كتيب أفضل الممارسات مترجم للانجليزية

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King Fahd bin Abdulaziz Quality Center

In the name of Allah “*It is+ the work of Allah , who perfected all things " Sura Al-Naml, verse(88)

When Could One Bee Make Honey in a Single Cell? General supervision 1-Dr.Abdulrhamn Bin Ibrahim Al-Medaris – General Director of Education for Boys in the Eastern region 2-Mr.Ahmed bin Mohammed Bal-Ghunim- General Director of Education for boys in Alhasa Province The Setup Team 1-Mr. Abdullah bin Mohammed Al-Okasi- Director of, King Fahd bin Abdul Aziz Quality Center 2-Mr.Ibrahim bin abdul -Karim Al Hussain the consultant of Quality management systems in education 3-Riyadh bin Othman Al –Hydar- Supervisor at King Fahd bin Abdul-Aziz Quality Centre 4-Abdul- Rahman bin Abudul -Latif Al Mejna Guidance and counseling Supervisor. The Translation Team. 1-Mrs. Iqbal .M Al-Shuhail ( Head of Female section in King Fahd bin Abdul Aziz Quality Center. 2- Translated by : Alanoud Nasser AL-Zamami 3-Coordination: Mrs.Fatimah AL-Mulla 4- Revised by: Hind Abdullah Al-Zaid.

Contents: The word of His Royal Highness Prince Mohammed bin Fahd bin Abdul-Aziz, Governor of Eastern province. - The word of the General Director of total quality management at the Ministry of Education - Word of King Fahd bin Abdul-Aziz Quality Centre. -Thank you word to the total quality management at the Ministry of Education. -Acknowledgments. -Preface…..(Towards the map of excellence in our education). -Outline about King Fahd bin Abdul-Aziz Quality Centre. -Why are the standards? -Why is the best practices? -Why quality of school education……….? -Framework of the map of excellence in our education. -Outline of process for building standards of the best practices in the quality of school education. -Guidelines for participation -The regulatory Specification of the school. -The best practices in the school's administrative operations. -The domains of the school's administrative processes. 1-Planning 2- Decision- Making 3- Performance Evaluation 4-The Mutual evaluation



8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 25 27 28 29 30 31

5- Motivating 6-Promoting Creativity 7- The use of modern technologies in the school’s administrative process 8-Professional development 9-School cafeteria 10-Local Community 11-Investing the available possibilities The best practices in the educational processes 12-Students involvement in the educational process. 13-A variety of teaching methods 14-Learning and teaching environment 15- parental involvement in the educational process 16-Values 17-Caring of special needs 18-The use of modern technology in the teaching and learning process. 19-Developing of students' skills and talents 20- Respecting students. 21-Improving students’ academic achievements 22-Non-classroom activities -Appendix: How does the work begin on developing the standards of best practices in our education?

31 32 33 34 35 36 37 39 41 42 43 43 44 45 46 48 49 50 51 52 53


Praise be to Allah and peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad and upon his family and companions , The aspiration to complete the work in according to the highest standards of quality and the best practices has become inevitable approach, that requires on different domains of work to implement in order to achieve outstanding performance and reconnaissance. our government has always persisted on developing education because it is The main engine for the comprehensive development in our country. since it was established King Fahd bin Abdul Aziz Quality center has made tremendous efforts to improve the quality of education as an important part of supporting the development of the educational institutions performance. Which is we all proud of. , " The Standards of Best Practices in School Education Quality " comes as an initiative to stimulate our schools to look for the best in the educational performance, which is considered an essential step that schools needed in order to meet the requirements of the knowledge economy era . Finally, I thank all employees at the center for their initiatives and good efforts to support quality in our institutions. I also wish success to all activities they are doing. Mohammed bin Fahd bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud Governor of the Eastern Province


The Messenger of Allah p.b.u.h. said:" Allah loves that whenever any of you does something, he should excel in it." The trend toward quality of school education is imperative therefore the first International Conference of TQM in public education held in an important stage in our education, carrying the title (The best international practices). Under the Saudi government's guidance and endorsed by King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz, and the Crown prince (may God save them all) this conference was held to meet the needs of the comprehensive development in our country, Also to keep pace with developments in the era of the knowledge economy, which requires building Knowledge societies based on the creative minds which are always looking for the best. The achievements of king Fahd bin Abdul -Aziz centre for quality stimulate best practices in educational performance in order to build a map of the excellence in our education, can be considered as a necessary step and will leave a positive impact to improve the quality of outputs of our educational system because it focuses on quality first then on the basic organizer work. In conclusion I thank His Royal Highness Prince Mohammed Bin Fahd Bin Abdul Aziz, Governor of the Eastern Province and Honorary chairman of the Center for his care and support to the center, and thanks extended to the President of the Advisory Board and Chairman of the Board of Directors and all employees at the center. I ask God to help us all to do more great achievements..

