KidzEra 2013 Vol 2

Page 1

Butterfly submitted by: Casey G. Shoe submitted by: Jovany P., Age 12, Our Lady of Mt. Carmel School, Redwood City, California

I have summer fever, For I really do LOVE its Flowers, Warmth, Shorts and tanks, My favorite camps, The ambition for starting a new school— SUMMER! Submitted by: smaeswanson


(We can’t wait for summer either!)

Summer Longing

to do it le p o e p er rage oth rds) and move u o c n e o a ls cle and a my hands afterw n I don’t use y c e r I . s s whe I clean y thing e ( c n s n a n a a m i c l g p e n p oi a ag ctronic Day by d out of the garb e l h e t r ff a o E n te I celebra ake recyclables mpost and tur o t lp R! .Ic too! I he GREENE ling bins c h c y c u e r m e h c th ill be mu them to w ld r o w ur ething, o them. m o s le t t a li ne does o y r e v How do YOU e f I yang

d by: yin



celebrate Earth Day? Answer now at!


Clown, lollipops, sun and rainbow submitted by: Cassandra K., Age 12, Our Lady of Grace School, Fairview, New Jersey



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KidzEra Founded 1995

The KidzEra Crew

Special thanks to:

Visit us online: Call us: 1-888-400-KIDZ (5439) Email us:

Editor Maggie Snyder KidzEra Captain Matthew Smith Production Director Christina Szoke General Ninja Duties Ryan Madson Web Guru Jeremy Tomlinson

* Media Militia for the graphic resources * flickr user bittbox for the blue paper texture * deviantArt user frogmastr1 for the texture on page 2-3

Š Youth Intermedia, 2013. All Rights Reserved.


KidzEra is created from student submissions. We do not necessarily endorse or agree with the content. We do our best to make sure that submissions are original and error-free but the content in KidzEra is not guaranteed. Content in KidzEra does not take the place of professional legal, medical or mental advice. KidzEra is published by Youth Intermedia. All contents herein are copyrighted 2013 by Youth Intermedia, with all rights reserved. KidzEra and the KidzEra logo are registered trademarks of Youth Intermedia.

Extra-special super thanks to: *Everyone that submits to KidzEra. You’re all awesome. Opposite page: Pegasus submitted by: Hassan A., Age 12, Della Lamb Charter School, Kansas City, Missouri Heartcycle submitted by: Ariana S., Age 10, Cherry Drive Elementary School, Thornton, Colorado

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Talk Back

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Horizon painting submitted by: EgoFruit


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Dressing is a way of life. -Yves Saint-Laurent



Inspiration for my art comes from dance, my friends and family, nature and all of you! I love ice cream with brownies and my favorite sport is Poms. I’m happy, energetic and smiley and my favorite weekend activity is dancing and hanging out with my friends. I’d like to say that everyone is special and talented. Every single one of you. This is one of my favorite quotes: “Losers let it happen, winners make it happen.” All of you are winners! <3 -PomieK





? ? submit your design today!




JANE cover artist 2013 Jane A., 4th Grade, Gladwyne Elementary School, Gladwyne, Pennsylvania

Don’t be satisfied with stories of how things have gone with others. unfold your own myth. -rumi




I’m inspired to make art by music. My favorite artists are Mark Crilley and Oceanchan (on deviantArt) and my advice to KidzEra readers is to keep trying to draw more difficult things! -anime-nc


cover artist 2013

WHITE WOLF 297 top artist 2013

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bmitted by: jin

Lego House su


Bird on a Pole submitted by:


Flowe rs St. Gab submitted riel Sch ool, Sa by: Emma W n Franc isco, Ca ., Age 13, lifornia





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Wouldn’t it be awesome if these were all stamps you could buy at the post office?


Piece o


: Pomie

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Peace, flowers and rainbow submitted by: Simran, Age 10, International School Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh

How to Draw a Dragon submitted by: NoahArk



KidzEra! submitted by: Emina M., Age 12, Walt Disney Magnet School, Chicago, Illinois

YOU KNOW WHY KIDZERA RULES? Because of awesome people like YOU. True Story.


