KidzEra Summer Issue #2 2012

Page 1

p. 4 Talk


p. 8

p. 16 Click





p. 12 SOS

p. 14 Click A PIC

p. 18 Click A PIC

p. 20

p. 6 Top Artist



p. 22



Surreal Light submitted by: Thing3 Bunny watercolor submitted by: Maya V., Age 8, Los Altos, California

KidzEra is made of YOUR submissions —your art, pics, thoughts, writing, stories and comics! Send in your work today using one of these methods: Upload your original work on

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Submission Form

KidzEra PO BOX 20250 Boulder, CO 80308 USA

Email your original work with your username only


KidzEra is created from student submissions. We do not necessarily endorse or agree with the content. We do our best to make sure that submissions are original and error-free but the content in KidzEra is not guaranteed. Content in KidzEra does not take the place of professional legal, medical or mental advice. KidzEra is published by Youth Intermedia. All contents herein are copyrighted 2012 by Youth Intermedia, with all rights reserved. KidzEra and the KidzEra logo are registered trademarks of Youth Intermedia.

KidzEra Founded 1995

The KidzEra Crew

Visit us online: Call us:1-888-400-KIDZ (5439) Email us:

Editor Maggie Snyder Director of Enterprise Development Matthew Smith Production Director Christina Szoke Intermedia Production Ninja Ryan Madson Web Guru Jeremy Tomlinson

Š Youth Intermedia, 2012. All Rights Reserved.

Special thanks to Media Militia for the graphic resources. For advertising and sponsorship opportunities call 1-888-400-KIDZ (5439) ext. 3 or visit


Talk Back

I love your latest magazine! Click a Pic is just so awesome, I can’t wait till next week! <3 <3 -1DJB123

Why did they stop making copies of KidzEra? -Penguin Buddy4903

My old middle school only ever got two mags. High schools don’t get this at all, do they? -Katrey_kappa

Hi, thanks for your questions! Unfortunately, KidzEra is no longer being printed. Because of the cost of printing, we’ve had to convert the magazine to a digital format only. We’re working hard to make the website and the digital magazine AWESOME, so please continue to give us your valuable feedback to make KidzEra an arts and social resource that everybody can enjoy! 4

-The KidzEra Team


Howdly doodly everybody! You may have heard about all the FIRES we’ve been having in the areas near KidzEra HQ. It’s been more than a little hot! We’re about ready for something refreshing—how about YOU?! What’s it like where you are? NEWSFLASH!!! The T-design project is coming back FOR A LIMITED TIME in the next few weeks. Stay tuned on to learn more! We can’t WAIT to make more awesome t-shirts with your designs and have them for sale in our store! Be sure to check out the Photo Special at the end of this issue, for interviews with some of KidzEra’s more prolific photographers.

Girl and Flowers submitted by: SuRyeo P., Age 12, Albany Middle School, Albany, California Background submitted by: LeMarah S. Age 12, Irving Elementary School, Mesa, Arizona Fountain submitted by: David W., Age 12, Walt Disney Magnet School, Chicago, Illinois

Hope everyone is having a great summer! -The KidzEra Team

! e m i t r e m 2 1 m 0 2 Su 5

Top Artist

Share YOUr ART!


Do what you can. Where you are. With what you have. -Theodore Roosevelt


egofruit assasain124

If being an egomaniac means I believe in what I do and in my art or music, then in that respect you can call me that... I believe in what I do, and I’ll say it. - John Lennon

Art is not what you see, but what you make others see. - Edgar Degas


I’m traveling to... Lincoln City!

My favorite thing to do during summer vacation is swimming, lounging, reading, hanging out with friends at the library, painting, canoeing, archery, golfing, playing tennis, running through our state parks, volunteering at our county historical farms, touring NYC, attending geeky seminars, and just about anything else!

Submitted by: suzymd

Submitted by: friendzyfriend

Sky submitted by: Joo Y., Age 11, Bandung Alliance International School, Bandung, Indonesia

I’m traveling to... Dubai! Submitted by: creativegirlever

Kite-Flier submitted by: Alena F., Age 11, Westchester Lutheran Middle School, Los Angeles, California

My favorite thing to do during summer vacation is going to Also, I like to visit my cousins!!

My favorite thing to do during summer vacation is...go abroad!

Submitted by: rainyday

Submitted by: creativegirlever

Girl and Puppy submitted by: Sonia M., Age 11, Walt Disney Magnet School, Chicago, Illinois


It’s still raining where I am. It’s not even 70 degrees out.


