Uniform Guide
Kindergarten Girls KG1 (2 - 3 years old) KG2 (3/4 years old)
Hawford Coat (School design)
Striped summer dress (School Design)
School Design Scarf (optional)
2 Navy Tracksuit Trousers or Grey Pinafore Dress (Pinafore Dress available from Schooltogs)
OR Navy shorts to be worn with red polo shirt
Navy fleece hat and gloves (optional)
1 Navy Tracksuit Top (School design –printing on)
Navy cardigan
Book Carrier
Navy ankle socks
Navy ankle socks
PE kit bag – School Design
Red polo shirt
Wellington boots
Black shoes with Velcro fastening
Plain navy swim suit (KG2 Only)
Name tapes A name tape must be sewn inside each garment so that it can be easily identified. A loop must be sewn on the inside top of the tracksuit top and trousers.
Name tapes may be obtained from the Uniform Shop. All clothing and property should be clearly marked or labelled
Kindergarten Boys KG1 (2 - 3 years old) KG2 (3/4 years old)
Hawford Coat (School design)
Grey shorts – elastic waist
School Design Scarf (optional)
2 Navy Tracksuit Trousers
Red polo shirt (as for Winter uniform)
Navy fleece hat and gloves (optional)
1 Navy Tracksuit Top (School design –printing on back)
Navy tracksuit top (School design as for Winter uniform)
Book Carrier
Navy ankle socks
Navy ankle socks
PE kit bag – School Design
Red polo shirt
Wellington boots
Black shoes with Velcro fastening
Navy Swimming Trunks (KG2 Only)
Name tapes A name tape must be sewn inside each garment so that it can be easily identified. A loop must be sewn on the inside top of the tracksuit top and trousers.
Uniform is supplied by Schooltogs, 31 New Street, Worcester, WR1 2DP Tel: 01905 28658
You can now order online: www.schooltogs.com
Pre-Prep Girls
Reception (4/5 yrs) Year 1 (5/6) Year 2 (6/7)
Hawford Coat (School design)
Navy or black sandals (optional)
Book carrier
Grey pinafore (School design)
Navy cardigan
Plain navy fleece hat and gloves (optional)
Striped blouse (School design)
Striped summer Dress (School Design)
Waterproof trousers (optional)
Navy blue pullover (School design) with school name tape sewn above badge
Navy ankle socks
School Design scarf (optional)
Plain navy knee length socks
Sun hat (School design)
Hair bands – plain navy or school design
Sensible black shoes (no patent, no white or coloured stitching)
Scrunchies, navy, red or blue and white striped
School tie
Name tapes may be obtained from the Uniform Shop. All clothing and property should be clearly marked or labelled
Pre-Prep Girls Sports Kit Reception (4/5 yrs) Year 1 (5/6) Year 2 (6/7)
Navy “pre-prep� tracksuit (school design)
Kiefer Team Panel Fitback Swimming Costume
Long sleeved white thermal top (optional)
Navy school design swimming cap (available from School Office)
Navy games shorts
Waterproof bag for swimming kit (school design)
Navy knee length games socks with red turnover (Yr 1 + 2 only)
Towel with hanging loop (blue school towel optional)
Navy polo shirt (School Design)
PE kit bag (school design) PE kit bag (school design)
White short socks
Swimming goggles (Yr 1 + 2 only)
Trainers (no boots)
Shin pads (Yr 1 + 2 only)
Uniform is supplied by Schooltogs, 31 New Street, Worcester, WR1 2DP Tel: 01905 28658
You can now order online: www.schooltogs.com
Pre-Prep Boys
Reception (4/5 yrs) Year 1 (5/6) Year 2 (6/7)
Hawford Coat (School design)
Navy v-neck pullover – lighter weight (School Design) with School name badge
Book carrier
Grey flannel shorts
Blue short sleeved shirt
Plain navy fleece hat and gloves (optional)
Blue long sleeved shirt
Navy ankle socks
Waterproof trousers (optional)
Navy blue pullover (School design) with school name tape sewn above badge
Sun hat (School design)
School Design scarf (optional)
Plain navy knee length socks Sensible black shoes (no white or coloured stitching) School tie
Name tapes may be obtained from the Uniform Shop. All clothing and property should be clearly marked or labelled
Pre-Prep Boys Sports Kit Reception (4/5 yrs) Year 1 (5/6) Year 2 (6/7)
Navy “pre-prep” tracksuit (school design)
Navy swimming cap School Design (available from School)
Rugby shirt Red & Blue (School Design) (Yr 1 + 2 only)
Kiefer Team Panel Jammer Swimming Trunks (no Bermuda or recreational shorts)
Long sleeved white thermal top School Design (optional)
Waterproof bag for swimming kit (school design)
Navy games shorts
Towel (blue school towel optional)
Navy knee length games socks with red turnover (Yr 1 + 2 only)
