The Vigornian 1996
Editors: Peter Iddon, Richard Davis
0.V. News: Michael O'Neill. Typing: Margaret Radnidge
Photography: John Wheeler, David Thurlby (Drama), Ruth Reeves and Chris Woodcock (Junior School).
The Vigornian 1996
Editors: Peter Iddon, Richard Davis
0.V. News: Michael O'Neill. Typing: Margaret Radnidge
Photography: John Wheeler, David Thurlby (Drama), Ruth Reeves and Chris Woodcock (Junior School).
Second Master
Senior Mistress
J.L.K. Bridges, B.Sc.
G.N. Leah, M.A., Ph.D.
R. Allum, B.Sc., C.Biol., M.I.Biol.
M.W. Bentley, Cert.Ed.
E.R. Burkill, M.A.
S.R. Davies, Cert.Ed.
P.C. Thompson, M.A.
P.J. Baseley, Dip.H/craft.
M.J. Roberts, BSc.
J.M. Roslington, B.Sc., C.Phys., M.1nst.P.
Mrs. M.A. Nott, B.Sc., C.Biol., M.I.Biol.
J.M. Moore, J.P., M.A., Ph.D., F.R.S.A.
T.D.R. Hickson. B.A., C.Phys., M.1nst.P.
Mrs. P.A. Sanger, B.A., M.A.
Mrs. L.M. Ghaye. B.Ed., M.A.
F.J. Loveder, M.A.
K.A. McCulloch, B.A., M.Phil.
A.I. Guest, B.Ed.
Rev. J. Charles, Dip.P.E., Dip.Th.
M.J. Gower, B.A.
Mrs. S.C. Allum, B.Sc.
"Mrs. J.M. Kinnish, B.A.
J.L. Owen, B.A.
*Mrs. K. Sanders, B.Soc.,Sci.(Econ.)
C.A. Gallantree-Smith, B.A. B. Griffiths, B.Tech.
Mrs. E.R.Hand, B.A. E. Reeves, M.A.
D.T. Naish, B.Ed.
Mrs. C.F. Roslington, B.A.
M.A. Stevens, M.A.
R.A. Fleming, B.A.
D.P. Iddon, B.A.
Mrs. R.C.J. Diamond, B.A.
I. Lawrence, B.Sc., C.Phys.. M.1nst.P.
T.R. Sharp, M.A.
J.P.B. Martin, B.Sc.
Mrs. C. Painter, B.A.
F.P. Watson, B.A.
K.A.P. Walsh, B.Sc., Ph.D.
*Mrs. S.H. Le Marchand, B.A. S. Le Marchand, B.A.
R.N.G. Stone, M.A.
R.P. Mason, B.A.
M.R. Gill, BSc., M.A., M.Sc.
Mrs. S.P. Griffiths, B.A.
Mrs. N.R. Anstey, Cert.Ed.
S.M. Bain, B.Sc., M.Sc.
R.H. Birkett, B.A.
Miss M.C. Greaves, B.A.
M.D. Rudge, B.A.
J.T. Wheeler, B.Sc., C.Chem., M.R.S.C.
D.G. Willmer, M.Sc., Ph.D.
P.T. Gwilliam, M.A., M.Phil.
Mrs. K. Appleby, B.A.
Mrs. C.M. Cox, M.A., MSc.
R.J. Davis, B.A.
*Mrs. V. Jenkinson, Cert.Ed.
*Mrs. E.S. Allen, B.A.
Miss F.L. Jacques, B.A.
M.C. Poole. B.Sc., Ph.D.
:!:Mrs. J.D. Saville, B.A.
"Mrs. L.M. Atkins, B.A.
Ms. C. Harrison-Horicek, M.A.
"P.M. Hibbert, B.Sc.
"Miss L.A. Johnson, B.A.
*Mrs. T.D. Marskell
Mrs. H.M. Arthur. B.Sc.
"Mrs. S.B. Barrie, B.A.
"Mrs. P.A. Edwards, B.A.M.Sc.
"Mrs. J.P. Maxwell-Stewart, B.A.
Rev. M.R. Dorsett, B.A., M.Th.. Ph.D., Cert. Theol.
Curer rs M.J. Points, M.A.
D.E. Brookshaw, B.Mus., F.R.C.O. H.R. Thurlby, L.R.A.M. "R. Johnston,M.A., F.R.C.O., L.R.A.M.
Mrs. V.J. Gunter, G.T.C.L., L.T.C.L. and 24 Visiting Teachers
Master - J.A. Allcott, B.Ed., Cert. Ed.. M.Sc. J.T. Walton, Cert.Ed.
Mrs. A.D. Walton, Cert.Ed.
'+Mrs. L. Jackson, M.A.
Mrs. R. Reeves, M.Ed.
Mrs. G. Spilsbury, Cert.Ed.
Miss G.S. Crawford, M.A.
D. Mews. B.A., Cert.Ed.
Mrs. C. Woodcock, B.A., Cert.Ed.
D.R. Jacks, B.A.
Mrs. B.I. Wilson. B.A., Cert.Ed.
Miss S.P. Willcox, B.A.
" = part-time
Brtrsrrr - D.J. Gilligan. F.C.A.
Medical Officers - Dr. M. Smith, M.B., Ch.B. Dr. A. Georgiou, M.B., Ch.B.
Sister - Mrs. C.F. Furber, R.G.N.Dip.N. C~rterer- Mr. N. Witherick, H.C.I.M.A. Head~nrrsrer'sSecrettrry - Mrs. M. Brodrick Account~rnt- Miss A. Turvey
Nicholas J. Checketts (W) - Head of School.
A.V. Benvie (K)
R.L.D. Chambers (Cl)
R.E. Diamond (Cl)
D.J. Doherty (K)
M.E. Fletcher (S)
A.P. Jones (0s)
A.S. Kazerooni (Ch)
N.E. Preston (W)
M.K. Pearce (Cl)
S.L. Seymour (Br)
R.E. Stokes (Cr)
C.E. Thompson (Cl)
One of the most notable things about the past year at King's was that we were, for the first time, fully CO-educational.The transition has gone very s~noothlyand the fact that it has done so is a real tribute to all who have had a part in it, Staff, pupils and parents. Already over a third of the School are girls, and that proportion is likely to rise as the years pass. The decision to make this move was as important as any taken in the recent past, and it was an excellent one.
Equally important for the future was the acquisition by the School of the Trust which runs Hawford Lodge School. We are as pleased as Hawford by this new partnership which takes forward naturally the close relationship which has existed between the two schools for many years. Hawford Lodge remains independent, while the two Governing Bodies now work closely together with a number of Governors who are members of both. This link provides a further spacious site, and since Hawford has a flourishing Pre-prep section we can now offer, between the two schools, education from the age of three onwards. All sorts of exciting possibilities will, I am sure, flow from this decision.
Our public examination results were very pleasing. The A level candidates, with 55% As and Bs and a 95% pass rate, almost matched the record levels of 1995, and certainly did very well. The GCSEs were superb, and a record on any form of calculation, with 20% starred As, 53% A + A* and over 80% A* - B. As always, we followed our policy of entering everyone for the subjects which they had studied; this inevitably means that the odd candidate will "miss", but, we are convinced that it is far more important to allow pupils to take the examinations for which they have prepared than to look over our shoulders at the misleading league tables publicised by the Press, and withdraw people who might fail.
As usual, I shall leave the following pages largely to speak for themselves; all the traditional sides of the School's programme have gone successfully, and you will see detailed reports in this volume. The cricketers rounded off their season with a successful tour; it is pleasing that, after a slightly uncertain start, they ended up with ten victories. Congratulations to the captain, Stuart Thomas on his selection for the Midlands Schools X1, and to Edward Oliver on scoring 10 fifties and 968 runs at an average of 48.40. Frank Watson has coached them with skill for the last four years, and we are grateful for all that he has done in the Games world, teaching English and on the pastoral side. The highlights of the Rugby season were a very successful day against the Royal Grammar School, and an under-12 side which won 12 of their 13 matches. Outstanding amongst the many successes of the Boat Club were the five wins of the Girls' First V111, including a Gold at the Docklands Regatta, and the remarkable success of the Girls' J15 Quad who followed a Bronze at the National Schools Regatta by winning the gold at the National Championships, beating the winning crew from the National schools Regatta by one length. The Boys' First Vlll did very well to qualify for the Princess Elizabeth Cup at Henley, and were desperately unlucky to meet the eventual winners, the number one North American crew, in the first round; we gave them a close race, while they won the final "easily"
The new format of the Senior School Athletics Sports at the City Track was a resounding success, and a number of new School records were set. Over 150 pupils took part in School Athletics matches, and thirty represented the City at County level. Outstanding among them was Daniel Plank, who
at the age of 15 broke the School High Jump record. and went on to become English Schools Champion at Junior level with a remarkable jump of 1 metre 83.
There have been two highly successful musicals and some fine concerts. Congratulations to Tom Blunt who won an Organ Scholarship to Trinity College, Cambridge and to Justin Ranson who was awarded the Performers' Certificate from the Trinity College of Music, a distinction very rare at school level, and the first in my time here. Art has had another excellent year, with some fine exhibitions, notably those by the A level and GCSE candidates. The Himalayan Club continues to offer a dimension which is rare in schools; they had a very successful trip at Easter, and are now gearing up for a parents' trip next year. There have been five Duke of Edinburgh's Gold Awards and four Silvers.
The School Fete lived up to the high standard of previous years. The Development Committee put in an enormous amount of work and for the day transformed the Green into something resembling Cape Canaveral: the result was a very enjoyable day for the whole School community and for the usual vast number of visitors. The Fete raised very nearly f20,000 which will be divided between various local charities and projects within the School which could not be funded without this massive help.
This has been a year of changes and farewells. First the changes. Boarding continues to decline inexorably both nationally and with us. We have therefore concentrated all senior boys' boarding in Hostel House from this September, and opened a new - and much needed - eighth Day House in Choir which Jonathan Martin will run. Brian Griffiths has handed over Creighton House to Kate Appleby after twelve successful years, and has taken over Careers from Mike Points, who has finally retired after doing a splendid job in that department in the five years since he retired from teaching. Bob Birkett has decided to retire after ten years here, and Bob Allum after twenty seven. I shall leave my colleagues to pay tribute to them in detail, but I must say here how much I shall miss Bob Allum as a fine teacher and Head of Department, a devoted Tutor and a stimulating and sometimes controversial colleague.
By the time you read this, Derek Gilligan will have retired as Bursar, and Norman Compton as Clerk of the Works. Norman has done a fine job over a long period here, and we shall miss his expertise and detailed knowledge of the site. Derek must be one of the finest Bursars in the country. His grasp of finance and the complexities of our buildings is unmatched, and it is only thanks to his expertise that we are in such a sound position financially and have been able to carry out such an extensive development programme over the last fourteen years. We are immensely in his debt. He is succeeded by Galen Bartholomew, and Tony Norris, who has handled our electrical work for years, has taken over as Clerk of the Works.
My warmest thanks and all good wishes to our leavers.
In addition to them, we have said goodbye to Dr Hunt who has been Cathedral Organist for 21 years. His career has been one of great distinction, and it was a pleasure that he crowned his time at Worcester with a really fine Three Choirs Festival this summer. The Dean, who has been Vice-Chairman of the Governing Body, has moved after ten years at Worcester to become Sub-Dean of Christ Church, Oxford, while the Bishop, who is ex-officio Visitor of the School is retiring after fourteen years here. They have all contributed much to the School, and we wish them well. Four other Governors, Air Marshal1 Sir Timothy Garden OV, Mr James Lloyd, Miss Veronica Owen and Dr Judy Weiss have also retired; we are grateful to them for all the time which they have given to the School. We have
already welcomed to the Governors Miss Janet Allen, sometime Headmistress of Benenden and Mr Roger Grant, a parent and well know in business circles in Worcester; other appointments will be made in the autumn.
The last academic year was deeply touched by sadness. My own loss was noted in the last Vigor-nic~n.The Dean's wife died a week after Jill, and Mrs Susan Shaw, a Governor, lost her husband. Keith McCulloch was diagnosed as having inoperable cancer last Christmas, and died in August. He was a wonderful colleague with immensely wide interests and enormous enthusiasm which he shared generously with us all in many different areas. And finally Matthew Surman; his suicide in May remains inexplicable, as these things often do. With his death we lost a talented friend and an able pupil who had a very bright future. His death hit the School very hard, but it is just at times such as this that the strength of a community shows itself; pupils and Staff came together wonderfirlly, and the mutual support was obvious and truly impressive.
We can only hope that the present year will be happier than the last. Before the end of the year there will be an election, and the implications if there is a change of Government are 'interesting'. It may well be that we shall see the abolition of the Assisted Places scheme, which I should regret bitterly. Under it we are able to offer nearly 40 pupils a year the chance to benefit from what The King's School offers irrespective of parental income, and thus to continue the tradition of the Direct Grant system to which we used to belong. I am not making a political point, still less a party-political one; I am just deeply saddened by the threat to a scheme which I believe to have enormous merit and which enables us to have a healthy social mix in the School. Still, whatever happens, the School is flourishing, and we are in good order and well placed to face the challenges of the future.
J<oh" M. Moore
August, 1996
Keith McCulloch, Classics teacher at King's School since 1988, died at home in Malvern on Tuesday 13 August. He had been diagnosed as being terminally ill last December and although he had brief periods of respite, in the summer his health deteriorated rapidly. The funeral service took place at Malvern Priory Church and the large turnout of staff and pupils, both past and present, reflected the great respect and deep affection in which he was held. It is still hard to realise that such a dynamic and inspirational man is no longer with us.
Keith's background as a Classics teacher was rather unconventional. He left school in Bromley, Kent, at the age of sixteen, and only returned to full time education after realising that his considerable talents were not going to be fully appreciated in a career in the Civil Service. Having returned to college to take his A levels he then went on to Sussex University where he took a First in Philosophy. It was at Sussex that his particular interest in the Greek philosophers Icd him to develop his knowledge of the language, with such success that he then proceeded to complete a research degree on Aristotle at University College London. In his spare time he taught himself Latin - no mean achievement!
Keith's approach to teaching was totally professional. He was energetic, enthusiastic and humorous in the classroom, and he set himself high standards in evervthin~he did. He ~utin manv extra .. , " hours running Greek classes, believing that it was essential that a school such as King's offered its students the chance to study such an important language. His love of classics infected all those whom he taught and he was extremely successful in encouraging large numbers of them to continue with the subject. In a metaphor which he would have appreciated, his colleague at King's, Bob Stone, described him as being to the department what Socrates was to the people of Athens - "a gadfly, continually stinging us out of our slumber, forever suggesting new policies and always keeping us up to the mark in carrying out new ones." His scholarship when teaching A Level texts was renowned: if he did not agree with the views of a commentator he would have no hesitation into entering into correspondence with them. Keith's commitment to the subject extended well beyond the classroom - he produced the 1992 edition of the "Good Text Guide" which gives classics teachers and students an account of each of the available editions of Greek and Roman works. The classics departments at St. Mary's Brighton, University College School London and King's were very fortunate to have such a talented and dedicated individual in their ranks.
Keith was someone who saw teaching as being very much more than just a classroom job. He was a caring and popular boarding house tutor, first in Choir and then in Hostel, whilst on the sporting front he made an outstanding contribution to rowing at King's. His association with rowing was typically unusual - he was rather proud of being anything but the archetypal ex-oarsman turned coach. Keith actually learnt the sport from the coach's seat and only later in his career took up sculling. He was a great enthusiast for the sport and made full use of his marvellously powerful voice to ensure that his charges realised the importance of becoming technically as well as physically proficient when on the water. He was one of the few coaches for whom the megaphone was an unnecessary and redundant accessory. In recent years he had ended his active involvement in coaching yet he left a very distinctive legacy for the King's School Boat Club; more than anyone else he had elevated girl's rowing to the status of a serious competitive activity. Each year he would take a group of newlyarrived Lower Sixth girls and set about turning them into proficient oarswomen, often seemingly within weeks rather than months. It was Keith who was instrumental in ensuring that, with the introduction of full CO-education, rowing became a similarly serious games activity for the Lower Removes. Our currently successful girls' crews owe a huge debt to his work in this area. No member of the staff at King's provided better or more fascinating company. Conversation was undoubtedly one of his strongest points. The diversity of his interests were such that he would discuss with authority, history, philosophy, literature, music, politics, food and drink, travel - in fact just about the only subject he professed to have little interest in was football. He was an exceptionally witty man; often outspoken, constantly challenging accepted standpoints; and someone who always expressed his views with clarity, originality and style. During his long illness he never lost his love of discussion. Visiting Keith, whether at
home or in hospital was a moving and uplifting experience. His courage and fortitude were quite exceptional; few people knew just how much pain and discomfort he was suffering. He would discuss his treatment but usually from the clinical angle - only occasionally, with those he knew very well, would he talk about the psychological impact on himself and his family. Even in the last few weeks Keith's first concern would be the welfare of his visitors rather than himself. His deep understanding of human nature was never more apparent than in this the final phase of his life. He also insisted on being kept up to date with developments at King's; indeed one of my last conversations with him concerned his worries about how his A level Latin set had performed in the exams. Needless to say their results were excellent, as those of all Keith's sets always were.
Keith was the first member of the Common Room to use a Walkman to assist him in marking books. This reflected not only his deep love of music but also his desire to avoid unnecessary interruptions when he was concentrating on unravelling well meaning Upper Removes' attempts to fathom the intricacies of the gerundive. As with so many of Keith's interests his musical background was unusual. In his youth Keith was the founder member of a successful band, playing guitar and also being the lead vocalist. He even once performed with David Bowie at the Beckenham Arts Centre He was a prolific song-writer and only his developing interest in philosophy and classics diverted him from following a career in the entertainment industry. He also wrote numerous sketches and humorous songs and was a regular contributor to the classic radio programme "Week Ending". Angus Deayton and the Heeby Geebies used some of Keith's material and his remarkable all round talent can be seen by the fact that he also wrote songs for popular children's television programmes. In more recent years he became an acknowledged expert on classical music with a particular love of the baroque period. His collection of C.D.s and tapes was vast and he almost singlehandedly kept the staff at Malvern Library occupied in his search for rare recordings. It was fitting that after his death his wife Maureen received a letter from them saying how much they missed Keith's regular visits and how quiet the Library now seemed!
Above all though Keith was a family man and to Maureen, who nursed him with such care and love, and to his three young children, Haniet, Frances and Clement we extend our deepest sympathy. It is difficult to comprehend why someone so manifestly full of life as Keith should be struck down so tragically in early middle age. Keith and Maureen's philosophy of life was summed up in the passage from Ecclesiastes read so movingly at his funeral by his eldest daughter Harriet. It helps provide an explanation of their remarkable composure during the last months. Our prayers, thoughts and continued support will be with Maureen and the children as they try to adapt to what is an immeasurable loss.
So many of us in the King's community were fortunate and privileged to know Keith as a friend, colleague and teacher P.T.G. with thanks to T.R.S. and R.N.G.S
The following obituary takes the form of two texts which were read at Matthew's funeral.
Four years ago Matthew Surman came out of Choir House to revert to being a Day Boy once again. The Headmaster was looking for a Housemaster who was sane, patient and sensitive and didn't know Matthew. I failed on the first three counts but didn't know Matthew so he came into Wulstan. Matthew soon made his mark and for the last four years we indulged in a fruitful relationship which often took on the form of a game of trying to outwit each other. He, with increasing originality, attempted to achieve academic success with as little effort as possible, while I tried to defuse potential conflicts with irritated members of staff. Yes he could be awkward, infuriating and frustrating but we couldn't help liking him and admiring him.
We admired him for his intellectual ability, for his speed and originality of thought and his ability to concisely express sophisticated ideas. We liked him for his good company, his sense of fun and his sharp and sometimes wicked sense of humour. He frustrated me due to his undisguised dislike of Mathematics. During the year that I taught him he soon realised the only way to keep the peace was to sit next to and copy from one of the best students in the class. He did this very well and still managed to pass.
Matthew loved the King's School and I am sure that he was not looking forward to leaving. He showed great commitment to anything that he wanted to excel at. There were no friendly games for Matthew as he did not take kindly to losing. He was part of the many successes of the 1st XV over the last two years and played with determination and skill for the basketball team. He also scored with meticulous accuracy for the 1 st XI Cricket team and represented the School General Knowledge and Chess Teams. I relied on him entirely to organise all the House sporting teams for Wulstan over the last two years and even when they didn't win they certainly gave of their best for him.
He maintained his interest in music after leaving the Cathedral Choir and although his taste changed I have to admit that even I found some of it bearable.
I still find it hard to fathom why he did not want to be with us any more and it is also frustrating that he didn't tell us why. However, in many ways, it is best that this complex character kept us guessing as it enables us to remember him with fondness and no feelings of regret. He touched so many of us in so many different ways; he probably never realised quite how many friends he had.
Our thoughts must now be with his family and the difficult days that lie ahead for them. I know that they have been greatly comforted by the support of his many friends over the last ten days and are very anxious to maintain contact with all of you in the years to come.
We must all now carry on with the rest of our lives and not look back but be thankful that we all benefitted from having shared in what was a short but brilliant life.
If I should go before the rest of you, Break not a flower nor inscribe a stone. Nor when I am gone speak in a Sunday voice, But be the usual selves I have known.
Weep if you must, Parting is Hell, But life goes on, So sing as well.
Matt loved school. It was clear from the beginning of St Albans, where I met him, ten years ago, that Matt Surman was a larger than life character. I will never forget his chubby round face and thick short hair.
Later in his school career, for a short while, Matt experienced the boarding lifestyle. His time was well spent there, he thrived on the community spirit, and he enjoyed it.
As I got to know Matt, I realised that he was an extremely able student, who had many talents to share with us. He had a huge appetite for life and particularly he took his sport very seriously. Like myself, Matt was an intensely competitive character and I remember how we both used to shout insults at each other during rigorous rugby training sessions if one of us fell behind the pace of the team. I also remember that afterwards we would be the best of friends, and how our friendship would become deeper as a result. He was supported by his father Alan, his mother Alison, and on occasion by his sister Nichola on the side lines who enjoyed watching him play for the School's 1st XV.
Matt's appetite for life stretched to the dining table. Last year we visited Deep Pan Pizza and Matt accomplished 12 slices to my feeble 10. At times Matt could be very excessive, and his diet was a fine example of his excessive nature.
In contrast to his rugged character. Matt had a strong love of homelife. He enjoyed breakfast in bed which his mother made him when he was lucky, and this became apparent last summer when Matt came on holiday to Cyprus with me and six other good friends. He seemed homesick after two days there, and was also unfortunate enough to acquire ear ache. Life with Matt always held some surprises, and on this occasion the pursuit of getting his ear syringed most cheaply, was remarkable. The fact that he eventually got it done for nothing was a tribute to his resourcefulness.
I think it is important to consider Matt's intelligent nature. I remember Matt as a quick thinker. I recall once I asked his help on a Classics essay, and although he did not know the subject, he was able to show me how to discuss the arguments involved. Therefore he was more than an average companion to me, as I saw him also as an educator. This kindness was also expressed to other people who were close to him. We will all miss him.
His intelligent nature was expressed in the form of a sharp wit around school. Matt would always make an impression on the company he was with, whether he would pay people compliments or insults, he would say it with a unique style that was all his own.
Finally I would like to talk about Matt's musical tastes. As a Chorister in the Cathedral Choir, Matt developed from an early age an appreciation of choral music. Since his days in the Choir, his appreciation of many different kinds of music developed. He enjoyed Classical music such as Mozart, and also contemporary music such as Oasis, Ocean Colour Scene and The Cast. Matt's music was very important to him because it allowed him to escape from the perpetual pressure that he put himself under. It is clear that Matt had very high expectations of himself, in all aspects of life, and I believe that music was one of Matt's greatest pleasures. He had accumulated a total of 161 Compact Disks and numerous tapes.
I would like to finish with this short poem.
I loved my friend. He went away from me. There's nothing more to say, The poem ends, Soft as it began -
I loved my friend.
Jovce Grenfell
Ben Singleton
13+ King's Scholarships
Helen C. Bellfield
Gareth N. Ceredig
Christopher J. Lack
Lucy Miller
Jonathan H. Cairns-Terry
Michelle Ralfe
Sally A. Moore
Michael Chaffey
Lucy Chatfield
Helena Culliney
Rachael Dawson
Alexander Humpage
Marc Kennedy
Jamie Morris
David Newsholme
Thomas Rosoman
Adrian Uren
Alan Uren
Edward C. Cumming
James P. Gilbert
Julia M. Guy
Anna E. Haigh
Elizabeth A. Lewis
Aliya Saied
Adam M. Stamper
13+ Scholarships
16+ Entry Scholarships
Sixth Form Queen's Scholarships
Sixth Form King's Scholarships
Samuel J. Bayliss
Edward P. Brice
Stephen J. Daley
Christopher E. Hysband
Robert C. Melville
Henry E.S. Sandbach
Benjamin D. Wall
Lorna Pritchard
Lydia A. Brookes
(Academic and Music)
Rachel M. Dale
Anna E. Myers
Lorna Mason
Ruhaiza Mohamed (Honorary)
Thomas R. Davies
Richard H. Milne
Benjamin D. Panter
Grant I. Strover
Rebecca A. Symondson
Oldbury Park Primary School
St. Mary's, Rochford
St. Joseph's Primary School, Malvern
St. John's C of E Primary School
St. Joseph's RC Primary School
Northwick Manor Primary School
Perdiswell Primary School
The King's Junior School
Oldbury Park Primary School
The King's Junior School
St. George's RC Primary School
Broadheath CE Primary
The King's Junior School (Music)
St. Anne's Middle School, Bewdley
Malvern Parish CE Primary (Music)
Malvern Parish CE Primary (Music)
King's School
King's School
King's School
Alcester Grammar School
King's School
Jeddah Prep School
King's School
King's School
Winterfold House
King's School
King's School
King's School
St. Richard's School, Bredenbury
King's School
King's School
St. Mary's Convent
Alice Ottley School
Blessed Edward Oldcorne
King's School
King's School
King's School
King's School
King's School
King's School
King's School
Sixth Form Hon. Scholarship
Edward R. Cox
Matthew R. Michael
King's School
King's School
Bob Allum retired from teaching this year after twenty seven years at the King's School. Present pupils will know him as the Head of a large and successful Biology Department, but during his time here he has been Housemaster of two different Houses and has made major innovative contributions to the life of the school.
Bob was appointed in 1969 to teach Biology, and in the early days he coached both Rugby (the 3rd XV) and Badminton (one of his proteges was later to win a Cambridge blue!). He is remembered from the outset as having a lot of energy. He was concerned, as he has been throughout his career, with the wider aspects of the school curriculum, and in 1975 was instrumental in designing and implementing a radical and welcome reform of General Studies teaching for Sixth Form: to quote him at the time "it was a venture aimed at counter halrirlci~zgthe qfects of intense academic specialisatior~ wltich so ofter? limits U student's lzorizons of knowledge to tl~osefixed by torlav's curriculurn and examination syllabus".
In 1980 he succeeded Fred Logan as Head of Biology and in the same year he also took over from Mike Points as Housemaster of Castle House (then a senior boy's boarding house). Many remember Bob and Sarah as a valued part of the College Green community together with the sheer enthusiasm of Scrum, their border collie.
Six years later, following Castle's conversion to a Fourth Form boarding house, Bob took on the newly created Eliot House which accolnmodated some of the growing number of sixth form day girls. It became noted for its informal, friendly atmosphere and was known by some as "The Left Wing of No. IT'! In both cases Bob was a supportive and caring Housemaster. He excelled in his pastoral role and enjoyed the company of young people, being always keen to initiate debate or provoke a response. He thrived on stimulating discussions on moral issues, or politics, always managing to keep them good humoured.
Academically Bob has been equally successful, and under his guidance the Biology Department has gone from strength to strength, achieving - in particular - excellent A level results and growing considerably in size (with currently over one
Bob joined the CDT Department as it was then in 1986, bringing with him a highly individual approach to practical technology. We soon discovered that he rarely threw anything away, having a ready eye for an alternative use for most things. He kept his hoard of useful items in two garages and in the early days of the GCSE Technology course various electronic and nlechanical devices from this treasure house were cannibalised for components, so allowing projects to be satisfactorily completed. Slowly educational suppliers have latched onto the need to provide miniature mechanical components so items once scoured for are now readily available, off the shelf.
He was most at home in the workshop and could nearly always be found there, if not teaching, then working on some item of set for a school play, helping pupils in after school workshop sessions, developing ideas, sharing his interest in aeromodelling with pupils on Saturdays, or offering advice to some member of Wulstan House, of which he was assistant Tutor.
He also got to know pupils through the medium of the
hundred sixth formers studying biology). The addition of "Social Biology" A level is typical of Bob's broader viewpoint, and it has proved a very popular option for the non scientists and has contributed much to the vitality of the department. The institution of Biology Revision Weekends at the Old Chapel was also inspired - they were great confidence boosters and a successful mix of concentrated study, relaxation ancl social intercourse.
Bob's initiatives continued throughout hib time here, including jointly setting up the first body within the School to review whole school curriculum, and - most recently - the introduction of a Politics course as part of the Saturday morning activities programme. Extra curricular trips to Cheltenham or Stratford races have also been an important contribution to school life!
Bob was for many years the Union representative in school. He also served for some years as President of Common Room, and he brought focus, perspective and diplomacy to some important issues that concerned us then. In Staff meetings, as elsewhere, he regularly argued a cause with conviction and integrity. He cared.
He leaves at a time when the job of teaching seems to have become subordinate to the increasing need to comply with external regulation, the increasing time spent in assessment and the increasing quantity of administrative paper work. He leaves King's at a time when, to quote the government, there is a "haemorrhage" of senior experienced staff away from the profession. He will be greatly missed by all as a friend and a colleague.
Chess Club, which he ran in later years. In his time in the school he went on Fourth Form and Lower Remove camps, Art expeditions and accompanied the RAF section on some of their flying trips. At various times he has sung in the school choir, taken part in cross country races, the 'Three Peaks Challenge' and latterly staff tennis. All this despite occasional bouts of back trouble. He will always be remembered for his participation in the charity cycle ride to the Old Chapel. Not for him the latest technological lightweight model but some superannuated relic of a machine from that garage. However participants were soon to discover that someone of his stamina needed a self imposed handicap.
He retired for the most selfless of reasons - to give more time to the needs of his aged parents. However he hopes to maintain his leisure activities of walking ,painting and drawing, flying radio controlled model gliders, listening to music and developing his ability to play the piano. In a small piece of self indulgence he hopes to go to California in 1997. We wish him a safe journey there and through the rest of life.
Jonathan joined the school in January 1990 from Malvern Girls' College. He came as School Chaplain and Head of the Religious Studies Department.
Before his ordination he qualified as a teacher of Physical Education and he was to be seen on the sports field, refereeing matches or joining in cross country runs; but at the same time he led the school with a quiet dignity in College Hall and Cathedral worship. He was a person of very high principles who spoke out for what he believed to be right and just and he was not happy to compromise if it meant accepting second best. He was available for the whole school community and many can bear witness to his pastoral care and support in times of crisis in their lives.
In the Religious Studies Department his greatest contribution during six years was to put the subject "on the map". When he arrived. twenty students in the Upper Remove
took G.C.S.E. R.S.; the remaining eighty had little to show for their two years' studies. By January 1996 this had risen to well over a hundred Upper Remove G.C.S.E candidates, most of whom could be seen during the third week of August celebrating their success and increased confidence. The only has been that of Keith Bridges as he sought to stretch College Hall to accommodate all these candidates!
Jonathan will perhaps be remembered most for his celebration of the Eucharist in the Cathedral Crypt every Wednesday morning before school. For a handful of students and staff this has become a family service, with students bringing their parents to share in the worship.
Jonathan and Penny have moved into Parish work in Burnham Market in Norfolk. We wish them happiness in their new home and to Jonathan, happy sailing on the North Sea.
In 1980 a UAU cricket XI played against a Kent 2nd XI which consisted of numerous well known former County and Test players and it was a hushed and nervous student dressing room which the Kent captain, Brian Luckhurst, walked into to introduce himself. One obsequious member of our team, wishing to impress and referring to the intricate laws of one day cricket, earnestly asked of Luckhurst, 'Normal rules today, Luckers?' Immediately Frank, sitting in a corner of the dressing room, replied, 'Yeah, if it hits the stumps you're out!'
Frank would probably be able to tell the story far better than this, (indeed the Common Room is a poorer place in the absence of some of his tales), but I felt I had to include it here as it was the first time we met and it displayed a wry sense of humour and a down to earth, straightforward nature which many staff and pupils here came to respect.
After joining King's on a part-time basis, he quickly became full-time, teaching an extremely full timetable of English and much to my delight, becoming heavily involved with school cricket. Over the last four years he has been coaching our 1st XI, enjoying two particularly successful seasons during which his enthusiasm for and knowledge of the game inspired many of our senior cricketers to better things.
I first met Norman in September 1982 on the playground. A well built man dressed in a green boiler suit, he told me he had started with the School in August 1981 as the plumber.
Having spent most of his life in industry we immediately forged a bond of common interest. It was not long before I was to learn the ins and outs of our boilers, where to turn the water off in the strangest locations and to call for help in an emergency.
Dennis Grafton retired in 1984 and Norman was his successor as Clerk of the Works, a position he occupied up to his own retirement on 31 August 1996. During these years Norman has contributed so much to keeping the buildings in such good order, purchasing furniture and equipment, maintaining the mini buses, implementing the health and safety policy and so much more. I can honestly say that without his
Although he was mostly involved with the senior cricketers, he still found time to keep an eye on our junior teams and to encourage talent, being a great believer in giving 1st XI experience to boys whom he thinks are good enough, whatever their age group, and this policy proved to be a success. His obvious love of the game, imaginative coaching ideas, communication skills, powers of motivation and his ability to get on with so many different individuals in a squad established him as a first-rate coach.