Making New Friends Making new friends is easy as long as you are calm and happy. If you are going to a new school, look for a nice person. Just sit down near them. You can talk to them first or you could wait and see if they talk to you first. Another way of making friends is in the cafeteria. You can walk around, find a nice bunch of people and ask if you can sit with them. You should also choose what kind of friend you want: an in-school friend or an out-of-school friend. If you want an out-of-school friend, make sure you try and arrange hang outs and time to talk away from school. If you want an in-school friend, don’t ignore them if they call you outside of school—it may be just to talk. Also, they might want to be an out-of-school friend with you! When you make a friend, you should make sure that they have these qualities:


1) Kind 2) Understanding 3) Funny Your friend should like you for who you are inside, not what you look like on the outside. Remember you should be able to be yourself around your friends. Submitted by: Mica M. Age 11, Albany Middle School, Albany, California

GOT ADVICE? We NEED IT! My problem is...I like a boy but he likes my best friend. He doesn’t know I like him, even though we chat a lot. Plus he’s not in my class. I don’t know whether I should tell him that I like him or not. What should I do in this case? 16

Purple Girl submitted by: Bo Ra H., Age 12, Bandung Alliance International School, Bandung, Indonesia





MY PROBLEM IS... ...there is this boy I like but he has a girlfriend. What should I do?

Believe submitted by: Alex B., Age 12, North Richlands Hills Middle School, North Richland Hills, Texas

Splatters submitted by: Rachel C., Age 11, Alamo Elementary School, San Francisco, California

Hearts submitted by: Kaylea B., Age 10, Centennial Elementary School, Broomfield, Colorado

MY ADVICE IS... ...stop liking the guy because he has a girlfriend already. There’s plenty more guys and you shouldn’t worry about these things right now. -Submitted by: monnyd should tell him. If you don’t, then it might leave a burden on you. If he rejects you, you can get over it. It won’t kill you. If he likes you too make sure you and he tell his girlfriend. She might or might not take it well but its worth it to do that, isn’t it? GoodLuck >.< -Submitted by: sakuraxls2

...just be there for him. I know how hard it is to get over someone but sometimes you need to. Just be his friend for the time being. There will be a time when you will find someone. Trust me. -Submitted by: Nadhirah2001


Click a Pic of something..

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Hamburger submitted by: Jammer

Click a Pic

CLICK A PIC of your favorite food!

Birthday cakes submitted by: creativegirlever

19 11

Frozen yogurt submitted by: Dogzrule106

Spice cake submitted by: Yxrulz

Frosted Flakes submitted by: twinkieeeter


Submit your stories!

One Saturday evening, my mom, dad, brother and I were at a restaurant called Blue Crab in San Francisco, by the ocean. A kind, middle-aged man with lightly dyed red hair asked us in a polite but deep voice, “What would you like for a beverage?” “Water,” my family replied, including me. I watched as he wrote down the information. “What would you like to eat this evening?” he questioned in a booming voice, while raising an eyebrow. My family’s choices all sounded delicious but I didn’t know what they were. I was about to say sausage pizza when something even more scrumptious than sausage pizza caught my eye: shrimp scampi, which is a bowl with about 15 shrimp on a skewer soaked in butter and garlic. e 13, ma S., Ag s, California ti a F : y b gele ed submitt ary School, Los An t r a t e s fM Sun te Heart o Immacula


I finally answered, “SHRIMP SCAMPI!” Eyes all over the restaurant were staring at me. I didn’t mean to be so loud in public, I just love shrimp scampi! The waiter finished taking our order and moved off to another table without a word. While we waited for our food, I drew on my play sheet. I love crossword puzzles, word finds and coloring. Our waiter reappeared out of nowhere and in a little squeaky voice he said, “Here is your food, fresh and baked—” “Excuse me, sir,” said my dad. “I was going to ask for a refill of water please…” “Sure!” said the waiter. “Enjoy your meal.” While we were eating, I smelled smoke coming from the kitchen. Then I saw a glowing orange flare. It seemed like the chef had accidentally set the stove on fire and it was spreading quickly in the kitchens. Pots and pans were melting! People in the kitchen were coughing and almost were passing out from the black smoke. The fire was now spreading into the restaurant and as it was spreading, we were just sitting there eating! Then I grabbed a metal plate and threw it at the window—crack!!! The window cracked open big enough for a grown-up to jump through. We all jumped through and ran to the car. As we were running to the car, I heard a loud rumbling and saw a huge, blue wave about 70 feet tall—a tsunami! My dad started the engine and we started to drive about 100 miles an hour, with the tsunami only 500 feet away. We drove under the wave and while my dad was driving, I was watching out every window I could. I was getting a headache from all the twisting and turning! Finally, we got into a garage and drove to the top floor and watched the destruction. The tsunami hit the Blue Crab, where we had just been eating, and saw the flames of the kitchen fire go under the water. I never thought that when I went out to dinner that night that I would see such a magnificent sight of fire under the ocean. Now my eyes were so exhausted from all the smoke that I got very tired. My dad drove us wearily home using side roads and alleys. When I got home, I passed out on my bed and immediately fell asleep and dreamed about my incredibly strange night. Story submitted by: Arman L., Grade 4, Del Prado School, Boca Raton, Florida

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Ze’s been getting much warmer here.

