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King’s Pastoral Care
The Head of Lower Years, Middle Years and Sixth Form provide added support and ensure a smooth transition

A set of parentfocused seminars providing valuable insight into adolescent behaviours and pressures
A well-rounded and structured PSHE Programme of Study
1 Deputy Head, Pastoral
3 Heads of Section
40 Year Group Tutors
9 House Tutors
4 Designated Safeguarding Leads
1 School Chaplain
3 School Counsellors
3 School Nurses
2 Learning Support Team
Our Nurturing House Structure
King’s is proud of its strong House tradition and loyalty, which creates our enviable sense of community. Our Houses provide a framework for friendships across all age groups. Each term, Houses run a variety of activities and internal competitions covering debating, sport and charity events, which ensure that there is always something in which pupils can take part.

Pupils new to Lower Remove, Upper Remove or the Sixth Form will join one of nine Houses, which will be their pastoral base throughout their time at King’s. The Year Group Tutor has overall responsibility for the pastoral and academic development of their tutees, and they are the first port of call for parents and guardians who wish to discuss their child’s experience at school or academic
House Tutors work alongside the Year Group Tutors and oversee the happiness, development, and integration of all pupils in the House.

The pastoral staff are extremely experienced in dealing with challenges affecting teenagers and work collaboratively with the Head of Middle Years, Head of Sixth Form and the Deputy Head Pastoral to ensure all pupils feel happy, safe and valued in the Middle Years and Sixth Form.

How to Contact the Houses
Pupils join Houses in the Lower Remove. All Year Group Tutors and Form Tutors can be contacted by using the staff member’s first initial and surname followed by @ksw.org.uk
House House Tutor Email Address
Bright Miss R Ellender rellender@ksw.org.uk
Castle Mr A Deichen adeichen@ksw.org.uk
Chappel Mrs N Sears nsears@ksw.org.uk
Choir Dr R James rjames@ksw.org.uk
Creighton Mr W J Joyce wjoyce@ksw.org.uk
Kittermaster Mrs C Neville cneville@ksw.org.uk
Oswald Mrs C Rees crees@ksw.org.uk
School Mr T Pearson tpearson@ksw.org.uk
Wulstan Dr M Poole mpoole@ksw.org.uk