Kids World News, Mid-Michigan West, March 2019

Page 1


March 2019 Mid-Michigan :HVW (GLWLRQ


Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

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Just For Kids! Kids’ World News

Volume 12, Issue 7, March 2019

+HUELVRQ :RRGV (OHPHQWDU\ 1HZV Herbison Woods Elementary students participated in an assembly by the Alphabet Rockers, a Grammy nominated group. The Alphabet Rockers are known as the premiere children’s hip hop artists who focus on social change and racial justice. Their concert consisted of songs that celebrate diversity, inclusion and empowering students to be a part of the change. This was a great opportunity to teach students to be proud of their identity, be kind to others and embrace differences, while celebrating our similarities.

Mrs. Broughton’s music students participate in workstations to reinforce their learning and allow them some time to practice. Here, the students are working on remembering the note names of the treble clef, as well as practicing their recorder songs.


To All Of Our Sponsors Who Are Helping Us To Provide Great Information To Kids And Parents


,W¡V $ *UHDW 'D\ $W .LGV¡ :RUOG 1HZV Expires 4/15/19

0DUFK LV WKH PRQWK RI FKDQJH IRU XV 7KH ÂżUVW GD\ RI VSULQJ LV 0DUFK WK VR WKDW PHDQV WKH ZDUPHU weather is soon here. It begins with the Vernal Equinox. Equinox comes from the Latin word meaning “equal night.â€? Days and nights are approximately equal everywhere and the sun rises and sets due east DQG ZHVW 6SULQJ EULQJV LQFUHDVLQJ VXQOLJKW ZDUPLQJ WHPSHUDWXUHV DQG WKH UHELUWK RI Ă€RUD DQG IDXQD That will be a nice change for some of us as it’s been a cold, snowy winter this past season. Are you going to wear green on March 17th, St. Patrick’s Day? Green is the national color of Ireland. St. Patrick’s Day tradition in the United States encourages all of us to wear green. The color green is associated with life. It is abundant in nature, is a sign of growth and the environment. With spring just around the corner - we’ll see a lot of green soon! Have you ever found a shamrock (4 leaf clover)? Legend says that each leaf of the clover means VRPHWKLQJ +HUHÂśV RQH OHJHQG 7KH ÂżUVW OHDI LV IRU KRSH WKH VHFRQG OHDI LV IRU IDLWK WKH WKLUG OHDI LV IRU love and the fourth leaf is for luck. Have a wonderful March!

If you would like to see Kids’ World News at your school or if you would like to be one of our proud sponsors, please call 517-285-6641 (e-mail: If you would like to submit an article from your school (limit 150 words), e-mail: Kids’ World News is designed to give exposure to all area schools, recognition of students and staff members. We welcome input from all our area schools. We do however, reserve the right to edit.

Kids’ World News • 517-285-6641 •

March 2019, Page 2

Find The 7 Differences!

Have A Hapy St. Patrick’s Day! Protect your child’s future with an Auto-Owners Life Insurance Policy Save for your child’s future with an Auto-Owners Annuity ZZZ GDYLGFKDSPDQDJHQF\ FRP

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Kids’ World News • 517-285-6641 •

March 2019, Page 3

Try This!

Create a rippling rainbow! What you will need: paper plate crepe paper glue scissors

1. Cut out the shape of your fish from the paper plate. 2. rip strips of different colored crepe paper 3. start at the tail and glue strips along one edge and place on the plate. 4. layer them in different colors and move towards the head. 5. after the glue dries, trim the edges to the shape of your fish.

Rippling Rainbows Rainbowfish are a group of super colorful fish from Australia and islands near it. They are freshwater fish that live in rivers, lakes and swamps. Rainbowfish are omnivorous (they eat plants and animals like us), and eat shrimp, crayfish, insects and algae. They like to live in school and explore their home together.

Rainbowfish get their name from the amazing range of colors that all the different types can be. But their scientific name actually comes from the fact that many of them have black bands along their sides. Their are 71 species of rainbowfish that have been found in the wild. But, there are probably many that have never even been seen in the wild! Some of the fish are named after their markings like spotted and barred, while some are named for their home, like Lake Wanam and the Tami River.

