Kids World News, Wyoming Public Schools, April 2018

Page 1


Wyoming Schools Kids’ World News

kentwood community church wyoming campus

Volume 1, Issue 9, April 2018

Help The Monkeys Get To The Coconut Tree!

Circle The 10 Differences!

Pyramid Challenge!


The numbers in each circle are the sum of the two numbers below it.

10 3 7


7 4



Wyoming Schools Kids’ World News •







April 2018, Page 2

67(0 ,Q 6SRUWV


People have used advances in science and math to make sports safer for athletes. Science, technology, engineering and math are known as STEM – and STEM has a big impact on every sport that’s played.

Passionate About How p You Experience Health Care 5900 Byron Center Ave • Wyoming, MI 49519 (616) 252-7200 or (800) 968-0051 •

Wyoming Schools Kids’ World News •

April 2018, Page 3

0LGGOH *URXQG Run your engine in the 'zone' Preparing to take a test is more about mental preparation than it is about studying or cramming. 0DQDJH \RXU DQ[LHW\ ¿UVW <RX PXVW JHW LQWR WKH ]RQH where your mental engine will run at full capacity. Unfortunately an overwhelmed brain actually shuts GRZQ WKLQNLQJ DQG ZLOO IDYRU D ¿JKW RU ÀLJKW LQWHQVLW\ Try as you might, your body just will not let you hear new information while in this state of being. The only ZD\ WR EH DEOH WR OHDUQ DQG KHDU UHDVRQ LV WR GH HVFDODWH Use a meditation moment to put your self in the best frame RI PLQG EHIRUH VWXG\LQJ ,W V VLPSOH VHW D WLPHU IRU RQH minute. Concentrate your focus on your breath or on a word that represents you how want to feel, like calm or smart. <RXU PLQG ZLOO ZDQGHU EXW GRQ W JLYH XS XQWLO WKH WLPH LV XS Another engine break idea is laughing your way into less stress. Our responses can be altered when we view something as a challenge instead of a threat. Humor can give you a more lighthearted perspective and make the situation less threatening and more positive. Plus, laughter provides an outlet for your anxiety.

Wyoming Schools Kids’ World News •

How's Your Engine Running? Too S- L- O - W






I FDQ W focus

I CAN Concentrate

I FDQ W focus

I need an ENERGY BOOST for my mind and body

My mind and body are able to focus on my work. I am CALM & ALERT


I need to CALM MY MIND and my BODY

What is stressing you out? What can you do about it!

April 2018, Page 4

Wyoming Public Schools National Reading Month Highlights

Wyoming Schools Kids’ World News •

April 2018, Page 5

Wyoming Public Schools WJH Reading Buddies This spring, 8th grade students in Mrs. Vandergalien’s class are partnering with a third or fourth grade reading buddy at either Oriole Park (Mrs. Adamczyk’s class) or Parkview Elementary (Mrs. Mead & Mrs. Tessier’s classes). Once a week, they read a variety of social justice children’s books and listen as their reading buddy then reads a story to them. The 8th graders then ask re-telling and comprehension questions. All students PXWXDOO\ EHQH¿W E\ EXLOGLQJ ÀXHQF\ LQFUHDVLQJ YRFDEXODU\ and seeing a real-world application to reading and writing. The project will culminate in the 8th graders authoring their own children’s book featuring their buddy as the main character solving a social justice issue. 8th Grade Student Jacky G.:

“The 3rd graders enjoy reading with us and it’s such a privilege to do this, and to make new friends with younger kids. It’s exciting to talk to my 3rd grader, she is such amazing sweet girl and she loves to talk to me and so do I. I read a book called Mae Among The Stars By Rohma Ahmed. It was an inVSLULQJ WUXH VWRU\ DERXW WKH ÂżUVW African American woman to go to space. I asked my third grader Annalyse what the message of the story was, and she said, “I think you shouldn’t judge people by their looks or their colors, and you have dream go after it,â€? and she was correct! I already feel like my third grader OHDUQHG KRZ WR ÂżQG WKH PHDQing, how it relates to the world, what the problem and solution, just by myself reading to her and helping her out.â€?

Wyoming Schools Kids’ World News •

April 2018, Page 6

Wyoming Public Schools

Science Olympiad Regionals

Wyoming Schools Kids’ World News •

April 2018, Page 7

Wyoming Public Schools BPA State Leadership Conference


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April 2018, Page 8

+LJK 6FKRRO &RUQHU Global demand for technology: the science of craft 7HFKQRORJ\ LV WKH ZD\ ZH DSSO\ VFLHQWL¿F knowledge for practical purposes to solve real-world problems. It is a major player in innovation and includes all tools, machines, utensils, weapons, instruments, housing, clothing, communicating and transporting devices; plus the skills and collection of techniques by which we produce, use, and maintain them.

