4 minute read
The Health Centre
The Health Centre plays a pivotal role in ensuring our pupils are well cared for physically and emotionally, providing an environment where pupils are supported through medical concerns. The Nurses are also able to provide support with emotional difficulties within the department and signpost pupils to appropriate support. Fully-qualified nurses are on duty full-time throughout the school week. The rooms in the Health Centre allow the nurses to deal with medical and emotional issues which occur in the course of the school day. If a pupil feels unwell before the start of the school day, parents and guardians are requested to keep him or her at home, and not to send their child into school in the hope of a quick recovery.
Pupils with special medical problems such as asthma, allergies, diabetes, and epilepsy will have an individual care plan drawn up with them if needed. This will also be applied to all visits and trips.
Nurses can administer medication according to the Medication Policy, which is available on Firefly.
If pupils are unable to participate in PE or Games, they should bring a note from home in the first instance. Off-Games notes can be given in emergencies and for issues that arise during the school day
Counselling Service
The School’s Counselling Service is in addition to the already wellestablished provision for pastoral care, guidance, and support for pupils in the school. Our counsellors are highly experienced in working with young people and families and British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy accredited. They are available to work with pupils when they are experiencing problems or concerns which may be easier to share with someone other than a member of staff. All that is shared by the pupils will be treated in confidence - if the counsellor is concerned for the pupil’s safety or that of others then they abide by the BACP code of ethics, which could mean the sharing of relevant information with other agencies to ensure that all children are appropriately safeguarded.
Pupils can request to see the counsellor or can be referred by a member of staff. Parents, guardians and pupils can also contact their Form Tutor or Year Group Tutor for further information.
Further Pastoral Support
Parents or pupils with pastoral concerns should contact their Form Tutor, Year Group Tutor, House Tutor, the Head of Lower Years/ Middle Years/ Sixth Form or the Deputy Head Pastoral to look at further options for support and intervention, as required.

If someone is behaving towards your son or daughter in a way that is upsetting him or her, do please encourage him or her to tell someone in their Pastoral Team at School.
If parents and guardians have any concerns about their child’s welfare or would like any advice on dealing with issues involving their child, they are welcome to contact the Form or Year Group Tutor. Any question, concern or complaint about the pastoral care or safety of a pupil must be notified to the School as soon as practicable.
If a pupil wants to make a complaint about something, for example the way he or she is being treated, the first thing to do is speak to a member of staff he or she trusts, or use the online reporting forms on Firefly.
Existing Year 10 Parent
The aim of PSHE and RSE at King’s is to allow pupils to develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to live a happy and healthy life in today’s world. The programme is designed to challenge pupils with aspects of moral and social responsibility at each stage of their development so as to offer an environment in which to discuss issues affecting both adolescents and also those in the wider community.
PSHE at King’s helps pupils to realise the nature and consequences of discrimination, teasing, bullying and aggressive behaviours (including cyber-bullying), use of prejudice-based language, and also how to respond and ask for help. It also aims to support pupils to make responsible, informed decisions related to drugs, alcohol, and sexual consent, to understand the causes, implications and sources of help for mental and physical health problems, and to guide them in their career planning and financial future. It is integral equipping our pupils for what lies ahead, and to encourage balance and confidence in line with the School’s principles.
This course is central to all aspects of school life – its thinking, planning, teaching, and organisation – and as such has a positive influence on pupils’ learning and relationships throughout the whole school community. Provision of PSHE is explicitly designed to contribute to the process of growing up and the preparation of pupils for responsibility in adult life, by promoting fundamental British values and by passing on enduring, universal values which help to nurture pupils’ integrity and autonomy so that they become responsible and caring citizens capable of contributing to the development of a just society.

To see the PSHE and RSE policies and programmes of study, please head to the department page on Firefly https://kingsworcester.fireflycloud.net/pshe
E-Safety and use of technology in school

One of the School’s primary safeguarding principles involves protecting pupils online; it is a requirement of government legislation that we closely monitor pupils’ online activity.
Our school monitoring software tracks screen activity on school owned devices and/or school WIFI. Specifically, the software identifies and captures key words associated with bullying, swearing, racism, pornography, gambling, extremism, grooming and other concerns. The system automatically takes and sends a screenshot of any inappropriate material to the Designated Safeguarding Leads who will then deal with the information accordingly. Pupils are aware that the system is in place and sanctions may be applied for those who breach our AUP (Acceptable Use Policy).
Mobile Phones
Mobile phones will not be required for use in lessons. Any devices pupils bring into school must be both switched off and kept out of sight.