H R Thurlby, L.R.A.M *P Trepte, M.A. , F.R.C.O and 22 Visiting Teachers
Master in Charge - H G Searle, D.C.P., Cert Ed
Mrs S L Searle, Cert Ed
K M Burt, B.Ed
Mrs P Herbert B.A (leftChristmas)
• = part-time
Miss S L Lewis, B.Ed
Miss L Wellings, B.Ed
Mrs L A Jackson M.A
Bursar- Wing-Commander A Hickox F.A.A.I. M.B.I.M. M.Inst.A.M
Medical Officer - Dr J M Duncan, M.B. , Ch.B
Sister-Mrs. B M Hony, S.R.N. , O.N.C
Caterer - Mr N Witherick
Headmaster's Secretary - Miss M E Baldwin
Accountant - Miss A Turvey
Editor: David Pemberton
Graphics: Tanya Lees
Frances Moyle
J o Do w
Dan Vivian
Photography: Nicholas Stevens
Cover: The School Gardens by David Hope
It is sad , but true, to say that muc h of our thinking over the past year has been conducte d in the shado w of tw o of the gloomie r contemporar y phenomena , the economi c recessio n and the ideological aggressio n of the militant left
W e still hav e muc h to d o in the wa y of improvin g facilities here and whilst the completio n of the excellent extensio n to the Winslo w Scienc e Block an d the openin g of the extremel y well appointe d Sanatoriu m in Colleg e Precincts have both bee n invaluable achievement s this year, financial planning for the future become s an increasingly stressful and delicate operation Meanwhile , the character indee d the very existence of the King' s School is onc e again unde r political threat Th e plans of the current Labou r leadershi p for the abolition of independent educatio n over the next ten years shoul d not be despatche d as mer e posturing Ther e is an emotiona l force behin d this campaig n whic h rides rough-sho d over counter-argument howeve r cogently it is put Th e fact that the Labou r Governmen t signe d in 1976 the Unite d Nation s Covenan t of Economic , Socia l an d Cultural Rights, a documen t whic h specifically commit s signatories to freedo m of choice in education , count s for nothing, it woul d seem No r doe s the fact that the existenc e of independen t school s is currently saving the State som e £400 million per annu m in daily runnin g costs and £1,500 million per annu m in capital costs Th e suggestio n that inflexible blanket solution s have mor e in commo n with totalitarianism than freedo m is met with stone y silence S o muc h for the longer term Mor e immediatel y w e have political problem s too as the LE A propose s to bring to an end the policy of taking up "free places " at King's , a policy whic h has served both City an d Schoo l so well W e believe that King' s has muc h to offer a particular kind of child, just as other types of schoo l will be eminentl y better suited than King' s to those whos e need s and future developmen t require mode s of attention whic h w e canno t provide It will be a sa d day whe n our ow n bursary funds , limited as they inevitably are stan d alone as the sole hop e of the parent of humbl e mean s whos e so n stands to flourish in the environmen t that w e offer, and it is with this consideration in min d that w e have decide d to enter o n a smal l scale the Government' s Assiste d Places Scheme , unde r whic h eleven pupils joined the King's Schoo l in Septembe r 1981
For all these external pressures there has been muc h to celebrate over the year In the academi c sphere member s of the Schoo l wo n eight award s an d eight places at Oxfor d an d Cambridge pride of place this time goin g to the musicians , wh o wo n no fewer than four awards , and to Rache l Day, wh o becam e the first King' s Schoo l girl to wi n a full Ope n Scholarshi p to Oxford At 'A ' level there wa s a pass rate of 87.6% an d of these passes 60 % wer e at grade s A , B or C Th e 'O' level pas s rate wa s 78.4% of which 63 % wer e at grade s A an d B The sporting achievemen t of the year wa s undoubtedl y that of Nick Hales, wh o wa s selected to captain the Englan d under-19 Rugb y team Meanwhil e the artistic life of the Schoo l reached high levels with production s of "Th e Shoemaker' s Holiday" , "Th e Lady' s notfo r Burning" "Emma " an d "Th e Bartered Bride" the latter bein g but one of man y worthwhil e musica l ventures, amongs t the m the first performanc e by the Schoo l Orchestra of a wor k by Steve n Kings , wh o left the Schoo l at Christmas The Schoo l also had the chanc e to rene w its contacts with royalty whe n Prince Charles unveile d the Elgar Statue in Ma y an d this wa s one of the man y highlights of the Choristers year, alon g sid e their participation in a ne w recording of "Messiah " an d in the hugel y varied programm e of thisyear' s "Thre e Choir s Festival" , whic h wa s staged in Worcester
The Schoo l then is in soun d health There are man y material facilities to be struggled for, as I hav e indicated, but moral e and performanc e are good All this is splendi d and encouraging but are w e doin g enoug h in the context of the challenge of the age in whic h w e live? Are w e really breathing the sort of fire and steel into our Sixth-formers to mee t the demand s of the worl d outside? Ar e w e combattin g effectively the "hastines s and superficiality" whic h Solzhenitsy n has describe d as "the psychi c diseases of the 20th century" ? Ar e w e producin g future citizens with a sens e of initiative, of drive, of responsibility, wit h a vision of what the worl d outside shoul d be, citizens determined as a recent speaker here exhorted the Lowe r Sixth, to bring "orde r out of chaos , beauty out of filth an d love out of hate"? In the slavishness of som e of our Sixth-formers their reluctance to read roun d the subject, their disinclination to do anythin g that is remotely challenging fro m an intellectual point of view, unless actually instructed to d o so, I see a worrying trait Similarly, lower dow n the Schoo l I see som e for who m the conflict betwee n the standard s that w e are striving to set an d the convention s an d attitudes of the social grou p with whic h they mi x outside the School , is just too great Their response, if not openl y defiant, is one of apathy an d withdrawal I a m not talking about a large percentage, but I a m talking about an easily identifiable grou p an d it is perhaps these who m w e shoul d be trying mos t earnestly to reach to motivate an d abov e all to enthuse if w e are to justify ou r clai m to independenc e as an alternative to the Maintained Sector Suc h students are in a depressing sense a natural reflection of all that is mos t worrying an d un-nerving in the worl d outide, an endurin g challeng e to a schoo l suc h as this in its determination to play its part in contributing both creatively and constructively to the future both of the locality and of the nation King' s is, as I said earlier, part of the City's heritage, but this is not in itself sufficient
justification for our existence here and now It is our responsibility to justify that existence in the 1980's in a challengin g an d positive way Between us, governors, teachers, parents, pupils and friends, I believe that w e ca n an d will mak e a success of suc h an aspiration dauntin g thoug h it is, for I a m abov e all impresse d by the quality of the people wh o mak e up the totality of King's
Wit h this in min d w e welcom e into Commo n Roo m Mar y Haynes , wh o joins us fro m the U.S.A on exchang e wit h Mr Hope Mr S R J Ross wh o joins the Geograph y Department Mrs L A Jackso n wh o joined the staff of St Alban' s last Januar y an d Mr A F Partington an O.V wh o returns as Assistan t Organist in the Cathedra l an d as a membe r of our Musi c Department Meanwhile , w e also welcom e Mrs B M Hony , wh o joins us as Sister-in-charge of the new Sanatorium
Farewells on this occasio n are happily few but all out goo d wishe s go wit h Mrs P Herbert, wh o left St Alban' s last Januar y to accompan y her husban d to Canada , Paul Trepte, wh o move s to take over the choir of St Mary's Warwick after makin g a major contribution to the musi c at King's , and to Mr an d Mrs Henry Searl e wh o leave us in Decembe r after six highly successfu l years in St Alban' s to take up Mr Searle' s ne w appointmen t as Headmaste r of Rydal Junio r School
A M Milne
Wha t is the job of the chaplain at King's? Is he a teacher? O r is he a pastor? Or is he there to take services? Of cours e he is all of these, and to different peopl e at different times on e role is mor e important than another
The role whic h figures prominently for mos t students is that of teacher of Religiou s Studies , naturally so since it occupie s a large proportion of the chaplain' s time Th e reaso n for this is not merel y one of schoo l economics , but also that the role of religious teache r is a natural part of a priest's ministry Th e ai m of the religious teache r is not simpl y to provid e converts At King's w e are educating students from a wid e ecumenica l backgroun d and hav e som e representatives of other worl d faiths In suc h a context it is right that religious education shoul d ai m to help each person develo p his ow n religious awarenes s an d understanding , and by doin g s o equi p hi m to mak e his ow n commitment Inevitably the teachin g is presente d wit h an Anglica n perspective, an d there can be little doub t in the min d of students that the teacher has mad e a personal religious commitment ! The approac h to the teachin g of the subject an d the range of topics taught ai m at giving the student a religious outlook as part of his preparation for life Increasingly there are variou s religious movement s and cults in the worl d at large, and it is hardly surprisin g that group s advocating for example Eastern mysticis m or the occult and conversio n movement s are all aime d to attract the young If not during schoo l life, they will be expose d to suc h influences later Our aim is to equi p the m with the beginnings of a reasone d faith with whic h to assess the lasting value or otherwis e of such groups For som e students alon g with parts of British society forma l religious commitmen t has little meaning Yet they will be confronte d by experience s and mora l issues of life and death , for whic h religious belief attempts to help peopl e in their search for meaning , fulfilment and happines s in life Religiou s teaching mus t develo p the religious wa y of looking at life
The wor k of the chaplai n also involves the pastoral car e of the schoo l community Thi s is perhaps not as obviou s to som e as it might be (is this a reflection of the attitudes of society? In on e surve y parish priests rated very lo w on the list of peopl e to who m on e goes for help in time s of difficulty) Yet the chaplai n is a natural membe r of the tea m of headmaster house- and form-masters other member s of the teachin g staff, matron s and others wh o all care for the welfare of boy s an d girls durin g their schoo l life Th e chaplain als o has pastoral care of the staff (as one membe r of staff onc e commente d "....after all, yo u are our Vicar!) Caring is not just a one-wa y process
In a communit y whic h aspires to embod y a Christian vie w of life caring mus t be a mutuall y shared experience Wit h the pressure s of the bus y routine of schoo l life, this can easily be forgotten
Reflecting the increase d lay participation in the wide r Church , the conducting of services and other devotional events is a shared function betwee n chaplain other staff and students Withi n the limits of the facilities of schoo l an d cathedral, the ai m of these occasion s is to provide a variety of devotional experience not for the sak e of gimmickry , but to help students experience an d express , in a way whic h is real to them , their ow n aspirations, ideals an d values Religious experienc e has been divided into the institutional the intellectual an d the intuitive Th e variety of devotiona l diet tries to do justice to eac h of these aspects
It has been said that the difference betwee n the religious an d nonreligious perso n is that the former sees life as a journe y to be made , the latter is not aware that the journey exists W e aim to mak e students awar e of this an d help the m along the first steps of this journey
Middle School Visits
Bru m
Denie d realistic acces s to the worl d of the great outdoor s by dam p and inhospitable weather , member s of the Lowe r Fourth year were taken to Birmingham' s Science Museu m on Field Day, Friday Octobe r 17th Th e followin g impression s wer e recorde d both during the visit an d in the classroo m afterwards
The Science Museum is large and the public is allowed to walk around its many machines and scientific collections free of charge. Exhibits vary from an enormous steam engine through to a collection of mechanical puppets and a simple computer or calculator working on an on-off light system in base two.
James Cooper
We went into the building with clipboards in one hand and pens in the other. Even as we entered we were confronted by weird and strange contraptions that mysteriously clanked and buzzed and squeaked. The movements of enormous mechanisms of iron and wood took us by surprise.
Many machines are in working order and you are allowed to try them out. On a telephone exchange, for example, you can dial a number on atelephone and watch the mechanical operator put you through to afriend on the other end of the line.
Peter Flower-Ellis
The AMTDE, as it is affectionately known by people who used it, was the first efficient telephone exchange. It was made to deal with two calls at a time, it weighed about twenty pounds and cost fifty times more than its present counterpart which deals with about one hundred calls and is called the micro-chip. The trouble with the AMTDE was that it was large and cumbersome, had 1132 moving parts and was amazingly hard to repair. The AMTDE is arelic from the past, now replaced by something about six millimeters long.
Matthew Bird
On Jul y 6th, member s of the Uppe r Fourth went out o n a Geograph y Field Day Th e followin g reports reflect som e of the activities whic h took place
Scramble to the seats and throw down bags. Away we go and sweat starts dripping. The wheels rumble on, endless thunder from under the floor. Seats become lumpy and hard.
At last we've arrived and clamber down, stiffness personified. We climb up Leckhampton Hill, limbs stretched to their fullest extent. Then among the boulders searching like ants. Sieving through the fine limestone, it crumbles and falls at our feet, to lie untouched, perhaps for ahundred years? The rocks sap our energy and we wearily wander, wondering where we are. At last we find our 'base' and pick up bags. Along we trudge with now heavier bags, spurred on by our teacher's bubbling flow of enthusiastic words. We reach the top of the escarpment and below is spread a city. Looking down on the development of civilization, the fields beyond are aquiet reminder of what the land once was.
Jurrien Heyen
We rushed off the coach and filed up atrack like sheep.
My bag strap broke.
"All get your note pads out."
My pencil lead broke.
"This was formed in the Jurassic period when the climate was like the Bahamas."
Itstarted to rain
Mr Hope sped up the steep path like amountain goat.
We waited and watched while he whizzed down agrassy bank and ran up to a rockface. He was too far away for me to hear him. I could only see his arms pointing to various cracks and lumps in the rock
Then, at last, it was lunch time.
Ol d
Chape l
Summe r Cam p for the Lowe r Fourths took place ove r the half-term weeken d at a familiar venue-th e Ol d Chapel Th e experienc e of pitching tents, carrying drinking water from a nearb y sprin g and washin g up on a rota syste m wa s very muc h part of the fun if the participants had a min d to see it that way Outdoo r activities over the weeken d including daytim e walking ove r the Brecons , orienteering exercises rock climbin g and abseiling were followe d by more leisurely game s in the evening Altogether a challengin g an d worthwhil e experience , well organise d by Mr Homer
Cirenceste r
Forsaking the soothin g pleasures of the radio cricket commentar y for stimulation of a mor e active kind, the Lowe r Fourth visited Cirencester and Belas Kna p Longbarro w on Field Day Jun e 30th In Cirencester itself, walk s to the Parish Churc h an d the Coriniu m Museu m occupie d the period before lunch Tenpenn y climb s up the Churc h tower sharpene d appetites an d those with a penchan t for suc h things wer e left arguing whethe r they had shuffled up 215 or 217 steps in near total darkness Exhibits from longbarrows , super b mosaics an insight into Roma n Cirencester and present da y farming wer e highlights of the Museu m visit After a packed lunch , the party visited the remain s of an amphitheatre before movin g to the longbarrow Althoug h the mai n burial tom b wa s sealed up three opene d tomb s wer e available for viewin g and a complet e walk up and aroun d the barro w soake d up the last drop s of energy
S t Fagan s
St. Fagans Welsh Folk Museum is a very original place. It is all outdoors. There are real, old farmhouses with humble furniture. The beaten mud floors are always damp and slushy when it rains. It's hard to believe that people lived and accepted this very simple style of life. Among the other buildings there was a church, a cockpit, a toll-house, several houses and atannery. The tannery, asmithy and a mill are in full working order. Another part of the museum was a manor house. Again this had authentic furniture, this time rich, soft and altogether splendid. The two classes were so completely different yet lived so close together.