General Director of Total Quality Management; Dr. Ghanim bin Saad Al-Ghanim


King Fahd bin Abdul-Aziz Quality Centre word: Praise be to Allah, prayer and peace on Prophet Muhammad and his family and companions The importance of the education quality grows in today's world with the increasing challenges of the knowledge society where creativity , continuing learning , organizational intelligence and speed of response to the needs of beneficiaries, which has become the most valuable resources to improve quality and achieve excellence. Therefore, The access to unique experiences and learn from them has become crucial for schools to increase their ability to respond to the needs and aspirations of the beneficiaries and to achieve quality at the lowest cost. The " Standards of the best practices of school education" project Which is produced and runned by king Fahd bin Abdul-Aziz Quality Centre has become an innovated project at national, and international level to enhance quality in our schools. Which make the leadership of this project more justifyed that it is lauched in building standards from our domestic reality. It also made ​ students and teachers to define the meaning of quality and then the project benefits a lot from the global best practices of education quality. This project is a qualitative launch for the center to support the development of education which receives continued support from the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz and the crown prince his highness Sultan bin Abdul Aziz. On celebrating this achievement we are pleased to thank His Royal Highness Prince Mohammed Bin Fahd Bin Abdul Aziz, governor of the Eastern Province Honorary chairman of the Center's Advisory council for his guidance and support for the center’s plans and programs, which resulted in a lot of achievements, such as this project "Standards of the Best Quality Practices in School Education .We also extend our thanks and appreciation to His Highness Prince Faisal bin Abdullah bin Mohammed Al Saud, Minister of Education for his continued guidance to improve the quality of the educational process . Thanks also extended to all who contributed to the workshops conducted by the centre to select the standards of best practices in school education quality . All thanks to the General Department of Education in Riyadh and to the education departments in the Eastern Province for boys and girls and the General Department of Education for boys in Al Ahsa. Also for all students , teachers, school principals, supervisors who participated in the workshops preparations for this project We ask Allah Almighty to help all of us to do the right things.

Team of King Fahd bin Abdul-Aziz Quality Center


To the TQM staff in the Ministry of Education Thank you for your efforts in spreading the culture of total quality and for supporting the quality initiatives in Education field , We wish you further excellence in all of your activities King Fahd Quality Center staff


Acknowledgements To the staff in the general department of education in Riyadh (Boys) To the staff in the general department of education in the Eastern Province (Boys) To the staff in the general department of education in the Eastern Province (Girls) To male and female students, teachers, school principals , vice principals, supervisors and school administration supervisors in the Ministry of Education in the Eastern Province To the staff in Special Education department in Al-Ahsa (Boys) To the staff in the talented students care department in Al-Ahsa (Boys) To the staff in the Department of Educational Training in Al-Ahsa (Boys) To the Assistant of the Director of the Department of Educational Supervision in AlAhsa (Boys) To the director of the Educational Supervision Center in Mubarraz in Al-Ahsa (Boys) To all those we say: by your participation in the consultative workshops to draw out areas and best practice standards for our school education quality You have proven that when we cooperate and work as a team we achieve excellence that we want 12

A map for excellence in our education Through advisory visits and field trips by the team of King Fahd bin Abdul-Aziz Quality Center, We found in every school a distinguished practice in both educational and administrative processes even in schools that face difficulties in the building or other physical items. The real strange thing that the majority of schools do not benefit of the distinguished practices of other schools even the closest. Quality management applications in a school focus on the importance and Necessity of the school in taking advantage from the areas of excellence among other schools. This process is called from a quality perspective (benchmarking), a continuing and organized process that aims to seek the school to take advantage of the strengths of the other distinguished schools. King Fahd bin Abdul-Aziz Quality Center looks to build a map of excellence in our education so that all our schools benefit from the distinctive practices from each other in an easy and fast way. We mean here (Map excellence) that enables schools of organizational creativity and excellence in Educational performance through creativity and continuous improvement from where it ended other distinctive practices. We thus save time, effort and material resources and look forward, God willing, to finish the job using the method of "reinvent the wheel". King Fahd bin Abdul-Aziz Quality Center looks forward through deployment of domains and the best practices standards in the quality of school education to the development and promotion of quality culture and excellence in our schools by directing its programs and activities to meet the needs of beneficiaries of its educational service (students, teachers, parents, the community, and others). The center looks that all our schools in both government and private sectors to work on these standards to support the quality of education. Team of King Fahd bin Abdul-Aziz Quality Center


About King Fahd Bin Abdul Aziz Quality Centre The center was established in 10/26/1420 H with the kind approval of His Royal Highness Prince Mohammed bin Fahd bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud, Governor of Eastern Province. The center has been named in the beginning of its foundation under the name "Prince Mohammed bin Fahd bin Abdul Aziz Quality Centre In 10.25.1427 and during the opening ceremonies of the first forum of education quality, Prince Mohammed announced renaming the center to carry the name (King Fahd bin Abdul Aziz Quality Centre) Our Vision: Strive to be the shift key tool for the education community towards the comprehensive quality. Our mission: Working on the spreading and applying the comprehensive quality system to raise the level of the educational services so as to achieve the aspirations and expectations of the beneficiaries inspired by the policy and objectives of Education in Saudi Arabia.


