School #DiscoverYourPassionKing’sShapedProspectusBy| An independent day school for boys and girls aged 11-18

WelcomeGarethDoodes Headmaster
Weabilities.emphasise to the importance of not only working hard, but also balancing that with interests beyond the classroom. You will see that we offer a wealth of stimulating co-curricular opportunities which will help develop character, confidence, resilience and leadership. Skills which we believe can then be translated not only into the classroom and pupils’ education, but also into life outside the school.
We hope that our prospectus gives you a glimpse into our vibrant school and its beautiful setting. Please do come and see us and experience all that we have to offer.
I am delighted to warmly welcome you to The King’s School, Worcester. Joining King’s is an exciting time and a fresh start for many pupils. We do our best to empower, inspire and support pupils through these crucial years of their lives and, most importantly, to ensure that they make the most of all opportunities.

I aspire to create the finest education experience for our pupils, and to bring together an exceptionally talented set of teaching staff who genuinely change pupils’ lives.
Crucial to this is the highly supportive pastoral care we offer and a community which is suffused with love, nurture and passion to enhance our pupils’ academic
King’s is a wonderful school, possessing an environment which fosters a love of learning, curiosity about the world and commitment to be the best possible version of oneself. Those pupils who come to King’s leave still curious about the world, excited to learn more and armed with a plethora of life skills which make them enviably well rounded and adaptable in a world beyond King’s.

Discover outstanding teaching and support
Every pupil is challenged to achieve their potential, and King’s Worcester is consistently one of the leading schools in the region at both A Level and GCSE.

Pupils enjoy the challenge of achieving their best because we equip them with the learning skills, facilities, outstanding teaching and support and encouragement that they need to flourish. Our pupils realise hard work and perseverance are key and there is a strong emphasis on independent study. Importantly, though, they are never left to their own devices. If they are faced with a challenge, teachers are always on hand to help and, if needed, we have a dedicated Learning Skills Department to provide extra support.
Although academic success is crucial, a King’s education achieves so much more than exam results alone. We equip all our pupils with the life skills that they will need for success in their future lives and to make a positive contribution to society.

Discover more than academic success
There is a certain way about a King’s pupil that is a breath of fresh air. They are unpretentious individuals, confident with their own selves, who can speak with clarity and authority, whilst being kind and respectful to others. We like to think that, when they talk to you and look you in the eye, you instantly know there is a depth of character that will serve them for the rest of their lives.

Through our focus on the development of each individual, we aim to provide a genuinely caring environment where young people can thrive and develop as curious and engaged members of the King’s community and broader society. Our ethos emphasises mutual respect, openness and warmth. It is the quality of relationships within the school that makes the pastoral care at King’s so special.
Being happy at school and enjoying all the experiences that we can offer is vital. Pastoral care here at King’s is not just a complementary practice. It is a caring approach fully integrated and interwoven into the fabric of teaching and learning, the school’s organisation and our engagement with the world beyond the school gates.

Discover King’s Warmththe

Sport plays a huge part in life at King’s. We encourage all pupils to be active outside the classroom, and those who are achieve focus, resilience and determination. We have outstanding facilities and coaches that enable pupils of every ability to take part and enjoy an impressive range of activities.

Whether it be climbing on our own climbing wall, fencing, canoeing, sub-aqua or basketball there is something for everyone to enjoy. We have an award-winning boathouse that has helped us maintain our reputation as one of the top rowing schools in the country. We also have an exceptional record in national tournaments in rugby, cricket, netball, hockey and football. We encourage and cultivate excellence. As well as several current pupils who represent their country, we also have an Olympic Gold medal rower and England rugby international among our recent leavers.
the classroompassionDiscoverbeyond
Discover a of opportunityworld

Discovering new experiences and getting involved in activities that stretch both mind and body make the days at King’s special.

In addition to music, drama and sporting activities, there are over 80 clubs that are enjoyed by our pupils. From chess and Mandarin, to sub-aqua and climbing, there is something for everyone to get involved in. For the adventurous we have The Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme, from which we have received 79 gold awards over the last three years, a Combined Cadet Force that has achieved outstanding success in regional and national competitions, and our own outdoor activity centre in the beautiful Welsh mountains.
Pupils also travel far and wide. Art workshops in St. Ives, geography trips to the Alps and sports tours to locations such as New Zealand and Sri Lanka are just a few of the incredible opportunities to explore the world, expand horizons and create memories that will last a lifetime.

In Design & Technology, our pupils use their creativity and imagination in a practical way to design and make prototypes of products that solve real-world
School is thriving with three orchestras, three choirs, a wind band, brass group and other ensembles, not to mention House and Lower Years Music Competitions, and regular ‘Open Mic’ nights. We also excel at dance and drama. In our own 300 seat theatre, over 100 plays have been produced over the last ten years with smaller performances taking place in the Wightman Drama Studio, and for dance we have a purpose-built studio.

Discover a school that takes creative leada

Our magnificent Art School is built over three floors and includes five studios, workshops, offices, a gallery, an Art Library and ICT space. The department is rooted in the fine-art tradition and pupils grasp the opportunity to explore painting, textiles, print-making, mixed-media, digital media and sculpture.
From sculpture to singing, King’s pupils express their creativity in every conceivable way.

Discover and leadershipservice
Making a positive contribution to both the school and the wider community is a vital part of life at King’s. The desire to look after others and develop leadership skills is instilled in pupils from an early age.

Everyone within our school community respects and supports each other. Pupils take great pride in being part of the King’s family and are always eager to celebrate one another’s achievements both within and beyond the classroom. Outside school, older pupils enjoy the opportunity to take part in Community Service, working with local primary schools, the elderly, or in local hospitals. We also raise substantial sums of money for charity and pupils are encouraged to promote their own charitable ventures. All the activities help pupils to gain a greater awareness of their community and develop a greater sense of responsibility for others, which is rooted in our Christian tradition.
King’s pupils typically achieve 9 or 10 GCSEs. The majority then progress to A level courses with a view to attending university, but increasingly there are many other ways of progressing to a rewarding career.

Discover your path to success
Our Key Skills sessions, numerous conferences, talks and events open our pupils’ eyes to the huge range of opportunities, including vocational training, that is available to them. Whatever path in life they choose, they are fully supported all the way to realise their dreams. Everyone benefits from a careers programme that monitors their interests, goals and potential, offering the expert advice and support they need to succeed in an increasingly competitive and changing world.

v5 The King’s School 5 College’sSchool,Worcester: A company limited by guarantee, registered in England. Registered office: 5 College Green, Worcester WR1 2LL. Company No: 4776324. Registered charity No: 1098236. The information, terms and conditions set out in this prospectus and all occasional papers may be amended from time to time, and their provisions, subject to any such amendments, shall continue to apply for the whole period during which a boy or girl continues to attend the School, irrespective of his or her age.