He was involved in many other areas of school life, too. As well as his admirable qualities in the classroom as an English teacher, Frank proved himself to be a most competent rugby coach with the Under 12s, (although to this day I have still to see him referee a match) and on the pastoral side of school life he had spells as an assistant tutor in School House and as a Fourth Form master.
We will miss his constant supply of stories and jokes, his good company and his VW camper van. He leaves us to take up the post of Cricket Coach at W.R.G.S. Our loss is undoubtedly their gain.
help and assistance my life as Bursar would have been impossible.
In addition he has been a good friend to the School and myself and has given of his time freely and willingly. King's Day and the Fete are but a few to mention where his help and organisation has made the events run smoothly.
Notorious for waiting outside No. 4 Castle Place to greet both staff and pupils alike, he will be greatly missed. His jokes depend on your sense of humour.
We wish Norman and Vera a long and very happy retirement. As the School approaches the millennium, I hope he will be remembered for his considerable contribution over the last fifteen years in helping us achieve those objectives which we now take for granted.
This year the school has welcomed nine new melmbers of staff
The Reverend Dr. Mark Dorsett joined the school as Chaplain and Head of Religious Studies in April this year. Mark and his wife Gill moved to Worcester from a parish in east Birmingham where they had been for three years. Mark studied Theology and Church History at the Universities of Wales and Birmingham and in 1990 completed a doctoral thesis on the Church of England and modern British Politics. He has published work in this field in Britain and in Germany. Mark trained for the priesthood at Ripon College, Cuddesdon, where he was a very unsuccessful member of the soccer team.
Margaret Baird has joined the Classics Department to teach part-time. She graduated in Classics at St. Anne's College, Oxford and completed her P.G.C.E. at King's College, London. We hope she will be able to offer some much needed help to school rowing as at Oxford she gained a Rowing Half Blue. Margaret taught at Malvern Girls' College from 1989 to 1992 and then in Nairobi until 1994. She is married and has one daughter.
Nichola Cain has arrived to teach part-time Art and Design in the Junior School. She studied Furniture and Environmental Design for her degree at Birmingham Polytechnic and then worked for four years as a cabinet maker, before gaining her P.G.C.E. in Design and Technology at Wolverhampton Polytechnic. Nichola has taught at Nunnery Wood H.S. and Studley H.S. and lists her interests as walking, keep-fit and horse riding.
Sarah Creher is to teach Girls' Games and P.E., also on aparttime basis. She is also currently teaching P.E. and Games at St. James and the Abbey, Malvern, where she has been for the last five years. Previous teaching posts have been at Malvern Girls' College and Otorohanga College in New Zealand whilst taking a year out to travel. She is married with two small boys and is a particularly keen sailor, as well as enjoying all other sports.
The Biology department welcomes Nicole Featherstone who graduated from Hull University after being at school here at King's. Past jobs include officer training at the Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst and spells as a medical saleswoman and estate agent. Nicki's current interests include the Territorial Army (she is a Captain), hockey and 'going out on the town'.
Another newcomer to the Biology department is Angela Kirton who is to teach part-time. Before training as a teacher with the Open University and taking up her first teaching job at Hereford Sixth Form College in 1995, Angela studied Zoology at the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne then completed her PhD in Vertebrate Palaeontology. She is married with three children and as they have grown she has encouraged them to keep pets: the present collection includes nine tarantulas (and the live crickets they feed on), several stick insects, Giant African Land Snails, a Madagascan Hissing Cockroach and two rats. When she has any free time Angela tries to fit in some swimming in a desperate attempt to keep fit.
Becky Mash is to teach part-time Art and Design. She studied for her M.A. at the Royal College of Art, in Fine Art Printmaking, and now juggles teaching with producing work and exhibiting. Becky enjoys swimming, collecting teapots and visiting the theatre and cinema. She also has a 1957 Austin A35 called Hector in which she is learning to drive.
Michael Prowle has joined the English department. He studied English Literature at King's College, Cambridge then taught for a year at St. John's School, Leatherhead before doing a MPhil at Manchester University. Whilst there he worked as an assistant warden at Mount Street Quaker House and he still attends meetings (when not sleeping or playing football). A fanatical Leeds Utd. supporter (he was once mascot), Michael is interested in Modern Cinema, watches almost all TV (he wants to appear on 'Telly Addicts') and is very keen on modern American fiction, on the subject of which he hopes to write a PhD.
Jon Whitehouse is to be the new Head of the C.D.T. department. Jon attended Nottingham University where he gained a degree in Design and Technology, and his last post before joining King's was at Christ's Hospital, West Sussex where he was Head of Department for the last two years. Married to Lucy who is a Chartered Physiotherapist, Jon's interests centre around outdoor activities. Recent ventures include trips to French and Swiss Alpine regions on walking and hutting tours and skiing trips to the French resort of Val Thorens, and he is a frequent visitor to North Wales and the Lake District. He also enjoys rock climbing and abseiling and down at ground level he is a keen but inconsistent golfer. Current interests include the renovation of his house near Pershore.
If young people want to get on in this world they have to have more about them than academic qualifications. It was with this in mind that The King's School Himalayan Club was formed in 1991. The aim of the club is to train pupils in the art of mountain craft, orienteering and leadership culminating in a month long expedition to Nepal. They gain a great deal from this experience in terms of personal development and it only seems right that they, from their privileged upbringing, give something to the people of Nepal in return.
In order to initiate an effective aid programme we contacted the Sir Edmund Hillary Himalayan Trust. George Lowe is the UK Chairman and has been most helpful in pointing us in the right direction. It is all very well having missionary eagerness but if that eagerness is not channelled correctly it becomes ineffective. George willingly accepted the post of Patron to the King's School Himalayan Club, thus making our ties even closer.
On previous expeditions we have taken out aid for schools and hospitals, but for this expedition we were to be the aid. We were to spend a week working in the school at Khumjung and the hospital at nearby Khunde and any money raised by us was to be invested in people rather than goods. Hence we are able to sponsor a Sherpa student through university. He is studying Environmental Science, with the intention of returning to the Khumbu community when qualified.
So, with our aims clearly defined, a group of twelve boys, three staff and a doctor set out in mid-March on the school's third expedition to Nepal. Although the trails of the Khumbll are well trodden, it was a voyage of discovery for many in the party. Whilst in Kathmandu we met Mingma Gyalzen Sherpa, the student we are sponsoring along with Ang Rita, of the Himalayan Trust. It was he who first alerted us to the damage done by snow to the school's Assembly Hall and that we might like to work on that during our time in Khumjung. The rest of our stay in Kathmandu was spent soaking up the atmosphere.
Soon we were flying to Lukla for the start of twenty six days in the mountains. By the time we reached Namche Bazaar we found ourselves in several inches of snow, unusual for this time of year, but then it has been a most unusual year in the Himalayas, weather wise. For the next few days the weather seemed to be in a pattern, giving us sunshine in the mornings and snow showers in the late afternoon and evenings.
On our arrival in Khumjung we presented the school with our many educational gifts and set to work on clearing the snow
Everest from Kala Pattar
damage from the Assembly Hall. It was not long before we were joined by a local work force from the village and it was gratifying to see the two teams working together. Only half the group worked on the building at any one time. The rest were in the classrooms leading English conversation sessions with the pupils. This had a dual purpose. Firstly, it was hoped that the pupils' English might be enhanced through the experience, and secondly, we wanted to assess what their hopes and aspirations were as a result of education and through rubbing shoulders with tourists.
To me, the second was important because since I first visited the region in 1993, I had seen some changes and influences which give cause for concern. Khumjung, Khunde and Namche Bazaar now have a reliable electricity supply. Not all buildings have benefited from it; none has been supplied to the school, but many of the lodges now sport satellite dishes and possess T.V. and video machines. Who has convinced them that these are essential items? The new bakery at Khumjung was supported by Western money, presumably for the benefit of Western tourists. Surely the needs of the local community are far more substantial than T.V, pizza and chocolate cake. Surely, if we are to provide financial backing it must be for essential projects and not just make them more aware of the differences in our cultures.
Three of our boys were doing some painting work at the hospital at Khunde. Our doctor was also lending a hand with the medical work. Whilst they were there a Sherpani was to have an operation to remove a huge lump of fat from her leg. Jim Litch, an American doctor who summited on Everest last year and had returned to work at the clinic at Pheriche for a month, was also there to lend a hand. The boys were invited to down tools and watch the proceedings, and one even had the stomach to photograph the whole event. Interestingly, everybody in the room. apart from the patient, was wearing climbing boots!
From Namche we progressed up the Khumbu to Lobouche. Here, the snow was deep, and the fact that it had lain thickly, on frozen ground, for several months meant that much of the rubbish, created by the various trekking and climbing expeditions, was heaped in a large pile. Lobouche was heaving with expedition groups trying to forge their way through the deep snow. My previous memories of Lobouche were shattered by the overcrowding and the stench of rotting matter.
Because of the snow, yaks could not go beyond Lobouche, so, travelling light, we continued to Kala Pattar. The views were stunning and Everest towered proudly above 11s.We were justifiably proud of our achievement as we returned to Gorak Shep.
light load. When he did eventually return at about 7.30pm he was in a bad way. Not only was he suffering from hypothermia but he was showing other signs of distress. By 8.00 he was unconscious. Fortunately our doctor immediately diagnosed Acute Cerebral Oedema. His life expectancy suddenly plummeted to about eight to ten hours. Arrangements were made to take him to a lower altitude. At 12.30am the doctor knocked on the door of the clinic at Pheriche and our porter was placed in a Gamow Bag to ensure and speed his recovery. Fortunately, he did recover. The next day he was able to give us the full story. Instead of just going up to Gorak Shep he was employed by one of the Everest expeditions to take a load up to Base Camp. He had never been so high before and he was improperly dressed for the job. The combination of these two factors, plus the length of time it takes to go back and - -
Meese rejlecting on a success:fill ascent of' Gokyo Ri forth with a blizzard in progress led to his condition and near
The next day we set off to travel along the Khumbu Glacier
death. I am sure he not have survived without Our to ,,isit camp. was fascinating to hear it creak and doctor's help. This young and inexperienced porter nearly lost groan in the early morning sunshine and some of the ice his life for the sake of 150 Rupees (about &1.90)!
formations were incredible. Base Camp was a mass of tents as eleven expeditions made preparation for an assault on Everest. I couldn't help but comment that, with so many on the mountain, someone would die. Sadly, all too soon, my prediction came true.
Towards late afternoon, in a blizzard, we trudged tired, but well satisfied, into Lobouche. Out of the ten hours we had spent walking that day, nine of them had been above 5,000m. As the light faded it became apparent that one of our porters was missing. He had been sent up to Gorak Shep to collect a
Himalayan peaks in the background
Drama over, we descended out of the snow into warm sunshine. Our next target was to go up the Gokyo Valley to climb Gokyo Ri. Again we were faced with deep snow in the upper reaches of the valley and again yaks could not carry the loads. We all fell frequently through the hard crust and found ourselves waist deep. It was funny to begin with but when it happens often it becomes energy sapping. A couple of us followed a porter. He was no more than five feet tall, yet he was carrying an enormous load. When he fell through the snow he was immediately immobilised by the weight he was carrying. Two of us would lift it from him, pull him out and then it would take three of us to lift the load back into position! These are truly a remarkable people who so willingly take on such hardship with little reward.
If the view from the top of Kala Pattar was stunning, then there are not adequate words to describe the view from the top of Gokyo Ri. The latter is more of a peak and you do have the feeling that although not on top of the world, you are pretty damn near. A 360 degree mountain vista which would be hard to match anywhere else in the world. Our descent was a little bit like celebrating the end of term. There were high spirits and much bottom sliding on the snow. We had set out to achieve a number of targets and every member of the team had succeeded.
On the march out we called again at the school in Khumjung
to see how the rebuilding work was progressing. Amazingly, it
was finished and was being put to good use again after several
Sir Edmund Hillary chatting informally arld sigrrirlg autographs was one of the many highlights
months of inactivity. Two days afterwards Sir Edmund Hillary was to visit the school on his annual tour of Himalayan Trust projects.
Our return to Kathmandu after twenty six days in the
mountains saw us gorging ourselves with meat and rushing around doing as much shopping as our money and time would allow. So many items of clothing were to be embroidered before our return to the UK. It was a form of celebration. And, why not? We had achieved a great deal, possibly more than we had intended, and a feeling of euphoria surrounded the group.
It was exciting to meet George Lowe (our Patron) and his wife, Mary who were about to embark on a trek of their own. However, the icing on top of a very good cake was the opportunity to meet and talk with Sir Edmund Hillary himself. He was very affable and appreciative of our efforts for the Trust.
The expedition over, the King's School Himalayan Club does not sit still. Already, there are thirty young people training, with the help and support of The Leadership Trust, for a similar expedition in 1998, whilst in 1997 a group of parents are trekking in the Langtang. Why should children have all the fun?
John Walton (Expedition Leader)
The year began with the departure of Flight Lieutenant Reeves to concentrate on the running of the maths department. He has served the section admirably over the past eleven years and his 'interesting' and somewhat euphemistic interpretations of camp programmes will be sorely missed. Fortunately we were able to secure the services of Flight Lieutenant Reid-Johnson whose encyclopaedic knowledge of the Royal Air Force has been invaluable over the past year.
A new addition to the RAF programme has been the introduction of an annual camp at Easter. This year some of us were fortunate enough to return to RAF St. Athan (where our previous summer's camp had been) and once again to dice with death as we paraded on the same square as the trainee military vehicle drivers. Unfortunately the MV drivers were complete with 10 ton lorries and to the cynical observer it may have appeared as though they were actually trying to run over cadets!
The summer was a successful term for all. Cadets Baker, Burrows, Jones, Langley, Robinson and van Zyl successfully completed their part two badges and cadets Burdon, Hawkes, Madden, Parker, Ranson and Summers finalised their part one awards. Flight Sergeant Hearnshaw qualified for the RAF selection course at RAF Cranwell as part of his application to join the RAF as a fast jet pilot. Links with the school Army section were also consolidated with myself forming part of the school CCF shooting team to compete in the National Schools final at Kingsbury.
Over the past two years we have been flying in Chipmunks from RAF Colerne in the south of Bristol. All the pilots and ground crew have had the chance to form a team of unequalled experience and excellence. Instead of the allocated 20 minutes it has been commonplace for flights to have lasted over an hour. The enthusiasm of everyone at the base is apparent and has made for some of the most enjoyable and entertaining flying days we are likely to see in these times of extensive defence cutbacks.
This year has also seen the phasing out of the De Havilland Chipmunk. This most venerable of aircraft has been taking RAF cadets Air Experience Flying for nigh on 30 years. Its replacement has come in the form of the Scottish Aviation
Bulldog. This new aircraft offers more power, greater visibility and superb aerobatic ability. Its modern design and tricycle undercarriage will mean cadets, as well as being able to fly the aircraft once airborne, will be able to 'follow through' control movements and learn how to land and take off the aircraft.
Our annual summer camp was at RAF Benson in the heart of Oxfordshire, shared with cadets from Portsmouth and Bristol Grammar Schools. On arrival at the base we noticed a line of tents. One comment that issued from the back seat of the minibus was, "Which idiots would stay in tents like those in a place like this? Ha, ha!" Yup. you've guessed it, these were to be our humble abodes for the next five days, come rain or shine. Meanwhile much disgust was shown by the officers as they were told they would also have to sleep in tents until rooms became free for them to 'slob it' in the officers' mess. The combination of tented accommodation and a high pressure fire hose was bound to cause trouble and on the last night two senior NCOs WHO SHOULD HAVE KNOWN BETTER AND SHALL REMAIN NAMELESS ambushed the party of happy campers returning from the camp 'disco'. Fortunately the ensuing 'riot' was not witnessed by senior officers as they were too busy imbibing the intoxicating liqueurs that we had taken the liberty of providing them with (presented to them under the pretext of an end of camp thank you gift). Even if at no other time, the privilege of having been able to fly around the sunbathed countryside of rural Oxfordshire in Bulldogs and one memorable flight in a Wessex, was really brought
home. The week was superbly run and everyone, be they cadets or officers, agreed it was an excellent camp. Everyone was sorrowful that both the camp and RAF for the 1995 academic year was coming to an end.
Even after having attended four camps with the school I still do not fail to be impressed with the way that King's School cadets continually draw a multitude of compliments on their high standards of drill and turnout. The alacrity of the King's School cadets is a credit, both to them and to the school.
As some parents may be aware we are trying to expand the RAF section numbers. We are forming a gliding club for members of the RAF section and stronger links with the Worcester canoe club will enable us to take part in new activities. Membership of the RAF section also counts towards the service section of the Duke of Edinburgh Silver and Gold awards and we hope to see many more cadets taking part in both of these activities. We are all looking forward to 1997 and the new challenges, people and (weather permitting) flying that it will bring.
Cdt. Sgt. Alistair Hill
Morale in the contingent remains high. Recruitment is buoyant, the N.C.0.s enthusiastic, committed and well organised and the cadets willing and able.
C.S.M. Dominic Doherty (Sixth Form Army Scholar), Staff Sgts. Gould, Sturt, Clubley and Harvey set the pattern last year and C.S.M. Brazier and his N.C.0.s are continuing to lead by example. Easter adventurous training at the Old Chapel under the command and control of Captain Brian Griffiths proved a great success. Our thanks to Des Marshal1 (caveing), Captain Jonathan Martin and Roger Launchberry (climbing), Keith Pierce (canoeing) and Mike Stevens (expedition) for their first class instruction.
This year's summer military central camp was held at Saint Martin's Plain Training Camp, Folkestone. Directing staff were Lt. Col. S. R. Davies, Captain B. Griffiths, Lt. M. D. Rudge, Lt. N. Featherstone and Sgt. Hinds; the senior N.C.0.s
accompanying were Staff Sgts. Sturt, Harvey, Gould and Clubley. During the week the fifty cadets undertook canoeing, orienteering, infantry, signals and engineering packages, competitions and exercises. The big contingent run overnight exercise proved very popular with all. The senior N.C.0.s acted as enemy whilst two platoons under the command of Oliver Doherty and Jon Turner set up harbour areas and sent out night 'recce' patrols. Despite the fact that one patrol got lost the necessary intelligence was gathered and successful dawn attacks mounted. In the camp assault course/shoot competition the 'B' team of Staff Sgts. Sturt, Clubley and Could, senior cadets Dale and Smith and cadet Matthew Godwin can out as overall winners. The 'A' team of senior cadets Turner, Doherty, Cowers, Ludlow, Brookes and Brazier set a record for the assault course - it's a pity that they chose to shoot through battle sights! A day trip to France with a drill session halfway through the Channel Tunnel conducted in Franglais was a fitting climax to an excellent camp.
The small bore shooting team finished third in last winter's National Schools League division four with Toby Roscoe finishing fifth best shot in the league. The squad also beat Malvern College in a head to head. At the time of writing the team is top of the league and shooting well. Toby Roscoe,
Peter Lau and Alistair Hill have been invited to shoot for the Worcestershire Regiments Association in the senior league. Our thanks to Sgt. Hinds for his patience and coaching expertise.
Congratulations to former cadets Major Paul Bassett (R.E.) and Major Richard Westley (R.W.F.) on being decorated with Military crosses for service in Bosnia.
Congratulations to: 2 Lt. Andy Sturt (Gurkhas) and 2 Lt. Jo Harvey (R.S.) on being awarded Short Service Limited Commissions. Andy passed out as top cadet from the ninety four strong course at Sandhurst and joins his regiment in Brunei
in November 1996. Jo passed out as one of only three "exceptional" cadets. He will be joining his regiment in the Falkland Islands after a course at the Royal School of Signals in Blandford.
Well done also to Staff Sgts. Oliver Doherty, Adam Smith, Christian Dale and Peter Lau for the first class reports we received on them following their Leadership Courses at Frimley Park. We wish Staff Sgt. Oliver Doherty every success as he goes forward to the final Sixth Form Scholarship selection board.
Our thanks to C.S.M. Brazier, Staff Sgts. Smith, Sturt, Poole and Lau, Cpl. McFee and senior cadets Brookes and Ludlow for their efforts in the District March and Shoot competition.
Thanks to Capt. David Pearson (W.F.R.) and 37 CTT for their help and support and to WO1 McMillan our Administrative Assistant at 143 Brigade. We look forward to another successful year in which a biennial inspection will be conducted.
If you are a former cadet and now a serving officer please let us know. S. R. Davies Lt. Col. O.C.
This past year has been a successful one for Silver DOE, due DOE is not an activity solely for hardy outdoor types, nor in no small measure to the commitment and determination of should it be. It should appeal to a wider spectrum of people, the candidates many of whom will, I hope, go on to complete those who have a desire to get up and do something, who find the award. 15 pupils began the year, many of them having the going tough at times, but who nevertheless persevere and, previously taken part in the Bronze award, with 12 pupils at the end, have a real sense of achievement. It is rare that I continuing throughout the year and taking their qualifying receive an account of an expedition that conveys this idea so expedition in the summer. well: the following is one of the most perceptive and insightful I have in the past outlined in detail the programme of events; pieces of writing on this subject that I have seen. Anybody by now I would think it would be fairly well known. In brief, thinking of taking up DOE would do well to read expedition training was started in the first half of the Autumn D.G.W. term, with expert tuition from BG and MAS. This was followed in November by a successful first practice walk over 12 miles of the Worcestershire Countryside. Hereford and Worc Road Safety department took over in the second part of the term, providing us with a programme of talks and activities designed to satisfy the conditions of the Service part of the award. LMG was involved in the necessary liaison with that department, a task which has become increasingly difficult this past few years as local government reorganisation has meant that Road Safety has, within a short space of time, been moved from Worcester to Malvern (where they had a purpose built complex, well equipped and well run) and back to Worcester: keeping tabs on their movements has been a job in itself.
In the Spring term attention turned to the second practice expedition in the Black Mountains. which occurred at the beginning of the Easter break and went according Lo plan.
The Summer term saw the completion of the expedition training. We have, in the past couple of years, started to use the Lake District as the venue for our qualifying expedition, rather than returning to the -Black Mountains. Though this latter area has proved convenient over the years, there is no denying the attractions of the more varied scenery and more demanding routes in the lakes, quite apart from the fact that JTW is an accredited assessor for the Lake District panel, and can therefore act in his official capacity on these occasions. The difficult terrain was handled well by the pupils, who achieved their objectives maintaining an excellent sense of humour throughout and, despite the blisters and weariness, having a very good time. BG, MAS, and SPG accompanied the party as supervisors. In the past twelve months four pupils have received their award. They are:
Abbas Kazerooni Ben Panter
Suzanna Malik Colin Thompson
Congratulations to them! Here's hoping for even greater success this coming year.
I am not exactly the 'outdoor type' and I cannot truly say that I am even particularly sporty. In fact, before deciding to do, or rather attempt, this award the only walking I had ever done was in the form of the occasional, and I use the word rather freely if I am entirely honest, stroll on the Malvern Hills, usually more for the purpose of having a picnic in the sunshine than for the challenge of the walking itself. As for camping, spending the night in a tent in my garden with a few friends when I was ten years old was as close as I had ever got. Although my garden may have been slightly overgrown, wild country it was not and furthermore there was always the possibility of a retreat to the house if it was too cold and the prospect of a warm breakfast, cooked by my mother, in the morning. With this far from experienced camping background I have often wondered what inspired me to do The Duke of Edinburgh Silver Award, and, in retrospect, I must conclude that I stumbled on it more by luck than judgement. Certainly, I had very little idea of what it would entail and this was perhaps, at the time, for the best.
To me the word 'expedition' was akin with adventure and evoked an image in my mind which was a cross between the Famous Five books which I had read as a child and an episode of Blue Peter which was centred around two children who went to the North Pole. In the weeks and days which led up to our departure for the Lake District, as our group meticulously planned the course which we would take, calculated appropriate distances and times, counted contours and filled in route cards, I soon discovered that there was a little more to the expedition than I had at first envisaged in my childish fantasy. However, it was not until I was sitting in the minibus, surrounded by the rest of my group and a multitude of rucksacks, karrimats and walking boots that I finally realised, as the countryside changed from relatively flat to mountainous, that the time had come to actually do that which we had been planning for so long. I must admit that my initial admiration of the beauty of the Lake District was soon replaced by sheer disbelief, perhaps even vague denial, knowing that I would soon be faced with the task of climbing the vast peaks which so effortlessly dominated my view.
Having arrived at our campsite Lucy and I struggled to assemble our tent, a task which proved somewhat of an intelligence test, impeded slightly by heavy rain of which we had been forewarned. However, the novelty of staying in a tent disappeared with the daylight and the first night passed by painfully slowly. As sleeping that night seemed an impossible task, we abandoned the idea at 5am and decided instead to prepare for the day ahead. Looking back, I think that that morning was perhaps the lowest point of the entire expedition. Although I was packed and ready to go in that respect by 8am, physically the only place I wanted to go was back to bed, sorely regretting my lack of sleep and feeling less than optimistic about the day's walking before me.
It was clear from the outset of the day that there was a spread of abilities within our group, with Lucy and I, collectively known as 'the girls', being by far the weakest and least experienced in such a situation. For this reason we were given a map between us and pushed straight to the front of the group, a position which, owing to a small navigational error, we did not hold for very long. Due to a considerable downpour, we arrived at the foot of the first hill of the expedition already wet and in a full set of waterproofs at around mid-morning. I had been aware constantly that we would have to climb the hills sooner or later and so finally reaching them came as somewhat of a relief to me. This
particular hill was, I learnt, called Cat Bells, a name which at the time meant nothing to me, but now evokes such strong memories that I doubt I will ever forget it. Initially, the problem was only that of tiredness and boredom but as we climbed higher although the former complaint remained, weather conditions caused the latter to be impossible. I cannot possibly even begin to explain what it was like climbing that hill. Every step and every move required such complete concentration that a lapse of even one moment resulted in a gust of wind causing me to lose my footing or even slip down the rocks into the path of the person below me. That is not to say that I disliked the experience. To the contrary I enjoyed the challenge and having reached the top, despite the buffeting of the wind, felt a peculiar sense of power and exhilaration. The rest of the day was in the form of a series of ups and downs, struggling against the perpetual wind, and dominated more and more by a desire to reach the campsite. Having steeply descended from the hills, following the rolling path of a small stream, we reached a road, our first semblance of civilisation in many hours. Although I should have felt relieved, by this stage exhaustion had well and truly caught up on me and defeatism began to take hold. By the time we reached the campsite I was so tired that all I wanted to do was curl up and go to sleep. There was, however, work to be done and so Lucy and I resentfully began to assemble our tent. Surprisingly, despite the fact that each move seemed to take forever, this task we completed relatively quickly and we were soon sitting inside the tent, boiling water for our cups of hot chocolate and vehemently ignoring the boys' requests for us to 'stop being boring' and come and swim in the stream.
In this situation, for the first time the startling differences between the sexes became blatantly obvious and the separation between 'the girls' and 'the boys' which had been previously denied existence came into view. That is not to say that I resented being seen as the 'weaker sex', at that time, feeling tired and vulnerable, all my feminist views faded into obscurity and I would have been happy to let the boys take control and provide for us. They, however, fortunately or unfortunately as the case may be, had other ideas and informed us that, if we wished to sit by the fire, we would have to collect wood ourselves. Faced with this revelation we were forced to leave the sanctuary of our warm tent to rummage around in the brambles looking for firewood. That night, with my new appreciation of the true implications of equal rights and on a meal of plain spaghetti (we had intended to have a sauce to go with it but by the time it was cooked, due to a slight lack of organisation on our part, we had already eaten the pasta!), for the first time in my life I actually slept the whole night through in my tent.
Having to be actually woken up in the morning came as refreshing change as, in the past, I have never been able to even get to sleep let alone fall so deeply. This development may have been down solely to sheer exhaustion, I however viewed it a definite improvement on my part. Either way, I started the second day on a considerably more optimistic note than the first, actually looking forward to the day ahead. The route today meant that we were to retrace the path of a stream up to Greenup Edge. As this climb was relatively gradual and drawn out I soon grew bored and so began to tire. I often found that my tiredness resulted from a loss of the will to go on, caused primarily by boredom or the monotony of the repetitive crawl which I adopted to go up hill and for this reason I ,somewhat surprisingly found myself longing for
something a little more raw and exposed. I did not have to wait long before we were once again faced with a steep climb up a rocky incline, a challenge which, although hard work, was immensely satisfying.
We had lunch by the side of a small waterfall and for the first time I was able fully to appreciate the beauty of the area in which we were walking. We were surrounded all around by hills of such immense power, mighty and awe-inspiring, but we were sitting on the bank of a waterfall, less imposing, more tranquil and yet with a beauty no less powerful. I had never before been to a place where I could witness simultaneously such extremes, such contrasts. If I am honest I did not even know such sights existed in England; sights which were well worth the pain of the climb to witness.
After a fairly easy afternoon we arrived at our last campsite at Rydal. I must admit that for the latter part of the afternoon Lucy and I had been map reading, urged by the rest of the group to be more confident and decisive, and we were, as usual during the last hour of each day, becoming slightly weary when we made a small navigational error which, had it not been noticed by other members of the group, would have resulted in us arriving considerably later than planned. As it was we were only half an hour behind schedule. On arriving we slipped into the routine which was now habitual, first putting up the tent, then sorting out what we would need for the evening and taking it out of our bags and finally unwinding with a cup of hot chocolate. I had discovered that the key to camping was, in our case at least, good organisation.
Cooking that night seemed like an undue effort. However, encouraged by the sight of the numerous mess tins of supernoodles which surrounded us, we finally conceded to adding water to our own little delicacy. The campsite itself was incomparable to that to which we had so far become accustomed and the presence of mirrors, despite the fact that my image was somewhat disturbing, and toilet paper in the toilets made a thoroughly welcome change.
After yet another unbelievably restful night's sleep, I awoke on my last day feeling a little dubious. I had been warned that today's walking would not be easy. My ears echoed with the name Fairfield and over my head towered the nightmarish vision of a never ending climb up an incline the likes of which had never before been experienced by any walker. This was, of course, not entirely the case but I was unsure quite what else to expect. As soon as we left the campsite the uphill trek
began. Having become accustomed to a few miles of flat walking prior to reaching the hills, I found suddenly being faced with the task of climbing such a steep slope thoroughly hard work and it seemed like an eternity before we reached Heron Pike, our first check point. Feeling exhausted already and knowing that this hill was only the first of many, I began to feel a little depressed, doubting whether I was capable of completing the day. However, once we had reached the top of the next hill and Fairfield had come into sight, showing itself to be far less daunting than I had imagined, my desire to carry on returned once more, this time with a vengeance, and it seemed like no time at all before we were picking our way through the rocks at its summit. From here our route had us negotiating an interesting rocky descent, during which I slipped countless times, much to the dismay of my group. For me the worst part of this day was the last 4km which we had to walk having descended from the hills to reach the minibus. I know that this stage of the journey should have been a welcome relief but I felt decidedly otherwise. My exhaustion, however, soon melted away to be replaced by happy relief when I finally saw our finishing point.
I must admit that prior to going on the expedition I could not see the attraction of walking up hills; how enjoyment could possibly be obtained from something so painful was a mystery to me. Reaching the top of Fairfield has changed my opinions considerably. Although I can still think of ways in which I would rather spend my time, I am hard pushed to think of an activity more rewarding. I know that to most people the mere bit of walking which I did during the three days would seem a little pathetic, but for me the sense of achievement is superior to anything which I have ever done before. I cannot explain the sensation I felt as I was sitting in the minibus, staring out of the window at the hills as they rolled by, having completed the expedition. Despite my utter exhaustion, I felt radiant. I did not care about the dirty, sweaty state which I was in. I actually felt proud of myself, proud of what I had accomplished. Furthermore, I think that during the expedition I learnt of the importance of teamwork. Had we not all stuck together and helped and encouraged each other in times of difficulty, I, for one, would certainly not have been able to complete the expedition.
All in all, despite the fact that at times I truly wanted to give up, I feel that I totally enjoyed the expedition and would certainly, if given the chance, do it again.
For some years now, the Sub Aqua club has been growing in fresh water prawns bcing mesmerised by the powerful beams of numbers, and our stock of kit has been rising to match. Until the underwater torches; Octopush in the swimming pool recently, the kit has been stored in the Choir House cellar brought all members of the club together. (courtesy of several House Masters, most recently J.P.B.M.). At the end of the Spring term, the novices and instructors This has proved increasingly cramped, so it was with a sense left KSW before dawn cracked, and made the annual outing to of considerable relief that at the beginning of the year we finally were able to move to a vastly more spacious area in Castle House, which has facilities previously only dreamed of, such as a tap to wash down the kit etc.
The year also started very well with an influx of 10 very keen new members from the Upper Remove, who took to diving like fishes to water. We were also delighted when Dr Willmer and Mrs Allcott came to Try a Dive - and signed up for training!
The Autumn and Spring terms passed in their usual very active way - pool training provided a focus for the novices who gained in expertise rapidly; night dives at Stoney Cove were very well supported, and proved great fun, plenty of fish and
Brixham, for their first sea dive. Very cold it was too (or so I am told, as I was in the Himalayas, somewhere...).
In the Summer term, we turned our attention to getting into the water "for real". For many of our new novices, this means Hollybush, a shallow quarry on the southern end of the Malvern Hills. Its accessibility is its main recommendation, but it has proved useful for open water training which we otherwise could not provide. Novices were very well served; they became "focused on the task in hand, changing rapidly for their training exercises in navigation, or managing a "surface marker buoy", or "blob". There is nothing like using a compass in something that closely resembles pea soup to focus one's mind on the job in hand! Ben Panter, James Daniell and G.S.C. also tried their hands at a "rescue scenario", where the instructors set up an "incident", for which the leader of the group had to direct the rescue operations. When Robin Johnson got "lost in a wreck at 50 metres", we knew that we were in for an exciting time; the wreck may have looked very like a World War 2 ambulance, and my depth gauge read 5 m (it may have been wrong), but the visibility inside was virtually zero, and it was actually quite difficult to find the body! We only just got there as he ran out of air, too!