Nigel Glossop
Seven s tournament s are generally mor e fun than fifteen's matches , thoug h I kno w of certain forward s wh o ma y not agree
The y usually take a full day, during whic h a tea m can play anything betwee n on e an d six games , eac h fourteen minute s long This season w e wer e fit enoug h to play six matches but seldo m had the chanc e to, competitions being run on a knock out basis
Ou r first tournamen t at Hereford Cathedral wa s perhaps our best
To begin with, our side wa s complete , with no injury problem s at this stage of the season Our arrival wa s greeted by ominou s grey skies whic h soo n broke into heav y showers Havin g watche d a coupl e of matche s before warmin g up, an d by the state of players leaving the pitches, w e kne w w e wer e in for a hard day Our first Grou p matche s resulted in win s against Aylesbury , Queen' s Taunto n and Hereford Cathedral Th e Hereford Cathedra l matc h wa s perhaps the best as a crow d had by no w gathered by Pitch Three to watc h teams contending with 'The Pool' the large lake of water unde r the posts Ou r only encounte r in the pool resulted in a try for Hereford Cathedral whilst w e wer e still diving aroun d the mud , water and players looking for the previousl y dispatched ball!
Ou r quarter and semi-finals wen t well Th e semi s being against Belmon t Abbey , whos e line w e crosse d four times in the first seve n minutes, giving us a twenty-four - nil lead Th e final result wa s 2410 in our favour The lost final against Gowerto n wa s a hard and disappointin g affair Their us e of dee p kick eventually wor e us dow n to a 0 - 14 defeat
W e played six other tournaments on e being the maide n appearance at Rossly n Park by a K.S.W team Base d at the hospitable Epso m Colleg e w e gave a goo d accoun t of ourselves If it had not been for a try by Ampleforth , in the dyin g seconds , w e woul d certainly have qualified fro m our group , du e to the 44- 0 defeat of Chislewort h an d Sidcup whic h wa s ou r onl y consolatio n for a hard day' s rugby
Unfortunately the seaso n ende d on a dow n note, after an unmanl y performanc e at Oxford Followin g a goo d first match the tea m cease d to play with commitment , against St Joseph's , Ipswich, wh o eventually wo n the tournament Thi s wa s a great let down , not only to ourselves , the last w e wer e to play together, but to our coach , and all the peopl e wh o had mad e the effort to support us
Th e team' s thanks go to our supporters , and our special thanks to Mr Roberts whos e consistent realism mad e every gam e the most important, and wh o gav e us the confidenc e with whic h w e coul d attempt to d o our best
The Team from: N Hales D Hudson D Bernie S L Preece M Blakeway , I Blackburn, T Hooker, M Stanton , S Fleming , S Preston , P Campling
D C Hudson 2ND
Played 15 Won 5 Lost 9 Drawn 1
A glance at the team' s record will quickly sho w that this wa s far from a successful season Man y of the defeats wer e by a narro w margin , but the team's inability to hold on to a slender lead wa s on e of the mor e disappointing aspect s of their game Whilst in a fe w game s - against the Grammar , for exampl e - the tea m played with real determination too often there wa s a lack of genuine commitment especially in the backs
A numbe r of players, however , did reap the rewards for playing hard and well and manage d to progress to the First X V - Joh n Bracey and Simo n Whit e amongs t the forwards, and Stuart Preston, Ti m Hooker and Stuart Dob b in the backs There wa s a core of regular players too wh o toiled honestly throughout the season ably led and encourage d by Paul Clifton
Team: Clifton (Capt.) S White McNevin Harris Revill Holman S Darwell, Jenkins , Bracey, M White , Nicholas , Preston, Norfolk, Hooker, Dobb , Pendle, Newman
Played 18 Won 7 Lost 10 Drawn 1
A quick glance at the figures illustrates the moo d and vitality that the 3rd's bring to their rugby We'v e alway s had fun and enjoymen t but no w there is a spirit an d commitment , an d a realisation that winnin g can be fun too Th e numbe r of tries score d show s this best of all with attack being the mai n aim We'v e tried to develo p our win g play as muc h as possibl e an d man y tries cam e fro m simpl e delivery dow n the line Th e flank forward s also develope d quite an attacking flair early on with man y unlikely characters developin g skills an d aggressio n that wer e totally unsuspected A s usual w e had just foun d an effective full-back whe n w e lost him to the Seconds as w e did half the side at od d intervals during the season Amazingl y though w e still had 40 regulars to call on and the first 4th X V gam e for six years wa s played , against Wrekin W e lost 10-6 Next year there are three such game s to look forwar d to an d suc h a pool of players mean s only goo d for the interest and enthusias m for the gam e throughout the club
Thank s mus t g o to all wh o contribute d an d didn't lose heart, an d to Paul Da y for his popular captaincy
Played 10 Won 6 Lost 4 Drawn 0
Despite consistent performances from one or two forwards, notably Khwaj a and Sitch, the team suffered fro m an absenc e of ball-winners in the pack, and talented three-quarters suc h as Rogers , Everton, McClatchey , De Blaby an d Gues s wer e all too often starved of possession
In the Count y Cu p competitio n the forward s wer e strengthened by the inclusion of Kirby fro m the 1 st X V and Morel l and Witherick from the Unde r 15's and the high point of the seaso n wa s reached in an exciting 14-10 victory ove r WRG S in the semi-final Th e tea m then wen t on to wi n the trophy by comfortabl y defeating Evesha m High Schoo l in the final
Played 21 Won 9 Lost 12
Thi s wa s a mixe d seaso n culminatin g with a low in the Count y Cu p Final against Evesha m High School Th e seaso n bega n badly with heav y defeats by Christ Colleg e Brecon , King Henry VIII, Solihull and Warwick This wa s partly due to the fact that the tea m relied too heavily on individual performance s especially amon g the forwards and the backs misse d vital tackles Better results cam e with a better team effort bringing victories against Wrekin Quee n Mary's Walsall
K.E.S Birmingha m and a narrow defeat by the Royal Gramma r School
The strength of the tea m wa s in the forwards, in particular in a big, strong front row and a strong, mobil e back row However , the forward s did not progres s during the seaso n and rarely fulfilled their potential Morel l wa s the outstandin g forward but at times tended to go too muc h on his own Hodgso n an d Witherick gav e hi m goo d support as did Simpso n whe n he wa s not being played out of position in the secon d row It wa s in this area that the pack wer e weakest, except whe n Khwaj a wa s playing A strong front row is often sufficient at this level and in Matthews , Robbin s and Brunye e the team had a formidabl e combination
It wa s realised before the first gam e that the backs woul d be the wea k unit However to their credit they worke d hard on handling skills and improve d their tackling A n indication of their improvement wa s the increased numbe r of tries that they score d this season
McMurray' s absenc e until after Christma s left a big ga p to be filled at scru m half After trying several players in this position P Evan s eventually filled the place competently Th e other vital half back position wa s also open ; this wa s finally filled by Bryan He played better with mor e experience but he woul d admit that he still has muc h to learn whic h it will require someon e other than a prop to teach him !
The centre positions were taken variously by Morgan , Owen , Lewis, Suckling and Fitzgibbon with Morga n and Owe n finishing as first choices Owe n also had som e goo d game s on the wing , but these positions wer e filled by Brook wh o showe d real pace at times and Leow , improvin g all the time in his secon d seaso n of rugby At full back Rankin wa s as safe as house s an d tackled with great guts
With hard work in training an d mor e teamwor k in matches , this coul d be a goo d team in the future
Played 18 Won 9 Lost 8 Drawn 1
The U.14 Rugb y tea m wa s well lead to a winnin g seaso n by David Bayliss A s well as those mentione d belo w its other stalwarts wer e Morgan Mackie Booth Butler Burnham Webb Tallis Searl e an d Bromley Thes e players wer e well supporte d by twenty-five other players wh o mad e appearance s for the A an d B teams There wer e seve n B tea m fixtures
Leadin g Points scorers:
Cameron-Mitchel l 12 tries
Marshal l 9
Harrison 8
Wildin g 6
Bowle y 5
Jame s 5
Bayliss 5
Preston 21 conversion s an d 1 penalty
Played 21 Won 15 Lost 6
Thi s wa s a mos t enjoyable and successfu l season Apar t fro m the talented individuals in the team w e wer e fortunate to have a large squa d of enthusiastic boy s wh o contributed to the success an d the spirit Ther e wer e normally 30 boys at eac h practice whic h wa s half the year
The tea m mad e a lot of progress during the year whic h wa s apparent in the secon d gam e against Warwic k at the end of January After a 47-12 defeat in the first term at home , w e wer e narrowly beaten 14-8 in the secon d gam e away Anothe r memorabl e performanc e was the gam e against a touring side fro m King' s Macclesfiel d whic h w e wo n 22-0
Mos t of our victories wer e due to goo d tea m performance s but credit mus t g o to Domini c Cotton, wh o score d a lot of our points, Williamson , Hubert, Blackmore , Blakewa y an d Jurrien Heyne n wh o wer e all selecte d for the county squad
Providin g the squa d continues to wor k as hard and sho w suc h enthusiasm , the team can look forward to man y mor e successful seasons
The tea m had a mixe d season , winnin g half of its games Althoug h most boy s ha d not played any rugby before joining the Middl e School , the tea m played with spirit an d develope d a fluent attacking style
Particularly pleasing results included a dra w with WRG S and a 39-0 wi n against Bisho p Perowne O n a we t an d cold winter's da y w e also entertained a touring side from King' s School Macclesfiel d and despite their superior strength and size w e played well and only narrowl y lost
During the seaso n the pack provided a continual suppl y of ball and our loos e play wa s a feature, with Peter Thompson , Robert Leek and Joh n Bowle y as the outstanding forwards Th e backs wer e alway s willing to run the ball to the wing s and Simo n Mee s had an excellent seaso n bein g top points scorer
The thanks of all those wh o played and trained go to Mr Thompso n an d Mr Griffiths wh o together coache d the team
S Duncan
Insid e Stor y
Selectio n for Worceste r School s U1 8 X V wa s almos t a certainty havin g bee n selected the previou s year but then being unavailable I was however surprised to be selected as captain The county game s that followe d wer e in themselve s trials as each gam e wa s attended by Wes t Midland s Selectors
I wa s selected to play in the Wes t Midland s trial whic h resulted in m e bein g unabl e to g o hom e to Zambi a an d spen d Christma s with m y parents
M y opponen t in the trial wa s the Warwickshir e scrum-half wh o I felt pose d quite a threat I had previousl y compare d each of our skills Ou r passin g abilities wer e about the same although he wa s not very goo d under pressure He coul d only kick wit h his left foot but his pac e fro m the base of the scru m wa s far superior to mine
Th e trial got underwa y an d I wa s trying to put m y opposite numbe r underasmuc h pressure as possibl e with the help of the flankers All was goin g well until I received a bad ball fro m a lineout Having tidied up an d dive-passe d I wa s hit rather neatly by an opposition flanker I had bruised the top of m y bicep muscl e but felt that I had to playonaslhadnotdoneenought o warrant aplaceintheside Soo n I realised that it wa s useless but wha t shoul d I do If I wer e to tell the Selectors I wa s injured and did not wan t to play an y more , that could be the en d of the road I decide d to continu e but sho w m y discomfort by holdin g m y shoulde r and grimacing Eventually the Selectors spotted m e an d mad e m e retire I felt satisfied that in this wa y I gave the impressio n that I wa s prepared to play on eve n thoug h injured After the gam e there wa s the usual hou r or so wait while the Selectors mad e up their minds The y alway s see m to take longer than necessar y and see m to actually enjoy watchin g the tense faces of the thirty or so players
I wa s selected to play in the Midland s trial Th e gam e wa s after Christma s s o I had a very sobe r Christma s an d Ne w Year Whe n the trial arrived m y shoulde r wa s mor e or less fit an d I had not played for twelve days I could not wait to get started Th e gam e wa s a goo d one an d I playe d well In the clubhous e afterward s I permitted myself a pint or so of beer, m y first alcohol since before Christmas I a m not sure whethe r it wa s the beer but I wa s full of bonhomi e an d quite confident of selection I wa s selected to play against Midlan d colts with the added bonus of being mad e captain
Th e Colts gam e wa s on a very col d wet day an d I had an attack of nerves as I walke d into the changin g room Thi s wa s the worst thing that coul d have happene d and I ha d a very poo r game I wa s convince d I woul d be droppe d but fortunately the Selectors held faith in m e an d I continue d to the next gam e against Londo n Schools The 'Daily Telegraph' had forecast a hard time for the Midland s as London had defeated Londo n Colts convincingly
Happil y the press wer e wron g as usual an d the Midland s defeated Londo n comfortabl y in a hard, fast game I, personally, had a goo d game , not makin g any mistakes an d makin g on e blindside break
This wa s a goo d plus for m e as there wer e four Englan d Selectors present Th e next gam e wa s against the North , whic h is regarded as the first Englan d trial After the gam e against Londo n the Midl a ds X V becam e a tea m in the true sens e of the wor d instead of just being a collection of individuals W e wante d to wi n for the tea m and not for ourselves Th e North are renowne d for being hard me n but the Midland s wo n the gam e easily I played a goo d gam e but wa s in no wa y confident that I woul d get throug h to the next and final trial Here I woul d just like to break awa y fro m the run of events and say somethin g about m y approac h to eac h game I did not set out with a fixed metho d but habits evolved I started to wea r the sam e trousers and tie to eac h match Mor e importantly m y approac h on the field becam e intense T o impres s Seector s I had to sho w off m y goo d points highlight m y opponent s weaknesse s and cover up m y own This very nearly becam e an obsession I use d to single out m y opposite numbe r and begin to hate hi m an d by the time the gam e started I felt w e wer e enemies Thi s feeling of hostility continue d throughout the gam e an d even after the gam e I coul d not find myself capable of talking to him I think I misse d meetin g a numbe r of very pleasant peopl e throug h this but foun d that this approac h alway s resulted in m y playing m y best
Cricke t
Played 15 Won 4 Lost 5 Drawn 6
The 1st Xl' s seaso n wa s satisfactory, thoug h never really pleasin g and the side did not realise its true potential With a blen d of experience d an d younge r players, the batting wa s not as consistent as it migh t hav e been and , as a result, too heav y a burden wa s place d on the bowlers
Mark Thompso n wa s not able to find his for m an d Stewart Preec e only bega n to play the innings of whic h he is capable late in the season Joh n Vincent, however , on establishin g a place in the eleven gav e the batting mor e depth an d he mad e som e valuabl e scores Ro b Ganderto n batted well but he, too, lacked consistency
Th e brunt of the bowlin g wa s borne by Scott Fleming , whos e aggressive, thoug h often wayward , fast bowlin g troubled mos t batsmen Nick Fisher and Kevin Andrew s supporte d hi m admirabl y and muc h is expecte d of the m in the future Th e fielding wa s usuall y competen t an d the wicketkeeping of Stewar t Preston wa s tidy an d enthusiastic
I ow e thank s to a numbe r of people wh o hav e helpe d m e in m y first year in charg e of the 1st XI, especially Stewar t Preece, a popula r an d diligent captain , Stewart Preston, a particularly efficient secretary and Peter Jones, a most conscientious and knowledgeable groundsman
Six fifth former s gaine d valuable experienc e in the 1st XI this season ; w e hav e the bowlin g to bowl side s out reasonably cheapl y and the future looks bright if our batsme n ca n apply themselve s to gathering the runs
Warwick School
Warwic k 156 - 5 dec
King s 76 - 6 (M Thompso n 25) Match drawn.
Malvern School
Malver n 100 (Fisher 6 - 29)
Kings 101- 6 (Thompso n 30, Preece 31) Match won by 4 wickets.
Dean Close School
Kings 57 all out
Dean Clos e 58 - 8 (Fleming 4 - 28) Match lost by 2 wickets.
