Kids World News, Mid-Michigan East, May 2019

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May 2019 Mid-Michigan (DVW (GLWLRQ


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Just For Kids! Kids’ World News

Volume 12, Issue 9, May 2019

6W 0DU\ÂśV 3LQFNQH\ (OHPHQWDU\ 1HZV 3rd Annual Bunny Run Saint Mary School families hopped on down the bunny trail for the 3rd Annual Family Fun Bunny Run on Lakeland Trail. The two-mile fun run/walk raised money for school wellness initiatives as part of Project Healthy Schools. Runners from preschool age to great grandmothers participated. “St. Mary families look forward to the Bunny Run because so many join from little ones in strollers, to students, parents, grandparents and even great grandmas who walk the trail while the crowd cheers them on,â€? said Veronica Kinsey, St. Mary principal. “Many of our St. Mary families are multi-generational so the Bunny Run is a great way to bring everyone together to celebrate Easter and spring.â€? This year the Wildcat cross country team ran with extra pride after a successful season that netted eight medals at the Coaching LegHQGV &ODVVLF %XQQ\ UXQQHUV DOVR XVHG UHÂżOODEOH ZDWHU ERWWOHV WR help maintain the school’s Evergreen status as a State of Michigan &HUWLÂżHG *UHHQ 6FKRRO Âł0\ IDYRULWH PHPRULHV IURP WKH %XQQ\ 5XQ are of the kids cheering each other on, said parent Laura Elgas. “The kids really support each other. They cheer for each and every UXQQHU WKH ROGHU NLGV FLUFOH EDFN WR KHOS WKH \RXQJHU VWXGHQWV ÂżQLVK the run. It’s a special tradition for our St. Mary family.â€?

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,W¡V $ *UHDW 'D\ $W .LGV¡ :RUOG 1HZV Have you noticed there is something going around that is very contagious? It’s called Spring Fever! Maybe you have it. Spring Fever is a feeling of restlessness and excitement felt during the season of spring, especially in the month of May. It’s that urge to want to get outside and do something fun. You can just feel summer coming and you know the school year is winding down soon. For some, it’s hard to concentrate when sunny days are so inviting and warm breezes blow through the classroom windows. It takes extra effort to stay focused. The only cure for Spring Fever LV WR PRYH DURXQG ,W GRHVQÂśW PDWWHU LI \RX ZDON UXQ ZLJJOH MLJJOH GDQFH VWUXW RU VWUROOÂŤ MXVW ÂżQG D way to move. Being outdoors also helps, like playing on the playground or in your neighborhood. It doesn’t take much‌a rise in temperature, the sound of kids laughing outside, or the sudden craving for an ice cream cone. So watch out! If you don’t already have it, you might just catch Spring Fever!

If you would like to see Kids’ World News at your school or if you would like to be one of our proud sponsors, please call 517-285-6641 (e-mail: If you would like to submit an article from your school (limit 150 words), e-mail: Kids’ World News is designed to give exposure to all area schools, recognition of students and staff members. We welcome input from all our area schools. We do however, reserve the right to edit.

Kids’ World News • 517-285-6641 •

May 2019, Page 2

Find The 7 Differences Between The 2 Pictures!

Show The Race Car The Way To The Trophy!

Help The Train Find The Station!

Protect your child’s future with an Auto-Owners Life Insurance Policy Save for your child’s future with an Auto-Owners Annuity ZZZ GDYLGFKDSPDQDJHQF\ FRP

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May 2019, Page 3

This page proudly sponsored by:

Preuss Pets

1127 N. Cedar Old Town Lansing 517-339-1762 **Teachers - we do fieldtrips!** Kids’ World News • 517-285-6641 •



Live animal presentation for an in-store

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May 2019, Page 4

Color your way to camp! Win a FREE Week To Mystic Lake!

RULES: Please color/add to the picture and turn it in to your teacher or mail by 6/7/19 to: Kids World News 5747 Otto Rd, Charlotte MI 48813 The winner will be featured in the July edition.










A SUMMER OF FUN • A LIFETIME OF MEMORIES At Mystic Lake YMCA Camp, our goals are centered around helping each child: • Learn to lead a more healthy and active lifestyle • Learn about social responsibility through environmental stewardship, community living and working with one another in a group setting that builds friendships. Ü 'HYHORS DQG OHDUQ QHZ VNLOOV WR KHOS LPSURYH WKHLU VHQVH RI VHOI ZRUWK DQG FRQåGHQFH by creating an accepting environment where all are welcome and everyone belongs.



