KidzEra Fall 2012

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Fall 2012








Submitted by: DaEun J., Age 11, Canadian Academy, Kobe, Japan



The KidzEra Crew

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Editor Maggie Snyder Director of Enterprise Development Matthew Smith Production Director Christina Szoke Intermedia Production Ninja Ryan Madson Web Guru Jeremy Tomlinson

Š Youth Intermedia, 2012. All Rights Reserved.

Special thanks to Media Militia for the graphic resources. For advertising and sponsorship opportunities call 1-888-400-KIDZ (5439) ext. 3 or visit

KidzEra is created from student submissions. We do not necessarily endorse or agree with the content. We do our best to make sure that submissions are original and error-free but the content in KidzEra is not guaranteed. Content in KidzEra does not take the place of professional legal, medical or mental advice. KidzEra is published by Youth Intermedia. All contents herein are copyrighted 2012 by Youth Intermedia, with all rights reserved. KidzEra and the KidzEra logo are registered trademarks of Youth Intermedia.


Dooshies says... I think the “no copying” rule should be more strictly enforced! It’s a big problem on the Internet. Every one of the art-sharing websites make sure this rule is prominent, and I think KidzEra should be more consistent with this rule. Drawing characters that are not yours is alright as long as you don’t profit from it, but stealing others’ artworks is not.

Tuckster says... I really think KidzEra should put a stricter rule on spamming and copying. It should not be allowed, but I see it on all of the KidzEra magazines that I have read. Maybe the team should read them carefully and make sure it is not spam, or something copied from like two years ago? This should be a rule in KidzEra. I hope you agree with me!

Hey everybody!

We need your help.

Talk Back

As hard as we try, we can’t seem to keep up with the vast amount of media that is out there to be copied. We do our best, but we end up letting stuff get posted to, and then put into the magazine, that isn’t original, because it doesn’t always show up in our research.

This really bothers us. When you see something that is NOT an original work of art on or in the magazine, PLEASE let us know immediately. Email us at with the username and the title of the art so that we can take it up with the user that submitted the art directly. We like giving everybody the benefit of the doubt, because we belive you all are awesome enough to make really cool things. If you want to post something that’s someone else’s work, please feel free to do so in the Anything Goes project. Just be sure to credit the original artist!

-The KidzEra Team


Girl Holding Hands by: tacypoc


Leaves and Pumpkin by: Gabi P., Age 12, Highpoint Academy, Miami, Florida

ents m m o leave cnd any art o t e l be ab , writing a d l u o s We sh all picture a love en ve be ’ e w under zEra! -Kec y t is wh e tha t h i c s i on Kid b ! Wh a we

at hard his has t

! r Agree KidzE ave w e e W n a se le g a Yes! n e i l d p buil site, w work e n E the ty. ! -K f k o c a abili B h lk nc in Ta e lau h e t n o l ny Unti for a s t n e comm

I don’t we norm see the poin don’t ge ally have to st of “TalkBac k” if w ay are q t them u a n e s s w t ions, an hat ered. TalkBa d we ck is for fe

edback ideas, about K commen and co idzEra ts, q mments . We ge uestio nerall in the ns an KidzEr y d T a alkBac a maga nswer q k sect zine, u e s t ions ion of in Tal If kBack the di you i g h t i ave self o tal immedi someth r via ate i e n m g a il. answer you commun would to, icatio please ns@kid like zera.c an email om. us at

Drake by: kidz4life Crayons by: Kenny M., Age 12, Westchester Lutheran Middle School, Los Angeles, California KidzEra by: Lokesh S., Age 12, International School Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh School Supplies by: Andrew P., Age 10, Indian Hill Elementary School, Holmdel, New Jersey


ards w o t e sam e h t t like ’ s l n e o e d f if he s me but I w t am o a h n k W e t ’ ! k o do I don oy who li t t t him u a b h y b w o and by ne t r s b w e o — a h n m t r hi th o I like re is ano nd don’t k get nea e friends wi o t y a e m aw eco me. Th confused a de, find r that! OR b u d a e e lik aft m s. If you hat happens k r o him! I’ sed to do?! w t but i see w o p trange y hello and p s r u o s n I sa ea

