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Best quality prac ces in school educa on Compe on . (Leadership: shi towards the first world) Second session 2014 ‐ 1435

‫بسم ﷲ الرحمن الرحيم‬

‫﴿ ُ‬ ‫ﷲ ْالَّ ِذي أَ ْت َق َن ُك َّل َشيْ ٍء ﴾‬ ‫ص ْن َع ْ َ ِ‬ ‫سورة النمل آية )‪(٨٨‬‬


King's invitation I invite all the officials in all sectors of the state to adopt the concepts and principles of quality and excellence criteria in all their plans, ac vi es and works. And to pay high a en on to the constant upgrading and developing in order to achieve the quality and excellence in all crea ng sectors, private and government.


When a bee makes the honey in one cell When a bee makes the honey in one cell General supervision , Dr. Abdurrahman bin Ibrahim Almedaires ‐ the Chairman of Advisory Board of king Fahad bin Abdul Aziz quality center . Mr. Ahmad bin Mohammed Balghunaim ‐ the Execu ve director, president of king Fahad bin Abdul Aziz quality center . The working staff: Mr. Abdullah bin Mohammed Alokasi ‐ the director of king Fahad bin Abdul Aziz quality center. Mrs. Iqabal bint Mohammad Alshahil ‐ the head of the ladies' sec on of king Fahad bin Abdul Aziz quality center. Mr. Riyadh bin Othman AlHider ‐ ale educa onal supervisor of king Fahad bin Abdul Aziz quality center . Project consultant: Dr. Ibrahim bin Abdulrheem Alhuseen ‐ the consultant of quality management system in educa on.


Content King's invita on............................................................................3 The working staff..........................................................................4 Content.........................................................................................5 the speech of King Fahad bin Abdul Aziz quality center ..............6 Introduc on: toward an excellent plan for our educa on...........8 The educa on quality toward knowledge society........................9 Introduc on: school leadership: the first criterion for quality...14 Criteria........................................................................................16 Defini on of key terms ..............................................................36


The speech of King Fahad bin Abdul Aziz quality center Praise be to Allah, the almighty.Peace and blessings be upon His prophets and messengers, The prophet Muhammad and his companions. The importance of quality in learning is rising up in our world. Nowadays, because of the poten al challenges in the learning fields which include crea vity non‐stop educa on organiza onal intelligence , quick respond to the beneficiaries needs which are con‐ sidered one of the most precious sources to improve quality and achieve excellence. Therefore, the awareness of dis nc ve experiences and inves ng them thoroughly becomes crucial for schools to increase their ability to sa sfy the needs and aspira ons of the beneficiaries and to make the quality available in hands . this project which con‐ cerns about the best prac ces of quality in schools was held by king Fahad quality center, is one of the pioneers projects na onally and interna onally to guide quality in our schools .what makes it very significant is that it reflects our locality and our reality and it en‐ hanced the students and the teachers to paraphrase it and then to get the fresh fruits from the interna onal prac ces . This project is a great step for the center to support the educa onal process in our kingdom. From Which the educa on has a con nues support from Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz, His Royal Highness the crown Prince Salman Bin Abdul Aziz, and the Second Deputy Premier , His Royal Highness Prince Megren Bin Abdul Aziz. May Allah saves them. We would like to thank his Royal Highness Prince Saud Bin Naif Bin Abdul Aziz the prince of Eastern Province. for his enlight‐ enment and constant support for center's plans and programs, which shows its fruit in a countless achievements which include for in‐ stance this project "the best criterions of applying the quality at school." Also, we thank his Royal Highness Prince Khaled Alfisal the Minister of Educa on for his ongoing recommenda ons to improve the educa onal process . As well, we thank the Deputy Minister of Educa on Dr Khaled Bin Abdullah Alsb for his constant support for the center. And the Representa ves of boys and girls educa on for their con nuous support of the quality project. We ask God Almighty to guide us all to what he loves and which pleases Him and praise be to Allah, Almighty. King Fahd bin Abdul Aziz quality center team .


