رحلة العمل والأمل الجزء 1 مترجم للانجليزية

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When was a single bee ever been able to produce all the honey in a whole cell?

General supervision: Dr. Abdulrahman Almdedaires General director of Education in the Eastern province Chairman of the Advisory Board of the Center Mr. Ahmad Balghunaim Director of Education in AlAhsa province Executive director , president of the center


When was a single bee ever been able to produce all the honey in a whole cell? Preparation Team: Abdullah Al Okasi Director of the center Dr. Ibrahim ‪Abdelkarim Al Hussain The quality consultant in the center Riyadh Othman Al Haidar Team member Audit: The Educational Supervision Department , in the General Administration of Education in Al-Ahsa province "male" Arabic Language Department - Islamic Education Department All rights are reserved for Prince Mohammed bin Fahd bin Abdulaziz Quality Centre 1427 H, 2006.


Thank you ‌. Prince of quality A quality in any work can not exist without having a creative leader who is emboldening and encouraging, who inspires and gives hope for everyone, to lights their paths and delights their souls... and here is where the real creativity appears, when these leaders show such an interest and care for raising our generation. And for this reason, all the members of the center would like to express their sincere gratitude and thanks to His Royal Highness Prince Mohammed bin Fahd bin Abdulaziz, the governor of the Eastern Province, for his continuous support starting from his approval to the establishment of the center, and the continuous financially and morally support for the plans and programs of the journey of quality in education in the Eastern Province.

If you were planning for a year, Cultivate flowers; if you were planning for a decade, plant trees; but if you were planning for a lifetime, educate people. * Chinese proverb


The speech of His Royal Highness Mohammed bin Fahd bin Abdulaziz Al Saud Governor of the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia, Honorary President of the advisory board

All praise is due to Allah, May Allah's Peace and Blessings be upon His Final Messenger, his household and his noble companions.. Nowadays, in our contemporary world, nations' civilization and prosperity are being judged by their gain of informational revolution and the advanced scientific knowledge, where as the advanced countries are not categorized as advanced countries by their natural wealth as their real rate of growth and development, but the world now is facing lots of respectively modern variables, which requires looking up the information and seeking the knowledge, which the human element represents the important base and the essential resource for this development in all of its different fields.

His Royal Highness Mohammed bin Fahd bin Abdulaziz Al Saud Governor of the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia Honorary President of the advisory board


The world today has changed to speak the language of quality, in educational institutions, research centers, universities, schools, factories, companies and organizations, both big and small ones, whether they were productive or service sectors, and since the educational institutions are what we are relying on to prepare our generation and to build up their minds, so our concern was focusing on the establishment of the quality center, which makes sure to spread and apply the philosophy of managing the total quality in schools and the administrative facilities at the departments of education in the Eastern Province, in accordance with the policies and objectives of education in our precious country, where as the education is having lots of attention from our wise government, under the leadership of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, and his Crown Prince His Royal Highness Prince Sultan bin Abdulaziz Al Saud -May Allah protect them- in order to improve the educational performance and to graduate students who would support the development process in their homeland, and who will be capable of competing globally through their information and education, and armed with science and knowledge, not to mention their adherence to their noble values of their Islamic religion at the same time.


Prince Mohammed bin Fahd bin Abdulaziz Quality Centre was able over the past few years to achieve so many accomplishments in the field of applying the total quality management in education in the Eastern province, both domestically and internationally. On this basis, a report came which carried (The Journey of Work and Hope), as a real witness to these achievements and the continuation of the journey towards reaching hopes and aspirations. In conclusion, I thank all of the staff at the center for their hard and effective efforts to spread the concept of quality in the field of education, and also for their preparation for this report, I ask Allah almighty to help and guide everyone to what He loves and makes Him satisfied. Mohammed bin Fahd bin Abdulaziz Governor of the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia


The speech of His Excellency the General director of Education in the Eastern province President of the advisory board

All praise is due to Allah, May Allah's Peace and Blessings be upon His Final Messenger Mohammed bin Abdullah, his household, his noble Companions.. The world today is facing so many challenges which do have clear impacts among the decision makers in many fields, especially the field of educational administration due to the challenges and the rapid and successive changes in the technical and informational revolution, which have became a prominent feature for our current era, which requires a concentration on the human element to deal with these challenges and changes effectively and more efficient. Hence, the quality today has become the interest of whom are interested in the improvement and development of educational performance in both advanced and developing countries, due to its importance, as one of the most important modern administrative techniques, which contribute to the progress of practical and educational quality, that was proved to be successful in facing challenges and future changes, and to deal with them so ably.

