July 2019 Mid-Michigan :HVW (GLWLRQ
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Just For Kids! Kids’ World News
Volume 12, Issue 11, July 2019
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LANSING REHABILITATION SERVICE, PC Chinmay Zinzuvadia, DPT, CIMT 1568 Lake Lansing RD, STE B, Lansing, Mi 48912 Phone: (517) 483-2734 Fax: (517) 483-2840 www.lansingrehabservices.com
To All Of Our Sponsors Who Are Helping Us To Provide Great Information To Kids And Parents
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Expires 8/15/19
Are you having a great summer? There is so much to do - ride your bike, swim, go on vacation with your family, summer camps, playing with friends - the list is endless! If you go swimming, read Sports and Fitness on page 9. There are some important safety tips for you to follow. With most things you do, safety is the key. Remember to practice it every day when you’re out and about. Kids’ World News is hoping you’ve been reading some books too! Your local library is a JUHDW SODFH WR ¿QG D JRRG ERRN ,Q IDFW PDQ\ OLEUDULHV KDYH D VXPPHU UHDGLQJ SURJUDP especially designed for kids! It’s one of our favorite places to go! If you aren’t sure of where to look for a book you want to read - ask the librarian! Hope you’re enjoying these fantastic summer days!
If you would like to see Kids’ World News at your school or if you would like to be one of our proud sponsors, please call 517-285-6641 (e-mail: pat@kidsworldnews.org). If you would like to submit an article from your school (limit 150 words), e-mail: charles@kidsworldnews.org. Kids’ World News is designed to give exposure to all area schools, recognition of students and staff members. We welcome input from all our area schools. We do however, reserve the right to edit.
Kids’ World News • 517-285-6641 • www.kidsworldnews.org
July 2019, Page 2
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July 2019, Page 3
Fantastic Flag Fish
Show Your Colors Proudly!
The American Flagfish gets its name from its cool color pattern. The males have alternating stripes that look like our American flag. Females are not as brightly colored, they are more brown and look like a checkerboard with a big black circle in the middle. The females have lighter colors to blend in with their surroundings while guarding eggs. Their coloring even changes if they are startled.
American Flag fish are interesting fish to add to any tank. They like to be in pairs, and the male and female will even nuzzle each other! They hang out near the bottom and will spend their days munching on algae.
The flagfish is not just an American fish, they are found in Florida all the way down into Mexico. They like warm water and lots of sunlight, but can handle less. They spawn by laying eggs one at a time on nearby plants. The eggs are sticky and attach to the plants until they hatch. If you look closely at the eggs, you can see the young fish, or fry, inside the eggs and some will even show their stripes while inside the egg! Sometimes shy, American Flagfish can be pretty aggressive at times. They like to live in pairs with no other flagfish in the tank. Their nearby neighbors should either be fast, or bigger, because the flagfish will pick on them! That is not a good way to make friends... Flagfish will eat almost anything. While they love munching on algae of all kinds, they will eat worms, and shrimp. In a tank you can feed them flake food, boiled spinach and even peas! With a wide variety of food, the American Flagfish is an omnivore, meaning they eat both meat and plants. Try This! Make a patriotic fish!
What you will need: paper crayons 1. Draw the outline of your American Flag Fish 2. Color in the fish like our American Flag. 3. Color both sides and then your can hang him from a window. 4. If you make several, you can have a whole school of Flag Fish!
Flagfish are a type of killifish. Their cousins can also be found in the south, the coolest are mummichogs and pupfish. Pupfish get their names because they play like puppies. While the mummichogs are famous for being great at cleaning out a pond of mosquito larvae. Who wouldn’t want a fish that takes care of all those pesky mosquitoes that bother you in summer?
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July 2019, Page 4
Solve The Math Problems, Then Color The Caterpillars!
Follow The Directions On The Gumball Machine!