Submitted by: SailorJupiter

-Submitted by: lindseyluis


Currently...I miss my kitten.

Currently...I have been memorizing π! I’m at 444 digits right now! Submitted by: yinyang

You know what’s up! now tell us!


Fashions submitted by: Angela S., Age 10, Canadian Academy, Kobe, Japan

How are you staying healthy this spring?

BEING HEALTHY You want to stay fit and eat healthy food? I’m telling you how so listen up, dude! Put your body in a good mood, Please don’t give me an attitude!


Your teeth and bones need calcium, Your brain likes broccoli; give it some! Carrots are good for your eyes—YUM! So don’t fill your mouth with candy and gum.

Meat builds muscles, it has protein, You can even find protein in a bean! Exercising keeps you lean, Catchin’ on, you know what I mean? So remember, it’s all true: Being healthy is all up to you! You know what you need to do, Now that my poem is all through! Submitted by: Nadhirah2001

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Currently...I’m going to go to Singapore for higher education. I’m from Singapore but since my father is Bangladeshi, I was raised in Bangladesh. Well, I’m in Secondary 1, a.k.a. Class 7, and I was double promoted and I’m excited to go to Singapore! Submitted by: Nadhirah2001

Currently..missing Spring Break! We’re back to school with all the homework and mean teachers. :( Submitted by: creativegirlever

Currently...I’m hoping that I’ll be able to start animating stuff. I might start with short songs and animate with those! Submitted by: kikianimedrawer


A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE A healthy lifestyle is very important to me. A healthy lifestyle can help you accomplish many things, like keeping your body strong. One way children, teens and adults can have a healthy lifestyle is by exercising. You can exercise many ways. For example, you can do push ups, run, play golf, baseball, basketball, football, hockey, softball, soccer, swimming and plenty more.

Strawberry submitted by: Nicole M., Age 12, Immaculate Heart of Mary School, Los Angeles, California Orange submitted by: Joshua C., Age 12, Bandung Alliance International School, Bandung, Indonesia Bunny submitted by: Nhu H., Age 13, Liberty Middle School, Aurora, Colorado

Besides exercising you can have an outstanding life by eating right too. Foods like broccoli, carrots and sweet potatoes leaves help you get vitamin A, which helps your eyes. Foods like turkey, tuna, beans and bananas help you get vitamin B, which helps your whole body. Foods like strawberries, lemons and cabbage help you get vitamin C, which helps your immune system. Foods like eggs, milk and fish give you vitamin D, which helps your bones. These are two major ways that you can have a healthy lifestyle! Submitted by: Paul R., Age 11, Baldi Middle School, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania



Baseball player submitted by: Aaron K., Grade 5, Castle Rock Elementary School, Castle Rock, Colorado

Sports wordsearch submitted by: Eskil S., Age 9, Overseas School of Colombo, Colombo, Sri Lanka



JOKES! What’s a frog’s favorite drink?


Submitted by: Jimb02000

Why did the teacher wear sunglasses? Because she had bright students! Submitted by: Keca love

What’s a skeleton’s favorite room? The LIVING room! Submitted by: Tarisha Sarker

Person #1: Wanna hear a cheesy joke? Submitted by: machinegun123

Person #2: Sure.

Peacock submitted by: Andrea N., Age 10, W.T. Hanes Elementary School, Irving, Texas

Person #1: ...and the mozerella said to the cheddar: “Stay sharp.” Submitted by: thegman12

Lily: Did you hear that some new cars have Siri now? Aria: What if they started making Apple cars? Spencer: Well, then I guess the Apple car can’t have Windows! Submitted by: PomieK

SUBMIT YOUR comicS! What do you call a monkey that can fly? A hot air baboon!


Submitted by: SailorJupiter


One True Friend She smiles outside, Even when the rest of her is hurting. She walks and talks as if nothing’s wrong, And keeps marching along side of the Spring. The true friend realizes her pain, Through the fake glued-on smile. She speaks and chats all night long, And stays with her for a little while. This one true friend is here forever, For her time of need, No matter what rollercoaster, She’ll always keep up to speed. My best friend is the girl, The true one is me, We’ll be together forever, In the land where we’re full of glee. I’ve helped her as much as she’s helped me, Now it’s time to set things right. Turn her cheek the other way, And teach the bullies to be polite. Submitted by: hoopsgirl211


Street Scene submitted by: Cindy L., Grade 3, The International School of Penang, Penang, Malaysia



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