Still, the main attraction of diving is getting out and looking at life and other things in the sea, and we made several weekend expeditions; for two we intended to go to Plymouth; the third was planned for the Pembrokeshire Coast, but the weather was terrible in the end, so we had to go to Plymouth again.
Leaving immediately after school on Friday, getting back at midnight on Sunday, and getting wet in between is not everyone's idea of a good time, but the diving weekends this year have been excellent. We have been fortunate again to borrow the Worcester BS-AC RIBS, which enables us to get to dive sites quickly and easily (even with various members of the club at the helm). The James Egan Layne, a WW2 wreck, is a "must", combining a marvellous scenic dive (plumose anemones, starfish etc.) with a fascinating and safe introduction to wreck diving. We get down to 20 metres, and swim through the holds of the ship, identifying its cargo, in the company of shoals of fish. Coming back along the deck is memorable, as you can see the other divers below you. Lovely stuff! Over 20 members of the club attended at least one weekend dive during this year - a record.
This summer, we tried something new - a week diving in Falmouth during the holidays. Camping in glorious weather, we had some superb and challenging diving, visiting wrecks and reefs, including one of my favourite dives, the "Hera", a 19th Century barque wrecked north of Falmouth. It has everything; fish (one area you seem to be swimming in an aquarium of varicoloured fish), plant life (anemones and rather nastily named, but very elegant "dead man's fingers"), crustaceans (crabs and lobsters) as well as an interesting wreck
to explore. On another d~ve,we tound a tunnel underneath a rocky outcrop. Unfortunately for Rose Panter, who was leading the dive at the time, it also contained a very lively seal, which looked (in the gloom) like a shark...
We also tried our hand at 'hard boat' diving, and hired a fishing vessel which took us to the dive sites. All agreed that this was a more comfortable way of getting to a dive.
During this week, we did not neglect the training, and I would like to congratulate Rachel Bannon, Rose Panter and Henry Willmott on attaining their Sports Diver grade.
None of this would have been possible without the considerable time and expertise donated by our regular crew of diving Instructors - thank you to Robin Johnson, Iain Friend, Trevor Rees and Alan Thirlby, who all turn out every week to support the Tuesday training, as well as the more exciting trips. Thanks also to DGW, who has lent his support during dive trips, and GSC, who has managed to organise the unorganisable and keep the membership files in order.
Particular thanks are due to David Petersen, our diving officer for the past 3 years, who has given generously of his time and expertise to make our diving both safe and exciting. During this period, our membership, and the number of dives, have increased enormously. He has decided that the time has come for someone else to sample the pleasures of being D.O., and he has handed over to John Kingsley (father of Ian Kingsley (W)). Welcome to John, and I wish him well.
That's also 'it' from me - I'm hanging up my 'flippers' at the end of this (winter) term, but you'll have to wait until the next Vigornian for the tale of my "swan song" - the sub-aqua club is off to the Red Sea at half term (only a few days away, at the time of writing) - watch this space!
The King's School Salling Club has progressed well during the year. Mr. Roslington's hard work keeping the boats in order has provided us with six serviceable Larks (two-man dinghies) and a Laser (single-hand dinghy), of which experienced sailors and beginners alike can take charge, sailing on the River Avon near Bredon.
Sailing techniques such as 'roll-tacking' and 'roll-gybing' have been taught very professionally by Mr. Roslington and Sailing Club Captain William Whittaker, although judging by the 'in-the-reed' experiences, it appears that, as yet, some concepts have yet to be converted into practice.
As well as learning to sail, learning to work together as helm and crew, and racing against one another, many of the club members use the sailing time to release that 'mid-week' pressure by shattering the tranquil atmosphere at the Severn Sailing Club, whilst some boats just drift into the reeds of the riverbank. Whether this is intentional, no-one knows! We take on all winds, from near-to nothing to when the waves on the river begin to go white, although under these conditions words - -like 'tranquil' and 'drift' are not ones which spring to mind. forward to more races, more training sessions and more
After a few rather lean years during which numbers had 'cruises' to Twyning or Strensham, each of which contribute to fallen somewhat, we're pleased to have gained several new the variety of experiences that make up Wednesday afternoon members from both the Upper and Lower Sixth, so that the sailing. Club is now back to full strength of 14. We're now looking Jo Raine
The astronomy group, comprising a small number of enthusiastic pupils, enjoyed an active year in 1996. Saturday morning meetings involved talks on a variety of aspects of the subject and several projects were developed during these sessions, including one in which collaboration with Edinburgh University resulted in the ancient Greek method of measuring the size of the Earth using shadows. Visits included trips to the London Planetarium, the Aerospace Museum and the Powys Observatory, but the highlight was the group's participation in the Pupil Researcher Initiative conference at Keele University. This involved the pupils presenting their own project work to a host of delegates which included pupils from other schools, university research students and professors of physics! It was during this conference that the KSW Meteor Detector was given national airing on Radio 4's "Science Now". Quite fitting for a subject with universal appeal ...
This ha; been a special year for- The Society in that we celebrated the hundredth concert in the summer term. This included a performance of Mozart's 'Vesperae Solennes de Confessore' in which the soloists were Shulah Oliver, Amy Gasper, Alastair Brookshaw and Robert Webb. The programme opened with a commanding performance of Haydn's "Trumpet Concerto' where Nick Checketts was an excellent soloist accompanied by a small chamber orchestra. The audience for this was large, which was very encouraging and we hope that those who heard this splendid concert will come again next year. The concert was followed by a very successful supper. The rest of the year produced many enjoyable items in the four concerts. Again The Society is indebted to those who have left in the summer term: Nick Checketts, Rowan Diamond, Rachael Stokes, Lucinda Thomas, Amy Gasper and Naomi Preston have all given great service over the last few years.
The small Community Service group continued its series of jobs on Saturday morning, as part of our range of Saturday morning activities. The programme has included digging, decorating, visiting the elderly and the blind. We have assisted those working towards one of their Duke of Edinburgh Awards, and we have started to expand a little after a period of digging in, literally - as digging was for quite a long time our main activity.
We have had a very varied programme, in fact, - anything from decorating for a crippled gentleman who sometimes forgot that we were coming and made other arrangements, to digging for Tracey who had recently moved to a house in a neighbourhood in which she was greeted on her arrival by hostility from her neighbours We have had a lot of contact with a whole range of people from the entire social spectrum.
Since Reverend Charles left us, G.N.L. has been leading the group and has been able to use his extensive contacts among the College House boarders, some of whom have added to the numbers in the group and have been developing more contacts through visiting a blind lady in Warndon and a home for the elderly in North Worcester. We go out in the school minibus at 9.30 and return just before 12.00. There are at present five members of staff who take it in turns to drive the bus and join in the digging or decorating. We are very pleased that the Reverend Mark Dorsett has joined our group of staff drivers. We very much welcome more school members to join our group, even though we would probably need more buses and drivers to accommodate everyone. However we'll cross that bridge if and when we come to it.
Although attempts over the years to start a regular debating society have foundered, there are plenty of opportunities for would-be orators in the four inter-school competitions which we enter; this year, furthermore, they enjoyed more than usual success.
The English-speaking Union runs a nation-wide competition for pupils in the UR and 5th form, for which each school provides a chairman, a speaker and a third member who asks awkward questions of another team's speaker. In the first round, which was as far as we progressed, Adam Smith from the chair introduced Jonathan Wheal, who defended (I'm glad to say) the concept of CO-education, and Hannah Watts interrogated (in what the organisers insist is a "non-adversarial" way - shame!) a speaker who claimed that we treat our pets better than we treat children. After this initial experience the three participants will be eager to try their luck again as sixthformers.
The importance of composing motions which ordinary people can understand was illustrated when, in the Midland Schools Debating Contest, held in Birmingham, we were asked to oppose the motion that "the idea of the United Nations is a triumph of hope over experience". Abbas Kazerooni and Rebecca Symondson worked hard to find arguments in favour of the UN doing some quite useful work at times, only to discover that the proposers, too, were defending the organisation. Rebecca politely pointed out that the proposers had misinterpreted the motion, a view which seemed at one with that of the judges who awarded us a place in the second round. This time we had to argue against the rather obvious idea that the Princess of Wales should retire from public life; alas, not even Abbas and Rebecca, redoubtable arguers that they are, could manage that, and our interest did not extend to the third round.
On a similar topic another team had greater success, when Sam Pearse and Ed Johnson proposed that the monarchy should be abolished in the first round of the Observer-ESU (once Observer Mace) debating competition. The fact that they won through to the second round suggests that they spoke well, though I was out of the room at the time preparing to speak myself in yet another debate about the United Nations, since one of the other school teams had not turned up! At Abingdon, in the second round, I did indeed hear them as they defended genetic engineering; the combination of Sam's sweet reasonableness and Ed's fireworks was enough to put them in the Area Final at Taunton where they had to argue in favour of.yes, genetic engineering. There was a huge audience, mostly composed, it seemed, of born-again animal rights freaks who hated genetic engineering with the same moral fervour that I reserve for gum-chewing. Our team battled heroically against the forces of reaction, but the judges didn't see it that way and our progress towards the national final ground to a halt.
As though to emphasise the narrow range of available topics, the Worcester Rotary competition - a one-off affair with no further rounds to progress to - asked one of our teams to discuss whether the Princess of Wales should have given her Panorama interview. Oliver Doherty managed to speak fluently about this important subject, helped by David Suddock as his down-to-earth chairman and Matthew Michael (veteran of last year's ESU speaking competition for 5th formers) who was required to propose a vote of thanks to the speaker; they were all highly competent, hut so was the competition, including our other team which was placed third. This was chaired by
Anthony Cross, with Richard Milne giving the vote of thanks, but the highlight of the evening was the speech by Alex Lee (Lower Remove), who not only told us about the pros and cons of a statutory minimum wage but also handled questions from the floor with the aplomb of Kenneth Clarke; he was deservedly awarded the prize for best speaker.
All the participants performed competently, some on occasions superbly well, and all will feel that bit more confident when they have to speak in public again - perhaps at a time when convincing people of their views is no longer a game!
This year members of the Fourth Forms built a model of a Motte and Bailey Castle and The White Tower (The Tower of London). This model was of such monumental proportions that it has had to stay in the Sixth Form room (opposite Kittermaster House) because it was too big to fit through the door. For many weeks Mrs Roslington had been saving E3 DAZ boxes which eventually were stuck together by glue and sticky-tape to form the base which the two castles were to sit on. This was the start of a big project. Duncan Williams, D. Jonathan Richards, Richard Huzzey, Mark Southam, Adam Knowles, Jon Pinson and Freddie Speyer all took to this task, not knowing what they were in for.
Duncan and Jonathan built The Motte and Bailey castle which was made from an old 78 record, lots and lots of papier mache, corrugated cardboard, drinking straws and pins. Freddie and Adam constructed the White Tower, which was made from more DAZ boxes, and even more corrugated card board, not forgetting the plasticine for the buttresses. Mark and Duncan painted the mini-men and Richard and Jon finished the base and helped everyone else.
Many weekends and lunch times later, (and having to avoid "OLIVER" rehearsals) the castles were finished. We all enjoyed this terrific challenge (including Mrs Roslington) and it proved a great attraction on King's Day.
Freddie Speyer
The Lower Remove spent a day in Shropshire, experiencing the Industrial Revolution and Victorian England. We arrived at the little town of Ironbridge, which is the site of the first iron bridge across the River Severn, and went to look at the Coalbrookdale Iron works. This was the first coke powered furnace in the world. It had been built in 1638, but was taken over by Abraham Darby 1 in 1709 who, by his secret formula, used coke, a fuel made by the gradual burning of coal without oxygen, to smelt iron ore and began the wealth of his family and the whole area. The furnace is now covered with a glass and brick building, but you can see where the water wheel once powered the bellows.
We then went to Blists Hill which is the reconstruction of a town in about 1900 based on an old industrial site. The shopkeepers and workers all wear Victorian costume and you can use old money.
We walked first along the canal to the Hay Inclined Plane which was a system for taking tub boats carrying coal or ore up from the River Severn some 300 feet to the Shropshire Canal in about four minutes, saving at least three hours by locks. We then moved on to an engine winding house where a working steam engine lifted the cage up and down a mine shaft. The operator's job was very skilled and he was not allowed to drink alcohol because if he made a mistake many people could be killed. He told us that skilled men wore bowler hats while the labourers wore cloth caps. Of course he wore a bowler!
Then we walked back to the chemist's shop, which was also
the dentist. Many people could not read very well at this time so there were huge glass jars filled with coloured water which everyone would recognise as being the sign of the chemist. Here pills were hand made and we noticed the dentist's chair had very worn arms where patients had gripped them.
The candle factory was next. Before electricity everyone used candles. Here we saw the 'nodding donkey' dipping many candles into the molten wax. Green candles were made for the miners and white for use in people's homes. If a green candle was spotted in someone's house, it would be known it was stolen.
David and Sampson were next; they were massive steam engines with Greek columns as part of their design, but unfortunately they were not working so we went on to the Doctor's Surgery. The number of different operations the doctor could do was amazing, anything from delivering babies and extracting teeth to removing an appendix or tonsils.
The Spry, a River Severn boat used to carry coal. is being restored. It is now nearly completed and very impressive. The fairground was also a big attraction and there was a roundabout powered by a rotary action steam engine, invented by James Watt.
The last stop was the sweet shop where boiled sweets like those of the Victorian shops are sold. Everyone went in to buy humbugs, pear drops, acid drops and aniseed. The smell on the coach home was astonishing.
Jon Dimond and C.F.R.
Our first History Trip to the battlefields coincided with the 80th anniversary of the Battle of the Somme, when 20,000 men were killed on the first day. The group comprised 43 G.C.S.E. students from the Upper Remove who were studying the First World War and were keen to see the battle sites, and five members of staff. Our outward journey took us to France on Le Shuttle - a new experience for most of the company - then via the spectacular church and cemetery of Notre Dame de Lorrette, to the beautiful historic town of Arras for a drink and a guided tour of the underground tunnels. These are miles of chalk passages dating from medieval times, running under the town from where the Allies co-ordinated their operations during the war. The long day ended when we arrived at our destination, the Holiday Inn at Tournai in Belgium. The students were delighted to find that they could communicate via the intercom, had en suite bathrooms, and Eurosport. so they could watch the European Cup football.
The next day we visited the Somme area where the undulating chalk downs gave a true feel of the difficulty encountered by both sides in gaining ground. We picnicked on the massive mine crater at La Boiselle, and visited the Thiepval Memorial and received a guided tour of the trenches and tunnels at Vimy Ridge from the enthusiastic Canadian students who spend their summers there. There were many cemeteries to be seen, and the rows of thousands of graves had quite an effect on us.
Our third day was spent in the area around Ypres, the site of four major battles between 1914 and 1918. We visited the fascinating museum at Hill 60 and walked up the hill where so many had perished. We all found the sombre German cemetery at Languemark a moving experience, for there were
no flowers, a striking contrast with the colourful Allied cemeteries. The tour of the TOC H headquarters at Poperinge afforded a valuable insight into the social life of the soldiers under the care of their charismatic priest, Tubby Clayton. Many of the surviving veterans still ensure that they visit this remarkable house whenever possible. The day ended with a welcome meal in Ypres (where the "gorgeous" waiter was the star turn for some!). After the meal we witnessed the famous Last Post Ceremony at the Menin Gate and spent time searching for the names of relatives who may be remembered on the vast memorial there. The evening ended with a competition between the students to see who could dupe P.T.G. and the rest of the staff into believing that everyone had settled down to sleep.
On our way home we returned to Ypres to visit the fine Cloth Hall Museum and picnicked at the seaside before taking the feny back to England. We all felt that we had had a really great trip and had gained a feel for the area.
jockeys and horses have a high risk of being killed because of its speed and fierceness.
The weather was gorgeous throughout our day here and I particularly enjoyed visiting the Duomo (cathedral) and the We departed from school at 3:OOam on Friday 16th February, Piccolomini library. Here we saw many of the original frescoes due to catch the 8:15 flight from Gatwick. It was all very and manuscripts which the monks had painted many hundreds exciting - especially for me as it was my first ever flying of years before. I find it amazing to know that they still exist in experience, and as most people slept in exhaustion (apart from such pristine condition. a few chatterboxes!), I forced myself to stay awake.
Florence, Siena and Rome are cities full of extraordinary art
My first thought as the plane descended in Pisa was the treasures and I would recommend that anybody who has the considerable temperature change; it was warm and sunny, chance to visit them to go, as I found the whole trip an amazing nothing like the weather in England where we had been only experience and one I shall never forget. few hours before.
We caught the train to Florence, our first destination. The journey was pleasant and relaxing, and I took this opportunity to observe the contrast between English and Italian countryside; I was astounded by the greenery of the landscapes.
On arrival at the Hotel Casci, we were all rapidly deteriorating - many of us not having slept for nearly twenty
with a new energy, and soon we were out exp1or.i
and was dedicated to John the Baptist. As the teachers talked to us about the history of everything that we were seeing, I knew that I was going to have an exciting and
During our time in Florence we visited
the Slaves' at the Bargello. The artistic talent of Michelangelo in creating 'David' seems incredible. The fact that something so lifelike could be produced by hand using simple tools is amazing.
One of the highlights of the trip for me was
Da Vinci, Botticelli and Michelangelo. I W the size of some of the paintings, and not all of them because their largeness - some of them were much smaller than I ever imagined.
Ellie Doodey
Rome is very different from Florence in both atmosphere and style. It is a capital city, busy, noisy and with all the 'buzz' which the centre of a thriving economic and cultural community can provide. It is the ancient centre of the Roman world, rich with fountains and obelisks. During our time here, we were able to visit many of the most popular tourist sites, including the ancient Forum and the Colosseum which I enjoyed immensely.
Our visit to the Vatican Museums and the Sistine Chapel was a chance in a lifetime. Similar to the 'Uffizi', but on a larger scale, it is an incredibly rich and varied collection of just about everything you could care to see, including ancient to modem Italian paintings, Egyptian, Assyrian, Greek and Roman art. I was on the look out for the Pope throughout all of our outings in Rome, but the closest I got was a monk in St. Peter's Basilica.
My favourite part of the trip was our day trip to Siena. It is a complete contrast to both Florence and Rome. It retains its original mediaeval architecture and design and I was struck by its wholly different atmosphere. The main square, known as 'I1 Campo', is curved and surrounded by buildings, and is a great meeting place for the Sienese. It is here that the 'Palio' takes place; a huge horse race in which many different 'Contradas' - surrounding areas of Siena - enter and both
'NO SAILING EXPERIENCE NECESSARY ...' I read on. 'Experience the Challenge of crewing a 72ft Ocean going Yacht whilst making new friends and seeing some of the World's most exotic coastline.' From this moment, in October 1994, I was set on the idea of taking part in this epic adventure. The adventure was the Ocean Youth Club's World Voyage, the most ambitious project ever attempted by a Sail Training Association. The plan was that 'James Cook' and 'John Laing' would sail together, circumnavigating the globe. The voyage was to take fifteen months and was split into thirteen legs. A committee had been formed to organise it (headed by Admiral Sir Jeremy Black) and the only thing lacking was the young people, 16 to 24 year olds, to crew the boats.
I filled in the necessary forms and wrote a letter to the OYC telling them why I thought that I was the type of person they were looking for as crew. A couple of months later I was called to Settle in North Yorkshire for the final weekend selection. The weekend was good fun and, as I soon discovered, I had been successful. The letter which I received from the World Voyage office told me that I had secured a place on 'James Cook' for Leg 8 of the trip. This was the most popular leg, sailing around Western Australia from Darwin to Fremantle. The only condition was that I raised £2300. No worries! (or so I thought).
Even at this stage the trip was too far off to seem real. All I could do to make it seem more real was to begin the fund-raising. This was a great learning experience in itself and I soon learnt that it was not going to be easy. However, countless letters, several hundred phone calls, many rejections, a few successes and one great big favour from my father later and I was ready for the off. My fees had been paid, I was saving my spending money, preparing my kit and the excitement was mounting. Thankfully, by May 1996 1 was pretty well organised which gave me a couple of months to concentrate on my GCSEs. Once these were out
Introductions were being made and the rivalry between the 'James Cook' crew and the 'John Laing' crew was already rearing its head. "It's not a race" we were told by our Skipper, but it was really.
Soon we were at sea. I had not experienced anything like it before. It was incredible. The 'James Cook' crew consisted of nine males and nine females, including the Skipper, the First mate, three Second mates and a bosun. We were organised into two 'watches' and spent six hours on watch, six hours off during the day and four on, four off during the night. Being on watch basically meant that you ran the boat. This took a bit of getting used to but my body clock soon adjusted. Bunk 6 in the bow (front) of the yacht was to be my home for the next month. I was relaxed, very happy and I felt very lucky indeed to be here. I was also well prepared for the often trying and tiring experiences which lay ahead.
Mizzen, Stay-sail, cleat, shackle, saloon, galley, GPS, topping lift, hanks, stays, shrouds, The list seemed endless. I tried to remember them all but I couldn't (On our journey we were all encouraged to gain out RYA Competent Crew awards). Rope work was next: Bowlines, rolling hitches, figure of eights, clove hitches. Maybe, just maybe I would get used to them all by the time we reached Fremantle.
of the way I had nothing else to worry about apart from how I was going to spend my two months of holiday before spending a month in Australia.
On Monday 19th August I set off to the airport looking like a professional yachtsman kitted out in gear kindly donated by 'Crew' and 'Burgs' clothing companies, my official sponsors. The reality was that I had never set foot on a yacht before. At Heathrow as I wondered around Terminal Three it became increasingly obvious who were fellow OYC people - shorts, sunglasses and deck shoes seemed to be the order of the day.
I did not know what to expect. All that 1 did know was that I was determined to have fun!
SQ 321 London to Darwin, via Singapore, was long and tiring but very comfortable. Singapore Airlines had a wonderful choice of films, including their feature showing of 'White Squall', the true story of a sail training ship which was sunk in the middle of a squall. Oh dear. What was a squall, I wondered. Little did I know that before the month was out I would have experienced one.
Once in Darwin thirty "yachties" piled off the plane and we made our way to the boats in the Council yacht harbour.
Our first non-stop sail lasted for five days. Darwin to Cockatoo Island, just off Derby. Cockatoo Island claimed to be 'The least known Island paradise in the world'. It was like something from a James Bond film and was my idea of paradise. We didn't have time to stop long though. We couldn't take the risk that the wind might die whilst we were on land. We therefore went ashore,washed, had a couple of drinks and then sailed on. We were there to sail, not to relax and sunbathe!
A week into our voyage and the rest of the crew were like my surrogate family. It is true that some of them were not the sort of people I would normally choose to be friends with but I had no choice. This was hard, getting on with someone with whom I had nothing in common except for the fact that we were on board the same boat. When you have been on watch for eight hours during the night, it is your turn to get some sleep and people from the other watch are late getting up on deck you really have to dig deep inside yourself for the ability to remain calm and be nice. I was constantly learning on James Cook. Not only how to sail but how to deal with other people and, above all, how to work in a team.
The mission statement for the voyage stated that the trip intended to
'... give 300 UK based young people a unique educational and enjoyable experience. An opportunity to learn ahout themselves and others, about teamwork and mutual trust, an awareness of the environment and an ability to take responsibility for their decisions and actions. '
I believe that what I did and experienced during the month lived up to this.
A month is a long time to be at sea, sharing 72 feet with seventeen other people. It was often hard to keep oneself amused but one had to somehow. We played "Battleships" over the radio with John Laing, we chatted for hours on end about life, the world and everything and most of us did some reading. Aptly, one of the books I read was 'At The Mercy of The Sea' by the yachtswoman Lisa Clayton who had single-handedly
As we neared the end of the voyage, after about 1900 nautlcircumnavigated the world. As I read, 1 realised that I was cal miles we had a wind helping us along for our final many of the same that she had. One four hundred miles or so, This is when I experienced what a passage in her book really struck me, squall was. A huge mass of cloud bringing heavy rain and
'The sea has a certain magical qurrlity thnt is enigmatic. It powerful gusts of wind, We had over 30 knots of wind and never looks the same and yet it does. Every day is the same swells which covered the boat. Sitting out on deck in this sort yet different. There'sjust something ahout the endless miles of weather is hard as well as dangerous. We were harnessed on and miles qf isolation tliat draws you to its soul. I can't to the deck of the boat at all times and we had to wear several imagine ever being bored out here, lqe takes on a different layers of clothing. All those people who imagine Australian mearzing ' weather to be all sun would be shocked. It was cold and wet and How true this is. We sailed along what is reputed to be the very very windy but at the same time it was brilliant. It was remotest stretch of coastline in the world, stopping every so incredibly hard work but I loved it. often in Western Australia which has a population density of
Since I have been home people have commented to me that something like one person per eight square miles. It was I haven't really spoken about my trip in detail. I think that this marvellous. is because what I experienced was so incredible and so personal that I couldn't do it justice by simply describing it. "We will never be the same again" one of the crew commented when we had arrived in Fremantle and I agreed. Even my photos don't show things as they seemed at the time. All I can say is that it was a trip that I will remember all my life and some of the lessons I learnt during the month, I believe are invaluable and will help me for the rest of my life.
Through acting as referees, through sponsorship and through encouragement the staff and pupils of King's enabled me to take part in the trip. My thanks go to them. The Ocean Youth Club run many sailing trips all year around the UK. As well as being superb fun such trips can count towards things like the Gold Duke of Edinburgh award. I therefore encourage anybody who feels like a challenge to give it a go - you won't be disappointed.
Oliver Doherty
In December 1995, sixteen Lower Sixth students and four staff, E.R.B., M.J.G., L.M.G. and J.N.W. took part in the now annual 'hajj' (pilgrimage) to Tunisia. We tested yet another well appointed hotel in Hammarnet, which, thanks to excellent food, quality rooms and considerate management, lived up to its four star rating. One of our day trips to the interior took us to Kairouan, the holiest Moslem city in North Africa.
What follows is an extract from the New Lotus Eaters by Dorothy Buck, published 1928. The book details the travels of two young women through Tunisia. In the description of Kairouan, it struck me that so many aspects of the city remain unchanged today. The students who travelled in December have annotated certain sections of the text with personal fieldwork experiences.
The delightful thing about Kairouan, to the eager tourist who likes to feel that he is always either collecting information or soaking up atmosphere, is that something is always happening. The souks have a busy, gay andprosperous air. Especially if you are a fair skinned, female European with money. Hence the reason for exploring the Medina with a KSW "hunk' each side!
Anna Daniel1
The hands the beggars stretch out for alms are plump and brown, not like those piteous starved hands of the beggars of the South. The drowsy languor of the South is absent, too, which does not mean that the Kairouannese have any understanding of the word "hustle", but that they waste their time or do their business with an air of cheerful alertness rare in the Oriental. But for the matter of that, "wasting time" is probably a phrase untranslatable in Arabic. No Arab ever has a watch, or if he has it is purely as an ornament.
No Tunisian hawker ever has a watch, he has many and they are all for sale.
Dan Hickling
The pleasant, unhurried hours flow by measured only by the voice of the muezzin at sunrise and at sunset. It is never too late for pleasure, though it is almost always too early for
And when you are tired of examining the stalls there are always little side-shows - usually taking place in the exact centre of the street - where you may join the cheerful, idle throng of onlookers.
M. Hearnshaw's little side-show not only took place in the middle of the street but down the whole length of it, as the poor street hawkers fell for his "I don't want it really" bartering skills. Richard Bennett
Alistair Hill
An opinion expressed by most people - usually around 7.30am on attendance of the morning lecture. The idea of "taking the sea air" is all well and good but being exposed to a force 8 gale, whilst making notes on the origins of the Mediterranean was just too much!
In the morning our great delight was to wander round in the market-place and in the souks. You have only to cast an eye over the market stalls to know that the country of drought has been left behind and that here is the land of prosperity. There are stalls laden with magnificent fish, even horrible devil-fish, which nevertheless are good to eat. Others, with their store of neatly-trussed chickens and partridges, remind one of a West End poulterer's. Yet others are like the stalls of magic fruit in Goblin Marketlemons and oranges from Djerba, bananas and luscious brown dates from Tozeur, crimson grenades, pale-green figs bursting with ripeness. The most picturesque of all are the native stalls, with their huge piles of what looks like vermilion-dyed sand - red pepper - and their fascinating palm-leaf packets in which odorous sprays of jessamine are cunningly packed.
The smells of the spices were nearly as overpowering as the
Tunisian's desire to sell them to us. The spices, especially safron were strong but offirst class culinary use.
Emma Sargent
From time to time there will be the repeated hoot of a motorhorn. Some impatient person in a car - a European, of course - is trying to thread his way through the market. In leisured fashion the little crowd will disperse, the snake-charmer will carelessly gather up a few serpents and momentarily withdraw. Directly the car has gone by he will come back to the same spot and the crowd will gather again.
Or more likelv by an excitable Tunisian taxi driver forcing pedestrians off the road and pavements whilst holding an animated conversation with his passengers. Victoria Richards
The carpet souk has an endless fascination. We never bought any, because we were shown on more than one occasion the correct way in which topurchase a carpet, and life seemed too short for it.
Life seemed too valuable to face more than one serving of the street mint tea which you are required to drink with every round of bartering.
Richard Bennett
Last February ERH, LAJ and I took a party of sixteen upper sixth French and Art students to Paris.
We arrived at Foregate Station on time. but little did we know a suicide on the line just outside of Oxford would delay our journey by one and a half hours.
However the journey by Euro Tunnel was fast once we got onto the French side! We dragged our suitcases from the Gare du Nord a few streets to our hotel. The hotel suited our needs. We ate out each evening in a pleasant restaurant where we were occasionally serenaded by a Parisian 'crooner'. The food was most welcome after a cold day's visit in down-town Paris.
ERH and LAJ took the art students off to various different museums and I went with the French students to the AssemblCe
Nationale, Maison de la Radio, Pompidou Centre, Quai d'Orsay Museum and La Conciergie. Liz and Linda ensured their students saw, studied and sketched different painters' works and I saw to it that my students heard and read as much French as possible.
Despite the bitterly cold weather we had an interesting trip to Paris. Unfortunately our return journey was marred by the snow in Kent. All our enjoyment and enthusiasm were spoilt by the atrocious weather conditions in Britain and our return was delayed by five hours and it was thanks to the great help of a number of parents who met us in Worcester that we all got back to Worcester.
With competition strong from other school trips last Easter, the number of Fourth Forms and Removes skiing with the school in 1996 was markedly lower than in previous years. Indeed, we had to cancel our provisional arrangements with Astons Holidays and travel instead with Skibound as a small party to the French resort of Les Orres in the Alps Maritime.
Nevertheless, those eighteen pupils and four adults who did come had a really superb week's skiing, with facilities and snow to rival any Easter trip. Even the travelling was easy; somehow we managed a 49 seat coach to ourselves, so even the Itallest could stretch out during the night. The hotel was only a couple of hundred yards from the ski-lifts and there was just enough snow at the level of the resort to allow us to ski back to the door of the hotel, both at lunch-time and at the end of the day.
The greatest excitement of any skiing trip is the sport itself, and we enjoyed good, spring snow in the part of the Alps with the best snowfall this year. With a peak of over 2800 metres and a north-facing slope, the quality of the pistes became better the higher one went, while the views from the top over the Durance valley below provided a spectacular back-drop. It has to be said however, that the resort of Les Orres itself, where all the ski routes met, is by no means picturesque.
We were fortunate, given our numbers, in being able to secure three skiing instructors to ourselves, so that we could divide into beginners, intermediates and advanced skiers in the normal way for tuition. The local French ski school instructors even allowed the keener linguists to practise their speaking skills; the experience must have been pretty excruciating at times. As always on such trips. the improvements made by the beginners is the most marked. Despite their relative lack of mobility, beginners have a very rewarding week and often seem
to have the most f~~n as they realise that they can progress down the slope without falling over. Both the intermediate and advanced groups were able to refine their technique too, although the battle to overcome the temptation of "too much snow plough" was won more easily by some amongst the intermediates. The top group certainly covered a great deal of piste over the week; it was some of its adult members who had most trouble keeping up with the pace and who were jolly glad of the opportunity of a brief siesta after lunch.
News of the success of this year's trip obviously spread quickly upon our return to school, and the forty places for next Easter's trip to Zell am See in Austria were quickly oversubscribed; preparations are well in hand for what we hope will be another excellent year.
This year saw the start of a new school exchange scheme. Following the demise of our Removes and Fifth Form exchange with Bad Hersfeld a year or two ago, we felt that participation in the Worcester twinning with the German city of Kleve in the Rhineland was long overdue, and we initiated a link in the summer of 1995, with the first visit taking place at Easter 1996. In order not to detract from the support for the French exchange in the Lower Removes, we decided to limit our German exchange to the Upper Remove and Fifth Form. At Easter, eight members of the 24-strong Upper Remove German group, plus two Fifth formers and a girl from the Chantry School, Martley, went to Kleve for ten days. At the time of writing, the return visit of the Kleve exchange partners is now taking place, thus bringing to a very successful conclusion what has been a very fruitful contact.
Kleve is an attractive historical town situated close to the Dutch border very near the Rhine before it broadens out as its estuary flows through Holland to the sea. Though situated in very pleasant flat countryside, it has some of the most extensive woodland in the whole of North Germany and the city is visible for miles around because of its castle perched on an outcrop of rock dominating the old town. The civic link with Kleve has existed for many years now and there is a lot of goodwill towards us. The families certainly made us welcome and were
genuinely very friendly. There was a very strong camaraderie in the group and a large number of activities took place beyond the official programme of the organisers.
