Edition 04 | September 2014
President’s Note “Never believe that a few caring people can't change the world. For, indeed, that's all who ever have." — Margaret Mead Dear all, You’re holding in your hands a fourth edition of our journal, The Spectrum, which is exclusively written by our members, students both undergraduate and postgraduate at our alma mater, King’s College London. This publication is not only a culmination of the past year’s efforts of our members, but also tangible evidence of the ideals our members stand for – the materialisation of independent thinking and solution-based approach. Above all, it proves that a generation of today’s students is a growing into policy-makers striving to design a better tomorrow. It was my honour to lead King’s Think Tank the past academic year and this way, I would like to thank all our enthusiastic supporters and visionaries. In particular, our fantastic 50member Committee who have worked countless hours putting on up to 3 events per week over a 7-month cycle, editors doing a meticulous job editing and helping out with articles, our writers thinking long and hard about the problems and finding remedies for them, mentors supporting our writers, all our speakers who provided our members with insights into the topics, our sponsors, KCLSU, the Alumni Office, our founder Ben Counsell and our kind patron Tim Hailes. We have grown considerably for the past 4 years and we strive continuously to provide our members with an open forum for debate and reflection as well as opportunities and tools for evidence-based policy making. For the past year, we managed to run over 30 panel discussions spread across seven policy centres. We also added a new type of event: roundtable where students can discuss and draw up policies with experts. We ran four very successful editorial workshops and we spearheaded the Careers in Public Policy Week for a second year. We also organised several sessions in Parliament as well as became a proud member of Parliament Week. In addition, we are a proud member of CampusPolicy that continues to grow. The policy recommendations which feature in this year’s edition are only a fraction of the potential student movements can encompass. I firmly believe that they signify the momentum of new frameworks of student thinking. Michelle Liptakova King’s Think Tank President 2013-‘14
Editors’ Note Four years ago, a group of students sat in the Maughan Library café discussing the foundations, limitations and hopes of the King’s Think Tank, the society that represented the missing link between students, ever so politically active, and policy-makers. As part of that bushy-tailed, wide-eyed but well-intentioned and determined first committee, we have watched the Think Tank become the first student-led policy institute in London and the largest organisation of its kind in Europe. At the heart of our initiative was The Spectrum, the annually published journal that brings together student contribu-tion to national and international policy. Four years on, the journal is still the essence of this enterprise and the evidence of a year of hard work and commitment from commit-tee and students alike. This edition marks numerous developments and a focus on quality and teamwork, present in the panel events and workshops throughout the year and in the resulting policy recommendations. Every year has seen the Think Tank grow, adapting not only to the interests and wants of the student body, but also to an ever-changing and fast-paced world. A student society is very easily drawn to panel events and debates, but the essence and purpose of the think tank has always been the Spectrum. We are pleased to say that the developments in 2013-2014 focused on reinforcing the centrality of the journal and ensuring the quality of the policy recommendations is the best so far. On one hand, this year’s writing workshops emphasised more commitment and enthusiasm as key to a quality journal. On the other hand, the introduction of roundtable events gave our members the opportunity to discuss in-depth the policies they are most passionate about in order to better build their case for a policy recommendation. Our Law roundtable on “Decriminalising sex work: sex workers, agency and the Nordic model” inspired one of our members to publish her policy thoughts in this editions and we hope this will be the case for the year to come. This edition of The Spectrum mirrors a year of hard work across the whole think tank. As the result of our committee’s efforts to make 2013-2014 the best to date and also the product of our members’ passion for policy-making, we hope the journal will encourage you not only to question the policies we live by, but also inspire you to look for alternatives and solutions.
Manon Glaser & Andrada Dobre King’s Think Tank Editors-in-Chief 2013-‘14
This year, King's Think Tank organised 29 panel discussions, with 55 speakers, held three roundtables and four editorial workshops. Thank you so much to all that have been involved with King’s Think Tank, and have made this publication possible. With the undeniable recognition of the fact that students have become and will stay an integral and crucial actor in the policy process: together, we are writing history!
Table of Contents About King’s Think Tank 1
Business & Economics Should the national living wage be made the legal minimum wage?
by Alexander Wylde
Law A Proposal for the Decriminalisation of Sex Work in England and Wales
by Claire Smith in collaboration with ECP
Uncertainty over Restrictions by Object and by Effect Still Looming
by Ivona-Elena Zegrean
Education Capacities over content: reforming curriculum reform
by Claire Field
Energy & Environment Carbon Pricing in a Time of Uncertainty
by Johanna Grusch
Can an American style Shale Gas Revolution become a European Reality?
by Tom Brooks
Healthcare Is compassion overrated?
by Rekha Vijayshankar Acknowledgements
Copyright Notice Permitted Uses; Restrictions on Use Materials available in this publication are protected by copyright law and have been published by the King’s College London Think Tank Society (“King’s Think Tank Society” or “King’s Think Tank”), a member of the King’s College London Student Union. Copyright © 2014 KCL Think Tank. All rights reserved. No part of the materials including graphics or logos, available in this publication may be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated or reduced to any electronic medium or machine-readable form, in whole or in part, without specific permission. To request permission to use materials, please contact our editorial team on Distribution for commercial purposes is prohibited unless prior agreed upon with the King’s Think Tank Society. Disclaimer The views and opinions expressed in the articles that form this publication are those of their respective authors and do not necessarily reflect the position of the KCL Think Tank. The authors of the articles retain full rights of their writings, and are free to disseminate them as they see fit, including but not limited to reproductions in print and Web-sites. The King’s Think Tank does not endorse, warrant, or otherwise take responsibility for the contents of the articles.
The Spectrum | Edition 2014
About King's Think Tank King’s Think Tank is the first student-led policy institute in London, and the largest organisation of its kind in Europe. Founded in the wake of the 2010 student protests, King’s Think Tank provides students with an opportunity to express their opinion on the most pressing social, political and economic challenges of our time. We engage students from a wide range of disciplines, regardless of their background or political affiliation. The uniqueness of our work lies in bridging the gap between policy-makers and students, by allowing the latter to express their opinion on issuespecific public policy matters. Within King’s Think Tank, students are given the opportunity to introduce their ideas, reflect on them during panel discussions, argue for them during roundtables, and form them in a qualitative piece with the help of the editorial team. Students are encouraged and supported in writing qualitative, evidence-based articles to suggest alternatives to current policies and propose the most appropriate policy solutions. We give them the tools and platform to introduce their ideas, form them in a convincing and impactful manner, and get them published in our policy recommendation journal, The Spectrum. Throughout this process, students are accompanied by the editorial team, as well as academic mentors (e.g. professors, Masters and PhD students, and professionals) that provide them with advice and support. Ultimately, the tools and platform we provide allows students to further their professional and personal development, while advancing alternative policies to decision-makers. King’s Think Tank exists primary for students; in this manner, our greatest achievements is that over the past four years of our existence, we have attracted students from all disciplines and stimulated their interest in evidence-based policy making. Ultimately, the underlying purpose of our endeavour is to challenge the idea of policy makers and shapers: We believe we are fostering a new generation of policy makers. The Spectrum | Edition 2014
Business & Economics
The Spectrum | Edition 2014
der to have a minimum acceptable standard
of living’.3 This standard is decided by a focus group comprised of members of the public,
Low-pay has become an important political
who agree on the goods required to meet
issue. The national minimum wage is, in real
this basic standard of living. It is therefore
terms, at its lowest level since 2004. This fall
‘rooted in social consensus about what peo-
in real income, in conjunction with recent
ple need to make ends meet’. 4 The living
changes to tax credits and benefits, has led
wage is then calculated on that basis, taking
to what has been termed a ‘cost of living cri-
into account what is required to afford the
sis’. This in turn has led to renewed calls for
specified goods. Importantly, we should note
employers to pay a ‘living wage’. This paper
that the stated figure is premised on the full
recommends that there should be a substan-
take-up of tax credits and other means-
tial rise in the legal minimum wage so that it
tested benefits. Were it not, the figure would
falls into line with the national living wage.
be several pounds higher than it is.5
First, we should make clear what is meant by
Some employers have voluntarily implement-
a ‘living wage’. The most widely accepted
ed the living wage. However, this has had a
measure of the living wage in the UK is pre-
limited impact on the number of people being
sented by the Living Wage Foundation, so we
paid less than this. In London, for instance,
will take that measure. The living wage for the
only around 10,000 workers won a living
UK outside of London is calculated and re-
wage in the six years between 2005 and
leased each November by academics at the
2011. 6 Furthermore, many living wage em-
Centre for Research in Social Policy at
ployers have far fewer staff on low pay to
Loughborough University, and is currently set
begin with (for instance KPMG), whereas in
at £7.65/hr (the Greater London Authority
the retail, bar, restaurant, and entertainment
uses a similar methodology to arrive at the
sectors there has been little sign of move-
figure of £8.80/hr in London).2 We will focus
ment towards the living wage. Unfortunately,
on the outside of London wage. This is defined as being ‘what households need in or1 2
Pennycook (2012), p. 4 Living Wage Foundation
Loughborough University Centre for Research in Social Policy 4 ibid 5 Pennycook (2012), p. 4 6 ibid, p. 2
The Spectrum | Edition 2014
in a competitive market it is difficult to see
The Living Wage and Child Poverty
that the companies who employ the majority of individuals on the minimum wage will be able to pay the living wage. The problem, at
We should now consider whether it would be
least in the low-pay sectors, seems to be one
desirable to implement an increase in the
of collective action: no one company will
minimum wage as discussed. There are sev-
make the first step to substantially increase
eral strong reasons in favour of such a rise.
the pay of their employees, since this would
For instance, the idea that everyone should
harm their competitiveness. The most obvi-
benefit from the economic recovery, and that
ous way of tackling this problem is by raising
there should be good incentives to work.
the legal minimum wage, thus requiring all
However, perhaps most the most important
employers to pay their employees more, and
is the issue of child poverty. In 2010, the
putting none of them at a relative disad-
Child Poverty Act was passed, which im-
vantage. There is therefore a very reasonable
posed a legal duty for current and future gov-
case for thinking that if the government is se-
ernments to take action to achieve four cen-
rious about supporting the idea of a living
tral targets relating to child poverty.8 This in-
wage, it should consider using the legal min-
cludes a commitment to reduce absolute
imum wage to introduce it into the sectors
child poverty to under 5% by 2020. 9 As it
just mentioned.
stands, however, this target will almost cer-
However, current government policy has
tainly not be met. The numbers are stagger-
been to implement only modest increases in
ing: there are currently 2.6 million children in
the minimum wage. In March 2014 the gov-
absolute income poverty, a figure which in-
ernment accepted the Low Pay Commis-
creased by more than 275,000 in 2011-12.10
sion’s recommendation to increase the rate
Furthermore, a recent report predicts that
for adults by 11p/hour. This represents an
even on the most optimistic forecasts of em-
above inflation rise. However, given the con-
ployment and wage growth, absolute child
text of the past five years, where the mini-
poverty will remain high, at 21.2%. 11 It is
mum wage has remained low while the cost
therefore indisputably clear that radical action
of living has increased dramatically, this rise
needs to be taken if these targets are to be
does not solve the issue of low pay. In fact,
met. Furthermore, it is equally clear that the
the gap between the minimum wage and the
problem is (certainly in most cases) a problem
national living wage is still significant.7
of low pay, not ‘laziness’ on the part of the parents. Two-thirds of children in poverty live in working households, with pay for those on the current minimum wage now so low that some parents working full-time still do not 8
Child Poverty Act 2010 ibid, part 1, sec. 5 10 Milburn et al. (2013), p. 14 11 Reed and Portes (2014), p. 35 9
Living Wage Foundation, historical data:
The Spectrum | Edition 2014
earn enough to bring their children out of
costs will lead to firms going bust, and will
harm the economic recovery, thus making us
A substantial rise in the legal minimum wage
all poorer.