Why are the standards? - What cannot be measured…… can not be improved, managed and can not judge its quality. - We need to know the current level of performance of the practices of our schools……….And the expected level of performance. -Workers in the field of education need to know what they should achieve ... and how to accomplish it.

‫ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬ (1) from the education quality philosophy perspective; Students are also workers in the educational system


Why is the best practices…………..?  In order to build a knowledge-based society □school needs an effective management for time, efforts, human and material resources Best practices can help schools to save time ,effort and resources ... because it will stop working according to the re-inventing the wheel philosophy. The improvement initiatives will begin in the school from where other schools had ended on local and global levels. □Schools need to shift to intelligent and educated schools: The era of knowledge provides opportunities of excellence for schools, such as 1 - multiple sources of information and sharing knowledge 2 - speed of networking and communication and mutual learning between schools locally, regionally and globally 3 - renewal knowledge in education, science , management and other systems 4- easier access and identifying the distinguished practices in other schools. 5-The tendency of people and institutions to the positive cooperation and mutual support to face the challenges of the era. 16

Why quality of school education‌‌‌.? In knowledge-based society.. - Schools need to shift from a system based on acquisition of information to the system that facilitates the acquisition and production of a knowledge. - Schools need to focus on meeting the needs and aspirations of the beneficiaries of their educational services (students, teachers, parents, local community, government, universities and institutions. - The school needs to be more open and communicating with the local community to participate in their issues and aspirations. - School need to re-engineer its educational system in order to mesh with the requirements of the labor market And renew the requirements of profession from knowledge, skills and values. -Schools need an effective system to manage its administrative and educational operations for optimal investment in human and material resources in light of the increased social demand for education quality and the global demand for people who are more intelligent and skilled to interact with the accelerating developments in science, knowledge, labor market and the career. 17

Why quality of school education‌? - schools need an effective system for creating a safe collaborative and stimulating creativity environment. - Schools need an active system gives them more authority for running their affairs. -Schools need an effective system supports their ability on continuous improvement of their performance. -Schools need a successful system draws school decisions to rely on data and statistics rather than assumptions and guesses.

(Quality is the choice of schools to meet the requirements and challenges of the knowledge age knowledge era) Quality is a culture of life that proved its ability to achieve excellence (Japan as model)


Framework of the map of excellence in our education


Quality of school education


Best practices

Figure 1 : Illustrates the integration and overlapping between the standards, the best practices, and the quality of school education To form an integrated system to achieve excellence in school education


Outline of process for building standards of the best practices in the quality of school education.

The diagram above illustrates the process of building standard of best practices in the school education quality , which focused on their inputs on the priorities of the needs and aspirations of the beneficiaries and the global trend towards best practices in the quality of school education . In addition, the center will develop these standards every two years upon renewal of the needs and aspirations of the beneficiaries and the latest developments in the quality of education globally


Guidelines for participation 1 - participation is for all schools(public and private) and all stages (elementary, intermediate and high school) . Institutes and special education programs (boys and girls) are included as well. 2 - Each school can participate in two practices up to a maximum 2 administrative and educational practices 3- School must determine the field of practice in which it excels, together with evidence and documents that prove it has full filed the best practices standards in the chosen field, (available in the directory field a collection of evidence have been developed to assist you in determining the type of documentations required for excellence in best practices). 4-school must send evidence and documents in a file up (2 cm) maximum for each practice. In case the school participated in more than one practice (see item 2) , it should separate the evidence and documents of administrative practices from educational practices (4 cm maximum for both practices) 5- All the documents sent to the center will be considered as a property to the King Fahd Bin Abdul-Aziz quality Centre ,regardless of winning or losing. thus schools should keep the originals in its possession and send only copies. 6- the winners will be awarded a certificate of excellence in best practices in quality of school education from King Fahd bin AbdulAziz Quality center in addition to a reward amount to SR 5000 for every winning practice. 7- All schools that have participated will be granted a participation certificate. of the best practices in the quality of school education from King Fahd bin Abdul-Aziz Quality center 8- school should fill in the regulatory form and send it with all the documentations ( participation wouldn’t be accepted without this regulatory form) 9- It is the right of The Centre to ask for more documentations from the participants. 10- any videos or images should be placed within a CD-ROM disk attached to the file. Notes: •only recent documentations would be accepted (for the last three years) - the documentations file should include a bibliography of all the resources used in applying its procedures (Internet, books, training sessions, people, etc.). edu65@hasaedu.infoŘŒ - all files should be sent via email to: General Department of Education Alhasa province King Fahd bin Abdul Aziz Quality center Best practices in the quality of school education


The regulatory Specification of the school.


