Kidsworld News, Mid Michigan March 2018

Page 1


March 2018 Mid-Michigan Edition


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Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

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Just For Kids! Kids’ World News

Volume 11, Issue 7, March 2018

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&ODUH 3ULPDU\ 6FKRRO 1HZV 2Q )ULGD\ )HEUXDU\ &ODUH &RXQW\ 2IÂżFHU Ethan Gainforth, from the Michigan Department of Natural Resources, came to Clare Primary School, located in Clare, Michigan, and spoke to Mr. Koch and Mr. Gould’s 4th Grade students. This hands-on lesson set focus on native species that can be found in Clare County. Students also had the opportunity to handle furs from several different species and were able to see a demonstration RI 2IÂżFHU *DLQIRUWK VHWWLQJ VHYHUDO WUDSV DQG D VQDUH WKDW are used for wildlife management. This is the DNR’s sixth year of partnering with Jason Koch and David Gould of Clare Public Schools. As a team these educators have created several hands-on programs. One in particular, “4th Grade Deer Campâ€?, now known state-wide as “DNR Deer Campâ€?, is in over 600 schools across the state of Michigan. Mr. Koch and Mr. Gould are always researching best-practice learning and lessons in order to continue their quest of getting more kids actively involved in the great outdoors!


To All Of Our Sponsors Who Are Helping Us To Provide Great Information To Kids And Parents


,W¡V $ *UHDW 'D\ $W .LGV¡ :RUOG 1HZV Happy St. Patrick’s Day on March 17th! On this day, we celebrate all things Irish. Did you know green is the national color of Ireland? It is believed that wearing something green on St. Patrick’s Day will bring you good luck!

Expires 4/15/18

In March the color green dominates. Green is abundant in nature, showing signs of JURZWK DQG D KHDOWK\ HQYLURQPHQW 7KH ÂżUVW GD\ RI VSULQJ LV 0DUFK WK DQG EHJLQV ZLWK the Vernal Equinox at 12:15 pm EDT. Spring brings increasing daylight, warming temperaWXUHV DQG WKH UHELUWK RI Ă€RUD DQG IDXQD 7KH ZRUG HTXLQR[ FRPHV IURP WKH /DWLQ ZRUGV meaning “equal night.â€? Days and nights are approximately equal everywhere and the Sun ULVHV DQG VHWV GXH HDVW DQG ZHVW 6R WKH ÂżUVW GD\ RI VSULQJ LV YHU\ LPSRUWDQW March is also National Reading Month. Reading is important because it gives you the basic information about the world around you. Reading can also transport you to different places and teach you things you never knew! Being able to read can help you do anything! So, have a seat and read a great book this month! We also want to thank you for reading Kids’ World News and we hope you have a very lucky March!!

If you would like to see Kids’ World News at your school or if you would like to be one of our proud sponsors, please call 517-202-2365 (e-mail: If you would like to submit an article from your school (limit 150 words), e-mail: Kids’ World News is designed to give exposure to all area schools, recognition of students and staff members. We welcome input from all our area schools. We do however, reserve the right to edit.

Kids’ World News • 517-202-2365 •

March 2018, Page 2

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

Tic Tac Toe Fun!

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Kids’ World News • 517-202-2365 •

March 2018, Page 3

Kick It Up With Soccer! Did you know that soccer is the most popular sport in the world? Boys and girls of all ages can play this fast paced game, and it’s relatively easy to learn. Soccer involves two teams of eleven players, each focusing on getting the ball to the opponent’s net or goal. Teammates run down the field dribbling, and passing the ball to each other, using various parts of the body, except for the hands. The intent is to get the ball into the goal to score a point for the team. Only the goalkeeper is allowed to use his or her hands, to block the ball or put it back into play if it goes out of bounds. Soccer has referees to control the game. Soccer is one of the best team sports to play, and boys and girls rely on each other to be successful. Playing soccer is a great aerobic exercise; it develops coordination, endurance and muscle strength. Most countries in the world call soccer “football”. Back in 1863, The London Football Association was the first to set the rules of soccer. Soccer found its status and popularity as a chief sport in Scotland and England in 1872. Then soccer spread to Europe and soon there were professional teams and players hitting the field. The only countries that call the game soccer are the United

States, Canada, Australia and South Africa. The World Cup is the biggest soccer tournament in the world. It’s held every four years in a different country, and in 2010, billions of people watched the televised games as the world’s national teams fought it out for the top spot in soccer.