White Leaves Girl submitted by: Katrey_kappa


n m sound naturally. The easy peasy! y a m n’t s you do is...thi e it happen ’s number— t e a c h i t v u d My ad him, just hav r your crush ikes yo rst that coul l t a h t o f y wo boy or sit b nds then ask t’s the tell the a o h t w e e i r r f u des— ke s of his ht. Ma im and besi g i r e d s l a e w h er fe -eryn like whatev ke that you o d t en s is...ju you li him. Th e y c e i o k i v b l d t e ’ don My a and tell th at you h t m i u h o y e lik es ?! who lik ng! n y e o p b p a e h stro ll th eeter nest. Te im. And stay o h e -twinkie b h like ould you sh ike that you . . . s i e l o vic My ad oy who you d b r tell the





Got a Prob, Bob?

We Can Help!

Girl submitted by: Duyen L., Age 11, Baker Middle School, Tacoma, Washington

bout a s i l o o ow sch ng out in N . r e m all sum bad I hate goi r a e l c been s It’s so a ! h t e u c o a e f k ly bro is... my high e t m e l e l p b being a rs m e o it o r p c s p e My eup d matte y face m e of mak s think? It only d c n n u a o t n mon t wear a at the other kid at person, try le ’ n to star LP!!!!!! o d I r u are th ll tell your docto ares wh asis, and E o c b y r o H t h la a . u h w c t g i at, and on a re t as we he case publ

t h e th rts ad it hu n something lik to survive. But in like I do, you mig b o s e n l you o ave ac schoo have it n’t judge pular kid in the pe). And if you e is...I h c o i w v d d a n ty frie My t po l. A good d to be the mos ding on your skin ir g l o o h lse is e sc e (depen -_eryone e rk lutely ne v iv o t e s c t b e f a a f h e t u . tion if yo ildly you rema ky, but m eatment prescrip ll assure kes some funny ils of I’ ic t d S n . e a ic s ju e tr day c ma ral o ve d an acn worst of some smart-ale e since the natu . the_gra e in h e t h s n A you nee o : e c by king out usually do and if ir off of your fa as worked for m mitted a b e r u b s e e r le a It h r ha you Advic ost peop st do whatever n and keep you will go away! :) M . n w o es. Ju lm d e ofte acne ca about themselv h your face mor hopefully your e c i v d hile, hing was l and My a after aw e same t em. Just try to ep it coo t any h d t e n k g t A s . in e k ju h n , thin r ac ore t ’t pu e. So vate you out mor And please don face will , just ign k a e r b about it ill tend to aggra g to our und. w , it’s goin ut and walk aro y creams, then y ic i_garrrr n c a a p m your hair : u y n o ted b t. If y n go o t on a submit e all righ me days you ca st me, if you pu b o t Advice g Tru r so ’s goin see afte t actually don’t. panic. It ll ’ t u ’ o n Y o . d e . just fin ice is.. help, bu My adv it’s going to be which say they ce nd simple a eams on your fa I helped! cr pe of those e a monster. Ho k rker li risha Sa become d by: Ta Advice




Click a Pic 8

f o c i p a k c i lC thing e g m os reshin f re

revisit the last days of summer with some of KidzEra’s top-voted photographers

Share your PICS!

The Refreshing Sea by creativegirlever

Enilorak’s photo tip:

Refreshed Frog by enilorak

Click a Pic

Taking photos is all about timing! It’s so easy to get a perfect picture, it just takes a few tries!

I like taking pictures because

taking a picture is like writing a story. If you get it just right, it paints a picture of beauty. My favorite thing about photography is that you can capture moments with the push of a button! It’s so simple, but you still have to be good at it to get it right! I like to take pictures of nature—from landscapes, to sunsets, plants and especially animals! In my free time, I read, ski, write, mountain bike, hike, rock climb, play Ultimate Frisbee and, of course, take pictures! -Enilorak


I like taking pictures because

I love taking perfect shots, from cakes to lakes and even swimming pools! It’s so fun! I love the feel of taking pictures and then seeing all the wonderful shots I captured afterward. In my free time, I read, write and when I’m bored, I go outside and take pictures of anything I find interesting. -Gold786

Gold786’s tip:

Refreshing Pool by Gold786

Take a pic of what you feel is unique and beautiful. Even if you think you’re not a good photographer, you never know—it might be the most beautiful thing you have ever seen!