Worcester R.G.S
King s 132 (Ganderto n 58: Revill 20)
W.R.G.S 100 - 8 (Fleming 4-41 : Andrew s 2 - 12) Match drawn.
Bablake School
Bablake 185 - 3 dec
Kings 79 - 6 Match drawn.
Solihull School
King s 151- 9 dec (Preson 50 n.o.) Solihull 67- 7 (Fleming 5-23 ) Match drawn.
Old Vigornians C.C
O.V.'s24 1 - 7 (De Blaby 3-48 )
Kings 130 (Ganderton 28: Fleming 38: De Blab y 31) Match lost by 111 runs.
K.E.S Birmingham
K.E.S 183 (Fleming 6-70 )
King s 187- 5 (Thompso n 45: Vincent 93) Match won by 5 wickets.
Worcestershire Club and Ground
W.C.C.C 177- 6 dec (Fleming 4 - 66)
Kings 112- 9 (Preece 31) Match drawn.
Bromsgrove School
Bromsgrov e 192- 5 dec
Kings 121- 3 (Preece 38: Vincent 42) Match drawn.
Camels C.C
Camel s 143 (Fleming 4 - 51: Revill 3 - 60: Andrew s 3 - 23)
Kings 147- 4 (Vincent 64: Shiner 39)
Match won by 6 wickets.
XL Club X L Clu b 199- 5 dec (Andrew s 3 - 62)
King s 110 (Preece 50) Match lost by 89 runs.
Gentlemen of Worcester
King s 82 (Thompso n 24)
Gentleme n 85 - 1
Match lost by 9 wickets.
D P Iddon'sXI
D P Iddon's XI 175 - 9 dec (Fleming 5 - 40: Vincen t 4 - 35)
King s 179- 2 (Ganderton 98 n.o.: Vincent 34)
Match won by 8 wickets.
Old Vigornians C.C.
Kings 187 (Preece 68)
O.V.'s 189 -7(Andrews 2 - 44)
Match lost by 3 wickets.
After a poo r start to the season whe n ba d weathe r prevented any regular practice, the performanc e of the side improve d rapidly Only once durin g the seaso n wer e w e defeated convincingly whe n consistent bowlin g prevented our early batsme n scorin g quickly in our only limited overs match W e only wo n on e matc h during the season , mainl y due to the inability of ou r bowlin g attack to bowl a side out Ou r victory was , however , very convincing , with our openin g batsme n scorin g over a hundre d an d fifty runs to give us a ten wicket win
Ther e wer e outstanding batting performance s durin g the season , notably by Joh n Vincent And y Shine r and Da n Vivian wh o all scored half centuries All of the bowler s performe d well on occasions, but muc h of our faster bowlin g wa s pitched far too short
Finally, the thanks of all wh o played during the seaso n g o to Mr Griffiths an d Mr Pemberto n wh o coache d an d umpire d for us and to Cawdel l wh o wa s a most efficient scorer
David Rogers
Played 4 Won 1 Lost 3
Cancellations, mainly du e to ba d weather, mean t that only 4 league matche s wer e played this year Th e side wer e well beaten by Worceste r Nomads but had goo d game s against Ol d Elizabethans and Worceste r City, whic h resulted in narro w defeats The gam e against Pershor e wa s won thanks to som e stead y bowling and som e fine batting from Jones , Roger s an d Kirby All those wh o played mad e a contribution to the enjoymen t of the term's cricket
The following played: R Jones , D Rogers , H Ticehurst, K Andrews , D DeBlaby P Kirby J Hodgson T Morell P Mackie M Morgan D Bishop , A Lowe , M Jones , N Fisher, D Ball, J Mackie
Played 7 Won 1 Lost 4 Drawn 2
Unde r 15 cricket wa s strong in number s this year and it wa s pleasing to see boy s keen enoug h to turn up regularly to nets eve n though they wer e not selected for the team There wa s a very poor start to the season , and not only in term s of the weather Whe n eventually the tea m di d take the field against Malver n College , on e soo n wishe d that that gam e too had been cancelle d as Malver n proceede d to score 221 for 3 before tea W e wer e all out for 53, having set the pattern of poo r openin g partnerships and run-outs that wa s to afflict the tea m throughou t the season It wa s not until the fifth gam e that the tea m manage d to score over 100 runs, althoug h there had been a win against Bablake in the meantime Th e fact that in seve n matches no batsma n score d forty an d only Stuart Evan s twice reached twenty is partly a measur e of poor batting skills an d partly a measur e of the general inability to run betwee n wickets
Apar t fro m the debacle against Malvern , the side bowle d well, with a numbe r of fine performance s fro m Ji m Hodgso n in particular, and also Adria n Suckling Largely becaus e of their efforts the team wa s in a strong position at the en d of the game s against Warwic k and KE S Birmingham Julia n Field wa s at times outstandin g in the field and Ti m Owe n wa s mor e than competen t behin d the stump s even if hisstumping s wer e far fro m skilful Thank s to Jerem y Galbraith too a loyal supporte r and scorer
Ther e is no doubt in m y min d that the spirit an d enthusias m of the tea m mad e up for any lack of success, an d despite the weather and memorie s of Malver n it wa s a mos t enjoyable season
Team: Evan s (Capt.), L Field, Jones , Hodgson , Morrell, Bryan, J Field, Rankin , Suckling , Lewis , Kaltsoyannis , Fielding, Keegan , Owen , Galbraith (Scorer)
Played 12 Won 8 Lost 4
A n excellent seaso n all round with som e of the win s not bein g as comfortabl e as they shoul d have been an d several of the losse s bein g by only by a handful of runs W e adapte d the tactic of batting first wheneve r w e coul d in order to set a target for the opposition , and foun d that this worke d well Throughou t the term the openin g pair of Dereck Evan s an d Patrick Cotton produce d man y goo d starts but these wer e often followe d by classic batting collapses Usuail y these weren't too seriou s but on several occasion s w e wer e save d onl y by the fine efforts of Matthe w Norfolk wh o had the ability to stay at the crease whe n it mattered He had suppor t fro m others wh o each contributed enoug h in individual bouts, an d thus the runs wer e mad e to mak e declarations realistic Fawbert Richard Brown Blackmor e and Kalwaite s all helped out in the rescues However , the mai n feature of the seaso n wa s Pat Cotton' s batting with three 50's a highest score of 72 not out, and a total of 298 runs fro m eleve n innings He also playe d for the U14's in the Taverners ' semi-finals an d final, playing extremel y sensibly, and givin g us all a goo d lesso n on ho w to take quick singles
On e of the basic reason s wh y the seaso n wa s so successfu l wa s the fact that w e had a large numbe r of goo d bowler s with plenty of variety There wer e nine mai n bowlers of who m Jevon s wa s the mos t consistent an d wh o also improve d the mos t over the season
Both Ti m Brow n an d Domini c Cotton bowle d with fire but Cotton often wavere d in his line and frequently bowle d too short muc h to the glee of several oppositio n batsme n wh o duly punishe d him However , whe n he di d get everything right he coul d be devastating as wa s show n by his figures of 5 for 27 against Warwick Perks alway s bowle d accurately with hardly a singl e loose ball an d his hattrick against Christophe r Whitehea d Schoo l wa s a marvellou s bonu s to the season Richar d Brow n and Ada m Blackmor e both showe d muc h promise , illustrating ho w a spin bowle r could really turn a gam e whe n the condition s are favourable Brown' s figures of 5 for 10 against Bablake bein g the outstanding example
Th e fielding wa s generally quite poor but smartene d up toward s the en d of the season Jevon s and Statham , however , prove d faultless on man y occasion s an d set a goo d exampl e whic h others rarely followed Thank s mus t also go to Blakewa y for saving us man y runs throug h his athletic keeping to som e erratic bowling Dereck Evan s proved a jovial captain and learned muc h during the season, providing a nice selection of neatly time d and eccentric decision s whic h kept us all awak e and interested
Th e squa d has learned a great deal an d has gained a lot of confidence Hopefully they will continue to develo p this throug h the season s to come
Played 8 Won 1 Lost 5 Drawn 2
The side lacked the strength in depth whic h has been available in other years Howeve r som e goo d cricket wa s played and they wer e unlucky not to record mor e wins Run s wer e har d to mak e until Mee s bega n to find the middl e of the bat; he score d 234 runs in 8 inning s with an unorthodo x but effective method H e has a fine eye an d his 104 against Th e Chas e Schoo l wa s the highlight of the season Coope r and Millshadth e best technique amongs t the batsmen , also Duncan , Laney an d Brisco e showe d promis e and all shoul d score runs in the future Brisco e played a fine inning s at Warwic k where with Collier an d then Roe , he helped the sid e to recover fro m an early collapse Mills wa s the mos t effective of the bowlers He took 17 wickets at a cost of 7.4 runs each, hitting the stump s 14 time s - a considerable achievement He wa s well supporte d in the faster bowlin g by Cooper , Mee s and Mayfield Ro e wa s the best of the slo w bowlers
Th e fielding tende d to be rather erratic, but Coope r set a fine exampl e in his outfielding and Mayfield held som e fine catches Mills led a side whic h enjoyed its cricket an d progresse d considerably during the term
The following played: J Mills J Cooper S Mees S Duncan R Laney, A Briscoe , N Mayfield , R Roe , R Collier, A Underwood , M Roberts D Taylor J Hall A Hadley M Smith A J Guy
Th e year got off to a goo d start in Septembe r with tw o chora award s at Cambridg e an d an organ scholarshi p at Oxford A further musi c awar d wa s wo n at Cambridg e in December
Robi n Thurlb y arrived to take charg e of the string teaching an d he, the Headmaste r and Mrs Miln e wer e amon g participants in a fine concert of chambe r musi c by Mozart an d Schuber t in Colleg e Hall on Octobe r 15th Th e next da y w e wer e visited by Dr Georg e Gues t fro m St John' s College Cambridg e to adjudicate the Hous e Musi c Competition Preparations for this wer e begu n earlier this tim e and the standar d showe d a gratifying improvement The winner s wer e Bright House , wh o gav e another of their excellent annua l Hous e concerts on October 29th
The Schoo l Concert on Novembe r 7th wa s a programm e of American Music , culminatin g in a colourful performanc e of Bernstein's 'Chichester Psalms ' conducte d by Paul Trepte The Key s Society gav e tw o enjoyable concert s during the ter m and a busy schedul e wa s conclude d by a Caro l Concer t in Colleg e Hall on Decembe r 15th Th e Spring Term wa s dominate d by rehearsals for Smetana' s opera 'The Bartered Bride' give n in Colleg e Hall on 18-20 March This wa s an ambitiou s venture for whic h w e joined forces with member s of the Worceste r Girls Gramma r Schoo l an d the Alice Ottley School Rehearsals of the musi c bega n the previou s October, but eve n so it wa s a major task to get everything fully prepared before the dress rehearsal In the event, the hard wor k of the entire cast an d orchestra produce d a set of admirabl y secure an d lively performances , whic h wer e very well received
Th e Key s Society gav e tw o further concerts during the term , the first bein g accompanie d by a brief an d useful set of programm e notes Th e series wa s conclude d with a concert at the start of the summe r term complet e wit h buffet supper whic h helped to round off wha t wa s undoubtedl y a memorabl e yea r for the society
Th e Summe r Ter m bega n howeve r with a Lecture Recital by the eminen t doubl e bass player Rodne y Slatford His entertaining and informative performanc e in the evenin g wa s preceded by an equally fascinating demonstratio n for member s of the schoo l in the afternoon A diminutive membe r of St Alban s wa s show n ho w he too coul d play the instrument and in no tim e at all had played throug h the scal e of B flat major
Th e Chambe r Orchestra had a concert to themselve s on Saturday 2nd Ma y giving a programm e of Bac h and Vivaldi This wa s followe d by the Schoo l Concert on 12th May wher e the main item wa s a striking compositio n for Piano , Flute an d Orchestra entitled 'Abov e the Ice and Light' by Steve n Kings He also conducte d this first performance It proved to be a fascinating and imaginative piece throughou t its 17 minutes ' length
At King's Day the Choir san g the anthe m 'The Lord is m y Shepherd ' by Stanfor d and the openin g Orga n Fanfare wa s improvise d by Nichola s Kok, wh o also played Alain' s 'Litanies at the en d of the service
In June , Mark Edwards , Robert Shadbol t and Andre w Lawso n entered for the Pershor e Pian o Competitio n and were all finalists in their respective classes, wit h Mark Edward s eventually winnin g the Under12Classan d Andre w Lawso n winningtheUnder16a s well as the prize for the best performanc e of the whol e competition
O n February 7th member s of the schoo l wer e given the chanc e to sampl e the intrigue of avant-garde classical musi c whe n a grou p of musician s under the unlikely nam e of Noctopu s cam e fro m Yor k to give a concert in the Ol d Library Th e turnout consiste d largely of younge r member s of the School , obviousl y attracted by the word s 'far-out' on the poster, an d evidently expecting som e entertainment This they got certainly but it seeme d to m e that onc e the initial shock of the ne w had wor n off they foun d the musi c fascinating The total silence on whic h the first item, 'Radiance', ended , suggested a surprising concentration Th e idea behind this piece written by a youn g English compose r name d Christopher Fox, wa s the gradua l replacement of instrumental sound s by vocal one s over a period of about twelve minutes Ther e followe d 'Tongues ' by Peter Stacey, an integration of word s an d musi c with a narrator and ensemble the member s of whic h also spok e the word s durin g the piece Finally in part on e wa s a collection of striking short work s by som e of the players fro m Noctopus Part tw o consisted of on e forty minut e work, 'Anna-Livia' s Awake by Jean-Yve s Bosseur Th e length and 'wierdness ' of this musi c wa s understandabl y too muc h for some , but a great man y of the audienc e becam e absorbed It has som e moment s of real fun in it too, whic h wen t dow n very well
It is just as hard to describ e the impact this concert had as it is to try to describ e the musi c itself M y advic e to those wh o didn't or couldn't go is to hear it for yourself if the chanc e crops up again Yo u won' t forget it quickly
Stephen Kings
I have to say, first, that I thought Fry an intriguing choice I had alway s regarded hi m as an interesting but essentially unsuccessfu l playwright whos e wor k scintillated, sometime s too brilliantly for its ow n good at a verba l level but failed to project any kind of dramati c coherence Thoug h in a different form , he is not unlike Stoppar d in his excitement at the possibilities inherent in language, sacrificing organic growt h to linguistic cleverness Especially I find this true of The Lady's Not for Burning Take, for example , Richard's accoun t of his birth:
All Ican claim as my flesh and blood Iswhat Istand up in. Iwasn't born, Iwas come-across. In the dusk of one Septuagesima
Apriest found an infant, about ten inches long, Crammed into the poor-box. The money had all Been taken. Nothing was there except myself, Iwas the baby as it turned out. The priest, Thinking Imight have eaten the money, held me Upside down and shook me, which encouraged me To live, Isuppose, and I lived.
or, again, Alizon's :
/am quite usual, with five elder sisters. My birth Was agreat surprise to my parents, Ithink. There had been A misunderstanding and Iappeared overnight As mushrooms do. My father thought He would never be able to find enough husbands For six of us, and so he made up his mind Tosimplify matters and let me marry God. He gave me to a convent.
