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School Polices
The latest School polices can be found on our website at ksw.org.uk/policies
The School Rules
The School Rules are drawn up to assist in making the School an orderly and safe environment, to give a sense of security to everyone in the School, to ensure respect for others and their property and to make clear the distinction between acceptable and unacceptable behaviour.
Unacceptable behaviour disrupts the learning of others and infringes on the rights, safety or learning on any member of the school community. The School requests that all parents read through the School Rules with their children and expects them to work with the School in the interests of all pupils to encourage positive behaviour. A full list of the School Rules can be found on Firefly, along with the Behaviour Management Policy.
The School Rules apply on school trips, including educational visits and sporting events. They also apply outside of school premises, for example when pupils are on the way to and from school and when they are wearing school uniform.
Managing Behaviour
While our main focus is on what pupils are getting right and highlighting the good, it is essential for pupils to understand that we do not tolerate poor behaviour, and deal with it appropriately. A key form of communication between members of the teaching staff is via behaviour points. Behaviour points are not, in themselves, sanctions, and should never be presented as such.
They are intended to inform a pupil’s Form or Year Group Tutor about his or her well-being, attitude, or behaviour. Where pupil behaviour is unacceptable, they provide information for the pastoral staff about severe or persistent incidents or issues. These may be shared with parents as appropriate.
Disciplinary sanctions, such as Detentions, are applied when a pupil’s behaviour falls below the standard which could be reasonably expected of him or her, whether because of failure to follow a school rule or an instruction by a member of staff. Sanctions should be seen as a constructive measure to bring an improvement in the pupil’s behaviour or learning by a) stopping the inappropriate behaviour; b) allowing the pupil to make a better choice next time; and c) showing other pupils what is/is not acceptable in school. Pupils may be required to attend a detention, either after school or on some weekends or non-teaching days. The School will give parents 24 hours’ notice.
Further information may be found within the Behaviour Management Policy on www.ksw.org.uk/policies.
Uniform Guide and Rules
At King’s, our school uniform plays a key role in promoting a sense of confidence and belonging, as well as being an outward expression of equality within our school community. Our uniform is designed for pupils to be smart and business-like in their formal, day-to-day activities. Whenever King’s pupils are wearing their uniform, they are representing the Foundation, and so are expected to wear their uniform with pride and to the highest standards. While students in our Sixth Form do not wear uniform, they must conform to the Sixth Form Dress Code, set out in our separate guide.
Please see the link to the Uniform Guide and Rules below: www.ksw.org.uk/uniform