Submitted by: Katrey_kappa

Submitted by: pisior989

Currently...I’m a blonde now! Submitted by: kikianimedrawer

Currently...I am making origami cranes! It’s fun but challenging and I think I got the hang of it now. Submitted by: enilorak

Currently...I dyed my hair teal. I look like Ariel, only teal!

Currently...strongly disliking sunburn. :/

Submitted by: Asheinthe_grave

Submitted by: Dogzrule106

Currently...I am like, SO bored at the moment...

Currently...I am eating a cookie!!! Keca Love cookie!!!!!

Submitted by: Tarisha S.

Submitted by: Keca love

Currently...hanging out in the sun because SCHOOL IS OUT! Oh, and I am eating delicious pizza. Submitted by: smaeswanson

Currently...I can’t wait to get pet mice! They are so cute! XD Submitted by: Winolasy

Currently...I am hungry! Just reading a book and thinking about food... Submitted by: enilorak

You know what’s up! now tell us!

Currently...I am getting ready to go to the cupcake shop, Gigi’s. Can’t wait! Been watching a lot of cake shows... Submitted by: Candy3 Girl in the Grass submitted by: Sonia M., Age 11, Walt Disney Magnet School, Chicago, Illinois



Sun-Kissed Toes dipped in a salty mist, The waves indulge themselves. Humans frying on the shoreline, Crabs scuttling in the golden grains, Pinching at my toes. Everywhere I look I see smiles shining, Shells dot the shoreline, Marking memories,

The Beach As I walk, the sand crunches under my feet, Wiggling my toes as I walk. The seashells are scattered like the leaves on a fall day, Sometimes broken, sometimes not. Showing their curved, bumpy figures, The light breeze makes the sand roll across the beach, Umbrellas wiggle and shake. I can hear waves crashing up against the rocks, They wiggle wildly through the water, Spraying anyone in their path.


Of broken sandcastles. I walk out, The sand molding my feet, The sun pours out of me, I am made up of light. My heartbeat is like a song, Singing to the sun,

When I walk through the sand, I let my feet get sucked in like glue. I breathe in, And can smell the salt from the ocean, Inviting and relaxing me. As I look at the sun shining off the ocean, The water winks at me, The beach is a carnival, Buzzing wtih action, and happy faces. People running and playing sports, And having a good time, That’s what a summer day is all about. Poem submitted by: Katie A., Grade 7, Fox Lane Middle School, Bedford, New York

Putting all melody, And throw deep blue To be carri drenched w

Poem submit Fox Lane Middle

of my worries in the

Share youR Creative Writing

wing them into the ocean, ied out by the sunwaves.

tted by: Caroline R., Grade 7, e School, Bedford, New York

The River Slowly swirling, Each river leading to another, Transporting items, Back and forth.

Gently flowing, Down a hill, Eroding earth, While it trickles down. It’s suddenly faster, Rushing like a flock of birds,

Crashing on rocks, But keeps on going. Now the journey is at an end, The flowing water reached its stop, In the vast blue ocean. Poem submitted by: Laurence R., Age 11, Weston Middle School, Weston, Connecticut

Background submitted by: Sabi K., Age 15, Bronx Writing Academy, Bronx, New York


SOS I just recently finished watching Justin Bieber: Never Say Never. My friends don’t like him but I am inspired by his story/journey. How do I tell my friends that? Will they not be my friends anymore? My advice is... I know how hard it feels to be scared if your friends will accept you. If they are really your friends, they might joke around and tease you a bit, but they wouldn’t seriously start to make fun of what you like. You don’t have to dislike something just because your friends say so. Stay true to yourself. Submitted by: friendzyfriend

My advice is... friends have gotta be truer than that, or the friendship will fall out from underneath you when you need it the most. One way or another, this would be a good stability test wouldn’t it? If they don’t back off then you can’t rely on them. Submitted by: Katrey_kappa

My advice is...just stick to your beliefs! I have friends who like One Direction, while I think they are just okay. ((sorry!)) I often turn this into laughing material, or silly but funny arguements. Submitted by: Dooshies

Got a Prob, Bob?

We Can Help!


I’ll be moving this summer but I don’t know how to tell my friends that! My parents and my sister told me not to tell any one. What do I do?