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July 2019, Page 5
Michigan’s Painted Turtle The painted turtle was designated the official state reptile of Michigan in 1995. The painted turtle is the only turtle still commonly found in Michigan (of the nine or ten native species that live in this state). The other turtles native to Michigan are Blanding's turtle, the snapping turtle, musk turtle, spotted turtle, wood turtle, eastern box turtle, common map turtle, and eastern spiny softshell turtle. The painted turtle is the most widespread native turtle of North America. This turtle lives in ponds, lakes, marshes, and in slowmoving rivers that have soft, muddy bottoms. Fossils show that the painted turtle existed 15 million years ago. Four regional based subspecies evolved during the last ice age. They are the eastern, midland, southern and western. The adult painted turtle female is 4 to 10 inches long and the male is smaller. Males have very long front claws, used to tickle females during courtship. The turtle’s top shell is dark and smooth - without a ridge. Its skin is olive to black in color with red, orange or yellow stripes on its extremities. The subspecies can be distinguished by their shells - the eastern has straight aligned top shell segments - the midland has a large gray mark on the bottom shell - the southern has a red line on the top shell and the western has a red pattern on the bottom shell. The turtle eats aquatic vegetation, algae, and small water creatures including insects, crustaceans and fish. Turtles don't have teeth, but instead have horny ridges that are serrated and sharp on their upper and lower jaws. Although they are frequently consumed as eggs or hatchlings by rodents, ca-
nines and snakes, the adult turtles hard shells protect them from most predators. For protection, they can quickly retract their head and legs into their hard shell. They rely on warmth from their surroundings. The painted turtle is active only during the day when it sunbathes for hours on logs or rocks. During the winter months, the turtle hibernates, usually in the mud at the bottom of water bodies. Females dig nests on land and lay eggs between late spring and mid-summer. Hatched turtles grow until maturity, 2 to 9 years for males and 6 to 16 years for females. Loss of habitat and road killings have reduced the population but, its ability to live in human disturbed settings has helped it remain the most abundant turtle in North America. Adults in the wild can live for more than 55 years!
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Did You Know: • Turtles shed their shell as they're growing; this skin resembles a burnt leaf. • Painted turtles can swim underwater. • A group of turtles is called a 'a bale of turtles'. • They are diurnal; at night they sleep at the bottom of the pond. • Painted turtles can carry salmonella, a contagious bacterial disease that affects the human intestines. Hence, maintaining cleanliness and hygiene after handling a turtle is important.
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July 2019, Page 6
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I Want To Be A *UDSKLF 'HVLJQHU A graphic designer or artist is a professional within the graphic arts industry. They assemble together images, typography or motion graphics to create a piece of design. 7KH\ ¿QG WKH PRVW HIIHFWLYH ZD\ WR JHW PHVVDJHV DFURVV LQ SULQW HOHFWURQLF DQG ¿OP PHdia using a variety of methods such as color, type, illustration, photography, animation and various print and layout techniques. A graphic designer creates brochures, packaging and advertising for products as well as layout and production design of magazines, newspapers (like Kids’ World News!), journals, reports and more. They are also responsible for typesetting, illustration and web design or they can teach their trade to others in a college setting.
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established, the designer’s experience and number of years in the business are heavily FRQVLGHUHG DV SULPDU\ TXDOL¿FDWLRQV Skills needed are the ability to work with many software programs and they need to understand HTML and other programming languages to design websites. The graphic designer also must understand the processes involved in printing and be able to produce press-ready artwork.
Graphic designers must be good at working with people and gathering relevant information on what their client wants to portray. Many graphic designers work for de- They need to be creative and able to work JUHHV LQ FROOHJH DQG VRPHWLPHV FHUWL¿FDWHV with color. Management skills are required from accredited trade schools. A degree is as the graphic artist sometimes supervises considered essential for a graphic design assistants or have their own companies. position in most cases. Though after a caThe work place, if working for a larger UHHU KLVWRU\ RI ZRUNLQJ LQ WKH ¿HOG KDV EHHQ company usually has regular work hours. Some designers who do contract work frequently have to adjust their workday to suit their client’s schedules and deadlines. Self-employed designers tend to work longer hours. All graphic designers work under a deadline and may work evening or weekends to meet production schedules especially in the printing and publishing industries.
Kids’ World News • 517-285-6641 • www.kidsworldnews.org
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July 2019, Page 7
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The domestic goat (Capra aegagrus hircus) is a domesticated subspecies of the wild goat of southwest Asia and Eastern Europe. The goat is a member of the Bovidae family and is closely related to the sheep.