Tarisha’s tip: Be patient—you need to be steady to take a good photo!

Click a Pic

Refreshing Beach by Tarisha S.

I like taking pictures because

it’s a great way to express yourself, almost like art. Photos can be lovely memories. When I look at pictures from 100 years back, it seems as though I’m right inside the picture! I like taking pictures of nature, they look beautiful. I also like taking pics of animals. In my free time, I like reading, writing, singing and playing keyboard. My favorite colors are red, purple, white and blue. Pancakes are my favorite snack and winter is the best season! -Tarisha S.


Submit YOUR pics @ Rocky and Refreshed by jingding

K Ka tr ey



the poetry of

Read. Write. Communicate. Words are important. Learn to use them well. -Alicia Strong, author


A drop to raise my hopes, A glass to save my life. A pond to clean my body, A lake to fill the void. A drop becomes a stream, becomes a river, becomes the ocean. Rise, fall, freeze and melt. Flow and none will starve; Flow lightly to create; Flow heavily to destroy. Such is your nature— one that needs balance. 15


Nothing short of madness... A place in time, but not space. In space, but not time. Something that trickles through your fingers, as you try to grasp it. Gone one moment, then here the next, without question or conflict. A control that cannot be controlled, but there is a goal, a game, priorities and wishes— a catastrophic event that’s gone by morning.


SUBMIT your writing







non-fiction with

I write because it’s so fun and relaxing! My favorite book series is the Harry Potter book series. I think the little details and uniqueness of a story are what makes a story really awesome. My favorite school subjects are English and Science. I love the color purple, snacking on chips and winter. Gold786’s writing tip: always be creative and use your imagination while writing!

The Story of Lucky Written by: Gold786

It was a beautiful morning and the clear, blue ocean waves gently hit the soft tan sand with a thud. My dad and I were wading in the salt water of the Gulf of Mexico. I strode in front for a while, trying to see if I could find any cool shells for my collection. All of a sudden, I saw something jump up not so far from where I was standing. From where I stood, I couldn’t tell what it was, so I kept stepping closer and closer to it as quietly as I could. As I got close enough to see the shape of the odd thing, what I saw was very weird. I thought I saw a bird with no head just floating there. I was very curious and got as close as I could to the strange bird. I saw it was a seagull that had a fish hook caught in its left wing and its head, causing its head to be stuck to its wing and making it look as if it had no head. I thought it had gotten the hook caught in its wing and was trying to get it out with its mouth and then accidentally got its head caught as well. “Dad come here! Look what I found!” I yelled to my dad as loud as I could to get his attention.

there, I could barely see the bird sitting on the ground. “Daddy, you stay there and I will go catch Lucky or at least try to make it come out so you can catch it.” I explained. “Okay. Good luck!” he responded. I went into the dense forest, having to break through a lot of dead trees, jump over huge roots and push through lots of bushes. I tried to get behind the bird so we would be in a good position (if it went ahead, my dad would catch it and if it stepped back, I could catch it). Just then Lucky suddenly jumped, giving me the perfect opportunity to catch it. It fidgeted a little to get away but other than that, it did nothing. I guess it is really tired, I thought to myself. I now got to see what really was wrong: the fishing lure had two hooks on it, one hook was caught in its wing and the other hook was in Lucky’s beak. Once I got back to my dad with Lucky my dad said, “I think it is going to try and get either hook out as the tension on them is huge, so I think we should break the lure in half.”

My dad got some pliers out of one of the boats nearby and He rushed over. We idled there for a few minutes wondering tried to break it. The lure was really strong so we started if there was anything we could possibly do. working on the hook in Lucky’s beak. We tried for a really “Honey, I don’t think there is anything we can do,” my dad long time with no success, so I said, “Dad, let’s try prying the whispered. I was so heartbroken watching the poor seagull hook in its wing and then go back to other one.” trying to get the hook off. My dad agreed, so we tried the hook in Lucky’s wing and “Dad, I think we should try to help the bird. Please?”