Sophisticated an d witty the speeche s are-th e play reverberates with them - but they have a detachmen t whic h draw s attention to them as the decorative elaboration of metapho r an d leaves one wonderin g whethe r there is anything in the m to differentiate one speaker from another or the play's characters from the enthusiastic commo n product of the dramatists's mind A n offering then for an urbane and cultured post-war drawing-roo m audience with a goo d ear and attention for the metaphor pu n and conceit; brave fare for an Old Library audienc e at the end of a Christma s term
In the first place then David Hop e is to be warml y applaude d in his bold choice and , of course, for providin g us with the opportunit y to see a play infrequently performe d nowadays at any rate by and in schools An d he an d his team , which , incidentally, I ha d the privilege to watch workin g at rehearsals in a spirit of real discipline and industry - ho w surprising it is to those not 'in the know ' to discover for the first time, that on e hour's solid wor k in rehearsal ca n result, even at this level in only on e minute' s performance - gav e us a goo d run for our money The y spok e their lines eloquently and , for the most part, with conviction an d reacted well to eac h other throughout a tea m with a commo n sens e of purpose an d achievement I hop e the cast as a whol e will not min d m y singling out two particular performance s for special mentioninordertomakeapoint
Mark Thompson' s shuffling, eccentric Chaplai n and Davi d Hope' s inebriated Skipp s projected both a high degree of technical accomplishment and a meticulou s concer n for the sense of the text the latter wholly articulate despite complet e intoxication Fry's conceptio n gives those two, caricatures as they are, somethin g to g o on ; alas, the rest of the dramati s persona e offer little to the interpretative actor on whic h to build - they are the playwright's dolls An d those wh o had to speak their parts and they spoke them well foun d it difficult, if not impossible , to convinc e us and , I dare say, themselve s that they wer e mor e than mer e mouthpiece s for someon e else's ideas There wa s little sense, either, of their being distinguishe d from each other or, indeed, of their finding the light an d shad e in their speeche s whic h woul d give perspective to their performance For the sam e reason , I think they foun d it difficult to tell any story, as it were ; I kno w that the facts of the narrative were not alway s apparent to the audience Th e signpost s of the plot are erected by successful 'pointing' of critical words , gestures, ideas an d so on I don't believe that Fry wa s sufficiently sympathetic to the theatre to offer his actors the right sort of dramati c opportunities Similarly , I think the decision to put the play in a timeless age with an abstract, and attractive set and an amalga m of costum e which suggeste d role rather than historicity wa s a soun d one The action is specified as belonging to "1400 either mor e or less exactly' but as the programm e note suggested, its preoccupations are no less contemporary It wa s not the physica l setting whic h denied the particularity and , then the universality of the messag e of this production but Fry's voice I enjoyed this evenin g greatly an d warml y congratulate all those whos e diligence enthusias m and commitmen t contributed to it
With Thoma s Mendip , I spent 'the evenin g joyously, sociably, taking part in the pleasure s of m y fellow men ' and felt the better for having don e so
Michae l Burrell has written and perform s his ow n one-ma n show , Hess, a monologu e delivered by the mos t enigmatic of all the Nazi hierarchy, the prisoner of Spandau H e shuffles in, apparentl y freed for a brief momen t fro m the terrors of the confinemen t he has endure d for almost forty years, enfeeble d by disease, hooke d like an old crow , wearin g woolle n pyjamas , buttoned to the neck an d tightly corde d at the waist W e all bring different expectations to bear at this appearance ; som e of the audience will remembe r his lunatic flight to Englandin194 1 ina n attempt to stop the war; man y are too youn g to kno w of the events of Nurember g except as part of an '0 leve history course ; yet Hes s can bank on our sympathy A n old , old man , the victim of col d wa r politics, sick, the visits of his famil y grossly restricted, shamblin g an d gropin g his wa y through the corridors of a vast an d cheerless prison of whic h he is the only criminal occupant Wha t follows is by turns a moving , funny, bitter, haranguing , often disturbing and alway s challenging statement whic h goe s well beyon d the simpl e issue of the life/death imprisonment/freedom guilt/innocence of this on e man His snivelling attempts to justify his ow n conduct relieved but did little to obfuscate a strong sens e of our ow n involvement in this tragic farce Th e familiar hypothesi s — had German y wo n the wa r Churchill woul d have been sitting up there in the dock instead of m e - rang curiousl y chill 'An y man' s death diminishe s me, becaus e I a m involve d in mankind An d therefore never sen d to kno w for who m the bell tolls It tolls for thee.'
This then wa s a provocative an d varie d presentation of very considerable power That Michae l Burrell wa s no less accomplishe d as a performer than as a writer wa s immediatel y apparent Th e sheer vitality and variety of his technique wer e fully equal to the task of sustaining such momentu m over a lengthy period Th e mannerism s wer e repeated sufficiently to establish as credible the personality of this Rudolp h Hess, but never to the extent that they becam e overfamiliar or monotonous There wa s alway s a ne w trick; the chair to sitonintheauditiorium.amemberoftheaudiencetoassistwithhi s jacket (and what if he shoul d refuse?), thenoosefromwhichtohang , the agonise d momen t when upende d on the floor he projected the sens e of such incapacity that mor e than on e spectator wa s scarcely restrained from leaping forward to help hi m rise
Alas, that the disappointmen t of the evening shoul d hav e been of our making as host s to suc h a fine performer Colleg e Hall is a magnificent setting for such an entertainment but as I see m to have said so frequently before its acoustics vary from barely satisfactory to impossible I'm sorry to say that for man y of the audienc e wh o sat either at the sides or beyon d the very front row, muc h of the evening wa s totally inaudible Until w e can provid e an auditoriu m larger than the Ol d Library in whic h such events can occur, I fear that this sort of experience is inevitable This is, of course , a very substantial qualification Yet I imagin e that even thos e unfortunate enoug h to have been unable to hear woul d have bee n enthralled as I wa s by the brilliance of Michae l Burrell's technical achievement It's a rare goo d thing for one actor to hold the attention of an audienc e for a fairly lengthy period of time - to do so whe n over half of the m are deaf to what he is saying is very unusual indeed
Peter Diamond
In an age whe n the accent of daily issues tends to be placed on such diversions as drugs sex and women' s liberation Jan e Austen's maidenl y representation of the delicate society life existing in a small village in the early eighteenth century is a little bemusin g at times to say the least!
The script wa s essentially poor being a relatively short dramatisation of a fairly lengthy novel This resulted in a certain lack of continuity whic h wa s particularly felt in the initial rehearsals but wa s improve d substantially by performance The humou r in the script wa s not unlike Mr Woodhouse' s gruel - warm cos y an d innocuou s -essentiall y obscur e and perhap s a little dated! Th e real comedy , however, becam e apparent in the production in the super b and extensive characterisation of the mor e ridiculous characters suc h as Mr Woodhous e (Nick Fenn), Mr Elton (Rupert Edwards ) an d the Mrs and Mis s Bates (Jane Armitag e and Frances Moyle)
Acting in the roun d inevitably offered its problems Althoug h the acoustics in suc h a small place as the Old Library are good , careful blocking is essential to allow the audienc e full vie w at all times The props, although sparse , provide d the required atmosphere The costumes althoug h perhaps a little motley wer e beautifully arranged by Tany a Lees and the talents of Ann e Thorp e and Sally Stevens in make-u p provided the final touches Steere d by the patience and expertise of the director, Mr Crow , the performance s wer e relatively smoot h - despite the difficulty of fitting a rather leggy Nick Fen n throug h a tiny windo w with the minimu m of noise! The rest of the cast included the talents of Sara h Reavel y as Emma , Catherine Popert as Harriet Smith Jenn y Ellis as Isabella Tanya Lees as Mrs Elton, Louise Merrick as the Governess , Catherine Boulton as Jan e Fairfax Dean Jelf s as Churchill Ti m Pain as Joh n Knightley, Niall McNevi n as the vociferous butler and Richard Hobson as Knightley
Wit h the arrival of a ne w membe r of the Frenc h Department cam e the arrival of a ne w schoo l event - the Frenc h play Mr Ecclesto n filled the sixth form with dramatic enthusias m whe n he suggeste d performin g lonesco' s La Cantatrice Chauve For those less familiar with the language, that mean s 'The Baldheade d Prim a Donna ' an d if the title leaves yo u somewha t puzzled - that is exactly ho w the sixth for m felt at the time
Th e play is one base d on a theme of absurdit y and since the plot is so silly anyway performin g it in French did not see m to matter even to a partially non-Frenc h speaking audience The characters are typically English (funny, since the play is in French) and the roles of Monsieu r and Madam e Smit h and Monsieu r and Madam e Marti n wer e execute d terribly wel l in the circumstance s of extreme peculiarity by Donal d Jackson Melani e Griffin Kate Annabe l an d Mar k Lake Th e unpredictable nature of the play allowe d for the appearance of a somewha t loquaciou s and puzzled fireman played by To m Hodgso n and a mai d wit h a taste for Malteser s and poetry playe d by me
Th e play wa s not, however , complete wit h cast alone Th e efforts of Neil Morris , Ror y Macmilla n and Jame s Marshal l to provid e musica l backing an d scener y in tune with the general absurdit y of the dram a must not g o unmentioned
Finally, the nights of Marc h 13th and 14th woul d not hav e been complet e without Michae l Potter's boisterou s fourth form wh o presente d a sketch precedin g the play Everyon e seeme d to enjoy this ver y much , althoug h those sitting in the front of the audienc e ma y have found themselve s involved just a little too muc h in the squabbles of the promisin g fourth year actors
Frances Moyle
I think that the Covenan t Players wh o com e from Philadelphi a woul d regard themselve s primarily as an Evangelical organisatio n whic h is committe d to communicatin g the truths of Christianity throug h the mediu m of drama They wor k in small group s comprising three or four member s wh o are mor e or less trained as actors touring their ow n countr y and parts of Europ e for extended periods The y survive largely on the proceeds of their work and , I suspect , a considerabl e amoun t of trust in the divine provision of foo d and transport from unexpecte d sources Ou r invitation to the m to com e into schoo l for a da y wa s offered with som e apprehension Suc h projects can be obtrusive or insensitive; withou t a fair sens e of the expectations and aspirations of an audienc e it is difficult to communicate or to stimulate question s and answer s in an area as subjective as religious conviction Ou r grou p began their da y with perhaps their most testing assignment of all and , curiously, I think, this wa s their most successfu l - in a Colleg e Hall assembly With very considerable gusto, goo d humou r and awarenes s of their audience, they took on the unfamiliar six hundred ; an introduction from their leader-fo r the first an d last time this year (see the Hess review) roof beams honour s boards gallery alike reverberated with a completel y audible single voic ewa s followe d by a sketch whic h probed ou r attitudes to the materia worl d an d its seductions It walked a difficult tightrope with som e subtlety as did the respons e from the audienc e whic h reminde d one of wha t w e are told wa s the spirit of the Elizabethan playhouse ; this wa s no barracking or wilful exuberance but a genuine group response to a series of visual statements in which it wa s involved The applaus e suggeste d admiration for the players' gamenes s in tackling the m hea d o n as well as an appreciation of somethin g completely ne w in their experienc e of suc h gatherings
The y worke d with the English department throughout the day ; a series of presentations with a moral challeng e which were , only modestly , followed up in discussion I suspec t that to teach an y kind of mora l lessons suc h moments , goo d as they are, must be continually reinforced That our America n friends cam e to bring their ne w ideas and expertise into our situation wa s a refreshing contribution to the perplexin g business of educatio n as a whole
College Hall, March 24th
Withi n a few minute s of the start I wa s regretting havin g come ; had I left however I woul d have regretted having don e so I a m not of a strong disposition and a m easily frightened by lou d noises Fello w sufferers beware ! Bring ear muffs but for heaven' s sake don't stay away Thi s is the most exciting and deafenin g lecture I have ever been to Dr Sha w is eighty-four, looks fifty-five an d has the enthusias m of a six-year old His merr y spiel continued throug h deafening blasts and shower s of sparks an d twisted metal Despite his ow n carefree manne r with the materials he wa s very clear to point out the dangers an d the safety precaution s and a surprisingly informative lecture wa s enhance d by anecdotes , even thoug h these wer e often almost unconnected This lecture has been performe d 1500 time s since 1928 I can well imagin e that it has lost non e of its char m for that come s fro m its creator an d narrator whos e childlike enthusias m and remarkabl e resemblanc e to a ma d scientist only enhanc e a marvellou s experience
Edward Kemp
Peter Diamond
W e wer e asked on ou r first day in Englan d - six hours off the plane an d twenty-four hours without sleep - wha t wer e our first impressions of England ? W e hav e been asked man y times since then and , even thoug h w e are awak e now , the answe r is still difficult Th e difficulty arises in part becaus e w e are, after all, only tw o individuals an d ou r observation s are of necessity limited in space an d time W e see throug h a biased eye , placing events an d experiences against our ow n personal backgrounds Wha t ma y be valid for us ma y be poppycoc k to the next person
Perhap s ou r first surprise in England wa s that the stereotype of "traditional British reserve " proved largely illusory Instead of a formal reserved nature w e found a warmth a desire o n the part of man y to meet us , to mak e us comfortable, an d to welcom e us A basket of tomatoe s an d eggs , a note o n the doo r inviting us to com e visit, an artichoke in ou r pigeonhole, invitations to dinner o r for drinks, a note fro m a neighbou r wishing u s luck on our first da y of schoo l - all these helped to dispel the stereotype It was pardo n us a welcom e right in the America n tradition
On e woul d expect that the transition fro m living in Americ a to living in Britain would , becaus e of the languag e similarity, be relatively painless Ye t it is this sam e but not quite sam e languag e that has bee n the sourc e of ou r greatest difficulty Despite a commo n vocabular y o n whic h w e dra w an d a simila r mean s of constructing sentences, w e find a barrier because w e d o not understan d the nuance s of language It isasthoug h the commonlanguagehasproduce d America n an d British versions that are out of synchronizatio n with eac h other A casual conversation wit h joking back an d forth might as well be spoke n in a foreign tongue W e fail to comprehend Tones , expressions , slang-al l pass us by Wor d combination s mea n nothing to us, but provok e laughter or ange r in others W e feel frustration at ou r inability to understand, yet w e kno w it is no one' s fault Ther e is an ever s o subtle language barrier but it produce s a powerful impact : w e feel a part of our identity lacking W e often feel left out an d somewha t simple
Whil e ou r impression s of England ma y still be nebulous , w e are formin g ever clearer one s of the United States W e have for th e first time, the opportunity to se e ourselves, ou r country, from afar It is a luxury fe w enjoy an d w e relish it It is almos t a s thoug h on e ca n look at oneself throug h someon e else's eye W e suspec t that ou r impression s of Englan d will solidify only whe n w e set foot back in America
A mont h certainly is not time enoug h to for m impressions Valid impression s require a longer time, time for the sedimen t to settle awa y an d leave a clearer picture Forthe tim e being w e are content to have arrived in a place that will offer us th e time an d opportunity to mak e observations
Mary Haynes and Doug Wilcock
1/3 d 8 9
Let m e divulge a lesser know n secret about myself I a m not a fan of th e sea-side Not for m e the hedonis m of sun , san d an d saltwater I particularly dislike sand ; san d in m y hair, san d in m y clothes, sand, dam p an d immovabl e in m y toes, san d in m y sandwiches ! Wh y languis h o n the beac h whe n I could be escapin g fro m som e deep dark zaw n with the se a thundering belo w after a satisfying climb?