See if you know the answers to these soccer questions! 1. Soccer became part of the Olympics in 1908. Women’s soccer was not introduced as an Olympic event until 1996. How many times has the US women’s soccer team won the gold medal? 2 times 4 times 1 times 0 times 2. Who is the only player who can use their hands to touch the ball? Captain Referee Goalkeeper Coach 3. In the USA the game is called soccer, but in the rest of the world, what is it called? Rugby Kickball Cricket Football Answers 1. 4 times 2. Goalkeeper 3. Football 4. Goal 600 E. Grand River, Brighton


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March 2018, Page 4

Let’s Make A Cake! Birthdays are one of the most exciting and cheerful events in a person’s life. For most of us, the yummy birthday cake is especially enjoyable. Have you ever wondered who invented the birthday cake and the tradition of placing candles on the cake? About 800 years ago, the people of Greece put candles on round shaped cakes to make the cake glow like the moon. Today we make silent wishes as we blow out our birthday candles. It is believed that blowing out all candles in one breath Step 3

Steps 1 and 2




Step 4

brings good luck. Although types of cakes and meanings of the candles have varied through the centuries, the tradition is a long and enduring one. A cake makes a birthday entirely special and complete. Follow the steps to draw and design your own birthday cake. Create and give a birthday card to someone on their special day! Have fun drawing and designing your cakes. Step 5


Steps 1 and 2 1. Draw candles following the above a, b, c, d steps. 2. Add the top of the cake by creating an oval. Notice the back part of the cake goes behind the candles.

Step 3 3. Draw two straight lines from the ends of the oval down as shown.

Step 4 4. Complete the cake bottom by drawing a curved line connecting the two side lines. One cake layer is completed.

Step 5 5. To create a second layer, draw a “C” shape on the left side starting in the center of the first layer. Draw a backward “C” on the right side and connect. Repeat steps 3 and 4.

Add details and fill with color!

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Kids’ World News • 517-202-2365 •

March 2018, Page 5

Cool Cichlids Cichlids (pronounced sick-lid) are a superr cool group off fish that can be found in both Africa and South America. Cichlids are a huge group off fish with overr 1300 species already discovered. There are probably more than 2000 species off cichlids on Earth still to be found. The smallest cichlids are only 1 inch long, and the largest is overr 3 feet long! They come in all shapes and sizes, but are still all related. Many types, especially tilapia, are very important as food fish. Cichlids and theirr cousins the angel fish are also very important forr the aquarium business. Found in freshwaterr lakes and streams throughout Africa and South America, they are very widespread. Some can even live in brackish waterr (halff fresh and halff salt water). Theirr eating habits are just as widespread. Some are herbivores, eating plants and algae. Others are omnivores eating both plants and small snails and shrimp. Still more are detritivores, eating decomposing plant and animal material on the riverr bottom. The last group off cichlids are carnivores that are very good at being predators. Some off these predators eat a lot off different things, while some eat only snails, orr only eggs off otherr fish, orr only fish. Try This!

Createe a cichlid ornament! What you will need: transparency sheets markers scissors hole punch yarn

1. On the transparency, colorr yourr cichlid. 2. Cut out yourr cichlid. 3. Punch a hole in the top of yourr fish. 4. Tie yarn through the hole to hang yourr cichlid. 5. Group the whole class’s fish togetherr on yourr holiday tree to make a school!

Cichlids are unique fish forr another reason too...they don’t just lay their eggs and leave...they take care of theirr babies! Some lay eggs out in the open, some lay eggs in caves, while some raise theirr eggs in their mouths! Mouthbrooding fish will even take the tiny baby fish into theirr mouths to protect them...what a cool fish!

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A Show of Cichlids Cichlids provide a wondrous variety off colorr shapes and sizes forr yourr fish tank. Some cichlids work well even in a 10 gallon tank. The Electric Blue Ram is a superr cool cichlid that really stands out, and they only need a 10 g gallon tank!