King Fahad bin Abdul Aziz quality center The center was established in 36‐10‐1430 with the kind permission of His Royal High‐ ness Prince Mohammed bin Fahd bin Abdul Aziz, may Allah protect him. At first The center was known as " Prince Mohammed bin Fahd bin Abdulaziz quality center." and His Royal Highness Prince Mohammed bin Fahd bin Abdul Aziz in 35‐12‐1437, has declared during his presence in the first forum for quality in educa on the new call for the center which is " King Fahd bin Abdul Aziz quality center " which is mainly concern about educa on . Our vision : to be the main tool for the transformation of education and community education about the total quality. Our Mission: We are working on applying and distribu ng the Total Quality Management System His Royal Highness Prince, Naïf Bin Abdul Aziz the to elevate the level of the educa onal services in order to meet the expecta ons and prince of Eastern Province, honoring the winners aspira ons of the beneficiaries.. of the first session of “ Best quality prac ces in school educa on Compe on”


Introduc on : towards an excellent plan for our educa on our dis nguished educa onal map Through the consulta ve visits done by the team work of King Fahd quality Center, we no ced that each school has its own significant prac cing line including the administra ve, educa onal arenas , even in schools which are not perfectly built and short of supplies .what really raises the eyebrows , is that the majority of schools do not seize the opportunity and get the benefit of the outstanding prac ce in other schools, even from the nearby ones. most of the Quality applica on forms try to push schools towards ge ng the advantages from other school. This pro‐ cess is called from the perspec ve of quality (Bench Marking), this is a non‐stopping process , its main aim is seizing the Best prac ces in the dis nc ve school educa on King Fahd bin Abdul Aziz Quality center is looking forward to want to construct an educa onal map , so that all our schools would be able to share its best prac ces smoothly and effec vely with each other . We mean (our dis n‐ guished map) that enables schools to create in a dis nc ve manner and with an endless progress . and by following those steps we would be able to save me , efforts and sources . We would like to finish the work in "re‐inven ng the wheel." King Fahd bin Abdul Aziz quality center looks through the deployment areas and standards of best prac ce in the school educa on to develop and promote a culture of quality and excellence in our schools through its programs and ac vi es to meet the needs of the beneficiaries of educa on (students, teachers, parents, community, and others). The center is looking forward to all the schools in the government and private sectors to work on these standards to support quality in educa on. Team of King Fahd bin Abdul Aziz Quality Center


The best prac ces in the quality of school educa on Compe on. (Leadership: shi towards the first world) Second session 2014 – 1435

Quality in Educa on: Towards a learning community ‐10‐


on for the best prac ces in the quality of school educa on….)‫ا‬Leadership: shi towards the first world) Second session 2014 ‐ 1435…….Quality in Educa on: Towards a learning community

Why best prac ces? * To build a society of knowledge. ‐ Schools need effec ve management of me, effort, human and material resources.

√ Best prac

ces can help schools save me, effort, and resources because they would stop

working according to the philosophy of reinven ng the wheel, Improvement ini a ves will start at the school from where other schools have finished on the local, Arab, and global level. ‐ Schools need to transform into smart and learning schools.

√The era of knowledge provides opportuni

es for schools to be excellent, most notably:

1‐ Mul ple sources of informa on and knowledge sharing . 2‐ Speed networking , communica on and mutual learning between schools locally, regionally and globally. 3‐ Renova on of knowledge in Educa on Sciences, Administra on, and other systems. 4‐ Ease of access and iden fica on of the dis nc ve prac ces of other schools. 5‐ Establishments and people's tendency to cooperate and have mutual posi ve support to meet the challenges of the era.



on for the best prac ces in the quality of school educa on….)‫ا‬Leadership: shi towards the first world) Second session 2014 ‐ 1435…….Quality in Educa on: Towards a learning community

Why quality of school education? In the society of knowledge... 1- Schools need to transform from the system of information gaining to the to the facilitation of creating and producing knowledge . 2- Schools need to shift its focus towards meeting the needs and aspirations of the beneficiaries of educational services ( students , teachers , parents of , the local community , government , universities and institutes). 3- Schools need more openness and communication with the local community to contribute in their issues and aspirations. 4- Schools need to re-build their educational system to match with the requirements of the labor market and the renovation of the profession's requirements of knowledge, skills and values. 5- Schools need an effective system to manage the administrative and educational operations for the optimal investment in human and material resources in light of the growing social demand on the quality of education, and the global demand on people who are more intelligent and skilled in interacting with the acceleration of progress in science, knowledge, labor market, and the profession.



on for the best prac ces in the quality of school educa on….)‫ا‬Leadership: shi towards the first world) Second session 2014 ‐ 1435…….Quality in Educa on: Towards a learning community

Why quality of school education? 1- Schools need an effective system to create a safe, collaborative, and creativity-stimulating school environment. 2- Schools need an effective system that gives them more authority to manage their own affairs. 3- Schools need an effective system that support their ability to continuously improve their performance. 4- Schools need a successful system that directs the school's decisions to rely on data and statistics instead of assumptions and guesses.