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Domestic goats are one of the oldest domesticated species. For thousands of years, goats have been used for their milk, PHDW ÂżEHU DQG VNLQV DOO RYHU WKH ZRUOG In the last century they have also gained some popularity as pets. Have you ever heard of cashmere or angora or mohair? 7KHVH DUH DOO ÂżEHUV IURP GLIIHUHQW W\SHV RI goats! The domestic goat’s most often seen color is of an ivory hue, and the rarest colors are of a cyan hue. Female goats are referred to as “doesâ€? or “nanniesâ€? or, less frequently, as “mishasâ€?. Intact males are called “bucksâ€? or “billiesâ€? and their offspring are “kidsâ€?. Goat meat is sometimes called “chevonâ€?. Goats do not actually consume gar-
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www.lanjochiro.com 309 E. Saginaw Hwy., Grand Ledge bage, tin cans, or clothing, although they will occasionally eat items made primarily of plant material, which can include wood. Their reputation for doing so is most likely due to their intensely curious and intelligent nature. They will explore anything new or unfamiliar in their surroundings. They do so with their grasping upper lip and tongue. This is why they investigate clothes sometimes by nibbling at them!
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Kids’ World News • 517-285-6641 • www.kidsworldnews.org
July 2019, Page 8
Swim With Safety This Summer! Swimming is a great way to have fun in the sun this summer! However, safety is extremely important whenever children are near a pool or open water. Swim lessons are a must for people of all ages. Swim lessons can teach a kid the mechanics of swimming which not only makes them safer in the water but also makes being in the water more enjoyable. Learning to swim can build a child’s confidence and self-esteem. Remember though, swim lessons are a precaution, they don’t prevent drowning. Swim lessons are NOT a substitute for water safety. It is important to be safe in the water! People drown when too much water gets into their lungs. When that happens, lungs can’t carry enough oxygen to the brain and the rest of the body. Drowning is the second most common cause of death from injuries among kids under the age of 14. It can happen fast - sometimes less than two minutes after a kid’s head goes under the water. It leaves little time for help to arrive. Accidents can happen anywhere - even at your own house.
The following are a few safety rules for the pool. • Make sure there is an adult watching over you at all times, even if you are in your own backyard. • Life vests for non-swimmers should always be worn. • Fences are around a pool for a reason - to keep kids away when there isn’t an adult or lifeguard to supervise. If the gate is closed, don’t go in! • All pools have rules that are meant to be obeyed. • Always swim with a buddy. NEVER swim alone. • If you are using flotation devices, make sure they are Coast Guard approved. • Don’t run in the pool area, walk slowly. • Swim at a depth that is safe for you. Don’t go in the deep end if you’re just learning how to swim. • Don’t jump on others or push them. • Toys that float are fun. Remember though, they can help you swim but they can’t save your life. • Don’t chew gum or eat when you swim. You could choke. • Never dive off the side of the pool unless an adult says it’s deep enough. Always know how deep the water is and look before you jump in. • Test the pool’s water temperature before you plunge in. Cold water can shock your body and make your blood pressure and heart rate go up. Cold water can also slow your muscles and make it hard to swim. • Don’t go down a waterslide head first. You risk severe injury. • Don’t swim at night without pool lights.
Kids’ World News • 517-285-6641 • www.kidsworldnews.org
July 2019, Page 9
.HUQ 5RDG 9HWHULQDU\ &OLQLF 3 / / & +HQU\ 0 9DXSHO ' 9 0 Iris R. Foote D.V.M 3HUU\ ) 5DJRQ ' 9 0 3HWHU / (VWHUOLQH ' 9 0 5DFKHO 0 6KUDGHU ' 9 0
:KDW ,V Inertia?
Inertia is a very important part of our lives that we are part of everyday but don’t think about. Galileo Galilei, a famous Italian scientist discovered it. Sir Isaac Newton, who was a scientist in England in the 1600’s discovered many things about math and science. He came up with the Laws of Motion which tell us the basics of how things move. The First Law of Motion has to do with inertia. This Law of Motion says: “An object in motion will continue to stay in motion unless acted upon by an outside force.� In other words, if something is moving, it will keep moving until something stops it. If something is NOT moving, it will just sit there until something else comes along and moves it. That’s inertia! Everything is made up of stuff that scientists like to call mass. The more mass there is in an object, the heavier it is here on Earth and the more inertia it has! It’s harder to get a heavier object moving that a light object. Moving objects can resist change too! They want to keep moving at the same speed in a straight line. An example of this is when you are in a car and the car makes a sudden stop. Your body feels like its being thrown forward at the same speed - but the car has slowed down. That’s why you should wear your seatbelt! Newton’s second law says that to speed up or slow down an object, you have to use force. Force is a push or pull. Friction plays a big part of this force. Friction is almost everywhere. It is two things rubbing against each other. When you feel the wind on your skin, that is friction. Friction can also create heat - like when you rub your hands together quickly. If you are on your roller blades and you pushed off on concrete and coasted - how long would it take you to stop? If you pushed off on a rough dirt road - you would stop quicker because there’s more friction to slow you down! There is no friction in outer space. There would be NOTHING to slow you down - that’s inertia!