Dr. Abdulrahman Almdedaires General director of Education in the Eastern province Chairman of the Advisory Board of the Center


In line with the recognition of the importance of these challenges and changes, and the need to keep up with the requirements of this stage, our wise government under the leadership of The Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, and his Crown Prince His Royal Highness Prince Sultan bin Abdulaziz Al Saud -may Allah protect them-, was keen to invest the human element through educate and develop them according to the highest standards permanently and continuously to enable them to keep up with the developments and to support the process of construction and development. From this point, the establishment of the Prince Mohammed bin Fahd bin Abdulaziz quality center was approved with the blessing and unlimited support from His Royal Highness Prince Mohammed bin Fahd bin Abdulaziz himself, the Governor of the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia and the Honorary President of the advisory board.. -May Allah protect Him-, to contribute in spreading and applying the quality method in the educational sector in the Eastern Province in order to bring more qualitative shift in the work philosophy and style, to commensurate with the rapid changes up to the entrenchment of the quality culture, as to help the process of transformation from the traditional administrative system to the comprehensive system of quality which aims to delight and satisfy the beneficiaries of the educational services which are provided to them. 11

On this basis, the working team was keen to issue this report entitled as: (Prince Mohammed bin Fahd bin Abdulaziz Quality Centre: The Journey of Work and Hope), as a practical evidence to translate the objectives of the center to tangible achievements and sincere desire for continuing the journey of quality which found and still finding the mentoring support from the Prince of quality His Royal Highness Mohammed bin Fahd bin Abdulaziz Al Saud Governor of the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia and His Highness Prince Jiluwi bin Abdulaziz bin Musa’id Deputy Governor of the Eastern Province -May Allah protect them-, I also would like to thank His Excellency Dr. Abdullah bin Saleh Al Obaid the Minister of Education for his support for the center and its various activities. Eventually I would like to thank all of the brothers and sisters for their kind efforts for spreading and applying the culture of quality in the educational community and also for their issuing this report, I ask Allah almighty to help and guide everyone to what He loves and makes Him satisfied.


The speech of His Excellency the general Director of Education in Al-Ahsa province Executive director of the center

Mr. Ahmad Balghunaim Director of Education in AlAhsa province Executive director , president of the center

All praise is due to Allah, May Allah's Peace and Blessings be upon His Final Messenger Mohammed bin Abdullah, his household, his noble Companions.. Currently, the educational administration is facing immense challenges as an impact of the wealth of knowledge and technology, so the world now has been looking at the humanely intelligence to consider it as the most valuable and effective resource to achieve societal development in all its dimensions. The quality now is everywhere in all fields of work, so it has spread from industry to education, and that was after achieving great successes on a global level by the total quality management.


The establishment of Prince Mohammed bin Fahd bin Abdulaziz Quality Centre was approved with the blessing from His Royal Highness Prince Mohammed bin Fahd bin Abdulaziz -May Allah protect him- to have the prominent role in improving the quality of education across the Eastern Province in accordance with the policies and objectives of education in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Who is providing for their children the all-new in the field of development of education, which is having lots of attention from our wise government, under the leadership of The Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, and his Crown Prince His Royal Highness Prince Sultan bin Abdulaziz Al Saud may Allah protect them-, so the children of this nation are going to be able to support the development process and to access to the labor market efficiently and effectively.