Quality is the school choice to face the needs and the challenges of knowledge era Quality is a life style that proves its’ ability to achieve excellence ( Japan is a model)


'Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high inten on, sincere effort, intelligent direc on and skillful execu on; it represents the wise choice of many alterna ves.”  ‐Willia A. Foster


The best prac ces in the quality of school educa on Compe on. (Leadership: shi towards the first world) Second session 2014 – 1435

Introduction Schools Leadership : The First Standard of Quality.



on for the best prac ces in the quality of school educa on….) Leadership: shi towards the first world) Second session 2014 ‐ 1435…….Schools Leadership : The First Standard of Quality.


Schools Leadership : The First Standard of Quality. Assuring quality in schools depends significantly on the existence of a “successful leadership”. The challenges facing school education in the era of the society of knowledge requires the presence of (exceptional leaderships) that have an exceptional sense of commitment, responsibility, and the ability to influence others. They also have a strategy for the future that contributes in supporting the school's changes into building a society of knowledge and innovation, thus leading schools and the society all together to the first world. Most definitions of leadership leads to the concept of “influence”. Some would define leadership as: The process of influencing a group of people toward achieving goals.(Wolinski, 2010). However, Devin Shop (2007) defines leadership as the process of directly influencing the activities of individuals or a group of people in the aiming efforts to achieve the goal. Aovikpo (2013) refers, that leadership as the ability to get things done with the help and cooperation of others within the system. What is essential to the definition of leadership is that it is a set of concepts, guideline, principles, and practices which refer to leadership in term of its relation and responsibility of decision-making, meaning it gives guidance to employees urging them to work collaboratively and enthusiastically in order to change the current situation and achieve the organization's goal set. As indicated in ethics of leadership, it is no longer possible for leadership's role in learning establishments to be considered only practicing and implementing policies and maintaining order, but also developing strategies and new processes for the success of the educational system (sergiovonni. 1991). Prediction and change are new practices required in leadership. They are considered mediators, facilitators, and operation advisors to the establishment. Leadership's ability also includes generating ideas to improve the practices.


The best prac ces in the quality of school educa on Compe on. (Leadership: shi towards the first world) Second session 2014 – 1435



on for the best prac ces in the quality of school educa on….) Leadership: shi towards the first world) Second session 2014 ‐ 1435…….Standards

Scale model of best prac ces in the quality of school educa on “leadership” Scale of best prac ces in quality of school educa on “leadership” consists of , five key areas , and each is divided into many items that requires the to “leadership” to work on con nuously and achieve excellent results in all of them with the par cipa on of all school staff and also requires the leadership to work on each of the items according to an organized method that includes the four stages: (Planning ‐ implementa on ‐ evalua on ‐ learning ‐ con nuous improvement) Leadership: shi towards the first world

Looking forward to results(35%)

social partnership (15%)

(10%) Governance10%

human resources (30%)

strategic thinking (10%)

sa sfac on of The beneficiary





students outcomes

communica on

internal and external

needs of the /


students behaviors


Career Development


feed back

crea vity

Real results

Delega on of authority

Scale model of best prac ces in the quality of school educa on “leadership”



on for the best prac ces in the quality of school educa on….) Leadership: shi towards the first world) Second session 2014 ‐ 1435…….Standards, the 1st criteria

the 1st criteria : how can the school leadership improve the vision , mes‐ sages and values ? general instruc ons : * The outstanding authority has an ex nguished ability to lead the schools towards the future be‐ cause it takes the challenges in her concern of (the constant improvement of knowledge , the social de‐ mand for quality in educa on ) it reflects this through focusing on the future and local society , this is shown on a wri en text which represents the school vision that all benefactors share, and should be spread and assured in all the ac vi es and programs done in schools * The successful leadership shows its’ commitment to the main vision , it shows how the school would achieve its’ vision , and defines the tools and methods that must be used . This is shown through wri en texts, “ the school mission” . * The successful leader realized that we have to focus on certain values and ac ons that may help us to move towards the school and applying the messages . it concentrates on the values and the required behaviors in order to create a dis nguished school it also work on promo ng these behaviors con‐ stantly . The leadership here would be a behavioral model , the leader reflects the quality in his be‐ haviors and this will be represented through wri en text as “ the school values “



on for the best prac ces in the quality of school educa on….) Leadership: shi towards the first world) Second session 2014 ‐ 1435…….Standards, the 2nd criteria