so that it falls in line with the national living
However, empirical research suggests that
wage would go great lengths to address this
these fears are mostly unfounded. As the
problem, and may give us some hope of
London Economics report on the living wage
meeting the 2020 child poverty targets. The
points out, in a review of literature on the liv-
adoption of the living wage would give mil-
ing wage in the United States, the three main
lions the opportunity to work their way out of
effects of living wage mandates in the US
poverty—an opportunity they simply would
were: first, only modest cost increases for
not have under current conditions. The result
employers; second, absolutely no adverse
on child poverty is difficult to estimate. But
effects on employment (indeed, employment
given the number of those children in poverty
even sometimes grows); and third, a positive
that live in working households, there is great
effect on productivity by reducing staff turno-
potential for a higher minimum wage to have
ver and improving morale.14 Moreover, similar
a substantial impact on the numbers of chil-
results were found in the UK by the report’s
dren in poverty.
own studies into companies that have implemented the London Living Wage:
Is the Living Wage Economically Feasible?
We found evidence of little or no impact on business performance of London Living Wage implementation. All LLW employers
We have so far seen that it would be desira-
reported no change in sales/turnover. Half of
ble to pay the living wage on the grounds of
employers also saw no change in their profits,
combating child poverty. Nevertheless, there
with two seeing a slight decrease and one a
is still opposition to the idea on the grounds
slight increase. The majority also experienced
that a substantial increase in the minimum
no change in prices or output.15
wage is economically unfeasible. The main worry is that it will increase unemployment. Conventional economic theory predicts that the imposition of an above market minimum wage will result in firms reducing the amount of low wage labour they employ.13 Hence, a substantial increase in the minimum wage, so that it meets the living wage, will be counterproductive, since it will inevitably lead to higher unemployment. Furthermore, higher labour
These studies suggest that not only does the increase of a living wage not lead higher unemployment, it also has little effect on businesses in terms of additional labour costs. Furthermore, there is substantial evidence that there are real benefits for those that pay their staff a living wage. The London Economics report found that benefits to companies included16: 14
op. cit. 13 London Economics (2009), p. 7
ibid, p. 12 ibid, p. viii 16 ibid, see p. 17 for full list 15
The Spectrum | Edition 2014
lower staff turnover, reducing ex-
demand for labour to meet this demand, re-
penditure on induction and training of
sulting in a fall in unemployment. It therefore
new staff,
seems reasonable to conclude that raising
lower absenteeism, with one employer reporting a fall of 25%,
higher productivity—‘Two thirds of
the minimum wage is not quite so unfeasible as it is often made out to be. In fact, it may even aid the economic recovery.
employers reported an increase in output per worker per hour’,18 -
higher worker morale and motivation, better work ethic, more positive at-
How should a rise in the legal minimum wage
easier implementation of changes to
to the national living wage be implemented?
working practices,
One issue is the time scale for implementa-
improved stakeholder relations and
tion across different sectors. Since the cost
buyer/seller relationships,
of implementing a living wage varies widely
benefits to employees.19
across industries, it is natural that the time-
It is worth noting that this evidence has its
scale given for companies to implement a
limits, since it is confined to particular cases
living wage should vary also. For firms in con-
where living wages have been implemented,
struction, software and computing, banking,
for instance by individual companies; and it is
and food production the average increases in
yet to be seen what the effects of a national
wage bills will be around 1% or less.20 For
imposition of the living wage would be. But
these industries, the implementation of a liv-
there is reason for optimism. When the mini-
ing wage within 6 months should therefore be
mum wage was first introduced back in
feasible. For other sectors such as retail,
1996, there were dire warnings that it would
bars, and restaurants, estimates for the in-
lead to mass job losses, but these fears did
crease in wage bill vary between 4.7 and 6.2
not materalise. Similarly, there is no prima
%—a significant increase, but not an impos-
facie reason for a higher minimum wage to
sible one.21 One very sensible suggestion is
now lead to mass redundancies. Indeed,
that these companies implement an initial in-
there are arguments based on economic
crease to 90% of the living wage (£6.48 na-
theory that can be support the opposite
tionally) within 6 months. 22 This will enable
stance. Higher wages, for instance, will lead
businesses to make adjustments before
to an increase in demand for goods and ser-
eventually moving up to the full living wage
vices, which in turn would lead to a higher
within 1-2 years. Looking forward, future rises in the national minimum wage should be tied
ibid, p. vi ibid, p. 24 19 ibid, p. vii. The following is a common story: “Being paid the higher wage means I can pay to go to college – I’m studying in the evenings to be a computer programmer.” 18
to the national living wage. It is a further 20
ibid, p. 2 ibid 22 ibid, p. 11 21
The Spectrum | Edition 2014
question whether this should continue to be
wage. This increase should be introduced
determined by the Low Pay Commission or
immediately for the majority of employers,
the CRSP. In any case, the methodology
with phased implementation in certain sec-
ought to be the same: determine the social
tors such as retail, bars, and restaurants. The
consensus on what goods are minimally re-
primary reason for recommending this course
quired in order to have an acceptable stand-
of action is that it will help the government
ard of living, and then determine what wage
fulfil its legal obligation to act to meet its child
is required in order to meet the cost of those
poverty targets by 2020. Raising the mini-
mum wage will help achieve this target by increasing the incomes of low-paid working households. With child poverty continuing to
rise, the imperative to do something about it becomes ever greater—and raising the mini-
It is therefore advised that there should be a substantial increase in the legal minimum
mum wage could be what makes the difference.
wage so that it is in line with the national living
Bibliography Living Wage Foundation, information available at: London Economics (2009), An independent study of the business benefits of implementing a Living Wage policy in London, available at: unit/docs/living-wage-benefits-report.pdf Loughborough University Centre for Research in Social Policy, information available at: elivingwage/ Milburn, A. et al. (2013), ‘State of the Nation 2013: social mobility and child poverty in Great Britain’, Social Mobility & Child Poverty Commission, available at: stem/uploads/attachment_data/file/292231/ State_of_the_Nation_2013.pdfIbid
Pennycook, M. (2012), ‘What Price a Living Wage? Understanding the impact of a living wage on firm-level wage bills’, IPPR & Resolution Foundation, available at: media/downloads/Final_What_Price_a_Living_ Wage_1.pdf Reed, H. and Portes, J. (2014), ‘Understanding the parental employment scenarios necessary to meet the 2020 Child Poverty Targets’, Social Mobility and Child Poverty Commission, available at: stem/uploads/attachment_data/file/318073/ 3b_Poverty_Research_-_Final.pdf United Kingdom (2010) Child Poverty Act 2010: Elizabeth II, London: The Stationary Office, available at: contents
The Spectrum | Edition 2014
The Spectrum | Edition 2014
However, rather than viewing the sale of
sex as a problem which must be eradicat-
‘Seventy per cent of sex workers are mothers, mostly single mothers. What would happen if that one, indisputable fact framed proposals for changes in policy on prostitution? Mothers would be given the financial and other support we need so that we don’t have to go on the game to feed our kids. Instead we face benefit cuts, lowering wages and higher rents. Debt, domestic violence, and homelessness, which are other key factors driving women into prostitution, would also be tackled.’
ed, it should rather be viewed as a symptom of underlying problems. Many sex workers may very well ‘choose’ prostitution as a way of making a living to support and feed their families, but it cannot be seen as a ‘choice’ in the conventional sense, as it is a choice of the lesser of many evils. As one sex worker put it: ‘Most of the other girls or women that I meet on the street are there to keep their families together; their children out of care. It gives them a little bit of control about when to have the heating on or not, instead of having to stay in bed with the covers on to stay warm. They go out for an hour and make enough money to pay a bill. Sometimes that is the only control, the only choice we have in our lives. We can stay in bed, live in squalor, survive on bread and jam, but personally I feel I deserve more and so does my daughter.’23
This statement was given in evidence to an All-Party Parliamentary Group on Prostitution (APPG) by Niki Adams of the English Collective of Prostitutes (ECP) in March 2013. The APPG went on to recommend a change in the law to increase the criminalisation of prostitution by criminalising sex workers’ clients. The APPG’s premise is fundamentally flawed in that it starts with the remit to
Rather than stigmatising sex workers, leg-
‘develop proposals for government action
islation should instead provide a compre-
with a focus on tackling demand for the
hensive benefits scheme, including hous-
sex trade.’ Consequently, the Inquiry’s
ing schemes, especially for women with
conclusion is to recommend the blanket criminalisation of the purchase of sex.
Jenny Pearl (ECP)
The Spectrum | Edition 2014
young families who turn to selling sexual
a criminal conviction – as a result they will
services for lack of an alternative means of
find it almost impossible to get any other
feeding their families and putting a roof
kind of employment. And most important-
over their heads. No one makes choices in
ly, women’s safety is seriously under-
a vacuum – no one is ever an entirely free
mined as sex workers are deterred from
agent. Therefore, a policy on this issue
coming forward to report rape and other
should be respectful of individual choice
violence for fear of arrest (and for immi-
and bolster exit routes through benefits
grant women, fear of deportation). This
and the provision of viable alternatives ra-
leaves them at the mercy of potentially
ther than criminalisation of either those
violent men who are aware of their posi-
purchasing sexual services or those selling
tion and take advantage of it. 27
Current Legal Position in the United Kingdom
All-Party Parliamentary Group – ‘Shifting the Burden ’ In 1999 Sweden passed the Sex Purchase
Under current UK laws, although exchanging sexual services for money is not illegal, in practice it is virtually impossible to do so without breaking the law. Women working on the street can be charged with loitering and soliciting (and increasingly ASBOs and compulsory rehabilitation orders). 24 Two women or more working together in the same premises, even for safety reasons, can be charged with brothel keeping; 25 and anyone who associates with a sex worker (e.g. partner or spouse) could be held liable for a controlling offence. 26 Raids and prosecutions are increasing and hundreds of women who are working to survive and support their families are having their lives wrecked by 24
Street Offences Act 1959 s.1, as amended by the Policing and Crime Act 2009 ss. 16 and 19 25 Sexual Offences Act 1956, s.33, as amended by the Sexual Offenses Act 2003, s. 55 26 Sexual Offences Act 2003 s.52, as, in some ways, such as household bills etc., they are “profiting” from the proceeds of sex work.