A Rainbow for a Rainy Day

They lay eggs in big mats that stick to seaweed. The eggs hatch just a couple weeks later and the babies swim off in the deeper rainy season rivers.

Rainbowfish make great pets! They are cool school fish that add color to any freshwater fish tank.

they change color too! Depending on their mood, they may be darker or almost even white! Now that is a cool rainbow.

There are many types of rainbows, so be sure to pick your favorite. As they get bigger, they will become more beautiful.

They like it best to be in groups of 3 - 6 and will patrol your tank with their Rainbow fish aren’t just cool colors... flashes of color.

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March 2019, Page 4

Republic Of Estonia • Estonia is an Eastern European country which borders the Baltic Sea and Gulf of Finland, between Latvia and Russia. It is about the size of New Hampshire and Massachusetts combined. • The capital city is Tallinn. It is one of the best-preserved mediaeval cities. It is also the city of the first Christmas tree in the world. In 1441, the tree was put up in the town square. • The government is a Parliamentary Democracy. Estonia re-gained its independence on August 20, 1991 from the U.S.S.R. • Natural resources: Oil shale, phosphorite, limestone, blue clay. • Estonia enjoys a mild climate because of marine influences. Mainly a lowland, the republic has numerous lakes, frequently of glacial origin. Peipus (Lake Chudskoye), the largest lake, is important for both shipping and fishing. It is also Europe’s fourth largest freshwater lake. Along Estonia's Baltic coast are more than 800 islands, of which Saaremaa is the most notable. • The climate is temperate with warm summers and severe winters. Temperatures range from 70 degrees F in the summer, to a winter average of 18 degrees F. They have four seasons of equal length. Being on the Baltic Sea, Estonia is subjected to sea breezes and humidity. • The highest peak in Estonia is Suur Munamagi. It is the highest point in the entire Baltic region at 1043 feet above sea level. • The Republic's rivers include the Narva, Pärnu, Ema, and Kasari. • Estonia is the world's second largest producer of oil shale. The majority of its workforce is involved in industry, which also includes mining, shipbuilding, information technology, and the manufacture of wood products, electronic and telecommunications equipment, textiles and clothing, and machinery. • Its efficient agricultural sector employs some 11% of the labor force and produces meat (largely pork), dairy products, potatoes, flax, and sugar beets. Fishing is also important.

A scene from Tallinn, the capital.

• Throughout history, many other nations that ruled the region – Danes, Germans, Swedes, Poles and Russians – have influenced Estonian cuisine. Among the traditional dishes are marinated eel, blood sausage and sauerkraut stew with pork. • Famous Estonians include the writer Jaan Kross whose work has been translated into at least 20 languages, the author of the national epic (Kalevipoeg) Friedrich Reinhold Kreutzwald, and the writer, filmmaker, diplomat and politician Lennart Meri. He became the first President of Estonia after the restoration of independence. • In the Bronze Age a meteorite fell in Kaali on the island of Saaremaa. The Kaali catastrophe was the last known case of a large meteorite to fall on a populated area. Estonia has the highest number of meteorite craters per land area in the world.

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Kids’ World News • 517-285-6641 •



March 2019, Page 5

Have Fun Doing A Math Crossword! Complete the math problem and write the answer in the puzzle using words and no dashes!

Across 4. 8 x 8 = 6. 10 + 40 + 23 = 7. 3 x 7 = 8. 7 x 12 = 10. 8 x 9 + 21 = 14. 10 + 10 = 15. 19 + 19 = 17. 9 x 10 = 20, 8 x 6 + 11 = 22. 2 + 9 + 8 = 24. 7 x 9 + 7 = 25. 8 x 10 = 26. 28 + 20 + 8 = 27. 6 x 9 = 30. 3 x 10 = 31, 3 + 6 = 32, 6 x 7 = 33. 6 x 10 = Down 1. 2 + 1 = 2. 4 x 2 = 3. 25 + 19 + 6 = 5. 1 + 1 = 6. 7 x 10 + 8 = 7. 5 x 7 = 9. 6 x 8 = 11. 2 x 9 = 12. 8 x 8 + 5 = 13. 3 x 5 = 16. 4 x 9 = 18. 2 + 4 = 19. 4 x 6 = 21, 2 + 3 = 23. 9 x 9 + 15 = 24. 25 x 3 = 27. 23 + 23 = 28. 3 x 4 = 29. 20 x 2 =