Prince Mohammed bin Fahd bin Abdulaziz Quality Centre’s team work has been working since it was established in 1420 H on spreading and applying the the principles of total quality management in education, on this basis, the working team was keen to issue this report entitled as: (The Journey of Work and Hope), as a documentation to a stage of the journey of quality which was initiated by the Department of Education in Al-Ahsa province under the leadership of my dear brother Dr. Abdulrahman Almdedaires , and also which found the support from His Royal Highness Prince Mohammed bin Fahd bin Abdulaziz Al Saud May Allah protect him- as also his support for the team and the activities of the center, also I would like to thank His Excellency Dr. Abdullah bin Saleh Al Obaid which the center was honored by his visit and to see the programs and efforts that are made to improve quality in the field of education. And also Deputy Minister of Education, Dr. Saeed bin Mohammed Al mulays for his support and encouragement for the center's programs.‪ Eventually I ask Allah to help us all during this journey, and I would like to thank all of the brothers and sisters at the team work in the center for their efforts to issue this report.


Contents A) The speech of His Royal Highness Muhammed bin Fahd bin Abdulaziz Al SaudŘŒ Governor of the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia Honorary President of the advisory board...........................................................................................A B) The speech of His Excellency the General director of Education in the Eastern province chairman of the advisory board.............................................B C) The speech of His Excellency the Director of Education in Al Ahsa province Executive director of the center........................................................................C Contents.........................................................................................................16 Introduction - Quality in man..not in place.....................................................19 Strategic thinking...Our vision...Our mission...Our goals.................................23 Beginning of the journey.................................................................................25 6) Expertise houses local, Arab and international...........................................26


7) Center library........................................................................................................27 8) Achievements of the journey................................................................................28 8) 1- Lectures.............................................................................................29 8) 2- Exhibitions and conferences..............................................................30 8) 3- Quality oasis bulletin.........................................................................31 8) 4- published by the Center ………….......................................................32 8) 5- Series of their experiments "Think globally "....................................33 8) 6- Training.............................................................................................34 8) 7- Fields visits.......................................................................................35 8) 8- Support the quality programs...........................................................36 8) 9- Programs 8) 9) 1- Quality readings program...................................................................................................................37 8) 9) 2- Program of monitoring the reality of operations in administration.........................................................................................................38


8) 9) 3- Mutual evaluation program for the quality in school...........................39 Hope...............................................................................................................40 Appendix A “Pages Taken From the Guest Book Of the Center”......................44 Appendix B“The Basic Features for Strategic planning at The Center”………….57 Appendix D “Memories in pictures”.................................................................59


Introduction Quality in man..not in place Praise be to Allah, Lord of all creation who said in his true verses: “...Allah will not change the (good) condition of a people as long as they do not change their state (of goodness) themselves (by committing sins and by being ungrateful and disobedient to Allah)...� Ar-Raad 11. Principles of our islamic religion, teaches us that man is the engine and purpose of change. Humans are an important makers to their lives.They choose the educational and economic content to their future through their hopes and aspirations. As much as they effort, they will obtain what they want in future dimensions. In other words, the quality of man thought and behavior can let him be creative in the development of all the details of his life and achieves a special future based on this creativity.


We often talk about the success of our Islamic Arab civilization in the prosperity eras when adopted in its search for ways of excel on the experimental scientific method. We also talk about the success of some nations in our time in their creativity in economic, educational and social realities in a period of time that does not exceed a quarter century. For example...Malaysia ,the islamic country, strongly present. The shift from an agrarian society to a knowledge society, calls for stop to wonder about the main engine for the large and rapid shift process in this country. The answer seems to be present on the tongue of Malaysians “ quality in education” and if we asked Singaporeans the same question they will say “ Quality in education is what made the intelligence island.” So we learn from our Islamic religion, the history of Islamic Arab civilization and the constitutions of nations, which achieved a renaissance progress, that real investment to achieve excellent civilization is through investing in man.