Act (sexköpslagen) criminalising the purchase of sex, aiming to create a prostitution-free society by tackling demand. If the sale of sexual services is viewed as a form of gendered, patriarchal violence against women, as a profession which cannot be freely chosen, then the Swedish model appears to be an ideal solution. However, the most striking aspect of the Swedish model is its failure to demonstrably reduce prostitution in the long term since the inception of the law.28 Furthermore, the new policy has actually resulted, in some in27 28
See e.g. Verkaik (2009) e.g. Levy (2013); Stevenson (2014), amongst other evidence, a recent Police report from Sweden mentions that: ‘In 2009, the National Bureau of Investigation estimated that there were about 90 Thai massage parlours in Stockholm and vicinity, most of which were judged to be offering sexual services for sale. At the turn of 2011/2012, the number of Thai massage parlours in the Stockholm area was estimated to be about 250 and throughout the country about 450.’
The Spectrum | Edition 2014
stances, in an increase in the harm and
1999 Act.33 Street sex work is merely the
danger inherent in certain types of sex
obvious manifestation and should not be
work. As such, Sweden’s continuing ef-
utilised as an indicator of trends in others
forts to export their model to other Euro-
areas of sex work. As Ruth Jacobs, who
initially gave evidence at the inquiry, has
Northern Ireland, seems to be entirely out
put it in an article published since the pub-
of line.
lication of the APPG report:
‘At the time of providing my written evidence last year to the APPG, I was a supporter of the Swedish model as I did believe it was in the best interests of people in the sex trade. It seemed to make sense that women, men, trans men and women and non-binary people selling sex would be decriminalised and exiting routes would be invested in and established. Clients would be criminalised to ensure a reduction in demand for sexual services, and with statistics that I had read of 9 out of 10 people in prostitution wanting to leave the sex trade if they could, the model sounded like an ideal solution.
Firstly, there is little data available regarding indoor sex work. 29 Any data available appears to centre on observable street sex work, but this data cannot be extrapolated to imply that overall levels of sex work have been reduced. Instead, it appears that with new technological innovations since 1999, sex workers are using other means to find clients, such as mobile phones and the Internet,30 or making contact in bars, restaurants and hotels. 31 However, this shift from street sex work to indoor venues cannot necessarily be en-
However, the "end demand" model has failed in Sweden, a wealthy country with a small population and a small number of people engaged in selling sex. If it cannot work there, it has no chance of working in the UK.’34
tirely attributed to the Sex Purchase Act. Instead, this shift can be seen as part of a general trend of decreasing street-based sex work in parallel with other societal developments featuring new technological developments, which now allow sellers and purchasers of sexual services to make contact through less direct means. 32 In short, it is difficult to discern any clear trend of development of sex work since the Sex Purchase Act. In a 2007 report the National Board of Health and Welfare noted a return of street prostitution after its initial disappearance in the wake of the 29
Dodillet and Östergren (2011), p.10 30 ibid 31 Holmström (2008), p. 307 32 National Board of Health and Welfare (2008), p.63
The Inquiry recommends: ‘Removing soliciting offences that target women involved in prostitution from statute and instead dealing with persistent anti-social behaviour under ASB legislation.’ ASBOs are draconian, as breaching an ASBO is a criminal offence, which carries a sentence of up to five years in prison. For example, one woman in the ECP network was given an ASBO for 26 years, banning her from a
33 34
ibid Jacobs (2014)
The Spectrum | Edition 2014
where she lives.
without fear of arrest;
attacks are
cleared up more quickly; and there has been no increase in prostitution. 37 The
Although sex workers are more vulnerable
New Zealand legislation has created ‘a
to dangers and often experience higher
framework to safeguard the human rights
levels of rape and other violence, this does
of sex workers and protect them from ex-
not imply that sex work is inherently vio-
ploitation, promote the welfare and occu-
lent. Other professions, such as domestic
pational health and safety of sex worker,
workers, experience comparable level of
to contribute to public health, and prohibit
violence and abuse,
yet in these situa-
the use in prostitution of persons under
tions the solution is to empower the work-
18 years of age.’ 38 Any legislative change
ers rather than criminalising those who
in the UK should, like in New Zealand, in-
employ them. Similarly, domestic violence
clude the decriminalisation of women
is one of the most common forms of vio-
working on the street who are most vul-
lence against women with, on average,
nerable to violence and arrest.
two women a week who are killed by their partner or former partner. Yet it would be
The movement for decriminalisation is
laughable to propose banning relationships
gaining ground. In September 2010, in
or marriage in order to combat the prob-
response to a legal challenge brought by
lem. To conflate sex work with violence is disparaging of sex workers, implying that they cannot make rational decisions and cannot tell the difference between consenting sex and rape or other forms of violence.
sex workers in Ontario, Canada, the court abolished the prostitution laws (which are modelled on the British ones). 39 Superior Court Justice Susan Himel ruled that sex workers’ constitutional right to ‘life, liberty and security’ were being violated: ‘I find
Policy Recommendations
that the danger faced by [sex workers] greatly outweighs any harm which may be faced by the public.’40
1. Decriminalisation of sex work Prostitution was decriminalised in New
2. Exit routes for sex workers
Zealand in 2003 under the Prostitution Reform Act, (crucially without either endorsing or morally sanctioning prostitution). As a result, sex workers are more able to report violence to the authorities 35
O.O.O & Others v The Commissioner of Police for the Metropolis (2011)
Report of the Prostitution Law Review Committee on the Operation of the Prostitution Reform Act 2003 (2008), p.14 37 ibid, p. 29 38 ibid, p.13 39 Associated Press (2010) 40 ibid
The Spectrum | Edition 2014
The government should also invest in exit-
to increase the dangers and stigma at-
ing routes for those wishing to leave sex
tached to sex work. Therefore, serious
work. In the New Zealand report, research
consideration should be given to the New
found that around 93% of sex workers
Zealand Prostitution Reform Act 2003 as a
surveyed by the Christchurch School of
model for decriminalising prostitution in the
Medicine cited money as a reason for
both entering and staying in the sex in-
In particular, the current UK laws need to
The most effective way to pre-
vent people from entering the sex industry is to offer them alternative means of earning a living for themselves and their families. The government should therefore endeavour to provide viable economic alternatives to prostitution for those who want to get out. These should include: refuge places and other targeted assistance for women to escape domestic violence; housing priority for sex workers who are “vulnerable� because of homelessness,
be amended in order to prevent women being trapped in prostitution by fines and criminal records by repealing loitering and soliciting laws along with those laws which criminalise women working together in premises. On this issue New Zealand sets a good example by expunging all pre-bill criminal records for offences related to sex work which had previously been decriminalised. Sex workers should be able to work together more safely from premises and the laws on brothel-keeping and clo-
drug use, domestic or other violence; fi-
sure orders should be abolished. The law
nancial help to cover childcare costs; and
should target abuse and violence rather
immediate and appropriate drug rehabili-
than women working consensually and
tation services for those who want them.
collectively. In summary, the New Zealand policy of
3. Protection of sex workers
decriminalisation of offences relating to sex work should be adopted in the UK. De-
However, it must be born in mind that it is
criminalisation is the most viable model for
by no means the case that all sex workers
a fair and equal framework in the UK. It
want to exit the industry and may not nec-
would ensure that sex workers are not dis-
essarily appreciate being offered assis-
criminated against their choice of profes-
tance to leave a job where they are quite
sion and enjoy equal rights. Furthermore,
happy. As such, criminalising sex workers’
sex workers would be safer as they would
clients will push prostitution more under-
be more likely to report violence against
ground and make it harder for sex workers
them and receive the adequate protection
to get protection from rape and other vio-
they should be entitled to.
lence. Criminalising clients can only serve 41
Report of the Prostitution Law Review Committee on the Operation of the Prostitution Reform Act 2003 (2008), p.15
The Spectrum | Edition 2014
Bibliography Legislation/Reports Street Offences Act 1959, as amended by the Policing and Crime Act 2009 Sexual Offences Act 1956, as amended by the Sexual Offenses Act 2003 Jenny Pearl (ECP), Written evidence to the Public Bill Committee of the Policing and Crime Bill (February 2009), available at m200809/cmpublic/policing/memos/ucm5 502.htm [accessed on 9 July 2014] Report of the Prostitution Law Review Committee on the Operation of the Prostitution Reform Act 2003 (2008) National Board of Health and Welfare (2008), ‘Prostitution in Sweden 2007’
Journal Articles/Papers/Books Dodillet, S. and Östergren, P. (2011), ‘The Swedish Sex Purchase Act: Claimed Success and Documented Effects’, Conference Paper presented at the International Workshop: Decriminalizing Prostitution and Beyond – Practical Experiences and Challenges Holmström, C. (2008), ‘Prostitution och människohandel för sexuella ändamål i Sverige: Omfattning, förekomst och kunskapsproduktion’, in: Holmström, C. and Skilbrei, M-L. (eds.), Prostitution i Norden, TemaNord (2008), p. 604
Stevenson, L. (2014), ‘A backward approach to sex workers’ rights, health and safety now supported by the European Parliament's Women's Rights and Gender Equality Committee’, International Committee on the Rights of Sex Workers in Europe (ICRSE)
Newspaper Articles Associated Press (2010), ‘Sex workers celebrate as Canada Court lifts ban on brothels’, The Guardian, 29 September 2010 Jacobs, R. (2014), ‘APPG on Prostitution and the Global Sex Trade Report "Shifting the Burden" Increases Violence Against Women’, Huffington Post, 7 April 2014 Verkaik, R. (2009), ‘New Laws Put Prostitutes at Risk’, Independent, 29 December 2009, available at: me/new-laws-put-prostitutes-at-risk-claimescort-agencies-1852101.html [accessed on 9 July 2014]
Case O.O.O & Others v The Commissioner of Police for the Metropolis [2011] EWHC 1246 (QB) (20 May 2011), available at: 11/1246.html
Levy, J. (2013), ‘Swedish Abolitionism as Violence Against Women’, presented at the Sex Worker Open University – Sex Workers’ Rights Festival 14
The Spectrum | Edition 2014
‘object or effect’ requirements are alternative,
not cumulative, conditions for the finding of an infringement of Article 101(1). Once a re-
The European Court of Justice has tried, in
striction by object is proved, there is no need
recent years, to clarify the position of the Eu-
to look at actual or potential effects of the
ropean Union on the application of Article 101
agreement.42 This results in a better allocation
of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union; this has come as a response to the change in policy adopted by the Commission. The modernisation process has not resulted in much needed clarity and consistency, even though the Commission has made efforts to set out its position in relation to agreements that could be caught by Article 101 as clearly as possible. The lurking confusion comes from the inability of the two European institutions, i.e. the Commission and the Court of Justice of the European Union, to make up their minds about the objectives pursued by the rule in Article 101 and about
of resources by the Commission. It was also argued by Advocate General Kokott that this sequential approach, combined with the treatment of certain agreements as restrictive by object as a matter of policy, also helps achieve legal certainty.43 This is doubtful, as the non-exhaustive nature of the list of restrictions by object in Article 101(1),44 and the discretion of the Court of Justice of the European over that list45 , does not make it any easier to predict when an agreement will be found restrictive by object. Even if the parties 42
Société Technique Miniere C-56/65, at p. 375, confirmed by the ECJ in Spanish Glaxo C509/2006, at para 55
Opinion of AG Kokott in T-Mobile C-8/08, para. 43
BIDS C-209/07, para. 23
An example of an extension of the ‘object box’ made by the ECJ is BIDS: the agreement which aimed at reducing overcapacity in the industry through withdrawal of competitors had the object of changing the structure of the market (para 31) and was found restrictive by object, even though it did not, at first sight, correspond to any of the restrictions by object listed in Art. 101(1).
the methodology by which agreements falling under this provision should be assessed.
