2019, Page 8

Top Ten Class of 2019 Continued Emerson Miller

Roman Sarkisov

Emerson is the son of Jennifer and Kirk Miller of Holt. He is the Vice President of National Honor Society, six-time Science Olympiad state medalist, an AP Scholar with distinction, National Merit commended scholar and a four-year CAAC all academic athlete for soccer and band. He volunteers at Advent House soup kitchen, Senior Santa Project and as an organizer for the upcoming District Pride Community Bike Ride Tour.

Roman is the son of Nonna and Aleksandr Sarkisov of Lansing. He is a CAAC All Academic Athlete for Tennis and basketball. He enjoys being a member of the Element Youth Group. He worked at McDonald’s as a food preparer.

Emerson is inspired by his classmates and family.

+LV IDYRULWH TXRWH ³7ZHQW\ \HDUV IURP QRZ \RX ZLOO EH PRUH GLVDSpointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.� By Mark Twain

Roman is inspired by his friends and Jesus Christ. His life philosophy is: Give it all to God.

His life philosophy is: Live for the service of the world. +LV IDYRULWH TXRWH LV ³7R JLYH UHDO VHUYLFH \RX PXVW DGG VRPHWKLQJ which cannot be bought or measured with money, and that is sincerity and integrity.� By Douglas Adams.

His favorite book is: The Bible Roman is undecided on his college plans at this time. He does look forward to helping out with the church, going on mission trips and traveling.

His favorite book is: Ready Player One, by Ernest Cline Emerson plans to attend University of Michigan to study engineering. Noah Waugh

Riley Wegryn-Jones

Noah is the son of Nicole Waugh of Lansing and John and Stacey Waugh of Holt. He is a member of National Honor Society, a National Merit Scholar and received AP Statistics and AP Calculus awards. He is a member of the varsity baseball team and donates his time in the RAMS tutoring program. He is employed by Aim High at the front desk and does private tutoring.

Riley is the daughter of Jamie and Ross Wegryn-Jones of Dimondale. She is a member of National Honor Society and Science Olympiad. She is a University of Michigan Regents Merit 6FKRODU VKH VFRUHG D RU RQ DOO RI KHU $3 H[DPV DQG ¿QLVKHG high school with a 4.0 grade point average. She has participated in tech crew for the high school play productions, served as a member of debate team, student council and the peer resistance team. She played tennis for three years and served as the captain for the girl’s Junior Varsity team. She volunteers at Sparrow Hospital and Habitat for Humanity. She is employed by Horrock’s in the popcorn department.

Noah is inspired by his parents and Mr. Schnepp. His life philosophy is: The only time you get an “A� for effort is when you put the work in to prepare beforehand. 1RDK GRHV QRW KDYH D IDYRULWH TXRWH RU ERRN 7KHUH DUH WRR PDQ\ to choose from.

Riley is inspired by Kim Wexler from Better Call Saul

Noah plans to attend Michigan Technical University and study computer science.

Her life philosophy is: Work hard and be kind. +HU IDYRULWH TXRWH LV ³5HDO JHQHURVLW\ WRZDUG WKH IXWXUH OLHV LQ giving all to the present.� By Albert Camus Her favorite book is: The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger Riley plans to attend University of Michigan College of Literature, Science and the Arts honors program and possibly study psychology.

&RORULQJ &RQWHVW :LQQHU Holt coloring contest winner lsabel Wells received her certiďŹ cate of achievement from Steve Croze from your local Laura Delong Reality Company. Honorable Mention. Kindergarten - Meara Mc Cormick, 1st grade - Kylan Fowler, 2nd grade Allison Lebrun, 4th grade Rachel Thurston Winning entry and runner’s up certiďŹ cates custom framed by Laura Delong Realty Company.

Class is ready to have their Domino’s Pizza party, one of the prizes!

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June 2019, Page 9

Whitefish Point Light Station

Michigan’s Lighthouses Michigan has more lighthouses than any other state (124) in the nation on more than 10,000 miles of shoreline. All of them have a unique look and story. Some still shine for ships, others share their stories with us as museums, as bed and breakfasts and as Michigan’s history in the making. There are only a few dozen that are open to the public. Many are still active. All of Michigan’s lighthouses were built on shores near the most dangerous waters where sailors needed a light to guide them in to harbor. None of the lighthouses have human lightkeepers anymore. Those still active are fully automated, guiding boats and ships safely to shore. Here’s some interesting facts: • The oldest surviving lighthouse in Michigan is the Fort Gratiot light that was built in 1825 near Port Huron with a height of 74 feet. This lighthouse is actually older than Michigan! It was part of the Fort Gratiot garrison installed to guard the opening to the St. Clair River. It sits on Lake Huron. It was reconstructed in 1861 and now stands 86 feet tall. It is still functioning as a Coast Guard station and active lighthouse. • The Livingston Memorial Lighthouse on Belle Isle is the only marble lighthouse in the nation. • New Presque Isle, the tallest lighthouse in Michigan, has a height of over 100 feet. The original lighthouse was built in 1840 and the new structure was ordered 30 years later by then President Abraham Lincoln. • Whitefish Point Light Station and Great Lakes Shipwreck Museum This lighthouse, which is still fully functional, is actually the second structure of the same name to stand at the end of Lake Superior’s Shipwreck Coast. It sits over Whitefish Bay in northern Michigan. It is a critical turning point for all vessel traffic entering and leaving the largest of all the Great Lakes. Of the 550 known major shipwrecks lying on the bottom of the lake, at least 200 of them are in the vicinity of Whitefish Point. The first Whitefish Point Light Station was built in 1848 and lit in 1849. After 13 years of suffering through brutal Lake Superior weather, the