The development dimensions in the quality of education, which the center of Prince Mohammed Bin Fahad bin Abdulaziz of quality was established in order to attain, Focused on the following premises: -1- Quality is an Islamic principle and national demand. -2- Goals of Education in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. -3- Awareness of the challenges facing the education system. -4- The contents of the ten-year plan of the Ministry of Education (1425-1435) The strategic goal of “taking comprehensive quality management systems in education.” Introduction

In the Hadeth of gabriel.. He asked the prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) about Ehsan: (....Tell me about ehsan He said It is to worship Allah as though you are seeing Him, and while you don’t see Him, He sees you..) Narrated by Muslim


This Report The team of the center thanks and appreciation to His Royal Highness Prince Mohammed Bin Fahad bin Abdulaziz who agreed on establishing a center for quality holds his name with creative act connotations and to formulate a better future for education in our country -if Allah wills- which has been supported by our government under the leadership of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abduallah bin Abdulaziz Alsaud and His Royal Highness Crown Prince Sultan bin Abdulaziz Alsaud May Allah protect them- Also thanks to the Minister of Education Dr. Abdullah bin Saleh AlObaid, which the center is honored to His Excellency visit. Thanks go to His Excellency the Deputy Minister of Education, Dr Saeed bin Mohammed AlMulais and to His Excellency Dr. Abdulrahman Almdedaires, General director of Education in the Eastern province, Who devoted all his thought and effort so the quality be the language spoken by the field of Education. And supported the business journey at the center throughout assuming the management tasks of Education in Ahsa. Also thanks to Mr. Ahmad Balghunaim, Director of Education in AlAhsa for his continuous support for the journey. After a few years of the start of the quality journey, the center had to stand mused after years of continuous work and diligent to ask a Fundamental question...What has been achieved during the first phase of a work and hope journey? The team of the center


Strategic thinking National Quality... Global uniqueness way... Our Vision: We seek to be the shift key tool for the Education community to the total quality.

Our Mission: 1. Saudi capacity building in the fields of the total quality management systems. 2. Institutional work commitment in the field of dissemination and application of the concepts of Total Quality Management and shift them from theory to application. 3. Adoption methods of measurement, analysis and continuous improvement for our activities as well as to all the programs implemented by Educational institutions


Our Goals: 1. Confirmation of quality concept as Islamic principle and functional requirement. 2. Institutional support in the processes of the total quality systems application in education with the reliance on the principles of measurement and continuous analysis. 3. total quality is the base upon which the continuous improvement programs are built, as well as the umbrella that gather and integrate these activities and develop its performance. 4. Full compatibility with the requirements of the ten-year plan of the Ministry of Education. 5. training and continuous learning is the basis, we proceed from, and build upon it the efficiency of performance


Man performance, must stems from quiet thought not to be just a rush

Beginning of the journey Prince Mohammed bin Fahd bin Abdulaziz quality center was established in the twenty-sixth of Shawwal in one thousand four hundred twenty Hijra(10/26/1420 AH) with the approval of His Royal Highness Prince Mohammed bin Fahd bin Abdulaziz AlSaud. Prince of Eastern Province (May Allah protect him). The Center publish and apply the total quality management system in schools and administrative facilities in the departments of Education in the Eastern Province (Dammam - Ahsa - Hafr alBatin) according to the policy and objectives of education in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to achieve a quantum leap in Education.


International, Arabian and local expertise houses. In order To face generalization challenge. Think internationally... and accomplish locally .

The raising of communication channels between the center and institutions which care about the inclusive quality management range is one of the strategic directions that support the center’s plans and programs. For this reason we connected with several expertise houses, the most prominent are : • Prince muhammad bin Fahad bin Abdulaziz award for distinctive governmental performance. • Saudi national committee for quality. • The electronic college for total quality management (Dubai). • Arab quality makers (Damascus). • American society for quality.


Centre's library The library was established in the center and it contains the most important books in both languages Arabic and English in total quality management topics, personal development and educational development. All center’s staff and ministry of education employees can benefit from the library, as well as the academic researchers who specialize in total quality management field.


Journey's achievements Disseminating the culture of quality Lectures , brochures Quality Oasis

Website jawda.hasaedu.gov.sa

The center’s website is considered one of the most important connection channels in the field , where the website is developed constantly according to the needs and expectations of the staff in education. The website provides the following service : electronic library which contains the main books, articles and researches in total quality management. advisory support remotely for educational leaderships and stuff also, in field of total quality management. Monitoring of the most interested bodies for total quality at the Arabian Gulf level. Centre's news. 28

lectures Lectures and seminars are considered one of the main communication channels to disseminate total quality culture in the fields. And it was the priority which the Centre strategy focuses on since its foundation. So, it includes lectures , presented by the Centre for the educational field and other several governmental sectors in the Eastern region and all regions in the kingdom. Beneficiaries from the Centers’ lectures since its foundation until the end of the school year 1425/1426 AH .