An d I'm not particularly fond of fish either I will avoi d it if Ican, especially that mos t abhorrent of all foo d form s - kippers
"Welcom e to Cap e Cod " come s the respons e for th e nth time, a greeting constantly generou s in its warmt h fro m everyon e I meet
This, o n explanation of the above , is usually followe d by muc h goo d natured laughter for the irony is not lost o n an y of ou r hosts Cape Co d is well name d for it is a land of sun , sand , saltwater an d fish But it is mor e than just these It is a labyrinth of unique components , a maz e of morraine a confusio n of cranberry bogs a contortion of kettleholes, wallowin g wetland s an d whisperin g woodlands It is a place of shad e an d light, of win d an d water an d whales It is a playgroun d for the rich but those wh o live there ca n not hop e to matc h the tourists The y are, however , rich in other way s though thos e riches are slowl y being eroded som e by the se a but most far too rapidly, byth e developer s wh o will destroy without return, alitor the sake of the ubiquitou s fast buck
Well , with all these advantage s it wa s the obviou s place to send me , primarily a geograph y teacher, to teach English to Americans
An d it also seem s strangely appropriate thatT've sat dow n to pen this in front of the T V whil e a prog ram (me) with the title "Ge t High on Yourself " is in full swing It could only have been mad e in the USA Openin g shot-a n auditoriu m full of youn g teenager s wit h their heros an d heroines, fro m Cheryl Teig s to Terry Bradshaw , freely minglin g with son g an d shouting, that wil d exuberanc e s o peculiarly America n an d s o endearing , to the outsider like myself, in a strangely embarrassin g way Th e basic them e is on e of eschuein g drugs , alcohol, crim e o r whatever social vice that a youn g person ma y have It is a crusad e of help, a festival of light, all joy and straightened teeth an d hallelujahs an d bubblegum
An d here I stand in front of m y ow n piece of America , ne w class after ne w class all wit h yeahs ! an d bubblegu m blowin g mouth s and strait-jacketed teeth
I ca n only winc e inwardl y an d smile as the first effects of cultureshoc k take hold After the first week of the snappin g an d poppin g of yello w an d green an d pink sphered faces a quiet English voic e takes hold of a lull in the artillery barrage, "an d today will be the last day for gu m in the classroom" Amazingl y it work s an d m y first "Ee h bah gum " also creates a little mirth to smoot h over the heavin g morass
An d yet there is abov e all else a tremendou s opennes s and friendliness within the classroom I a m under no illusions as to the reality: it is not the fact that I a m a stranger, a guest, a cute accent It is a real warmth a real desire to please a real interest in th e person unde r the label 'teacher' It is heartening an d invigorating beyon d belief I enjoy it an d will continue to d o s o even thoug h th e work gets don e at a slower pace to that I a m use d to After all I a m a teacher and a m suppose d to be flexible to the point of a complet e 'U ' turn Perhap s I ought to sign off with that classic of all America n cliches, " A man' s gotta d o wha t a man' s gotta do! "
But no Let m e leave that to the dreade d one-eye d monste r in the corner of the room
W e watche d a film recently called "Hig h Ice" W e sa w a supposedl y experience d mountainee r commi t errors that woul d have mad e the rawest of rookies cringe with shame Ultimately he sacrifices himself to the frozen waste s while savin g the stranded femal e climber, parting compan y from this world with these immortal words "Don't blam e the mountai n for being what it is It's just gotta do what it does! "
David Hope
Chaplain to King Charles the Second
In 1936 Ale c Macdonal d gav e a pag e in his King' s Schoo l History to the founder of the Herefordshire cider industry, the parso n Joh n Beale-" a Herefordshire ma n wh o several early writers say wa s educate d under Mr Bright before he went on to Eton and then to King's College, Cambridge. Macdonal d name d no early writer A l that he went on to say cam e fro m the Dictionary of Nation a Biography , including thetermina l dates 1603-1683
In 1972 I decided to omit Joh n Beale from m y History Eton Colleg e had given m e 1613 as the date of his birth, Octobe r 1622 as the date of his arrival and 1629 as the date of his departure If he arrived aged eight or nine, he coul d not have been at the King' s School
In 1980 that calculation wa s torpedoe d and sunk Mrs Elizabeth Anderto n of Bridgnorth rang m e on 29 August Sh e wa s a Lecturer in English Literature at Wolverhampto n Polytechnic an d in her spare time wa s researching Joh n Beale for a Ph.D at Leeds Sh e had found the Herefordshire Churc h Register entry for Joh n Beale's baptis m and birth in 1608; an d the village wa s twenty miles from Worcester S o he went to Eton at 14 and could have been at the King' s Schoo l till then
In Marc h 1981 Mrs Anderto n sent m e photocopie s of pages 350-1 and 374 of volum e six of Thoma s Birch's Life and Works of Robert Boyle (the great chemist) O n 374 Beale writes to Boyl e from Yeov i Rectory on 21 Novembe r 1663 about Worceste r clothiers makin g the very best cloth out of Herefordshire wool His sixth paragraph begins:
"I rember whe n I wa s a youn g schola r at Worcester I noted the clothiers generally to remark wha t gentry wor e cloth; and the m they reputed patriots an d Englishmen : whic h seeme d to exclude the silken gentry fro m that estimation. " Pages 350-1 conclud e a letter of 2 Novembe r 1662 from Yeovil that Beale wrotet o Boyle Th e relevant part is about Beale's memorie s of measle s at age eleven an d smallpo x at age twelve an d the 'reddle' taken as medicine for both a 'dust' put in ordinary beer The kernel of the passag e is this:
"Th e measles I had in a country village and the next summe r in Worcestershire I caugh t the smal l pox and I thought I smelt the sam e offensive smel l as before in an apothecary' s shop ; and returning to the sho p to enquire the matter I wa s there informe d that a woma n camethenintothesho p wh o attended one that wa s sick of the small pox If I had not m y woun d before, this answe r might help fancy to beget it A s soo n as w e suspect the infection, w e drink of this reddle in a draught of beer, fasting before an d after M y brain wa s distempered ; for a day or two I though myself all the while tosse d in the air by the clouds, whic h wer e as winnowin g sheets forcing m e abov e groun d as chaff flies by the wind , and I uttered grave lectures of morality, being then about twelve years old After two day s I could rise out of m y bed and , by foolish guides, wa s immediatel y put on horseback and carried about twenty miles, the red pusties rising all the wa y as I rode, and a very giddy journey I foun d it Great care wa s taken that I did not increase heat nor take cold after I alighted from m y horse An d that I conceiv e shoul d be the chief care and perchance all the medicine in those disease s in whic h the blood is in a tumult." Clearly he had measle s in the holidays at hom e an d smallpo x in termtime at Worceste r in whateve r citizen's hous e his parents had mad e him a boarder
It only remains to determin e whethe r it wa s to the King' s Schoo l under Mr Bright that he cam e or to the City School under Mr Rowlan d Dolphin a youn g Ol d Vigornian To the testimony of whateve r 'early writers Macdonal d had in min d w e woul d add that Bright wa s a Herefordshire landowner armigerous. a Cano n of Worcester Cathedral and the most famou s schoolmaste r in the Wes t of England , with over 200 boys in Colleg e Hall and a long list of Oxfor d and Cambridg e graduations Dolphin wa s 27 whe n he becam e High Maste r of the CitySchoolin1617andn o boy of his or his predecesso r or successo r is know n to have gon e to the University
It wa s in 1657 that Beale publishe d his pamphle t Herefordshire Orchards, a Pattern for all England an d in 1660 that he becam e rector of Yeovil The D.D degre e followed , and the Chaplainc y to King Charles, and the election to the Roya l Society, an d Robert Boyle' s friendship
Michael Craze
Each spring, they arrive on College Green, predictable as migratory swallows In Pacama c and Burberry, Hawaiia n shirts and Bermud a shorts, they admir e the gargoyle s and the stained glass, the flying buttresses an d the porcelain, allofitcaughtinthewhirrandsnapo f Pentax an d Nikon , to appea r next autum n as slide-show s in livingroom s amon g the polluted cloud s of Ne w York , the burning foliage of Vermont the brewery-smok e of Milwaukee the fertile foothills of the Sierr a Nevada America n tourists, remindin g us that our city, our cathedral an d our schoo l take their place, wit h Prince Charles ' vowe l sound s an d mas s unemployment , within ou r 'historical heritage' W e wh o live here take all this history for granted , assumin g that wha t T S Eliot called 'the contemporaneit y of the past' will alway s be with us, in name s like Wulstan , Bright and Creighton , in our language , in the very fabric of our buildings S o muc h history but readers of The Vigornian ma y still be interested to kno w of another vital strand in the school' s past, a strand that links us with thos e sam e tourists, with the foundin g of Americ a itself and , to m e mos t fascinating of all, with a great America n writer It wa s while I wa s preparing material for a post-graduat e study of the poet Robert Lowel l that I cam e acros s these scrap s of information
Robert Lowell' s great-grand uncle wa s Jame s Russell Lowell , a President of Harvard, essayist and poet, an d U.S Ambassado r to Englan d in the late nineteenth century In 1881 he wa s invited - I assum e partly becaus e of the Lowell family' s connection s with Worcester Massachusett s - to ope n the newly-built Library an d Museu m in Foregate St Th e Lowells wer e pre-eminent in the aristocracy of the America n East Coast furnishin g man y academics diplomat s an d military men It is they wh o feature in the famou s jingle abou t the snobber y of the Boston elite:
0 to be in Boston, the city of lobster and cod, where the Lowells speak only to Cabots, and the Cabots speak only to God.
Th e city fathers of Worceste r marke d the occasio n by namin g a street after the Ambassador : Lowell St in the Arboretu m district of the town Th e thoroughfare is no w (the residents will not min d m y saying) a somewha t shabb y tribute: despoile d by the motor-car the once-handsom e avenu e of red-brick artisan villas no w has mor e in commo n with the 'chewn-up 'razor-edge streets of Robert Lowell' s Ne w Yor k than the leafy patrician solidity of Beaco n Hill and Bosto n Common , wher e the poet wa s raised in the family hom e at 91, Revere St
But there is an even mor e fascinating connection between Worcester and this great writer whic h involves Th e King' s Schoo l itself Mos t OV' s an d man y present pupils will kno w that the old science block on the eastern side of the playgroun d is called the Winslo w Building It wa s so name d after another ancestor of the Lowells , and on e of the mos t celebrated OV's , Edwar d Winslow , on e of the Pilgrim Fathers wh o sailed on Mayflowe r to the Ne w Worl d in 1620 an d wh o becam e Governo r of the Massachusett s Ba y Colony (A biograph y of Winslo w has been kindly donated to the Schoo l Library by Mr Annett) Edward' s so n Josia h (1629-1688) himsel f becam e Governo r of Plymout h Colony , an d took a leading part in the notorious exterminatio n of the Indian natives Lowell's Winslo w relations feature strongly in his early-mature poetry, usually as childhoo d memorie s of relatives dying or dead :
A common with an iron railing: here Frayed cables wreathe the spreading cenotaph Of John and Mary Winslow and the laugh Of Death is hacked in sandstone... ('At The Indian Killer's Grave')
Mary Winslow is dead... the bells cry: 'Come, Come home,' the babbling Chapel belfry cries: 'Come, Mary Winslow, come; Ibell thee home'. ('Mary Winslow')
Uncle Devereux...
His coat was ablue jay's tail,
His trousers were solid cream from the top of the bottle... He was dying of the incurable Hodgkin's disease...' 'My Last Afternoon with Uncle Devereux Winslow')
Harriet Winslow, who owned this house, was more to me than my mother. 1think of you far off in Washington, breathing in the heat wave and air-conditioning, knowing each drug that numbs alerts another nerve to pain. ('Soft Wood')
...our family cemetary in Dun barton lay under the White Mountains in the sub-zero weather... where the burning cold illuminated the hewn inscriptions of Mother's relatives: twenty or thirty Winslows and Starks. Frost had given their names adiamond edge... ('Sailing Home From Rapallo')
...the disused millpond's fragrantly woodstained water, areddish blur, like the ever-blackening wine-coat in our portrait of Edward Winslow... ('Dunbarton')
Th e first passag e is fro m the poe m 'At the Indian Killer's Grave', whic h ma y be seen as beginnin g Lowell' s brilliant an d often bitter analysi s of the tragic parado x of idealis m and violenc e in America n life, an d traces the betrayal of social an d spiritual ideals in favour of wha t is less poetically know n as 'the military-industrial establishment', whic h the poet explore s in major matur e poem s like 'Waking Early Sunda y Morning ' and 'For the Unio n Dead' It wa s a process that force d Lowell to flee fro m his family' s deadenin g respectability -'th e poise d relations sippin g sherry'-an d begi n an anguishe d search for his personal an d poetic identity that led hi m mor e than onc e to the mental hospital, to a jail cell as a conscientiou s objector in Worl d Wa r II temporaril y to the Churc h of Rome an d to the teargassed avenue s of Washingto n as a leading figure in the Anti-Vietnam movement It wa s a journe y in whic h autobiograph y paralleled America n history, in whic h his painstaking service to the Mus e and the search for huma n love, his profound apprehension of the promise and the anguis h of the America n experience combine d to produce the mos t distinguishe d bod y of poetry written in English since the 'Forties
T o walk, then, fro m the dining-hall, past the Winslo w Building, to see thos e tourists descendin g fro m their coaches , an d catch the nasal tone s of Ne w Jersey , the aspirants of Arkansas , the gentle drawl of Lowell' s ow n Ne w England , is to be reminde d not only of the school' s link with the colonisin g of America but also of ho w surely the fuel-sources of the Englis h language-it s precocious insistence on breaking out of the constraints of class an d 'correctness', its audaciou s willingnes s to moul d itself to ne w experiencebega n their passag e acros s the Atlantic whe n Mayflowe r put out fro m Plymout h that autum n mornin g in 1620, an d Edwar d Winslow , OV, turne d his face towar d the West Like Shakespear e and Joyce , like his hero Horace Lowel l forged a poetic mediu m compounde d of the urgent abrasities of colloquial usag e an d a depth of literary, particularly classical scholarship producin g in his major work a rhetorical powe r and allusive range unequalle d in any moder n poetry other than Eliot's It is poetry, as Seamu s Heane y said at Lowell' s memoria l service last year, that will be read as long as Englis h is read, and appropriately, wha t Heane y in his elegy for Lowell calls 'the prou d sail' of his vers e is nowher e better displayed than in these lines fro m Th e Quake r Graveyar d in Nantucket', dedicate d to the memor y of the poet's cousi n Warre n Winslow wh o durin g the Secon d Worl d Wa r wa s drowne d in the sam e Atlantic that his Worceste r ancestor brave d in a smal l whalin g shi p to help found a ne w world :
Whenever winds are moving and their breath Heaves at the roped-in bulwarks of this pier, The terns and sea-gulls tremble at your death In these home waters. Sailor, can you hear The Pequod's sea wings, beating landward, fall Headlong and break on our Atlantic wall Off 'Sconset, where the yawing S-boats splash The bellbuoy, with ballooning spinnakers, As the entangled, screeching mainsheet clears The blocks.... Clamavimus, Odepths. Let the sea-gulls wail For water, for the deep where the high tide Mutters to its hurt self, mutters and ebbs. Waves wallow in their wash, go out and out, Leave only the death-rattle of the crabs, The beach increasing, its enormous snout Sucking the ocean's side. This is the end of the running on the waves: We are poured out like water.
Roger Hunt
by Andrew Guy
Hol d fast to dreams ; For if dream s die, Life is a broken winge d Bird that canno t fly
Goo d times flow n away , Neve r to return again , Th e heat of longing
Fair maide n of flowers her husban d betrayed, Love d better his servant whos e master he killed The husban d returned an d took his reveng eLove r wa s slain and wife change d to owl
Mus t love contain jealousy, ow l contain flowers, Th e freedo m of meanin g supresse d into form ?