Software Engineer, Data Communications Analyst, Information Security Engineer, and App / Game Developer, to name a few. AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGY Specialties in automotive industry technology include Collision Repair, Diesel Fuel, +HDY\ (TXLSPHQW +LJK 3HUIRUPDQFH 3RZer Generator, Marine Service Technology, and many more. Insurance Appraiser, Machinist, Engine Rebuilder, Technical Instructor, Gelcoat & Fiberglass Technician, and Marine Electrician are just a few of the diverse opportuniWLHV WKLV VHFWRU FDQ RႇHU

Companies use technology in countless ways to streamline internal operations, reach out to clients, showcase products and services, etc. More technology professionals are needed. A technology career utilizes analytical thinking, quick learning, creativity, numeracy, math and communication skills. It draws on subjects such as industrial arts, engineering, applied science, and pure science. One of the bigger challenges may be coping with the fast pace of technological changes.

HEALTH TECHNOLOGY Devices, medicines, vaccines, procedures and systems developed to solve a health problem and improve the quality of lives. +HDOWK WHFKQRORJ\ FDUHHUV HQFRPSDVV planning and management as well. Planning includes budgeting, acquisition, assessment and replacement. Management covers education, compliance, maintenance and safety.

IT: INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Professionals in information technology deal with the design, creation, management and maintenance of the varied components of a computer system, including software, hardware, networks, systems integration, and multimedia, as well as installation, maintenance and repair. Are you ready to take on the digital ZRUOG" )ROORZ \RXU SDVVLRQ DQG ¿QG \RXU ¿W &DUHHUV LQFOXGH &ORXG $UFKLWHFW +HDOWK IT Specialist, Technical Support SpecialLVWV &RPSXWHU +DUGZDUH 7URXEOHVKRRWHU Geospatial Professional, Data Modeler,


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INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGY The areas of Advanced Robotics, Energy Storage, and Next-Generation Genomics command some of the most innovative technology. Robotic tools with enhanced senses and intelligence can be created to complete a job quicker. Electricity is available now to remote areas of developing nations. Nanoscience professionals manipulate genes and improve health diagnostics and treatments.





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April 2018, Page 9

What Is A Biome? A biome is a large ecosystem where plants, animals, insects and people live in a certain type of climate. The world we live in contains many biomes. The plants and animals living in each are as different as their climates. Can you choose your favorite?

The Arctic Tundra and The Alpine Tundra The Arctic Tundra is a cold, large, treeless area of low, swampy plains in the far north around the Arctic Ocean. Another type of tundra is the Alpine Tundra, which is a biome that exists at the tops of high mountains. These are the earth’s coldest biomes. Since the sun does not rise for nearly six months of the year, it is not unusual for the temperature to be below -30 degrees F in the winter. The earth of the Arctic Tundra has a permanently frozen subsoil, called permafrost, which makes it impossible for trees to grow. In summer, a thin layer of topsoil thaws and creates many pools, lakes and marshes. More than 100 species of migrant birds are attracted by the insect food and the safe feeding ground of the tundra. Other animals that live in this biome include polar bears, Arctic foxHV FDULERX DQG JUH\ ZROYHV 3ODQWV WKDW \RX PD\ ¿QG LQFOXGH VPDOO VKUXEV DQG FXVKLRQ SODQWV and the lichen which cover the many rocks on the tundra’s terrain.

Coniferous Forest The Coniferous Forest biome is south of the Arctic Tundra. The largest stretch of Coniferous Forest in the world, circling the earth in the Northern Hemisphere, supplies the bulk of the world’s commercial softwood timber which is used to make paper. These forests consist mainly of FRQH EHDULQJ WUHHV VXFK DV VSUXFH KHPORFN DQG ¿U ZKLFK DUH ZHOO VXLWHG WR WKH FROG FOLPDWH 7KH soil is not very fertile because there are no leaves to decompose and enrich it. Some animals that thrive in this biome are the ermine, the moose, the red fox, the snowshoe rabbit, and birds such as the crossbill and the great horned owl.

Deciduous Forest This biome is in the mild temperate zone of the Northern hemisphere. Deciduous trees lose their leaves in the fall. The natural decaying of the fallen leaves enriches the soil and supports all kinds of plant and animal life. The Deciduous Forest is a lively place, where oak, beech, ash and maple WUHHV DUH W\SLFDO SOXV ZLOGĂ€RZHUV EHUULHV DQG PDQ\ W\SHV RI LQVHFWV DQG DQLPDO OLIH WKULYHV 7KH fertile soil is also good for people. In the United States, the Deciduous Forest is a home for deer, $PHULFDQ JUD\ VTXLUUHOV ZRRG PLFH UDEELWV UDFFRRQV ZRRGSHFNHUV FDUGLQDOV DQG ÂżQFKHV WR name a few.