1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0







By reading the chart, you will recognize that the Rate of beneficiaries has declined and that’s a result of the center's plan which focus on the school managers at this stage. 29

Exhibitions and Conferences The center is keen on participating in the exhibitions, meetings and conferences and that’s part of the centers’ plan to disseminate the quality culture in the educational field and other governmental sectors. The most important participations are as following : • The first national conference for quality. • The ninth meeting for private education (Alhasa) • Quality conference (Alhasa) • The exhibition of saudi society for educational and psychological sciences. • Heritage festival (Souq Hejer).


The first issue

Second Issue

The secret to the success of Total Quality Management in organizations lies in the development of the organizational culture.

The center publishes the journal Quality Oasis which concerns mainly about total quality management In Education and it is distributed throughout the administrations of Education in the Kingdom. Specialized people are involved in writing of a group of researchers interested in total quality at the level of the Arabian Gulf countries and the Arab countries.


published by the Center The center has prepared a series of booklets and guidebooks, done by some brothers who had worked with the center from the beginning, and the publications are: The issue Present and future Gateway TQM in your hands Teacher rights and responsibilities In the civil service system and ministerial instructions Why Continuous Improvement To make the beneficiary happy Excerpts of TQM system that we want Question and answer about some aspects of quality The thought of quality pioneers in developing the level of performance The Guidance to the application of TQM system in schools

Prepared by Khalifa Al Fawaz Adnan Alorthan Mohammed Aldulaijan

Adnan Alorthan Adnan Alorthan Saad Alduhahi Adnan Alorthan Fahad Alnaeem Khalifa Al Fawaz Khalifa Al Fawaz


Series of their experiments " Think globally " The working team in the center is acquainted with the best global practices related to quality in education, then issued them CDs or brochure after Arabizing. So far it has been issued for the series, the first issue of Australia's experience in education quality.


Training As an annual plan, the center trains the staff working in the educational field, according to a strategy designed for this purpose which contains two stages: The first one: Training the educational leaders (school principals) on the applications of total quality in education which also done through several stages (stage of the theoretical concepts of total quality- stage of tools and techniques of total quality management- Execution stage which includes center following-up the transition steps in schools and presenting the appropriate feedback for the education leaders). The second one: training teachers on the applications of total quality in education.

“quality start with training, and get better with continuing it” “From Japanese quality culture”

Beneficiaries of the courses provided by the center since its establishment and until the year 1425/1426

(Focusing on school principals)


Field visits “what is the secret of successful accomplishment, there are three basic elements: * Select a job you like. * Give it your best. * Be one of the team members.

The working team in the center used to visit schools every week, aiming at supporting the transition strategies to total quality, these visits are within an integrated action plan.


Supporting the quality programs � there is a difference between hard work and good work, at the first one you are running in a waterwheel, at the second one you are seeking excellence�

The center has supported the quality programs in the general administration of Education in Al Ahsa and other government departments as well. The most important program is (Polls project) which was carried out by the Educational Development Department .



readings in Quality

periodically Educational program (Hour weekly) to support learning opportunities for workers on the job. The program contains lectures and workshops to improve working culture and performance development. Program stimulate the workers of all levels to develop their professional skills through high command support for the program in the administration of Education. The program studies the needs of workers through polls about self-development priorities for them, in order to increase their motivation to attend program events. The program support the principle of continuous learning to workers through the Provisions of skills and new knowledge in the field of performance and selfdevelopment.


The Programs Success is to be measured not‪by‪ the position that‪ a person‪ has reached‪, but by the steps beginning from the bed

Where are we?

monitoring the reality of operations in the administration The program works on highlighting the whole operations that are done by the education department then choosing the ones that needs improvements based on internal and external beneficiary needs and aspirations. The goal is to highlight the level of the current quality for each operation and measure its performance in order to improve it continuously to satisfy the aspirations of the beneficiaries.