From the Formalistic Approach to Modern Uncertainty in Relation to Restrictions by Object and by Effect The distinction between restriction by object and restrictions by effect is important because the Court of Justice of the European Union made it clear in early cases that the
The Spectrum | Edition 2014
succeed in rebutting the presumption of re-
an agreement that enhanced consumer wel-
striction by object, by showing that the im-
fare, even though it divided the internal mar-
pact of the agreement on competition is not
ket. The Court itself was confusing in its ap-
sufficiently grave, an assessment of the actual
proach, because in a case decided two
or potential effects of the agreement will be
weeks earlier, it said that absolute territorial
conducted under Article 101(3).
Thus, nu-
protection was not restrictive of competi-
merous cases still reach the Court of Justice
tion.48 The difference between the two deci-
of the European Union in a quest for clarity
sions is that in Société Technique Minière
and certainty.
there was no prohibition of parallel imports,
The eagerness of parties whose agreements
so the internal market was not divided on na-
are found restrictive of competition by the
tional borders, as it was the case in Consten
Commission to appeal to the Court of Justice
& Grundig. Nevertheless, the differing per-
of the European is also motivated by the dis-
spectives adopted by the Court maintain un-
crepancy over the objectives pursued by the
certainty and encourage parties to doubt the
European Union’s competition provisions.
assessment of both the Commission and of
Different approaches to these objectives re-
the Court of Justice itself.
sult in different outcomes of the assessment
Further uncertainty urging adjudication by the
of agreements under Article 101(1). As early
European Courts stems from the modernisa-
as the 1960s, the Court of Justice started to
tion of the Commission’s approach to as-
advocate the single market imperative, to-
sessment under Article 101(1). This process
gether with protection of competition in itself,
started as a response to criticisms of the
as the main objectives of the competition
Commission’s formalistic approach, which
rules. This led the Court to decide that abso-
ignored the economic effects of apparently
lute territorial protection, combined with a
restrictive agreements. It was argued that the
restriction on parallel imports was as a re-
concern of the Commission with restrictions
striction of competition by object, and there-
of economic freedom made it equate interfer-
fore a violation of Article 101(1).47 On the oth-
ences with the single market with restrictions
er hand, AG Roemer took a different stand
of competition 49 . Indeed, such a formalistic
and reached the opposite conclusion: allow-
approach does have its advantages: it is eas-
ing Grundig to offer absolute territorial protec-
ier and cheaper to administer formulaic rules
tion to its French distributor enabled the
by limiting the need to conduct an economic
analysis every time an agreement is assessed
French market, a move that would be for the
under Article 101(1). In addition, the wide ap-
benefit of consumers, because they would
proach ensured harmonious interpretation
have more choice, price competition with
and development of the competition provi-
other brands etc. So, this reasoning allowed
Société Technique Miniere C-56/65, p. 249
Société Technique Minière C-56/65, p. 250
Consten and Grundig C-56&58/64
Jones (2010), n13
The Spectrum | Edition 2014
sions50 at the European level. However, this
as a matter of fact). This decision, and the
formalistic approach risked reaching different
Société Technique Minière one, could be ex-
conclusions in similar cases, as happened in
plained on the ground that the restrictive pro-
Société Technique Minière and Consten &
vision was ancillary to the achievement of a
Grundig. The solution was, therefore, restrict-
legitimate business/commercial purpose, for
ing the scope of Article 101(1) by conducting
example the operation of a licensing network
a systematic assessment based on the con-
or the penetration of a new market. 55 This
tent of the agreement, the objective aims it
reasoning is in line with the European princi-
pursued and the economic and legal context
ple of proportionality and should not, at first
in which it operated.51 The European Court of
sight, become a complication for competition
Justice held that the purpose of enforcing
law. But, the Court went even further in cases
Article 101(1) is to ensure the independent
such as Wouters and Meca-Medina,56 where
behaviour of undertakings on the market, by
restrictions on competition were deemed an-
prohibiting coordination that substitutes prac-
cillary to some regulatory purposes. 57 This
tical cooperation for the risks of competi-
makes it difficult for firms to predict when fac-
but without making it necessary for 53
tors, other than commercial or economic,
consumers to feel any disadvantages before
would be taken into account in the assess-
finding an infringement of Article 101(1).
ment of a potentially anti-competitive agree-
However, the European Court of Justice has
ment under Article 101(1).
also developed broad exceptions to this sys-
There have also been instances when the
tematic approach by using its discretion over
Commission treated as restrictions by effect
the ‘object box’ restrictions. The paradox is
agreements that looked like clear restrictions
that when these exceptions apply, the
by object. For example, in Visa International
agreement is not deemed not restrictive by
an agreement that looked like price fixing was
object, with the result that its effects will be
said not to be restrictive by object, but by
analysed, but it is excluded from the applica-
effect, and then exempted under Article
tion of Article 101(1) altogether. For example,
in Erauw-Jacquery 54 the Court held that a
Wouters v Algemene Raad van der Nederlandshe Orde van Advocaten C-309/99; Meca-Medina v Commission C-519/04
ibid., pp. 130-133: in Wouters the restrictive provision was ancillary to achieving the purpose of ensuring that ‘the ultimate consumers of legal services and the sound administration of justice are provided with the necessary guarantees in relation to integrity and experience’ (para. 97); in Meca-Medina, the restrictive provision was necessary to achieve the aim of having competitive sports conducted fairly, by ensuring equal chances for athletes, safeguarding their health, and protecting the integrity, objectivity and ethical values of competitive sport (paras. 42-45).
provision imposing an export ban on a licensee was necessary to protect the right of the licensor to select its licensees, and was not, therefore, restrictive by object (nor by effect,
ibid, n14
Spanish Glaxo C-509/2006, para. 58
BIDS, para. 34
op.cit., para. 64
Erauw-Jacquery Sprl v La Hesbignonne Societe Cooperative C-27/87
Whish & Bailey (2012), pp. 128-130
The Spectrum | Edition 2014
101(3). 58 The assessment of restrictions by
positives. The European Court of Justice has
effect is based on establishing a counter-
been reluctant to allow parties to agreements
restrictive by object to keep their profits, in
competitive effects are due to the existence
the hope that the money will be invested in
of the agreement. Such confusing decisions
R&D,61 for the indirect benefit of consumers.
pose difficulties not only for the assessment
Such benefits were deemed by the Court too
of agreements under Article 101(1), but also
remote to be taken into account under Article
under Article 101(3).
101(3). 62 This presumption, that restrictions
As a matter of principle, the European Court
by object will not satisfy the requirements of
of Justice stated that all agreements found
Article 101(3),63 places an even higher burden
restrictive of competition under Article 101(1),
for the party relying on Article 101(3), who
either by object or by effect, can be exempt-
now has to rebut the presumption of non-
ed under Article 101(3) if the four cumulative
application of Article 101(3). So, the party has
conditions of that provision are satisfied. So,
to establish, first, that the Article should ap-
nothing prevents exemption of restriction by
ply, and, secondly, show that the agreement
object under Article 101(3), as long as there is
fulfils its conditions. Parties could escape this
sufficiently persuasive evidence showing an
burden, given the decision in Visa Interna-
economic efficiency, which can only be
tional, because once an agreement is con-
achieved by using the restrictive agreement,
sidered restrictive by effect, instead of by ob-
whose benefits are passed on to consumers,
ject, the only thing left is to show satisfaction
in circumstances where competition is not
of the conditions of Article 101(3), which is
eliminated. However, the Commission specif-
more likely in the case of restrictions by ef-
ically stressed that agreements containing
fect. But such reasoning would be too far-
hardcore restrictions, in the form of price fix-
fetched, as it makes it even more unpredicta-
ing, market sharing, restrictions of output,
ble to determine the burden placed on a par-
resale price maintenance, export bans, are
ty seeking to rely on Article 101(3) before a
unlikely to ever satisfy at least the first two
decision by the Court has been made on
conditions of Article 101(3),
because the
profits gained though agreements restrictive
whether the agreement will be treated as a restriction by object or one by effect.
by object are unlikely to create any value on the market. This is a corollary to the stricter assessment of agreements under Article 101(1), which reduces the chances of including within the scope of Article 101(1) false 58
Visa International-Multilateral Interchange Fee OJ [2002] L 318/17, [2003] 4 CMLR 283
Delimitis v Henninger Brau AG C-234/89
Commission Guidelines on the Application of Article 81(3) of the Treaty, para. 45
General Court in Spanish Glaxo, para. 271
ECJ in Spanish Glaxo, para. 114
Jones (2010), p. 19
The Spectrum | Edition 2014
Conclusion: the need for clear criteria of assessment of agreements under Article 101 TFEU
light of the discrepancy in approach between the Commission and the European Court of Justice, it is submitted that the two should try to achieve a common ground and set our
The current state of the law does not contain
transparent and predictable criteria that, as a
clear criteria for assessment under either Arti-
matter of policy, would enable undertakings
cle 101(1) or Article 101(3), despite the at-
to conduct their businesses without fear of
tempts by the Commission to clarify the as-
sessment process under these provisions. In
Case C-27/87 Erauw-Jacquery Sprl v La Hesbignonne Societe Cooperative [1988] ECR 1919
Published articles and textbooks
Case T-112/99 Métropole v Commission [2001] ECR II-2459
Bailey, D. (2012), ‘Restrictions of competition by object’, Common Market Law Review, 559 Commission Guidelines on the Application of Article 81(3) of the Treaty [2004] OJ C101/97 Jones, A. (2010), ‘Left Behind by Modernisation? Restrictions by Object under Article 101(1)’, European Competition Journal, 649 Monti, G. (2007), EC Competition Law, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Whish, R., Bailey, D. (2012), Competition Law, 7th ed., Oxford: Oxford University Press
European Union Documents Cases 56 & 58/64 Consten and Grundig v Commission [1966] ECR 299 Case 56/65 Societe Technique Miniere v Maschinenbau Ulm [1966] ECR 235
Case C-309/99 Wouters v Algemene Raad van der Nederlandshe Orde van Advocaten [2002] ECR I-1577 Case C-234/89 Stergios Delimitis v Henninger Bräu [1991] ECR I-935 Commission Decision 2002/914/EC Visa International-Multilateral Interchange Fee OJ [2002] L 318/17, [2003] 4 CMLR 283 Case C-519/04 Meca-Medina v Commission [2006] ECR I-7006 Case C-501/06 GlaxoSmithKline v Commission [2009] ECR I-9291 (Spanish Glaxo) Case C-209/07 The Competition Authority v Beef Industry Development Society 20 November 2008 (BIDS) Case C-8/08 T-Mobile and Others v Raad van bestuur van de Nederlandse Mededingingsautoriteit [2009] ECR I-04529
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The Spectrum | Edition 2014
ongoing curriculum reform has been the
content. The new science curriculum has Despite
leavers today are seen by employers, the media and the general public to be illprepared
and the draft History and English
have comprised long daunting lists of
In an attempt to rectify
specific texts, dates, people and events 67.
this, the Department for Education (DfE) is
Furthermore, the new GCSE assessment
currently undertaking curriculum reform
will no longer include coursework, only
and the majority of the GCSE curriculum
final exams – a model better suited to
is still a work in progress — we should
assess the retention of content than
see it fully implemented by 2016.
analysis or comprehension.