Important Notice:

A Field has been added for each standard under the name (evidence - the school must accompanied..........) for schools to provide the documents and all the evidence that prove their implementation of the standards. This procedure will be taken widely when the center announces the date of the second meeting of quality and the advertising will reach all the schools.


"Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives." Willa A. Foster


The best practices in the school's administrative processes


The domains of the school's administrative processes


Performance evaluation


Promoting Creativity


School cafeteria


Investing the available possibilities




Professional development





The Mutual evaluation



The use of modern technologies in the school’s administrative process


Local community


The best practices in the administrative processes Practice domain

The standards

Evidence (school should send

1-the school has a vision, mission, and values 1 planning

2- The school has a published strategic plan.

- The school’s strategic plan including its vision, mission, values, and the performance indicators.

3- The school's strategic plan includes performance indicators 4- School involves all the beneficiaries (students – teachers samples of the mechanisms used by the school – all school staff – parents) in preparing its strategic plan to involve the beneficiaries in the preparation of its strategic plan (strategic planning team opinion polls ....... etc.

5- The school has a quarterly and annual reports showing the progress in achieving the annual targets

samples of the reports prepared by the school to show the progress in achieving the annual targets


The best practices in administrative processes Practice domain

2 Decision Making

The standards

1- The school has a clear mechanism for collecting data in order to build their decisions on facts

Models used by the school to collect data to support decision-making at the school

2- students, teachers, all school staff, and parents Participate in school decisions.

Models of the mechanisms used by the school to involve all staff in school’s decisions

3- the school principal Authorized powers for the staff in the school (teacher - Activities director - Student Advisor - vice principal)

Models of devolution of powers And samples of the decisions taken by the authorized personnel

4- The school has information showing the beneficiaries' satisfaction with their decisions

Models of the opinions of the school staff and parents about school’s decisions

The road to excellence is rarely been crowded


Evidence (school should send

The best practices in administrative processes Practice domain

The standards

Evidence (school should send

1- the school is spreading the self-assessment culture among its staff.

- samples of the methods used by the school to encourage its staff on self-evaluating for their performance (meetings - posters – newspapers.

2-the school has a self-assessment team .

A copy of the school's decision to form a team of self-evaluation and a copy of the team meetings.

3- School benefit from reports of internal and external evaluation.

A copy of the internal and external evaluation report. A copy of the documents that prove the school has benefit from the results of the internal and external evaluation

4- The school has clear and declared standards for all its staff to evaluate their performance according to these standards.

samples of these standards

5- The school has a plan for improvement based on the results of internal and external evaluation

A copy of the school’s improvement plan depending on the internal and external evaluation results

3 Performance Evaluation


The best practices in administrative processes Practice domain

The standards

Evidence (school should send

1- the school is exploring all the Beneficiaries opinions in its performance. 4 The Mutual Evaluation


- Models of the polls used by the school to monitor the needs and aspirations of the beneficiaries 2-the school benefits from the opinions of its staff, the parents, A copy of the results which come from the and the supervisors in improving its performance. school’s application for students, teachers, parents’ suggestions. 3- Teachers survey the students, and the parents’ opinions in order to improve their performances.

Models of the polls used by the teachers to monitor their students opinions and the results on their performance improvement

4- The school has a list of strengths and opportunities for improvement from the perspective of students, teachers, and parents.

samples of the strengths and opportunities for improvement

5- School celebrates the achievements for application of students, teachers, staff and parents' suggestions

Examples of accomplishments achieved as a result of application of the proposals besides the methods that are used to celebrate these achievements

The best practices in administrative processes Practice domain

The standards

Evidence (school should send

1- The school Develops the internal motivation in its staff

Models for activities That have been implemented to develop the entrepreneurship and curiosity among students, teachers and all school staff

2- School is working on creating distinguished techniques for motivation

Models of the distinguished motivation techniques created by the school.

5 Motivating

3- the school monitors the effects of its motivational tactics Reports indicate the impact of stimulation on the on its staff students, teachers, and all the school staff before and after 4- The school has special training programs for teachers on how to develop the motivational methods

school should send evidences on its training programs for teachers to develop the motivational tactics

Genius is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration


The best practices in administrative processes Practice domain

6 Promoting Creativity

The standards

Evidence (school should send

1- the school monitors the creative ideas in its staff. 2-the school applies the creative ideas of its staff.