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March 2018, Page 6

6W 0DU\ÂśV 3LQFNQH\ 1HZV St. Mary Catholic School| Celebrates 100 Days of School

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Going to school and celebrating our accomplishments as we learn are wonderful things. +HUH DW 6W 0DU\ &DWKROLF 6FKRRO RXU ÂżUVW JUDGers know how to celebrate 100 Days of school! Students had a few projects that they worked on for their celebration. First, each student created a project with 100 items on it. The children could be as creative as they wanted. “This was a group project created at home with student and parents,â€? said First grade teacher, Mrs. Smyczynski. “They were pretty creative.â€? The second and third projects were designed to use more of the children’s creative imagination. Mrs. Smyczynski took their pictures and added them to a 100 dollar bill. The children had to write about what they would do if they had $100.00. The students had some pretty good ideas, but all decided that they would give some of the money away to eiWKHU IDPLO\ RU IULHQGV /DVWO\ 0UV 6P\F]\QVNL took the children’s pictures and with the help of an app, she aged the children to 100 years of age! They were very excited to see what they would look like at that age. Students again wrote about who they would be and what they would do at 100 years of age.

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March 2018, Page 8

6W -RVHSK &DWKROLF +RZHOO 1HZV ³$ 'DXJKWHUœV )LUVW /RYH´ ZDV WKH WKHPH RI WKH ¿UVW HYHU 'DGG\ Daughter dance at St. Joseph Catholic School held on February 10th. Nearly 100 guests were in attendance to dance, play games and listen to a message by Jim Gregor about the importance of fostering a special bond between a father and daughter, and the effect that bond has on her future relationships.

.HUQ 5RDG 9HWHULQDU\ &OLQLF 3 / / & +HQU\ 0 9DXSHO ' 9 0 Iris R. Foote D.V.M 3HUU\ ) 5DJRQ ' 9 0 3HWHU / (VWHUOLQH ' 9 0 5DFKHO 0 6KUDGHU ' 9 0



,Q ¿UVW JUDGH QHZV 'U 0LFKHOOH 6WLQHV DDS, also known as Nico’s mom, visited 0UV /HRQHœV VW JUDGH FODVV WR WDON DERXW dental hygiene. Tess and Clara were two teeth that had food stuck between them. 1LFR DQG KLV PRP GHPRQVWUDWHG ÀRVVLQJ gets the food out!


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The K4 and K5 students at New Covenant Christian School had an awesome time celebrating the gift of love during our Valentine’s Day party. We want to give a “BIG� thank you to all our wonderful parents for helping make our party a huge success.

“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.� 1 Corinthians 13:4-5

Kids’ World News • 517-202-2365 •

Summer Camp Registration Now Open! Princess Camp, Acro Camp And More. Vist Our Website For Camp Dates And Times

March 2018, Page 9

0RQH\ 0DWWHUV A debit card takes money directly from your bank account now. What you buy is paid for right away.


Firs t B ank

This month’s word:

DEBIT The noun debit means a payment made or owed.

A credit card allows you to buy something now, and pay for it later. You also can be charged interest – a fee added to the purchase price by the credit card company.

Mrs. Vargas paid for her groceries using a debit card.

When you use a debit card, you also enter your secret code, called a PIN. Cross out the word PIN every time you see it below. The leftover letters tell you what PIN stands for.

Try to use the word debit in a sentence today when talking with your friends and family members.

Money Search In today’s newspaper or at your newspaper’s website, look for articles that contain these words related to money: 1891 N Cedar St, Holt, MI 517-699-2001


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March 2018, Page 10

Coloring Corner D A E R s a day e t u in H m 20 S U y a d R a B 2 times , s e t u in 2m 4 2 n i 4 hours 2 minutes



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Kids’ World News • 517-202-2365 •