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lighthouse had to be replaced. The new structure has a steel core that braces much better against the gale force winds. Whitefish Point Light Station’s claim to fame is actually a sad moment. In its over 160 year history, the light station has only lost its light one time. That was the night the famous Edmund Fitzgerald ship and 29 crew members were lost to a vicious lake storm just 15 miles northwest of Whitefish Point. Today the lighthouse stands over the Whitefish Point Underwater Preserve, an eerily preserved shipwreck graveyard at the bottom of Lake Superior. • Point Iroquois Lighthouse - Situated high above the waters of Whitefish Bay, this 1870 structure proudly stood 65-feet tall, with two attached buildings. This was one of the lighthouses in Michigan where the light keepers could have their families live with them while on duty. At one point, as many as eight children and three keepers lived on the site, which includes two attached structures. One housed “the boss” with his family and the other provided a home to his two assistants and their kin. • The Charlevoix South Pier Light is located on the west end of the south pier in Charlevoix Michigan. It has a skeletal base and a pyramidal steel tower. The first light in this area to be installed was on the north pier in 1885 and was made of wood. The wooden light was moved to the south pier in 1914, and the new steel light replaced the wooden one in 1948. The light is still an active aid to navigation on Lake Michigan. • Manitou Island Lighthouse - Built in 1850 on an island at the eastern tip of the Keweenaw Peninsula, this is the oldest iron skeletal light tower on the Great Lakes. This was a particularly difficult post, isolated and very exposed. Keepers seldom served more than three years.

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June 2019, Page 10

The “Killer Whale” or Orca The orca, or "killer" whale is the largest member of the dolphin family. Orcas have long, rounded bodies with large dorsal fins at the middle of their backs. Their black bodies are marked with white patches on the underside and near the eyes. The average male orca grows to 23 feet long and weighs 7 to 10 tons. Females average 21 feet long and weigh 4 to 6 tons. The worldwide population of orcas is unknown. Orcas live 30 to 50 years in the wild. They are found in all oceans of the world. The orcas are most common in the Arctic and Antarctic and are often spotted off the west coast of the United States and Canada. Orcas though, are found in both coastal waters and the open ocean. Like dolphins, orcas use echolocation - bouncing sound off of objects to determine their location - to hunt and use a series of highpitched clicks to stun prey. Orcas feed on fish, squid, birds, and marine mammals. Orca pods or groups often work together to catch a meal. Pods sometimes will force many fish into one area and take turns feeding or will beach (slide out of the water onto the shore) themselves to scare seals or penguins into the water where other whales are waiting to feed. Orcas are highly social animals that travel in groups called pods.

Pods usually consist of 5 to 30 whales, although some pods may combine to form a group of 100 or more. Orcas establish social hierarchies, and pods are lead by females. The animals are thought to have a complex form of communication with different dialects (slightly different language) from one pod to another. A baby orca, called a calf, is born in autumn weighing almost 400 pounds and measuring up to 7 feet in length. A calf will remain with its mother for at least two years.

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Holt Public Schools Kids’ World News

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June 2019, Page 11

HOLT PUBLIC SCHOOLS Upcoming Events - June 2019 10

• Board of Education Committee of the Whole: 5:30pm • Board of Education Regular Meeting: 7pm



• Half-Day of School: 7th-12th grades


13 14


• Half-Day of School for ALL Traditional Calendar Schools


• No School for Balanced Calendar Schools: Sycamore and Horizon • Half-Day of School for ALL Traditional Calendar Schools

• Relay for Life Greater Lansing ends at noon @ Corrigan Oil Speedway - Mason

• Happy Father’s Day

• Half-Day of School for Balanced Calendar Schools

• Half-Day of School for Balanced Calendar Schools • LAST DAY OF SCHOOL for Balanced Calendar Schools

• LAST DAY OF SCHOOL for Traditional Calendar Schools • Relay for Life Greater Lansing 6 pm Start @ Corrigan Oil Speedway - Mason

Have A Great Summer!

Holt Public Schools Kids’ World News

June 2019, Page 12

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