after about five or six minutes the hook came out. After that, My dad finally agreed.“Since the seagull is hopping from the we went back to the hook in Lucky’s beak. This time my dad water to the land, we should try to catch it first, right?” I was almost giving up when he gave the smallest little pull and it miraculously came out. asked. “We did it, Dad! We did it!” I cried. When I looked down at Lucky for the last time, his eyes seemed to tell me “thank I started brainstorming in my head and thought of a plan: I you.” It was as if he knew we were trying to help him. I ran should get close enough to jump and grab it in the shallow my fingers through its thick black and white feathers, and water. However, while I was thinking of this, the bird then Lucky jumped up and started flying. I felt tears forming started swimming out into deeper and deeper waters, so I in my eyes and watched him fly away as long as I could. got extremely close to it, but could not jump and grab it. It was hard to both swim and hold onto the bird. So I started paddling around making waves, pushing it towards the shore with my dad. After a tiresome amount of making waves for the bird, we got onto the shore. “Yes. I think that is the right thing to do,” my dad replied.

“Oh no!” I stood in shock as the poor seagull I named Lucky ran through the sand and into the dense forest. I jogged to the forest line, careful not to step on sharp shells. When I got


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The Start of the

Tradition Written by: Asheinthe_grave

The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. But sometimes, it gets gobbled by a wandering gerbil, or perhaps a laughing lion. They’re veterinarians, doncha know? Not the point. And besides, growling lions, as Beatriz called them, are actually known as red-tailed lions, and they were another matter. In fact, she had one of those on her tail right now. No pun intended. And that wasn’t even the point. Beatriz was a non-identical twin to Bellatrix, and two older twin brothers, Jacob and Jasper. For some bizarre reason, their last name was Bellaire. Doesn’t that sound like an upper class name? Beatriz dodged a beclawed paw and continued her thoughts. They had all grown up in Lamen, a coastal town known for beast attacks. This is why the running didn’t bother her too much. In fact, it was quite boring. Beatriz, Bellatrix, Jasper and Jacob raised themselves in Lamen, without the benefit of parents. They did however, have an aunt. Or possibly a cross-dressing uncle. It was always hard to tell. The point is, they had a feminine relative who kept a roof over their heads. Their relation to the relative was, however, questionable, especially considering each of them had genetic traits that this relative did not have. For instance, they could all curl their tongues. Their relative was not blessed with that gift. She constantly wallowed in her despair of not having the special trait, and the kids would find their own food. They grew up quickly with little guidance, and flourished. Yesterday, when our story begins, Beatriz had discovered a new untended apple tree, and upon returning this morning, she found out why it was untended. Beatriz decided it was time for a change of pace, since the red-tail lion was falling behind. Skipping? Why not! And so, she switched from running to skipping. This gave her an almost joyous look, unfitting of someone in her situation. Just imagine, she thought to herself, if someone was walking on the path like a normal human being, and saw a teenage girl skipping away with a lion in pursuit, like it was all a game...what would they think?! Then she actually spotted some people walking on the path and laughed to herself. Well, the fun was over. The lion had closed the gap—it was time to get serious about escaping again. So Beatriz put on a burst of speed and lost him in the tall grass. All right then—home without supper. How embarrassing. Home was an extremely small hut, lined completely with windows. And the strangest thing, the only door, the cellar door, was a few feet away from the house. The house proper was also a considerable amount larger that what appeared, and it was all underground. Beatriz opened the door and…to be continued…

Like to write?

Submit your stories, poems and more to InkSlinger and you might see YOUR writing in the next digital issue of KidzEra magazine!




Pants! submitted by: Asheinthe_grave

Chili’s Sign submitted by: leechaekyung

The Dead and the Living submitted by: enilorak

Lightbulb submitted by: Yxrulz

Anime Chalk Drawing submitted by: Keca love

Kingda Ka Rollercoaster submitted by: Dogzrule106



Rocky Beach submitted by: Gold786


by Keca love


Good art is more about how someone feels when they create it. They need to be passionate! I love to sketch, draw and skateboard in my free time. I like to create art because I am the best at it compared to sports. My favorite artist would have to be Michelangelo because of his painting in the Sistine Chapel. He wasn’t the best at painting but he tried very hard, so that inspires me to work very hard as well! Remember,

keep your eyes on the PRIZE!!!



Paper Boy by Dooshies

Good art doesn’t have to be the very best! Anything you are proud of should be displayed with pride, and nothing less. Making art is a way of expressing yourself! You can tell in pictures what you can’t in words.

