KidzEra Summer Issue #1 2012

Page 1

June 2012

Ta lk k Ba c 4 Pg.

A ny th i Goe ng s Pg. 6

Pic a k c Cli Pg. 8

SOS Pg. 12 Zei t g

ei s t Pg. 1 6

Kidz ger n i l S In k . 10 Pg

i ga n s Shen a n Pg. 18

raw Q u ickD Pg. 20

To Ar p ti Pg. s t 14


Girl art submitted by: meikyuangel

June 2012

Background submitted by: kikianimedrawer


KidzEra is made of YOUR submissions —your art, pics, thoughts, writing, stories and comics! Send in your work today using one of these methods: Upload your original work on

Mail in your original work with a submission form

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zEra Submission Form

KidzEra PO BOX 20250 Boulder, CO 80308 USA


KidzEra is created from student submissions. We do not necessarily endorse or agree with the content. We do our best to make sure that submissions are original and error-free but the content in KidzEra is not guaranteed. Content in KidzEra does not take the place of professional legal, medical or mental advice. KidzEra is published by Youth Intermedia. All contents herein are copyrighted 2012 by Youth Intermedia, with all rights reserved. KidzEra and the KidzEra logo are registered trademarks of Youth Intermedia.

KidzEra Founded 1995

Visit us online: Call us:1-888-400-KIDZ (5439) Email us:

Š Youth Intermedia, 2012. All Rights Reserved.

The KidzEra Crew

Editor Maggie Snyder Director of Enterprise Development Matthew Smith Production Director Christina Szoke Intermedia Production Ninja Ryan Madson

Special thanks to Media Militia for the graphic resources. For advertising and sponsorship opportunities call 1-888-400-KIDZ (5439) ext. 3 or visit


Talk Back

KidzEra is an awesome website to go on. It lets kids of all ages play, have fun and express themselves. I think it is a perfect place for kids that can’t get on Facebook and other social networking sites to have fun! Submitted by: jayjay7853

Thanks! We’re glad you are here, submitting your art and Bears submitted by: Stephanie L., Age 12, your thoughts! Keep up the St. Brigid School, San Francisco, California good work everyone—YOU are what makes KidzEra great! It makes me feel happy to see everything coming back. All the leaves and plants. It brings fluff to the world that we all need sometimes. :) And also, it means summer’s coming!! :D Submitted by: zietomatochan Fairy submitted by: LeMarah S., Age 12, Irving Elementary School, Mesa, Arizona

Here at KidzEra HQ, we are also super excited for the return of summer!

KidzEra is an amazing magazine! It really gets kids to be creative and so much talent is shared. What I really just want would be more pages!! I can’t get enough of this magazine and I feel that it should show more things. Nevertheless, it is GREATTTT :) OH OH and shouldn’t there be a TeenzEra for high school students? :D

Kids submitted by: Lucie L., Age 12, International School of Dakar, Dakar, Senegal

Submitted by: leechaekyung

What kinds of features would you like to see in TeenzEra?! Tell us your suggestions in TalkBack online!

I think that I would like to thank KidzEra for making such a wonderful site. I now even spend more time on KidzEra than work! Please let KidzEra continue the fun! And I had an idea: maybe KidzEra could make one more project and call it Goofiness. You could type in what happened to you that was so goofy. What do you think? Submitted by: SailorJupiter


Robot submitted by: Sidney H., Age 11, Walt Disney Magnet School, Chicago, Illinois

Background submitted by: Nicole E., Age 10, Palmetto Elementary School, Miami, Florida

Awesome idea! We’ll definitely add that to the wishlist. For now, add your goofy stories to InkSlinger!

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KidzEra Haiku Filled with awesomeness, Brimming with much excitement, I hope you read it. Submitted by: suzymd

Hey everybody! We’re excited that it’s almost summer and vacation time! That’s winter vacation time for you all below the equator! We’re also excited to announce our newest project online—QuickDraw! QuickDraw is for fast art based on the challenge word of the week. So sharpen your pencils (or open MS Paint), check out the word of the week and sketch, doodle and draw fast, then upload to! See the back cover for the June QuickDraw winners. Stay tuned to throughout the summer for new additions to the website and to the projects. We’re excited to see what you come up with over the break! -The KidzEra Team

Girls submitted by: ssukhanindr, Age 11, KIS International School, Bangkok, Thailand