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Try These Experiments! Materials you will need: • Two plates • A hard boiled egg • An uncooked (raw) egg Before you start this experiment, see if you can decide which egg is the raw one and which egg is the hard boiled one. Place the eggs on the two plates and start them spinning at the same time. The egg that continues spinning for the longest time is the hard boiled egg!
d ’ W ld N
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1st Experiment Place the uncooked egg on a plate and VWDUW LW VSLQQLQJ 7RXFK LW OLJKWO\ ZLWK \RXU ÂżQgertip to stop the egg spinning. Once the egg VWRSV WDNH \RXU ÂżQJHU DZD\ LPPHGLDWHO\ What happens to the egg? The shell of the egg actually stops spinning but the inside (yoke and egg white) keeps spinning. Because the inside of the raw egg is a liquid, it makes the egg start to spin again. This force is called inertia. 2nd Experiment Place the hard boiled egg on a plate and VWDUW LW VSLQQLQJ 7RXFK LW OLJKWO\ ZLWK \RXU ÂżQgertip to stop the egg spinning. Once the egg VWRSV WDNH \RXU ÂżQJHU DZD\ LPPHGLDWHO\ What happens to the egg? The boiled egg stops spinning because the inside contents of the egg are a solid mass.
Kids’ World News • 517-285-6641 • www.kidsworldnews.org
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July 2019, Page 10
What Is Whooping Cough? Kids of today get a series of shots to protect them from getting whooping cough, but some kids will still get it. Babies who have not had all their series of shots are at risk for whooping cough. This is a very serious illness for a baby, and also affects adults ages 60 and older. Whooping cough, which is also called pertussis (pur-tus-is) is a bacterial infection of the respiratory system. This includes your lungs and breathing tubes. Whooping cough got its name from kids coughing a lot and in between coughs, they make a “whoop” sound when they try to take a breath. In 1906, two French scientists discovered the pertussis bacteria and this became the first step to creating a vaccine to prevent this disease. Thousands of children used to get it because it spreads very quickly. Pertussis bacteria can live in the saliva in mouths and in the mucus in noses. It is spread by people coughing or sneezing and releasing tiny droplets in the air that other people breathe in. Colds are caught this way also. The symptoms of whooping cough are similar to a cold but, unlike the cold, whooping cough sticks around and the cough gets stronger and more severe. If the doctor thinks that a child might have whooping cough, they may take a sample of the mucus in the back of their nose. This can be tested in a lab to see if there’s any bacteria in it. They may also order a chest Xray and blood tests. A child who has whooping cough will need to rest, drink plenty of fluids and eat healthy food. Also, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics to help fight the infection from the bacteria. This will guard from spreading the illness to others. Regular check-ups with the doctor will make sure that the breathing and coughing are improving. Whooping cough can be avoided by getting the pertussis vaccine called the DTaP. The shot prevents two other illnesses — diphtheria and tetanus in addition to pertussis. Today, kids are usually given five doses of it. The first three shots are given while a child is a baby. Another is given when a child is
a toddler and the fifth one is given between ages 4 to 6. And now, doctors want to give another shot when children are around 11 or 12 to make sure he or she is still protected. Washing your hands often and staying away from people who have a bad cough may help you avoid getting the disease.
Kids’ World News • 517-285-6641 • www.kidsworldnews.org
July 2019, Page 11
Cookin’ Fun Zucchini Muffins 1 1/2 cup shredded zucchini (about 2 small) 1 cups whole-grain pancake or biscuit mix 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 teaspoon allspice 2 eggs 3/4 cup brown sugar 1/4 cup unsweetened applesauce 2 teaspoons fresh lemon juice powdered sugar (enough to dust the muffins)
Southern Style Corn Bread 2 eggs, beaten with a fork 1 cup cornmeal 1 cup flour 1 cup milk 2 teaspoons baking powder 1/4 cup vegetable oil 1 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon sugar 1/2 cup corn (fresh, canned, or frozen if it's taken out of the freezer ahead of time and soft) Preheat the oven to 400° F. Put all the ingredients, except for the corn, into a large bowl. Beat the ingredients together with a big wooden spoon. The mixture should be smooth. Stir in the corn and mix. Pour the mixture into baking pan coated with nonstick spray. Bake in the oven for 25 or 30 minutes or until the cornbread is light brown on top. Remove bread from the oven, cut it into 9 pieces with a knife, and serve it warm for a lipsmacking treat.