Kids’ World News • 517-285-6641 •

May 2019, Page 5

Bengal Tiger The Bengal Tiger resides in several countries; India, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Bhutan. The population is quite small, estimated at 1,706–1,909 in India, 440 in Bangladesh, 163–253 in Nepal and 67–81 in Bhutan. Tigers like forest habitats and many of them live in national parks. Tigers are also really special, because they are the national animal of both India and Bangladesh, as well as the mascot for many sports teams and companies. Tigers are really big! Males are on average 110 to 120 inches long and about 35 to 43 inches tall. Females are 94 to 104 inches long. Females weigh about 220 to 350 pounds and males weigh about 400 to 570 pounds! Bengal Tigers usually live in moist and dry forests and grasslands. Many of the reserves meant just for them are located in these areas. Tigers are carnivores, which means they eat meat! They prey on ungulates, hog deer, sometimes even porcupines,

and much more. They rarely hunt humans, and only attack when provoked. Most tiger young are born in December and April. When they are 2 or 3 years old, they start to branch off from the family group to find an area to claim as their own territory. Poaching is a very big problem for tigers. They are often used as hunting prizes, and their fur is valuable. Many reserves lost large populations of their tigers due to humans hunting them. The total population of Bengal tigers in the world has shrunken significantly over the years. This means that they are an endangered species and efforts are taken to protect them.

Did You Know? -A tiger’s roar can be heard up to two miles away! -No two tigers have the same stripes! Every tiger is different. -A Bengal tiger can eat up to 21 kg in one night! That’s almost 50 pounds!


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May 2019, Page 6

The power of a Ninja Warrior! Have you ever wanted to be an American Ninja Warrior? Did you know that now you can! Ninja is fast becoming one of the most popular new sports. All ages can train and compete in ninja. A ninja gym has many obstacles for jumpLQJ VZLQJLQJ DQG À\LQJ 7KHVH XQLTXH REVWDcles test your strength, agility, coordination, and PHQWDO SUREOHP VROYLQJ VNLOOV 7KHUH LV DOZD\V more than one way to do each obstacle so it is important to make a plan that will help you succeed through the course. Ninja training gives

NLGV VHOI FRQ¿GHQFH DQG SULGH LQ WKHLU DELOLWLHV 8QOLNH PRVW VSRUWV QLQMD UHTXLUHV \RX WR XVH your entire body. It helps you strengthen your core muscles (your back and stomach muscles) and muscles not normally used by athletes who play only one sport. Because of this, many athletes use ninja as cross training when they hit a plateau and are unable to get stronger or faster. 7KH\ DUH XVLQJ QLQMD WUDLQLQJ WR KHOS WKHLU ERGLHV reach the next level of skill and ability. When your core body muscles are weak it can cause poor posture and affect your gross motor skills which are things like walking, running, sitting up, jumping or catching a ball. It can also affect \RXU ¿QH PRWRU VNLOOV VXFK DV ZULWLQJ EXWWRQLQJ your shirt, eating, or typing on the computer. 7KH EHQH¿WV WR KDYLQJ D VWURQJ ERG\ DQG FRUH are amazing! How often does your team cheer for the other WHDP" 3UREDEO\ QRW YHU\ RIWHQ 7KDW LV DQRWKer way that ninja is different from other sports. You train together as a team but you compete LQGLYLGXDOO\ DJDLQVW WKH FRXUVH 7KH JRDO LV WR see which ninja can go the farthest on the obVWDFOH FRXUVH LQ WKH IDVWHVW WLPH ,W LV DERXW ¿nally completing that hard obstacle and beating your personal best time. Ninjas try their hardest even when they fall and encourage others to succeed. At a typical competition, everyone encourages one another by clapping and cheering IRU HYHU\ FRPSHWLWRU 7KDW LV SDUW RI WKH IXQ DQG what makes ninja so special.

age 4 through adults. If you need to get stronger or are looking for a good cross training sport this is a great place to start. Anyone who would OLNH WR OHDUQ WKH SURSHU WHFKQLTXH WR FRPSOHWing ninja obstacles and/or compete in local and national competitions should check them out. 7KH\ DOVR RIIHU RSHQ J\P VHVVLRQV VR \RX FDQ try it out on your own and will even host an epic birthday party for you and your friends. Iron Grip has one of the premier competition teams in the country and holds several competitions a year for anyone ages 6 and older.