Current curriculum reform policy
This focus on content is unhelpful in
curriculums that have emerged so far
been criticised during consultation with
The DfE states the goals of curriculum reform as: to make GCSEs and A levels more 'rigorous'; 65 to give teachers more freedom
acknowledging that they are best placed to know which methods work for their classes; and to ensure that pupils leave school better prepared for employment or further study. These are important goals, but so far the DfE’s solutions have been problematic. A recurring criticism of the 64 65
See e.g. Paton (2013) DfE (2013a)
reform needs to solve: that school-leavers lack skills necessary for employment or further
independent learning, research, analysis, quantitative skills, 68 solving new problems, adapting to new situations and tasks and effective processing of new information. The
DfE (2013b), p.11 See onal-curriculum for details. 68 According to Diamond (2012), school-leavers beginning further education courses suffer particularly from a ‘quantitative skills gap’. 67
The Spectrum | Edition 2014
necessary and useful means to develop these capacities, but it should not be
This switch in focus is crucial given our
taken to be the ultimate goal of curriculum
unavoidably limited knowledge of the
provide pupils with skills they can adapt
entering. Students who begin the new
and use in new contexts beyond school.
GCSE curriculum in 2016 will leave school
aged 18 in 2020. It is very difficult to
assessment through final exams forces
predict exactly what subject knowledge
students to develop mainly the skill of
school leavers will require: technological
short-term rote memorisation, which is of
little use beyond the artificial environment
models and economies affect their needs.
of school exams.
It is clear, however, that the ability to
efficiently process new information and Recent UK education policy prior to the
apply existing knowledge to new tasks will
problematic, and it is clear that changes
'quantitative skills gap' we hear about is
are welcome. As well as producing ill-
not obviously an absence of memorised
content; what is bemoaned by those who
value for money. Internationally, the UK is
notice such a gap is an inability to
comfortably use the data and processes
school-leavers, around
was average
mathematics and reading, and slightly
above average in science, according to
academic communities. The problem is
not that these things are unfamiliar, but
International Student Assessment) report.
that school leavers are unable to deal with
This would not be worrying, except for the
fact that the UK spends more than the international
education. In light of this, it might be
successful in achieving its aims – namely,
expected to reap better results.
bridging the skills gap in school leavers – various additional policy changes are
Policy Recommendation
methods, passing on responsibility for The recommendation of this paper is that
content to teachers, and linking school-
while there is still time before the new
based learning up with learning outside
GCSE programme is fully implemented in
the classroom.
2016, the curriculum should be amended to increase focus on the development of
1. Testing the mastery of skills
adaptable skills and capacities necessary for
emphasis on specific subject content. 22
Firstly, assessments should be designed to test mastery of the skills specified in the
The Spectrum | Edition 2014
changed curriculum. This need not be
literature appeals most when it relates to
assessment bodies such as as TOEFL,
one’s own situation, and the situation of
every student is different. It applies also to
employability-orientated marking criteria.
the subjects through which quantitative
Since their goal is to prove the extent to
skills are developed: maths, science, the
which someone has a competency in a
social sciences. It is through relevant and
foreign language, their task is analogous
engaging contexts that learning works
to the one that would be faced by
best. 69
international and
assessment curriculum
bodies change
of a candidate’s vocabulary is increasingly rather,
competency in using the language is the crucial skill. Assessments based on ability may
bemoaned by employers by connecting school-based assessment more directly with
modern language assessment, the extent irrelevant;
or that
employers are looking for.
3. Inclusive approach to learning Learning should not be isolated from the outside world. The ability to adapt and apply learning to new environments is prevented if the learning environment is viewed as essentially distinct from the rest of life. Students will learn better if they see how the knowledge they are learning is
opportunities for students to exercise and develop
environments are highly valuable. Such
2. Teachers ’ decision-making
opportunities workshops
The decision about what content should be used in developing particular skills should be handed over to teachers. Content should be chosen that both best
solving exercises based on difficulties faced by real businesses. Caution should be
employers’ training programmes. Students
students’ interests and goals. Students
need adaptable, malleable competencies
are individuals: just as current policy
rather than narrow skills useful only for a
leaves specific teaching methods out of the curriculum, since teachers know best
facilitates the development of these skills is
specific job in a specific company; this would limit their opportunities in the
how to teach their classes, they are also best placed to know which content will interest and motivate their students best. Within subjects such as English Literature
The world of language teaching has realised this, and applies it widely – through methods such as 'Communicative Language Teaching' or 'Task Based Learning'.
The Spectrum | Edition 2014
school. What remains necessary is a greater focus on the skills and capacities
Implementation Implementing
reform is complicated, since the groundlevel work must be done by many different people with the support of many different institutions. David Weston of the Teacher Development
connection between the curriculum as it is first conceived by reformers, 70 and the final results of this reform – long-term competencies – is indirect. Before we see
development of appropriate assessment of these. Schools and teachers need to be given powers to choose relevant content for their classes, and the support to provide their students with real-life opportunities to develop these skills. In considering the value of such a reform, it is useful to compare China’s education policy. China
ranks within the top three
countries for Maths, Science and Reading
results, the curriculum ideals must be
in the PISA 2012 report - well above the
written down, interpreted by teachers, a
UK – and has spent the last decade
syllabus of work created and taught, and understood and retained by students. Survival of the original curriculum ideals is only possible if teachers are able to assess the skills correctly and formulate exercise to develop these skills. As such, it is crucial that during the curriculum reform process, employers, universities, teachers and schools continue to be consulted – it is important to gain a realistic
employers and universities value, and how schools can teach these skills in ways that give students the maximum long-term benefit.
implementing similar education policies to the ones suggested here. In a 2001 statement of the goals for reform, China’s Ministry of Education emphasises the importance
balanced learning experiences; relevance and
participation; real-life experience; and the abilities to acquire new knowledge and analyse
suggested here, abilities, relevance of content and real-world experience are emphasised. If the UK can effectively implement the recommendations outlined here, we may
begin to see greater value for money in
The DfE has undertaken to reform the National Curriculum to prepare school 70
Weston (2013)
education school
better well
performance internationally. 71
Outlined in OECD (2010)
The Spectrum | Edition 2014
prepared improved
Bibliography Department for Education (2013a), Policy: Reforming qualifications and the curriculum to better prepare pupils for life after school Department for Education (2013b), ‘Reformed GCSE subject content consultation: Government response’ Diamond, I. (2012), ‘Quantitative Easing’ in Times Higher Education Supplement, 18th October 2012 OECD (2010), ‘Shanghai and Hong Kong: Two Distinct Examples of Education Reform in China’ in Strong performers and successful reformers in education: lessons from PISA for the United States Paton, G. (2013), ‘School leavers 'lacking basic skills’, say Business leaders” in Telegraph, 14th Aug 2013 PISA (2012), United Kingdom Key Findings. Weston, D. (2013), ‘Why Curriculum Reform is (mostly) Pointless’ available from:
The Spectrum | Edition 2014
Energy & Environment
The Spectrum | Edition 2014
and already provide a higher degree of flexi-
bility, these systems themselves entail inherent instability and have not been able to gen-
Uncertainty is a recurring theme in today’s
erate the required reduction in carbon emis-
debates on future energy sources, their pric-
sions. What is needed is a restructuring, sta-
es and their security of supply due to the in-
bilisation and strengthening of carbon pricing
herent unpredictability within the energy sec-
mechanisms that equip energy providers and
century was
consumers with sufficient flexibility to adapt to
marked by several rapid transformations re-
a changing energy market and as a conse-
sulting from unforeseen economic, political,
quence, to achieve both security of energy
as well as technological developments that
supply and the mitigation of climate change.
tor. The beginning of the 21
impacted global energy markets. In order to achieve security of energy supply, this essay argues that political and economic flexibility is
The Need for Flexibility
crucial for energy providers and consumers in order to adapt to the uncertainties and un-
Looking back over the last decade, several
predictable changes in global energy struc-
developments impacting global energy struc-
tures. When putting energy security in the
tures have occurred that could not have been
context of environmental sustainability, this
predicted by policy makers or market partici-
flexibility imperative supports arguments in
pants in advance. In addition to technological
favour of carbon pricing mechanisms, such
advances allowing for instance for the US
as carbon taxing and trading schemes.
shale gas revolution, various unforeseeable
In addition to providing a neutral policy in-
political factors have significantly reshaped
strument in order to incentivise the reduction
energy markets.72 Besides widespread politi-
of greenhouse gas emissions, such market-
cal turmoil in the oil-rich Arab world, for in-
based instruments also protect the freedom
stance, political uncertainties stemming from
to choose whichever technology economic
Russia and the willingness of its leaders to
actors perceive as most cost-effective. They
use energy markets as instruments for politi-
therefore allow energy suppliers and con-
cal leverage, contribute to the level of uncer-
sumers to adapt to unpredictable and un-
tainty in Europe’s energy supply.73
knowable changes quicker and more costeffectively. However, even though different systems of carbon taxation and trading exist
72 73
IHS CERA (2010) Maher (2013)
The Spectrum | Edition 2014
Moreover, the combination of technological
the impact of a plethora of factors changing
and political insecurity has rendered the nu-
global temperature levels.77
clear power sector subject to major transfor-
The recent report of the Intergovernmental
mations. While the incidents in Fukushima led
Panel on Climate Change, which records a
to a moratorium of nuclear power stations in
slowdown in temperature increases, further
Germany and a resulting increase in the use
adds to the uncertainty.78 In combination with
of highly carbon-intensive energy sources,
diverging national interests, capabilities, re-
the UK is still strongly committed to using
sponsibilities and climate change impacts,
nuclear power in order to reach its emission
this increases the difficulty of establishing an
reduction targets, mitigate climate change
international agreement that would determine
and increase its energy independence. The
who will contribute how much to which level
costs of nuclear power, however, can no
of climate change mitigation. It is therefore
longer be carried by private investors alone,
not surprising that the World Energy Forum
necessitating major government investments,
states an international climate agreement as
such as a £16 Billion deal with EDF to build
the most uncertain of all critical uncertainties
two reactors at Hinkley Point in Somerset.
in its World Energy Issues Monitor.79
In the UK, and in Europe, these develop-
Two things that are certain, however, are that
ments have led to a return of centralised en-
we will not run out of fossil fuels in the near
ergy planning. As Robinson highlights, the
future as predicted by peak oil theories.