The American Association Of Orthodontists recommends that all children have a check-up with an orthodontist no later than age 7. Call us today for a complimentary consultation!
Wash zucchini and remove the ends. Shred zucchini using largest holes on grater. Wrap grated zucchini in a couple of paper towels and squeeze to remove water. Measure 1 1/2 cups of squeezed-dry zucchini. Preheat oven to 375°F. Line a 12-cup muffin tin with paper liners. In a large bowl, mix whole-grain pancake mix (or biscuit mix) with spices. In a separate bowl, whisk together eggs, brown sugar, applesauce, and lemon juice. Fold the egg-sugar mixture and shredded zucchini into the pancake-spice mixture; do not overmix. Fill each muffin cup 2/3 full with batter. Bake 10-15 minutes or until golden. Remove muffins from tin (with help from your adult assistant) and cool on a wire rack. Sprinkle muffins with a dusting of powdered sugar.
Chicken Salad and Greens Rules For The Kitchen! 1. Always ask an adult if you can use the kitchen. 2. Have all the ingredients before you start. 3. Wash your hands before you touch food. 4. Wear an apron or towel to keep your clothes clean. 5. Always clean up when you are finished.
1/2 cup plain, nonfat Greek-style yogurt 1/4 cup low-fat mayonnaise 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon black pepper 1 large celery stalk, finely chopped 1/4 cup red onion, finely chopped 1/3 cup grapes, cut in half 2 cups leftover roasted chicken, chopped into ½-inch pieces 4 cups romaine lettuce, coarsely chopped In a large bowl, combine yogurt, mayonnaise, salt, pepper, celery, red onion, grapes, and chicken. Mix gently until everything is well coated in dressing. Divide lettuce between four bowls. Top each bowl with some chicken salad. Serve cold.
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To order: Fill out this order form. Send $8.00 each (includes shipping and handling) to: Kids’ World News, 5747 Otto Rd., Charlotte, MI 48813 (Allow 3 weeks for delivery)
Kids’ World News • 517-285-6641 • www.kidsworldnews.org
July 2019, Page 12
Creating Sculpture with Carving People have been carving objects out of wood, stone, elephant tusks, and sea shells since the beginning of time. The sculptures that are carved can be quite beautiful and detailed or simple and rough. There is no wrong or right way. Since I was a child, I have watched my Dad carve animals and people out of the wood he would find as he walked around his land. To him, he is “letting out” what he sees in a special twisted log. I was always interested in watching him carefully spend hour after hour creating beautiful carvings. After many years of carving wood sculpture, he has become a well known artist in his state. It takes a long time and a lot of practice to become a professional wood carver. A great way to start learning how to carve is by creating carvings using bars of soap. Because soap is soft, inexpensive and easy to cut, it is a wonderful way to begin learning the skills of carving sculpture. Give it a try and see what you can create!
Completed Fish Sculpture!
Let’s Create a Soap Sculpture Soap carving is a fun and creative project. Enjoy! 1. Gather the following items: New bar of soap. (Any soap will work, however, “Ivory” soap is the softest and easiest to use.) Newspapers to catch the scraped off soap. (or a large plastic bowl to hold on your lap) Carving tools: plastic knives, spoons, popsicle sticks, toothpicks. Some play dough tools work well. Since soap is quite soft, sharp knives and metal tools are not necessary. 2. Decide on what you would like to carve. A turtle or fish are great choices for a first carving because they are the same basic shape of most bars of soap. Additional ideas: birds, hearts, boats, a car. 3. Open a new bar of soap. Begin by drawing an outline of your carving on one side of the soap by scraping with a toothpick or knife. 4. Slowly begin removing the soap that is outside of your outline. Make sure to scrape away only small portions at a time. Work slowly and carefully scraping off what you do not need. Don’t worry about any details yet because you are creating the basic shape of the object or animal. 5. Continue to scrape and shape your project. Remember to turn your sculpture as you slowly and gently carve away soap to add details. Keep looking at your carving carefully. Don’t worry whether you are doing it perfectly, just look to see what you can do to make your carving look interesting. 6. Keep adding detail and final touches to your carving. When your carved project is finished, wet your finger with water and gently rub the surface of the soap to create a smooth finish. Allow to dry and harden for a day. 600 E. Grand River, Brighton
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Carve outside of the outline to create a basic shape. Then, continue carving away excess soap to create more details.