Anything Goes

Anime Birthday Cake submitted by: anime-nc

I Won A

ANYTHING Soft Toys Collection submitted by: Yxrulz

PBJ submitted by: Valerie

Me and My Buddy subm




Cupid the Horse submitted by: horseluvr4ever Medal submitted by: leechaekyung


mitted by: twinkeeeter

Circle Madness submitted by: Tarisha Sarker


. . f o c i P a k c i l C

Click a Pic

...a reflection Submitted by: Dogzru

...your shadow Submitted by: legrand_23


...something round Submitted by: bowenreitman

...something round Submitted by: harrypotter7

...something round Submitted by: Winolasy

...something peaceful Submitted by: Tarisha S.


...a reflection Submitted by: Jammer

Share your PICS!

...something peaceful Submitted by: legrand_23



Panda T-shirt Story submitted by: kiama234

I looked at the grey clouds outside the glass window, my short cotton arms tired of hanging in the air. My neck-collar was being hung with a plastic hanger, my hollow body was getting cold, and my belly was graffiti-ed with cartoon pandas. Yes, I am a T-shirt. Cotton is my name, Cotton Converse Myers. Ding! Ding! Finally! A customer! He was heading my direction! Is this it? My chance to leave? His eyes looked tempted to buy me! He reached for the hanger, but I was wrong! He didn’t touch me. He felt and touched Nylon Ducky Myers, the most smallest baby jumpsuit in Myers! She wasn’t even branded! How could he choose that blue pale thing over me, an elegant white shirt with pandas?!

Actual panda T-shirts in the KidzEra Store! Check them out at

Suddenly, a foreign woman walked in. She looked with squinty yet alert eyes, as if she was spying on the manager. She spotted a spider from the other end of the corridor, stood up and screamed,“AHHHHHH!! A spider!” Her scream echoed through the shop. Will this day ever end? Will I ever be sold? Probably not for a million years! I thought to myself. Then, in walked a tall, thin girl with a panda hat, a panda-like bag, a pair of panda shorts, panda earrings, panda printed shoes, panda sunglasses and a panda tattoo! Something didn’t look right on her—there was no panda T-shirt! I knew this was my chance. After all, that ragged singlet she was wearing didn’t fit her. It look so... so... what’s the word...UGLY! This is my chance, I thought to myself. She slowly slid towards me, took me off the hanger by my collar and said “Yes!! This is the one! My ultimate shirt!” “Such beautiful words!” I heard Nylon Zara Myers say. “Bye!” shouted Silk Gap Myers. “I will miss you... NOT!” Shouted my enemy, Snakeskin No-Brand Myers. “I’ll see you around sometime,” said my bestie, Polyester Converse Myers. I shouted: “I’ll miss you guys! I hope you get sold soon! Except for you, Snakeskin. You’re a coward.” I feel so happy! I love my life! I’m finally SOLD!!!! Letter


by: itted




. ut discuss o t d yful, b e a e l n p e d an as gs w re cute morning. I w f w thin s, ’ e e u f i o t a Y t . i e i K e hav , Diana y door this And please, w l l Dear t e u h b s e , rly of m ot. tois ou dea ely tor left in front off of my fo v o l e h I love y t ge to t present you ng to wash i e picked up. or a s s e m b e sorry f vi y r e v First, a ppreciate th cause of ha ts, expect to so and be ta pe s. I am a large box o u r a I didn’ e for school and ask for c I t , lat me le kitty was carrying xpected you o g c n a o t b made g by te sI wn e goin d chub ut seeing a ore, I had no flopping do n a you ar y h B f squis day. ts be d stop uld both be to my u the other few momen . If you woul , t x e we wo N o p a y e e t y s l i n s n o m o o t o g r g steppin you walkin ere I wanted p to you, I p h n u e w e e had s on the floor n they com e g d, be lyin of people wh d frien n . s a k r n e t a n y ow u. Th in fron Katre y, your pet yo l I e r . r n e e e c i h n p Si hap me w biting t i u q And do