Whether you are a seasoned athlete or We have a world class ninja training gym someone who hasn’t found their sport, ninja has right here in Howell, MI. It is called Iron Grip a lot to offer you. Get out there and train to be a 1LQMD 7KHUH DUH FODVVHV IRU QLQMDV VWDUWLQJ DW ninja warrior!

Kids’ World News • 517-285-6641 •

May 2019, Page 7

Coloring Corner Color By Number Fun!

Now Enrolling For Summer! Flex-Classes in Gymnastics, Open Gym Trampoline & Tumbling, All Ages- $12 Flipfest (punch card pricing available) June 10 - August 22 10 weeks total - you choose Tue, Wed, Thurs, 2:30p - 4:00p your class, the # of weeks Mon & Fri.- 1:00 - 2:30p (6, 8 or 10) and come that many and 3:00p - 4:30p times this summer

Preschool Playtime 4 & under only - $7 Fridays 9:30a - 10:30a 810-632-7222 ext. 2

Kids’ World News • 517-285-6641 •

Themed Camps

Skill Clinics

Each E h week k we focus f on a different theme. See website for camp themes

$15 - Tuesdays 11:30a-12:30p

(register for 1 day or by the week)

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Preschoolers - 9:00a - 11:00a - All 3 days - $55 - individual day - $20 Ages 6-10 - 1:00p - 4:00p (1.5 hr structured + 1.5 hr. Open Gym)

- All 3 days - $85 - Individual day - $30

Need to work on or clean up a particular skill? Join our coaches and get the training you need. These clinics will focus on working the progression for the skill listed on a particular day you enroll. See website for dates for specific skills.

May 2019, Page 8

Cookin’ Fun Caramel Waldorf Salad 4 cups red apples, cored and diced 1 cup chopped walnuts 1 cup seedless red or green grapes 1 (8 ounce) package cream cheese 2 jars caramel ice cream topping 1 (14 ounce) can sweetened condensed milk 1/2 cup sour cream Combine apples, grapes and walnuts in a large clear glass bowl. In another bowl combine cream cheese, 1 jar caramel ice cream topping, sweetened condensed milk and sour cream. Fold into apple mixture. Pour second jar caramel ice cream topping over top of salad if desired. Sprinkle with chopped walnuts.

Broccoli Casserole

Crockpot Beef Stew 2 pounds lean beef stew meat, cut into 1 inch cubes 1/4 cup all purpose flour 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper 1 clove garlic, minced 1 bay leaf 1 teaspoon paprika 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce 1 onion, chopped 1 1/2 cups beef broth 3-4 potatoes, diced 4 carrots, sliced 1 stalk celery, chopped Optional - peas, green beans - about 1 cup

2 (16 ounce) packages frozen, chopped broccoli 1 medium onion, chopped* Seasoned salt 3/4 cup mayonnaise 1 can condensed cream of mushroom soup 2 eggs 2 cups (8 ounces) sharp Cheddar cheese, shredded 1 cup Ritz crackers, crushed 1/4 cup melted butter or margarine Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Cook broccoli according to package directions. Drain thoroughly. Sprinkle with seasoned salt to taste. In large bowl combine broccoli with mayonnaise, soup, eggs and cheese and then blend thoroughly. Pour into greased 13 x 9 x 2-inch pan. Sprinkle with cracker crumbs and drizzle crumbs with the melted butter. Bake for 30 minutes.

Place meat in the slow cooker. In a small bowl, mix together the flour, salt and pepper. Pour mixture over meat and stir to coat the meat with the flour mixture. Stir in the garlic, bay leaf, paprika, Worcestershire sauce, onion, beef broth, potatoes, carrots and celery. Cover and cook on low setting for 10 to 12 hours or on high setting for 4 to 6 hours.

Rules For The Kitchen! 1. Always ask an adult if you can use the kitchen. 2. Have all the ingredients before you start. 3. Wash your hands before you touch food. 4. Wear an apron or towel to keep your clothes clean. 5. Always clean up when you are finished.


