Kids World News, Wyoming Public Schools, February 2018

Page 1


Wyoming Schools Kids’ World News

kentwood community church wyoming campus

Volume 1, Issue 7, February 2018

Can You Do The Math?

Tic Tac Toe Fun!

Can You Find The Seven Differences?

Have A Wonderful And Happy Valentine’s Day!

Wyoming Schools Kids’ World News •

February 2018, Page 2

0LGGOH *URXQG Hurdle over obstacles with variety of motivators Nothing will stop your motivation in its tracks like fear. Fear of failure, fear of success, fear of feeling controlled, fear of separation, fear of attachment. Overcome the obstacles to achieving your dream by pushing yourself out of your head and into action. Mel Robbins has developed a 5-second rule to do just that. :KHQ \RX ¿QG \RXUVHOI PDNLQJ H[FXVHV RU RYHUWKLQNLQJ VRPHthing, jumpstart yourself with a countdown. Like a rocket about to launch, 5-4-3-2-1-GO! Or you could even start counting at 3. Success isn't about who's smarter. The big idea is to focus yourVHOI RQ WKH ¿UVW VWHS DQG ZRUN RQ LW IRU PLQXWHV Choose a simple action. If your goal is to be healthier, 3-2-1GO for a walk; 5-4-3-2-1-GO add veggies to your snack. When you're working on your studies, plan ahead. Check thru your SURMHFW DQG ¿QG ZD\V WR GLYLGH LW LQWR VPDOO WDVNV 7KHQ *2 IRU WKH ¿UVW WDVN IRU MXVW PLQXWHV ,V \RXU JRDO WR RUganize a messy room? After you wake up 3-2-1-GO make your bed. Another way to push yourself out of your head and into action is to go deeper in your soul search. Spend quiet time with yourself meditating, journaling, and visualizing. Allow your vision WR SXOO \RX DORQJ ([SORUH \RXU SDLQ DQG SOHDVXUH OHYHUDJH DV Tony Robbins suggests. Ask yourself 'pain-inducing' questions like "What will I miss out on if I drop this goal?" Follow with 'pleasure-associating' questions, such as "What are the enormous

Big goals are amazing to have and to achieve!

EHQH¿WV WKDW DFKLHYLQJ WKLV JRDO ZLOO EULQJ" 6HH LW LQ \RXU PLQG and believe it. Paint the picture in such a way you have no other choice in the matter but to get it done. Incorporate as many motivators as you can, both intrinsic (from ZLWKLQ \RXUVHOI DQG H[WULQVLF IURP H[WHUQDO IDFWRUV

Personal achievements and personal interests are great internal motivators. Praise yourself not just for your past achievements, but also the hard work and character qualities it took to JHW WKHUH ([SORUH \RXU SHUVRQDO LQWHUHVWV WKURXJK UHVHDUFK LQWHUYLHZV DQG KDQGV RQ H[SHULHQFHV ZLWKLQ \RXU SDUHQWV JXLGHlines. Topics you are naturally attracted to are the best motivaWRUV /RRN IRU KRZ WKRVH ¿W LQWR \RXU FXUUHQW \RXU JRDOV HYHQ LI parts of it don't naturally interest you. Are you motivated when you feel acceptance, encouragement RU SUHVVXUH IURP RWKHUV" 7KHVH H[WULQVLF PRWLYDWRUV FDQ EDFN¿UH LI \RX SXW \RXU LGHQWLW\ LQ WKH DFFHSWDQFH RI RWKHUV 'RQ W allow negative people to turn you into one. Concentrate on your strengths and set people in your life who can mentor you. Motivation is what gets us started, but habit is what keeps us going. As Aristotle put it, "We are what we repeatedly do." The SUHIURQWDO FRUWH[ LV WKH SDUW RI WKH EUDLQ OHDGLQJ RXU IRFXV DQG ability to change or take deliberate actions. The 5- or 3-seconds counting should overwrite your brain pattern so a new habit esWDEOLVKHV :DQW UHVXOWV" 'RLQJ QRW WKLQNLQJ LV WKH NH\

Wyoming Schools Kids’ World News •

February 2018, Page 4

Wyoming Public Schools

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February 2018, Page 5

Wyoming Public Schools ̀

ÃƛŎłĤŅę ƀòĺĤõ õĠŎŎĺŰ̀ ŬŎƀûĺƛ !ăĺăòŬØŹăŰ̀ ŹĠă ŬŹŰ̒̀ Saturday, March 3, 2018 Wyoming High School Gymnasiums 10 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

All community members are invited to attend our special and meaŅĤŅęėƀĺ ûØƛ̖̀ 䧦 䧦 䧦 䧦 䧦 䧦