The official programme included, as its highlight, a long day's visit to Cologne, with its magnificent cathedral, its Rhine railway bridge, its shops, and its chocolate museum. We also went to see an old Roman city at Xanten and its cathedral, and there was a visit to a zoo in Holland.
The journey to Kleve was by air, the group flying out from Birmingham to Diisseldorf and continuing by coach for the hour's drive to Kleve. The journey was quick and convenient, and we were able to arrive reasonably fresh and alert for our first encounter with our German hosts.
There is nothing like an exchange for breaking the ice in your experience of Germany and the German language. Even if you don't say much you hear the language all around you and the hidden benefits are enormous. With the base on which we can draw being so relatively small -just the two German classes in the Upper Remove and Fifth Form - it is very important, if this new venture is to survive, that everyone doing German at this stage should think very hard and seriously about this and put the first week of the Easter holidays aside as the time when Kleve exchange takes place. Dr. and Mrs. Leah, who took the exchange party want to thank the members of the group for their company and the exemplary way in which they conducted themselves. It has been a great success.
Having spent ten carefree years at King's I felt a year off before university was a good idea, partly to raise cash and partly to see the big wide world. My main project was to get money together to work on a GAP Projects placement in Fez, Morocco. To this end I did stints in a supermarket, kitchen and farm as well as the Guernsey Civil Service. Fez was an African metropolis in the Dark Ages with famous mosques, palaces and schools and preserves her mediaeval fabric but is under threat from overpopulation, pollution and neglect. Since 1980 the city has been a UNESCO world heritage site. I worked there with another British volunteer, Jamie Hepburn.
We worked at five historic sites, mixing cement, carrying buckets and pushing wheelbarrows. Memorably we also helped scoop black gunk from the sewers for a week. The tools and materials used appeared unchanged since the time the walls had been built. Certainly there was no machinery of any sort, not even a cement mixer. The wall was supported with wooden props and beams, fastened with nails. We shovelled lime and
me all his repertoire of intifada songs, "America is the enemy of the people" as well as royalist anthems.
The ordinary workers received £1 15 a month, most of them with a wife and children to support and rent to pay. As one foreman explained, "They live off tea and bread. What kind of life is that?" I was even accosted by young Moroccans who told me, "We wouldn't do that work. It is dirty work and the people who do it are dirty. You, you don't have meat for lunch do you? Just a bowl of soup and a coke!"
Such inequality of living standards makes it seem all the more astonishing to me that we were
sand together for the cement. This lime made my hands raw, the object of some concern for the more aged craftsmen whose hands had become great leathern pads.
With eight or nine other labourers we were repairing a section of the city wall that had collapsed when someone's loo flooded. At least that's what we thought they had said. Communication was difficult at first but our Arabic did get better, supplemented by body language and household names, "Queen Elizabeth", "Margaret Thatcher" and of course "Diana" - it being a source of astonishment that a prince was unable to hold on to his woman, especially one so beautiful. At first one Khalid (nicknamed "The Chechen") was hostile to us, fulminating about America and the Jews but this was the only real difficulty I had. Later I had a jolly time with someone teaching
accepted at all. I think a lot of people thought we were mad and questioned our motivation. It seemed odd that foreigners should wish to do tasks regarded as the lowest of the low. Often though, passers-by were friendly and encouraging as well as curious. Having said that, the placement was not always easy For two months afterwards I was on antibiotics having contracted giardiasis by drinking from a fountain in the old town (but the water did look so clear and fresh!) I am also waiting for a cheque from the insurance company, having had a rucksack stolen on the night train from Tangier to Marrakesh. Not to mention the problems we had getting a bus pass
However, there were tangible benefits in other ways - not least I hope we helped others to see that not all Westerners are coach-party tourists (having been put off tourism for life having seen it from a Third-World viewpoint), just as we learnt a tremendous amount about Moroccan society. I also hope that UNESCO can use the reports we wrote on the project and Moroccan craftsmanship to further their fund-raising aims.
James Roslington
The most noticeable difference between this year's Fete and that of the previous year's was the absence of the large marquee on College Green. We had been told by the Cathedral authorities that it had been decreed that tent pegs could not be driven into the Green 'as it would disturb the underlying archaeology'. (This was in spite of the fact that the Green had been ploughed for cabbages during the War ....) Consequently, prayers for fine weather were even more fervent as the best we could do was to place a very much smaller marquee on the space outside the Dining Hall. However, the Development Committee, always prepared to accept the belief that a crisis presents an opportunity, set about planning a different and more extravagant use of College Green. The theme was Space - loosely interpreted by a number of people!
As usual, a huge amount of time and effort was put in before the day by many parents but particularly by John Woodcock, the energetic Chairman of the Committee, Chris Lee, designer and source of exotic ideas, David Hall, the man who made things happen, Peter Sargent, determined to erect the largest black plastic clad edifice ever seen and a team of mothers who spent days beforehand painting scenery and props. The result was that College Green had not merely the usual large and popular Bottle Stall but the vast Black Hole Disco, a Bungee Run and a stage for the amazing Trekkies as well as this year's celebrity, together with many other stalls. One typical Chris Lee feature was a spray of Space Shuttles heading upwards and outwards from the top of the flagpole: whilst the erection of this display called for some daring, its dismantling - at the end of the day - had people running in all directions!
Our celebrity guest was Ulrika Jonsson, a star of Gladiators and Shooting Stars. With her cheerful attractiveness, she made a lot of males - of all ages - noticeably happy. As ever, with their cheesy grins, the First Fifteen acted as bodyguards.
The School Gardens were alive with colourful stalls manned by Junior School pupils and their parents, and the other lawns
were covered in stalls devised by Fourth Formers and the Houses, as well as private ventures. Your correspondent had the job of selecting the best stalls and found it very difficult so high was the standard. In the end, the winners were chosen and they later had the opportunity provided by Muff Murfin, of going to see a recording of The Gladiators or of being a disc jockey on his radio station.
Yet again, we were very lucky with the weather and by the end of the day a very large number of guests had enjoyed themselves, parents, pupils and staff had worked themselves to a standstill, and a lot of money had been raised. As always, it was good to see all three sets of people who make up The King's School working together. We were particularly grateful to the parents who could have had a day of rest but chose instead to join us for some fun and hard work.
As a consequence, the Development Committee have been able to provide a new sound system for the Theatre and a portable marquee for use at regattas and athletics meetings, to improve the facilities at the Old Chapel as well as making a substantial contribution to charity. All thoroughly satisfying.
As a postscript, I would like to take this opportunity to thank those parents who have given up their time to attend Development Committee Meetings and to help run the events the Committee organise throughout the year. A particular vote of thanks must go to Malcolm Hart who organises the Christmas Ball, with Chris Lee and David Hall - with John Woodcock providing special help with the electrical problems.
Finally, I want to say a special 'thank you' to Maureen Cobb who served as Secretary to the Development Committee with such distinction for so long. She, and David, did an immense amount for King's and we are all very grateful.
Angeline Pizzey has taken over from Maureen and has already proved herself a worthy replacement. As I keep saying, with parents like these, this school is extremely fortunate.
This has been a very full and rewarding year for the art department. Following the excellent 1995 GCSE results, the work was given a public airing at Worcester Arts Workshop during the Winter Term. Originally planned for two weeks, the exhibition was extended to five at the request of the Director.
Ten other exhibitions of pupil, student and professional work were mounted in the King's School Theatre Gallery. The dining hall was also used to display the work of younger pupils, culminating in an African thematic exhibition during the Summer Term. An earlier African Banner exhibition grew out of the Upper Fourths' visit to the London Tate and Whitechapel galleries.
The Art department was pleased to join forces with the French department and during the February half-term a large group of sixth formers visited Paris. The artists enjoyed a very full programme of gallery visits and ate and socialised with the linguists each evening. It was a very happy trip for all concerned.
As usual, art field trips were organised to St. Ives, Cornwall for GCSE and 'A' level pupils. Pupils visited galleries and studios and participated in a rich programme of lectures and practical workshops. These trips are always highly enjoyable and rewarding and we are grateful to the many professional artists who devote their time and energy.
Professional artists also worked with our pupils in school, leading three separate workshops for GCSE candidates. Welding proved particularly popular with the girls! A fourth workshop was billed as a family jewellery making weekend and was enjoyed by a large crowd of parents, pupils and staff.
bked a- LttCev %JhW ;
In this era of professionalism one area of the game which has dramatically changed is the overall level of fitness. Players now have individual training programmes, and have their body weights, fat levels, aerobic capacity and every other conceivable medium, measured regularly. At schoolboy level although such rigorous attention to detail is not possible, and some would argue not desirable, it is noticeable how much quicker and faster
slightly disappointing season was the lack of a reliable goal-kicker. Two kicks in the last few minutes against Brecon would have won us the match but both were missed, whilst numerous penalty chances against Warwick and Solihull were not converted. Eventually Dan Ott took responsibility for this area and although not a natural place-kicker he greatly improved our strike rate mainly due to his willingness to put in many hours of practice.
the game is, even when compared with ten years ago. To compete effectively, especially in the first half of the season players cannot hope to turn up at rugby camp and reach peak fitness in three days. They must show a disciplined approach throughout the long summer holidays and steadily build up their fitness, so that by the time the autumn term starts much of the necessary endurance work has already been done. The problems that occur when key individuals fail to follow such advice were clearly exposed during the first eight games of the 1995 season. Against admittedly strong opposition the First XV were unable to sustain a controlled forward effort for the full seventy minutes of the game. Too often they flattered to deceive, dominating possession for short periods before tiring and allowing their opponents back in the game. For twenty minutes against Brecon the pack was rampant; for thirty minutes against Warwick and for 35 minutes against K.E.S. Birmingham. All these games were lost in the second half as
In the second half of the season eight of the nine games were won and the team showed its true potential. Our line-out play was as good as any team on the circuit with Rijan Slater making a tremendou~improvement in this phase of the game, whilst our driving support play organized by Andy Tromans and Kaizen Matsumoto proved too much for most of our opponents. Leigh Hinton's tactical kicking from fly-half was instrumental in ensuring that the game was played in the opponent's 22, and there the attacking
running of Dan Ott and Jon Webb resulted in us scoring some excellent tries. Our most impressive performance was the defeat of Bromsgrove, a game in which we completely dominated posses-
sion, whilst our first half display against K.E.S. Aston was outstanding. The team also showed great strength of character to win the local derbies with Hereford C.S. and the Royal Grammar School. Both were very hard fought affairs in which King's suffered from an exceptionally high penalty count against them, yet emerged as deserved winners.
Defensively the team improved enormously as the season progressed and to concede only four tries in the last eight games was a considerable achievement. In attack, although sometimes we were a little naive, practice ensured that certain well rehearsed manoeuvres produced results. It may not always have looked pretty to the observers but our style did eventually prove effective.
Leigh Hinton showed great maturity as captain and emerged from the season with enormous credit. It is never easy to be captain when in the Lower Sixth, yet he performed the job admirably. He was respected by all the players and was an inspirational force on the field, constantly leading the tackle count and showing great determination in every-thing he did. His choice of attacking option was occasionally at fault but this is a difficult area of the game and one in which experience is crucial. His tactical kicking was good - he now needs to work on becoming two-footed.
Dan Ott developed into a fine runner and hard tackler and has the ability to make his mark at senior level, possibly as a winger, rather than a centre. Jon Webb was a reliable full back; who timed his incursions into the line expertly and played particularly well in the big games, noticeably against the Grammar School. Mark Foster was the utility back, he was a strong tackler and he particularly enjoyed returning to Cheltenham in the King's First XV. After half-term the return from injury of Matt Pearce added to our attacking options and given his
slight build he showed himself to be an exceptionally gutsy player. Alan Trainer, although on the left-wing, often played as a second full back, his natural ballplaying skills enabling him to field the high ball with authority. He is a strong runner but needs to work on his pace if he is to score more consistently. Tim Roberts on the right wing rose straight from Thirds to Firsts and on the dry grounds proved a most dangerous runner. How-ever an unfortunate knee injury, sustained during training, limited his contribution. The shortage of reserve wingers saw scrum-half Ben Singleton having to play there on occasion. In his natural position he was a competitive and determined player, and tackled well considering his small physique. He was one of the fittest players in the team but lacked confidence when it came to making breaks.
The front-row of Andy Tromans, Marc Barnes and Julian Wright took time to settle but came into their own as the pitches became softer and the pace of the games slowed. Only against K.E.S. and Solihull were we outscrummaged and by the end of the season we were a formidable unit. All three players have the potential to play to a good level in senior rugby. Toby Heyes took time to adjust to the faster speed of First XV Rugby but he worked hard throughout the season and will be an important member of the pack next year. Jake Hannah, played in the second row and back row and although lacking in inches compared with many of his opponents showed himself to be a capable ballwinner at the front of the line-out. He also continued in his role of unofficial coach. Nick Hall was a powerful player and both he and Richard Chambers improved greatly in the season. However
it is very hard to come back to rugby after missing one or two seasons through injury or other commitments. Unfortunately just when Nick was beginning to become one of our most commanding forwards injury ended his season prematurely.
Rijan Slater deservedly won the Preston Shield for Most Improved Player of the year. His line-out jumping, as mentioned earlier, was exceptional, but he took a long time to adapt to the intricacies of the number eight's role in the scrum. I suspect his best position will be second row, once he fills out. For a tall player he was a surprisingly good tackler. Kaizen Matsumoto was also a first class defender and was our strongest forward in close quarter work. He has an excellent physique for the game, but when running with the ball he must try to look for space rather than look for contact. If he continues playing rugby after school his future could lie at tight head prop.
Matt Surman, apart from a couple of games at prop, played open-side throughout the season. He was exceptionally fit and was whole-hearted in his support of rugby at King's. He tended to play his best games against our stongest opponents - he was the outstanding player when we beat Cheltenham in the 1994-95 season. His tragic death in the summer was a devastating blow to the whole school community. His many close friends in the rugby club were shattered and few will forget the sight of the navy and white striped First XV shirt on his coffin during the funeral.
His parents, in memory of his love of rugby, have donated the Matthew Surman Memorial Cup to be given to the Clubman of the Year. It was fitting that the first winner was one of Matt's closest
friends, Paul Could. Paul was never a regular First XV player but always tried his hardest whether it be for the Seconds or the Firsts. He never complained even about the vagaries of selectorial policy which resulted in him appearing in five different forward positions for the Firsts over the last two seasons. It is the attitude of boys such as Paul which makes coaching rugby at King's so worthwhile.
A successful season in which the First Sevens Squad reached one final, and two semi-finals and once again won their group at Rosslyn Park. Preparation went much better than in 1995, as the players cut down on their other commitments and all training sessions were well attended. Sevens is a very different game than 15 a side. there is much more one to one tackling and greater emphasis on handling skills whilst having at least one genuinely quick runner is essential.
The emergence of Dan Ott was probably the key to the team's improved form. He was rarely beaten for pace and his performances at the Warwick Sevens and the North of England Tournament were exceptional. Unfortunately he was not fully fit for the last three tournaments, a fact which greatly weakened our chances of progress. The wide Rosslyn Park pitch would have been perfectly suited to his swerving outside runs. To win our group at Rosslyn Park was a notable achievement considering that the captain Leigh Hinton was only half fit and the outstanding forward Kaizen Matsumoto was in the Himalayas. Leigh showed his strength of character in scoring the crucial try against Hurstpierpoint to guarantee qualification but was unable to play in the last 16 match against Cranleigh.
Although we were a good side and made sound progress in every tournament we entered it was noticeable that when we reached the quarter and semi-final stages we would usually come up against teams who had sports scholars. In Sevens the addition of a couple of top class players makes all the difference - if we wish to actually win competitions rather than just compete well we will have to carefully examine our policy in this area.
The season had started at Brecon where we were greeted by the traditional rain, and by the even more traditional tough draw. Our success there in beating Llandovery and Bryanston, who were the eventual winners at Rosslyn Park, and losing narrowly to Millfield and St. Joseph's College Ipswich, gave us a great confidence boost. The Marches, saw us continue our good form. The feature of
the day was our comeback from 19 points to nil down to beat London Oratory in sudden death extra time. We also recovered a three try deficit against Rossall in the quarter-finals but then disappointingly lost to a soft try in injury time.
At the Solihull Sevens we stormed through our group matches and looked the best side in the tournament. However a hard fought semi-final victory over King Edward's Camphill took too much out of the team and we lost in the final to Warwick. This latter defeat was particularly disappointing as we had comfortably beaten the same side in the group matches.
Probably our best group performance came at Birkenhead in the North of England Sevens where, despite losing Leigh Hinton with a leg injury after thirty seconds of the first game, we defeated Lancaster, Yarm, and Trent College, all good sides. We then played a thrilling match against Bromsgrove, with Rijan Slater scoring the winning try in extratime, Dan Ott, earlier in the match, having scored three tries. In the semifinal we were soundly beaten by Stonyhurst, the outstanding Sevens team of the year.
In our own Sevens tournament at Worcester Rugby Club we reached the semi-final which was a good performance considering three key players were absent. At Rosslyn Park we were comfortably the best team in our group, but on the second day failed to take numerous chances against Cranleigh. A half-time lead of one try to nil proved inadequate as the physically stronger Cranleigh team took control in the second half.
We returned to Oxford Sevens for the first time for nearly ten years, but despite playing at Iffley Road found it impossible to raise our game and just lost out in a tough group. Very much a case of 'a tournament too far'.
It was a very rewarding sevens season - the squad trained very hard and were a very pleasant group to travel with. You need a sense of humour to be setting off from the playground to Brecon at 7.15 a.m. on a cold and damp Sunday morning. My thanks to all the players who represented the school and to those who attended the numerous training sessions, and also to S.M.B. for his hard work and support throughout the two terms of rugby.
During the first half of term it seemed likely that the Second XV would record its first losing season for over ten years.
However, a tremendously spirited run of five wins and a draw after half term salvaged at least a halved record. This turnaround can partly be explained by the slightly easier fixture list during November, but it is still true that games that were won after the break would probably have been lost before it. The victory against Bristol GS was typical of this, where a twenty minute goal line stand showed the improved commitment and togetherness of the side. Another factor was the more settled team. In all, thirty eight players represented the seconds but after half term the squad narrowed down to sixteen or seventeen regulars. The winning run also coincided with that strange phenomenon of home field advantage. Why does this have such an influence on results? Hopefully, home field refereeing was not the significant factor.
The regular line up looked something like this:
1. Paul Gould
2. Sam Pearse
3. David Hyett (Pack Leader)
4. Richard Chambers
5. Bob Havard
6. Jamie Daniel1
7. Ian Grime
8. Ed McDonald
9. Scott Moorhead
10.Tim Morris (Captain)
1 1. Justin Hayes
12. Derek Hannah
13. Andrew Benvie
14. Roland Holt
15. Jonathan Perera
In addition, Chris Ward was a regular before his injury, Andy Jones appeared seven times. Richard Gravestock had a spell in the side, Louis Lau propped when Paul was on first team duty and Dan Sparrey played the last two games at full back after coming back from injurv.
To highlight individuals would be erroneous, and it was certainly a collective effort. Sufficient to say that everyone played their part to the best of their abilities. There were the usual ups and downs although two nil-nil draws were certainly abnormal. Of the downs, the dismal display against RGS was the nadir of the season. It was not the defeat in itself but the manner of the loss that was so disappointing. On the day, we were beaten by a slightly better side who deserved to win, but we were poor! 'Our darkest hour' was made worse by it being our last game. Even so, I was impressed by the attitude and demeanour of the side at this moment. It was a bitter pill but they swallowed it, and, for me, this was a victory in defeat. In fact, behaviour on and off the field, to the best of my
knowledge, was excellent throughout. I would like to take this opportunity to thank parents for their support and encouragement.
The season started full of anticipation following the enormous success of last year's side. However, since that side consisted of a significant number of Upper Sixth and those who were then in the Lower Sixth had progressed to higher teams, the campaign really started from scratch.
Things started well with convincing wins over Christ College, Brecon and King Henry's Coventry. Warwick however, provided a much sterner test and the first evidence that the team did not travel well. Against Cheltenham College the side produced some of their best rugby of the season but, unable to capitalise on this in the first quarter, the side eventually finished second best to a team that completed their season unbeaten.
Notable matches from the second half of the season included the fixture against Bishop Vesey's G.S. who took to the field in identical kit to us before allowing us to win by 67 points to nil. Against KES Aston, an illness and injury-ravaged team put up a magnificent effort against a talented if unconventional side, losing by the odd try in three.
The highlight of the season was, as ever, the match against the RGS, this year played as a curtain-raiser to the 1st XV game. Conditions were extraordinary: a bone hard pitch due to an overnight frost and an air temperature that barely rose above freezing all day. We took the field in new, specially commissioned shirts and did not disappoint the large crowd with a 10 points to 5 victory.
Throughout the season the boarding houses provided the backbone of the team with Ben Light, John Clubley and Tom Wyse proving inspirational figures. Ben Winter, once fit, demonstrated his ability to breach even the firmest defences with his rampaging running. In the backs the most difficult position to fill was fly-half, Andy Jones eventually making the position his own after dropping down from the seconds. Abbas Kazerooni developed into a strong running three-quarter and his handling ability, honed in the school yard, helped enormously.
Our thanks go to RPM ably assisted on occasion by JC. With a large pool of players coming into the Lower Sixth next year the future looks bright.
Nick Checketts & Abbas Kazerooni
Early mutterings had turned to grumbling~by half term, not only from within the team - and worse lay beyond the holiday. Why the discontent? Because we had won one match, drawn one other and lost the rest. And this was a team which had done well as under 15s and who promised much. So as a team we were no good. Nonsense. We lost our first game at home to King Henry's Coventry 10-13, having had all the possession and squandered it. The whole game hinged on one moment of madness, when we lost the scrum half through injury with little of the game remaining and being 10-8 up. The team hesitated over what to do and the opposition scored a sneaky try. In our second game against Warwick we lost 10-5 away from home and this was unjustified. In a hard fought game a draw was the fairer result and if the home-side touch judge hadn't hastily taken down his flag (up because the player's foot was in touch) when their try had been scored, the spoils would have been shared.
Better was to come in the next game against Wrekin when James Keegan, who had watched the first game, came in at scrum half. He kicked 6 goals and one penalty in our 50-17 victory. Scrum half was to be a problem position for us and here lay one of the difficulties for the team. Jon Turner was regarded as a key member of the team, justifiably so. His strengths are his leadership and his work behind the forwards. We missed his physical presence in many games, either because of injury or deputising for the first XV and the psychological damage done was significant. By the time we met Cheltenham we had him in the team but the team was very unsettled and lost 15-5 in a close game. Another significant loss was to follow, that of Mark Forrester, a player with the ability to influence a game with his pace and try scoring talent. We missed him for the rest of the season and Max Wright was soon out as well. Unfortunately, we didn't really have the depth to carry such injuries, although players who deputised, such as Jamie Whitmore, Paul Wray and Peter Lau, did well, especially in the game against K.E.S. Birmingham when we drew 5-5.
So we reached half term with few wins and we were out of the County Cup having lost to R.G.S.. However, we had given every team a hard game. The forwards, led by Jake Brazier, were a strong unit. Oliver Doherty won a lot of ball for us in the line-out and Alex Brittain and Nick Jones were committed and powerful in the loose and later in the season Charlie Foulkes played well. Jon
Corr's penetrating runs were very memorable. Dave Woodcock deserves a mention as one of the most improved players, not only in the fifteen-a-side game, but also in sevens.
The backs found it harder to have a clear pattern to their game. Richard Lewis, Nicky Rouholamin, Steve Freeman, Ceredig Cattanach-Chell are often fierce, committed players, but they lacked the penetration necessary to open up sides. Defensively, however, they were convincing. Special mention should be made of Dan Kendrick who had a difficult time in captaining the side in Jon's absence. He did it well and developed as a player. His kicking from the hand is good and his place kicking improved significantly over the season (he'd probably disagree with me: he often does).
Best forgotten was the game against Bromsgrove where we were totally outplayed, unlike our stirring game against Bishop's Hereford in the rain and mud which we won 17-14 (we'll forget the final try Ceredig, if we can!). A satisfying victory over the Grammar school rounded off a frustrating yet enjoyable season during which Andy Guest and I valued the company of a committed team.
Mention, too, should be made of those dedicated members of the B team who always attended practices and were sometimes on the fringes of the A team: Rupert Walshe, Adam Smith, Nick Mallaband, Robert Poole and Chris Dale.
This was a successful season which saw a number of players develop well and particular improvement in the forward play enabled an already talented back division to play with freedom.
The pattern of play was dictated by two very talented players; Richard Major at fly half and Daniel Cullen at inside centre. Richard captained the team with
maturity and his pace, tactical acumen and line kicking were influential factors. Daniel tackled fearlessly, ran powerfully and timed his passes to perfection. It was no surprise that they scored more than half the tries between them but they also brought out the best in the other players around them. James Tustin and Lloyd Cox were the pick of the rest of the backs; James was particularly secure at fullback and his incursions into the line were always well timed and Lloyd was penetrative at outside centre. Chris Horn, Andrew Lonbay, Richard Welsh, Alfie Heyland and Daniel White all made valuable contributions and could develop into useful senior players over the next couple of years.
There were several highlights during the season with verha~sthe 25-17 awav . . defeat of the previously unbeaten Bromsgrove School. They were apparently not at full strength but I say that every time we lose! A strong Warwick side was also defeated 19-14 and a 10-3 victory over W.R.G.S. was more convincing than the scoreline suggests. Three of the defeats were at the hands of good sides from Bristol G.S., Cheltenham and K.E.S. Birmingham but the loss to K.E.S. Aston was due to a thoroughly incompetent display whilst defeat at Bishop Vesey's confirmed my suspicion that they play some hybrid form of the game in Sutton Coldfield.
During the Spring term four Sevens Tournaments were entered and the early performances were not good and twice playing a spectacular team from Millfield did not help. However the final tournament at Warwick was won with some very impressive displays including a 20-0 demolition of Bishop Vesey's in the semi-final and a comfortable 17-5 victory over Princethorpe in the final. This registered the first Seven's trophy at this level for quite a few years.
I enjoyed coaching the team and am
once again grateful for the large parental support and the work of the ladies in the tea room under the guidance of the redoubtable Mrs. Major.
The season began encouragingly with a trial match against Christ's College, Brecon which was emphatically won. However, it was evident from the outset that while the backs would have the edge over most opponents when it came to pace, if not handling skills, our relatively small pack would probably struggle against the hefty forwards of schools with more boys to choose from than ours. This proved to be the case and although we only suffered two heavy defeats at the hands of Old Swinford and K.E.S. Birmingham, we lost several games narrowly through an inability to secure possession in the line-out, where our vertically challenged forwards rarely got a sniff of the ball. Winning good second phase possession also proved to be a problem and on too many occasions, a failure to play with sufficient aggression and as a unit, yielded the initiative to the opposition. Nevertheless, there were some committed and very pleasing performances, notably those against a strong Cheltenham College team and a victory over the other lot down the road!
Alex Kelly, Daniel Plank, Richard Paul and Edward Smith were valuable additions to the previous year's U 13 team, as was Steven Ott, who proved to be a real asset, both as a forceful attacking centre and as a reliable goal kicker. Other three-quarters worthy of mention were Chris Massey, who made a successful transition to full back from wing and Daniel Shaw, a promising centre. James Syree, who captained the side and James Hill forged an effective, if rarely exciting half-back partnership and the pick of the forwards were Richard Paul and Alex Shuter.
The 'B' team enjoyed a very successful season, losing only two of their thirteen matches.
The Under 13 Rugby team had a particularly difficult season last year. Unfortunately, two good backs, Andrew Freeman and William Ward were longterm casualties and we tended to struggle to find adequate replacements. The forwards were quite small apart from Alex Troth and Tom Colley, and the latter, being a chorister, was not always available.
The pack was enthusiastically led by Josh Hand who was always a committed
player and he was given excellent support by Stephen Protherough whose hooking and throwing in were exemplary. Jonathon Randles forced his way into the second row with some forceful tackling. Perhaps the most effective forward was Nigel Blackshaw. His powerful runs and low body position made him awkward to stop, and he will prove an asset to many teams in the future.
The backs lacked penetration for much of the season, but to be fair they did not enjoy an abundance of quality ball. Steven Daly did his best at scrum-half and developed during the year, and Duncan Griffiths had an impressive season at flyhalf despite being out of position. The centres (usually Stewart Copson and Luke Amphieft) improved during the year. Copson in particular made numerous breaks but in general the support was too slow to make more of these opportunities. For most of the season Chris Candlish played fullback with distinction, his running out of defence being the outstanding feature of his play. James Gunn was a gritty winger who tackled most opposite numbers he could catch and the other winger was Paul Rollason, who also made some excellent tackles. Unfortunately they did not often get the ball in enough space to show what they were capable of in an attacking sense.
All in all we were impressed by the commitment shown by the boys despite only winning two matches - against Queen Mary's Walsall - in a thrilling encounter which we won 29-24, and also against Chantry. With continued work to perfect handling skills and support work and perhaps a couple of good wins to instill some confidence, they will become an improving team.
J.L.O. 1J.T.W.
The 'A' XV had a wonderful season (winning 10 and losing one of its eleven games, scoring 326 points and conceding 46) and this must have been the strongest Under 12 squad for many years. Certainly I can't remember any school team, not just Under 12s, beating schools like
Solihull (57-S), Warw~ck (41-5) and R.G.S. Worcester (29-0) so convincingly. The team was rather fortunate with injuries as very rarely was I unable to select a full strength side, but there was strength in depth and players with allround skill such as Philip Burdon, Jamie Gwynne, Oliver Pooley, Michael Pearson and George Anstey were really far too good for the 'B' XV.
The 'A' XV more than made up for a lack of physical presence with pace and excellent handling ability throughout the team, and also the forwards grew more and more adept at making the ball available early so that good, quick ball was given to the three quarters. Ben Cliff, Richard Hallett and Wiliam Walker formed an attacking back row and Simon Lowth and Scott Rennie were mobile locks who always did the right thing at the right time. Prop Matthew Dodson's contribution to the forwards' efforts was outstanding and his ability to make the ball available under the greatest of pressure regularly got the team out of trouble. Neil Lonergan and Edward Borastero, the other two regular members of the front row, were both highly consistent performers. In the three quarters Nick Major's displays were outstanding. His strength, pace and ability to read a game were influential factors in many of the team's victories. Richard Syree was the most competitive and skillful of scrum halves and Michael Whear, Paul Hallett and Jo Robinson proved to be elusive runners with quick and safe hands. On the wings Aaron Sagar and Tom Soden were given plenty of opportunities to show their strength and pace and they both responded with important tries.
The'B' XV was also able to put out an impressive side and won six of its nine matches. Congratulations must go to the whole squad for its exemplary attitude and enthusiasm throughout a long season and I'd like to thank RJD for his help and those parents who braved all weathers to support and encourage this outstanding group of young players. D.P.I.
A total of 10 wins in a school cricket season is generally considered to be an indication that a team has been successful. However, as everybody knows, bare statistics can mask the real truth which is that this 1st XI under-performed for much of the season before producing some outstanding form in the final few matches. This is not to say that the team lacked consistent performers. Indeed, three batsmen (Edward Oliver, 968 runs at an average of 48.4, Tim Morris, 777 at 45.7 and Daniel Cullen 480 at 40.00). and two bowlers (Toby Heyes with 45 wkts. and Jabbar Riaz with 3 1) proved, despite the odd bad patch, the mainstays of the side throughout. Mention here should also be made of Matthew Pearce, whose wicket-keeping was once again excellent in all respect.
It was in the 'pulling together' of these strands that many of the early season problems lay. A good batting performance would be undermined by poor bowling or vice-versa. Often the period of time when things went awry would be relatively brief, lasting perhaps only a few overs, but as the team came to realise, albeit after several painful lessons, a game can turn in such periods. Lack of concentration is often the cause; bowlers as well as batsmen must realise this. Catching, too, or rather the lack of it, cost the side dearly, allowing several potentially match-winning situations to disappear. Whilst it is unrealistic to expect young cricketers never to lose 'focus' on the job in hand, the consequences of doing so are undeniable - a mid-innings collapse, a rash of boundaries conceded, an opposition batsman reprieved, and the game has changed. Late in the season, when examination pressure had been removed perhaps, the lessons of early disappointments were, it seems learned, and the collective purpose of the team became markedly more noticeable. Stuart Thomas, the captain, began to come to terms with a job which he found very difficult early on and the team played some excellent cricket, notably in a crushing 10 wicket victory over the Old Vigornians on King's Day and on a superbly enjoyable Jersey tour where the opposition was simply outclassed in three consecutive matches. As well as Oliver. Morris and Cullen
useful contributors to the batting cause were Stuart Thomas, John Harris, who made a hundred against Oldswinford Hospital School and Leigh Hinton, who never fulfilled the promises of his debut knock of 61 against Monmouth. Morris was the season's only other centurion though Oliver and Cullen, still U-16 and U-15 respectively in 1996, will surely score many in future. Thomas, certainly affected by the burden of captaincy, was too circumspect at the crease and did not play the shots of which he is capable. This did not. however, prevent him from being selected for the Midlands Schools U-19 XI.
The bowling lacked variety and, especially. a consistent spinner. After a very good year in 1995 when only U-15, Daniel Kendrick lost the essential control upon which a leg-spinner depends and, though he still has much to learn, Daniel Harris was pressed into 1st XI action rather sooner than he should have been. Adam Phillips and Tom Pitts, of the
youngsters, both bowled useful spells from time to time, as did Nigel Terry whose reliable form in the 2nd XI eventually forced his elevation to the side. The pace duo of Heyes and Riaz earned the biggest threat to opposition batsmen, however, and carried the burden of bowling most of the overs (over 450 between them!). Both suffered from dropped slip catches and from their own lapses of concentration, but overall it is difficult to fault their effort and commitment throughout what was a long season.