Nurturing Nutritious Student Lifestyles

Kids’ World News • 517-285-6641 •

We promise to empower the communities we serve by offering best in class food and facilities management solutions, that create a positive impact and make a difference in the lives of our clients and customers.

May 2019, Page 9

There is nothing like a day at the FAIR! Please use your imagination and/or your memory and write and essay about what a day at the FAIR is or would be like for you. Entry information listed below.

_________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________








Entries Due Friday, June 21, 2019 Winner will receive 4 admission tickets and 2 ride wristbands for any day at the 2019 Ingham County Fair

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Kids’ World News • 517-285-6641 •

This Year’s Kids Day Activities: Games, Fairy Tale Theater, Racing Pigs And Petting Zoo Presented By

May 2019, Page 10

Republic Of Turkey • Turkey is at the northeast end of the Mediterranean Sea in southeast Europe and southwest Asia. To the north is the Black Sea and to the west is the Aegean Sea. Its neighbors are Greece and Bulgaria to the west, Russia, Ukraine, and Romania to the north and northwest (through the Black Sea), Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Iran to the east, and Syria and Iraq to the south. Turkey is transcontinental, meaning it spans two continents. Turkey in Europe comprises an area about equal to the state of Massachusetts. Turkey in Asia is about the size of Texas. Its center is a treeless plateau rimmed by mountains. • The government is a Republican Parliamentary Democracy. • Ankara is the capital. The largest city is Istanbul. Istanbul, initially Constantinople, was the capital of the Byzantine Empire and the Ottoman Empire. • Industries include textiles, food processing, autos, electronics, mining (coal, chromite, copper, boron), steel, petroleum, construction, lumber and paper. • Natural resources are antimony, coal, chromium, mercury, copper, borate, sulfur, iron ore, arable land, hydropower. • Exports are apparel, foodstuffs, textiles, metal manufactures and transport equipment. • Mustafa Kemal, celebrated by the Turkish State as a Turkish World War I hero and later known as "Ataturk" or "father of the Turks," led the founding of the Republic of Turkey on October 29, 1923 after the collapse of the 600-year-old Ottoman Empire and a three-year war of independence. • Turkey’s climate is temperate with hot, dry summers and mild, wet winters. The weather is harsher in the interior of the country. Interesting Facts About Turkey • The famous Trojan Wars took place in Western Turkey, around the site where the Trojan horse rests today. • St. Peter’s Church in Antioch is often called the first Christian church built by man. • The oldest known human settlement is in Catalhoyuk, Turkey (7th Millenium B.C.) The American Association Of Orthodontists recommends that all children have a check-up with an orthodontist no later than age 7. Call us today for a complimentary consultation!

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• Turkey is home to two of the seven wonders of the ancient world. The first is the Temple of Artemis in Ephesus. The second is the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus, in southwestern Turkey. • Turks introduced coffee to Europe. • Istanbul is the only city in the world built on two continents. • Anatolia is the birthplace of historic legends, such as Homer (the poet), King Turkey is famous for its rugs and carpets. Pictured is a Midas, Herodotus (the fa- rug designed with he double knotting technique called ther of history), and St. the Gordian Knot. Paul the Apostle. • The number of species of flowers in Turkey is approximately 9,000, of which 3,000 are endemic (native to Turkey only). • The oldest known shipwreck on Earth was found and excavated in Uluburun near Kas, in the Mediterranean region of Turkey. • The highest peak in Turkey is Mount Agri. It is also said to be the place where Noah's Ark came to This is an ancient Amphitheatre in Anatolia. rest.

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Kids’ World News • 517-285-6641 •

ATTENTION PARENTS: If you do not name a guardian to raise your child and the unlikely happens, would you want a total stranger to decide who will raise your child? Before it is too late, please call:

*RUPOH\ DQG -RKQVRQ /DZ 2IÂżFHV 3/& today for a free initial consultation regarding

Wills / Trusts / Estate Planning.