March 2018, Page 11

My Tonsils Have To Be Removed! Have you ever had tonsillitis? That’s when your tonsils, in the back of your throat get sore and infected. If tonsillitis happens to you a lot, the doctor may suggest you have an operation to remove your tonsils. No more tonsils, no more tonsillitis! Or you may have really large tonsils that make it harder for you to breathe at night. That’s another reason the doctor may say they should come out. What are tonsils? Your tonsils are two lumps of tissue that work as germ fighters for your body. The trouble is that sometimes germs like to hang out there where they can cause infections. So, your tonsils can start causing more problems than they solve! The surgery to remove tonsils is called a tonsillectomy. After this operation, kids usually don’t have as many sore throats. And, if a kid was having trouble breathing at night, that problem usually goes away too. Without tonsils, a kid won’t look any different and you won’t have any scars that anyone can see. How do doctors get the tonsils out of your throat? Will it hurt? Before you go to the hospital to get your tonsils out, you may need a blood or urine test. These tests might be done at your doctor’s office, at a medical center or lab, or at the hospital a few days before your operation. The night before the surgery, you won’t be allowed to eat or drink anything after dinner - not even water. That’s because your doctor doesn’t want you to throw up during the operation. So, if you don’t eat or drink, there’s nothing in our stomach to throw up. You’ll also need to pack your suitcase and bring anything you want to have with you to go to the hospital. If you have a special stuffed animal or blanket, go ahead and bring it! It’s nice to have something that reminds you of home when you’re in the hospital. You’ll probably go to the hospital on the day of your surgery. Your mom or dad will help you get admitted. When you let the hospital know that you’re there, they give you your room assignment. You’ll also get a bracelet that has your name on it. Once you’re in your room, you’ll meet the nurses and other hospital staff who will take care of you. Your mom and dad can also stay with you. Tonsils are removed in the operating room, so you’ll have to take a ride on a bed with wheels called a gurney. When it’s time for your operation, you’ll get a medicine called anesthesia. It will help you fall asleep and keep you from feeling any pain during the operation. During the surgery, which takes only a short time, the doctor will open your mouth and remove the tonsils. You won’t feel anything. The doctor will quickly take care of any bleeding and before you know it - you’ll wake up in the recov-

ery room! You may feel sleepy and dizzy at first. But soon, you will feel a lot better and your mom and dad will come in to see you. You’ll probably have a sore throat and maybe a slight ear ache. After your operation, it’s important to drink fluids when you wake up. You should try to drink, even if it hurts a bit. This will help you feel better and get home faster. Sometimes kids stay in the hospital overnight, but most go home the same day as their operation. The first 2 days at home should be spent in bed. Drink fluids and eat soft foods. This will help keep your throat moist and your body energized. Have your mom or dad stock the refrigerator with soft drinks, ice pops, gelatin, ice cream and pudding. Other good things to eat are mashed potatoes, scrambled eggs, pasta and warm soup. Yum!! While you’re getting better, you can take a pain reliever, such as acetaminophen. You also may get antibiotics to prevent infection. If you see little white patches in the back of your throat, don’t panic - this is normal. After the first week, the white patches will fall off. Your doctor may also have you return to his or her office for a checkup. After a week or two, you should feel much better. You’ll be ready to go back to school and play with your friends again. Plus - you can tell them all about your operation!!

Kids’ World News • 517-202-2365 •

March 2018, Page 12

The Great Bustard The Great Bustard (Otis tarda) is a large bird in the Bustard family that is unrelated to other large bird species such as turkeys or geese. They can fly and are the heaviest flying animal alive today. They can be found across Europe, as far south as Spain and as far north as the Russian steppes but the majority of Great Bustards are found in Spain. The Great Bustard males grow about 30% larger than the females. Males can reach 41 inches in standing height, a wingspan of 98 inches and can weigh up to 44 pounds. Females can reach 33 inches in standing height , a wingspan of 74 inches and can weigh up to 12 pounds. They are huge and heavily built but stately in appearance. Adult male bustards can be identified by their bulging neck, heavy chest and cocked tail. Their shape is similar to a large goose, but the bustard is larger with longer legs and a straighter neck. The head and neck are a pale blue-grey, the body and tail brown with black bars and underparts are white. The wings of the Great Bustard are mostly white with dark primary and secondary feathers. Although it is a very capable flyer, with slow beats of its powerful wings,

it usually prefers to stay on the ground, where it is a fast runner. Males in breeding plumage grow large white moustachial whiskers that are almost 8 inches long and they become more vividly colored on their back and tail. They also develop a band of russet colored feathers on their lower neck and breast. Females lay an average of two eggs, olive or tan colored in May or June. The chicks will stay with their mother until they are at least one year old. Great Bustards are highly gregarious birds that form social units termed ‘droves’. Males and females live in separate droves and there is a tendency for birds of the same age to keep together. Large, often loose, flocks form in winter, which may wander in search of food, sometimes joining up with other flocks. Female droves visit groups of displaying males briefly during the breeding season. Great Bustards can live to around 10 years, some even living up to 15. Many die within one year of life due to predators such as foxes, rats, wolves, and eagles. Great bustards are inland grassland birds that are native to the steppes of Russia and the high plains of Spain. They favor lowlands, river valleys, and undulating open country, avoiding steep or rocky terrain, deserts, wetlands, forests, and savannas or parklands with more than isolated or small clumps of trees. The Great Bustard is omnivorous, meaning it eats both animal and plant matter. Diet is mainly composed of plants during spring, autumn and winter. They are mostly carnivorous in the summer. Due to their endangered status, groups have been formed in Europe to protect their environment and save them from extinction. Big groups, such as the protection group in the United  Kingdom, were founded recently to reintroduce the bird to former habitats.