Try an authentic French crêpe at the Café Français Try your hand at drumming Learn the basics of color guard techniques Interact with our robotics team Enjoy the art making process in the Kids’ Art Corner Free face painting for children

䧦 䧦 䧦 䧦 䧦 䧦

District program performances throughout the day Demonstrations by advanced art students and graduates Meet Alpha Wolf 11 Award Winners Solos and mini music performances throughout the day Experience an encounter with actors from the Wyoming Theater Company Delicious concessions available

Performance Schedule 10:00-10:15 AM Gladiola Elementary Kindergarten 10:15-10:30 AM Oriole Park Choir 10:30-11:00 AM Wyoming Junior High Combined Choirs 11:00-11:15 AM Wyoming Public Schools Dance Program 11:15-11:30 AM Wyoming High School Chamber Ensembles 11:30-12:00 PM Wyoming High School Combined Choirs 12:00-12:30 PM 6th Grade Silver Band 12:30-1:00 PM West Elementary Kindergarten 1:00-1:30 PM Wyoming Public Schools Orchestra 1:30-2:00 PM Wyoming Theater Company 2:00-2:30 PM 7th Grade Silver Band 2:30-3:00 PM Wyoming Junior High Jazz Band Festival of the Arts logo design by Aislinn Spaman, class of 2018 Plus a live Mariachi Band!! Wyoming Schools Kids’ World News •

February 2018, Page 6

Wyoming Public Schools Oriole Park’s Jack Frost Family Fun Night Fundraiser Oriole Park staff, students, and families were invited to a Jack Frost Fun Night Fundraiser on Friday, January 26! We had over 200 in attendance at this fun night! The goal of the evening was for our OP families to come together and engage in family friendly games, crafts, and snacks. We also wanted to raise a little extra money for our wonderfully supportive PTO. Our multi-purpose room was transformed into a winter wonderland featuring a hot chocolate bar, a fun photo booth, and several craft tables! Students, along with their famiOLHV PDGH ]HQWDQJOH VQRZÀDNHV ZLQWHU ZDQGV DQG VQRZÀDNHV GHFRUDWHG ZLWK VHTXLQV 7KH J\P ZDV WXUQHG LQWR a space for several winter-themed games. Students threw ping-pong balls into the mouths of Yetis, sucked up marshmallows using a straw, and participated in snowman slam! “One of our goals for this evening was to provide opportunities for parents to enjoy time with their child(ren). When I looked up across the multi-purpose room, I saw moms and GDGV PDNLQJ VQRZÀDNHV ZLWK WKHLU FKLOGUHQ 3DUHQWV ZHUH talking to other parents and forming new relationships. Everybody was patient, respectful, and genuinely seemed to enjoy the evening. I appreciated all of the support from the 2ULROH 3DUN VWDII WR PDNH WKLV D VXFFHVVIXO QLJKW ´ -Ms. Rochelle Swanson, Jack Frost Family Fun Night Creator Extraordinaire, 1st Grade Teacher “It was an awesome opportunity to have fun with RXU 2ULROH 3DUN IDPLOLHV RXWVLGH RI WKH VFKRRO GD\ ´ -Mrs. Sarah McKenney, 2 & 3 Grade Teacher ³,W ZDV FRRO 6XFN XS WKH PDUVKPDOORZ ZDV P\ IDYRULWH JDPH ´ - Brayden, 1st Grade Student “Jack Frost Family Fun Night was an incredible time spent ZLWK WKH 2ULROH 3DUN )DPLO\ ´ 0UV .HOO\ %RV 3DUHQW 372 9LFH 3UHVLGHQW 3DUDHGXFDWRU ³,W ZDV ORWV RI IXQ 0\ IDYRULWH ZDV WKH KRW FKRFRODWH EDU I put marshmallows, whip cream, and sprinkles on it. We VKRXOG GR WKLV DJDLQ ´ +HQU\ QG *UDGH 6WXGHQW

Wyoming Schools Kids’ World News •

February 2018, Page 7

The Wyoming Theater Company is excited to present our spring musical: The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee! This hilarious, Tony Award winning musical follows a group of quirky students on their journey to become the champion speller at the bee. Along the way they discover the true meaning of winning and losing. Join us for this whimsical and heart-felt musical. Performance dates are March 14, 15, 16, and 17, 2018 at 7 p.m. Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for students 18 and under. Tickets can be purchased at the door of the Dan Heintzleman Auditorium located at 2125 Wrenwood SW, Wyoming MI 49519 or in advance by calling 616-5307590 ext 2367. For more information please visit www. wyomingtheatercompany.