My advice is...enjoy your last year with them, but tell them you’re leaving during the school year! They should definitely know that you are leaving! Talk to your Dad and sister and I am sure it will work out! Good Luck! Submitted by: enilorak

My advice is... I think they would be mad if they weren’t told, they may want to pack in as much hanging out as possible and they can’t do that if you’re already gone. But what’s the worst that can happen if you do tell them? Submitted by: Ashienthe_grave

My advice is...tell them at the last day, even though they won’t want to accept that fact, at least you won’t have to face them from then on, right? I hoped it helped! :) Submitted by: joanna

Girls on a Cloud With Vines submitted by: Yesenia M., Grade 8, St. Ignatius School, Los Angeles, California


1. KidzEra: Describe yourself in three words. Jammer: Funny, nice and creative. KE: What kind of camera do you use? J: Canon powershot SD 3500 IS. KE: Why do you like to take pictures? J: I like to take pictures because I think it is just a fun and easy thing to do.

action and abstraction with

Jammer featured photographer

KE: What is your favorite thing to click pics of? J: I like to take pictures of people, animals, and things I just find interesting. KE: What’s your favorite color, snack and time of the year? J: My favorite color is yellow because it’s like the sun. My favorite snack is peanut butter. My favorite time of the year is summer. KE: What kind of tips can you give the other KidzEra photographers? J: Take a picture only if you find something interesting!

1. Jammer Self-Portrait (hip) 2. Goose (animal) 3. I Truly Believe I Can Fly! (Anything Goes) 4. Tire Swing (Fall)




c i P a l a i k c e p c c S i i o t l o P h P C a k c Cli 15

Photo Special explore summer fun with

creativegirlever featured photographer

KidzEra: Describe yourself in three words. creativegirlever: Trustable, kind and creative. KE: What kind of camera do you use? CGE: Sony. KE: Why do you like to take pictures? CGE: Because it’s fun! KE: What is your favorite thing about photography? CGE: Seeing how the picture turned out. KE: What’s your favorite color, snack and time of the year? CGE: Favorite color: blue; favorite snack: chocolate; favorite time of the year: winter.


KE: What kind of tips can you give the other KidzEra photographers? CGE: Click a pic if you feel like it!

Share your PICS!


2. 1. Parade (sparkly) 2. Concert! (hip) 3. Scary Ride! (spooky) 4. Sea Lion Show (animal) 5. Lake--background (reflection)



Photo Special the wide world of

Dogzrule106 featured photographer and cover artist

KidzEra: Describe yourself in three words Dogzrule106: Nice, funny and smart. KE: What kind of camera do you use? DR106: Sometimes I use my iPod Touch, and sometimes I use my Canon Digital Camera.

1. Seals (fresh) 2. Tower of Terror (exciting) 3. Ocean (refreshing)

KE:Why do you like to take pictures? DR106: It’s really just a hobby. I enjoy sharing with people what I’ve been doing and where I’ve been. It’s pretty much like my life behind the lens, if you know what I mean! KE:What is your favorite thing to take pictures of? DR106: My favorite thing to take pictures of is either the beach, or action shots, like when I’m in the air while jumping on a trampoline. KE: What’s your favorite color, snack and time of the year? DR106: My favorite color is pink, my favorite snack is potato chips and my favorite time of the year is summer, because it’s warm and there’s no school, so I can sleep in! KE: What kind of tips can you give the other KidzEra photographers? DR106: When your taking a picture of yourself, or getting your picture taken, remember to always smile big! If you enjoy photography, just keep practicing, and never give up, because who knows, one day you may become a professional!

4. Sunset (stellar) 5. Dogzrule106 - action shot self portrait! 6. Lake - background (reflection)


Share your PICS!







Photo Special

the domestic explorations of

friendzyfriend featured photographer

KidzEra: Describe yourself in three words. friendzyfriend: Curious, kooky, creative. KE: What kind of camera do you use? FF: Usually I’ll use my Polaroid 12 Megapixel Digital Camera unless I’m short on time—then I’ll whip out my Android camera for a quick shot. KE: Why do you like to take pictures? FF: Unlike other forms of art, photos portray things as they really are, from the camera’s perspective. While artists are able to stretch the truth, photographers can utilize a camera to turn the truth into something beautiful. KE: What is your favorite thing to take pictures of? FF: I’d have to say food. I love cakes, cookies, and just about anything colorful enough to leave an impression on people who have never held a camera!

1. 1. Amigurumi Tiger (anything goes) 2. Celebrating Squishies (celebration) 3. Science Olympiad Medal - background (stellar)

KE: What’s your favorite color, snack and time of the year? FF: I love the color purple, lemon cookies, and mid-winter. KE: What kind of tips can you give the other KidzEra photographers? FF: Keep a camera handy because you never know when a normal day becomes a Kodak moment! 20


“Photographers can utilize a camera to turn the truth into something beautiful.”

