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Academic Reporting
Reporting plays a vital role in helping children achieve their potential at King’s. Reports will provide communication about a child’s progress and offer a chance to celebrate achievement, look for new challenges and take action to address any problems that may emerge. Reporting at King’s primarily takes place via grade reports, full reports, and parents’ evenings.
Effort Grades
At the core of the reporting system at King’s is the focus on pupil effort. In association with good teaching, it is the critical factor in ensuring the best possible academic outcomes. We therefore place great emphasis on effort in our reporting system by providing an effort grade in each reporting event and closely monitor these grades for each pupil over the academic year and as they progress through the School.
Attainment Grades
While attainment grades provide helpful information about where a pupil stands academically at that moment in time, it is widely recognised that both low and high attainment grades can have a demotivating effect. We therefore only provide attainment grades once each term.
• Effort grades, attainment grades, exam results and full reports are issued throughout the academic year.
• Reports go to pupils in school and via email to parents at home.
• After each report, there are individual discussions between the pupil and their Form Tutor or Year Group Tutor to celebrate achievements and plan for future progress.
• Parents’ Evenings offer the opportunity to discuss pupil progress with subject teachers. Pupils in the Lower Remove (Year 9) and above are invited to attend with their parents.
• There is also an end of year Pastoral Parents’ evening to discuss your child’s performance throughout the academic year.
In the Lower Years, pupils sit end of year exams. These will be an opportunity for pupils to consolidate their learning of the year and trial different revision strategies and study skills as well as providing pupils with a taste of formal examinations. The examinations in the Fifth Form will be their formal GCSE or IGCSE qualifications.
As the Lower Years is a great time to develop interests, it is also an important time to start thinking about the bright future pupils will want for themselves. We have an excellent careers team, who are available to meet with pupils and offer them advice. Additionally, in the Upper Remove pupils will be considering their aspirations and researching career pathways. In the Fifth Form, pupils are also offered the opportunity to complete a Morrisby profile and work with the careers team to enhance their self-awareness alongside increasing their knowledge of possible future pathways. In this everchanging world, a tool such as this can be very powerful in helping pupils to keep their doors wide open.
IT Systems
Pupils have access to plenty of computers in the Library and ICT rooms. When they use a school computer, they should make sure that they are familiar with the Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) for IT. Please see the E-Safety section for further information regarding our school monitoring.
When pupils start their education journey at King’s, pupils and parents are issued with access to our school Firefly website portal. This website is our central school portal and one with which we encourage you to become familiar. It is the key source of information about life in school, offering a variety of information about day-to-day activities such as current menus, school policies and also the school calendar.
New parents will be sent a link to access Firefly once their child starts at King’s. Firefly can also be accessed via our Quick Links section on the footer of the King’s website (www.ksw.org.uk).
Alongside this, pupils are also issued with a Microsoft Office 365 account. This cloud-based solution will allow them access emails and work on any device in and outside of school. It also offers access to a plethora of Microsoft applications including Word, PowerPoint, Teams and Outlook, applications which pupils will become familiar with during their time at King’s.