resulting re-politicisation of energy markets
Moreover, the increasing use of these fossil
adds another layer of uncertainty, resulting in
fuels will contribute to the warming of our
a demand for a ‘political uncertainty premium’
planet by emitting large quantities of green-
for investments.75 However, whether the polit-
house gases, putting the stability of our cli-
ical efforts to secure energy supplies while
mate, especially the climate in the global
mitigating climate change will be successful,
South, at a potentially very high risk.80 In or-
is as unforeseeable as the aforementioned
der to achieve energy security in geopolitical,
developments. In fact, the impact of climate
economic, technological as well as environ-
changes on our environment itself not pre-
mental terms, we need a restructuring and
dictable. While documents like the Stern Re-
strengthening of institutions. These institu-
view warn against the dangers of global tem-
tions need to allow us to be flexible and
perature increases beyond 2°C and call for
adapt to the uncertainties and the unpredict-
immediate action to avoid reaching a dangerous threshold of carbon concentrations of more than 450 parts per million, 76 others
able transformations of the energy market and simultaneously provide the incentive to reduce environmentally harmful emissions.
point to the sheer impossibility of measuring 77
Robinson (2013); Helm (2012) Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (2013) 79 World Energy Issues Monitor (2013) 80 IPCC (2013) 78
Froggatt (2013) Robinson (2013) 76 Stern Review (2007) 75
The Spectrum | Edition 2014
The Case for Carbon Pricing
unused energy sources will revolutionize the way we produce and use energy. What is
Numerous attempts to move our economies from high carbon to low carbon intensive production have not been able to provide the required flexibility. This includes many of the current subsidy schemes and governmental support mechanisms ranging from feed-in tariffs to grants for the installation of renewables. These systems favour certain chosen technologies, blurry the costs of these technologies and are often based on political considerations, guesstimates and inadequate information. As a consequence, attempts to correct what Stern identifies as ‘the greatest example of market failure’ led to severe government failures, such as solar power projects in Spain. 81 Prior to the financial crisis, solar power generators in Spain could receive up to 575% of the average reference price for 25 years, leading to a ‘solar cell bubble’, a 77% increase in electricity prices for industries within 10 years and an additional hole in the government’s budget.82 Designing effective subsidy schemes is an extremely difficult task for political authorities not only because of the informational constraints and adverse incentives as highlighted by authors of the Austrian and Public Choice School, but especially because of the sheer impossibility to predict the future of our energy markets. We simply do not know which technologies are going to be most costeffective, which political factors will impact the supply of our energy resources, and whether currently unknown technologies or
81 82
therefore required are strong but technologically and politically neutral incentives. Putting a price on carbon allows the market to reduce emissions most cost-effectively and quickly; it reduces the power of lobbyists and the danger of rent-seeking by avoiding the positive discrimination of a few sectors and technologies. Most importantly, if stable and predictable, carbon prices provide businesses with the incentive to reduce the environmental costs of their emissions and to invest in research and development without depriving them of the freedom of choice. The relative stability of carbon prices and the investors’ expectation that they will be going up in the future is a crucial feature of their effectiveness and one of the main reasons why the current European Union Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) has so far been unable to provide sufficiently strong incentives. Setting the carbon price at the right level, however, is subject to the same cognitive constraints as the creation of subsidisation schemes. Because of the impossibility to predict the impact of different levels of carbon emissions on the environment and on different countries’ socioeconomic situations, it is not possible to set a ‘correct’ carbon price. Rather, a pragmatic one needs to be established initially, which would then be improved according to the markets’ responses. The UK government estimates that a price of £30 per ton of CO2 in 2020 rising to £70 in 2030 would be appropriate, which some analysts, such as Bowen, criticise as too low initially
Stern (2007) Sandström (2013)
The Spectrum | Edition 2014
and then as too rapidly increasing.83 The EU
ables.87 But as long as we do not know the
ETS’ price per tonne of CO2 started promis-
cost-effectiveness and feasibility of renewable
ingly but already began to plummet in its first
technologies, we instead run the risk of lock-
year of implementation in 2005 and com-
ing in inefficient technologies and losing the
pletely collapsed during the financial crisis.
opportunity to invest in further research and
After hovering around £10 to £14 in 2009
development by subsidising potentially wrong
and 2010, it has in 2013 fallen back to
around £3 to £5 per ton.84 In order to make up for the lack of effectiveness and informational value of the EU ETS, the UK government decided to introduce a price floor on CO2 emissions and has published indicative prices up until 2017. 85 This process
process’, as widely recommended by environmental policy analysts, in order to find an economically, socially and environmentally appropriate carbon price. Helm hopes that the current, low, volatile short-term price will soon be replaced by a credible, long-term carbon tax regime.86 A credible, steadily rising carbon price would then provide incentives to energy producers and consumers to switch to less carbon intensive alternatives. A move from coal to gas for instance, which is not encouraged by current subsidy schemes, would already significantly reduce emissions. While this is certainly not an optimal solution in the long-term due to the carbon intensiveness of gas, it should be considered as an intermittent alternative as long as renewable technologies are too costly and not sufficiently developed. Some analysts warn against the lock-in effects when switching to gas rather than to renew-
International Collaboration Even though more than sixty countries have implemented support schemes for renewables, a significantly smaller number of countries has introduced carbon pricing mechanisms, with the EU ETS being the most extensive scheme in place.88 In 2013, the Australian government even decided to scrap its carbon tax scheme. At the same time, however, some highly carbon intensive economies like China and South Korea have started to set up their own carbon pricing mechanisms. Nevertheless, in most parts of the world carbon is still subsidised and not taxed. The International Energy Agency estimates that, in 2012, subsidies for fossil fuel end-use accounted for around $544 billion globally, distorting and undermining incentives to reduce emissions and promote energy efficiency. International negotiations to cooperate and to harmonise national efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions have not been able to result in a decisive agreement. In fact, many feared that the Protocol would not even be extended after the first commitment period ended in 2012, when several major polluters,
Bowen (2011) House of Commons (2013) 85 ibid 86 Helm (2012) 84
87 88
Gross et al. (2012) ibid
The Spectrum | Edition 2014
such as Canada, Japan and Russia, indicat-
some call for a second option: the implemen-
ed that they would not signup for a second
tation of national carbon prices without wait-
period. The US, which signed but never rati-
ing for international harmonisation. Adherents
fied the treaty, still sees the Kyoto Protocol as
of this argument often maintain that the re-
inherently flawed and insufficient since it does
duction of competitiveness through carbon
not cover developing countries, including the
prices is exaggerated and that other factors
world’s biggest polluter, China. In addition to
are more decisive for companies’ choice of
severely affecting their domestic economy,
the Kyoto Protocol would give a competitive
Helm, who disagrees and considers the lack
advantage to one of their major economic
of carbon prices in certain countries a signifi-
rivals by allowing China to pollute in order to
cant competitive advantage, proposes a third
develop and attract the relocation of carbon
option which would introduce taxes on car-
intensive industries from the US.
bon imports in addition to domestic carbon
Moreover, as Helm points out, the relocation
taxes. Such a tax could start with some of
of certain industries back to the US using less
the most carbon intensive products like steel,
carbon intensive shale gas instead of Chines
aluminum and petrochemicals and could then
coal, would result in an increase in US emis-
be extended to other sectors. This option
would allow for a bottom-up approach start-
This would be good in environmental terms
ing from the national level instead of the glob-
but bad according to the terms of the Kyoto
al, and protect early movers from the problem
Protocol. Following this argument, the crea-
of free-riding and the competitive advantage
tion of ‘carbon havens’ would result in a more
of externalised carbon costs. Moreover, a
rapid deindustrialisation of the developed
carbon tax on imports would still allow for the
world and an increase, not a decrease, in
required flexibility in changing energy struc-
emissions. The European Union, for instance,
tures and keep the informational needs of the
prides itself with having significantly reduced
government to a minimum.
sions but a decrease in global emissions.
its greenhouse gas emissions, while in fact, the import and consumption of high-carbon products and thus European carbon footprints have been steadily increasing. Three options have been proposed to address this problem. The first option, namely the harmonisation of carbon prices through an international agreement, is likely to remain gridlocked by different national interests and arguments about differentiated responsibilities.90 Considering that time is a crucial factor, 89 90
Helm (2012) Barbier (2010)
Conclusion The high number of different policy instruments currently in use can neither provide the flexibility needed to manage the political, economic, technological and environmental uncertainty inherent in our energy structures, nor create stable incentives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Only a credible and fully functional price for carbon can provide 91
Gross et al. (2012)
The Spectrum | Edition 2014
both the flexibility and the incentives needed
stability of the carbon price, but significantly
for quick, cost-effective and low carbon ad-
impact the market and distort its price mech-
anisms. Alternative strategies to strengthen
The UK government maintains that as long as
the carbon price, such as international
the price of carbon is inappropriate or lacking
agreements or national measures, are strong-
in other countries, subsidies and other sup-
ly needed.
port mechanisms are necessary in order to lower the carbon intensity of its economy. However,
schemes do not improve the credibility and
The Spectrum | Edition 2014
Bibliography Barbier, E. D (2010), Rethinking the Economic Recovery: A Global Green New Deal, United Nations Environment Programme. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Bowen, A. (2011), The case for carbon pricing, Policy Brief, Grantham Research Institute of Climate Change and the Environment, Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy, zvailable online at: ublications/Policy/docs/PB_casecarbon-pricing_Bowen.pdf (accessed on Feb 03, 2014)
IHS CERA (2010), Fuelling North America’s Energy Future: The Unconventional Natural Gas Revolution and the Carbon Agenda, IHS CERA Special Report, Cambridge, Massachusetts: IHS CERA Inc. Maher, S. (2013), The Arab Spring and its Impact on Supply and Production in Global Markets, EUCERS Strategy Paper No.4, London: Department of War Studies, King's College London and KonradAdenauer-Stiftung e.V. Robinson, C. (2013), From Nationalisation to State Control – The Return of Centralised Energy Planning, IEA Discussion Paper No. 49. London: Institute of Economic Affairs
Froggatt, A. (2013), UK Power Deal: Implications for the Global Nuclear Sector, London: Chatham House
Sandström, C. (2013), Are Green Jobs Promising the Moon? On Europe's New Growth Policy, Stockholm: Timbro.
Gross, R. et al. (2012), On picking winners: The need for targeted support for renewable energy, ICEPT Working Paper, Ref: ICEPT/WP/2012/013, Centre for Energy Policy and Technology, Imperial College London
Stern, N. (2007), The Economics of Climate Change: The Stern Review, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. World Energy Council (2013), World Energy Issues Monitor 2013. London: World Energy Council.
Helm, D. (2012), The Carbon Crunch: How We’re Getting Climate Change Wrong – and How to Fix It, New Haven and London: Yale University Press House of Commons (2013), Carbon Price Floor, Briefing Paper SN/SC/5927, November 07, Science and Environment Section, available online at: (accessed on Feb 03, 2014) Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 2013. Climate Change 2013: The physical science basis. Available online at: e7WBBFCM8 (accessed on Feb 03, 2014) International Energy Agency (2013), World Energy Outlook 2013, Paris: IEA, OECD
The Spectrum | Edition 2014
What is ‘ Fracking ’ and Why is it Important?
The author will not, however, focus on process of fracking upon the environment or whether it is hazardous to local communities.