May 2019, Page 11

Strawberry Farming There are many benefits from planting strawberries. First, strawberries are a perennial. That means the strawberry plant grows every year without having to be replanted. They do however, need to be replaced about every six to eight years with new plants. Strawberries are also easy to grow and are in high demand by the public. Strawberries are very yummy! Strawberries are a farmer-friendly plant. There is less physical work involved with them because of a short growing season. The worst drawback is that they are susceptible to many pests and diseases. It’s important that farmers buy certified disease free plants. They also need to develop an integrated pest management system for high yields. Strawberries are tolerant of a wide variety of soils and weather conditions. They do best though in fertile, well drained soil where winters don’t get too cold or the summer too hot. Growing enough strawberries to earn a profit involves having enough land, renting or owning machinery and hiring workers. Experienced farmers will be more successful at strawberry faming than hobby gardeners. Start off planting the strawberries in the spring as soon as the ground can be worked. Work the soil when it is dry - not wet. Plant the new strawberries in the late afternoon or on a cloudy day, covering the top of the roots with soil. After about 4 weeks, the plants will produce runners and new plants.

There are three popular systems for planting strawberries. The first one is called a space row system. This system limits the number of daughter plants that grow from the mother plant. The mother plant is planted 18 to 30 inches apart. The daughter plants are placed to root no closer than 4 inches apart. All the other runners are pulled out or cut from the mother plants. Advantages include larger berries, fewer disease problems and high yields. The matted row system is best for June bearing plants. The strawberries are planted 18 to 30 inches apart in rows 3 to 4 feet apart. Daughter plants are allowed to root freely. They become a matted row no wider than two feet. The hill system is best for growing everbearing strawberries. All the runners are removed so only the original mother plant remains. Multiple rows are planted in groups of 2, 3, or 4 plants about one foot apart and at about two feet between each grouping. Strawberries need about one inch COLOR of water per week during the growME! ing season. Do not plant strawberries where peppers, tomatoes, eggplant and potatoes have been grown. These plants could harbor verticillium wilt, a dangerous strawberry disease. For everbearing strawberries, remove their flowers until the end of June. After that, allow the flowers to remain to have fruit for summer harvest. For Sale

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May 2019, Page 12

Pretty as a Peacock!


At times the rain seems to dampen 2. 4. 3. our day, but the beautiful peacock loves to dance in the rain with its fabulous tail spread out behind it. The peacock is one of the most beautiful birds in the world and has been loved by many cultures over the last 3000 years. In reStep 1 - Draw a small arch cent times, the peashape. Add a triangle for the beak and a dot for the Step 3 - Add a crown to Step 4 - Draw “C” cock was anointed eye. the head. Draw legs and shapes around the body as the national bird of India where it is thought to have come from. feet as shown. creating a flower effect. Have you ever heard the expression 'proud as a peacock’? We say Step 2 - The body is a this when we see a person who seems to be strutting around as a pealong “U” shape. Draw as shown. cock does; arrogant and self-centered. 5. 6. 7. Although the word peacock is used for both the male and the female bird, it is really only the name for the male peafowl. The peacock is recognized by his long, green iridescent tail that it spreads out like a fan. The female, in contrast, is a dull brown and white and is called a peahen. The cute baby peafowl is called a peachick. The peafowl are a very social bird and like to be with their families. In the wild they can live to be 20 years Step 7 - To finish the beautiful tail, add circles by old and up to 40 years old in captivity. tracing a small cap or hand draw them. The circles are stacked by two and three in a row. They can fly, but usually stay close to Step 6 - Add more “U” Step 5 - Draw “U” Draw a connecting line between the stacked cir- the ground which makes it easy to shape behind the first row shapes behind the bird cles to create a long feather. Add a smaller cirto create a fuller tail. to build the tail. cle in each larger circle to make what is known watch and enjoy the beautiful peaas the “eyes” on the feathers. Now color in your cock. peacock with crayons, colored pencils, markers or paint.

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May 2019, Page 13

Measuring Is Fun To Do! C












F Rectangle _______ is the shortest rectangle. Rectangle D is larger than rectangle _______. Rectangle _______ is the longest rectangle. Rectangle C is _______ units long. Rectangle E is _______ units long. Rectangle B is shorter than rectangle ______. Rectangle H is _______ units long. Rectangle _______ and rectangle _______ are the same units long. Rectangle E is 2 units longer than rectangle _______. Rectangle G is 3 units shorter than rectangle _______.



