INSTA - PLAN: • Think about what you would like to say and find an image or take a photo that does this. • Use a mixture of different images to get your message across - Quotes / Black & White Pics / Movement shots / Still shots / Events / Real life moments / Colourful interactions. • For inspiration search different instagram users that have a lot of followers. John Johnson #JJ has great content and a large following.
INSTA - TOOLS: • To measure and checkout your community: • To find hash tags that are popular: Tagstagram • Add some flare to your pics with these picture apps: Snapseed and Adobe Photoshop Express / Fuzel or PicCollage / Picsart / Photofunia
INSTA - COMPS: Give your community more incentives to follow you and engage with you. LIKE COMPS / REGRAM POSTS / FOLLOW ME POSTS are very common, but there are more ways that you can interact using Instagram. • TAG a friend in the comment comp • Video message comps are great fun
• Send a Personal Message competition to your followers • Use a UNIQUE Hashtag comp and encourage people to upload a pic and use the hashtag to be in to win
Best times for posting on Instagram vary from country to country, so aim to target the country that you’re in. Find out when most people are interacting with your images. Post 2 - 3 times a day to start with and adjust this until you have system that works for you and your community.
The number one rule with INSTAGRAM is to have fun, it’s a social medium that allows freedom and creative flare to rule above heavy written content. Let the picture do the talking and allow your community to grow naturally.
INSTA - HINTS & TIPS: • Colourful / Informative / Vibrant / Energetic / Sexy style pics are always LIKED more than boring food pics. • Use additional pic apps to make your pictures unique. • Use HASHTAGS of trending topics with your pics to get more LIKES. • Comment on others people’s photos and they will take notice of you, and possibly follow you. If you're not active, you may not gain the traction that you’re looking for on Instagram.
• Use the video feature on INSTAGRAM to change up the type of content you display. • Use filters to make the pics taken on mobile more appealing. • When using video make sure it’s of something amazing! • Follow brands and businesses that inspire you or are within your chosen genre. • Be authentic and real, your followers will appreciate it.