SOS-Learning Compassion Through Writing

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SOS - Learning Compassion Through Writing Essential Questions Why is it important to ask for help? Why should we help each other and give advice? What do you have experience or expertise in that you can use to help others?

Curriculum Connections English: NL-ENG.K-12.1; NL-ENG.K-12.2; NL-ENG.K-12.3; NL-ENG.K-12.4; NL-ENG.K-12.5; NLENG.K-12.6; NL-ENG.K-12.7; NL-ENG.K-12.8; NL-ENG.K-12.11; NL-ENG.K-12.12 US Department of Health and Human Services Anti-Bullying Initiative

•  Read the questions below. Have students answer the questions in the space provided. • Have students write their own questions about problems they are having. •  Send questions and answers to KidzEra for possible publication! Include a submission form with each entry. Please have students note if they would like to remain anonymous. •  Have students visit Project SOS on to ask questions and give advice on more questions their worldwide peers have posted!

Activity • Discuss the Essential Questions.

Sample question and answer:

Write your own response to these questions: Continue on another page if you need to!

Q: Some people are spreading rumors about me online. It’s horrible…I just feel like shrinking away. What should I do and how should I deal with bullies? Question submitted by: Lauren, Age 12, Colorado


Q: How do you survive people who try to get you in trouble? Question submitted by: Annonymous, Age 11, Texas

People spreading rumors about you isn’t a good thing. It can hurt your feelings and sometimes lead to suicide. This is called cyberbullying. Cyberbullying is sometimes hard to solve, because people are scared to say the truth. Just like physical and verbal bullying, it’s not just you that’s causing the problem. Perhaps the bully isn’t doing well with his or her family. The best way to solve cyberbullying is probably the scariest way: tell an adult. Whether you tell your mom, dad, teacher or principal, you’re not the “tattletale” you’re scared of being, you’re just smart. “Tattletale” is just a word people use to scare others and make them become more vulnerable. So, stand up for yourself and tell an adult. Answer submitted by: Mirei M., Age 11, Albany Middle School, Albany, California

Your response to Lauren’s question:

Q: What would be the best way to end a relationship/friendship? Question submitted by: Annonymous, Age 16, South Carolina

Do you have a question you need advice on? Q:

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