Second criteria: how can the school leadership explain the responsibili es and tasks to the employees ? * The successful leader knows that the employees can do their best if they understand what they are sup‐ posed to do . the dis nc ve prac cing doesn't mean that the leader supposed to put his orders, rules and tasks on a sheet of paper and hand the out to the school employees. The same thing can be done through other crea ve methods which can be adopted by the school principal to enlighten the employees about their tasks . This criteria measures the system that's being used , the crea ve methods that are applied in the school to remind the employees about their tasks , this is also can be done through a wri en document or a guide‐ line or any other method .



on for the best prac ces in the quality of school educa on….) Leadership: shi towards the first world) Second session 2014 ‐ 1435…….Standards, the 3rd criteria

Third criteria / how can the school leadership support the career progress of the employees? Important instruc ons : The successful leadership is aware of the career progress ,this is crucial to achieve the dis nc ve performance The constant and rapid change in learning , the development of communica on means and the social , cultural changes required having strong ability to learn con nuously from the new changes of knowledge. ‐ This criteria measures the school contribu on in providing the career requirements , Excel‐ lence in professional development means diversity in the methods of professional development and training, including lectures and regular mee ngs and encouraging self‐learning and con nuous learning and the exchange of experiences between the workers.



on for the best prac ces in the quality of school educa on….) Leadership: shi towards the first world) Second session 2014 ‐ 1435…….Standards, the 4th criteria

Fourth criteria / how the school leadership prompt crea vity for the students , teachers, and all the employees Important instruc ons: ‐ The successful leadership knows that the dis nguished performance is a result of the par‐ cipa ng of all employees in achieving the vision , this requires a working , and a learning envi‐ ronment that prompts crea vity and innova on for the students, teachers, and all the employees. ‐ Crea vity is very important for constant improvement through the new crea ve ideas of the employees and adap ng them by the school leaders and Convert them into prac ce so as to make the school a crea ve environment which is conducive to quality educa on. ‐ There are various methods that support crea vity at school by encouraging working teams and suppor ng the social work , apprecia ng crea ve ideas , compe ons , exhibi ons , open mee ngs , lectures , evalua ng methods which promote crea vity .



on for the best prac ces in the quality of school educa on….) Leadership: shi towards the first world) Second session 2014 ‐ 1435…….Standards, the 5th criteria

5th criteria : how can the school leadership enhance the leading sense among the others ( students‐ teachers—employees ) ‐ The dis nguished leadership improves the leading abili es among ( students—teachers— employees ) they should be involved in making decisions and their contribu ons must be admi ed , and create an environment that support their abili es in personal leadership. ‐ crea ng leaders of the future starts from the classroom. There are various methods for im‐ proving the leading skills . e.g . ( contribu ng in decision making—courses for improving the leading abili es ) ‐ Create opportuni es that support the tasks which involve leadership in all types of schools ac‐ vi es . ‐ The successful leadership realizes that each individual at school should feel that he is involved in making decisions . there is another example for contribu ng is to shi the authori es of school ad‐ ministra on to certain teachers or employees so that they can take decisions according to their given authori es. This requires a clear decision from the school management in order to shi the authori es and generate them and enhance the decisions taken by the employees.



on for the best prac ces in the quality of school educa on….) Leadership: shi towards the first world) Second session 2014 ‐ 1435…….Standards, the 6th criteria


The sixth criteria : How can the school leadership provide and support the accountability and transparency requirements in the labor law pro‐ cedures (Governance)?

Important guidelines: ‐ Outstanding school leadership gives the issue of accountability and transparency the priority in its work and decisions, it also sets and supports the execu ve mechanisms to preform the internal and external audit pro‐ cess on labor law. ‐ This criteria measures the ability of the school leadership to support the requirements of accountability and transparency, ensuring that all school procedures are in accordance to work laws and systems and approved by the official authori es. ‐ The term Governance , refers to the existence of strong and consistent work policies and systems, decision making, implementa on processes and work procedures in accordance with the systems and laws adopted.



on for the best prac ces in the quality of school educa on….) Leadership: shi towards the first world) Second session 2014 ‐ 1435…….Standards, the 7th criteria