- Monitoring mechanism of the creative ideas layout

3- the school monitors The effect of applying creative ideas.

a form of the impact of a creative idea and the benefits achieved in school after the application of the idea

4- The school has multiple channels to broadcast the creative ideas of its staff.

A list of the means used by the school for publishing the creative ideas of its employees

5- The school has special programs of creative thinking for students, teachers, and all the school staff.

The school special Plan for the training for students, teachers and employees on creative thinking skills

6- School celebrates the results of the application of creative ideas and honors their owners

Models of school celebrations of the results of creative ideas and honors their owners

A list of the implemented ideas.

The mind is not a vessel to be filled , but a fire to be kindled


The best practices in administrative processes Practice domain

7 The use of Modern Technology in Administrative Processes

The standards

Evidence (school should send

1- The school has a website

- the school site link

2- Students, teachers and all school staff have an easy access to the internet.

The mechanism that school used to facilitate all employees access to the internet

3- The school uses the e-mail for inside and outside communication.

- Examples for school's electronic messages.

4- Monitoring the presence and absence of school students using the computer..

A copy of the program used by the school to monitor the presence and absence of students

5- Parents can follow up their children’s performance through the school's website

The mechanism used by the school, that enables the parents to check their children’s performance of through the school's website

6- The school has an introductory guide explains how to use modern technology for the school’s staff.

A copy of the directory

7- The school trains the administrators, teachers and students on using the modern technology

- A copy of the school’s training plan of using modern technology (computers, Internet, Data Show, etc.) to its staff.


The best practices in administrative processes Practice domain

The standards

Evidence (school should send

1- the school has a plan for professional development. 8 Professional Development

2- the school’s professional development plan includes special training programs for parents based on their needs to improve the upbringing and education of their children. 3- Professional development plan based on the needs of students, teachers, parents and all school employees, such as; knowledge and skills that meet the objectives of the school

- A copy of the school's plan for the professional development

The mechanism used by the school to build its plan for professional development based on the employees and parents needs and aspirations.

4- The school has a mechanism to measure the impact The mechanism used by the school to measure of training on the students’ education and upbringing. the impact of training and clarify the performance status before and after . 5- School benefits from the skills of its employees and the parents in training to support mutual learning


Mechanism used by the school to monitor the skills of its employees and parents and taking advantages of mutual learning celebrate these achievements

The best practices in administrative processes Practice domain

9 School Cafeteria

The standards 1- The school has standards for contracting with a school cafeteria supplier to verify the needs and aspirations of the beneficiaries.

Evidence (school should send - A copy of the standards that are used to contract with the catering companies.

2- The school has distinguished ways in organizing the purchase from the cafeteria so that students get their orders easily. 3- The school has adopted measures to ensure the safety of food and beverages.

The technique that is used to organize the purchase process in the cafeteria

4- School is implementing programs to increase students' awareness of healthy meals. 5- Students participate in managing the sales process in the canteen 6- The school evaluates the performance of school cafeteria regularly.

The mechanism that school uses to implement these programs. - A proof of student's participation in the sales process.

7- The school makes sure that the health certificates for workers in the cafeteria valid from the competent authorities

- School explain how can they ensure that health certificates for workers in the canteen are valid and accompanied its procedures.

- A copy of the measures adopted by the school to ensure the safety of food and drinks

A copy of the tools used by the school in evaluating the canteen performance such as polls, or a model of the results of the last evaluation process carried out by the school


The best practices in administrative processes Practice domain

10 Local community

The standards

Evidence (school should send

1- The school plan includes programs to serve the local community.

-A copy of the Special domain in the school’s plan for the community service programs.

2-participating personnel from the local community and its institutions in school programs

copy of the activities show the participation of members from the local community and its institutions in school programs. - A list of the communication channels with the local community

3- The school has multiple communication channels with the local community. 4- School benefit from the proposals submitted by members of the community and its institutions.

A list of proposals submitted by members of the local community and its institutions, and the benefits that school has gotten from these proposals

5- School announces programs for the local community.

- The mechanism used by the school for announcing and publishing its programs to the local community.

6- The school has a mechanism to measure the impact The techniques that is used to measure the impact of of its programs upon the local community. the school programs in the survey or direct interviews... etc 7- school awards community members and -A copy of the events in honoring members of the institutions who participate and support the school school community and its institutions who participate programs and support programs .


The best practices in administrative processes Practice domain

10 Local community

The standards

Evidence (school should send

1- The school plan includes programs to serve the local community.

-A copy of the Special domain in the school’s plan for the community service programs.

2-participating personnel from the local community and its institutions in school programs

copy of the activities show the participation of members from the local community and its institutions in school programs. - A list of the communication channels with the local community

3- The school has multiple communication channels with the local community. 4- School benefit from the proposals submitted by members of the community and its institutions.

A list of proposals submitted by members of the local community and its institutions, and the benefits that school has gotten from these proposals

5- School announces programs for the local community.