Induced Hydraulic Fracturing (Hydrofracturing or Fracking) is a technique used for extracting
Impacts of Fracking so far
unconventional gas from previously unattainable areas. It is important because the shale
The technology advancements of hydraulic
gas revolution has been described as a
fracking and horizontal drilling have led Amer-
‘game changer’ in energy politics.92 The En-
ica to become almost entirely self-sufficient in
ergy Information Administration (EIA) estimates the US has enough natural gas to meet domestic demand for the next 110 years. Reports suggest Shale gas could ac-
natural gas. The initial boom began in 2008 in which, according to the US EIA, average growth rates in fracking were just above 50% until 2011. In 2012 the growth slowed to just
count for 70% of natural gas output in the
4% but the EIA’s Annual Energy Outlook in
future. Not only will this ease a shortening
2013 still predicted that gas production due
worldwide energy crisis as demand rapidly
to fracking would double between 2013-
increases (especially in developing nations
2040, by which time it will account for over
such as China) but it will also prevent energy
50% of total American gas output. These sta-
prices from increasing wildly. It will account
tistics are surprising considering only in 2000,
for over 1 million workers worldwide by 2025
only 1% of U.S. gas production was via un-
while in 2010 alone hydraulic fracturing was
conventional methods. Furthermore right until
responsible for 600,000 jobs. Due to Shale Gas exploration being a non-renewable resource there are also contested views on the externalities to the environment and by-
2005 it was widely believed that domestic gas production in over 40 states was in an irreversible decline. This, in turn, has made America the biggest
products (such as leakage of methane gas)
gas producer in the world at 634 billion cubic
upon human health.
metres (bcm), overtaking Russia’s 582 bcm.93
U.S Rep. Tom Reed (R-NY) (2013), Congressional Natural Gas caucus hearing on economic impact
Bloomber (2010)
The Spectrum | Edition 2014
This has allowed it to reach the lowest gas
not only in gas but in oil and coal too. The US
prices in any leading industrial economy.94
leads the way in technological advancements
Yet it is still the dominance of conventional
to locate and extract deposits, furthermore it
gas that tops global production, accounting
possesses an already highly functional gas
for over 85% of total marketed output to-
industry, federal support both in regulation
This is, however, gradually changing
and legality and even notable exemptions
with the noticeable effects of America’s suc-
from regulation. 96 This means ‘development
cess and fear that an increase in global de-
of shale gas has benefited from existing pipe-
mand will eventually match and surpass sup-
line networks and sufficient local infrastruc-
ply. To such an extent that the EIA predicts
ture to support its exploitation’. 97 The EU’s
unconventional gas methods will account for
equipment shortages in comparison to the
40% of worldwide demand by 2035.
US are a problem that will increase costs
European gas prices are 3-4 times those
across all member states. America already
in America and its energy vulnerability is
has up to 2000 domestic gas rigs drilling at
any point. Europe, on the other hand, has
intensive industry is migrating to North
little more than 50 and only 7 of these are
America for cheaper production costs.
located in Poland, which is one of the most
Europe has nuclear power plants continu-
vehemently pro-fracking countries in the EU.
ally closing and coal consumption is on the increase (4.1% & 3.3% in 2010/11). With all of these pessimistic statistics it is
Benefactors of Fracking in the US
surprising Europe hasn’t already followed
It is not just companies at the top that will
suit in the American trend of shale gas
reap benefits from fracking operations but
what are known as ‘downstream’ sector firms
rope’s shale-gas reserves are almost able
too. This can be workers that install pipelines,
to match those across the Atlantic.
provide well equipment or even logistics such
as truck drivers to and from sites. As can be
Fracking in the United States
shown in a speech made by US Representative Tom Reed, (Republican – New York) who
The US government started investing large
chairs the Congressional Natural Gas Caucus
amounts of money over two decades ago
in congress, in a hearing on Natural Gas eco-
into Research and Development in low-
nomic impact: ‘it is a game changer, not only
permeability operations and then freely dis-
for the jobs that are represented in the indus-
persed the results to operating companies,
try, upstream, midstream, downstream…
which radically reduced the cost of production for private firms. The United States has a long history of onshore resource exploration, 94 95
Financial Times (2013) Pearson et al. (2012)
[there is] direct correlation and connection between developing this resource from our domestic sources is igniting a manufacturing 96 97
Mc Gowan (2012) Kefferput (2010)
The Spectrum | Edition 2014
renaissance, of us building things here in
mean any resource discovered under private
America and selling it abroad’.98
property belong to the individual that owns it. This means it creates a free market situation in which resources can be exchanged, land is
Government actors
leased in return for royalties, thus gaining loThe fact there exists an unreservedly pro-
cal support. In order to achieve rights to drill,
fracking network within Congress shows the
companies must offer generous incentives
extent to which government actors in the US
and such is the case in the US that the ma-
are backing unconventional gas extraction.
jority percentage of land owners offered a
The US federal system grants autonomy over
deal have accepted. So strong is the mone-
energy regulation to its individual states. This
tary gain to the individual that many rely upon
is conducive for supporting drilling operations
it as a primary source of income. New York is
as state governors have large incentives to
one example where some landowners are
allow production. It will (i) increase their
offered $5000 an acre along with a 20%
state’s job statistics, and (ii) they will benefit
share of royalties on gas extracted. They
from windfall taxes and royalties from busi-
need not necessarily be vocal in their support
nesses. Hence there are shale gas ‘champi-
of fracking but merely not campaigning
ons’ within Congress (a natural gas caucus
against is enough. This Mineral rights law is
sits in both houses). This can help explain
lacking from European policy, as in most EU
why gas industries benefit from various state tax credits and research and development subsidies, which make drilling more profitable and successfully keeps fracking on the national policy agenda. In 1980, the Crude Oil Windfall Profit Tax Act introduced an alternative (non-conventional) fuel production tax credit of £3 per BTU oil barrel.99 Such subsidies eased wellhead costs and stimulated the beginning of production. Comparatively in Europe, Hungry is the only country that has any tax breaks for fracking.
countries mineral rights are State-owned; this provides an explanation for fierce local opposition. In the UK the crown owns all minerals.
Energy independence There are also secondary incentives to fracking, in providing energy security and independence. This has been a long-term goal of US policy since Nixon in 1973 in the aftermath of the oil crisis. The ambitious goal was energy self-sufficiency by the 1980’s. Jimmy Carter also focused on such goals, describing an ‘energy crisis’ facing the US and com-
paring it to the ‘moral equivalent of war’. To-
Most of the well sites in the US are situated
day such sentiments still exist over energy
upon private land. The US mineral rights laws
insecurity following the Arab Spring uprisings in 2011 and mounting concern over Iran’s
Congressional Natural Gas caucus hearing on economic impact (2013) 99 Stevens (2011)
nuclear programmes. Energy autonomy in the US would ‘reduce the petro-power of major
The Spectrum | Edition 2014
conventional gas producers in the Middle
aims, by leading to an increased reliance on
East, Russia and Venezuela’.100
dirty fuels and a hike in energy bills — as they were forced to increase foreign imports to
Fracking In Europe
meet demand. In the fracking debate this ex-
An estimate by the EIA (2012) predicted Europe sits on what could be 10% of global resources. Yet federal legislation difficulties are hindering production, as EU attempts to create ‘a truly single market [are] far from complete’.101 After the Lisbon Treaty a European
tends to France and Bulgaria who banned the process, whilst the Polish government is campaigning in Brussels to ensure opposition from other states will not hinder their ability to move forward with excavation. Today, a single EU wide energy policy seems a distant reality.
Union competence for energy was established and a ‘third package’ of legislation
Challenges to EU Fracking
suggestions with the aim of creating an internal gas and electricity market. The aim being
Similar to the American counterparts, the
the achievement of a single energy policy for
largest incentive for shale extraction in the EU
the EU. This was attempted via three key policies: the internal market electricity, gas and renewable directives, the Climate and Energy Package, and the Emissions Trading System (ETS), all of which would lead to much needed European energy cooperation. Theoreti-
is the economic benefits. The challenges to frame a positive portrayal of fracking to the European citizens are, however, more challenging. A comparison between the US Business
Roundtable highlights the disparity. The US BRT completely supports fracking as an inte-
cally this may still work but, ‘in reality member
gral part to the American resource strategies
states’ energy policies have diverged, and
whereas its EU counterpart chose its wording
cooperation did not materialise, at least not
more carefully and acknowledged environ-
on an EU-wide basis’.102
mental concerns surrounding the process.
One such example that highlights the divergence in energy policy is unilateral action, such as outright banning of an activity. One case was Germany’s decision to turn off its nuclear plants due to public demand. The aftermath
They state, ‘Europe needs an energy strategy that ensures the transition to a low-carbon economy while safeguarding energy security, quality of supply, and cost to industry and society’.103
The frame around European energy security
productive to the green pressure groups’
exists similar to that of America’s, except concerns are turned less to the Middle East
Medlock et al. (2011) Pearson, et al. (2012) 102 Egenhofer, J. (2014)
than to is less the Russian energy giant.
ERT (2013)
The Spectrum | Edition 2014
However, energy independence is not a con-
upon fracking until more conclusive evidence
cern to all member states: France has a
has been gathered. In Germany, Angela
strong domestic nuclear energy grid, which
Murkel announced draft legislation to pursue
accounts for 75% of its electricity supply. It is
exploration of shale basins using techniques
also the strength of the nuclear power lobbies
similar to those employed in the US. Yet,
in agenda-setting that has led France to ban
public opposition (and even within her own
fracking outright. Poland, however, sees en-
party) was so strong that a month later a
ergy independence from Russia (Europe’s
moratorium was announced which was vol-
biggest gas supplier, who provides /
rd 3
untarily accepted by Exxon Mobil.
Poland’s natural gas) as an integral incentive to push shale gas extraction on the European
A report for the EU Parliament in 2011 stated
Agenda. There exists a ‘deep held and wide-
that due to environmental and health hazard
spread belief that the country is overly beholden to an undependable and unpredictable supplier, that being Russia’.104 A denser population and lesser history of onshore drilling means the EU is naturally cautious of fracking, especially due to the adoption of the ‘precautionary principle’ in the 1992 Maastricht treaty. The precautionary principle; ‘applies where scientific evidence is insufficient, inconclusive or uncertain and preliminary scientific evaluation indicates that there are reasonable grounds for concern that the potentially dangerous effects on the
risks, a European wide directive was required to that addressed all issues within shale operations.106 The EU has, however, ‘issued a tremendous number of directives that are applicable to hydraulic fracturing and may help guide the regulatory framework within the Member States. For instance, there are several directives directly related to mining and six directives directly related to water quality’.107 While the EU seeks multilateral regulation, some member states are content with dictating their own environmental policy. The Royal Society and Royal Academy of Engineering
environment, human, animal or plant health
reports that, ‘health, safety and environmental
may be inconsistent with the high level of
risks associated with hydraulic fracturing as a
protection chosen by the EU’. 105 Therefore
means to extract shale gas can be managed
the burden of proof to convince policy mak-
effectively in the UK as long as operational
ers that shale exploration doesn’t have any
best practices are implemented and enforced
adverse environmental side effects, lies with
through regulation’.108
the companies, before they are given con-
Such hesitation over policy implementation is
tracts to start drilling. This cautious approach
another key factor as to why Europe is lack-
can be seen in many European states
ing behind American levels of shale produc-
through the implementation of moratoriums 106
Johnson, B. (2013) 105 Commission of the European Communities (2000)
EU Parliament (2011) Weinstein (2013) 108 Royal Society and Royal Academy of Engineering (2012), p. 4; Stevens (2012) 107
The Spectrum | Edition 2014
tion. The IEA (International Energy Agency 2012) has a Low Unconventional Case, in
2. Temporary abandonment of single EU energy policy
which estimates unconventional gas extraction will only slightly rise above current levels
Greater autonomy should be granted to indi-
by 2035 due to a lack of European public ac-
vidual European member states over their
ceptance. In order to quell public fears and
own energy legislation as multilateral Europe-
move forward with production the IEA states
an initiatives have failed, leaving the EU with-
that, ‘full transparency, measuring and moni-
out a coherent energy agenda (i.e. member
toring of environmental impacts and en-
states’ energy requirements are too diverse
gagement with local communities are critical
for one overarching policy to be successful). It
to address public concerns’.109
is clear no such agreement will be completed
Policy Recommendations 1. Incentivise domestic shale exploration In a Chatham House report to Parliament, professor Paul Stevens advocates ‘[t]ax breaks for drillers building new rigs could also encourage the development of a European service industry that would make a shale gas revolution in Europe a more likely possibility. At the very least, there should be efforts to ensure that importing shale gas technology from the USA – software and hardware – is not constrained although the encouragement of a home grown service industry is preferred’.110 Purchasing of such technology will
in the near future. The struggle to legislate is stalling development and leading to further dependence on Russia for energy supplies. Given the recent crisis in Ukraine, leading to a souring of relations, working towards a more energy autonomous Europe would reduce the leverage Russia held over the EU.