Finally, as most of the school's cricketers are aware there has been a 'youth policy' operating at 1st XI level over the last few years. This has produced some ups and downs but overall a period of progress. Some of the young players in whom faith has been shown are now reaching the point where they can be called 'experienced'.
King's expects .....
After the peak of 1995, it was rather a shock to lose some games this year, but we still had a better than average season, with 5 wins against 3 losses and 4 draws. There were few barnstorming innings or devastating spells, but several loyal, consistent performers who set a fine example of dedication and application.
Captain at the start of the season was Jake Hannah, whose bowling had sustained the side for the last two years and who continued to suffer from the dearth of close catchers; after two good spells (3-35 at Warwick and 4-50 at Solihull) and a top score of 71 against Hereford Cathedral, he was unable to play in the second half of the season and the captaincy went to Nigel Terry. Here is the model of the unassuming, consistent all-rounder: he set a splendid example in the field, including several catches, bowled tightly (4-31 against Monmouth, almost keeping them from what should have been an easy win, and 3-41 against Wrekin) and batted well throughout the season with scores that included 29, 48, 26, 36 and 42. Similarly consistent was James Keegan who, as well as keeping wicket, made 5 scores in the twenties and thirties. Another player who appeared in almost every game was Abbas Kazerooni, who began the season as a slogger (25 against King Henry VIII Coventry, with 6 fours) but who developed into a surprisingly consistent batsman - and took 2 wickets for 1 run in a rare spell of bowling against Bromsgrove!
Ben Winter was one player who came into his own as the season went on: we beat Wrekin only because of his 40 not out, as the rest of the side could hardly cope with the target of 108 to win. As well as 50 against Solihull, he played two winning innings of 43 and 94 to beat KES Birmingham and Bishop Vesey's. More remarkably, he took a gully catch! In the match against Bromsgrove, when I'd despaired of our ever catching anything close to the wicket, first Julian Wright held on to a blinder in the slips, and then Winter couldn't get out of the way in the gully. The lucky bowler was Edward Swan; happily Hannah wasn't there to see it. Another batsman to watch is Charlie Evans, much more correct than the average Second XI player, and coming good with 65 not out against Bishop Vesey's, to help Winter chase the demanding target of 194.
There were several promising bowlers. Jeremy Robertson, as first change, could swing the ball in most conditions and was always likely to
trouble even the best batsmen. Swan, too, had a moment of brilliance: 4- 10 in the win against Wrekin. Daniel Kendrick, really a First XI bowler, had spells of 334 and 4-23, and Daniel Harris, another spinner, took 3-33 against KES. In quite a different mould Tom Pitts, occasionally demoted from the First, tended to remove the first few batsmen at the start of the innings before they got used to his speed; he even managed this against RGS, before they avenged last year's defeat. As usual, if anyone did too well, they were lost to us through promotion!
On a general note, the fielding was good in parts, with Keegan behind the stumps, Hannah and Terry all setting an excellent example, but not as consistently sharp as two years ago. The fielders tried to psych themselves up by imitating the banter they hear from first-class sides on television, and only occasionally did this descend into yobbishness. The spirit was good, everybody tried hard, and the team could be proud of its results.
This was one of the more successful U 15 teams with a record of five wins, two losses and five draws. What made it unusually successful was a victory over the Royal Grammar School, something unheard of in recent history. In a low scoring game, Alex Garwood-Gowers made it happen with a spell of very quick bowling that produced figures of 7 wickets for 39 runs. While Alex was the main strike bowler, he received good support at times from Lloyd Cox, Ted Brigden and Richard Major. The bowling wasn't always as devastating - Solihull, for example, scored 224 for 2 from 40 overs and KES Birmingham 235 for 3. However, these two games were certainly not one-sided since against Solihull King's replied with 200 for 7 from 35 overs (James Tustin 47, Richard Major 44 and Lloyd Cox 48 n.o.), and against KES Birmingham King's scored 207 for 8 with a hard-hitting 113 from James Tustin. Another highlight of the season was an opening partnership of 204 from only 25 overs against Bishops HerefordTed Brigden scoring 59 and Dan Cullen, on loan from the 1st XI, 132 n.0. including 6 sixes and 18 fours. Others who contributed well to the batting during the season were Chris Horn and James Parry. Of course, there were the batting disasters, too, - 67 all out against Warwick and a dismal 37 against a touring New Zealand side. Fielding, as always, was variable, but mention must be made of Charles Daniell who took two of the best catches I have seen at this level.
Team: James Tustin (capt), Richard Major, Lloyd Cox, Ted Brigden, Chris Horn, James Parry, Alex GarwoodGowers, Andrew Lonbay, David Gough, Charles Daniell, Matthew Thompson, John Huskinson, Jonathan Race, Tim Astles.
Despite a reasonable playing record the Under 14 XI had a difficult season. Against the stronger bowling attacks faced the batting proved to be fragile and spectacular collapses were seen at W.R.G.S. and Solihull. Having said this, Stephen Ott scored quite heavily when he got in and Andy Lee found some form in the second half of the season. The bowling attack was more impressive. Pick of the bowlers was Robert Seeley who produced some good spells when the team was under pressure. Top wicket taker, however, was James Hill with his 'golden arm' (I'll make no obvious comparisons here). The fielding improved as the season progressed, Lee being outstanding, and Robbie Fardon did a sound job as captain.
The Under 13 team played some excellent cricket during the season and their playing record reads played 15, won 8, drawn 1 and lost 6, which is pleasing for all concerned. The highlight of the season was to reach the final of the W.S.C.C. competition held at Evesham C.C. The start of the winning series of games began against Woodrush with Adam Papaphilippopoulos (19), Stephen Daly (17) and Duncan Griffiths (l5 N.O.) providing the scores to secure the victory. The second round involved travelling to Wribbenhall and it was to be the occasion of Andrew Freeman's finest innings. He scored 52 N.O. and hit nine boundaries in what seemed a matter of moments. The 71 run target was reached with eight overs to spare. The semifinal match saw the team drawn against Bromsgrove and this was the best game of the season in my opinion. Bromsgrove were a fine team with athletic fielders, excellent spin bowlers and accomplished batsmen. They scored 171 runs off their 30 overs and this looked a difficult total to reach. The boundary was nevertheless a short one and our innings started very well with Daly and Freeman pushing along the score. Nicholas Major came in first wicket down and played with great enterprise and purpose. He made the boundary look even closer and when he was joined by Griffiths balls were being
hit into the hands of our jubilant parents seeking shade under the elms. They scored 78 N.O. and 33 respectively and the winning runs came in the twenty eighth over from the bat of William Ward. Incidentally, these were their highest scores of the season. N. Major came into the team in order to strengthen the batting and to provide him with the opportunity to play against some quicker bowling. He times the ball well, middles it often and has as wide a range of shots as the Scots do malt whiskies.
Once again our local rivals provided the opposition in the final played at Evesham C.C. All looked well as they only scored a modest 142 in their 30 overs. We were heading for this with batsmen and time in our favour but, sadly, we failed to put bat to ball towards the end and lost this important competition by a mere 5 runs. Nevertheless, in the remaining matches spirits remained buoyant and bubbling and the team disposed of Monmouth by 4 wickets, Hereford Cathedral by 3 wickets, Dyson Perrins again by 3 wickets, Chantry by 57 runs and Brecon by 36 runs. Stephen Protherough did particularly well against Monmouth with 4 for 6 off five overs and Stephen Daly once more provided the good start to our batting. He had a very successful season both batting and bowling and was second to Major in the batting averages scoring 255 runs in his fourteen innings.His highest score was 55 N.O. against Brecon and he took 16 wickets for an average of 13 runs with his best performance being 7 for 4 against Hereford Cathedral school. It was against Hereford that Papaphilippopoulos scored his highest innings and I liked the manner in which he captained the team, used his players and tried to vary his deliveries when he brought himself on to bowl. The most penetrating bowler was Griffiths with 22 wickets. He tore into Brecon with 8 for 47 off 13 overs and this exemplified much of his style throughout the season. He bowls at a lively pace, and can throw the ball huge distances although I shall not forget the moment he slid across the bowling crease on his backside against Warwick. A number of other bowlers joined him in the bowling attack, notably Freeman, Nicholas Cole, Stuart Copson, Ward, Stephen Colquhoun, Daly, Thomas Colley and Protherough and it was the latter three who took the majority of the wickets.
Batting inconsistencies and poor fielding lost us the game against Warwick and we were once again poor against R.G.S at home in June. We lost another game later in the month against K.E.S. Birmingham despite scoring 141
runs mainly coming from Major (27), Daly (27) and Ward(37) and in our last game of the season we were bowled out for 102 against a very impressive Bristol Grammar side. They took ages to bowl each over and much of this was a result of their opening bowler running in from what seemed to be the new Severn bridge. In fact, he took so long that I felt like charging him a toll. Needless to say he polished most of the shine off the ball but sadly for us we too in his hostile spell. How nice it would have been to see more bats held as high and formidable in defence like those awesome walls of sand in the bunkers on the Old Course at St. Andrews.
It was encouraging to see so many boys at training and it was a pity that there were not more mid-week games or B team fixtures available for Luke Amphlett, James Gunn, Christopher Husband, Richard Neal and Stephen Colquhoun to develop their game. Alexander Walker made a very quick recovery from his operation and played some fine games and I liked the way he responded to hitting the ball into the outfield more forcibly. Thomas Colley became a more pugnacious batsman during the season and Alexander Trough began to hit the ball very confidently as the season progressed. His best score was 31 against Brecon. Stephen Candlish had looked in good form in the early season nets but a serious injury kept him out of the side; it will be nice to see him playing again next season.
Dr. Walsh who helped immensely at every practice and as umpire many times agrees with me that this was a very good season. If each member of the team can become a little more consistent in the future then we both feel sure that much
success and pleasure will follow. Next summer sees the arrival of the Australian team who are very consistent in all departments of the game. Let us try to follow their example.
The Under 12 Cricket teams demonstrated an abundance of talent which bodes well for the future. There were so many boys keen to participate and practise that it was often difficult to allow everyone as much time and attention as we would have liked. Nevertheless we tried to give all those with potential some games and throughout the course of the summer we played a total of 26 players despite the fact that there were only 2 'B' team matches on the fixture list. Our strength in depth enabled us to field 'B' teams against some opponents' 'A' teams.
Our bowling attack was not as strong as our batting line-up, but we managed to contain quite well at times and picked up important wickets by causing rash shots from frustrated opponents. The pick of the bowlers was James Byrne with his teasing leg-spinners who is a potential match-winner. Paul Hallett and Matthew Dodson are steady opening bowlers and Phil Burdon could be relied upon to bowl a good line and length. Joe Robinson produced some sharp deliveries and Michael Pearson bowled aggressively with little luck. Richard Hallett bowled some successful spells of leg-spin but perhaps the team lacks a little variety. A good left arm bowler would be a useful addition.
The season started in April with a promising draw against Monmouth the highlight of which was an outstanding
121 not out by Nicholas Major. Wins followed against Warwick (by 5 wickets) and Bishop Perowne (by 1 0 wickets). Then the 'B' team distinguished themselves by overwhelming King's Gloucester by 88 runs, Aaron Sagar scoring 32 and Simon Lowth forcing himself into the reckoning for the 'A' team with an excellent bowling spell of 6 wickets for 5 runs. There followed further victories against Solihull School, Bishop's Hereford and Hereford Cathedral School by 5 wickets, 7 wickets and 7 wickets respectively. Matthew Dodson bowled 5 overs without conceding a run against Bishop's Hereford while Richard Hallett took 4-7 in two overs and Richard Morris took 39. Tom Soden played the match winning innings at Hereford Cathedral, contributing 34 not out.
We then lost against the Grammar School with a poor performance, beat Hagley R.C. in the Calypso Cup Competition with Joe Robinson scoring a hard-hitting 77 not out, and Byrne taking 6-12, and defeated Dyson Perrins by 95 runs in a 20 over 'B' team game. The Chantry were disposed of by 105 runs (Soden topscoring with 44) and then we lost a good match against K.E.S. Birmingham where we had to declare and they scored 154 in 29 overs to win by 7 wickets. Nevertheless Richard Hallett played well for 71 as did Richard Morris for 40.
The best match of the season was the return match against our local rivals in
typically unpleasant and the River Severn rather full (I am sure that there was still a hose-pipe ban in force at the time). The fixture list had been strengthened and a regular traininglcoaching programme enabled a good deal of progress to be made.
The season started well enough with the 1st XI beating The Chase High School (6-2) and then losing narrowly to Bromsgrove School (4-5). The end of January brought a cold snap and with it the postponement of our matches against Handsworth Grammar School. After a mixed set of results in our fixtures with Wycliffe College the weather intervened once more and several mid-week and Saturday fixtures were lost. It was at about this time that I started to doubt the wisdom of trying to play a passing game, since the ball invariably got stuck in the quagmire, and was very tempted to suggest that we adopt the long ball as our -chief strategy. Common sense prevailed and prevented me from doing so and we continued to work hard to improve the standard of play of our teams, with varying amount of success. The remainder of the season brought slightly better climatic conditions and a mixed bag of results in our fixtures with R.G.S. Worcester, Clifton College, Monmouth School, Hagley
and a few others. The pick of the results was probably the 1st XI'S victory in the rearranged fixture against Handsworth Grammar School.
Whilst it is true that we have made a lot of progress over the last few years, it is also the case that there is still room to build further. Our team of coaches (R.P.M., S.leM., D.T.N. M.C.P., M.P., K.A.P.W. and myself) must aim to improve the playing skills of our players and the tactics and cohesiveness of our teams in the future. Our ability to progress is not enhanced by the poor weather in the Spring and the unavailability of some players for practices and matches. I feel sure, however, that the latter of these problems will cease to be significant with cooperation and goodwill between those concerned. I look forward to the future with a good deal of optimism.
-, -
It was a privilege to see such mature play and they learned a great deal from it. The team had a good win at Christ College, Brecon (8 wickets) the runs being scored by Robinson (52 not out) and Paul Hallett (36 not out). The season finally ended with a rather tame draw against Bristol but James Byrne was rewarded with his second-best bowling performance, taking 4-11 and taking his total for the season to 24.
J.L.O. / R.J.D.
All of those associated with the game of football at King's began the 1996 season with the usual hope that the weather would be kind to us and that we could build upon the previous two seasons, during which the game had been introduced into the school. As the season progressed we found that this ambition was accomplished but the weather was
After the lnventlon of the 'King's' Basketball team last year, there has been a vast improvement in both the standard and the commitment of the players involved.
With last year's relative success under its belt the squad approached the so called 'friendlies' with an air of confidence that was, at times, all too obvious. With a squad ranging in age from Upper Removes through to Old Vigornians, the regular Saturday morning practice was a combination of youth and experience.
The team started off the series of friendlies with a game against an exceptional Spanish touring side. The game could only be described as a learning experience for the team. There then followed two convincing victories over the county Under Sixteens and our old enemies, Orillo. The final game of the season was against Martley. Although we lost 58-76 the game was a lot closer than the score suggests.
Essential contributions were made all
season from Ashley Haynes, Andy Benvie, Nick Hall and Jon Bourne, not forgetting the hard working and ever present Tony Eden who could not help but put a smile on everyone's face. His own individual style has taken on legendary status in this area. All of these were backed up confidently by James Keegan and Richard Major, who will make up the core of the squad for the next few seasons.
With the majority of the squad made up of Upper Sixth and the odd OV here and there, the forthcoming season has prompted a change. The King's squad has joined forces with the Worcester 'Old Uns' for the time being.
A massive debt of gratitude goes out to Muff Murfin who has continued to give up his time to both coaching the team and organising the entry into the Worcester League. Without his effort and support, basketball at the school would not have developed in the way that it has.
Nick Bourne
This year has seen unprecedented interest in the Boat Club, thanks mainly to our impressive result sheet from past years. It lived up to expectations, with the women's crews rowing their best season ever. It is good news that our senior squads spread over three years: there is no longer the problem of a whole crew leaving the school in one year, leaving only novices to carry on the King's School's tradition of high quality rowing.
squad. Although changing from sculling to rowing has made a massive difference, it increased both the standard and the numbers in the squad. A large group of Lower Sixth augmented the experienced crews progressing through the school. Initially the Lower Sixth girls trained separately. Within weeks of starting they had won Tewkesbury Autumn Head, beating fierce and more experienced opposition. This winning streak
Matt Hackett came to the school for a year to train the "top boats squad". What this eventually boiled down to was a first eight, which split into smaller crews to train and race. During the head season the first eight didn't really manage to gel as a team: a novice eight, made up of the four Lower Sixth in the first eight and four Fifth years managed to win at Worcester Head, but this turned out to be our only success during the head season, punctuated by disaster (Pair capsizing at Stourport) and illness (Coxless quad reduced to coxless double!).
The Senior squad had decided that this year was do or die: instead of doing the local regatta circuit, they headed for new hunting grounds, typically, long course, high calibre events, racing against the top crews in the country. Unfortunately, despite continual improvement, and some promising results, the eight was just a few feet off the pace. Popular regattas proved just too long for us to keep up with the winners, dropping back in the last 250m and high hopes after Notts County were dashed by failure in National Schools, losing in the semi-finals by 0.6 of a second. The First Eight automatically qualified for Henley Regatta, the highlight of the year in rowing circles. However their luck did not get better, as in the first round they were unfortunately drawn against Brentwood College School, who with six Canadian internationals in the crew were the eventual winners.
This was to be the first year when we had "home grown" girls in the senior
proceeded through Stourport Head, where two women's crews received pots, and onto Worcester Head. By this time it had been decided to merge the S111 (experienced) and novice crews into one squad, from which two eights and often a
school won at the national schools regatta as in the face of very stiff competition no other crews quite fulfilled their potential. At the National Championships the girls performed with great maturity and in an excellent race won the gold medal, as champions of Great Britain. The crew they beat, LEH from London, had won the national schools. The crew was Liz Havard, Kate Hickson, Alex Lomas, Charlie Ghaye and cox Dominique Laurence.
The J15 boys had a good season: they started well. finishing fifth in the School's Head, beating several of the Thames clubs on their home stretch! The J15s kept their standard high for the regatta season; they were unlucky that there were some very high class crews in our area. Although they only clocked one win, at Shrewsbury regatta, they finished second at Thames Valley Park (beating Windsor Boys) and second at Tewkesbury. This year group shows promise and it will be interesting to see how they develop in the senior squad. four were picked. ~othiheunder 14 boys and girls have They reached astounding heights in the done very we]], with record numbers National Schools Head, finishing fifth, opting for rowing. we managed to run the best a KSW women's crew has ever three boys crews for much of the year. done. It is an example to the boat They did very well to win at Shrewsbury that the Lower Sixth were to school regatta. However one of the highlearn so much, so quickly. lights was at Cheltenham where we
At Regatta the girls entered the normal A,B,C crews and an X ~~emed to be following up their winning crew made up of the coxes. It was good streak, but unfortunately to see that a number of these boys sculled set in as they suffered a bad defeat at the during the summer holidays and have National Schools regatta going out in the carried it on this hi^ must augur heat when they should have made the well for next year. final. On the same day their 2nd eight ~h,514 girls did very well having a won at Worcester Regatta: may I take squad of six which developed into a good this opportunity to thank One who unit. They were coached by last year's came along to support, and invite You captain Phi1 Beard, who in his year out next year. The 1st eight went on to win at offered to help. went on to win the Tewkesbury and Ironbridge. This year under 23 singles at the ~~~i~~~l there has been another huge influx of championships.
Lower Sixth girls wishing to take up the A successful and year challenging sport of rowing, and it is culminated in the School's Regatta and great to see Emil~BrOokes and Lauren dinner. It was good to see so many O.V.s, Lawson-Pratt going for the national even if they managed to snap the front squad. end of the first eight in order to avoid
Lower down in the the racing this year's first eight. Perhaps next Women's 31.5 coxed quad has performed year will see both a girls and boys O.V. incredibly. They are coached by Paul eight return.
Sterx, who has now taken up a regular Ben Panter coaching position, being responsible for the coaching and development of the senior boys' squad.
The girls went from strength to strength: first a win at Shrewsbury, then a bronze at National Schools. This deserves a special mention as it was the only medal that the
Pride of place this season goes to Danicl Plank, (LRlW). who won a gold medal at the prestigious English Schools' Athletic Championships in the junior boys high jump. The competition is extremely fierce and demanding qualifying standards have to be reached for entry, in this case 1.72. His winning clearance of 1.83 (6ft) beat his previous best of 1.80 which he set at the School sports. This jump was not only a School record but also the highest in the history of the School for any age group. Our congratulations go to Daniel and to his coach at Birchfield. The triumph is theirs but the success is a great fillip to athletics at King's.
The junior girls were bolstered by the arrival of Ruth Robinson, a stylish sprinter and long jumper. The Intermediate girls were a strong team. Elizabeth Havard dominated the sprints and Jennifer Pearce (800111) and Anna Gregorowski (1500111) the middle distance races. Lauren Pratt (Discus) and Jessica Page(Shot) were the main point scorers in the field. Joanna Bellfield showed herself still to be an excellent all-round athlete on sports day. In the senior girls, Naomi Potts competed at county level in the heptathlon.
The junior boys performed very well, Higgs (Discus), Ott (Shot/200m), Ilsley (200m), Hickling (400), Lucas and Hathaway (1500m), Finlay and of course Plank (HJ) are worthy of special mention. The Intermediate boys were perhaps the strongest all-round team in the School. Some of the main points scorers were: Major and Lewis in the sprints, Forrester (800), Ludlow and Tipping (1500) in the middle distance races, Foulkes (Jav), Gough (Shot) and Dale (400lTJ) in the field. The seniors were strong in middle distance races with Ian Grime, Ed McDonald and the vastly improved Grant Strover showing the way. Andrew Benvie (100) and Ben Plank (LJ) were other outstanding performers.
During the course of the term over 150 pupils represented the School in athletics in various matches and district championships. Thirty represented the City of Worcester and seven gained medals at the County meeting. The full list of representative honours were as follows:
Senior Boys: I. Grime (Cr) 800m
E. McDonald (W) 800m
A. Benvie (K) 100mlTriple Jump
G.Strover (CI) 1500m
B. Plank (B) Long and Triple jump
Senior Girls: N. Potts (0) 400m Hurdles
Intermediate Boys: R. Major (S)
R.Lewis (S)
M. Forrester (W)
G. Ludlow *(W)
G. Tipping (Cl)
C. Foulkes *(CI)
D. Gough (W)
J. Dale (B)
100ml4 X 100m relay 200m 800m 1500m 1500m javelin Shot Triple jump
Intermediate Girls: E Havard *(K) 100m14 X 100m. relay
J. Pearce *(Cl) 800m
A. Gregorowski *(S) 1500m
L. Lawson-Pratt (CI) Javelin
Junior Boys: A. Higgs *(S) Discus
D. Plank *(W) High jump
M. Finlay (B) High jump
S. Ott(S) Shot
N. Blackshaw (U4D) Javelin
Junior Girls: R. Robinson(W) l OOm
Minor Boys: N. Blackshaw *(U4C) Javelin
L. Pizzey (U4A) 200m
Minors Girls: K. Rolle-Rowan *(U4A) 10014 X l OOm relay
J.Greenhow(U4B) 200ml4 X lOOm Relay
E. Joyce (U4B) Long Jump
S. Doughty (L4D) Shot Putt
* denotes City Champion
The medallists at the County Athletics Championship were:
Gold JB Plank D HJ
IG Gregorowski A 1500m
IB Foulkes C Javelin
SB Strover G 1500m
MG Doughty S Shot
Higgs A Discus
IB Forrester M 800m
IB Gough D Shot
The following pupils were then selected to represent the County in the Mason Trophy (Inter-County event at Stoke) JB Plank D HJ
IG Gregorowski A 1500m
IB Foulkes C Jav
SB Strover G 1500M
IB Lewis R 200m
English Schools' Champion JB Plank D
The move to the City Track for an evening meeting was a successful one. The weather was fine and the athletes responded well to the excellent facility. The Competition for the House with the most overall points was a clo~eand exciting one in which School House narrowly prevailed.
The occasion was marked by the presence of two old boys, Mr Roger Thorn, O.V. commemorated his sub two minute 800m record of 1956 by running in the same event forty years on! It was a great pleasure to see him also running in the Senior Boys 1500m. In his Oxford days Mr Thorn was a 1500m (3.38) and mile (3.58) specialist although he also went on to establish a personal best of 1.49 for the 8OOm. Mr David Hershman O.V. was kind enough to present the winning trophy. Mr Hershman has the distinction of holding all three of the existing Shot Put records. His marks would still qualify for the English Schools' championship today.
Results: The first three Houses in each category were:
Senior Boys Boarders (81) Oswald (74)
Intermediate Boys Wulstan (93.5) School(77)
Junior Boys School(95) Wulstan (83)
Senior Girls School(72) Creighton (56)
Junior Girls Wulstan (64) Chappel (62)
The top three overall totals were as follows: First Second School (368) Wulstan (35 1)
The Victor Ludorum in each category were:
Senior Boys Intermediate Boys Junior Boys
Senior Girls
Third Schoo1(72)= Wulstan Kittermaster (69) Oswald (73) Oswald (54) Kittermaster (58)
Tlzird Kittermaster (287.5)
Junior Girls Benjamin Richard Daniel Naomi Potts (OS) Ruth Plank (B) Major (S) Plank (W) Joanna Bellfield (S) Robinson (W)
The Junior sports day was also a successful event which managed to take place in between torrential downpours. The overall winners were U4D and L4A and L4D first equal. There are potentially some excellent athletes in the fourth forms, perhaps the most promising being Nigel Blackshaw (400mlJavelin.) and Samantha Doughty (Shot/Discus). Nigel broke the sports day javelin record with a throw of 30.50, although against RGS he threw 32.92 and at the district championship reached an excellent 34.73. Samantha, a lower four, achieved a silver at the county minors in the shot and smashed the existing shot and discus records with impressive marks of 8.63 and 22.95 respectively.
Athletics at King's is starting to flourish. The structure is in place for pupils to practise, compete and progress. Even so, I commend all of our athletes to consider joining an athletics club. Worcester A.C. welcomes young athletes
although specialist field event coaching might be sought privately or at a major club such as Birchfield. it should come as no surprise that many of our top competitors have coaching outside school.
Finally, my thanks to all members of staff who gave up their time to help at the various meetings, more of the same next year please. My thanks also to the development committee for their kind donation towards the cost of athletic vests of the club.
As usual, the district championships were held at the Old Hills, Callow End. The Senior event held on the 10th January was won by Ian Grime and as a team King's finished second. The Intermediate, Junior and Minors events took place on the 25th of January in sub zero conditions. The individual and team results were as follows:
U1 7 Boys U 15 Boys U13 Boys U 17 Girls U15 Girls SECOND FIRST = SECOND FIRST FOURTH
Ludlow 6th Smith M 3rd Soden 3rd Gregorowski 2nd Guest 15th
Tipping G 8th Lucas 6th Timson 6th Pearce 5th Rolle-Rowan 18th
Hinchliffe 13th Massey 8th Newsham 10th Havard 6th Lewis S 21st Watts 20th Kirk l l th Pearson 15th Lambert 7th Inchbold 23rd
The following King's pupils were selected to represent the City of Worcester at the County Championship. The event was held at Redditch on 3rd February.
Senior Boys Intermediate Girls Intermediate Boys Junior Boys
I. Grime A Gregorowski G.Ludlow
M. Smith J. Pearce G. Tipping J. Lucas P. Havard
C Massey S. Lambert
R. Paul
M. Hathaway E. Cumming
Ian Grime was runner up at the County championship and ran in the National event. Ian also finished sixth in the very competitive Birmingham league.
School Cross-Country Results
Team Results First Second Third Junior Boys Wulstan Creightou School
Intermediate Boys Wulstan Oswald Creighton
Senior Boys Creighton Oswald Wulstan
Junior Girls Wulstan Oswald
Senior Girls School Chappel Oswald
Individual Results First Second Third
Junior Boys John Lucas(Cr) Chris Massev(S) Marcus Hathaway (S)
Intermediate Boys Gerard Ludlow(W) Gregory Tipping(C1) Garwood-Cowers (W)
Senior Boys Ian Grime (Cr) Ben Plank(B) Nick Hall (S)
Junior Girls Anna Cregorowski(S) Jenny Pearce(C1) Elizabeth Havard (K)
Senior Girls Rowan Diamond(C1) Joanna Bellfield(S) Rebecca Birtwhistle (CC) D.T.N.
King's School Senior Fencers continued their winning trend by lifting the W.M. Schools' Teams Foil Trophy for the third time, defeating Shrewsbury School in the final (6-3). The winning team was Stuart Thomas (Capt), Matthew Haynes, James Brazier. The very promising junior team (Luke Amphlett, John Maxwell and Alisdair Colquhoun ) fought well but were against boys Under 16 so did well to gain a fifth position. The West Midlands are hoping to have an Under 14 trophy this year.
Matches have been fought against Malvern College, Alcester Grammar School and Shrewsbury School with only a loss against Alcester Grammar being sustained.
Again at the FCCA Non-Electric Foil Competition the school were well repre-
sented with boys and one girl participating across all the age groups, with good results and excellent sportsmanship.
In July I was asked by the Worcester Sports Council to organise the Triangular Fencing Match during the Worcester Sports Festival (Hereford v Gloucester v Worcester) The Worcester teams were : Epee: John Cartwright, Chris Carr & Matt Suddock, Foil: Rob Horton, Matt Haynes and Tom Stanhope. The result was an overall victory for Worcester. King's School received a special 'thank you' from Howard Peters (Sports Council) for their help and participation for, without this, the fencing event would have been cancelled.
Our annual pilgrimage to the Public Schools' Competition took place in March. Those who went along to Crystal Palace were Stuart Thomas, Matt Haynes, James Jeffs and James Brazier.
Stuart did well to gain 16th position in the foil against a competition entry of 90; Matt Haynes went along aiming to win the Master at Arms however this was not to be. He gained a similar place to Stuart in the Epee and reached the last 24 in the foil, in the sabre he was eliminated in the early rounds; James Brazier did well to reach the direct elimination (last 32), James Jeffs was knocked out in the second round. In defence of the boys' achievements I must add that the standard of this competition is extremely high with approximately 100 in each age group.
This year 1996197 may see us lose the W.M. Under 18 Trophy but I am confident that all the newcomers will do well. Hilary A. Hammond British Regional Coach
This has been another exciting year for us, and now that the school is fully coeducational, it has allowed the department to maintain existing fixtures and events, while adding a number of new dimensions.
Dance has become a lively addition to our activities, thanks to the efforts of T.D.M. A group of pupils went to Oxford to see a stunning modem production by The Rambert Dance Company, which was followed by a workshop in the school theatre, exploring some of the themes we had seen. As we had hoped, it was truly inspiring, and led to the formation of "Genesis Dance Group", a small number of sixth form enthusiasts who performed alongside the House Plays.
A 'netball and hockey tour' to the N.E. of England is another innovation, involving our Under 16 team players, who visited schools in Newcastle and Alnwick, under the supervision of F.L.J. and N.R.A. The matches were excellent, but perhaps even more important was the, cameraderie developing between our
Swimming has featured in the calendar again, with galas for girls, boys and some mixed events. These are always very exciting and noisy occasions, none more so than the Lower Fourth and Upper Fourth InterForm Galas which have taken place this term. All members of each form took part, ending with a massive relay, when everyone did their best, even the less able swimmers. During lessons, over a hundred swimming badges have been earned by boys and girls this year, and water polo has become a very popular addition to the swimming curriculum.
All the teams have performed well and have been a credit to the school. Much of their inspiration stems from the hard work and commitment of the female PE staff who have given their support tirelessly. It has been especially heartwarming to see so many parents spectating, particularly with the younger age groups. Please keep up your support as your contribution is greatly valued.
Kasia Klunduk was an inspirational force in our matches.
Eventually our squad was doubled when some Under 16 squad members were provided for the First VII. This produced, for the first time a 1st and 2nd team on display. Our first match as a mixed team was very successful, by drawing 16-16 with the Alice Ottley School. This fixture has always proved a tough test.
Therefore, with this contrast of friendly and competitive team spirit we had an enjoyable and successful season.
The annual interhouse netball competition proved as competitive as ever with an eventual win for School House. There was fierce competition for space on court as well as on the sidelines, and the support was much appreciated and added to the exciting atmosphere.
Full colours were again awarded to Kasia Klunduk and awarded to Zoe Skellern. Half colours were again awarded to Emily Jaques and Claire McConalogue, and were awarded to Anna Daniell, Tania Koehler, Belinda Lowe and Judith Evans.
Zoe Skellern
girls, and the many new friends we made Anna Daniel1 there. Everyone enjoyed it, and recently Tania Koehler we hosted a "return" fixture, a weekend of Tennis, Swimming and Rounders here
at Kings. It has been such a successful
Due to enthusiasm, effort and commitment throughout the year we were able to experience a rewarding season.
A squad of 13 players trained regularly venture that already the next NE Tour is planned and fully subscribed by next year's teams. Thank you to F.L.J. for her hard work in organising the events, and for introducing us to such a charming part of the country.
We always like to take pupils to spectate at top quality international matches whenever possible, and recently V.J. organised an outing to the new stadium in Milton Keynes to watch the England Women's Hockey Team play against Germany. It was a very worthwhile experience for the girls, who thoroughly enjoyed the day.