Wyoming Schools Kids’ World News •

February 2018, Page 8

+LJK 6FKRRO &RUQHU Engineering disciplines design to solve problems Maths, science, research, prototypes, design, installation, maintenance, production, safety & quality assurance... that’s engineering. It’s all about solving problems using specialist, technical, and practical skills. Without it, technological advances in the world would never happen. A massive variety of industries need professional engineers, including Defense, Space, Energy, Transport, Environmental, Medical and Pharmaceutical, Entertainment, Construction, Marine, Food/Drink, and Business. Here’s just a short list of the diverse engineering disciplines you could pursue: Aerospace - Develop, design, and produce air and spacecraft, including complex subsystems that require specialists from many engineering groups such as electrical, mechanical, and computer engineering. Agricultural / Biological - Covers subjects from land farming and forestry to aquaculture (raising food sources that thrive in water). These engineers also work with biofuels, plan animal environments, and improve food process methods. Automation - With a mixture of hardware and software techniques, these engineers design, produce and maintain equipment which reduces the need for human work. Automotive - Research, design and develop vehicles and their subsystems. Biomedical - Combine biology, medicine and engineering to analyze and design medical innovations that will improve SDWLHQW FDUH OLNH 05,V RU DUWL¿FLDO RUJDQV SURVWKHWLF OLPEV Chemical - Use the physical world to manipulate individual DWRP UHDFWLRQV WR GHYHORS QHZ PDWHULDOV IRU ¿HOGV OLNH nanotechnology, energy storage, and computing. Civil - Specialize in road, bridge, buildings and water supply system design and construction. Supervise and direct construction teams so that structures are built to withstand earthquakes and hurricanes.


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Wyoming Schools Kids’ World News •



Computer: Software Engineers program piles of hardware into fully functional computers, while Hardware Engineers develop components like graphics cards or motherboards. Drafting and Design - Take part in all stages of the design process, from conception to presentation of complete plans. Electronics - All about small scale electronic systems like circuits, motherboards and nanoelectronics. Electrical - Power supply and generation specialists, these engineers design, develop, test and supervise large-scale electrical systems, as well as wire and light installations in buildings, automobiles and aircraft. Environmental - Protect and improve the quality of air, water, and soil. Solve water-borne diseases, manage wastewater and pollution, improve recycling and industrial hygiene. Geological - Apply earth sciences to human problems. Specialty areas include slope stability; environmental planning for construction sites; groundwater studies; hazard LQYHVWLJDWLRQV DQG ¿QGLQJ IRVVLO IXHO DQG PLQHUDO GHSRVLWV Industrial - Provide business and management solutions LQ D TXDQWL¿DEOH ZD\ 8VLQJ D PL[WXUH RI WHFKQLFDO VFLHQWL¿F DQG DQDO\WLFDO VNLOOV LQÀXHQFH WKH SURFHVVHV V\VWHPV DQG RSHUDWLRQV RI DOO NLQGV RI GLႇHUHQW RUJDQL]DWLRQV Marine - Design and construct the internal systems of seagoing vessels and structures, such as the the onboard electrical, environmental and propulsion systems. Mechanical - Study motion, energy and force to design, produce and maintain mechanical systems – machines and tools that use heat and mechanical power to operate. Petroleum - Invent technology and methods for extracting crude oil and natural gas, whether its digging the earth’s surface or extracting from older wells all over the world. Robotics - Concerned with the design, production, application and maintenance of complex robots. 0DLQ &DPSXV MT. PLEASANT, MI $QQXDO &RVWV IRU 0LFKLJDQ 5HVLGHQWV Tuition1 $12,510 Room and Board2 $9,736 Books and Supplies (estimated) $1,000 Travel and Misc. (estimated) $830 TOTAL COSTS $24,076 9LVLW ZZZ FPLFK HGX DGPLVVLRQV XQGHUJUDG LQFRPLQJ 3DJHV ¿QDQFLDOBLQIRUPDWLRQ DVS[ IRU PRUH LQIRUPDWLRQ DQG FRQWDFW D FROOHJH UHS WR GLVFXVV \RXU VSHFL¿FV &RVWV UHÀHFW FUHGLW KRXUV SHU \HDU DW SHU FUHGLW KRXU IRU LQ VWDWH VWXGHQWV %DVHG RQ DQ XQOLPLWHG PHDO SODQ DQG D VWDQGDUG UHVLGHQFH KDOO :KHQ FRPSDULQJ FRVWV DW VHYHUDO XQLYHUVLWLHV DVN DERXW PDQGDWRU\ IHHV DQG GL௺HUHQWLDO WXLWLRQ WKDW LQFUHDVHV ZLWK FHUWDLQ PDMRUV &08 DVVHVV QR PDQGDWRU\ IHHV RU GL௺HUHQWLDO WXLWLRQ UDWHV