Desert A desert is an area where little or no life exists due to a lack of water. Scientists estimate that DERXW RQH ¿IWK RI WKH HDUWKœV ODQG VXUIDFH LV GHVHUW 7KHUH DUH WZR GLIIHUHQW NLQGV KRW DQG GU\ (such as the Arabian and Sahara deserts) and cold and dry (such as Antarctica and the Gobi desert). The lack of water and intense heat or cold make this biome not supportive to most life forms. Most of the plants you’ll see in the hot desert are species of cactus, a few animals - mainly reptiles, snakes and lizards plus amphibians - frogs and toads. Another famous desert animal is the camel, who can make water from the fat it stores in its hump.

Grasslands Grasslands are places with hot, dry climates that are perfect for growing food. They are known throughout the world by different names. In the United States they are called prairies and extend from the Midwest to the Rocky Mountains. This inland biome is made of large areas of grassy ÂżHOG ,W UHFHLYHV VR OLWWOH UDLQ WKDW YHU\ IHZ WUHHV FDQ JURZ 7KH 8QLWHG 6WDWHV SUDLULHV DUH XVHG WR graze cattle and to raise cereal crops. Some of the original prairie animals are the wolf and bison.

Today, some of the most common grassland animals include the prairie dog and the mule deer in North America, the giraffe and the zebra in Africa and the lion in Africa and Asia.

Mountains Mountains exist on all the continents of the earth. Mountains are usually found in groups called chains or ranges, although some stand alone. A mountain biome is very cold and windy. The higher the mountain, the colder and windier the environment. There is also less oxygen at high elevations. The animals of this biome have adapted to the cold, the lack of oxygen, and the rugged landscape. They include the mountain goat, ibex (wild goat), sheep, mountain lion, puma and yak. All of them are excellent climbers which means they can move freely in the steep, rocky landscape. Lower elevations are commonly covered by forests and higher elevations are usually treeless.

Rainforests Tropical rainforests are found in Asia, Africa, South America, Central America and on many of WKH 3DFLÂżF ,VODQGV 7KH\ DUH RIWHQ IRXQG DORQJ WKH HTXDWRU $OPRVW KDOI RI WKH ZRUOGÂśV WURSLFDO rainforests are in the South American country called Brazil. There are other types of rainforests around the world too. For example, northern Australia has a “dry rainforestâ€? that has a dry season HDFK \HDU DQG WKH UDLQ\ 3DFLÂżF 1RUWKZHVW LQ WKH 8QLWHG 6WDWHV KDV D ÂłWHPSHUDWH UDLQIRUHVW´ WKDW is made up of evergreen trees. Tropical rainforests receive at least 70 inches of rain each year and have more species of plants and animals than any other biome. Many of the plants used in medicines can only be found in tropical rainforests. This biome is the perfect environment for more than 15 million plants and animals. The thick vegetation absorbs moisture, which then evaporates and completes the water cycle by falling again as rain. A rainforest grows in three levels. The canopy, or tallest level, has trees between 100 and 200 feet tall. They block most of the sunlight from the levels below. The second level, or understory, contains a mix of small trees, vines and palms as well as shrubs and ferns. The third and lowest OHYHO LV WKH IRUHVW Ă€RRU ZKHUH KHUEV PRVVHV DQG IXQJL JURZ 5DLQIRUHVWV DUH DQ HQGDQJHUHG ELRPH 3HRSOH KDYH FXW WKH WUHHV DQG VROG WKH ZRRG IRU ÂżUHZRRG building materials and paper. Parts of the rainforest have been burned to make room for grazing and farming. Some of the animals of the tropical rainforest are the anteater, jaguar, brocket deer, lemur, orangutan, marmoset, macaw, parrot, sloth and toucan. Among the many plant species are bamboo, banana trees and rubber trees.

Passionate About How p You Experience Health Care 5900 Byron Center Ave • Wyoming, MI 49519 (616) 252-7200 or (800) 968-0051 •

Wyoming Schools Kids’ World News •

April 2018, Page 10


Figure out the following math problems, then use your dollar up method to determine how much you would give the cashier. $2.99







2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20




Dollar Up






= Dollar Up

= Dollar Up


Dollar Up


= Dollar Up

Dollar Up




= Dollar Up


= Dollar Up

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April 2018, Page 11



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April 2018, Page 12

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