Our vision is to please the beneficiary


The mutual evaluation program for quality in school The vision: To make the school a beating heart for a knowledgeable cognitive society , and to develop continuously through accomplishing the highest level of Satisfaction for quality partners in education.

Programs: Success Partners Quality in education is known by students, teachers, parents and others

The goals: -Highlighting

the Strengths and weaknesses points in the

school. -Stating the opportunities of improvments in the school. -Stating the needs and aspirations of the partners in the quality of education. -Proceeding a standard comparison between the results of schools that have implemented the program. 39


We observe productive students in the educational process.. They are able to learn by themselves according to high international standards.

Self evaluation

Continuous development

Performance according to high standards

From School to Work


We can see students working in a team to develop their performance so, they can learn Lifelong...

We can see gathered students under their Islamic religion and the love of their country‌


We can see students and teachers and administrators working in a team for continuous development in the performance of their school...

We learn and work to accomplish The vision of the Ministry of Education in our beloved kingdom


Appendix A Pages Taken From the Guest Book Of the Center


His Highness the Minster of Education I was pleased of the achievement that I have witnessed at the Centre of Prince Mohammad bin Fahad bin Abdulaziz for Quality in the administration of education in Al-Hasa Province. I would like to thank and express my gratitude to everyone who worked or supported this achievement. I ask Allah Almighty to make the Center helpful to the community. Abdullah bin Saleh Al-Obaid 27-8-1426 A.H.


The Deputy Commander of the National Guard’s Western Sector My visit to the Center, which has the name of my dear His Highness Prince Mohammed bin Fahad bin Abdulaziz, the Governor of Eastern Province, reflects the major role that applies the comprehensive quality concept and delivers modern means to contribute in improving humans, which is the main element in the equation of development. Education and learning with all methods are the basis, especially when they are delivered by those who are capable and believe in their responsibilities toward the new generations and to the next ones. This is what we hope for the new generations to have in the future. May Allah grant us success in all that serves our religion, country and this trusted leadership. His Highness Prince Faisal bin Abdullah bin Mohammed bin Al Saud 29-10-1423 A.H.


Deputy Minister of the Ministry Education for the affairs of teachers' colleges After visiting the Quality Center with my colleagues from the teachers’ colleges, I realized, with no doubts, that there is some distinguished and patriotic qualifications behind this project. So, thank you for this project, which will have a great effect in evaluation and development. May Allah grant you success. Dr. Mohammed bin Hassan Al-Sa’igh 7-2-1422 A.H.


The Assistant Deputy Minister for Teachers' Affairs Praise be to Allah the Almighty and peace be upon His Messenger. I find it as a great chance to write few words, which will be with no doubt not enough to describe the splendid and qualitative work that has been done by the Quality Center. It was pleasure to visit the Center and to listen to the staff expressing their vision, mission, and to the Center’s activities regarding comprehensive quality. It has become essential to practice quality in all our work. I ask Allah to help you to achieve success to all of you. I would like to thank Dr. Abdulrahman Almdedaires and his collogues for their continuous effort in activating the Center’s programs and activities.


And I look forward to see their educational work in schools as mentioned on their future plans. At the end, I hope you continue doing such qualitative projects that characterized by high quality. Best regards Dr. Abdullah Al-Masoudi 15-11-1425 A.H.


Chief Editor of Al-Maarifa Magazine The concept of quality is associated in our minds with the administration of education in Al-Hassa Province. When they are discussing quality in the ministry’s meetings or some educational occasions, the name “Al-Hassa” comes up every time they mention quality as an equivalent for it. This was my motivation to visit the Quality Center during my short visit to Al-Hassa Province. I was pleased about what I have seen in the presentation, which I have seen during my visit, it added more pride to my impression about quality in Al-Hassa.