February 2018, Page 9

The Great Barrier Reef Did you know that astronauts can see the Great Barrier Reef from space? The Great Barrier Reef is the largest structure built by living organisms on the Earth today. This region is also the world’s largest group of coral reefs. The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park covers an area of 133,360 square miles and stretches 1,430 miles along the Queensland Coast. It is found in the Coral Sea, off the coast of Queensland, Australia. There are three main types of reefs found on the Great Barrier Reef. They are Ribbon, Platform and Fringing reefs. Ribbon reefs only occur in the northern part. They form along the edge of the continental shelf and can grow so high they form narrow walls. Platform reefs are also known as patch reefs and are scattered in the calm, shallow waters between the mainland and the edge of the continental shelf. They are usually round or oval patches and tend to be broken up. Fringing reefs are coral structures that are attached to the mainland or to continental islands. In the Great Barrier Reef most of the fringing reefs are found around islands.

Anemone Fish from Australia’s Great Barrier Pink Reef They are the reef type most commonly seen by visitors. Reefs are masses of limestone made from skeletons of millions upon millions of tiny marine animals and plants. The Great Barrier Reef is not one long continuous reef but a complex system of various marine habitats with more than 2900 coral reefs, 600 continental islands and 300 coral cays. The Great Barrier Reef is home to approximately 1,500 species of fish, 360 species of hard coral, 1/3 of the world’s soft corals, 4,000 species of molluscs (shells), 800 species of echinoderm (starfish, sea urchins, etc.), 24 species of seabirds that live and breed on the islands, more than 30 species of marine mammals including whales, dolphins and, 14,000 dugong and 6 species of marine turtles (all listed as threatened). The main threats to coral reefs include climate change, pollutants, coral bleaching in which warmer ocean temperatures put stress on coral and leads to the coral bleaching. The coral of the Great Barrier Reef has gradually been destroyed in recent years by a pest known as the Crown of Thorns Seastar, a marine organism that eats coral polyps The Great Barrier Reef is a popular tourist destination with millions of visitors every year. The Great Barrier Reef is also a UNESCO World Heritage area and listed as one of the “Seven Natural Wonders of the World.”

Passionate About How p You Experience Health Care 5900 Byron Center Ave • Wyoming, MI 49519 (616) 252-7200 or (800) 968-0051 •

Wyoming Schools Kids’ World News •

February 2018, Page 10

0RQH\ 0DWWHUV 1. Derek has earned $50 by doing odd jobs for his family and neighbors. There are a lot of ways he wants


to use his money, but he doesn’t have enough money for all of them. He needs your help. Circle YES or NO for each item on Derek’s list. Remember, the total amount of money must be $50, no more, no less. 8VH WKH ZRUNVKHHW WR WKH ULJKW WR ¿JXUH RXW \RXU WRWDO

DERICK’S LIST A. The animal shelter really

needs food for the animals. Should Derek give to the animal shelter? Yes (How Much? $_____) No


B. Derek

really wants to download a new album by his favorite band, Three Green Monkeys. The album costs $10. Should he buy it? Yes No

C. Derek has lost his backpack.

D. A video game that Derek

has always wanted is on sale. It only costs $25. Should he buy it? Yes No

E. Derek’s family is going on

vacation this summer and he wants spending money. His parents said they would give him a dollar for every dollar he saves. Should he save some of his money? Yes (How Much? $_____) No

A new backpack costs $25. Should he buy one? Yes No

2. Pretend that you and your friends

have earned $100 altogether by doing odd jobs in your neighborhood like raking leaves and walking pets. You must all decide how you will use the $100. You must put some money into SAVINGS, some money into SPENDING, and some money into GIVING.



B.. B


C.. C


D.. D


E.. E




SAVINGS: How Much? _____ What will your group be saving for? _________ _____________________________________________________ SPENDING: How Much? _____ What will your group buy? _________________ _____________________________________________________ GIVING: How Much? _____ Where will you donate your money, and who will it help?________________________________________________

come in from the cold warm friendships found here! | sundays@11a wyoming campus | kentwoodcommunitychurch real people | real love | real life | 616.827.3267 | Wyoming Schools Kids’ World News •

February 2018, Page 11


January 24, 2018 - Stakeholder luncheon

Winterfest 2018 - Photo by WKTV |

Wyoming Schools Kids’ World News •

February 2018, Page 12

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