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Kids’ World News • 517-285-6641 •

Stop by & start YOUR journey TODAY! St. Johns – Fowler – Ovid 989.224.9511 -

March 2019, Page 6

24 Hour Towing Service Local & Long Distance Light & Heavy Recovery Specializing In Lockouts 15890 S. US-27 (N. East St.) • Lansing, Michigan 48906 Lansing (517) 482-1959 • DeWitt (517) 668-1959


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Last Life Games, LLC 1399 N. McEwan 150 Mary St. Clare Clare 989-424-5340 989-424-5340

What kid doesn’t love to run, jump, bounce, hop, climb, swing or FLIP? Gymnastics is one sport that makes exercising FUN! Whether it is tumbling on mats, balancing on a beam, swinging on a bar, bouncing on a trampoline or climbing high on a rope, gymnastics has something for all kids who love to exercise.

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Gymnastics as a sport is one of the most popular of all Olympic sports. During the Olympics many people watch gymnastics. Boys gymnastics has 6 different events (High Bar, Vault, Floor Exercise, Pommel Horse, Parallel Bars, and Rings). Girls use 4 different events (Floor, Balance Beam, Vault and Uneven Parallel Bars). Gymnastics is a

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fun sport to watch BUT it is even more enjoyable to DO! What makes gymnastics even more special is that it can prepare you for whatever sport you may enjoy most. Gymnastics helps develRS VWUHQJWK DQG ÀH[LELOLW\ ZKLFK DUH QHHGHG in all sports. It teaches us how to run fast and jump high which are great for baseball, football, soccer and more. It teaches us how to use our eyes, hands and feet which are great tools in tennis, volleyball, and hockey. Gymnastics is a great beginning for all sports.

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GYMNASTICS SAFETY It is important to remember that gymnastics should only be done when supervised by a coach or teacher. Proper matting is needed to make sure everyone stays safe. Coaches can help teach the tricks while making sure nobody gets hurt. With a good coach, lots of matting and proper instruction, GYMNASTICS is a blast!

Kids’ World News • 517-285-6641 •

14500 S. Old Hwy. 27 • DeWitt, MI 48820 (517) 482-2409 •



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March 2019, Page 7


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1HZ &RYHQDQW &KULVWLDQ (OHPHQWDU\ 1HZV Math + Science + Bowling = FUN on a Friday afternoon! First and Second Grade students at New Covenant Christian School enjoyed putting double-digit addition into practice. They liked watching their bowling scores go up and checked the computer with mental addition to make sure it gave them the right score. Students experimented with FORCES and ENERGY as they learned the best way to deliver the bowling ball to knock down the most pins. Some decided more “push” was best, others went for “trajectory”. All had fun seeing Math and Science in a hands-on way!

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6W -RVHSK 3HZDPR (OHPHQWDU\ 1HZV Congratulations to St. Joseph School of Pewamo’s January Student of the Month, First Grader, Ty Spitzley. He is the son of John and Christie Spitzley. Ty received a FHUWL¿FDWH DQG

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Kids’ World News • 517-285-6641 •

Rural Gas & Appliances 3354 S. State St., Ionia


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David Smith

March 2019, Page 8

Coloring Corner

What are some of your favorite books that feature construction equipment, planes, trains or hot air balloons?

Kids’ World News • 517-285-6641 •

March 2019, Page 9

Cookin’ Fun Irish Stew 1 tablespoon olive oil 2 pounds boneless lamb shoulder, cut into 1 1/2 inch pieces 1/2 teaspoon salt freshly ground black pepper to taste 1 large onion, sliced 2 carrots, peeled and cut into large chunks 1 parsnip, peeled and cut into large chunks 4 cups water, or as needed 3 large potatoes, peeled and quartered 1 tablespoon chopped fresh rosemary 1 cup coarsely chopped leeks Chopped fresh parsley for garnish (optional) Heat oil over medium heat in a large stockpot or Dutch oven. Add lamb pieces and cook, stirring gently, until evenly browned. Season with salt and pepper. Add the onion, carrots, and parsnips and cook gently alongside the meat for a few minutes. Stir in the water. Cover and bring to a boil before turning the heat down to low. Simmer for 1 hour or longer, depending on the cut of meat you used and if it is tender yet. Stir in potatoes, and simmer for 15 to 20 minutes, before adding leeks and rosemary. Continue to simmer uncovered, until potatoes are tender but still whole. Serve piping hot in bowls garnished with fresh parsley.