Kids’ World News • 517-202-2365 •

March 2018, Page 13




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St. Joseph School of Pewamo’s First Grade class has been studying penguins. How exciting to learn about these interesting animals! Mrs. Anna +XKQ WKH PRWKHU RI RQH RI RXU ¿UVW JUDGHUV LV DQ DXWKRU DQG LOOXVWUDWRU She visited our classroom to teach us how to draw penguins. We listened carefully, and with her step-by-step instruction, we were so excited to see our own penguin come to life on our papers!

Congratulations to St. Joseph School of Pewamo’s Second Grader, Abigail Miller, for being selected the February Student of the Month. Abby’s parents are Scott and Melissa 0LOOHU $EE\ UHFHLYHG D FHUWL¿FDWH DQG

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)LUVW JUDGHUV DW *UHDWHU /DQVLQJ ,VODPLF 6FKRRO ZHUH EXV\ OHDUQLQJ KRZ WR SXW ZRUGV into alphabetical order. After reading all of the words and placing them in alphabetical order, they glued them together to form a caterpillar. Most of the students are now able to do alphabetical order to the second letter. The students also wrote some of the words in sentences. They know the 4 types of sentences!! When asked if they enjoyed this activity, many students said that they would want to do it again.

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March 2018, Page 14

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March 2018, Page 15

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7KHUH LV VRPH GLVDJUHHPHQW RQ ZKHQ WKH ¿UVW modern style piano was built. Most say the modern style piano (or piano et forte, meaning soft and loud) was probably built by the Italian, Bartolomeo Cristofori in 1709. It was described as a harpsichord with both soft and loud! stroke the key gently, the sound will be soft. If you The difference between the harpsichords that use a heavy touch on the key, the sound will be came before and the piano, was the way the much louder! strings sounded. Inside the piano the strings are tightened into tune. A grand piano, for instance, PIANO FACTS: looks like a harp when on it’s side. Modern style • The average medium sized piano has about 230 pianos use hammers to pluck the string. So when strings. Each string has about 165 pounds of tenyou touch the keyboard, the hammer hits the sion. With the combined pull of all the strings, that string which affects the sound of the note. If you equals approximately eighteen tons! • There are over 10 million pianos in American homes, businesses and institutions. ‡ <DPDKD HVWDEOLVKHG LQ ZDV WKH ¿UVW SLDQR manufacturer in Japan. • The world’s largest piano is a Challen Concert Grand Piano. This piano is eleven feet long and has a total string tension of over 30 tons. This piano weighs more than a ton! • The working section of the piano is called the acion. There are about 7500 parts in there. They all play a role in sending the hammers against the strings when the keys are struck.

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March 2018, Page 16




Nevermoor: The Trials of Morrigan Crow


Superman Adventures Vol. 4

by Jessica Townsend

by Deborah Ellis

by Mark Millar

A cursed child destined to die on her eleventh birthday is rescued and whisked away to a secret realm called Nevermoor and given the chance to compete for a place in a prestigious organization called the Wundrous Society.

This book features nine children and the situations they find themselves in, often through no fault of their own. In each story, a child makes a decision and takes action, be that a tiny gesture or a life-altering choice.

Witness Superman’s epic battle with Doctor Fate. See if robotic toys take over the world! Gawk as Bizarro and Lobo wreak havoc on Metropolis. Find out if Jimmy Olsen can save Superman from Darkseid!