Wash Wish Dish Story submitted by: creativegirlever

Once upon a time there was a hideous, old woman. She was a dowager and lost everything when her house was burnt to ashes in a terrible fire. The old woman was shattered about her loss. She decided to become a beggar so she could have enough food to eat. The widow found a dirty dish when she was out begging for food one day. She said to herself, “I will use this dish to beg.” She walked up the hill with the dish in her hands and she washed it in the well up on the grassy knoll near her begging spot. While she was washing the dish, it started to speak to her. It said, “I am a wishing dish. If you wish for something when you are washing me, your wishes will come true!” The widow was over the moon; she could not believe her ears. She kept on washing and wishing until she had her old house back and everything else she needed for a life filled with happiness and home comforts. The widow had a daughter called Diana, who made beautiful crafts, books and paintings. She sold them by her house in the field, near the town gates. It was next to the forest where there was a wonderful spring waterfall and big trees which gave ripe, juicy fruits. The forest was magnificent and quite spectacular. Anyone who stepped into it could feel and understand all of nature’s beauty, strength and power. Now, unfortunately, Diana was just as ugly as her mother. But she was very intelligent. She could read, write and create the most amazing things to sell. She could also cook wonderful sorts of food and kept her house spick and span. She was caring, thoughtful and kind to everyone. Diana was truly golden-hearted, but because of how she looked, nobody would marry her. The widow had asked the magic dish to make her daughter beautiful, but the dish said she would lose all her wonderful qualities if the old woman wished for beauty. The old woman loved her daughter’s golden heart too much to make this wish. One day, when the old woman was going for a walk, she overheard someone saying the prince was very sick and whoever could cure him would be offered his hand in marriage. This gave the old woman an idea. She immediately went to her daughter’s house and told her that she was to go to the palace and tell the king she could to cure the prince. “You shall go to the prince’s room where you will wash the wishing dish. You will wish for the prince to be cured of his illness. After that, you must tell the king that the prince is cured and ask for the prince’s hand in marriage as your reward.” Diana listened carefully to what her mother said and the following morning Diana set off for the palace. She wore a silky velvet cloak to hide her face so nobody could see how ugly and hideous she was. She took a brown basket which contained the enchanted dish and some food to eat on her long journey, as the palace was very far from where Diana lived. After a while, Diana stopped to eat her breakfast, then she kept walking...

to be continued...

Share youR Creative Writing

Yellow Cat submitted by: Rachelle C., Los Angeles, California Black Cat submitted by: Irena F., Grade 8, C.C.A. Baldi Middle School, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Background Girl submitted by: Bo Ra H., Age 12, Bandung Alliance International School, Bandung, Indonesia Background Panda submitted by: Kathleen



My problem is... I always try to impress my parents, but my brother gets all the glory. It makes me feel like I am not as good as my little brother. What should I do? It doesn’t matter, it’s up to you. Do you feel good about yourself? Then be happy if you do. If you want someone to praise you then ask for feedback and if someone gets all the glory then just be happy for them. So be happy and relax—your time is coming up anyway. Advice submitted by: ninjamafia21

Just to make you feel better, everyone is different and are good at different things. So no one is exactly better than someone, just good at something. Parents can often do that. My parents do that too but after a while they will change. Also go over some of the things that your parents might disapprove of and try to change. But really you shouldn’t change just because of someone else. Advice submitted by: 19licind

Join some things that your brother doesn’t want to do! Then you are able to shine in your own activity. Advice submitted by: suzymd

Try to help out more with the house work. :) Advice submitted by: Yxrulz

I have a crush on this girl. On Valentine’s Day, I bought her some chocolates and made a CD for her. I was too scared to tell her, so I wrote anonymous on the box, and stuffed them in her backpack. I told my friend about it and my friend ratted me out! I had to confess to my crush and she laughed, said goodbye, and walked away. Now it’s been a long time and when we have to talk to each other, it is EXTREMELY awkward. What should I do??? Well, she never really gave you a straight-up answer did she? As a fellow girl, I think it’s most probable that she thinks the pointed walking away was an answer. But there is a slim chance it wasn’t. Girls can have their awkward moments too; she might have just not known what to say. If nothing else, getting a straight answer out of her might help relieve the pressure a little. Give it a try. Also, you definitely don’t want to try to get her even after she said no, it’ll make her feel embarrassed and awkward. You’ll probably never get her if you try too hard... Advice submitted by: Katrey_kappa

She is probably not ready for someone to like her. Even if she likes you she may deny it to others as you would’ve right? So don’t take that the wrong way, OK? I felt really uncomfortable near the guy that liked me and I tried to avoid him. Don’t go too fast. She might be so surprised by the gift and the fact that you like her. Talk to her and become a friend and then a close friend. Try to break the silence or awkwardness by complimenting her or making some comments. Act normal around her as you would to anyone else. 12

Advice submitted by: 19licind

I’m always bored during like the weekends. I told my cousin that, but she says that’s how life is. But I don’t there something fun to do when I have nothing to do?

