Mask Wearing Though kids may love wearing masks at Halloween, wearing a mask all throughout the day may not feel like fun. To get your child used to mask wearing and mask care habits, model mask wearing and care, let them practice at home and praise your child when they get it right.
Mask Recommendations: Masks should include multiple layers of fabric and allow the child to breathe freely. 30
Each child should have their own set of cloth masks. We recommend that your child wears a freshly-washed mask to school each day, and carries at last one or two clean back-up masks. Kids will probably need several masks a day. Once a mask is wet or dirty it's no longer considered effective. To store masks, each child should carry two clean bags or containers that allow for air flow: one for their clean back up masks, and one for their used masks. Be sure to label the bags or containers so they know which is which.
August 2021