Green Clover Pie 1 quart vanilla ice cream, softened 1 (12 ounce) can of frozen limeade, thawed 2 drops green food coloring 1 (6 ounce) graham cracker pie crust

Potato Leek Soup 18 small red new potatoes 6 cups chicken broth 3 leeks, chopped 3 tablespoons butter 2 cups milk salt and pepper to taste Place potatoes into a large saucepan with water to cover. Bring to a boil and cook until tender. Meanwhile, saute leeks in butter until translucent. When potatoes are done, have a responsible adult skin them while they are still hot and cut them into bite sized pieces. Place potatoes into a stock pot with chicken broth and leeks. season with salt and pepper. Cook over medium heat until simmering, then remove from heat and stir in milk. Serve immediately.

Place the softened ice cream in a large mixing bowl. Pour the limeade in with the ice cream. Add the food coloring using more if you want a darker green color. Use an electric mixer on medium speed and beat the mixture until well combined. Spoon the mixture evenly into the pie crust. Cover and freeze until firm (between 2 and 4 hours). Let stand at room temperature 10 minutes before cutting.

Kids’ World News • 517-285-6641 •

Rules For The Kitchen! 1. Always ask an adult if you can use the kitchen. 2. Have all the ingredients before you start. 3. Wash your hands before you touch food. 4. Wear an apron or towel to keep your clothes clean. 5. Always clean up when you are finished.

March 2019, Page 10

Write A Story In About Finding A Pot Of Gold At The End Of The Rainbow! People from all over the world celebrate on March 17th in honor of St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland. St. Patrick’s Day was first publically celebrated in Boston in 1737 where there was a large population of Irish immigrants. Nearly 200 years later, the first St. Patrick’s Day parade in the Irish Free State was held in Dublin in 1931. Throughout the years, this celebration has evolved to become a celebration of Irish heritage. Along with legendary shamrocks, many symbols were included in festivities that are reflective of Ireland’s folklore, culture and national identity - leprechauns, ethnic foods, shamrocks and wearing green! Have a wonderful St. Patrick’s Day!

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Kids’ World News • 517-285-6641 •

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March 2019, Page 11

Powerful Protein! Did you know that your muscles, organs and immune system are made up mostly of protein? Your body uses protein you eat to make lots of specialized protein molecules that have special jobs. Protein is used to make hemoglobin which is the part of the red blood cells that carries oxygen to every part of your body! Protein builds up, maintains and replaces tissues in your body. How do you get protein in your diet? The best sources are beef, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy products (milk, yogurt, cheese), nuts (peanut butter), seeds (grains including bread and pasta), and legumes like black beans and lentils. When you eat foods with protein, the digestive juices in your stomach and intestine go to work. They break down the protein into basic units called amino acids. These can be reused to make the proteins your body needs to maintain your muscles, bones, blood and body organs. The amino acids can join together to make thousands of different proteins. 22 of them are very important to human health. Your body can make 13 of them but the other nine you get by eating protein rich food. These are called essential amino acids. Protein from animal sources like milk and meat are called complete because they carry all nine of the essential amino acids. Most vegetable protein is considered incomplete because it lacks one or more of the essentials. People who are vegetarians must get all their amino acids by eating a wide variety of protein rich vegetable foods such as asparagus, broccoli, carrots, potatoes, spinach, corn,





lettuce, tomatoes, plus many more. How much protein do you need daily? Kids need 0.5 grams of protein for every pound they weigh. To figure out your protein needs, take your weight and divide it by 2. If a person weighs 50 pounds they will need about 25 grams of protein every day. The good news is that you don't have to eat all the essential amino acids in every meal. If you have a variety of protein sources throughout the day, your body will grab what it needs from each meal. As your body grows, so do your protein needs.

Here Are Some of the Best Sources For Protein!

Kids’ World News • 517-285-6641 •

Dairy Products




March 2019, Page 12

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