- The mechanism used by the school for announcing and publishing its programs to the local community.

6- The school has a mechanism to measure the impact The techniques that is used to measure the impact of of its programs upon the local community. the school programs in the survey or direct interviews... etc 7- school awards community members and -A copy of the events in honoring members of the institutions who participate and support the school school community and its institutions who participate programs and support programs .


The best practices in administrative processes Practice domain

11 Investing the available possibilities

The standards 1-The school uses all available facilities in the educational process inside and outside working hours to provide the best service to students, teachers, parents and the local community

Evidence (school should send - Model for its program which is prepared to invest all its facilities during and outside working hours to meet the needs and aspirations of the beneficiaries (students teachers - parents - community

2- School honors its staff who produce Teaching Aids according to the possibilities available in the school.

A copy of the events of awarding with a list of teaching aids that have been produced by the school staff to encourage its employees to produce teaching aids according to the available potentials.

3- School announces incentive awards to its employees for the production of teaching aids according to the school’s available potentials

a form of the impact of a creative idea and the benefits achieved in school after the application of the idea

4- The school has programs to train employees on producing of teaching aids according to the school’s available potentials.

A model includes a description of training programs for producing teaching aids.

5- The school exposes its experiences in investing the available potentials to other schools.

Evidence proves how much other schools benefit from the school experiences with a list of the channels used to publish its experiences A Model shows the results of a school investment for its available potential.

6- School monitors the results of its investment for its available potential


"Homework, learning through memorizing and recalling and exams may contribute to enhance learning to a certain degree in improving the minimum examination results at a certain point in time. Also, it may help in being disciplined and developing the ability to set priorities,(but) we should look at what we want to add to that of the educational process. We must have the basic skills such as language, math and science. Otherwise, we should look at how we can encourage the development of the individual as a part of the community. To create in their character the creativity qualities, values, courage and determination. We can possibly start by giving our schools more flexibility to try new ideas and benefit from each other's experiences".

De Ho Ching (Singapore)


The best practices in the Educational Processes


The domains of the school's educational processes

-note:(A school should offer the evidence to prove its implementation for the standards in the area it has chosen already)


The best practices in educational processes Practice domain

12 Students involvement in the educational process

The standards

Evidence (school should send

1- Students can learn in the form of groups inside the classroom.

- Models from students cooperative learning / pictures of groups of students in the classroom .

2- Students and teachers cooperate to select Examples of tools used by teachers to take the views of the styles and education activities that make the students in the methods and activities which will help learning more interesting. them to achieve excellence.

3- students cooperate with teachers in lesson planning and setting goals to be achieved 4- Teachers improve their performance depending on the opinions of students and their parents.

Examples of tools used by teachers for involving student in planning for the lessons A List the of improvements that have been carried out by teachers as a result of the opinions of the students and their parents

5- Teachers encourage students to search for Examples of methods used by teachers to encourage information students to search for information and knowledge .


The best practices in educational processes Practice domain

13 A variety of teaching methods

The standards

Evidence (school should send

1- Teachers use active learning strategies (cooperative learning, learning with games, learning for exploration.

- Models for practical lessons for collaborative learning and learning with games.

2- Teachers explores the opinions of students in the used teaching methods .

- Tools used by teachers to poll students about learning methods.

3- the teachers’ professional development plan includes training on active learning strategies

Professional development plan including the training on active learning strategies

4- school awards teachers who use active learning techniques.

Photos from events about awarding teachers who use active learning strategies .

Quality in education means to make education fun and joy for our students


The best practices in educational processes Practice domain

The standards 1- teachers and students cooperate to make the atmosphere in the class interesting and comfortable .

14 Learning and teaching environment


Evidence (school should send - Examples of cooperation between students and teachers to improve classroom environment.

2- There are clear and written procedures in the classroom to prevent - A copy of the procedures the entering of harmful things for students and teachers, both mental and physical 3- Teachers use the educational methods correctly to promote a comfortable atmosphere for all students inside and outside the classroom

-the school describe through a particular model how to make each student feels safe inside and outside the classroom

4- the school benefits from the teachers, students and parents' opinions to improve the resources, equipment and playgrounds .

A list of the improvements carried out by the school according to teachers, students and parents' suggestions .

5- Teachers explore students' views on learning environment ..

Examples of tools used by teachers to get feedback from the students about the learning environment in the classroom

The best practices in educational processes Practice domain

15 Parental involvement in learning process

The standards

Evidence (school should send

1- school Implements programs to educate parents with the importance of their participation in improving the education of their children.

List of the programs provided by the school for parents - Photos of the programs used by the school to motivate parents to attend these programs

2- school monitors the results of its awareness programs for parents and make continuous improvement of these programs according to the results.