The seventh criteria: How can the school leadership develop the com‐ munity partnership with the local community? Important guidelines: ‐ Outstanding school leadership is aware that mee ng the needs and aspira ons of the local community is significant to achieve the quality of educa on, and that both the school and community are partners in improving the quality and achieving development in all its dimensions. ‐ This criteria measures the extent to which the school leadership develops communica on and par ci‐ pa on channels with the local community, and measures the mul plicity and diversity of the channels and methods of community partnership between the school and the local community, for example: (par cipa ng in social ac vi es ‐ giving students, teachers and all school employees opportuni es to serve the community ‐ voluntary ini a ves ‐ benefit the local community of the school's facili es ... Etc).



on for the best prac ces in the quality of school educa on….) Leadership: shi towards the first world) Second session 2014 ‐ 1435…….Standards, the 8th criteria

The eighth criteria: How can the school leadership guide others to achieve outstanding results? Important guidelines: * Looking forward to the future and achieve dis nguished results of the a ributes of significant outstanding leaders, they see the results of the ins tu on before others through (visionary) and influences the employees of the school by guiding them to achieve these results or objec ves, the most important results that the school leadership is aiming to achieve are: ‐ Outstanding results in the sa sfac on of beneficiaries (students, teachers, Parents, Staff). ‐ Outstanding results in the behaviors of students. ‐ Outstanding results in students tests. ‐ Outstanding results in the physical domain (preven ng losses such as preven ng firs or infec ous diseases, etc). * So, the outstanding leadership for the school works on taking decisions based on the facts to direct the school to‐ wards the future, the most important suppor ng evidence for this: the availability of results for the sa sfac on of bene‐ ficiaries, and informa on about the school's performance, for example: reports of self‐evalua on or external evalua on, the decisions of the school leadership to reach the results in the light of the feedback given by the beneficiaries or re‐ ports self/external‐ evalua on, providing informa on about students' behaviors, and the availability a database with the results of the students, for the school has to to prove with evidence the role of the leadership in achieving outstanding results of their interven ons and ini a ves for con nuous improvement of these results.


‐ So, the outstanding leadership for the school works on taking decisions based on the facts to direct the school to‐ wards the future, the most important suppor ng evidence for this: the availability of results for the sa sfac on of beneficiaries, and informa on about the school's performance, for example: reports of self‐evalua on or external evalua on, the decisions of the school leadership to reach the results in the light of feedback from beneficiaries or reports of self‐ evalua on and external‐ evalua on, providing informa on about students' behaviors, and the availa‐ bility of a database with the results of the students, so the school has to prove with evidence the role of the leader‐ ship in achieving outstanding results of their interven ons and ini a ves for con nuous improvement of these re‐ sults.


The best prac ces in the quality of school educa on Compe on. (Leadership: shi towards the first world) Second session 2014 – 1435

Defini on Of Key Terms



on for the best prac ces in the quality of school educa on….) Leadership: shi towards the first world) Second session 2014 ‐ 1435……. Defini on Of Terms

 Defini on Of Key Terms:  Vision: a term expresses the wishes of the future ins tu on, it is the answer


   

to the ques on: What do you want from the ins tu on to achieve in the fu‐ ture? Mission : a term that expresses the purpose of the ins tu on, it is to answer ques ons: what is the purpose of the ins tu on, Who are the beneficiaries for whom this service is provided ? What tools to be used by the ins tu on to achieve its vision? Values: a term expresses the guiding principles, which determines how the in‐ s tu on will act to achieve its vision. Leadership: the process of influencing a group of people towards the achieve‐ ment of objec ves. Quality: To achieve or exceed the needs and aspira ons of the beneficiaries now or in the future. The quality of educa on: achieving or exceeding the needs and aspira ons of the beneficiaries of "Educa on".



on for the best prac ces in the quality of school educa on….) Leadership: shi towards the first world) Second session 2014 ‐ 1435……. Defini on Of Terms

 Defini on Of Key Terms:


Internal Audit: The process carried out by the ins tu on on a regular basis and organized by a team from within the organiza on to ensure the applica on of the system of work or ensure the applica‐ on of the quality management system.


External Audit: The process carried out by the ins tu on on a regular basis and organized by a team or by a competent body outside of the ins tu on to ensure the applica on of the system of work or ensure the applica on of the quality management system.


Governance: the existence of strong and consistent work policies and systems, decision‐making, im‐ plementa on processes and work procedures in accordance with the systems and laws adopted.


Professional development : a group of ac vi es undertaken by the school leadership to make changes in the informa on and skills and behaviors and school staff references to achieve the out‐ standing performance


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