Draw In The Measurement! 5 1/2” 1” 3 1/2” 4”

Rectangle _______ and _______ are the shortest rectangles. Rectangle E is larger than rectangle _______. Rectangle _______ is the longest rectangle. Rectangle G is _______ units long. Rectangle E is _______ units long. Rectangle D is shorter than rectangle ______. Rectangle C is _______ units long. Rectangle _______ is 6 units long. Rectangle H is 5 units shorter than rectangle _______.

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May 2019, Page 14

Are You Hungry Again? Eating is something we all do! Most children eat three meals a day and most kids snack. Why do kids snack? Because kids need to refuel their body, especially when they are active - like playing games, running, walking, jumping, swinging, etc. Everything you do takes energy and eating correctly helps you make energy. Without energy - your body and your brain get tired. A good rule of thumb with snacks though, is if you aren’t hungry, don’t eat and don’t snack too close to mealtimes. It’s very important to eat your well balanced meal. It’s also never good to eat food because you are bored or just watching television. Over-doing on snacks is never a good idea. What is a healthy snack? Junk food is not healthy. Try to avoid food with high sugar or high fats in them. They will not keep you satisfied for very long. Potato

Kids’ World News • 517-285-6641 •

chips have lots of calories and fat and so do candy bars. Soda pops contain high levels of sugar. Healthy snacks will give you more energy and nutrients. Let’s look at some great choices. Take oranges for instance. They will give you quick energy as you eat it and vitamin C for later. Whole grains such as breads and muffins will make you feel full longer.

Here’s some healthy snack choices: • Fresh fruit such as apples, bananas, grapes, oranges, strawberries, blueberries, melons, etc. • Dried fruits, including raisins and prunes. • Fruit cups or canned fruit in water, 100% fruit juice • Raw vegetables - including carrots, celery, broccoli, cauliflower that can be served with a low-fat dip or dressing. • Dairy products such as low-fat cheese, yogurt, pudding or a homemade fruit smoothie. • Whole grain snacks. These can include some breakfast cereals, crackers, cereal bars, baked chips, popcorn (without added butter) or pretzels. • Popsicles made with 100% fruit juice.

May 2019, Page 15

Fun Games To Play Outside! Spring means we’re all outside more! Yeah! That is a fun place to play games and enjoy the companionship of many friends and make new ones! The following are games you can play with more than one person.

Catch One, Catch All! Catch One, Catch All is usually played in a large field or yard with at least 10 participants. One person in the group is “it.” The first person she or he tags is also “it.” Now, the two “its” chase the others who when tagged are “its” also, and so on, until the last person is caught. The last person caught is “it” for the next round of play. There is no real winner, just pride in being the last one caught.

Simon Says One person is chosen to be “Simon” and the rest stand in a straight line. The Simon begins by calling out an action for the rest to follow. It can be anything like, “Simon says to touch your toes” or “Simon says to jump 10 times on 1 foot.” Everyone must follow that instruction. But when the Simon simply says the action by itself...”touch your ears” or “clap your hands” - then whoever does that action is out and has to sit down. You can use different actions according to the age group of children you are playing with. The last person who is standing becomes the next “Simon.”

Red Rover, Red Rover This game is when the kids form two opposing lines and attempt to”break through” the opposing team’s line. At first two teams are chosen of equal size, and they form two lines, facing each other

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and holding hands. One side starts by picking a person on the opposing team and saying “Red Rover, Red Rover, send (Molly) right over.” Molly then lets go of her teammates hands and begins a headlong rush for the other line. Her goal is to break through the line by overpowering the kid’s hand hold on each other. If Molly breaks through, she chooses one person from the opposing team to join her team and they both go back and join in their line. If she fails to break through, Molly becomes part of the other team. Each team alternates calling people over until one team has all the people and is pronounced the winner. The best part is that, since all the players are on the winning team at the end, there really are no losers in the game. Just remember that the goal is not to hurt each other, it’s to play.

Freeze Tag This is another version of the game of Tag. One person is still “it”, but when they touch someone, that person is “frozen” in place. They cannot move and must stand with their feet apart. The only way they can become unfrozen is if a person crawls under their legs! Play continues until all the players are frozen. Then the last person to be frozen is “it” for the next game.


DAY CAMP #summerdiscoverY

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May 2019, Page 16

Turn static files into dynamic content formats.

Create a flipbook
Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.