Despite the limited numbers of available players, we were able to build a small but closely-knit squad. Preseason training demonstrated hidden talents - although these had to be improved. Gradually, having experienced a few minor setbacks, we began to establish team morale, and with this came our first win of the season, against Hereford Cathedral School. This improved our confidence and we began to build on our success. Our team captain,
and were committed to the team. The season got off to a good start when they reached the final of the county trials tournament, narrowly losing 7 - 8 to Bromsgrove School.
Rose Panter, Lauren Lawson-Pratt, Zoe Witowski and Jo Bellfield all represent the county on a regular basis.
The team won the district tournament beating the Alice Ottley in the final. In the county tournament, they came third place which was a very respectable performance.
This team of talented players started the season off well, coming third in their section at the Under 16 County Trials Tournament. Elizabeth Havard and, Jenny Howlett were invited for final trials, for the county team, and Jenny Howlett was selected.
The team went on to have a tremendous season, playing at a good level at all times.
There was no shortage of enthusiastic girls at the beginning of the season and so we were fortunate enough to be able to field two strong teams.
The A team won eight of the twelve matches they played, with convincing wins over Nunnery Wood, St.Mary's Convent, Hereford Cathedral School, Christopher Whitehead, and Bishop Perowne. They reached the semi-final of the District Tournament, but were beaten by Alice Ottley.
The Under 13 Netball teams had a very rewarding season. To begin with, their results were disappointing, winning only one of their six matches in the first term, but in the final term the A team did not lose a match.
In addition, both teams entered the Worcester City League Tournament, which proved to be valuable experience, with the A Team coming 4th, and the B Team ending 6th. The Worcester District Tournament saw better results for the A Team, who won all their matches in their section, beating St. Mary's Convent in the Semi-Finals, but losing to The Alice Ottley in the Final. Both the finalists went
through to represent the district in the County Round, which provided very tough opposition for our players, and we again went through to the Semi-Finals, but were then beaten by Churchill School, from Redditch.
The teams have worked extremely hard, and have formed a happy and closely-knit group. Kijika Rolle-Rowan has been outstanding as Centre for the A Team, but each member of the squad deserves credit and thanks for their tireless effort and total commitment throughout the season.
The Under 12 netball teams learnt a great deal this season. Girls came together from varied junior schools and in a very short time managed to form two good teams. Nearly all the Lower Fourth girls attended Friday night training, so that by the end of the season they were playing strong, forceful and skillful netball.
Over the two terms, the A Team Won 5 and Lost 6 matches, while the B Team Won 4 and Lost 3. Both teams entered the Worcester City Netball League Tournament, with the A Team coming 3rd in their section and the B Team 6th.
Also they both took part in the District Under 12 Tournament, unusually run in two separate parts - for A and B teams. Our A team ended 3rd in their section, and the B team were equal 2nd in theirs, being knocked out of the Semi-Finals on goal difference.
Finally, very recently the A Team were invited to a high quality tournament at Bromsgrove School, with King's playing against very tough opposition and ending a commendable 5th, overall. It was great experience for our players. There is considerable potential in this
squad of Lower Fourth form players, and the girls have shown tremendous improvement since September.
After our first match - which could only be described as a learning experiencethe team, captained ably by Clare Freeman, enjoyed a successful season. In total, we only lost three of our ten matches and had notable wins against Cheltenham College, Hanley Castle and Dyson Perins. At the end of the season, we entcred thc Sixth Form Tournamcnt at Malvern Girls' College. Our results were pleasing, including a good win over Worcester Sixth Form College which was quite a feat as a number of our players had previously run in the House CrossCountry that afternoon!
As a team, we improved considerably throughout the season under Clare's captaincy, and the coaching and support of Mrs Jenkins. Thanks must go to her for her help and enthusiasm, especially as we could be quite a rabble at times! Our colours were awarded at the Hockey and Netball Dinner at the end of the season with full colours awarded to Clare, Meg Fletcher, Naomi Potts, Rebecca Fletcher and Lorna Ma~on.Half colours were awarded to Bryony Thorneycroft, Leila Turner, Holy Gilbert and Anna Harris.
In the inter-house Hockey competition, School won the trophy.
Holly Gilbert
The Under 16 Team had an interesting season. They proved to be quite outstanding whilst participating in the County Indoor Tournament, reaching the third and final round and only conceding 9 goals during the three rounds. However, matches on grass and astro-turf were not so successful, but the standard of hockey played did improve a great deal, both in individual skills and in working as a team, all of which were used during the Northern Tour where they won two out of the three matches played.
A squad of 16 players trained regularly on both grass and astro-turf pitches. They worked well as a team both on and off the field, gaining in both sporting and social experiences.
They enjoyed a convincing victory 3-0 over St.Mary's Convent, but unfortunately, lost all their other
matches. The results do not reflect how well they played, their dedication, support and the improvement made.
Goal Scorers: Katy Hickson, Jenny Howlett, Kristen Leith
This team seemed to have a great deal of trouble finding the opposition's goal this season. The team worked hard in building up their skills, but always seemed to miss out when it came to finding the back of the net!
However, two of the team were invited for final trials for the District Team; Jodie Guest and Zoe Ryder. Jodie was selected and went on to play in all of the District matches.
Fourteen players regularly attended training on both our grass pitches and also on astro-turf at the College of Higher Education. The season began well with a good victory over Wrekin and the team retained this winning form throughout the season.
They played six matches, won three, lost two and drew one.
They attended the Blue Coat 7-a-side tournament where they only won one of their matches, coming up against stiff opposition from all over the West Midlands.
In the district mini-hockey tournament, they performed extremely well and only lost to M.G.C. in the final on penalty flicks.
Goal Scorers: Katie Jones 5, Kijika Rolle-Rowan 4, Jenny Elderkin 1, Lorna Pritchard 3.
The Under 12 XI opened the season with a splendid 5-0 victory over St.Maryls Convent. All five goals were scored in spectacular fashion by a determined Lizzie Hickson. Further victories over Hillstone and Nunnery Wood continued their run of wins but this came to a halt with a decisive defeat at the hands of the Elms School.
The Under 18 rounders team have played three matches and won one. They beat Hanley Castle handsomely and narrowly lost to Hereford Cathedral. Everyone has played with great enthusiasm and for
their excellent hittting skills, Naomi Potts and Bryony Thornecroft have both been awarded their Full Colours.
The team captained by Lorna Mason have practised regularly on a Wednesday afternoon enjoying the fun element and working hard at the same time.
The team only played in three matches and out of those, unfortunately it only won one of them. The team has been very cohesive and the players have really enjoyed their matches playhing with real spirit. The top scorer was Rebecca Birwhistle, scoring 18 rounders, a phenomenal feat in so few matches. Other players worth a mention include Lauren Lawson-Pratt for her superb catching skills and also Ellen Haynes.
A squad of 18 girls practised since early in the term. Due to the numbers we were able to field a good solid fielding team, batting being its weakness.
I must mention Sara Perera for outstanding fielding skills.
The whole team had good games, making them exciting and close to the bitter end.
The Under 14 squad had a slow start to the season, but once the team was settled they played exceptionally well, beating Malvern College by sixteen rounders and St.Mary's Convent by ten.
Everyone who played was a credit to the team, expecially Jodie Guest, Rosie Tustin and Olivia Borash for their high scoring achievements.
We began the season with a large squad of keen players who love playing rounders, but due to clashes with 'Oliver' rehearsals the squad was reduced to one team plus reserves. The team trained regularly, including occasional practices against the strong Under 14 team, which improved their skills dramatically.
The team lost most of their matches to begin with and scored few rounders, but as the season progressed, their scoring rate rose, ending on a high note, beating Hanley Castle 20 112 to 9. Katie Jones deserves credit for scoring the most rounders in the season, with Jenny Elderkin not far behind! The final training session was a little different with a match between the team and their Mums.
This year the Under 12 squad has been smaller than usual with a group of twelve enthusiastic girls training regularly. This however has not stopped the 'A' team from being very successful in beating Hillstone, Alice Ottley and narrowly losing to St.Mary's Convent. A 'B' team was formed for one match but there was very little commitment from the girls and it did not encourage any more girls to become involved.
A very pleasing and enjoyable match was played at the final practice against the girls' mothers. This was played to match standards and the girls did exceptionally well to end the game with a draw, 5 112 rounds each.
As always sixth form tennis is regarded as a recreational activity involving girls, and boys practising and playing both girls' and mixed tennis. The season is a very short one with the Upper Sixths leaving at Half Term, the disruption caused by exams and the British weather! However, the 1st Pair of the Under 18 girls' team - Emily Jaques and Kasia Klunduk began the season well, winning their first match against Hanley Castle. Our second match of the season was an entertaining mixed match against Hereford Cathedral which ended in a draw, with Ben Ward and Emily forming a formidable tennis partnership! It was such a popular event. that the players were extremely disappointed to find their other mixed matches having to be cancelled due to exams and bad weather. We aim to have more mixed matches next year. The remaining ftxtures were very tough for King's, losing to their opponents, but enjoying the games nevertheless. At the end of the season Full Colours were awarded to Emily Jaques and Kasia Klunduk, and Half Colours, to Naomi Preston, not just for their playing skill, but for their support and commitment to the team. It is also very encouraging to see a number of talented players in the Lower Sixth, who will maintain a high standard next year.
The highlight of the term was the Trip to Wimbledon, and although it rained for much of the time, some wonderful tennis was seen.
This was a very short season as the team played only two matches.
I must mention Jo Bellfield, Ruth Appleby, Clare Holzapfel, Natash McGinity and Rachel Bodan for their constant enthusiasm during the last two seasons.
The team competed very well in the Midland Bank Schools' Tournament only losing to Droitwich High School. Strong wins were over Pershore High, The Alice Ottley and Prince Henry High. The team consisted of Karina Tipton, Jo Brown, Jennifer Howlett and Jennifer Pearce. Friendly matches took place against Dean Close and Malvern College where we were narrowly defeated. However, we were successful against Hereford Cathedral School. The standard of tennis played has been extremely high and the players have developed their talents through the season.
The squad of 8-10 players practised regularly and showed great improvement in its doubles play.
Three players in particular showed a great deal of progress, Elloise Newey, Ruth Robinson and Olivia Borastero, all making their debut for the Under 14 Team.
This was a hard year for this team who came up against some very strong opposition. Despite the fact that we lost each of our Midland Bank matches, the team members enjoyed the compeition and, especially in the singles matches, they fought hard for each point. What was
heartening this season was the number of non-team members who turned up to practices. Due to staff commitments and the adverse weaker conditions, these were few and far between but, I hope, enjoyable nonetheless. I hope the enthusiasm shown by the girls in the Upper Fourth year tennis will continue next year.
This was our best year for Under 12 Tennis, with a number of talented players winning matches and many more girls making terrific progress in training.
Our first pair, Fiona Meere and Tillie Fredericks only lost one set all season, providing a solid base for the team. The reminder of the team, played better and better as the term progressed:- Emma Ordidge and Isla Robertson, Samantha Doughty and Lizzie Hickson, and Rachel Barclay and Olivia Brown. Although the team lost their first match against The Alice Ottley, they then went on to win all the rest, beating Bromsgrove, The Dean Close and Hillstone, first time wins against any of those schools!
Matches were only part of the work with this year group, as 17 girls attended training every Friday, and 23 received Poynder Tennis Coaching each week. Grateful thanks to Mrs Kinnish for her kind help in escorting the girls to the playing fields twice a week for the whole term.
There is a great deal of potential in this year group, and we have high hopes for these girls next year.
Well done to all those who took part for giving up time to swim in the galas but more importantly to those who have attended regular training sessions.
In addition to extra curricular swimming, we have covered a varied programme in lessons and well over one hundred pupils in school have been awarded badges.
During the early part of the year a small group of Sixth Form students joined together to form a Dance group, "Genesis". They were inspired by seeing and working with members of the Rambert Dance Company.
Genesis first performed during the House Drama Plays, performing "Only Time Will Tell", a dance based on relationships, a very moving piece of work, performed at a high level.
Both Abbas Kazarooni and Rachel Stokes worked very hard in getting the group together and performed with style and flair, alongside Bryony Thorneycroft, Priya Kaushal and Rebecca Symondson. The dance was performed again on King's Day along with the Fifth Year Girls and Fourth Year Dance Club.
The Fifth Year Girls had great fun performing to Frank Sinatra's "New York, New York". All of the girls showed a great deal of commitment, rehearsing at lunchtimes and in their own time after their exams, which was a credit to them all.
This was a very successful season with the introduction of mixed galas to complete the co-educational process. We enjoyed a win over Hereford Cathedral School, competing across four age groups. The Under 12 and Under 15 swimmers proved to be dom~nanton this occasion.
The Junior girls lost to the Alice Ottley, St Mary's Convent and M.G.C but only by a narrow margin. We hope to close the gap next season. The Under 12 girls have been particularly successful with wins over Croftdown and St Mary's Convent.
Another memorable gala was a mixed away fixture at Malvern College. The swimmers enjoyed the stiff competition and were sadly defeated, however the Under 14 girls did win their age group.
The Fourth Years performed a piece entitled, "Shadows" which was created during the lunchtime club. It was based on partnerwork, levels and directions. To reach performance level they were guided with parts of the choreography, However the partnerwork was created by themselves.
All of the Dancers worked hard for King's Day, and I hope those who did see their performances, enjoyed it as much as the pupils did performing it.
Christopher Grant with some of the table tennis trophies he won over the year
The year's musical calendar began, as ever with the preparations for the annual House Music Competition. This year's adjudicator, Dr. Gerard Doyle, Head of Music at St. Martin's College, Lancaster, remarked on the high standard of solo playing and the strong commitment of the Houses to producing songs that were generally most satisfying, both to eyes and ears. This event continues to be a most goodhumoured and pleasant occasion and a real tribute to the school that it can be both that and achieve worthwhile results from the whole senior school. This year School House won the singing competition with a performance of a most demanding song, a Queen classic, "Bohemian Rhapsody". Alastair Brookshaw and Kiera Holtham were joint winners of the Senior Solo Competition with performances respectively of Chopin's G minor Ballade for piano and his Variations on a theme by Rossini for Flute. Shulah Oliver won the Junior Competition playing de Falla's Danse Espagnole on the violin. A most enjoyable Winners Concert followed the competition where it was possible again to savour the delights of Creighton singing "Summer Nights", and the Boarding Houses, always strong contenders, singing "California Dreamin'."
Later in the term the November School Concert featured orchestral performances of Verdi's Grand March from "Aida", J. S. Bach's 3rd Suite in D major and two movements from Dvorak's Symphony No. 9 in E minor. A Fourth Form Choir performed Michael Hurd's Creative Contata "Adam in Eden" and the full School Choir sang choruses from Bizet's Carmen and from assorted operas by Verdi.
Many of the school's slngers and instrumentalists were also involved in "Guys and Dolls", the school's main dramatic production of the Autumn Term.
The Lent Term School Concert opened with a full choir and orchestra performance of Bach's magnificent Cantate No. 50, "Nun ist das Heil und die Kraft". Here it was good to see our own Dr. Peter Hibbert from the Physics Department joining two professional trumpeters to supply the demanding high trumpet parts. A newly formed Jazz Group, led by Vanessa Gunter played works by Jerome Kern and Glen Miller, I hope we continue to hear from this group and see it expand in the next few years. Orchestral performances included the "Farandole" from B~zet'sL'Arlesienne Suite No. 2, Vaughan Williams lovely Fantasia on "Greensleeves" and Elgar's l st and 2nd Pomp and Circumstance Marches. Presently we are very well-endowed with flautists (I wish the same could be said of trombonists and bassoonists!) and four of the school's best players delighted us with flute quartet arrangements of Scott Joplin's "Rags". Undoubtedly, the highlight of the evening was a performance of Haydn's Toy Symphony, conducted by Robin Thurlby in which the instrumental talents of Messrs. Hickson, Bridges, Brookshaw and Stevens and Mrs. Sanger could be unexpectedly savoured!
The performance of David Fanshawe's "African Sanctus", originally intended for the Summer Term had to be postponed to the following Autumn to allow enough time to assimilate its considerable difficulties!
The Chamber Choir continued to thrive during the year, resuming its useful and enjoyable weekend stay at Dulwich College's much expanded field centre in the Brecon Beacons. It continued to sing regular evensongs in the Cathedral and recorded a performance of Howells' "A Spotless Rose" for
Classic FM's Christmas schedule of carols sung by amateur choirs. The School Carol Service featured this as well as Warlock's "Bethlehem Dance", Leighton's Coventry Carol, carol arrangements by Llewellyn and Willcocks and John Taverner's imposing Christmas Proclamation "God is With You".
In the Lent Term Robin Thurlby and a team of string teaching colleagues once again held a most stimulating day's String Workshop that culminated in a varied and enjoyable concert of solo, chamber and orchestral music.
Highest congratulations to Jonathan Nott (O.V. 1971-81) who has most successfully completed conducting Wagner's complete "Ring" cycle of operas at Wiesbaden. He becomes only the third Englishman to do this in Germany.
Congratulations to Tom Blunt, whose organ scholarship to Trinity College, Cambridge was confirmed in January. He has completed a successful year as organ scholar at Salisbury Cathedral, where I heard him give a splendid organ recital in June.
Tom and countless other former choristers at Worcester Cathedral owe a tremendous amount to the training and encouragement given to them by their Organist and Choirmaster Dr. Donald Hunt. Dr. Hunt retired after twenty-five years service to the Cathedral, at the end of this year's Three Choirs Festival that culminated in a performance of Elgar's "Dream of Gerontius" that will remain in the memories of those who were there for years to come. Dr. Hunt's skills as a choral and orchestral conductor and his unfailing enthusiasm for both discovering and writing new music should serve as an inspiration to those choristers who have passed through his hands. We wish him and his wife Jo the very best and happiest of times in their future, and look forward to welcoming Adrian Lucas, Dr. Hunt's successor, and his family in September when they come to Worcester from Portsmouth Cathedral, where Adrian has been Organist and Choirmaster for the past seven years.
The choice of Guys and Dolls, coming so soon after West Side Story, another New York-based musical, may have seemed surprising but I think, in the event, the choice was fully vindicated. There are only a small number of shows which give quite so much scope for a large number of actors to develop and demonstrate a wide range of talents from character acting through chorus and solo singing to sophisticated rhythm and dance routines. The cast included forty boys and girls who were able to enjoy the fun and teamwork involved in such a production and this must be a good thing for a school which has so many talented students and such excellent facilities. There was also scope for many non-acting people to be involved through music, stage management, lighting and sound; the whole immensely complicated combination came together triumphantly in a series of memorable performances.
The script is an adaptation of a Damon Runyan short story about downtown New York in the late twenties. Adelaide, a nightclub dancer and Sarah, a Salvation Army girl from the 'Save a Soul Mission', both find themselves for very different reasons in love with inveterate gamblers, Nathan Detroit who has been engaged to Adelaide for fourteen years and Sky Masterson who has 'never been in love before'.
The two leading women were distinguished for their good singing and consistent and convincing acting. Ellie Doodey's priggish image of the mission doll was well contrasted with her performance in the Cuban scene as she unwound after the effect
which required great skill in timing to get the best out of the witty dialogue. From the moment she stepped on the stage, whatever her outfit, she gave a full-blooded and appealing rendering of the character. Every word was clear and expressive and she sang 'A person can develop a cold' particularly well.
Greg Murfin looked perfect for the role of Sky Masterson and his gestures, expressions and handling of the mission doll were just right. But he lacked confidence when it came to speaking (he was sometimes quiet and unclear) and singing. On the last night, however, he found the courage to abandon himself more and 'Luck by a lady tonight' went with much more conviction and vigour. The macho style of this song seemed to suit him better than the love duets.
Nathan Detroit was confidently portrayed by Ryan Powell; this performance was strong and clear. Ryan played to his audience well, projecting and telling the story. He made the role straighter than I have seen it played before, less of a bum and more of a hero, and he perhaps lost some of the jokes and ironies of the dialogue as a result.
The quality of the supporting actors and actresses in the production was quite remarkable. Many of the players of the minor roles would have been well qualified to take leading parts and there were some excellent sustained performances. Alastair Brookshaw's Nicely-Nicely Johnson combined superb singing skills with a good command of comic timing. Every word was crystal clear, spoken or sung, and his 'Sit down, you're rocking the boat' was the high point of the second half. Nicely-Nicely is usually played by a vast, rotund figure, to
of the 'milkshakes', giving a very convincing rendering of someone who is drunk but enjoying herself. Zoe Harrison's make sense of his eating jokes but Alastair managed to make a Adelaide was of a totally different order, a comic performance virtue of necessity and made his more modest size a joke in itself. Ed Johnson and James Kelly as Benny Southstreet and Rusty Charlie also gave strong vocal support and made convincing-looking shady characters. The Oscar for the best supporting actor, however, went to Andrew Young whose Harry the Horse was a superb cameo combining body language and a gravelly voice to sustain his sinister character.
Trudie Marskell had worked hard with the Hot-Box girls to produce dance routines which were interesting, slick and appropriate. They were a glamorous line-up and the extravagant costumes paid off here. Also fun were the colourful rumba routines in the Havana scene.
Tremendous energy and imaginative choreography characterised the Broadway crowd scenes. Here, individual performances blended to give a lively portrayal of New York street life; everyone on stage was enjoying themselves so much
that the atmosphere was catching and the audience was keyed up with the same excitement and expectation. The same pace and fun was apparent in the Havana scene though I found myself paying too much attention to the dancers and too little to the story which was being told stage right where Sky was introducing Sarah to the high life.
The casting of Bob Stone as Arvide Abernathy was an interesting departure. Bob brought tremendous dignity and poise to the role and believed what he was singing. It was more touching to see the contrast of ages when he sang 'More I cannot wish you' than it would have been to see a heavily madeup sixteen-year-old with a stage stoop.
Musically, the production was always satisfying; the band was lively and sensitive though just occasionally, too strong for us to hear the words of the quieter singers. They gave an t authentic Broadway sound and I was amused and impressed to Jones had done a very good job on the lighting and the show see that David Brookshaw managed to conduct with the back of Was thoroughly professional in this area. his head and shoulders when hands were not available.
Stephan Le Marchand and Brian Griffiths deserve praise for
The limited depth of the stage was overcome by the use of producing Guys and Dolls which gave a great deal of pleasure some excellent backdrops which meant scene changes were to a large number of people, actors and mdience alike. quick and locations made clear. David Thurlby and the
Four houses took part in this year's House Drama Festival towards the end of March, and Genesis, a newly-formed dance group, performed the World Premiere of The Price Has To Be Paid.
A Question of Honour by Don Shaw was Hostel House's all-male production. The play is set in 1914 and based around the story of Trooper Dobson, from the First Horse Regiment, who is court-martialed in France for killing a German Scout in a dishonourable fashion. The performance was neat, competent and enjoyable to watch. It illustrated well the role of House Drama, which only rarely produces inspiring productions and performances, but fulfils an important function. It had the whole house working together as a team, it allowed pupils who otherwise would not get involved in drama to have a go and it gave others the opportunity to take responsibility. Robert Poole looked and sounded perfect as the culprit Dobson: fresh-faced and innocent looking. Marc Barnes' R.S.M Smigsby was an excellent contrast to Dobson: the curt tones and the impressive, intimidating use of body language were most appropriate. Also worthy of mention were the performances of Julian Wright and Tom Church, who sustained the courtroom scene admirably. Good support was given by John Clubley, Andrew Rankin, David Longstaff, Peter Lau, Louis Lau and Kaizen Matsumoto.
Clubley and Julian Wright in A
only with a really horrible chauvinist husband called Martin, played very convincingly by Alastair Brookshaw, but also a next door neighbour, the mother figure, played with relish by Dominique Laurence, who insisted on treating everyone as though they were children. The irony in this playlet came when the two people who have been treated as though they were children - being offered choccy biccys and cups of milk - turn out to be exactly this childish. This got off Chappel's production to a fine start. What came next, in Drinking Companions, was a scene in a hotel bar up north in which Ryan Powell's Harry, a pathetic and really pretty seedy character, tries to chat up these Chappel House produced Alan Ayckbourn's hilarious two glamorous if rather dim young girls, Paula and Bernice, collection of short, loosely connected plays called Confusions. played by Jo Raine and Sarah Dewick. Of course, Harry's In Mother Figure. Jenny Pearce's Rosemary had to put up not attempts are unsuccessful, and the play depends for its effect on
had lost his family as a result; Abigail Green's Doreen was an elderly woman who fed the birds, had a dog but had lost some of her mind, and Colin Thompson's Ernest was someone who just loved to get to the park for some peace and quiet. At the end of this sketch the characters were all talking at once, at cross purposes, and were not being listened to. This inability to communicate seemed perhaps to be exactly what the play Corzfusions was all about. This was a thoroughly successful and accomplished effort by Chappel - a great credit to all involved on stage, behind the scenes and particularly to the two directors, Ben Panter and David Rawsthorn.
Kittermaster House chose to perform Ring Round The Moon an adaptation of Jean Anouilh's play by Christopher Fry. This was a very ambitious choice: it is a stylish, wordy comedy Alastair Brookslzaw - Confusions which depends for much of its humour and indeed fir its pldt
Harry's making the audience laugh, cringe and cry just a little all at the same time. Ryan did a good job, as did Jo and Sarah, whose characters were spectacularly dim and generally awful. Next came Between Mouthfuls, a scene set in a restaurant, in which it gradually emerges that one member of each of the two married couples dining has been having an affair - with one of the other couple! There was good work here again from Ryan Powell and Alastair Brookshaw and strong support from Lorna Mason and Kate Burkill. Adam Smith, the waiter in the previous play, also turned up here, bringing to the tables food which had very kindly and beautifully been prepared by the Diglis House Hotel. After the interval came Gosforth's Fete, a lovely piece in which poor old Gosforth's life falls apart when his fete turns out to be a complete disaster, wrecked by the weather, the most bumptious and stuffy of Mayoresses, a twittish vicar, a drunken scoutmaster and the accidental broadcasting over the PA system that he has made the tea lady (and wife of the scoutmaster) pregnant. There were strong and funny performances here from all five members of the cast - Colin Thompson, Holly Gilbert, Lauren Lawson-Pratt, Stefan Agopsowicz and Alastair Brookshaw. The climax of the play was splendid, when Holly's mayoress was electrocuted as she delivered her pompous speech to the guests. Thanks go to Edward Reeves for flashes, bangs and exploding amplifiers. The mood changed completely for the last sketch, A Talk in the Park. Five unconnected people were sitting on five park benches, and the action moved from one bench to the next as each of the five characters took it in turn to burden the person next to him or her with his or her problems. Ryan Powell's Arthur was a sad old man in a raincoat who 'collected people'; Bethan Pickrell's Beryl was the victim of a boyfriend who beat her; Adam Smith's Charles was a city type who had worked so hard for financial success but
on the existence of identical twins.
This production looked very good: the garden in which the action took place was well created - it was elegant and elaborate. Costumes too were appropriately stylish, though one or two of the cast were guilty of the old crime of wearing beautifully tailored suits but scruffy, unclean shoes. There were some good performances too, notably by Jenny Hopkins who was an elegant and graceful Isabelle, and Hannah Watts as the aged aunt, Mme Desmortes. But the production completely lost credibility in the second half. The occasional prompt in the first half was acceptable, but it got to the stage when the prompter was in danger of losing his voice, and one member of the cast stooped so low as to read his lines, though feebly attempting to disguise the fact. Unfortunately, it was the kind of near shambles to give house drama a bad name. This was such a pity, for the directors, Tim Roberts and Dom Doherty, had actually done their job so well. But, even though they would have been willing, they couldn't actually learn the actors' lines for them.
Oswald House's No More Sitting on the Old School Benclz was also extremely ambitious, and the overall performance was a great success. The play, a comedy by Alan Bleasdale, was adapted and directed by Kathryn Race, and it was excellent to see so many members of the house involved, on stage or as part of the technical crew. The major part of Mr. Wright was undertaken by George Wilesmith, only in his Lower Remove year. It is a difficult part to play: the character is a 'trendy' left-wing teacher who is keen to be friendly and instill some social values into his pupils. George handled the comic aspects well, and the scene where he gets stuck to a stool and walks around with it wobbling behind him was hilarious. However, much of the role was very difficult for him, and his very youthful face did not
help, despite his valiant attempts to sustain the character. He is
a promising actor and with a little more maturity will be valuable in years to come. The other teachers, played by Jemma Bogan, Debra Parker, Ross Paterson and Andrew Jones, were more convincingly played and their common room scenes, supported by a realistically untidy staff room set, worked well. Anthony Cross' headmaster boarded on the manic, and it was too obvious that he wasn't certain of the lines but trying to make up for it by stuttering and playing the buffoon. The parts of the unruly pupils, particularly the five girls, were terrifyingly good and Toby Walker, who played the caretaker, a facist opportunist, also deserves credit. Lighting and sound effects were ably managed by David Cox and Jon Wheal. Overall it was a good team effort and a very worthwhile piece of drama.
The sixth form dance group, Genesis, is a new initiative. I like to think that its seed was produced by the success of West Side Story in 1994. Certainly the dancing in that musical was enjoyed hugely by both audience and performers alike, and Trudie Marskell, who was new to the school, choreographed brilliantly. She has since directed the dance for Guys and Dolls and Oliver and is currently working on the masked ball scene in this term's sixth form production of Much Ado About Nothing. The leading performers in Genesis, Abbas Kazerooni and Rachael Stokes, also made their dance debuts in West Side Story. Apparently The Price Has To Be Paid was inspired by seeing The Rambert Dance Company performing a piece called Rooster and Swansong, but many of the ideas came from the dancers themselves and had a strong social message about sexual behaviour. Abbas and Rachael, ably supported by Bryony Thorneycroft and Rebecca Symondson, danced with skill and grace and a real sense of drama. The audience's attention never wavered and the compete silence in the auditorium before the long and loud applause was the perfect comment.
S.H.Le M. and S.Le M.
The year started with the arrival of John Allcott taking over as aster of the Junior School. Although there are no longer Junior School boarders in St. Alban's the patter of small feet is still to be heard from John and Cecilia's children.
The school was also able to welcome Sara Willcox on to the staff, replacing Carol Gardner in the Lower Firsts. She quickly established herself with both pupils and staff by her enthusiasm and ability to encourage young children to perform. She brings imagination and flair to her teaching.
We started the year with 176 pupils, 99 boys and 77 girls, the highest number on roll in the history of the school. It is good to see the school so full, even if Assemblies in the Chapel can be a little crowded. It always surprises me how quickly new children settle in at King's. No time passes at all before it becomes impossible to tell the difference between the new arrivals and those who have been with us for some time. It speaks volumes for the welcoming nature of the school that they should feel so much a part of it and so quickly.
Our third years again did well in the entrance test into the Senior School, all negotiating the hurdle for the next stage of their education. This year the external competition was particularly strong and yet we managed to secure a number of scholarships for our pupils. Alex Humpage and Helena Culliney received academic scholarships while David Newsholme received a music scholarship. Fearn Kenyon won a scholarship to Haberdashers, Monmouth. We wish them all success in their future education and we shall watch their progress with a great deal of interest.
For a number of years we have provided extra support in English for those children who have had specific learning difficulties with language. The appointment of Mrs Pamela Griffin during the course of the year has enabled us to help children who may have specific problems with numeracy also on a one-to-one basis.
Music in the school continues to flourish. We have an active Boys' Choir, Girls' Choir and a combined choir which accounts for in excess of half the pupils in the school. Many of our children vlav instruments and
they do with style. Their talents were very much in evidence during the Three Choirs Festival, which was Donald Hunt's swan song. We wish him and Jo a long, and happy retirement. The choristers and the musical community of King's have now welcomed Adrian Lucas as the new Master of the Choristers.
Music also played a major part in our school production early in the Summer term.
The Old Time Music Hall Sports Day was a popular choice as everybody was involved in one way or another. Every child performed, even the staff did a line dance and of course the audience was invited to dress for the occasion. Recitations, musical items, dancers, escapologists (who could not) and mind readers (who could) all combined to produce an evening of laughter and entertainment.
Although each major sporting activity is reported on elsewhere in this magazine, it is appropriate to mention here the growth in sporting activity within the school, both at interschool level and within the House system. There has been a positive move towards giving more children the opportunity to represent the school with the introduction of 'B' Team and Under 10 fixtures. Similarly, as the number of girls is now evenly established throughout the school, they too have more sporting opportunities. This has improved the quality of our sport and hopefully the experience of representing the school at a younger age will begin to pay dividends as children represent us in the senior team.
Occasionally we come across a child of exceptional ability, be it academic, musical or sporting. A reference to sport this year cannot be made without mentioning Katie Maudsley. Her forte is athletics and in particular the 800 metres. Having won the District Championships she went on to represent the West
. . their interest is rewarded in two recorder groups, a string group, a wind band and a full orchestra. The making of music is a constant around the school and although at times it does not sound so sweet the prospect of performances encourages high standards as we all witnessed at the concert held in the autumn.
Our ten choristers are at the heart of the musical life of the school and the Cathedral. How they cope 1'11 never know, but
Midlands at the National Schools Championships where she came in a very creditable eighth.
A second tier of representation is now available in the inter-house competition. The last twelve months has seen the profile of our Houses greatly increased with as many as fourteen inter-House competitions. Naturally sporting activities are significant but poetry, painting, a general knowledge quiz and chess have all featured in a very busy year. The Houses also meet on a regular basis so that the children and House staff can organise their teams and develop a House identity. The result is that every child now has an opportunity to gain representative honours and enjoy the thrill of being part of a vibrant, competitive House system.
This year our charitable efforts have been exceptional with a number of organisations benefiting from the children's insatiable appetite for fund raising. In 1993 J.A.A. went to Bosnia with an aid convoy and it seemed appropriate that the
harvest collection should be for the people of that war torn country. Shoe boxes containing essential family items to the value of approximately £ 1200 were dispatched. Also in the Autumn term we sent £600 to the Acorn Trust to help terminally ill children and their families. This money was raised entirely from cake stalls, toys stalls and a whole host of novelty games run by the children.