Frustration of ages containe d in a plate, Onl y the madma n can tell this tale
Matthew Hutchings
They stand an d cheer
A ragged bunc h of freedo m fighters
They hurl insults and taunts
At the instruments of the white supremis t government
The flame s at their feet
Symbolis e the blaze of freedom
They hurl bricks an d defiance
At what they oppose
They remembe r Sharpeville and Crossroads
They remembe r innocents massacred
The y remembe r people throw n from their homes
They wan t freedom
Schoolchildre n riot in the streets, Fighting to be taught what they wan t to learn
Rioting an d fighting for their greatest treasure
Freedo m fro m the white
Bruce Gordon
Itry not to concentrate on them. But on keeping my balance, On trying to stand up, Like acat prowling stealthily on agarden fence Watching everything in sight. Itry to be like him, A house-trained trapeze artist. And suddenly Ihave more confidence. Maybe from the big, black bulging cloud That has appeared, Wandering like alost sheep across the sky. Crash! In two ways: the thunder and the glass
This afternoon at 23, Windso r Gardens , a smal l child age d eight climbe d up onto his father's greenhous e and started to jum p around Anxiou s relatives and friends are not sure whethe r the bo y is in a state of menta l retardation or just acting the goat S o far the bo y has claime d to be Nadi a Comaneci , proving his point by doin g a walkover back somersault a Ne w Yor k police car screechin g back and forth alon g the roof, a teapot doin g the boogi e woogi e and a firework jumpin g up and fizzing H e is still up there now in the darkness saying that he is the Almight y On e and anyon e wh o dares to defy him will be struck dow n with lightning Th e arm y have surrounde d the building an d have erected search-lights, the R.A.F are circling overhea d with three hundre d Seepca t Jaguar s an d the S.A.S are getting ready to mov e in at an y moment An y development s will be reported Hol d on ! Th e child is stating his demands He want s al p rise in pocket money political status for his Actio n Ma n and a greenhous e of his own Wit h that w e go back to the studio
John Heynen
I sa w m y goal, a flashing monste r inviting m e to enter like a jar of sweets to a hungr y boy I pressed and bustled m y wa y through the crow d like a bee into its hive The roundabou t horse s were wave s breaking throug h the ocean I decided to ride to the stride of a horse Up and dow n the smal l gangway s betwee n the stalls, the clipclopping wa s dampene d by the zing of the electronic slot machines Next I bravely rode the ghost train Hand s gently pulled m y hair to the moan s of the zombies People in front an d behin d m e loosin g their quiet to a sickly sturgeo n slivering slowl y dow n their sticky spines I gathered m y bravery like a maid squeezin g all the sheets into her arm s after droppin g them on the ground M y stomac h wa s a string tied into a million knots
James Fisher
Th e matche s fall to the ground , Spiralling to the col d earth
His fumblin g hand s search shakily for the box
It seem s all the foundation s of his life have been crushed
An d suddenl y he is a wobblin g wreck,
Th e shado w of a has-bee n that never was
His distraught face show s a life of hardshi p
An d poverty
Th e bottle, his ruining comfort
David Boulton
His only concer n Is Time :
His eyes flick ever back and forth
Betwee n clock an d watch
S o that they can see nothing else: The old ostrich delusion
Back turned, eyes dow n A s thoug h at bingo, Withou t the friendship
A time-consciou s eye cannot see The scorning faces
A blind back ma y not perceive
Thos e he woul d call his friends
Th e ol d fallacy rings forth again: 'What yo u can't see can't hurt you.' Not in this bitter world
Edward Kemp
Flying soaring I leapt
I caugh t the ball and fell,
M y best interception ever!
On e pace , tw o pace, back, pivot, Round , and round, up, down , I bluffed heartily
Wher e is everybody ?
Georg e is by the basket "Catch! "
Flying, soaring , I leapt
I caught the ball and fell,
M y best catch ever!
On e pace, tw o pace, back, dribble..
"An d he's caught the ball
Fantastic catch!
He's dribbling superbly
Look at that ease and speed !
He make s the rest look like tortoises!
S o darting, so swift..."
Somebod y tackled me
President Chairman Headmaster Vice-Presidents
Hon. Secretary
Hon. Social Sec
Hon. Treasurer
Hon. Auditor Cricket Club Development Campaign Elected
0 T Storrs (21-23)
J P Pimley (37-39)
A M Miln e J D Gerard (22-25)
D T Howel l (56-61)
J D Reynold s (35-39)
M R Craze (19-25)
R T Padde n (46-52)
0 R Craze (26-30)
J I Wagstaff (52-61)
T E A Macki e (47-56)
P C Underwoo d (42-47)
in 1979 A D Bollan d (32-37), R J Sander s (41-43), J P Pimle y (37-39) M Home r (68-73),F B H Woole y (56-61); in 1980 S R Coulter (57-66), J H Folley (33-39), K Papps (43-47); in 1981 Yvonn e M Hale (78-80) All serve for three years
There wer e 31 present at the A.G.M on Saturday, 26 Septembe r at 6.30 p.m in the Ol d Library All decisions wer e unanimous Yvonn e Hale wa s elected to the one vacanc y on the committe e an d College Hous e thus gaine d its first committe e member It wa s decide d to limit to six years the time that any membe r could serve consecutively on the Committee but not in that connection to count year s whe n Chairman, Secretary or Treasurer and so ex officio on the Committee
The Hon Sec reported that the Clu b had 3200 members , of who m 75 were girls and 45 honorary members Addresse s always presented a difficulty and at the momen t 800 wer e unknown , too high a proportion but lower than it onc e was
The Account s for 1980 showe d Income up by £56 and Expenditure dow n by £740; £319 of that wa s the direct result of there havin g been only one posting to members ; the story in 1981 woul d be very different All present had a cop y of the Account s an d on the motion of J H Trape, seconde d by J D Reynolds , they wer e adopte d unanimousl y with thanks to O R Craze and J I Wagstaff Th e President, W G H Cullis, propose d that O T Storrs shoul d succee d him as President for the year ahea d and this wa s carried with applause The ne w President then took the Chai r for the final minutes Th e meeting ended at 7.15 p.m
The O.V Dinner followe d the A.G.M and prove d a mos t festive affair with 148 diners Th e Worceste r Old Choristers' Associatio n joined forces with us again and san g Grac e before an d after the meal On e of the four long tables wa s reserved for 1974 Leavers who m Captain C J L Thom e had circularised through the Hon Sec , somethin g whic h can alway s be done The guests of the Clu b were Mr Basil D'Oliveira; the Headmaste r and Mr s Milne ; the Presidentelect of the Ol d Elizabethans' Associatio n and Mr s Layton ; Mis s M E Baldwin ; the Preacher Rev A C Swindell ; and the Hea d Boy Christian Perks
Th e Health an d Prosperity of the Schoo l wa s propose d by the Dinner Vice-President, Colonel J D Reynolds , an d the headmaste r replied in a constructive and seriou s vein He dwelt on Independence, the phasing-out of free places and the phasing-in of Assiste d Places, and the determination of the Labou r Party to obliterate all public and private fee-paying school s as soo n as they coul d gain an electoral victory
Basil D'Oliveira in reply to the toast of The Guest s entertained everyone to cricket reminiscence s muc h to their taste Wit h Test Matche s he wa s less concerne d than with touring adventures in every part of the globe The whol e evenin g wa s felicitously controlled by Walter Cullis in the Presidential Chair and the formalities were ended early enoug h for free movemen t and flexible encounters to take over
On the Sunda y the Schoo l and som e sixty O.V.s helped to fill the Cathedra I naveforthe1 1 a.m.SungEucharist It wa s goo d to see M r D M Annett there Adria n Partington (66-76) played the organ The ne w President, O T Storrs, read the Epistle The Rev A C Swindel l (59-69) Anglica n Chaplai n to the University of York preache d the sermon He base d this on the Goo d Samarita n story, the Gospe l for the day To a generation of Jew s wh o kne w the Jerusalem-Jerich o road and revelled in being the chose n people Jesu s told a story whic h humiliated his hearers and elevated the outcast Samaritans The lesson for us today wa s that neighbourlines s must involve giving anyon e in nee d wha t help w e could
Th e Headmaste r and Mr s Miln e dispense d hospitality afterwards in 9 College Gree n and a most enjoyable party brought the 1981 Reunion to a successfu l conclusion Next year's is fixed for the sam e week-end 25 an d 26 September
DR N D S BA X (S.56-66) To Debora h an d Nigel at Sheffield in April 1981 a so n Georg e Benjamin
D BROOKER-CARE Y (Ch 61 -71) To Susa n and David on 4 Jul y 1980 a so n William
DR M F BUC K (W.57-66) To Michae l an d his wife on 25 February 1981 a third daughter Gwenllian
M J DRABBL E (S.63-69) To Jea n and Michae l on 9 Marc h 1981 a daughter Joann a Rachel a sister for Christophe r John
J A EVISO N (B.57-64) To Kate and Joh n on 17 Marc h 1981 a son Willia m John a brother for Clare and Rosalyn
P D W EVISO N (B.59-69) To Jan e an d Philip on 23 Jun e 1980 a daughter Laura a sister for Stephe n an d Philippa
C H FYSO N (S.59-62) To Debora h an d Christopher in Perth, Wester n Australia on 21 Jun e 1981 a so n Jonatha n Christopher a brother for Nikki
N P GASCOIGN E (CI.63-73) To Jane t Louis e and Nichola s o n 26 Jul y 1981 a so n Alexande r James , a brother for Isabelle Louise
T N GAZAR D (Cr.61-70) T o Pauline and Trevor at Middlesboroug h on 13 Jul y 1981 a so n Nicholas Peter
R J HARKE R (W.65-68) In April 1981 a so n Joseph , a brother for Debora h an d Kate
E B JAME S (DB.43-52) T o Celia (nee Richard) and Edwar d o n 15 Septembe r 1980 a daughter Jennifer Laura
M C W MINCHI N (Cr.59-66) To Penelop e Susa n (nee Wright) and Michae l at Oxfor d on 25 Jul y 1981 a daughte r Philippa Caroline a sister for Jonathan
S P C SCOTT-DRAPE R (B.71-78) T o Juli e (nee Scott) and Simo n at Ronkswoo d Hospital, Worcester on 18 Jul y 1981 a so n Thoma s Rowan
J T SNEWI N (CI.67-71).To Jaynean d Jerem y at the Joh n Radclyffe Hospital, Oxfor d on 14 Novembe r 1979 a so n Mar k Alexande r Reynell
A D WHITMOR E (Cr.69-73) To Louis e (nee Thomas ) an d Adria n at Melto n Hospital on 27 Ma y 1981 a daughte r Hadassa h Louise
NORMA N TRAP E (S.67-71) to Mis s Sally Pimle y of Britannia Square , Worcester
SARA H WAR D (S and Co 75-77) to M r Kevi n Gerald of Lymington Hampshire
M J ANDREW S (W.66-72) to Barbara at St Andrew' s Church Blackbur n on 11 April 1981
CAPTAI N A C ANSLO W (H.63-73) to Mis s Joann a Louise Beardsle y at St Mary's Kempse y by Cano n Coli n Beswic k in Jul y 1981
R J BAILE Y (H.67-72) to Mis s Carmen a Robinso n (Alice Ottley Schoo l 68-72) on 6 Septembe r 1980 at St Lawrence' s Church , Alvechurch
A J BOYL E (Cr.70-77) to Mis s Amand a Jan e Jenkins sister of G H Jenkin s (W.75-80), in Augus t 1981 at Suckle y Parish Church , Worcestershire
BARBAR A E COOKSO N (H.71 -73) on 2 Ma y 1981 in Worceste r to Tim Freeman
N J EATO N (Ca.62-69) to Mis s Margaret Pollock at Rivoni a Roma n Catholic Church , Johannesbury , Sout h Africa on 27 Octobe r 1979
D T HOWEL L (S.56-61) to Mis s Patricia Joyc e Nobe s on 15 Augus t 1981 at St Peter and St Paul's Parish Church , Fakenham , Norfolk
A S JONE S (Cr.66-71) to Mis s Sally Margare t Jackso n at St James' s Church , Oddingle y in Jul y 1981
R W NEEDHA M (B.55-62) to Mis s Joa n Piper on 18 Jul y 1981 at Worcester
C R RAYER S (Cr.67-74) to Mis s Judit h Beer at Argyl e Church , Readin g on 20 Jun e 1981
J C RUSSEL L (Ch.71-76) to Mis s Margare t Morris at St John' s Church Knotty Ash Liverpool on 19 Septembe r 1981
C J S RYDE R (Cr.58-68) to Mis s Jane t Taylor, S.R.N., at Spetchle y Parish Church Worceste r on 14 Marc h 1981
M A SLATE R (S.70-75) to Mis s Sarah Jan e Melle y (Alice Ottleian) on 16 Augus t 1980 in St Philip's Church , Redditch
S M TOMLINSO N (H.63-70) to Mis s Joann a Gre y at Wheathampstead , Hertfordshire on 15 Marc h 1980
G P WALLI S (B.64-74) to Mis s Lise Baldwi n in April 1981 at Newhaven Connecticut U.S.A
B H CARTE R (Ca.21-25) in July 1981 at George Sout h Africa He spent the forty years of his working life on the Nyasalan d (Malawi) Railway, first as Assistant, then as Chief Civil Engineer At schoo l he wa s a batsma n and a fives player
H B DOWNE S (DB.10-13) on 17 February 1981 at Northampton , aged 84 He stroked the First Four in 1913 His daughter Mrs Joa n Mackenzi e reports that "in his last fe w week s he spok e a lot of his rowin g day s with the King's School. "
B J MALLET T (S.40-44) in Mbatawe Swazilan d on 19 April 1981 suddenly He wa s General Manage r of the Swazilan d Suga r Authority
DR J W MASTER S (S.49-54) at Cheltenha m Genera l Hospital on 28 Augus t 1981 after a long illness that enforced an early retirement fro m general practice in Birmingham
A V PARSONS , M.B.E. , (DB.28-32) at hom e in his sleep on 17 Septembe r 1981 A classical scholar of Queen' s College Oxford hegained a First in HonourModerationsi n 1934 Subsequentl y he wa s a Civil Servant A mos t loyal O.V an d father of J.V (S.61-65)
W P PUG H (DB14-17) on 15 February 1981 at Broadwa s wher e he had farme d Ivy Hous e Far m since leaving school He wa s a mod e employer , school manage r and district councillor
M E WEB B (Ca.15-20) at Eckington Pershor e on 24 Novembe r 1980 n his eightieth year He wa s Head Bo y all Mr Creighton' s first five terms and captained the football and cricket His quality stayed with him all his life - at Oxford, in the Colonial Service , in the family firm, and in retirement
R WYNN E WOOLLE Y (N.20-23) in 1980 He wa s Secretary of the Worceste r Golf an d Countr y Clu b until he retired At schoo l he wa s a muscula r oarsma n an d formidable boxer
M J ANDREW S (W.66-72) is workin g for a Ph.D at Goldsmith s College Londo n University
A C ANSLO W (H.63-73) has left the Arm y an d is reading Compute r Science s at East Angli a University wher e hisbrideJoannaisinhe r final year reading French
R H STJ ATKINSO N (Ca.59-64) is no w Staff Surveyo r for SouthEast Englan d with the Leamingto n Sp a Building Societ y an d is living near Worthing