If you’re a gamer... 1. Change the settings or backgrounds... but don’t stuff up your device. 2. If you know how to do if you’re a technical person,just pull out some wires and make a whole new electronic thing (best not to). 3. Play it! If you’re a crafty person... 1. Make a collage of your photos. 2. Draw! Paint! Sketch! 3. Make a booklet of your pictures (if you want to, make a story out of them). I dunno, you might become a famous artist if you start showing it to other children. If you’re a bookworm... 1. Read! 2. Write a story. 3. Borrow some books from the library. I love manga comics (but NOT Pokemon)! If you’re a chatty person... 1. Go on Facebook, MSN, Twitter etc. 2. Talk to your toys. 3. Talk to your pet.

Waterfall painting submitted by: Sebastian T., Age 8, Houston, Texas

Your cousin is wrong! I’m going to inspire you with my awesome, epic and cool three options for each personality.

If you’re a playful person... 1. Play with your pets or friends. 2. Jump on your bed (just be careful). 3. PLAY! Anyway, just do what you want, be free! I just play with my old toys, look at my baby photos, and play with stuff I used a lot a long time ago. Advice submitted by: kiama234

GotTA Prob, Bob? KidzEra PEEPs CAN HELP!

School Time art submitted by: anime-nc


Top Artist







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A lot of things spark my imagination—people, the environment, school, technology. I like to enjoy the little things in life, and look at the world from a different perspective -Ira

Share YOUr ART!

Magic Knight by






Comics inspire me to create— they give me techniques I want to try. For all KidzEra readers: Don’t give up on things that are important to you! -machinegun123

Human 12 by





The A


Draw what you want to draw— especially if it’s your feelings, and especially when you don’t want to tell somebody else about it. -kikianimedrawer





. . . Y L T EN



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You know what’s Up.


Now tell us! ocal v o l s o ’ s e . l.. tat stiva my s e F n o s r Iw hoi ting! ict C r a t r s b i D ele g for y... c l n t i n c i a e t s-div Curr st!! prac m . . . e l y t l it e ent appa cont tted by: l Curr rvous? sI ey_k r i t a od a the K e bm o : n u y g e S ! b s b d ’t a n’t read MES n itte A s m a G v b ER ha Su It w UNG s!!! ou who e H t m fy Ga bou nger r those o azy a 3 r u c H 2 I’m Fo the tly... : legrand_ hed ty good. n c e t r re r a y Cu xplo st w till pret some! e ed b u t I j t i I s m ... sa s s s awe Sub ently ’ t wa tudie s d Curr ht but i IT!!! It an g D work e thou ..... REA grand_23 m o s le on h serie tted by: g n i t are mi <3 stina Sub stuff ocra eness. l r p w o m m and y...I’ f aweso ng l s t e n e t e all Curr pages o echaekyu aseb b le e . . : s . y e y tl th db itte urren rage! XD ulz C m b . xr e Su ice all th tted by: Y et m t, p d ncer te o mi p c b o r u d o e S n it Ia y pia piano! tly... : SailorJup n m e r d r e y n b Cu nts a In on th tted e i r a m p ng Sub s, my Marchi d n e o ri my f Saints G o t g e th lkin g, ta y When n i d la ea y... r oing to p l t n e ls). Curr I am g DJB123 r gir onships. e o f ( e 1 r ys us ati whe tted by: er gu over rel act beca v o i m uing guy Sub ssed *Arg ing stre e toughtt h *Ge ing on t . t nt *Put ol. teme a a t . s . . a kapp s co ing. s ’ _ y t s i y a a e r r a alw ay Kat ssip ey m *Go tted by: ... or ct gramm y h l t t n n e e e mi Curr g incorr origin) cary wh Sub s n i s *Us up OK’ acher is k e (Loo ng the t i Girl submitted by: Lucie L., Age 12, y *Sa e. ys). u . g International School of Dakar, Dakar, Senegal s r not b ing note girls (fo s r Boy submitted by: Tanhaz M., Age 13, *Pas ing ove u g r International School Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh A * 16

Background flowers submitted by: Raisa K., Grade 4, International School Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Are You a Gossip?