The Lower and Upper Firsts held a Spellathon and raised £815 for Mencap, while the RSPB received £58. Finallv B.W. and S.W. planned to spend three weeks of their summer holiday working in a Romanian orphanage. Their enthusiasm for the project was soon taken up by the children and a massive £1200 was raised through a whole host of activities.
All this charity fund raising took place during a 'Fete' year. This year the theme was 'Space' and the Junior School, as always, entered wholeheartedly into the spirit of the day. Green three-eyed aliens and 'Klingons' were in evidence as we took over the School Gardens with sixty five stalls which collectively raised £5000. It was a marvellous day for all concerned and, yet again, it did not rain! A new piece of adventure playground equipment was our reward!
To Chester, Bath and Bristol Youth Hostel Weekends we have now added Cardiff and London. A couple of the children and stalwart Matron Egerton have been on all the visits. Our pupils are a credit to the school and we have often been asked about ourselves. Conversely, we have always found the general public courteous and noticeably helpful to us.
On March 9th 1996 twenty three children and four staff, Mrs Spilsbury, Mr Jacks, Matron Egerton and Mrs.Reeves, went Youth Hostelling to Cardiff. We met at Shrub Hill Railway Station at ten to nine and boarded the train. An hour and a half later we reached Cardiff Central.
We found the bus stop outside Cardiff castle and the bus took us to the Welsh Folk Museum, or Amgueddfa Werin Cymru in Welsh. It had so many buildings that you could get lost in there! There were too many to see properly in a day. The first building was painted bright pink, with little windows and a thatched roof. We passed a pottery and some of us attempted to throw a pot but it didn't turn out as expected. We saw a chapel along the way and went inside. Our Old Chapel must have looked like that once.
Time was on us so we quickly met, went to the bus stop and swarmed onto the bus. Soon we were at the Youth Hostel. We waited in the quiet room where we played board games and relaxed until Mrs. Reeves told us our dormitory numbers. Then we put our belongings in some drawers, made our beds, generally smartened ourselves up and went to the dining room at
Finally, the school not only promotes academic, sporting or musical success. Children are actively encouraged to develop interests, hobbies and skills for their future enjoyment. The recent improvements to the Old Chapel have increased our use of this wonderful resource in the Black Mountains, while orienteering has flourished along with cycling proficiency, weekends at Youth Hostels in interesting locations, and forays into the countryside.
Weekend activities often require a longer time span. Frequent Saturday and Sunday events make this busy school a hectic place for parents, most of whom willingly become 'taxi drivers' at odd hours of the day and night.
The Junior School is a place of opportunity for children, whatever their strengths. Fortunately most take advantage of what is on offer during this 'golden age' and leave us well prepared for the next stage in their lives.
seven o'clock. The menu was soup, fruit juice, turkey burger, pork chops, pancake roll, apple pie, ice-cream. Fruit juice, turkey burger and ice-cream was the most popular choice.
After we had eaten we went back to the quite room and played lots of games until Mr. Jacks read to us from a Welsh Storybook and then translated each sentence into English. Afterwards we returned to the dormitories, cleaned our teeth and went to bed. We were told we could tell ghost stories and that is exactly what we did.
Breakfast was at eight o'clock. You could choose between Cooked English or Continental. We tidied the rooms, collected our packed lunches and then made our way to the bus stop. We waited a long time and then a lady told us that if we went to another stop round the corner we only had to make one journey to the Docks. When we arrived we explored the Docks and then went into Techniquest. You could see two floors of hands on models and there was a mirror maze that once you entered took five minutes before you came out.
We caught another bus to the station for the afternoon train and ate our lunch on the journey home. Because we had to wait at Hereford we were able to walk into the centre and explore. We went into the Cathedral as well. We reached Worcester at 4.30 pm and said hello to our parents.
Only in retrospect did we realise just how much we had experienced on our visit to London. Travelling by train was new for many, immediately followed by a double decker bus journey to Trafalgar Square where we fed ourselves and the pigeons. When eventually we were able to cross the road we
entered the National Portrait Gallery where Mrs Spilsbury was delighted by the children's genuine appreciation of the paintings which they had encountered in their Tudor period history lessons.
We then took the tourist trail, walked down Whitehall to Horse Guards' Parade, along the back of St. James' Park and into Westminster Abbey where we were just in time to see their choir processing. By the Houses of Parliament we caught the Underground, another first for many, until Tower Bridge.
By now it was lighting up time and so the buildings seemed to assume new characters. The Docklands railway journey was enhanced by the guard who explained, to a captivated audience, the history behind the stations names and the safety aspects of the system. She was so enthusiastic that she would have allowed the children to drive the train, had there been a driver. We were saddened when a week later we learnt of the bombing around Canary Wharf.
The descent and scramble through Greenwich Tunnel was exciting and eerie but the sight of the floodlit Cutty Sark was breathtaking. By now we were very tired and retraced our steps eventually reaching Highgate Youth Hostel, Kensington, where we devoured our supper.
It was not until the next day that we fully appreciated the Jacobean House and its environs. The gardens were historically interesting and the children were delighted by the wild rabbits, squirrels and peacocks in the trees.
We wove our way through the back streets observing the architecture, circumnavigated the Albert Hall and then after the helpful intervention of a Yugoslavian doorman at Harrods we were allowed to walk in small groups in single file through the
ground floor, accompanied by security men. Matron's group looked very sheepish when they stepped into the street because when they had stopped to take in the smells in the perfumery section they were reprimanded!
Then it was back to the train and home.
The children of the Junior School helped to raise a considerable amount of money last term and have continued their efforts into this term, for an Orphanage in Siret, Northern Romania. Beryl Wilson and Sara Willcox aimed to visit the orphanage in the summer and the children responded enthusiastically to an appeal for financial aid to buy educational and medical supplies. The Sponsored Silence was an event in which every child participated cheerfully and very successfully; the 3rd Year Girls Fashion Show provided a chance for budding models to reveal their talents while lolly and ice-cream selling also proved lucrative.
This term the children and parents generosity of the Harvest Festival Service was tremendous and again, a considerable sum was raised. Beryl and Sara were in Romania in July/August and though the experience was a shocking and difficult one, they are very grateful for the support the children of the Junior School provided. The educational and medical supplies which the school helped to buy were made use of over the summer, and any further funds raised will go towards the training and salaries of young Romanian Carers by The Romanian Challenge Appeal Charity in Birmingham.
The Lower First Year children learnt about Ancient Egypt and had 'first hand' experience of Egyptian life when they participated in a 'workshop' organised by the County Museum. They were dressed as Slaves and had great fun building a 'sealed down' pyramid. They sampled typical Egyptian foods and helped prepare a 'Mummy' for the after-life. The
It was always going to be difficult for this group of boys to emulate the success of the previous year's unbeaten team but enthusiasm abounded at the start of the season.
That, however, was not enough against the first three opponents and by Half Term the team had played 3, lost 3 and the reality was such that individual skills were insufficient against sides who were well organised, had better unit skills, could re-cycle the ball at the breakdown and control play. The highlight of these first three matches was a wonderful defensive performance by the entire team in keeping The Royal Grammar School to a single score.
After Half Term - and with six weeks practice under their belts - the team began to gel and progress was evident. A comfortable win versus St. Richard's built confidence so that the second half of the season witnessed a transformation. Oliver Mathew was the catalyst around whom most of the back play revolved. A solid platform (especially in scrummaging) quickly developed and Andrew Wright, Robert Colquhoun, Leo Cox and Alexander Fisher were never pushed backwards and won more than their fair share of balls.
A 50% record, won 3: drew 1: lost 3 was a very fair record of achievement.
Bluecoat (A) Lost 7 - 24
Hillstone (A) Lost 5 - 10
RGS (H) Lost 3-5
St. Richard's (H) Won 47 - 0
Hereford (A) Won 21 - 7
Hawford Lodge (H) Won 22 - 5
Warwick (A) Drew 10-10
In total we played sixteen matches, winning 4, drawing 5 and losing 7. This included a very pleasant tour of North Yorkshire to Terrington Hall School and Ampleforth College Junior School. As the season progressed we improved so that by the end we were a well drilled team achieving good results against strong opposition. Many of our defeats were by the narrowest
of margins and the prospects for next season, with so many pupils remaining in St. Alban's, are very good.
It was unfortunate that we were no longer able to participate in the two local competitions. The Knowles Cup and the Worcester Schools 6-a-Side Competition. It was a voluntary withdrawal at U1 1 as either we or W.R.G.S., who likewise withdrew, won both competitions regularly. I would have liked to have given some of our younger players the experience but if was felt by the cricketing authorities that run the competitions that our withdrawal should be total.
From our squad, four boys, Oliver Mathew, Robert Colqhoun, Robert Donovan and Harry Travers were offered trials for the County squad. Although they all gave a creditable performance, only Oliver Mathew was selected as a wicket keeperbatsman.
Remarkably, not one match was affected by the weather, and everybody, boys, supporting parents and myself thoroughly enjoyed many hours of uninterrupted cricket.
At the end of the season I was able to look back on several satisfying performances from the Under 11 squad. Despite the annual bout of foul weather we managed to play seven matches at this level, emerging with a record of Wins 4, Draws 1, Defeats 2. A total of 24 goals were scored with 10 conceded. Although this was the first time two matches have been lost in a season since 1991 I would prefer not to dwell on the negative and congratulate the boys for a magnificent 6-0 victory against Moor Park, a 10-0 thrashing of St. Richards, a 2-1 win against a spirited and well organised Hereford side and for beating Hawford Lodge 4-3 in a most entertaining and exciting match. A gutsy performance to earn a goalless draw at Abberley Hall was typical of the resolve of the team by the end of March when they had begun to work together as an efficient unit.
The captaincy of Oliver Mathew won him full colours. Oliver was a fine example to the other boys, never tiring or giving up and often scoring decisive goals himself. The fire power of David Newsholme and Tom Squire was crucial, as was the speedy wing play of Richard Joyce and Henry Fellows. David Payne enjoyed many great performances in goal, defying his lack of stature with a desire to win and a courage seldom seen in boys of this age. The most memorable personal contribution, however, came from Robert Donovan during the match at St. Richard's. just before the game started Robert cut his leg badly on a fence. He played on the understanding that he would come to the touchline for extra first aid, should it be required. It was, but that did not stop him scoring three goals and inspiring the team to a huge victory.
Here was an A team who grew in skill and confidence as the season went on. This was most evident when they lost 1 - 9 against Bromsgove Lower early in the season and later drew 6 - 6 in a closely fought match. Emily Freeman as Goal Attack, was skilful and determined, ably supported by Pamela Caulfield and Katie Maudsley. The graceful and agile Anna Brookes was always quick thinking as Centre, and the team were often grateful for the strong defensive play of Anna Guy, Lyndsay Miller, Helen Walker and Caroline Hart. Fearn Kenyon and Martha Papaphilippopoulos worked hard in the Goal Keeping position during the season. The team ended the season having played 7 matches, winning 2, drawing 2 and
U11 Netball Team. Worcester City League Netball Tournament October 1995
losing 3. They also represented the school in The Worcester City League Netball Tournament and The L.A.P.S. netball Tournament in London. I am sure these girls have considerable potential for the future. Colours were awarded to Emily Freeman and Anna Brookes.
The B team played 4 matches, won l drew I lost 2, with notable performances from Laura Bligh, Elizabeth Hazlewood and Lee-Anna Rennie. The C team drew their match against Bromsgrove Lower. So it was most satisfying that all our girls in the third year were able to represent the school and did so with enthusiasm and enjoyment.
The Under 11 team played 7, 9 and 11 a - side this season, on grass and all-weather pitches, so giving them lots of experience. They played 6, won 3, drew 1 and lost 2, which overall was a very pleasing season, particularly as their wins were most convincing. Skilful stick work and good attacking team play was shown by Emily Freeman and Anna Brookes, who were supported well by Rachael Miner, Pamela Caulfield and Katie Maudsley. Emily scored 16 goals during the season. In defence Lvndsav Miller oroved calm and reliable. while < Hannah Jones, Martha Papaphilippopoulos and Caroline Hart battled well in defence. There was some brave and determined gaolkeeping from Helen Walker. Laura Bligh, Elizabeth Hazlewood and Phillippa Candlish also played well in several matches.
Colours were awarded to Hannah Jones, Emily Freeman, and Lyndsay Miller.
Rounders is both an individual and a team game, requiring many skills of batting and fielding from all players and a certain amount of courage. The girls were quick to learn and always supportive of each other. They had some stiff opposition but improved as the season progressed and won a nail biting match against Croftdown 8112 to 7 and another against The Convent 11 to 9 to end the season. The leading rounders scorers were Anna Brookes, Emily Freeman, Lyndsay Miller and Martha Papaphilippopoulos, and there was some excellent fielding from Helen Walker, while Pamela Caulfield showed concentration and swiftness at 1st post and Rachael Miller was tenacious at 4th. The A and B teams ended the season with 2 wins 1 draw and 2 losses. Colours were awarded to Emily Freeman, Anna
There were four matches played this year by the girls, who were keen and sporting, and for whom this was their first experience of competitive tennis. All four pairs improved in their play and gave spirited performances, despite only winning one and drawing one. There were some notable rallies played by Emily Freeman, Lyndsay Miller, Rachael Miller, Martha Papaphilippopoulos and Anna Brookes who learnt the importance of team work and keeping their concentration. Colours were awarded to Emily Freeman.
We entered two pairs of boys and girls in The Midland Bank Competition. The girls lost in the first round to Shrewsbury School in very unpleasant weather, but the boys, Oliver Matthew, Alex Fisher, David Payne and Robert Colquhoun showed great promise by winning through to the second round where they were defeated in a close match against Wycliffe.
The Orienteering Club has been very active during the last school year. Pupils have used the new map of the school fields to develop the skills of map reading and route selection. Introductory sessions for 3rd and 2nd formers were held on Wednesdays and Saturdays to give as many children as possible an introduction to the sport.
Several Birmingham Schools League events were used to develop navigational skills in the stress of a competitive situation.
White badge standard was achieved by Julia Gilbert, Ellen Brigden, Annie Sutton, Emily Griffiths and Lucy Smith.
Yellow badge standard was achieved by Katie Maudsley, Luke Pizzey and Sarah Blewitt.
The culmination of the year's activity was the West Midland Schools Championships, held in May in Sandwell Valley. Sixteen schools were represented and KSW achieved a fine 5th place, our best ever.
Annie Sutton gained a bronze medal for 3rd place, with Katie Maudsley loth, Julia Gilbert 12th and Ellen Brigden 14th. Next year, who knows ?
2 1 and 22 September
Every reunion is different with some old faces and some new ones. Brian Wilkes was President this year and with his wife welcomed 0.V.s and their guests to the weekend activities. Tony Mitchell was once again a welcome visitor from Washington, U.S.A.
Some things do not change and as usual the A.G.M. preceded the dinner. The Common Room allowed us to entertain guests of 0.V.s attending the A.G.M. for which we are ever grateful. With the President in the chair there were 28 other members present in the New Passey Hall. The Silent Memory began with the President reading the names of 15 men who had died in the past year. Apologies were received from 14 members. The 1995 accounts were presented by Ray Franklin after having been audited by john Wagstaff. After a thorough explanation from Ray of all the figures they were passed unanimously. Brian Wilkes Qproposed Roy Padden, who for the past 20 years had organised the dinner, as his successor. This was seconded and passed unanimously with acclamation. W.F.(Bill) Jones (44-50) was elected as Vice President. Heather Morgan and R.F. Underwood were re-elected and Nicole Featherstone (84-86) elected to the Committee for the ensuing three years.
Not surprisingly there were fewer sitting down to dinner than in the previous year but there were still over 100 members and guests. At the top table the President and his wife had as guests the Headmaster, John K. Grieves (44-54) and Mrs Grieves, the President of the O.E. Association George Thompson and Mrs Thompson, the Chairman of Governors D.T. Howell and Roy Padden and Mrs Padden.
Paul Thompson, Vice President, proposed the Health and Prosperity of the School. In his reply the Headmaster spoke of the changes in the past year and of the continuance of academic successes and of sporting achievements.
In his reply the Headmaster spoke of changes in the past year and of the continuance of academic successes and sporting achievements. 1996 had seen the acquisition of Hawford Lodge School; between the two schools, education was now available from three years upwards. The School were sorry to lose the services of the Bursar, Derek Gilligan, after 14 years - he would be hard to replace.
Academically it had been a very successful year with A level results at a very good level and GCSE results the best ever. There had been five golds and three silvers in the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme and the School F6te had raised €20,000. On the sporting side particular mention was made of the girls' rowing successes. Their First Vlll had had five victories in various regattas. The
J 15 squad had a super season, gaining a bronze at the National Schools regatta and a gold in the National ~ham~ionsh~i~s. The school were represented at Henley by the I st Vlll who lost a close race early on to the eventual winners in the Princess Elizabeth Cup. In athletics pride of place went to David Plank who in the High Jump had broken the School record with a jump of I metre 80, and had gone on to become English Schools Junior Champion with a jump of I metre 83.
In Netball, Hockey and Cricket results had been very good.
Finally, the Headmaster reminded members and guests that Richard Westley was awarded the Military Cross for bravery in Bosnia.
The President proposed the Health of the guests and in so doing welcomed the Headmaster and spoke of his achievements since 1983. Donald Howell had continued his good work and leadership as Chairman of Governors and he was especially pleased to see the Head Boy and a Senior Girl at the dinner. A rival of his on the rugby field during his days at school represented the O.E. Association and he said that George Thompson and his wife were especially welcome. Brian also spoke of Michael Craze who was not able to attend the dinner and who would be 90 in the following week. On O.V. activities during the year, the President's XI cricket match against the 0.V.s had been officially abandoned as a draw when rain intervened. He had had the pleasure of presenting prizes at the golf meeting on the previous day. He then spoke of his chief guest, john Grieves, who had followed him as scrum half at school and who had then gone to Oxford and continued to play rugby afterwards for Moseley.
John Grieves thanked the President and other 0.V.s for the invitation to attend the dinner with his wife. This was the first dinner he had attended since leaving the school. He spoke of the education he had received, the fine sporting opportunities and the leadership qualities gained from his time at school, and was both interesting and amusing.
On Sunday morning at the 1 1.00 am Eucharist the preacher was the Revd. Mark Powell (68-75) Vicar of All Saints, Leavesden, Watford and the new President, Roy Padden, read the Epistle. The Headmaster was at home at 9, College Green to 0.V.s and their partners following the Service.
O.V. Golf Day this year was held at Upper Sapey Golf Club when 13 0.V.s played 9 holes in the morning and 25 played 18 holes in the afternoon in fine but windy conditions. Jamie Mackie had the best score in the morning medal round with a net 34. In the afternoon stableford round, father and son Ron (35 points) and George Blakeway (36 points) were pipped at the post by Tony Halford, also 36 points but with a better back nine holes than George. Brian Wilkes, our President, very kindly attended the evening meal and presented the prizes.
The meeting goes from strength to strength and next year it is hoped to play at Worcester Golf and Country Club again on the Sunday prior to the reunion weekend.
I st XI Played 17 Won 8 Lost 6 Drawn 3
1996 was largely a disappointing season although there were some notable performances with the bat, a century from Mike Stevens and six half centuries (usually rapid) by 1.1. Richardson. Other batsmen to reach fifty were T. Booton, J. Panter, N. Sproson, A. Judd, M. Thompson and T. Preston. Bowling honours were shared with J. Underwood and N. Firth managing five wicket hauls.
The 5th Annual Tour to Hythe, Kent, continues to be well supported and with the possibility of Saturday League Cricket as well as Sunday friendly matches, the future looks secure.
Any O.V. who would like to come and play at New Road will be warmly welcomed.
2nd XI Played l4 Won 9 Lost 3 Drawn 2
A very successful season although the weather meant the season was severely disrupted. Fine individual performances from J. Mackie (l 14*), D. Wheeler (89")" and P. Mackie (79") were supported with fifties from P. O'Neill, R. Bishop and A. Huntingdon.
T. Harris and I. Bell proved that the OLDER generation can still be matchwinners but the most encouraging point was the performance of four recent school leavers, G. Murphy's leg spin won two matches and R. Honan's slow left arm spin won one. T. Race and G. Kendall both showed great promise and finally E. George also showed he had the potential to become one of the best bowlers in the club.
O.V. Tigers Played 3 Won 2 Lost I (2 games cancelled)
An interesting and exciting short season for a very youthful team who always seemed to be suffering from the effects of the night before when meeting on Sunday afternoons.
Batting honours went to Firth (73), George (62*) and Russell (50) ably supported by Heasman including a six in the last over to win the match against Great Alne. Bowling honours well shared and the season thoroughly enjoyed by all.
The O.V. Committee decided to repeat the successful Cricket and Rugby matches of the centenary year between an Old Vigornian side and one organised by and representing the President.
Match abandoned due to rain as a draw. The President's side, organised and captained by his younger son Richard, consisted mainly of leavers such as himself ten years previously in 1986. The O.V. Cricket Club side captained on the day by James Underwood was a cross section of leavers from 1958- 1995.
The President's X1
There was a distinct possibility that the O.V. Cricket Club would square the series with a win after scoring a very useful 170 for 4 wickets when an early tea was taken due to rain. J.J. Richardson made 70 with James Rogers 41 not out. The President's XI responded with George Blakeway (38) and Paul Statham (30) having good innings but struggled to increase the run rate and lost quick wickets to accurate bowling by Nick Sproson, (3 wickets) and James Underwood (2 wickets) to finish at 94 for 9 wickets when a heavy storm caused the abandonment of play.
A most enjoyable and entertaining afternoon. Our thanks to the Ladies for an excellent tea appreciated by both teams and a number of O.V. spectators, one of whom, Alec Mackie, umpired throughout the match. Also many thanks to the O.V. Cricket Club, Nick Sproson and Tony Harris in particular for the match arrangements and bar facilities provided.
President's XV 20 ptsO.V. Club XV 39 pts
A similar arrangement to the Cricket with the President's side organised and captained by his younger son Richard, mainly from 1986 leavers, with elder son Michael (1977) and son-in-law Bruce Mercer, both playing veterans, providing added experience. The O.V. club side was organised and captained by Andrew Underwood mainly from his and his brother James' years.
A hard fought and evenly matched first half with play fluctuating from end to end saw the President's XV in the lead at half-time by three tries to two. Although the pace of the game
did not slacken in the second half and it was anyone's game going into the last quarter at 20 points all, the younger O.V. Club side made the most of their scoring opportunities and interceptions and ran in three late tries, two of which were converted. For the O.V. Club side Fanos Hira and Neil Bowler scored two tries each, Geoff Marchant, Alex Thomas and James Underwood one each with James adding the two conversions. For the President's XV Bruce Mercer, Neville Clifford, John Heynen and Phil O'Neill scored tries.
Again, a most entertaining afternoon played in excellent spirit. Thanks to Peter Gwilliam and the school for the match arrangements and to lan Brown whose own style of refereeing ensured it was such an enjoyable afternoon for all those playing and a fair sized crowd watching.
Vice Presidents
Hon. Secretary
Hon. Treasurer
Hon. Auditor
Hon. Social Secretary
Development Campaign
Members Emeritus
Elected 1994
Elected 1995
Elected 1996
R.T. Padden (46-52)
T.E.A. Mackie (47-56)
J.M. Moore (Hon. O.V.)
M.J. O'Neill (44-49)
P.C. Thompson (Hon. O.V.)
W.F. Jones (44-50)
M.J. O'Neill (44-49)
R.A. Franklin (43-49)
J. Wagstaff (52-6 l )
R.F. Underwood (68-79)
John Woodcock
J.P. Pimley (37-39)
M.R. Craze (19-25)
Charlotte Bridges (85-87)
Patricia Sanger (Hon. O.V.)
A.W. Underwood (77-88)
M.J. Page (60-65)
D.A. Ogle (76-86)
G.J. O'Hara (8 1-84)
Heather Morgan (83-85)
R.F. Underwood (68-79)
Nicole Featherstone (84-86)
We have knowledge of nine firsts this year.
Fiona Gillespie - Civil Engineering University of Bristol
Stephen Cox - Mathematics Exeter College, Oxford
Alexander Bacon - Mathematics Queens' College, Cambridge
Alex Nicol - Mathematics Cambridge
Gary Hemming - Natural Sciences Christ's College, Cambridge
J.J. Richardson - Engineering De Montfort University
Richard Brookes - Philosopy Cambridge
Caroline Findlay - Biotechnology Nottingham University
Giles Gasper - History Christchurch College, Oxford
Arnold Prize and Scholarship, and funding for research.
Kate J. Amphlett (Co. 85-87) and William P. Hinckley of Felbridge, Surrey.
A.S. Borchardt (Cl. 79-88) to Caren Johnson of Lincoln.
G.R.J. Catherwood (Br. 76-79) and Karen Mills of Pittenweem, Fife.
W.E.W. Coomber (Ch. 8 1-9 1) and Rebecca Jackson of Reigate, Surey, with the wedding on 1st March 1997
J.C.J. Scriven (Ch. 83-87) and Toni Baxton with the wedding set for August 1997 in Antigua.
C.R. Bennett (Ca. 77-84) to Zephyrine Alexandria Campbell at St. Peter's, Eaton Square, London on 6 June 1996
Kate Bolton (E. 88-90) to Andrew White of Kidderminster at the Baptist Church, Droitwich Spa on I Ith March 1995
Carol Bray (Co. 89-9 l) to Barry Unwin at Lansdowne Chuch, Malvern in August 1994.
J.P. Bridger (Cr. 75-84) to Anne Fiona Fryer of Switzerland at St Lawrence's Church, Lindudge in November 1995
N.C. Bullock (W. 72-79) to Alison Greenhough on loth August 1995 at Niagara Falls.
Bryony Edwards (E. 89-9 1) to N.T.W. Pomeroy (Cl. 83-90) See later for details.
Peter Hewitt (Ch. 64-69) married Sarah Spear Perkins (Sally) in Stonington, Connecticut, U.S.A. on 13th April 1996. Peter Cummin (Ch. 60-69) and Mark Hewitt (Ch. 66-71) were best men. James Hewitt (Ch. 66-71) and Stephen Tomlinson, Q.C. (H. 63-70) were Ushers. Stephen Darlington (Cl. 60-70) played the organ. Barney Burnham (Ch. 59-69) and Nicholas Cleobury (Ch. 58-68) wre among the guests.
Desiree A. Jones (Co. 84-86) married Duncan L.C. Hyde on 15th June 1996 in Halkyn, North Wales.
J.E.A. King ((DB 22-31) to Jean Collingbridge in June 1996.
I.E. Nichols (Br. 86-88) to Julia Dean of Botley, Southampton on 3 1st August 1996 in the Parish Church of St. Michael and All Angels, Ledbury.
Josephine North (Co. 85-87) to Dafydd Hughes at Fladbury Church on 3rd August 1996. Liz Elliott (nee North Co. 82-84) and Julia Simcock (Co. 85-87) were bridesmaids.
N.T.W. Pomeroy (Cl. 83-90) to Bryony Edwards (E. 89-91) at St Matthew's Church, Malvern on 22nd April 1995. H.M. Pomeroy (Br. 92-94) was a bridesmaid and M.A. Edwards (Cl. 78-88) played the organ. E.- Kemp (E. 89-9 l), Carol Unwin (nee Bray, Co. 8991), J. Edwards (Br. 85-95) and H. Lock (S. 26-3 1) grandfather of Nicholas were also present.
Dr P.S. Raderecht (S. 44-50) to Jane Thugglestone on 4th November 1995.
R.M. Roe (Cl. 80-87) to Debra Jill Cook at St Peter's Church, Droitwich Spa on 30th September 1995. Fanos Hira (0s. 80-87) was best man.
J.G. Shaw (H. 71-80) to Annette Kelly of Galway, Ireland on 2nd March 1996 at Enfield, London. Paul Butler (Cr. 71-80) was best man. Mark Shaw (W. 7483) and Jon Fellows (Ca. 72-79) were ushers.
Amanda Stacey (Co. 84-86) to Roderick Henwood at Hagley Hall, Worcs. on 22nd June 1996.
S.C. Hawey (H. 69-79) to Mandi and Steve a daughter Ruth Ann on loth October 1995.
Dr. P.S. Hughes (OS. 76-85) to Peter and Margaret a son Samuel Geoffrey on 2 1 st August 1996 at Whipps Cross Hospital, London.
Hilary Lewis, Mrs Maj (Co. 77-79) to Hilary and Tom a son Marek Francis, a brother for Julia, at Queen Charlotte's Hospital, London.
Elizabeth North, Mrs Elliott (Co. 82-84) a son Thomas William on 12th May 1996.
Kate North, Mrs Phillips (Co. 8 1-83) to Kate and Rick a son Joe on 9th August 1996, a brother for Anna Clare.
Sally Ogden, Mrs Themens (Co. 84-86) to Sally and John a daughter Harriet Anna on Christmas Day 1995.
Dr. J.P. Shervington (Cl. 73-83) to John and Liz a daughter Sophie Kate on 20th July 1995, a sister for Laura.
Major R.J. Westley (W. 72-81) to Richard and Jane (nee Guest, Co. 79-81) in Bristol on 3rd November 1995 a daughter Gabriella Sophie Jane, a sister for George.
T.E.D. Beavan (N. 23-26)
J.L. Bradley (T. 42-49) suddenly on 9th November 1995. See below.
R. Campbell-Cooke (H. 77-82) tragically on 2 1 st March 1996
H.S. Clarke (S. 29-32) in January 1996. See below.
D.M. Curtis (DB 37-41)
R.S. Eckersley (DB 21-27) on 18th March 1996. Retired Midland Bank Manager. Wartime service in the R.A.F. (mentioned in despatches). His three granddaughters have all followed in his footsteps at the school.
J.B. Edwards, C.B.E. (DB 18-27) on 12th January 1996 aged 86 after a distinguished career. See below.
F.L. Harrison (DB 15-2 1) on 9th November 1995.
W.W. Hubble (Ca. 23-25)
H.F. Langstaff (N. 2 1-27)
H.D.P. Raban (S. 25-28) on 2nd July 1996 aged 86.
Canon J.P.C.P. Raban (S. 32-36) in June 1996.
D.C. Royle (Ca. 24-32)
L.F.H. Woodcock (S. 17-19) on 1st May 1996 at Aalsmeer Nursing Home, Poole, Dorset aged 93.
John Leonard Bradley joined the Choir School and was leading choirboy under Sir lvor Atkins in 1944. He later went into Castle House and Tredennyke in 1948. He later studied law at Aberystwyth University and worked in the Law Courts in London before returning to Builth Wells to run the family business with his brother Colin, also an O.V. He retained an interest in music and was a member of the Brecon Cathedral Singers for the part twenty-four years. John leaves a widow Margaret, a son and two daughters.
Michael Craze
Herbert was born on 28th January 19 15 the eldest of five children whose father was M.P. for Dartford and Erith. At school he played rugby for the I st XV and also rowed for the school. After leaving King's he qualified as a Chartered Accountant and in 1938 took over the family business. During the war period he joined the River Fire Service. He was a keen oarsman joining the Erith Rowing Club becoming Chairman and later President, a span of 60 years during which he organised the Town and River Regattas. He belonged to the Erith and Medway Yacht Club and in September 1995 he and his partner won the Gravesham Trophy Cup. He was also a Freeman of the River Thames by virtue of his membership of the Company of Watermen and Lightermen. He was a life long member of the Blackheath Hockey Club, playing his last game at the age of 76, and he was the longest serving member of the Erith Rotary Club where on the day of his death he had read two of his poems and proposed the health of the speaker. He was a member of other clubs including the Erith Dramatic Society and the Probus Club. After a very full and varied life he leaves a widow Pauline, three sons, all O.V.s, David (S. 63-67), Martin (S. 70-74), Anthony (S. 7 1-76) and a daughter.
Michael Craze
Basil Edwards was the second son of a Wine Merchant who in the City Council rose to be an Alderman and then Mayor. From King's Basil went up to Wadham College, Oxford, and in 1930 gained an Honours Degree in Jurisprudence. He qualified as a Solicitor in 1933 and was then Deputy Town Clerk, a useful experience for him in his career on the City Council where he was an Alderman for 48 years.
Throughout the war Basil remained on the City Council but was an Army Officer in the R.A. and later in the Judgoe Advocate's Department at the War Office as Major. The immediate post war years were very busy; he helped to set up the Law firm March and Edwards. He was Mayor 1947-49 and was Chairman of the Worcester Three Choirs Festival when it restarted in 1948 to the end of 1972, nine district festivals.
His most distinguished work was undoubtedly in the Magistracy. He was made a J.P. in 1940 and became Chairman in 1950. In 1956 he was elected to the Council of the Magistrate's Association of England and Wales and in 1960 Chairman of the Worcester Branch. In 1968 he became Treasurer of the National Association and in 1970 became Deputy Chairman of the Council.
In 1972 he was appointed C.B.E. in recognition of his work. Four years later he became Chairman. He never retired. He was past 86 when his last illness began. Hundreds of people therefore have recent memories of his determination and courage.
Michael Craze
After leaving King's School, Julian decided to take a year off from full-time education and spent some of his time with a large market gardening company on the outskirts of Evesham. He was quite happy serving in the shop and stacking up, driving a fork lift truck with all the fruit and vegetables.
A year later Julian started a 4 year degree course at Thames Polytechnic (now Greenwich University) and attained a BA with Honours in Business Studies. Readily available jobs were difficult to find but he eventually joined McDonalds, the restaurant chain, as a Trainee Manager in London.