A few tips for making art: 1) Enjoy what you’re making and be proud of it! 2) Expose yourself to new art styles! 3) Practice, practice, practice! Nothing’s going to change drastically overnight, but if you keep practicing, things eventually will get better.

Share YOUr ART!



Wandering by EgoFruit

I don’t know why I like to make art. I just can’t stop myself from drawing from time to time. There are many components of what makes art “good”. If I have to say one thing, I guess it’d be dedication. When you first start out as an artist, don’t worry too much about mistakes. Soon enough your drawings will grow into something wonderful.

Just be patient, and let it flow.


ARTIST continued


by kikianimedrawer Three words that describe me are artistic, musical and unique. My favorite color is red and my favorite snack is Pockys. What makes art good is the creativity, style, and story behind it.

I like to make art because it expresses my emotions and my opinions.

Share YOUr ART!

Draw what you feel, but don’t take ideas from other people. It’s not OK to do that. 27




I had a moment when I heard a song from Star Wars and said, “Hey, isn’t that from Harry Potter?” I can never again call myself a fantasy/sci-fi geek. Submitted by: Asheinthe_grave

I wish a certain boy liked me!


Submitted by: Keca love

I’m listening to Sound Horizon and waiting for my schedule to arrive.

I really want my T-shirt design to be liked! Oh my little bubble bunny! >.< Submitted by: Keca love

I think hanging out with friends and family is important because it is summer vacation. Also summer homework, but I still make time for music, I would say the latest trend in music is One Direction. Submitted by: ForeverCece

Submitted by: BladeHunter5

My school is opening tomorrow! It’s going to be my first day of grade 6! I’m so excited and we’re getting lockers too! YAY! Submitted by: creativegirlever

I just noticed that when I sign my name with initials it looks like a heart... Submitted by: kikianiemdrawer

Today I had my first day of 7th grade! I had a great day! Submitted by: rainday

I can’t wait to get pet mice! They’re sooooo cute! XD Submitted by: Winolasy

Super excited for the release of Gods Eater 2! It doesn’t appear to have a set date for an English release though. Anyone else planning on buying Pokemon BW2? Submitted by: Dooshies



I’m so hungry! I have to fast from 5:30 am to 8:30 pm. Also we just got six chickens and set up a chicken coop. The baby chicks are sooo cute! :) Submitted by: Gold786

Rocking kiwi lip balm, chic ring, vibrant tribal shirt, floral nails and teal shades! Submitted by: little-ms-diva

I have grown taller in this vacation. I don’t know how, but I cover up the half of the bed!! I am so surprised at this sight. Hope you guys are growing as well! ;-) Submitted by: Tarisha S.

Currently...listening to Adventures in Odyssey and typing this, while thinking of the future and the papers I have to hole punch. :). Submitted by: leechaekyung


You know what’s up! now tell us!


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What’s the h

, polo ny jeans r in k s , x a M e Airhair, rubb e n to o tw shirts, bracelets. statement M. arish ted by: P


ome What awes ip to One last tr

! Six Flags

stasia L.

cargos! Nikes and eanu C. d by: K



d by: Sam


it gets e r o f e b e t tim

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oing o d u o y e r a stuff

d by: Ma


os, hirts, carg s lo o p r, s. Holliste undresse s d n a ls a sand M.

my Play with l. il h C ! ! ! my RELAX iends, visit fr h it w g ome pets, han nd take s a ts n re a grandp pictures! ya K. e

d by: Sum



beach trip to the ook re o m e n O yc ore famil and one m out. monia M. d by: Sa


hool? c s o t k c a gb G! about goin

THIN ite thing r o is...EVERY ce to v g a in f th r te u ri great pla My favo What’s yo I fun and a ING. OTH

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I wish I had lips to whistle with.

te th My favori


d by: kid


so other! School is now each k to t e g ’t like learn and y some people don wh don’t get school.... sha S. d by: Tari



Where is my head?

What up?

Guys Fashion submitted by: Isaac E., Age 12, Immaculate Heart of Mary School, Los Angeles, California

Girls submitted by: Andrianna L., Age 13, Alice Fong Yu Alternative School, San Francisco, California

Pinstrip fashion submitted by: Fatima S., Age 12, Immaculate Heart of Mary School, Los Angeles, California


Fall 2012

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