Time to find out the truth!

1. You see two of your friends talking mysteriously in a corner. You: a) Run over and see what they are talking about. b) Walk past slowly and find out as much as you can by casually eavesdropping. c) Walk past and mind your own business. 2. You are walking down the hallway and your friend whispers a juicy secret into your ear. You: a) Find the closest person and spill the beans. b) Tell your best friend and no one else. c) Keep the secret—she knows she can confide in you. 3. You see your best friend read a note, gasp and throw it in the garbage. You: a) Run to the garbage and pull the note out. b) Walk casually to your friend and see what you can find out. c) Walk past the garbage and not give it a second thought. 4. You walk into school and your friend tells you that someone has been spreading rumors about you. You:

Boy submitted by: verolovesrap

a) Tell a bunch of friends a rumor about that girl. b) Tell your friend that she doesn’t know what she is talking about and say something mean about her. c) Thank your friend and forget about it. You know it’s not true and that is all that matters. 5. Your friend runs up to you in school and whispers a secret she just heard into your ear. You: a) Laugh and retort, “You just found out! Wow, I found that out WEEKS ago.” b) Reply, “Oh yeah! I heard about that!” c) Reply, “Hmm. So, are you going to the football game tonight?”

Quiz submitted by: Amaka N., Age 11, Pingry Middle School, Martinsville, New Jersey

If you answered mostly A’s:

If you answered mostly B’s:

If you answered mostly C’s:

You are a Head-Over-Heels Gossip.

You are a Wishy-Washy Gossip.

You are a Rare Gossip.

You know everything as it happens. When everyone is finding a secret out, you have known about it for weeks! You know everyone and about anyone. No one can tell you a secret because it will be around the school in a couple of minutes, thanks to you. One thing you need to remember is to hold your tongue because it often gets you into trouble.

You know a couple things but sometimes you are left in the gossip dust. You find things out at the same time as everyone else. You have usually heard the secret floating around once or twice. People tell you secrets and you usually keep them, but really juicy ones you have to tell a close friend. You are usually a good friend but you do feel on top of the world when you gossip occasionally!

You usually find things out last. When you do find out something, you are totally shocked. The good thing about you is you are a great secret keeper and an AMAZING friend. You have very high self-esteem and you take what people say about you lightly. Usually you really don’t care about the latest news and you brush rumors over the shoulder. You are rarely the center of attention and prefer not to be anyway.


Wordsearch submitted by: Adlin J. and Ayah E., Grade 7, Scofield Magnet Middle School, Stamford, Connecticut Birds in Trees submitted by: Shaye H., Age 10, Clarendon Elementary School, San Francisco, California Landscape submitted by: Vaishnaui S., Age 7, International School Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Word Scramble

Submitted by: Christina A., Age 12, Scofield Magnet School, Stamford, Connecticut

1. Tewra _ _ _ _ _ 2. Vnrneomntie _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3. Surlett _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4. Nsececi _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5. Oglanndsll _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

6. Undos _ _ _ _ _ 7. Noace _ _ _ _ _ 8. Cusere _ _ _ _ _ _ 9. Phel _ _ _ _ 10. Innginw _ _ _ _ _ _ _


Maze Maze and drawings Submitted by: Anthony S., Age 12, Scofield Magnet Middle School, Stamford, Connecticut

Patchwork Turtle submitted by: Sofija A., Age 10, High Peaks Elementary School, Boulder, Colorado

Turtle submitted by: Shannon T., Age 12, Scofield Magnet Middle School, Stamford, Connecticut

1. Water; 2. Environment; 3. Turtles; 4. Science; 5. Long Island; 6. Sound; 7. Ocean; 8. Rescue; 9. Help; 10. Winning

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Bunny submitted by: friendzyfriend; Cat submitted by: calarelli; Genie submitted by: Tarisha S.; Squid submitted by: firephoenix; Sun submitted by: 19licind

: eek DRAW K the w C f I o U d Q r o y as week r the w ready... to pla o e f h w t m o f o o H rd ram ra.c KidzE ers or prog ble the wo k e! c e h b to vot cri ark s 1. C t m r e r o g r u fo yo tch don’t 2. Get Doodle, ske d n a ! .com 3. GO you can! idzEra K o t s fast a ad your art o 4. Upl

Link submitted by: redlink108; Be Happy submitted by: kikianimedrawer; Always Smile submitted by: little-ms-diva



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