R J BAILE Y (H.67-72) is workin g with Lombar d Bank an d living in Bournemouth
R N BAYLI S (Ca.63-71) gained a First Class Honour s degre e in Quantity Surveyin g at Trent Polytechnic in Jul y 1981 Hade n Youn g Ltd sponsore d hi m there and he is no w workin g for the m on a multi-million poun d contract for the heating and ventilating to Heysha m nuclear powe r station near Morecambe His brother P R BAYLI S (Ch.68-78) is in his final year at Salford University
R W BAYLI S (CI.56-64) has begu n wor k for a Theolog y degre e at the Londo n Bible College His wife Brigitte work s for the Tear Fun d an d the pair spent a mont h in Sout h Americ a on this work
D N D S BA X (S.56-66) is a Lecturer in Clinical Pharmacolog y and Therapeutics an d Sub-Dea n of the Medica l Schoo l at Sheffield
T.J BIRCH (CI.53-59) is Managin g Director of a hotel compan y and will welcom e O.V.s at the Wheatshea f Hotel Daventry
M A B BODDINGTO N (S.55-58) travels the glob e as Managin g Director of Rural Plannin g Services Ltd Agricultural an d Social Development s International Ltd and Busines s Resourc e Unit Ltd He is Chairma n of Rural Planning Service s (Hong Kong) He and his wife Jan e have a daughter aged 3 and a so n age d 2
NICOL A J BRADBEA R (Ch.71-73) graduate d in Biochemistr y at Aberdee n University an d has since been workin g at Durha m University for a Ph.D whic h is nearly completed Her brother Robin A Bradbear (Cr.66-68) qualified in medicin e in 1972 and with his wife Jane , also a medic, they move d to Brisbane , Australia in 1978 At present JaneisinpracticeandRobini s researching for a M.D
DR J S BRICHIERI-COLOMB I (S.24-27) finished his workin g life as Reasearch and Development Manage r at Crittall-Hope's, Braintree His wife Felicity is a violinist in three classical orchestras and he has been with her to Jugoslavia , Madrid , Tenerif and Las Palmas The y have holidaye d in Thailand and Crete and he is no w learning Moder n Greek
Dr G K BROO K (Ca.64-69) works at the Airedal e Genera l Hospital at Steeton in Yorkshire
MR M P BROO K (Ca.62-67) gained his F.R.C.S (Edinburgh) in 1978 and after being a Registrar at University Colleg e Hospital, Manchester has no w gon e into general practice He an d his wife have one daughter
A BROOKER-CARE Y (Ch.65-75) work s for the Birmingha m University Field Archaeolog y Unit and is managin g a site in Stafford
D BROOKER-CARE Y (Ch.61-71) is a scrap metal merchan t and racing driver an d his wife has her ow n catering business They live in Rowle y Regis
J M BRUSHFIEL D (S.47-50) is directing the Eleventh Londo n Book Fair in early April 1982 on a ne w site near the Barbican He continues to market Boo k Tokens
DR M F BUC K (W.57-66) is Hea d of Biology at Y Pant Comprehensiv e School , Llantrisant He is a Radio Amateu r and woul d welcom e contacts with O.V enthusiasts
B G BURNHA M (Ch.64-69) works for the Londo n Tourist Board
D J BYRN E (Cr.68-78) gained an Uppe r Secon d in his Chemica l Engineering finals at Swanse a University
R S CARTE R (Ca.25-31) recently retired fro m his aircraft electrical equipmen t firm in East Grinstead an d is movin g to Suffolk to be nearer a married so n an d a married daughter
N K CHANC E (CI.59-66) is Managin g Director of Quality System s International an d of Nid a Micr o Services He has returned to Worcestershir e an d is living at Ley Grange , Hill Croome
DR D E CHANDLE R (H.62-67) is workin g in a hospital in Vancouver ; he is married an d has two children
REV G CHAPMA N (B.67-74) wa s ordaine d deaco n at Truro in Jun e 1980 and after six month s as a curate at Par, near St Austell , had to take sole charge on the sudde n death of his Vicar He wa s ordained priest in Marc h 1981
D W T CHIN G (H.71-76) is in his final year as a medica l student at Liverpool
M N CLAYDO N (W.70-79) is a subaltern in Th e Worcestershir e and Sherwoo d Foresters Regiment , based in Germany
S T CLAYDO N (W.69-77) gaine d a Higher National Diplom a credit in Agriculture at Harper Adam s in Jul y 1981 and is no w a cattle compute r specialist runnin g dairy managemen t services for Criddle Peters Feeds Ltd near Warrington
K J COBUR N (Cr.73-80) is reading Archaeolog y an d Classical Studie s at St David's, Lampete r and his hom e has move d fro m Worceste r to Caterham , Surrey
S J D COLERIDG E (S.49-59) is a Director of Barclay's Merchan t Bank W e do not have his address
BARBAR A E COOKSO N (H.71-73) is married an d lives in a flat by Brixton prison but practises as a patent expert under her maide n name
W G H CULLI S (DB.38-41), in his year as the President of the Club, ran in the 1981 Londo n Maratho n and complete d the cours e in 3 hrs 5 min s 9 sees
M J CUTLE R (DB.41-46) has complete d 30 years of residence in Keny a wher e he is Genera l Manage r of the Lion of Keny a Insurance Co An y O.V.s of his vintage, or their children, are invited to contact him at P.O Bo x 30190, Nairobi, if they are near
D M DAN E (Ch.65-69) is production manage r at Esse x Colou r Services and lives in Westcliff-on-Sea
J.T DARC H (S.28-32) has retired fro m the Electricity Suppl y Industry after 43 years including 4 in the Royal Navy' s Electrical Branch an d is no w playing golf an d restoring old furniture
S M DARLINGTO N (CI.60-70) is Organist and Maste r of the Choristers at St Alban s Cathedral He and his wife Moir a have a daughter Rebecca age d two
M B DAVIE S (S.34-37), a Consultan t in a leading Londo n firm of Solicitors has been awarde d a Doctorate by Londo n University
A I DE N I SO N (S.69-74) continue s to give his spare time in Londo n to helping cadets and has again helped the Schoo l C.C.F in camp
S C P SCOTT-DRAPE R (B.71-78) is at the Bath Academ y of Art reading for an honour s degre e in Fine Art and Sculpture
DR A M EDWARD S (DB.45-55) is Medica l Director of Fison's (Pharmaceutical Division), an d researches the treatment and managemen t of allergic diseases , particularly asthm a an d food allergies He and his wife Josephin e have three children Caroline (18), Helen (15) and Andre w (11) They live at Pickwell, Melton Mowbray
J A EVISO N (B.57-64) has becom e a Director of Miller Buckley Civi Engineerin g Co and is their Northern Are a Manager
P D W EVISO N (B.59-69) is a Police Inspector an d lives in Shropshir e at Shifnal
J S FARDO N (H.70-75) is enjoying teaching in a Sout h African residential schoo l for the mentally handicappe d whic h the Camphil l Village Trust runs His parents have been there to see him It is near Johannesburg
M P FARDO N (H.63-68) lives in Londo n with his wif e an d their daughter and work s in the International Division of the Midlan d Bank
A J FERGUSO N (S.71-76) has gained his Doctorship of Osteopath y with Honour s and is no w a registered osteopath with a joint practice in London
R G K FERGUSO N (S.72-79) is to start the Regular Career s Cours e at Sandhurs t in Januar y 1982
J A FOSTE R (CI.74-76) is workin g in Qatar (Address: Blaicedow n Gulf P.O Box 3636 Doha Qatar.)
0 F FYSO N (Ch.67-71) is a civil engineer with Maunsel l an d Partners in Iraq building a by-pas s near the Samarr a Barrage north of Baghdad
WIN G COMMANDE R T GARDE N (Cr.52-62) has complete d his tour as O.C No 50 Squadron , flying Vuleans , in whic h tim e he has been to Norway , Germany , Cyprus , Italy, Labrador, Toronto , Nebrask a and Ohio He is no w back at Magdalen e College Cambridg e reading for an M.Phil, in International Relations before returning to mor e normal R.A.F pursuits
N P GASCOIGN E (CI.63-73) is a compute r programme r an d lives in Hitchin, Hertfordshire
JANIC E DE E (nee Gazard) (S.73-75) and Michae l her husban d have move d fro m the Ploug h Inn Winchmor e Hill Amersha m to Castle Ashby , Northampton , a seat of the Marques s of Northampton Half the 19 room s there hav e becom e a Centre for Conferences Banquet s and Reception s an d they are managin g this half
F GILL (N.17-22) has retired fro m the Chairmanshi p of the Kenswic k and Wichenfor d Parish Counci l whic h he has held with distinction si nee 1973
M J GUNTO N (B.71-78), Schola r of Queen' s College, Oxford , has gaine d a Heath Harrison Senio r Scholarship
R D G HAL L (Cr.57-61) has been with the Bank of Americ a since 1969 and recently started a ne w Corporate Service Departmen t for the m in their Birmingha m branch He has two sons , age d 7 and 3
E HAMILTO N (N.19-22) is an authority on Regimental Histories and past Arm y lists, British and Indian He correspond s regularly with G B GREENFIEL D (N.20-26) wh o lives in Guyana
R J HARKE R (W.65-68) is workin g for the Angli a Wate r Authority and specialises in dealing with the pollution of groundwate r from waste disposal on land He has published two paper s on the subject
C H G HARRI S (CI.65-70) is in Pakistan with his wife Christine They are both Christian missionarie s in Lahor e (P.O Box 2263)
P F HEWIT T (Ch.64-69) is no w Director of Musi c at Haberdashers ' Aske' s Schoo l for Girls Elstree He lives in St Alban s an d enjoys Stephe n Darlington's proximity
T D HOULDIN G (Ch.69-74) is at Guy' s Hospital in the the third year of his clinical studies and helps to edit the Guy' s Hospital Gazette He tours in his ow n vintage Bentley
D T HOWEL L (S.56-61) is no w Managin g Director of G.D.E Mechanica l Handlin g Ltd with tw o principal sites at Erith in Kent and Melksha m in Surrey
J H HUMPHREY S (CI.42-49), at Th e Spanis h Ledge, St Mary's , and
J A H BODI N (DB.43-48) at Qua y House , St Mary' s are the only two O.V.s resident in the Isles of Scilly They need on e mor e to form a quoru m for an island Dinner Tourists please note
A R HUN T (S.46-55) is Head of Use r Services in the Compute r Centre at Imperial College , London
E B Jame s (DB.43-52) is the Educatio n Consultant in the sam e Compute r Centre He helps school s in all matters micro-electronic In his spare tim e he plays the tuba an d the harpsichord
A L JAMESO N (Cr.51-58) continue s to lecture in Russia n at Lancaster University He is bus y too with family history particularly the Jameson s in Shetlan d and Ne w Brunswick , but Liverpool an d Birmingha m as well
LIEUT-COLONE L A JERRA M (Cr.50-55) is commandin g the Third Battalion of Th e Worcestershir e and Sherwoo d Foresters Regiment
C Y JONE S (H.64-69) is a Cost Accountan t at Westlan d Helicopters Ltd in their mai n factory at Yeovil
A S JONE S (Cr.66-71) is a solicitor in Droitwich an d recently married
DR B G JOYC E (Ch.62-69) gaine d his Ph.D in 1980 an d is no w workin g as a Senio r Biochemis t at the Institute for Cance r Research in Cardiff He and his wif e have two daughters , Emm a and Joanna
MR M E LAMBER T (H.60-67), F.R.C.S., wa s a Cance r Researc h Fellow at the Christie Hospital, Mancheste r 1979-81 an d is no w a Lecturer in Surger y at the University Hospital of Sout h Manchester He is married with a smal l son and plays Rugge r and squash
F D LANKESTE R (Ca.66-75) graduate d at Worceste r Colleg e of Higher Educatio n in 1979 an d has since been teaching English in Finland under the auspice s of Inlingua
LIEUT COMD R J P B LEE (DB.44-50) left the Royal Nav y in April 1981 after 28 year s service in the Suppl y and Secretarial Branch, the last four of whic h wer e in the Pay and Record s compute r Centre He is no w Chief Administrato r of the Institute of Advance d Motorists a non-profitmaking bod y promoting goo d driving and conducting the Advance d Driving Test
D R LEONAR D (Ca.47-52) is headmaste r of Bea m College , Great Torrington, Devon
M J G LEWI S (Ch.53-60) qualified as a solicitor at Cardiff in 1967 and married in 1969 He and his wif e have two daughters In 1977 he move d to a firm in Blackwater, near Camberley He see s to the litigation side Th e family hom e is in Crowthorne
REV M F LOVELES S (Cr.54-64) is no w Vicar of Carterton in the diocese of Oxford
P G LYNC H (Ch.73-80) joined the Stourport-based rock ban d AR C formerly manage d by M R PALME R (B.69-79) an d no w under contract to Vulca n Promotion s Ltd Th e band wa s engage d ona35date tour of the U.K in October to Decembe r 1981
G C MALLET T (S.45-48) lives in Dunmow Essex an d is Are a Sales Manage r for Tissot Watches
REV R MAN N (Cr.56-64) wa s a chartered Tow n Planne r an d Leader of the Leicestershire Urba n Structure Plan Tea m until 1973 He then read Theolog y at Cambridge , wa s ordained an d is no w Vicar of Hipswell, the North Yorkshire parish whic h contains Catterick Garrison He an d his wife Rosemar y have a so n Ralph , no w two years old
J N MARS H (CI.74-78) is studyin g at the Birmingha m Schoo l of Musi c in violin an d piano and is havin g singing lesson s fro m Brian Rayner Cooke
DR M C W MINCHI N (Cr.59-66) has returned to Oxfor d wher e he is on the staff of the M.R.C Clinical Pharmacolog y Unit He still researches the biochemistr y an d pharmacolog y of the central nervous syste m an d is collaborating fruitfully in that wor k with Dr A R GREE N (Ca.57-62) wh o is in the sam e unit
W A MOOD Y (DB.40-43) is Assistan t Public Relations Manage r of Imperial Metals at the Kynoc h Work s in Birmingham
M J MORRI S (W.71-78) gaine d a First in Chemistr y at Bristol University in 1981 and has started a three-year cours e of research into Organometalli c Chemistr y at Bristol
S R MOSELE Y (W.68-75) gained a Distinction in Germa n Languag e with his Honour s degree at Durha m in 1981 an d is teaching English in Germany
N A MOS S (Cr.66-76) gained a First Class Honour s degre e in Chemistry with Busines s Administratio n fro m Kingston Polytechnic an d has taken up a position with Redlan d Ltd in Reigate, Surrey
G A MULCAH Y (CI.59-65) is Hea d of Biology at Emanue l School , London , but currently enjoying a sabbatical year in the Mediterranean with his wife an d tw o daughters
I H NOAKE S (Cr.63-70) graduated in Aer o Engineerin g at Hatfield Polytechnic in 1973 an d is no w in Sout h Africa workin g for the Atlas Aircraft Corporatio n in the Aerodynamic s Departmen t at Johannesburg He gaine d a Private Pilot's Licence in 1977 an d his groun d hobb y is photographing wil d animals (Address : 4 Kortdoor n Street, Bonaer o Park, Kempto n Park, 1620, Sout h Africa.)