School Design Sports Bag
Navy polo shirt (School Design)
Swimming goggles
White short socks
Shin pads (Yr 1 + 2 only)
Trainers (no boots)
Football boots (Yr 1 + 2 only – Yr 1 must have Velcro fastening)
Uniform is supplied by Schooltogs, 31 New Street, Worcester, WR1 2DP Tel: 01905 28658
You can now order online: www.schooltogs.com
Prep Girls
Year 3 (7/8 yrs) Year 4 (8/9) Year 5 (9/10) Year 6 (10/11)
Hawford Coat (School design)
Navy cardigan
Back pack - School design
Year 4 to 6 Girls - Grey Skirt (School design)
Striped summer dress (School Design)
Hair bands – plain navy or school design
Year 3 Girls – Grey Pinafore (School design)
Navy ankle socks
Scrunchies – navy or red
Striped Blouse (School design)
Sun hat (School Design)
Art Overall (Old shirt will suffice)
Navy blue pullover (School Design) with school name tape sewn above
Plain navy fleece hat and gloves
Plain navy knee length socks or tights
School Design scarf (optional)
Sensible black shoes (no patent, no white or coloured stitching) School tie
Name tapes may be obtained from the Uniform Shop. All clothing and property should be clearly marked or labelled
Prep Girls Sports Kit
Year 3 (7/8 yrs) Year 4 (8/9) Year 5 (9/10) Year 6 (10/11)
Zipped navy & red tracksuit with white trim (school
Kiefer Team Panel Fitback Swimming Costume
Long sleeved white thermal top (School Design) (optional)
Navy swimming cap (available from School Office)
Navy leggings (School Design) (optional)
Towel with hanging loop (blue school towel optional)
Navy& red “Skort� (combination skirt/shorts School design)
Hockey stick
Navy knee length games socks with red turnover
School sports bag (School Design)
Navy & red polo shirt (School Design)
Swimming goggles
White short socks
Gum shield
Trainers (no boots)
Shin pads
Navy Shorts
Football boots for hockey
Uniform is supplied by Schooltogs, 31 New Street, Worcester, WR1 2DP Tel: 01905 28658
You can now order online: www.schooltogs.com
Prep Boys
Year 3 (7/8 yrs) Year 4 (8/9) Year 5 (9/10) Year 6 (10/11)
Hawford Coat (School design)
Navy v-neck pullover – lighter weight (school design) with School name badge
Back pack – School design
Grey flannel shorts
Blue short sleeved shirt
Art Overall (Old shirt will suffice)
Yr 6 only Long Trousers (dark charcoal )
Navy ankle socks
Plain navy fleece hat and gloves
Blue long sleeved shirt
Sun hat (School Design)
School Design scarf (optional)
Navy blue pullover (school design) with school name tape sewn above badge Plain navy knee length socks Sensible black shoes (no white or coloured stitching) School tie
Name tapes may be obtained from the Uniform Shop. All clothing and property should be clearly marked or labelled
Prep Boys Sports Kit
Year 3 (7/8 yrs) Year 4 (8/9) Year 5 (9/10) Year 6 (10/11)
rugby kit?
Zipped navy & red tracksuit with white trim (school
Navy swimming cap (school design - available from School Office)
Rugby shirt (red & blue school design)
Waterproof bag for swimming kit (school design)
Long sleeved white school design thermal top (optional)
Towel (blue school towel optional)
Navy games shorts
School Design sports bag
Navy Leggings (School Design) (optional)
Swimming goggles
Navy knee length games socks with red turnover
Gum shield (Opro can provide at School)
Navy & red polo shirt (school design)
Shin pads
White short socks
Football boots
Trainers (no boots)
White cricket sweater & White Cricket Shirt
Kiefer Team Panel Jammer Swimming Trunks (no
White long trousers (for school fixture matches only)
Cricket Equipment 1) U10/U11: A protective cricket box must be worn when batting during hard ball cricket. This applies to any boys who train with the U10 or U11 A Squads. We strongly recommend the purchase of a cricket box for hygiene reasons. This must be worn with the appropriate garment to hold it in place eg an extra pair of pants, jock strap or batting shorts. 2) Children may use school equipment including pads, gloves, helmets and bats. However, any U10 or U11 children are welcome to bring any kit they wish to use in a named cricket bag, which can be stored in the bag store on the right of the entrance to the top field. 3) U8 and U9 boys are welcome to use their own bats if they own one and these can be stored safely in their classroom.
Uniform is supplied by Schooltogs, 31 New Street, Worcester, WR1 2DP Tel: 01905 28658
You can now order online: www.schooltogs.com