- Statistics that show the percentage of parents' participation in the school’s development programs and the measures taken by the school to improve the parents involvement.

3- The school has a record for documenting the number, causes, and the results of the parents visits to the school.

- A copy of a page or two from the school's record which prove visits of parents

4- school awards parents who communicate with the school to improve the upbringing and education of their children

Tactics that are used by the school for awarding parents

5- school make opportunities for parents in participating and implementing the school activities and programs.

Models for parents' participating, implementing and attending school activities and programs


The best practices in educational processes Practice domain

The standards 1- The school has a declared list of its values.

16 Values

Evidence (school should send A copy of the school’s values list

2- - school Involve students, teachers, all its employees, the - The mechanism used by the school for involving parents, and the local community in determining its values. the students, teachers, parents, employees and the community in determining the school’s values. 3- The school has declared clear and agreed-upon list of - A list of the behaviors behaviors that support the achievement of the values ​of the school 4- The school has a clear mechanism for monitoring the students' both positive and negative behaviors

The mechanism that is used for monitoring the students' behaviors

5- The school has periodic reports showing the progress of students 6- The school has periodic reports showing the progress in students’ behavior

A model for school’s preventive programs

7- school awards students, teachers and all school employees whom their behaviors corresponded with the school's values


A model for reports that show the school’s performance in monitoring the students’ behavior Models of awarding students and teacher with a list showing the behaviors that students and teachers have been honored for and their relationship with the values ​of the school

The best practices in educational processes Practice domain

17 Caring of the special needs

The standards

Evidence (school should send

1- The school makes some adjustments in the building to suit the persons with special needs (entrances, parking lot , bathrooms.

Plans and photos for school building showing how far the building is suitable for the students with special needs

2- The school has indicators for the early detection of students with special needs

- Model for indicators of early detection for students with special needs

3- The school trains some teachers, students and parents to deal - Model for special training programs to deal with students with special needs with students with special needs 4-The school create a program for integration of students with disabilities include: - Educating teachers with their role in dealing with people with special needs - educating ordinary students to deal positively with their peers with special needs

Model for the configuration program (educating リ経rdinary teachers and students Photos about events of implementing the program)

To be continued..


The best practices in educational processes Practice domain

17 Caring of the special needs

The standards 1- school participates in the activities of special needs such as; trips, cultural events, school radio,..etc. 2- The school documents its experience in integrating people with special needs (before, during, after) 3- The school explores views of students with special needs and their parents about the programs it offers

Evidence (school should send photo proves participation of students with special needs in the school activities - Models for school experience in the integration of students with special needs which appear throughout the experiment (before, during, after) - Tools that school uses to poll students with special needs and their parents

Will is the only difference between a successful person and others not power or knowledge


The best practices in educational processes Practice domain

18 The use of the modern technology in learning and teaching

The standards

Evidence (school should send

1- School is provided with learning resources center .

A list of books available in the electronic center with pictures of the center

2 The school has an internal network linked to all classes which enable the school administration to watch the progress of students' performance

- Models about the procedures of using the electronic library

3- The school has declared clear and agreed-upon list of behaviors that support the achievement of the values ​of the school

- Models of procedures that school uses for collecting data about students' performance electronically

4- Students prepare reports and other works using computer and internet

Models for students' products showing their using to computer and internet

5- The school has training programs for teachers and students to use the modern technology in teaching and learning processes

- School's plan for training teachers and students using the modern technology in learning and teaching processes

6- The school uses self-learning methods for using modern Forms for reports prepared by students to prove self technology so that students can search for information and search for information using modern technology. prepare reports


The best practices in educational processes Practice domain

19 Developing of student’s skills and talents

The standards 1- the school has a special committee for caring talented students

Evidence (school should send The decision to form a committee to take care of talented students and some of its private meetings 2- The school has a written plan to take care of the talented students - The school's plan for caring of talented students 3- School applies the appropriate detection standards to identify gifted students 4- The school gives opportunities for talented students to attend evening and summer enrichment programs. 5- The school has a special corner to show the work and products of talented students 6- School involves students in the school action mechanisms as a strategy for developing the management, leadership, solving problems and decision-making skills 7- The school communicates with academics and professionals to develop and support students' talents and benefit from their experience in supporting its own programs for talented students. 8- the school awards talented students in different occasions


- Models for measures that school uses to explore the talented students and a copy of the application mechanism. Models for evening and summer enrichment programs for talented students Photos showing works and products of talented students Models for school's programs to develop the skills of talented students in leadership, solving problems and decision making A list of names of specialists who the school communicates with to support talented students, beside forms of reports prove the visits of the specialists to the school Models of celebrations for awarding talented students.