Find new favorite books, movies and music based on your current favorites. For all ages. Go to Kids’ World News • 517-202-2365 •

March 2018, Page 17

Cookin’ Fun Lucky Day Cinnamon Scones 1 cup self rising flour 1/8 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons butter 1 egg, lightly beaten 3/4 cup buttermilk 1 egg white 1 teaspoon cinnamon 2 tablespoons sugar Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Place the flour and the salt into a sifter and swift together in a large mixing bowl. Work the butter into the mixture with your hands until completely combined. Make a well in the center of the mixture. Add the egg and pour in 1/2 cup of the buttermilk. Use your hands and work the mixture into soft dough adding the remaining buttermilk as needed. Lightly flour a flat surface and place the dough on the flour. Roll the dough with a lightly floured rolling pin until it is 1 inch thick. Using a round cookie cutter, cut out 16 two inch round pieces. Brush each round piece with the egg white. Put the cinnamon into a shaker or small bowl. Add the sugar and shake or mix until completely combined. Shake the cinnamon sugar mixture over each scone. Bake 18 minutes or until a golden brown.

Rules For The Kitchen! 1. Always ask an adult if you can use the kitchen. 2. Have all the ingredients before you start. 3. Wash your hands before you touch food. 4. Wear an apron or towel to keep your clothes clean. 5. Always clean up when you are finished.

Irish Gold Soda Bread 3-3/4 cup of flour 1/4 cup brown sugar 1 tablespoon baking powder 1 teaspoon baking soda 3/4 cup golden raisins 2 cups of buttermilk 1 egg Preheat oven at 375 degrees. Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper and set aside. Place the flour into a large mixing bowl. Dump in the brown sugar, baking powder and baking soda and mix to combine well. Fold in the raisins until mixed into the dry mixture well. Pour the buttermilk into a separate small bowl. Break the egg into the buttermilk and whisk until completely combined. Pour the mixture into the dry ingredients and stir until all the ingredients are mixed together and soft dough has formed. Flour a flat surface lightly and transfer the dough to that surface. Knead the dough 10 times or until the dough is pliable and smooth. Form the dough into a large mounded round. Place the dough on the prepared cookie sheet and with an adult’s help, use a knife to cut a shallow X in the middle of the mound. Bake the bread for 45 minutes or until browned on top and a toothpick inserted in the middle comes out clean.

Kids’ World News • 517-202-2365 •

March 2018, Page 18

Help this leprechaun reach his pot of gold by putting the numbers below in order from least to greatest! 13





























































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March 2018, Page 19

Asteroids! An asteroid is one among millions of small solar bodies which revolve around the sun every day. They consist of rocks, metals and they can also contain organic compounds. Asteroids are concentrated mainly in the region known as the asteroid belt which lies between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. They can be as very large in diameter or can be just as small as a grain of sand. They are neither big enough to be called planets nor are they as small as comets. The asteroid belt is divided into an inner belt and an outer belt. The inner belt, which is made up of asteroids that are within 250 million miles of the sun, contains asteroids that are made of metals. The outer belt consists of rocky asteroids. On January 1, 1801, Giuseppe Piazzi discovered the first asteroid which he thought at first was a comet. He named this asteroid Ceres, after the Sicilian Goddess of grain. It is now, since 2006 considered a dwarf planet, along with Pluto, Eris, Makemake and Haumea. Soon, other large asteroids like Pallas, Juno and Vista were discovered. By the end of the 19th century, several hundred asteroids had been discovered. According to present day astronomers, asteroids are debris left behind by the formation of the Solar System that could not come together to form a planet because of the effect of Jupiter’s gravitational pull. Asteroids have been hitting the Earth for millions of years. However, due to the friction with Earth’s atmosphere most of the asteroids get burnt up. The asteroids that enter the Earth’s atmosphere are called meteors, while the ones that get burnt and appear as shooting stars are called meteorites. The largest crater caused by an asteroid hit is the Chicxulub Crater in Mexico that is approximately 111 miles in diameter. The largest evidence of an asteroid hit is in the Vredefort Crater in South Africa that is approximately 186 miles in diameter. It is believed by many scientists and researchers that an asteroid impact was the cause behind the extinction of the dinosaurs around 65 million years ago. Did you know that asteroids have moons? The reason as to why an asteroid is often confused with a planet is because like planets, they too have their own moons. In 1993, a spacecraft discovered that the asteroid 243 Ida has its own moon! The asteroids which are situated close to earth are known as nearearth asteroids. There are three types of near-earth asteroids, termed as the Amors, the Apollos and the Atens.

243 Ida and its moon Dactyl. Dactyl is the first satellite of an asteroid to be discovered

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Kids’ World News • 517-202-2365 •

March 2018, Page 20

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