An opportunity arose for him to go to Oman in Muscat to help run a brand new McDonalds Restaurant. So in September 1995 Julian flew out to the Middle East to help with the training in management of Omani nationals. This came under the auspices of the Career Development Foundation of Oman. He so enjoyed the post and made many new friends in the short time he was there.
Tragically, on June 28th this year Julian was killed in the Oman flash flood disaster, one of the four Britons who died on that day. The flood water appeared so suddenly that eight people died in just six minutesthere was nothing anybody could do.
D.R. Anscombe (W. 65-72) currently Electrical Manager for Alvis Vehicles in Coventry. Still driving the Morgan three wheeler bought whilst at King's.
D.M. Astill (Cl. 55-62) back in touch after a spell in the wilderness is still teaching students with learning difficulties at Newcastle-under-Lyme College.
C.K. Bailey (Br. 74-81) has left teaching and is now a professional actor. He has already obtained his full Equity card under the name 'Chris Blackaby' his own name being already in use by someone else.
J.R. Bailey (Cr. 84-93) now playing professional rugby for London Irish after graduating this year. During his vacations he helped M.J. Page (Cr. 60-65) on his farm at Peopleton.
Katherine Ball (E. 87-89) after living in London for a number of years is now P.R. Manager for the U.K.'s leading scuba diver trainers based in Birmingham. Now lives in Warwick with her fiance Joel Benton (ex WRGS) and they plan to marry in 1997.
M.E.C. Banbery (H. 84-90) graduated with an M.A. in Mediaeval and Tudor Studies in July 1995 and is now working for the Computing Laboratory at the University of Kent.
R.J.P. Barker (OS. 80-89) granted commission in the R.E. April 1996.
C.R. Bennett (Ca. 77-84) is working in Property Development in London and has been accepted for a place on Cranfield University's M.B.A. course in October 1997. Christopher and his wife also run a
part-time business to help clients maximise their earning potential.
R.H. Blakeway (H. 48-55) was the missing name in the 'Likely Lads' photograph in last year's Vigornian. Coincidentally his son George was one of the boys in the group photograph of St Alban's on the following page-
B.K.W. Booth (S. 68-75) has a new job as Head of Information Technology at lClS - a group of companies within Reed Publishing providing on line information to the oil and chemical industries.
A.W. Booton (K. 80-89) granted commission in the R.L.C. April 1996.
T.N.M. Boswell (W. 85-92) left BBC Hereford and Worcester in May 1996 after 3 years as a production assistant. Is now Presenter and Senior Reporter at KM 102 'The Bear' a new local radio station for South Warwickshire, East Worcestershire and North Gloucestershire.
T.R. Brock (Ca. 77-87) is now working for the Forestry Commission as their Senior Operations Manager responsible for commercial recreation based in The Queen's House, Lyndhurst, The New Forest.
D. Bryer (H. 5 1-62) a Director of Oxfam was created a Companion of the Order of St Michael and St George (CMG) in the 1996 New Year's Honours List.
A.J. Buckby (B. 63-70) was Director of the British Council Centre in Bologna but moved to Rome in November 1966 as Assistant Director for Italy. Anthony was awarded an MBE in the 1996 Birthday Honours List.
Dr. D.R.P. Bushby (Ca. 46-52) has finally retired from active general practice but still enjoys some locum work. Has also retired (age related) from the Territorial Army after 33 years. Extended cruising under sail is now an important part of life. Contemporaries please contact on 0 1764 670594 (Perthshire).
J. Buston (Cr. 73-83) is now living in Munich and working for the lnternational Strategy Department of Siemens A.G.
Sarnantha Butler (Co. 90-92) graduated in 1996 from Swansea University with a 2.1 in Genetics. At time of writing was earnestly looking for employment.
H. Cairns-Terry (Ch. 70-75) is now working at Coopers Lybrand in Birmingham. His eldest son Jonathan has just started in the Junior School.
W.M.P.H. Child (S. 44-48) O.V. President in 1995 is a District Judge at Plymouth and is married to Gillian, sister of ].C. Lyon (S. 44-47). They have a son and daughter and 2 granddaughters.
A.C. Clee (Cl. 78-88) has been serving with the Queen's Gurkha Engineers in Hong Kong as a Captain for the past two and a half years. He spent five months in Nepal working and travelling and played rugby in the H.K. 1st division. He returns to the U.K. at the end of the year to take post in North Devon with the R.E. Commando Squadron.
Susan Clernents (Co. 87-89) gained a First Class Honours Degree in English (QMH London) in July 1994. Worked at Capital Radio, London as an Advertising Executive but has recently left to become an Advertising Accounts Manager at Jazz F.M. in London.
A.V. Cook (Cl. 57-66) travels the world widely in connection with his Birmingham engineering business. Visits R.G. Payne (Cl. 6 1-65) when in New Zealand and would welcome contact with contemporaries in other countries.
D.J. Cook (S. 42-46) lives in Toronto, is married with two daughters, one grandson and two granddaughters. David is a Television and Film WriterIProducer and Media Consultant. He received the award for best Canadian Documentary of the Year and was nominated for an lnternational Emmy Award. He was a co-founder of Ontario's educational television network, TV Ontario and was its first Executive Director for I0 years.
W.E. Coornber (Ch. 81-91) graduated from Southampton University with an Upper Second in 1994 and is now working for an American Market Research and Consultancy Company in Reading and has obtained his diploma from the Chartered Institute of Marketing.
G.H. Cox (Cr. 56-63) was commissioned into the army in 1966 attaining rank of Lt. Colonel before retirement in 1993 and also qualified as a Management Accountant (FCMA). He married Peggy in 1986 and they have two boys, Thomas aged 7 and Oliver 6. Is
presently working in- finance at Worcester College of Higher Educaiton.
G.H.J. Evans (Cr. 7 1-78) has returned to the U.K. after nine years in Asia with Baring Securities, with his wife Aleksandra, son Daniel (6) and daughter Katherine (4). After graduating from Cambridge worked for I.M.I. and then Morgan Grenfell. He is now Director ING Baring Global Research.
A.M. Fegan (S. 64-68) lives in Melbourne, Australia with his wife Keran and daughter Emily (5). Andrew is Executive Manager, Business Development Far Eastern Energy.
E.A.J. Forsyth (S. 86-91) Having finished his third year out in an lnternational Youth Organisation and Teachers' Centre in Segovia he took his finals this summer obtaining a 2.1 in Modern Languages and is now job hunting.
A.P. Fox (K. 80-87) continues to live in Bristol. He now works for Lyons Davidson as a personal injury solicitor.
C.H. Fyson (S. 59-62) is living in Perth, Western Australia with his wife Debbie and four children aged 9 to 17. Owns and operates a Real Estate business in Kalgoolie andy has interests in Mining and Tourism. Would be very happy to hear from any 0.V.s who may be passing through - address, 27 Hodder Way, Karinyup, W. Australia 60 18.
Sir Timothy Garden (Cr. 52-62) retired from the R.A.F. in 1996 after finishing his tour as Commandant of the Royal College of Defence Studies. He has spent the last few months researching and writing a new edition of his book on Military Technology. In January 1997 he takes up the post of Director of the Royal Institute of lnternation Affairs.
D. Gardner (S. 79-85) spent 1995 travelling through Asia and New Zealand with his wife Elaine. He has now returned to Stafford to open a new dental surgery in the former grounds of Stafford Castle.
Dr Mara Goldstein (Co. 81-83) has spent the last three years on secondment from the Home Office to the European Commission where she is desk officer for police co-operation in the Task Force on Justice and Home Affairs set up when the Treaty of European Unity came into force.
over a period of ten months. Is presently studying at Portsmouth University where he is also a Training Officer in the University Royal Navy Unit.
Francesca L. Hickson (Co. 81-83) has moved from Los Angeles, where she was with the Music and Merchandising Division of Disney, to New York to be the Financial Director of Miramax Films.
Lt. Col. C.V. Hodgson (S. 24-28) married in India 1939 - widower in 1994 he has one son, one daughter and four grandsons who are all cricketers.
T.F.J. Hodgson (Ch. 76-81) graduated in Ancient History and Archaeology from Exeter in 1985. Worked at Avoncroft Museum, Bromsgrove and Canterbury Museum. Gained Museums' Association Diploma in 1994 and is currently Curator of Social History for Colchester Museums.
N.H. Holden (S. 50-58) now retired and living in Masterton, North Island, New Zealand. Enjoys athletics, discus, hammer and shot putt with his local club. Visited U.K. in 1993 and hopes for another return in 1997 or 1998.
J.G. Horton (Cl. 60-66) has retired from poultry farming and now concentrates full time on his work as a painter and illustrator for both private and professional clients.
P.H.C. Hullah (Br. 69-76) now lives with his wife Jacquie and son James (born January 1995) in an old house 80km south of Paris. When not renovating his property Peter works as Software Manager for Eurocontrol, the European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation.
J. Hume (Cr. 85-92) presently a fourth year student at Birmingham University and is undertaking a period of elective study in Malaysia.
D.F.E. Inns (DB 47-50) only now becoming a member of the club and is at present living in Bahrain, Arabian G U If.
W.A.H. James (Ch. 68-74) Andy and Jo are still living in the south of France with their three children, Thomas, Laura and Oliver. Andy continues to run his yacht brokerage and service business between Nice and Antibes.
A. Jameson (Cr. 5 1-58) is now remarried to Melanie, a dyslexia consultant. Andrew has taken early retire-
0W.R. Goss (S. 39-43) Since retiring from the Army ment and co-ordinates the language programme for with the rank of Major and subsequently the M.O.D., the Department of Continuing Education at Lancaster University and works freelance as a tutor and consul- has built a steam boat using a Fairy Marine hull. tant in Russian language and Russian studies.
D.J.H. Gregory (S. 50-58) is now running his own
M. Jaffrey (OS. 79-86) graduated with a B.Sc. (Hons) in specialised marketing consultancy for food and food Urban Estate Management at John Moores University, ingredients and is living in Newmarket. Would be Liverpool in 1993At present has a research post in pleased to hear from contemporaries. Educational Technology at Halton College and also
L.P. Griffin (Ca. 88-93) is currently studying Biology at studying for a PGCE. In September 1993 married Exeter University. Felicity Hines who is editor of The Christian J.P. Henderson (H. 87-92) spent year out as Ist Mate Democrat, a national political journal. on board 80ft racing yacht With Integrity completing J. Jeff (DB. 24-31) has now been retired for 20 years four transatlantic crossings and Antigua race week after a career in teaching and as one of Her Majesty's
Inspectors of Schools. His retirement has been happily occupied with family affairs, travel, painting, gardening and writing. Is now somewhat restricted by the loss of his right leg.
D.W. Jelinek (Ch. 72-79) is General Sales Manager for Coca Cola and Schweppes Beverages Ltd. Married in September 1995 to Julia who works for Sky T.V.
E.W. Jelinek (Ch. 78-80) has been in Bangkok for the last three years working for British Airways.
C.Y. Jones (H. 64-69) is in his 22nd year with Westland Helicopters as Computer Operations Manager for Financial Systems. For the last two years he has been a governor of his son's primary school.
J.R.H. Laird (Cl. 44-48) lives in Scotland with his wife June. On leaving school he had a brief spell in saleslmarketing after which he entered the world of civil aviation, having gained a commercial licence, but retired due to ill health in the 80s. He is an honorary T.A. officer having been a short service officer in theRASC. June was formerly a very successful lady racing driver and last year came out of retirement to break the Royal Scottish Automobile Club's 'Scottish Coastline' record. She has had a book published on Motorsports Sponsorship with foreword by O.V. Derek Bell (S. 56-58). The 'H' in James' initials stands for Henderson and he is now the U.K. Chieftain of the Clan Henderson and has taken legal steps to hyphenate his name to that of Henderson-Laird.
M.J. Leang (Ca. 62-67) continues to teach Geography at St Dunstan's College, Catford, London. Both his daughers Sophie (8) and Christie (5) are also at the college. His wife Virginie is Head of French at Croydon High School.
Dr. B.N.T. Leernan (Ca. 59-64) is Assistant Professor of History at the University of Asmara, Eritrea. He has recently published a book on teaching the liturgical language Ge'ez, another on the Pan-Africanist Congress of South Africa, and a third, Lesole la Mokhehle (Soldier for Mokhehle) in the Sesotho language. His history of Lesotho 1780- 1986 is the set major text for Politics and History at the National University of Lesotho.
P.W.F. Letcher (S. 74-78) Piers and Martine continue to live on the French side of the Swiss border. Martine teaches at the lnternational School in Geneva, while Piers handles lnternational Press relations at the lnternational Telecommunications Union. Their first son, Brice, was born in January 1994 in France and their son Alastair was boran in June 1995 in Switzerland.
Revd. M.F. Loveless (Cr. 54-64) is still at R.A.F. Waddington but expects a posting shortly. He is involved in music in Lincoln and also on the voluntary staff of the Cathedral as Priest Vicar.
A.D.W. Lowe (K. 79-87) moved to Holland January 1996 and is now working for Nissan's European H.Q. based in Amsterdam in Strategic Sales.
Revd. A.J. Magowan (Cl. 66-73) has been elected to the General Synod by the clergy of the Guildford Diocese.
Revd. R. Mann (Cr.56-64) has become Rector of Aron Valley, a six church group on Salisbury Plain. He continues to paint in water colour and sail close to the wind in a G.P. 14. His wife, Rosemary, is involved with Agenda 2 1 environmental issues, chases butterflies and tends their garden. Children Ralph (16) and Madeleine (l 5) are both at Monkton Coombe School.
J. Marchant (OS. 85-92) gained a 2.1 in American Studies and History at the University of Wales, Swansea.
J.J. Marshall (Ch. 54-57) a Chartered Engineer and a Fellow of the Institute of Mechanical Engineers, worked in Derby in railway engineering before moving to London with British Rail and then Railtrack in the field of safety. Is now enjoying early retirement in Gloucestershire.
A. Matthews (Cl. 49-56) after 30 years in Sweden with a three year posting in Lagos has now taken Swedish nationality. Employed by Scandinavian Airlines at Stockholm, leading the team to publish SAS timetables. Anthony is married with one daughter, an air hostess with SAS.
Lt. R.J. Matthews (RN) (Br. 77-84) is with the Admiralty in Bath and his wife Kirsty, nee Glenister (Co. 83-85) is working for an M.A. at Bath University.
N.J.H. Matty (Br. 61-68) is still working at GCHQ, Cheltenham and has now lived in Gloucestershire for 18 years.
J.R.I. Mills (S. 80-87) james is working for R.H.M. and begins a company sponsored M.B.A. at Ashridge in January 1997 taking up a new job in corporate strategy.
Major S.C.D. Mills (Ca. 68-78) Stewart continues to serve with the Light Infantry currently in Sarajevo with the Allied Rapid Reaction Corps.
T. Moody (K. 80-91) works freelance as the lead commentator on Eurosport T.V. for the Motorcycle Grand Prix and as Press Officer for Nissan Rally Team. Motorcycle G.P. programmes had the highest number of viewers in any programme on Eurosport through the summer of '96.
D.C. Morton (Cl. 84-91) completed a PGCE at Cambridge University and is teaching at Christ's College, a small independent school in London, where he is Head of Geography, Housemaster and occasional sports coach. He says he is indebted to his former teachers for having been such "good examples".
Dr. D. Murray (S. 54-61) is a Consultant Dermatologist working in London and Huntingon and is married with two grown up daughters.
D.J.Nicholls (Br. 70-77) is now Senior Manager of the Chipping Sodbury group of Lloyds Bank branches. A third child, Jonathan Harry, was born in Worcester on 27th June 1995.
Dr. V.A. Nicholls (Br. 56-66) Royal Navy (Submarines) retired Lieutenant in 197 1. Qualified in Medicine at Westminster Medical School in 1978 and moved to Canada in 1986. Is now a family doctor in northern native community of La Roche, Saskatchewan. Is single with seven foster children.
I.E. Nichols (Br. 86-88) After four and a half years as a Research Officer for British Steel Tinpeate in South Wales lan has left to pursue a new career with the Sea Systems Sector of the Defence Research Agency at Portsdown.
Josephine North (Mrs Hughes) (Co. 85-87) is in her fifth year of teaching at a primary school in Hampshire.
Canon P.R. Oades (S. 38-40) retired in Januray 1959. Peter and Eileen celebrated their golden wedding in September 1996.
Dr R.S. Oeppen (Co. 85-87) became a member of the Royal College of Physicians in July 1996 and is pursuing a career in Paediatrics.
G. O'Hara (Ch. 8 1-84) from November 1995 has been a partner in Herbert Wilkes, Solicitors, Birmingham in their Corporate Department.
N. St.J Partington (S. 64-74) is a director of Astaire and Partners, Ltd., an independent firm of stockbrokers in the City, and is married with two children, Olivia (4) and Edward (I). Would welcome contact with any 0.V.s in the City.
J. Pettifer (Ca. 63-67) is Visiting Professor at the University of Thessolonika and continues to write about the Southern Balkans and to try to follow the causes of the war. His new book, Albania from Anarchy to a Balkan Identity was published in late 1996.
R.H. Phillips (Cr. 76-83) From January 1996 is Managing Director of a Venture Capital Company with the Commonwealth Development Corporation in Zimbabwe. His wife Kate (North, Co. 8 1-83) is a General Practitioner and hopes to work part time subject to obtaining the necessary work permit.
I.J. Philp (Cr. 82-92) has graduated with a Lower Second B.Sc. (Hons) in Agriculture with Land and Farm Management from Harper Adams Agricultural
College. After travelling abroad he will enter R.M.A. Sandhurst in May 1997
S.E. Pointer (S. 85-87) completed B.Tech HNC in Leisure Management and is currently studying post graduate Diploma in Management Studies and Chartered Institute of Marketing Diploma. He has been working for Guildford Borough Council for the past three years. Married Helen Elizabeth Field in August 1994 and his sister Katherine Ann (Co. 86-88) is currently sharing their home.
Catherine Popert (Co. 80-82) studied Law and is now a Barrister at the Middle Temple specialising in Criminal Law.
Fiona Popert (Co. 77-79) did an Honours B.Sc. in Biology and Educational Studies at Chelsea College and subsequently Paediatry and Complimentary Medicine. She is married with two children.
Richard Popert (Ch. 74-80) qualified in Medicine at St Bartholomew's Hospital. Specialised in Urological Surgery and has been appointed Consultant Urologist to GuysISt Thomas' Hospital.
Sheila Popert (Co. 73-76) qualified in Dentistry from King's College Hospital and then in Medicine from St Bartholomew's Hospital in 1986. Is now a Consultant in Palliative Medicine in London and is married with two children.
S.N. Price (S. 73-74) Now runs own business arranging corporate finance facilities for Printing Equipment such as Imagesetters, Printing Presses and Finishing Equipment. Lives in a small village north of Newbury in a 15th century converted barn. Would welcome contact with other 0.V.s on 0 1635 28 1738.
C.R. Ralph (Cr. 42-48) and wife Norma have moved to the West Country in retirement. New address is 12 Larksmead Way, Ogwell Cross, Newton Abbot, Devon, TQ 12 6BT.
D.A. Reid (Cr. 80-90) graduated from Lancaster University in 1993 with an Upper Second B.A. (Hons) in Economics and Geography.
P.M. Richards (Cl. 40-46) recently retired as Head of Historic Building Conservation with Essex C.C. but still actively involved with English Heritage and the Association of Conservation Officers.
J.H. Richardson (H. 82-91) graduated in Engineering, Industrial and Business Studies at De Montfort University with a First Class Honours Degree and is now working for Endsleigh Insurance at Warwick University. In 1994 he captained his university l st XI Cricket team and in 1995 took part in the Shell Technology Enterprise Programme (STEP) and was named as Leicestershire's second most enterprising student.
S.A. Robinson (Cl. 72-77) married Rosamund Williams on 6th July 1996 at Ledbury Registry Office. The marriage was followed by a Service of Blessing at The Downs School where Rosamund teaches. Her son, David, is currently a member of Chappel House.
Stephen left teaching in 1994 and is now in Medicolegal work with a consultancy in Gloucester. He has recently taken up Morris Dancing with the Kempsey Morris Men.
W.J.D. Scandrett (H. 58-66) is a District Judge at Oxford. He lives near Banbury with his wife Caroline and their three children.
F.P.J. Scriven (Ch. 84-90) qualified as a dentist at Bristol University and started work at a Birmingham practice in August 1996.
J.A. Sear (Ch. 7 1-82) took leave from his employers in 199 1 and travelled through the Pacific ending up in Australia where he now lives. Currently working as a Project Manager for Bankers Trust but also pursuing part-time careers in journalism and scuba-diving. Would welcome any passing OVs with similar interests. Address 211 6-18 Koorala St., Manley Vale, Sydney, NSW 2093.
Dr. J.P. Shervington (Ch. 73-83) is now working in research into gynaecological oncology in Birmingham.
G.C. Smith F.R.I.C.S. (Cr. 55-59) Having retired from the Lands Department of the Hong Kong Government is now working for the Environment and Economic Development Department of Bedfordshire m m L.L.
J.M. Stacey (K. 85-91) obtained a 2.2 B.Sc. in Geography at Kingston University and spent part of 1996 travelling through Thailand, Australia, New Zealand and Indonesia before returning to study for an M.A. in Marketing at Bristol University.
M.E.J. Stokes (Cr. 43-53) retired as Financial Director at John Folks (Lye Forge) in September 1994. He has enjoyed renewing his association with the school during his daughter's two years in the Sixth Form.
A.J.R. Taylor (Cl. 76-78) is married to Alison and they are both active members of Warwick Boat Club.
C.D.J. Taylor (S. 75-80) is married to Sabine Lohn with one daughter.
C.J.L. Thorne (Ca. 69-74) In Solihull since 1992 responsible for setting up the regional presence of Whitehead Mann (executive search consultants). He has three boys at Solihull School and looks forward to facing King's across the games fields in the coming years.
P.Thomson (OS. 8 1-90) appeared on Top of the Pops in 1996 and is composing music for Film and T.V. in Carnaby Street, London.
D.C. Tyson (DB 41-47) is now retired but his son Jeremy (Ca. 72-74) has been in Norway for four years seconded to Conaco Norway, building oil-well platforms.
Canon N.T. Vincent (H. 45-55) In September 1995 was installed in Liverpool Cathedral as Canon Treasurer having left the BBC after nearly 21 years. His final position there was Chief Assistant to the Head of Religious Broadcasting and Editor of Worship Programmes.
Air Commodore D.J. Walliker (S. 33-36) is in his 20th year as a member of the Meopham Parish Council and its Chairman for five years and this keeps his mind occupied at the age of 77. He keeps reasonably fit by relying on golf, indoor bowls, croquet and a mixture of gardening and four acres of paddocks.
D.M. Warburton (Cr. 85-90) from November 1995 is a Sports Instructor at the Kingswood Sports Centre Albrighton.
E.D.A. Westcott (Br. 84-89) qualified in Medicine at St. Mary's Hospital, Paddington. Is now a Junior Houseman in the Urology Department of the Northwick Park Hospital.
Major R.J. Westley (W. 76-8 l) is currently commanding a rifle company in the First Battalion The Royal Welch Fusiliers at Chepstow. In May he was awarded the Military Cross in recognition of his actions whilst serving in Gorazde, East Bosnia. He has also been awarded a U.N. Commander's Commendation for his exemplary performance and contribution to peacekeeping in Bosnia.
R.Williams (W. 85-92) has spent the last year in Cyprus as a 'house teacher' to two German children but is now at St Lukes College, Exeter doing a PGCE. Ralph keeps in touch with Thomas Carslake, Roger ~ohles,dobert Gilbert, Rebecca Healey and Anna Wilson who is taking over his houseteacher job in Cyprus.
G. Woodger (W. 75-84) says 'Hi' to anyone who remembers him. Is married to Aileen with a two year old son Cameron. Has recently stopped working as a free-fall cameraman.
Alison Wright (Co. 85-87) continues to work at King's College London. Visited the U.S.A. in April with the Bach Choir giving five concerts in New York and Washington. Still enjoys singing in the choir at St. Peter's Church, Streatham and was delighted to attend the Three Choirs Festival here earlier in 1996.
Revd. A.J. Wright (Cr. 57-65) was appointed Rector of Backwell with Chelvey and Brockley in the Diocese of Bath and Wells w.e.f. February 1996
C.J. Wright (K. 80-89) completed a Law degree at City University in June 1995 and awarded the Family Law and Employment prizes. In July 1996 passed the Legal Practice course at the College of Law in London with distinction and is now a trainee solicitor at Sheridans in London.
D.G. Wright (Cr. 54-6 l) is Senior Partner in Parkinson Wright, one of Worcester's oldest firms of Solicitors, and has been a Governor of the School for some years. He is also Chairman of the Swan Theatre in Worcester.
The Vigornian is proud to report, for the second time in consecutive years, the award of the Military Cross to an Old Vigornian. R. J. Westley ( 1972- 1982, W), Royal Welch Fusiliers, was a Company Commander in Bosnia in May 1995 when the events occurred which are recorded in the Citation quoted below.
During I RWF's tour of duty in Bosnia, Major Westley commanded B Company, responsible for an area on the right bank of the Drina at Gorazde.
Major Westley's area of responsibility covered some ten square kilometres of heavily wooded, hilly terrain with three observation posts and two checkpoints. The observation posts were all between 1000ft and 1500ft higher than the main base. Two were reached by rough roads and one by a footpath. The observation posts were all situated between Serb and Bosnian lines, in some cases only a few yards from Serb positions, and there were several extensive minefields which constrained movement.
On 28 May 1995 the situation had become very tense. Two days previously NATO air strikes had taken place and the Serbs had begun taking hostages around Sarajevo. During the early afternoon, the Serbs seized three United Nations Observation Posts on the west bank. Soon after the Serbs intercepted the telephone lines to the east bank observation posts, surrounded them and prepared to seize them too. Major Westley, on instructions from Battalion Headquarters, put a pre-arranged plan into operation. He himself with two Saxons deployed to give covering fire and he then ordered his furthest observation post to withdraw. This observation post withdrew in contact with the Serbs, covered by fire from Major Westley's group and the other observation posts. This withdrawal was accomplished safely after 45 minutes. The remaining two observation posts were now themselves threatened and Major Westley began to extract them, again under fire. One observation post was successfully extracted by the other, being located only
yards from Serb lines, was seized and the soldiers
taken prisoner.
Using fire and movement, and controlling the manoeuvre of his company, Major Westley was able successfully to extract the bulk of his company and return it safely to Gorazde Camp. The whole action lasted some three hours, during which time fire was constant, with B Company expending over 8000 rounds in self-defence. Major Westley was himself in the forefront of danger throughout, directing and controlling the operation and exposing himself constantly to hostile fire. In the weeks that followed the Battalion found itself in the midst of fierce fighting. For thirty days, 300-500 shells per day were landing around its perimeter. During this period, Major Westley continued to inspire his men by his personal example, often exposing himself to danger in order to visit isolated positions. Major Westley refused to take leave. He remained at Gorazde until the final extraction and it was his company which formed the rear guard on the last day.
His personal example and leadership over a prolonged period and in the face of unprecedented difficulties, as well as his disregard for danger, were key factors throughout the operation. Major Westley's undoubted courage deserves recognition by a significant award.
This is part of a letter which Angus Bentall (O.V.), wrote to Mrs Allcott after a visit to the Junior School
You may remember, quite late one day, when dusk was about to gather, last October half-term, I arrived on your front door step and interrupted your peaceful holiday - well I suppose it was peaceful but there did seem to be quite a number of children around!
I explained that I was an Old Vigornian who had left St Alban's in 1956 to proceed to the Big School and I had never been back since that July day 39 years ago, even though I had stayed at King's until July 1964.
You very kindly left your children and showed me around the site, which - naturally enough - has changed so much in the intervening years. All the new and vital development was very exciting to see and I was amazed at how much room there had been to build. Usually when we return to places of our childhood everything seems so much smaller!
My visit brought the memories flooding back: the Third Form room (now the Staff Room) where 'Fanny' Forward made us bend over the fender to be beaten with an oversized gym shoe named Happy Harry: the playground where I used to 'bag' the cricket pitch so that I could let all the 'hard lads' play and so earn their affection; the Form I classroom (just inside the front
door) where a pigeon once flew through the window and alighted and entangled its legs in Miss Campbell's hairnet (and I can remember still vividly - how we tried to stifle our sniggers!), and from which I was summoned by 'Haggy' Hayden to his study upstairs to be beatenwith a cane this time - without warning for untidy work during my first term as an 8 year old! Also the chapel in which we had Assembly each morning and one of the Boarders had to pump for the organ, and behind which we Day boys played illicit cricket during the lunch break (a whole one and a half hours from noon till 1.30). For some reason the Boarders had to lie on their beds after lunch but we didn't. We were allowed out to play but not cricket or football - I never understood why not. This was very unfair. When it snowed we stockpiled snowballs while the Boarders rested, then pelted them as soon as they appeared from their dormitories.
The only thing I regretted about coming back was not meeting your husband. I think you said he had gone to get right away from School for a few days: I sympathise; I am deputy headmaster of a prep school (actually, the Cathedral Choir School) in Guildford so I know just how stressful job your husband's is and it would have been interesting to compare notes. However you gave me a comprehensive and most interesting tour of the buildings and I was most grateful to you for giving up your time.
Rachel Bannon
Marc Barnes
Andres Benvie-Ferreiros
John Berry
Gavin Bishop
Tom Blunt
James Brazier
Richard Chambers
Nicholas Checketts
John Clubley
Benjamin Corr
Andrew Cox
Thornas Coxon-Stanhope
Daniel Crow
John Curry
Thomas Davies
Rowan Diamond
Dominic Doherty
Richard Dredge
Stuart Dudley
Jonathan Eastwood
Anthony Eden
James Edwards
Benjamin Etty-Leal
Tamasin Evans
Megan Fletcher
Daniel Ford
Amy Gasper
Joanna Gibson
Sarah Godfrey
Paul Gould
David Griffiths
Ross Haines
Nicholas Hall
Nicholas D.P. Hall
Jessica Hamilton
Jacob Hannah
Jonathan Harris
Melissa Harrison
Joseph Harvey
Robert Havard
Ashley Haynes
Matthew Haynes
Christopher Hemming
Matthew Hewston
Leila Houghton
Edward Humphries
Elizabeth llsley
Sarah Jeffery
Adrian Jennings
Andrew Jones
Abbas Kazerooni
James Kelly
Kasia Klunduk
Environmental Biology
Architectural Studies
Business Property Management
AccountinglFinancial Analysis
Planning Studies
PoliticsIModern History
Earth Sciences
History of Art
Sports StudieslBusiness Studies
Media Studies
Leisure Management
Equine Studies
Communication Studies
Food Studies
Fine Art
Sports Science
PE L? Sports Science
Media Lab Arts
Small Craft Technology
FoodICatering Management
Land Management
Bankingllnternational Finance
Ancient History
American Studies
Sheffield Hallarn
Oxford Brookes
Cardiff [l9971
Oxford Brookes
Warwick [l 9771
Cambridge [l 9771
Exeter [l 9771
Central England
Central England
Imperial, London
Writtle College
Wales Institute Cardiff
Nottingham [l 9771
Reading [l 9771
City, London
Cardiff [l 9771
UCL [l 9771
Kristianne Laurence
Nicola Lee-Edghill
Benjamin Light
Thomas Lougee
Gavin Lovesey
Helen Loynes
James Mackender
Claire McConalogue
Simon Mico
Chloe Molyneux
Timothy Morris
Zainati Mukhtar
Gregg Murfin
Christopher Nelson
Matthew Pearce
Rachael Penney
Natalie Pettit
Naomi Preston
Kathryn Race
Timothy Rastall
Jabbar Riaz
Stephen Roberts
Andrew Robertson
James Roslington
Samantha Seymour
Benjamin Shuttes
Benjamin Singleton
Peter Starr
Rachael Stokes
Andrew Sturt
Matthew Suddock
Colin Temple
Nigel Terry
Lucinda Thomas
Stuart Thomas
Bryony Thorneycroft
Damian Tipping
Andrew Tromans
Benjamin Ward
Christopher Ward
Nigel Ward
Katie Washbourne
Jonathan Webb
Gareth Wilmer
James Woodward
Thomas Wyse
Andrew Young
Mahmood Zulkifli
European Business Law
Russian Studies
Social Anthropology Genetics
Integrated Engineering
Hospitality Management
PsychologylHuman Biology
American Studies
BusinesslManagement Studies
Mechanical Engineering
English Literature Law Nursing Dentistry
EnglishlCreative Studies
Mech. EngineeringIAeronautics FoundationIEngineering
Computer Science
Anglo-Saxon, Norse & Celtic
English VisuallMedia Arts
Textile Management
Computer Science
Social Anthropology
Chem. EngineeringIManagement lnformationlComputer Systems
History of Art/Architecture
Mechanical Engineering
Music with Education
Speech Sciences
French with Spanish
ElectroniclElectricaI Engineering Economics
Geography/Sport/Exercise Science Geography
PEISports Science
Management ScienceslSpanish
EnglishIPhilosophy GeographylPolitics
Urban PlanninglManagement
Dr Montfort
Abertay, Dundee
Nottingham [ l9771
Edinburgh Aberystwyth
Portsmouth [l 9771
Wales College of Medicine
Southampton [ l9771
Durham City, London
Wales College of Medicine
Portsmouth Brunel
Oxford Trinity, Cambridge
Exeter [l 9771
Edinburgh Birmingham
Oxford Brookes
East Anglia
Imperial, London
Homerton, Cambridge
UCL [l9771
Newcastle [l 9971
Cheltenham & Gloucester
Loughborough [l 9771
Queen Mary & Westfield
Wales College of Medicine Medicine
When was this photograph taken and how many members of staff can you name? (Forpresent pupils, there are ten members of staff pictured who are still at King's.)