The best practices in educational processes Practice domain

20 Respecting the student

The standards

Evidence (school should send

1- school administration and teachers Models show the role of the school administration and teachers in encourage students' work and achievements encouraging students ' business and their achievements despite its despite their simplicity. simplicity. 2- the school administration and teachers do not use any kind of punishment whatever physical or psychological (intimidation, threat and insult) 3- School adopts methods mutually agreed with teachers to show respect for students and create a positive emotional climate, which is reflected as a frequent social behavior at school (affection, conversation, sharing laughter, etc.) 4- The school has specific techniques to enhance self-confidence in students

- Models of school initiatives in prevention methods of physical or psychological punishment for students

5- The school has educational programs for all school staff, especially methods of dealing with students to ensure an educational environment that respects the feelings of students and appreciates their contributions

- Models for the training programs implemented by the school during the methods of dealing with students to ensure an educational environment that respects the feelings of students and appreciates their contributions

- Models of school initiatives in creating a positive emotional climate for learning in the school

- Models of the school methods in promoting self-confidence in students (for example, the adoption of the ideas and proposals of students, give students specific tasks in school, etc.)


The best practices in educational processes Practice domain

21 Improving student’s academic Achievements


The standards 1- The school has mechanisms of action for preventing weak academic achievement to the minimum level. 2- school Implements remedial programs for students who are underachievement such as; remedial classes, counseling sessions, individual sessions, etc.

Evidence (school should send A model of the school’s mechanisms of action for preventing weak academic achievement - Models of treatment programs which carried out for underachievement students

3- The school has data to show the performance of students with underachievement before and after implementing of remedial programs. 4- the School uses a variety of learning styles and methods which suit the needs of students with low achievement 5- The school has a special improving team for monitoring and improving the performance of students with low achievement 6- the school has indicators to measure the level of improvement in the performance of the low achievement students

- A list of data (statistics) that shows the performance of weak students (before, after) remedial programs . list of the methods and tactics used by the school to teach the students with low achievement

7- School communicates with parents of the low achievement students

A list of communication channels used by the school to cooperate with the parents of the low achievement students

8- The school has programs and activities to stimulate the low achievements students to improve their academic performance

Models of celebrations for awarding talented students A model of school programs that is used to motivate the low achievement students to improve their performance

The decision to form improvement team for monitoring and improving the performance of students with low achievement -A copy of the team meetings Models for the indicators used by the school to measure the level of improvement in the performance of the low achievement students

The best practices in educational processes Practice domain

The standards 1- The school has a special plan for non-classroom activities

Evidence (school should send A model for non-classroom activities

22 Non-classroom activities

2- A school builds its plan for non-classroom activities based on the needs of students, parents and the local community .

- A copy of the tools used by the school to monitor the needs of students, parents and the local community which relates to nonclassroom activities - An example of parents and figures from the local community involving in non-classroom activities at the school

3- the School Involve parents and figures from the local community in implementing the non-classroom activities

4- The school polls students and parents opinions about its nonclassroom activities

A model of the tools used by the school to poll students and parents opinions about its nonclassroom activities

5- The school monitors the results of non-classroom activities for students, parents and the local community

A List of findings on the impact of school implementation for the non-classroom activities Models of school parties to honor the parents and community members who participate in the non-classroom activities of

6- School awards parents and figures from the local community who participate in its non-classroom activities


Appendix (1)

How does the work begin on developing the standards of best practices in our education?

(Quality of our hopes ... determines the quality of our actions)

The scheme of the process of building a best practice standards in school education quality:

The diagram above illustrates the process of building standard of best practices in the school education quality , which focused on their inputs on the priorities of the needs and aspirations of the beneficiaries and the global trend towards best practices in the quality of school education . In addition, the center will develop these standards every two years upon renewal of the needs and aspirations of the beneficiaries and the latest developments in the quality of education globally


the Quality from our students Perspective Goran) ,who is one of the most prominent pioneers of quality was asked about the meaning of quality. He said: "only customer (beneficiary) can define quality" So When we started thinking about setting standards for best practices in the quality of school education, we we went directly to the beneficiaries of the educational services provided by the school, asking them about their needs and aspirations. Who are the beneficiaries whom we address? -Students - Teachers - Educational supervisors / supervisor of school management - Managers and school principals - Parents we address them through workshops which have been implemented to monitor their needs and aspirations in order the formulate the standards of best practices to meet and exceed these needs We simply have free discussions in an atmosphere overwhelmed with cooperation, joy and delight.

We wondered together .. - Why do students prefer going out school if we left them the option? - What are the reasons that made learning at schools to be tiresome and boring which make the students less motivated to learn? -Why teachers and all school staff don't do great efforts to improve the education performance of students? - How can we make our schools distinct .. and loved to students, teachers and all school staff? - How can we make our schools a safe educational environment and stimulating of creativity?





King Fahd bin Abdul-Aziz Quality Center phone/fax 00966-3-5807301 - edu65@hasaedu.info - www.ahsatrans.com

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