KidzEra: Describe yourself in three words. enilorak: Nice, smart, funny. KE: What kind of camera do you use? E: A Canon Powershot. KE: Why do you like to take pictures? E: A picture really does say a thousand words. I like to be able to capture moments and emotions. KE: What is your favorite thing to take pictures of? E: I like to take pictures of nature, from sunsets, to seals, to elk, and even fish. I also like to take pictures of people! KE: What’s your favorite color, snack and time of the year? E: My favorite color is blue because it is peaceful. My favorite snack is dried fruit, and my favorite time of the year is winter! I like to ski, sled, ice skate, etc.


exploring the natural world with

enilorak featured photographer

KE: What kind of tips can you give the other KidzEra photographers? E: Just have fun with it! If you like taking pictures, just go outside and take pictures of things! Even the most simple objects can appear beautiful when they are a photo!


1. Sea Turtle - inset (anything goes) 2. Endangered Monk Seal (anything goes) 11

SHENaNigaNS Essay



Fishing Girl submitted by: Luv2Draw, Age 14

by: B rookely When n K., A I was ge 10 , Castle birthd about Rock E ay, I g s e lemen v e n o , tary Sc t I m t y o To fly hool, C l fi d r s my Da t pole. astle R fish, y ock, C d I wa On my ou ne most i olorad n e o fi t d s the A r e s d a t fl p t o y o l fi e fl d dry fli , s y a h fi m i fi s n h s dr sh g trip, ing es I caug . So, on m much , you dry fly y fly. The dif boots, flies h ye t fe more. ,w on rea fish. S lly fas ighth ome o rence betwe aders and My fav t. f the fl a e o ies are n flies is how vest. The fl turnin rite fish is a y I dry fli g arou b es, we you fly fish. like the nd an rook trout. t I f The ca flies, n y d find st ing th The best ex ymph ou use at the perien out, p types are n fl i es and re was ull ce o a moo I ever had most l your pole t rmal or a ro o se 90 ip ikely h l yards n a fishing ave tre back and t l cast. A no I love a r h w m e en s or so ay from trip was a fly methin fling it forw l cast is wh us! now t fishing bec ere yo g you ard. If hey’re ause n u c y a o p n get o te can st your li u are doing ull some lin and in lling you to rmally your ne cau e a paren really GET IN ght in roll cast, yo ts tell deep w ! I also . y u o u ater w ithout love how m to GET OUT gettin y wad g too ers go of the water wet. to my a chest nd and I

bles out, bub e it t le and ourc p breath d trickle to the s nd e e d a e ter a th an As I tak my mou through the wa oral. I f o t u o of c lide dance ove. I g over over a stem ir in my b a t h g of li fish h have a lood-red as long as I still b h c t l. a w here. Stil at least m a — I h s t fi n e am a mom t for the u B . s g n lu ilorak : en

ted by Submit

Brook Trout submitted by: Friendzyfriend

Watercolor Fish and Flowers submitted by: Maggie L., Age 12, Presidio Middle School, San Francisco, California

. . . r e v E u o Y ld


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snail? d e r e v o colate-c o h c lion years a il t m a a E in r Neve ! ly e t lu Abso

h sha t i w n a e an oc Swim in No s e Y

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! Heck yeah


Ghost hu Yay!

Boo eeks?


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or two w clothes f


yad b d e s a h et c Heck no!

ngle? u j a n i d rie Get mar No WAY. No prob!

Ew Fun Facts About the English Language Fun Facts submitted by: Ashley L., Age 11, IS 383 Philippa Schuyler Middle School, Brooklyn, New York

1. No word in the English language rhymes with month, orange, silver or purple. 2. A dentiloquist is a person who speaks with his/her teeth closed. 3. A funambulist is a tight-rope walker. 4. A sesquipedalian is a person fond of extremely long words. 5. Dysania is the state of finding it hard to get out of bed in the morning. 6. The slanted line that divides fractions is called a virgule.

7. The act of snapping your fingers has a name: fillip. 8. The word dinosaur comes from the Greek words deinos, meaning fearful, and sauros, meaning lizard. 9. The dot over the letter i or j is called a tittle.



Background submitted by: Ashlan R., Age 12, Abbott Middle School, Elgin, Illinois

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