I do not have to mention the importance of quality and perfection in Islam that are unfortunately missing in our practical reality. Best wishes to the Center to continue, as it always has been, a leader in practicing and spreading the concept of quality, not only in Al-Hassa Province but also in all around the country. I would like to extend my sincerest thanks and appreciation to all the staff in the Center, including Dr. Abdulrahman Almdedaires and his sincere colleagues. Ziad Abdullah Al-Durais


Director of Education in AlTaif In 1/3 / 1426 we visited prince Mohammed ibn Fahd ibn Abdulaziz quality center in Al-Ahsa , I was there with me my colleague from Makkah's education, we were pleased and happy from what we saw from the total applying and great quality concept that we really need in the education process. We felt that this center offered for this concept many great ideas. I was pleased with the number of schools, adopted this project as well as quality concept. I thank all those , working and supporting this center .I wish them a good luck Director of Education in AlTaif Saeed Abdullah Al-Qarni 13/10/1423


Director of Security Patrol Management in the Eastern Province I can’t in this short time that we are visiting a place with great experience and quality that we are seeking to apply in the security patrol management in the eastern province. We were happy of what we have seen in this center and it benefits us as students in this field. On behalf of myself and my colleagues we would like to thank all the worker in this center ..I wish them success. May Allah protect our country and our leaders for this beloved country. Colonel/Salman Abdulaziz Al-Hoshan


General Director of Arab Quality Makers /Damascus It was my pleasure to be a guest and to participate with you in building such a great edifice of total Quality in education in our kingdom that is loved by each Arab and Muslim. I thank those who establish this great edifice and I admire their role in protecting it. My sincere thank to my brother Dr. Abdulrahman Almdedaires for his great efforts. May Allah guide us to what pleases Him.

Your brother Hassan Subhi Al Hamoudi


Director of Research and Consultancy department/Institute of Public Administration AdDammam In 9/11/ 1426 we visited prince Mohammed ibn Fahd ibn Abdulaziz quality center. It was my pleasure to give a lecture about the tools in applying the total Quality Management. I was pleased by the good preparation and organization for this lecture , also I was pleased by the corporation spirit in the team members. It is my pleasure to call them “The pioneers of quality� like what my brother Dr. Abdulrahman Almdedaires prefer . Thank you for all your efforts and unique work . I wish you all the success .. May Allah reward you for your good work. Your brother Dr. Saleh Ibrahim AlKhudair 55

General consul of the U.S.A Dhahran May 9, 2001 It is great pleasure indeed to have been able to visit such a quality institution Here in Al-hassa. It reflects the great importance of education for youth and importance of the kingdom of Saudi Arabia places on the development of future generations. I wish you the greatest success General consul of the U.S.A Dhahran


Appendix B The Basic Features for Strategic planning at The Center


The strategic plan of the center ‪

• Spreading quality • • • •

-Quality Oasis Bulletin -series of total -quality in education -Lectures and Seminars -internet website

Training • • • •

principles of schools Program of transformational management toward total quality Quality coordinators in schools Tasks of quality coordinators

The strategic plan of the center ''Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life but by the obstacles which he has overcome''. ‪

• Field Vsits • •

Visiting schools Supporting abilities of school principals to transfer to quality .

• Programs • • •

-operation monitoring program -Readings about quality -The mutual evaluation due to quality in schools


Appendix D Memories in pictures


His Excellency The Former Minister of Education during his visit to the center, Dr. Mohammed Bin Ahmed Alrasheed

His Excellency The Minister of Education, Dr. Abdullah Saleh Alobaied with the members of the center


Some directors of the governmental managements in Al-ahssa during the applied seminar which was organized by the center in 1425H

The working team with The General Director of the Arab Quality makers in Syria Mr. Hassan Subhi Alhamwi


His Excellency the President of the Advisory Broad of the Center Dr. Abdulrahman Almdedaires in a meeting with the head of police department in The Eastern Province and the leader of security patrol in Al-Hasa.

One of the meetings of the preparation staff to participate in Prince Mohammed ben Fahad reward for special and governmental performance


The speech about the quality journey is to be continued....


Translated by: • khawlah Abdullah Al-Areffee • Lamya Nasser Al-Areffee • Sara Ahmad Al-Oda • Basher Abdurhman Al-swailem • Ghada saleh Al-Abdulkareem • Leena Saleh Al-muneef • Nada Abdullateef Bohaimed Reviewed by: Aamal Essa Al-Arjan Audited by : Iqbal Muhammad Al-shuhail



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