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July 2019, Page 13
The Arctic Fox The arctic fox likes very cold places. It lives in the Arctic regions of the earth, giving it it’s name. The areas include the areas throughout the entire Arctic tundra, through Alaska, Canada, Greenland, Russia, Norway, Scandinavia, and even Iceland. The arctic fox is also called the “polar fox” and the “snow fox”. The population is in the hundred thousands, and endangerment isn’t a threat in most areas.
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The Arctic Fox in it’s summer coat!
The way these foxes hunt is unique, because each fox has excellent hearing! Males are on average 33.6” in length. Females are 32.3” in length. Females weigh about approximately 6.4 pounds and males weigh about 7.7 pounds! The arctic fox lives right alongside polar bears! The cold is just right, and the foxes have different coats of fur for the different seasons. In the warm months of the summer, they have a brown coat. In the winter, they have a white coat to match the snow! To eat, arctic foxes eat primarily lemmings RU DQ\ VPDOO DQLPDO WKH\ FDQ ¿QG Most young foxes are born in the early summer. They stay in dens and both parents take care of them. When they grow older, the females leave the family while males stay. Young from previous litters might even stay to help raise their baby siblings! Poaching is only a problem in some areas where arctic foxes live. In the mainlands of Sweden, Finland, and Norway, the population has shrunk due to hunting but at this time, the arctic fox is not considered endangered.
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• The arctic fox is the only land mammal native to Iceland. • They often follow polar bears to eat their leftovers! • There is hair on the bottom of an arctic fox’s paws to help create traction on the icy ground.
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July 2019, Page 14
Coloring Corner I had a little turtle And he lived in a box. He swam in the water And he climbed on the rocks. He snapped at a minnow. He snapped at a flea. He snapped at a mosquito. And he snapped at me. He caught the minnow. He caught the flea. He caught the mosquito. But he didn't catch me!
I'm a little turtle, I crawl so slow, And carry my house Wherever I go. When I get tired I pull in my head, My legs and my tail, And go to bed!
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July 2019, Page 15
Lets Visit Grenada! Grenada became independent in 1974.
• Grenada is one of a group of islands known as the Windward Islands. They are about 100 miles from the Venezuelan coast. Other islands in the group include Martinique, St. Lucia and St. Vincent and the Grenadines. • Grenada is the second-smallest independent country in the Western Hemisphere. Christopher Columbus, in the service of Spain, was the first European to sight the islands of Grenada, Carriacou and Petit Martinique. Grenada was named after the Spanish city of Grenada. The capital, St. George's, originally called Fort Royale, was founded in 1705 by the French. It is also the largest city. • The administration of the islands of the Grenadines group is divided between Grenada and St Vincent and the Grenadines. It is a Constitutional monarchy. A governor-general Sir Daniel Williams represents the sovereign, Elizabeth II. They also have a Prime Minister: Keith C. Mitchell • The islands are of volcanic origin with extremely rich soil. Grenada’s interior is very mountainous with Mount St. Catherine being the highest at 2,756 feet. Several small rivers with beautiful waterfalls flow into the sea from these mountains. The climate is tropical: hot and humid in the rainy season and cooled by the trade winds in the dry season. • Lake Antoine, Grand Etang Lake and Levera Pond all formed in craters of extinct volcanoes. • Products Grown: bananas, cocoa, nutmeg, mace, citrus, avocados, root crops, sugarcane, corn, vegetables. Grenada is also known as the "Spice Islands". Cinnamon, cloves, ginger, mace, allspice, orange/citrus peels, wild coffee used by the locals, and especially nutmeg,
Petroglyphs, along the riverbank in the village of Mount Rich, were carved by Amerindians, early immigrants to Grenada.
The national bird of Grenada is the critically endangered Grenada Dove. providing 20% of the world supply, are all important exports. Industries include: food and beverages, textiles, light assembly operations, tourism, construction. Natural resources are: timber, tropical fruit, deepwater harbors. • Music, dance, and festivals are also extremely important in Grenadian culture. Soca, calypso, and reggae set the mood for Grenada's annual Carnival activities. Zouk is also being slowly introduced onto the island. The islanders’ African heritage plays an influential role in many aspects of Grenada’s culture. Another important part of Grenadian culture is the tradition of story telling, with folk tales bearing both African and French influences.
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July 2019, Page 16