REV P R OADE S (S.38-40) has move d fro m Sturminste r Newto n in Dorset to Middl e Woodfor d Vicarage, Salisbur y (just south of Stonehenge)
A F PARTINGTO N (S.66-76), F.R.C.O., graduate d in Musi c at Cambridg e in Jun e 1981 and in Septembe r 1981 succeede d Paul Trepte as Assistan t Organist in Worceste r Cathedral an d Assistant Maste r in the King' s School
J C PHILLIPS (D.35-37), Mus.Bac , edited the handsom e 1981 Worceste r programm e book of the Thre e Choir s Festival and contributed a valuabl e historical article o n Elgar to the Programm e for the Unveilin g of the Elgar Statue by the Prince of Wales
M STJ PIMLE Y (H.61-71) ran in the Londo n Maratho n on 29 Marc h 1981 an d foun d himself alongside Nigel Dempster , the Daily Mail ace journalist for the last twenty miles The y finished in 4 hrs 4 min s 43 sees an d their photo appeare d in Nigel Dempster' s race article next day
DR R G QUINE Y (W.54-64), Ph.D., is workin g in Canad a at Ottawa
T A RA Y (CI.55-62) is with the Australia an d Ne w Zealan d Banking Grou p in Londo n and lives near Orpingto n with his wife Gin a and their tw o children, Joann e (11) an d Anthon y (9) He woul d welcom e contact with any O.V hockey players in the Londo n area (Orpington 39075)
J C RUSSEL L (Ch.71-76) graduated in Ancien t History Pre-History and Archaeolog y and no w works for the National Giroban k as a System s Analyst He lives in Liverpool (7, Jea n Walk, Fazakerley) and woul d like to hear fro m his contemporaries
C J S RYDE R (Cr.58-68) is teaching at Wolverhampto n an d his wife Jane t is nursin g at the Royal Hospital there
D F SCRIMSHA W (W.63-68) works for Britannia Airway s out of Luton as a Boein g 737 co-pilot and lives in Flitwick, Bedfordshire He and his wif e have on e small son
A D R SKINNE R (Ca.67-74) is a surveyor in the Sout h Africa n min e Kinross an d is workin g forth e National Diplom a forTechnician s in Survey His wif e Aliso n (nee HEATH , Ca.71-73) wa s workin g in computer s before the birth of their daughte r Lisa in Octobe r 1980 the first bab y born to an O.V father and O.V mother
J R SLATE R (S.70-76) is in his final yea r at Liverpool University on the Veterinary Cours e and he enjoys it
M A SLATE R (S.70-75) works for Logica Ltd, compute r consultants He an d his wif e are living in Kensingto n an d woul d welcom e O.V friends (Tel 01-937-1464)
H G SMIT H (CI.69-76) graduated in Physic s at Cambridg e in 1980 an d has been workin g for I.B.M in Bristol since then
S T SMIT H (Ca.69-74) is practising as a solicitor an d wa s elected in Ma y 1981 to the Cambridgeshir e Count y Counofl the younges t membe r by far , ,
N J SPRONSO N (W.71-76) qualified in 1981 as an Ophthalmi c Optician an d is no w practising in Dorset
0 T STORR S (S.21-23) obtained his First Clas s Certificany(Mines) in 1931 an d wa s presented in Marc h 1981 wit h a traditional English tankard at the Annua l Dinner of the Nottinghamshir e an d North Derbyshir e Branc h of the Institution of Minin g Engineers
F D SWIF T (DB.25-33) retired in Octobe r 1980 after 12 years as Director-General of the Agricultural Engineer s Associatio n and wa s awarde d the O.B.E
REV P C SYKE S (Ch.51-55) wa s ordaine d deaco n in Guildfor d Cathedral on 25 Jun e 1981 by the Bisho p of Guildfor d and is serving his title in his old hom e parish of St Giles an d St George , Ashtead , Surrey
SARA H F L TALBO T (Co.77-79) is reading Zoolog y at Ne w College Oxford Sh e rowe d for Oxford against Cambridg e in the Secon d Boat (Osiris) over 1500 metres at Henle y o n 29 Marc h 1981 and gaine d a Half-Blue Oxford wo n by 2V 2 lengths
D F THOMA S (S.56-66) is living acros s the Scottish border and workin g as Managin g Director of Exacta Circuits Ltd He has three children, Hugh , Jerem y and Elizabeth
T G THOMA S (S.66-76) took a degree in Fine Art at Loughboroug h University last year and is currently doin g a tw o year student/ lectureship cours e at Texa s University
J A G TYSO N (Ch.72-74) graduated at Oxfor d in 1978 an d joined Conoc o North Se a Inc as a trainee engineer After training in London , Mablethorpe , Aberdee n an d Dundee , he joined the Natural Ga s division in 1979 and no w spend s a third of his time on offshore rigs an d the rest in Lincolnshire He recommend s the life
LIEUT COLONE L J E VARNE Y (Ch.1952-58), R.E.M.E., is workin g in the Ministry of Defence at the Electrical Quality Assuranc e Directorate, Bromley , Kent
R A VINCEN T (Cr.52-62) is no w chief clerk to Worceste r Crow n Court He an d his wife have two children
G P WALLI S (B.64-74) gained a Ph.D in Genetics at Swanse a University an d is no w engage d in a post-doctoral cours e at Yale University, U.S.A
G T WALLI S (B.66-76) qualified as a dentist at King' s College Hospital Londo n in Decembe r 1980
SARA H L WAR D (S and Co.75-77) gaine d a Secon d in Economic s an d Accountanc y at Bristol University in 1981
P H C WATSO N (S.38-41) is Senior Project Enginee r on a 120-mile Australian pipeline under construction betwee n Sydne y and Newcastle O.V.s wh o com e into that area are invited to ring him at Sydne y 944318
A D WHITMOR E (Cr.69-73) is a housemaste r at Castle Howar d School North Yorkshire
R A WILLIAM S (W.68-78) has had a yea r in Sout h Africa on secondmen t to the Anglo-America n Corporatio n Research Laboratories an d the Phosphat e Development He is no w back at the Roya l Schoo l of Mines Imperial Colleg e for his final year with a Minera l Industry Scholarship
J W W WOO D ( -80) spent six month s in Australia workin g on powe r station construction in Ne w Sout h Wale s an d is no w readin g Geograph y at University College , London
A P A H WOOLLE Y (S.64-69) obtained an M.Sc in Biochemistr y at Londo n University in 1978, married in 1979 and is no w living in Malver n and workin g in Ledbury
REV F B H WOOLE Y (S.56-61) has move d fro m his curacy at Halesowe n to be Tea m Vicar in the Droitwich Tea m Ministr y with special responsibility for the Boycott Far m Estate an d the Churc h of Englan d Middl e Schoo l there
D M WYNNE-JONE S (S.54-60) is Chairma n of the ne w Sout h Midland s Grou p of British Junio r Chamber He and his wife Caroly n have three son s and live in Moseley
E J YOXO N (B.58-67) is a lecturer in Liberal Studies in Scienc e at Mancheste r University an d has a Ph.D
I N ABBOT T (Ch.70-77) is working for the B.B.C in Glasgow , but aim s to wor k in Bristol, his hom e city, in 1982
H F BENNET T (S.47-52) has been running his ow n textile merchantin g busines s for the last ten years Before that, he ran a Textile Manufacturin g Company' s office in Melbourne Australia
NICHOLA S CLEOBUR Y (Ch.58-68) is no w a Visiting Professo r at the Roya l Academ y of Musi c and in the past year has mad e recordings in six Europea n countries In a 1981 Promenad e Concer n he conducte d the first performance of Paul Patterson's Voice s of Sleep
G H D DARWAL L (S.60-65) is workin g in Swindo n for the computin g service of the National Environmen t Researc h Council HeandGillianhiswif e have a son age d 4 an d daughter age d 1
T A GRUND Y (W.61-69) is Head of Moder n Language s at Havel School Berlin B.F.P.0.45 and still plays rugby
J J HAYDN-WILLIAM S (S.70-75) gaine d an Uppe r Secon d in La w at Trinity Hall Cambridg e in 1979 and is no w a trainee solicitor with a Londo n firm His brother H D HAYDN-WILLIAM S (H.73-78) is readin g History at Londo n University
R J LARKHA M (W.73-78) graduated in Englis h at Leed s University in 1981
G E MATTHEW S (W.71 -78) is still teachin g in Zimbabw e an d will be there till Christma s 1982 His address is St Albert's Mission , Post Bag 9047, Centenary , Zimbabwe He wa s in Worceste r last Septembe r for his 21st birthday
G E PARLB Y (Ca.27-31) qualified as a civil engineer then married an Australian girl an d spent his workin g life in Australia No w retired, he still manage s to scull with the Sidne y Rowin g Club
N STJ PARTINGTO N (S.64-74) is workin g for Kitcat an d Allen , a firm of stockbrokers in the City
P H B ROTHWEL L (Ca.74-80) is reading Productio n Engineerin g at Birmingha m University
J E SEABRIGH T (DB.15-20) continues to wor k as an architect in Clevedon Avon thoug h on a reduced scale
G L T SHEPPAR D (S.70-75) is enjoying workin g for the Dudley Herald newspape r after graduating at Nottingha m University
E S SHERWOO D (Ca.19-25) has lived for the last 11 years with his wif e Glenis e at Cas a Katerina, Busot, Alicante, Spai n - 'a nice hom e in the hills behin d Alicante'
A P SHRIMPTO N (Ca.26-32) is a civil enginee r an d lives in the Highland s near Acknashee n in Ros s an d Cromarty
I J C SMIT H (Cr.73-78) graduated at Durha m in Geograph y in 1981 an d is no w training as an Accountan t in Birmingham
G C S SMIT H (Cr.55-59) is resident still in Hon g Kong , but wrote fro m Peking in the cours e of a twelve da y tour of China
ARCHBISHO P PHILIP STRON G (Ca.09-17) had the Wa r Diary he mad e in 1939-45 publishe d in Australia by Macmilla n last autumn He wa s Bisho p of Ne w Guine a whe n he kept it
T K DINSDAL E (S.37-41) had an adventurou s 1981 He wa s on the Ne w Atlantis sona r search-boat on Loc h Nes s in Ma y an d located the Wellingto n bombe r whic h ditched there in Dec 1941.lnJulyh e wa s on board the Ey e of the Win d brigantine for a voyag e out of Oba n an d into Loc h Nes s via Fort William Fort Augustu s and the Caledonia n Shi p Cana l in a Force 8 gale
DR A P F JACKSO N (Ca.56-62) is a Consultan t Anaesthetist at the tw o biggest Birmingha m hospitals He an d his wife an d three children live at 11 Oakha m Road, Harbourne , Birmingham A s he ha d tw o years in Ethiopia and two in the U.S.A., he woul d like to be in touch again with O.V.s
C E MATTHEW S (W.67-74) has adde d an M.Sc at Thame s Polytechnic to his B.Sc and is workin g as a Developmen t Chemis t for a Powde r Coating s manufacturer in Birmingham
N STJ PARTINGTO N (S.64-74) sing s with the Londo n Choral Societ y under Nick Cleobury' s baton S o d o P M HUGHE S (B.6775) an d L W N HAWKE S (S.67-75) an d M P FARDO N (H.60-68)
A Review 1979 - 1981
Th e Cricket Clu b continues to flourish Founde d in 1947 by Joh n Pimley , Walter Cullis and Bill Bailey, w e hav e enjoyed a renaissanc e both on and off the field during the past three years
Ou r succes s on the field has been du e in no smal l wa y to the excellence of the Schoo l Field thanks to the hard work of Peter Jones , the Hea d Groundsman ; the increase in the numbe r of boy s and youn g O.V.'s taking part in our team s and , abov e all the attraction of playing cricket in on e of the best cricket settings in the Country
W e sincerely hop e to have the continue d support of the Headmaster, Governor s an d the O.V Clu b in the years ahea d to further improv e the facilities at the groun d for the benefit of everyone
But mor e of our future plans later Let m e cast back over the past three season s whic h have not been reviewe d in the Magazin e during this period
Th e absenc e of reports wa s probably du e to the retirement of Bill Jone s after som e 25 years as Club Secretary Bill took ove r this responsibility an d that of fixture secretary followin g the untimely death of D H Slack
Du e to Bill's energ y and devotion to O.V cricket over a quarter of a century the Club' s stature remains high It is wort h recalling that almos t single hande d he raised grants an d fund s totalling £6,000 in the early 1960's to enable the pavilion extensio n to be built
Bill is no w Secretary of the Worcestershir e Cricket Associatio n so his cricket administrative talents are being use d for the benefit of a muc h wide r cricket 'family' To mark his retirement Bill wa s mad e an honorar y life membe r of the Club In Ma y 1979, the Club playe d hosts to the United States of Americ a cricket tea m wh o wer e in this country to take part in the preliminary rounds of the Worl d Cup After month s of hard wor k preparing for our big day, it poure d with rain after nine overs of the game But not to be outdone w e took our guests to the schoo l sports hall for a gam e of indoor cricket, whic h w e won
Th e 1979 seaso n also sa w the club wi n its first ever trophy After joining the Worcestershir e Border Leagu e in 1978, w e wo n the championshi p with an undefeated record Th e Wilkinso n Swor d trophy wa s presented to the club captain, Joh n Wadley , by Cyril Washbrook , the forme r Lancashire an d Englan d batsman , at the League' s annua l dinner
W e have no w ha d to withdra w fro m the Leagu e becaus e of ne w rules whic h stipulate that membe r clubs play all game s on Saturday s an d enter tw o teams
Althoug h the growt h of League cricket has continued in the area, w e have not bee n able to enter becaus e the schoo l field is use d by the Schoo l team s on Saturday s during the first half of the season
Th e incidence of leagues is having som e effect on our fixture list, but w e are confident that w e shall be able to continue to fill the gaps with other club s wh o still enjoy competitive cricket withou t artificial rules an d regulations
Th e club's involvemen t with youn g cricketers continues W e give the m every encouragement to play for our teams and this experience is show n in the performance s of the schoo l teams It is wort h noting that the Schoo l Unde r 13 eight-a-side tea m wo n the Worceste r Leagu e playing under our nam e in 1980 an d wer e the beaten finalists in the count y Finals on the County Ground
Th e nucleus of this tea m defeated the Royal Gramma r Schoo l in the Worcestershir e area final of the Lords Taverner s Cu p competition, also played on the Count y Ground , this last summer Ou r other activities include participation in the Worceste r Indoor Cricket Leagu e each winter, a mos t successful annua l tour to Devo n each Septembe r and a growin g numbe r of social and fun d raising events
It is a sham e that the weathe r in 1979 an d 1980 completel y spoilt our annual cricket week , but w e hop e that the week ca n be restored in the future to maintai n a tradition goin g back 20 years
O n the playing side, the club has enjoyed three mos t successful and enjoyable season s with man y fine individual performance s too numerou s to mentio n here In summary the first tea m hav e wo n 54 games , lost 16 an d draw n 48 of the matche s complete d in the three seasons , while our Sunda y secon d tea m have enjoyed comparabl e success
Individually there have been som e outstanding performances Joh n Wadley wh o has bee n captain throughout the period has been probably the most consistent run accumulator in local cricket scoring nearly 4,000 runs Philip Jame s score d 1,000 runs in 1980 while Andre w Jud d achieve d this target in 1981 also for the first time
Ale c Macki e broke a 72 year old club record in 1979 with an undefeated 138 against the Old Carolians while the younge r members Peter Barker, Jeff Spicer , Mar k Thompson , Martin Foar d an d David Norto n have all produce d their best performances
O n the bowlin g side, Joh n Haywood , Peter Bourn e an d Mik e Southal l continue to bear the brunt of the attack with continue d success Our secon d tea m stalwarts Robi n Vincent, Joh n Potter an d Ton y Harris continue to give their best ably supporte d by staff and boys
W e continue to hav e the support of member s of the schoo l staff wh o play in our team s - Roge r Humphreys , Peter Iddon.Ti m Mason , Mik e Homer , David Pemberto n an d Mik e Steven s as well as a forme r membe r Colin Gray wh o no w teaches at Hereford
Wha t of the future?
W e have an enthusiastic membership , an active committe e and plans to improv e the facilities at the Schoo l ground W e kno w that the Governor s have placed a high priority on a major improvemen t to the changin g facilities an d w e wis h to play our part to contribute toward s the fund raising
In this respect w e are planning to hold a Spring Bazaar at Worcester Guildhal l on Marc h 9,1982 , with the intention of raising a four figure su m to put toward s a ne w building fund Ma y w e appea l to all O.V.'s to help either by sendin g good s to be sol d or a cash donatio n to our Secretary, J C Haywoo d at 83, Malver n Road , Worcester
An y assistance will be put toward s a project that will ultimately benefit everyone connected with the future of O.V and Schoo l cricket