3. Privatisation of onshore minerals Private land laws in the United Kingdom should be radically restructured: privatising onshore oil, gas, coal and mineral reserves similar to the United States. Free market transactions may then take place, allowing landowners royalties from profit instead of meagre compensation from
create more ‘midstream and downstream’
governments. Not only would this be more
service sector jobs, granting a more recipro-
advantageous to the individual but also to
cal relationship between locals of fracking
the community and drilling firms, as it will
and big businesses.
lead to multi-tiered support for fracking, reaching a local level.
109 110
IEA (2012) Stevens (2011)
The Spectrum | Edition 2014
Bibliography Boersma, T. and Johnson, C. (2013), ‘Energy (in)security in Poland the Case of Shale Gas’, Energy Policy, Vol. 53, pp. 389399 Commission of the European Communities (2000), Brussels. Communication from the Commission on the precautionary principle: umers/consumer_safety/l32042_en.htm Congressional Natural Gas caucus hearing on economic impact July 26th 2013, available at: De Jong, J. and Egenhofer, C. (2014), ‘Exploring a Regional Approach to EU energy policies’, CEPS (Centre for European Policy Studies) Report, no. 84/ April IEA (2012), Golden Rules for a Golden Age of Gas, World Energy Outlook Special Report On Unconventional Gas, Kefferput, R. (2010), Shale fever: Replicating the US gas revolution in the EU?, CEPS (Centre for European Policy Studies)
Smith, K. C. (2013), ‘Fracking Debate May have Turned a Corner’ (Oct 18th 2013), available at: Stevens, P. (2011), Parliamentary Evidence, Shale Gas, Chatham House Stevens, P. (2012) The Shale Gas Revolution, Developments and changes, Chatham House U.S Rep. Tom Reed (R-NY), Congressional Natural Gas caucus hearing on economic impact July 26th 2013 "US overtakes Russia as biggest Natural Gas Producer”, Bloomberg, 12th Jan 2010' available at: =newsarchive&sid=aH0jhcEHz07s Weinstein, M. (2013) 'Hydraulic Fracturing in the United States and the European Union: Rethinking Regulation to Ensure the Protection of Water Resources', Wisconsin International Law Journal, Vol. 30
Mc Gowan, F. (2012), Regulating innovation: European response to shale gas development, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, University of Sussex Medlock, K. B., Jaffe, A. M., & Hartley, P. R. (2011), Shale Gas and U.S National Security, Houston, Texas: Baker institute, Rice University Pearson, I. et al. (2012), JRC (Joint Research Centre) Scientific and Policy Report – Unconventional Gas: Potentional Energy Market Impacts in the European Union, European Commission Royal Society and Royal Academy of Engineering (2012), p. 4, quoted in Stevens, P. (2012) The Shale Gas Revolution, Developments and changes, Chatham House
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The Spectrum | Edition 2014
The Spectrum | Edition 2014
I S C OMPASSION OVER - RATED ? Rekha Vijayshankar
NHS constitution, the Chief Nursing Officer
held that the 6 Cs ‘[were] the values that mo-
There is a sense that health care in general, and nursing in particular, has lost its way.
The core values of compassion, empathy, and keeping the patient and their families involved in the care process are no longer the prime motivators for our healthcare professionals. The media and the government have highlighted the failures of nursing care, especially amongst the elderly. Prime Minister, David Cameron, has even suggested incentivising compassion to improve standards. In light of the personal experience of the writer, this article attempts to analyse compassion in the context of nursing. The policy hereafter proposed in this recommendation aims at making the 6 Cs of the Chief Nursing Officer — (i) care, (ii) compassion, (iii) competence, (iv) communication, (v) courage and (vi) commitment — a viable reality.
tivate us to work in health and care in the first place. Importantly, staying connected to these values is what gives us the strength to keep doing this challenging work everyday’.112 The central proposition of this recommendation is that delivering compassionate personcentered care is a gradual process. It requires investing one’s time, emotion, and having the ability to build a relationship based upon mutual trust. Intelligent kindness underpins the building of this therapeutic relationship. The purpose of a compassionate relationship is to empower the recipient of care by helping him to make informed choices about his health and wellbeing. The NHS constitution enshrines this as a value by declaring ‘no decision about me without me’.113 And herein lies the challenge. Understanding the relationship between efficiency and compassion is key. A target-driven culture may not be compatible with compassion unless time for human exchange is made. In a highly
The Heart in the art of compassionate nursing is a culture that cares — not the ‘business of care’
pressured environment, where resources are stretched, and efficiency rewarded, the human element in care risks erosion. Contrary to the current vision of care being a business
In her 2012 policy recommendation for the 111
Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (2011)
112 113
NHS Constitution ibid
The Spectrum | Edition 2014
– ‘we are in the business of care’ —114 care is
Attention is increasingly paid to staffing. In-
more a matter of culture. For compassion to
deed, public expectations and the quality
be most effective, we need to be a culture
agenda, — post the mid staffs crisis in partic-
which cares – not in a business of care.
ular — demand that patient safety and quality of care are never compromised. In one year,
Policy Recommendations
the National Patient Safety Agency (NPSA) identified more than 30,000 incidents which could be directly linked to staff shortages.
This policy for the “Development of Compassionate Care in Nursing” supports the idea of intelligent kindness. Unless one operates in a framework defining care in a cultural context, rather than a business of care, the essence of care risks being eroded. The CNO’s 6 C’s are sound values. But for them to have a chance of effective implementation, a paradigm shift in our consciousness and attitude to health care is needed. Health care is a social enterprise in the UK, and must continue to be. Indeed, compassion and profits do not make good bed partners. As Mahatma Gandhi said:
Professional bodies and associations in the UK have put forward recommendations for nurse staffing levels in different specialities. The Safe Staffing alliance noted that ‘a staffing ratio of one registered nurse to eight patients (excluding the nurse in charge) is the level below which there is a significant risk of harm. (…) This does not guarantee good care but anything less is known to increase the risk of poor care and constitutes a safety hazard’.116 Rafferty et al reported, after a study of 30 hospital trusts in England, the effect of nurse staffing on mortality outcomes in surgical patients as well as on nurse job outcomes and
‘A Patient is the most important person in our Hospital. He is not an interruption to our work. He is the purpose of it. He is not an outsider in our Hospital, he is part of it. We are not doing him a favour by serving him, he is doing us a favour by giving us an opportunity to do so’115
nurse ratings of quality of care.117 Patients in hospitals with the highest patient to nurse ratios had 26% higher mortality: the nurses in those hospitals were twice as likely to be dissatisfied with their jobs, to show high burnout levels, and to report low or deteriorating quality of care on their wards and hospitals. Ball and Pike reported that in two fifths of the
1. Legislation for standardising nurse to patient ratios in medical, surgical, paediatric and mental health wards
cases care was compromised at least once a week due to staff shortages.118 Optimal staffing is clearly key for quality outcomes. Fulfilling the pledge to reduce waiting times in the NHS has increased capacity and 116
ibid 115 Motto of the Bombay Hospital, Mumbai, India
Royal College of Nursing West et al. (2009) 118 Ball and Pike (2009) 117
The Spectrum | Edition 2014
a more rapid throughput of patients in hospi-
crude top-down ratios that are set on the
tals. In a similar fashion, as patient needs
basis of staff to the number of beds to a
have intensified – both in the hospitals and in
more detailed system which takes into
the community – the volume of care required
account the levels/extent of patient de-
has grown. 27% of our nursing population is
pendencies and the skill mix needed to
over 50 years of age and workforce planning
provide best possible care;
has in the past not been robust enough to
• Ward sisters and nurse managers should
ensure that supply matches demand. 119 In-
be fully engaged in and supported by the
stead, a “boom or bust” situation has come
Director of Nursing and the Trust Board
about. Legislating on a patient nurse ratio can help resolve these gaps, by encouraging workforce stability and reducing the use of temporary staff. Furthermore, it ensures compliance from all employers and hence provides an element of quality assurance. In order to achieve this, the author recommends: • Workforce planning for nurse staffing on wards to be undertaken in every ward in every trust, supported by evidence based tools/methodologies to set core establishments sufficient to maintain safe nurse to patient ratios. These establishments will reflect and accommodates for differences in ward type, function and regional/local realities; • Ward sisters (or equivalent) should be empowered to make day to day decisions on staffing and resource levels with the authority to act on those decisions. Equally there should be provision for training and updates on current methodologies, evidence based practice and most relevant and recent research on workforce planning. This task can be carried out by trust Human Resources Departments. The systems may vary from
— the Trust Board must be accountable for staffing levels being maintained at the calibrated safe levels; • Maintaining consistency across wards. Two or three recognised workforce planning models could be adopted by the trusts. This maintains validity by limiting the scope for confusion. Equally important is the need for effective and timely communication to all staff members about the procedures and timescales of planning and implementation. A transparent system is more likely to secure staff buy-in, rather than a staffing model which has been handed top down; • It is equally important for trusts to ensure that the data collection methodology adopted by them is robust and relevant. Timely
scores will underpin the validity of the data collection methods for workforce planning; • Finally, it is important to remind ourselves that at the heart of the workforce planning is not only the welfare of the staff but also that of the patient. A secure whistleblowing system which enables staff to report concerns about patient care, particularly, due to staffing inadequacies is important
to protect the integrity of the planning and
The Spectrum | Edition 2014
review processes.
• Allocating a private physical space where nurses can make and hold a space for their emotion. This can be a spiritual
2. Providing a culture of care
space like a prayer room, or a non-
The provision of robust emotional support mechanisms for nurses is vital. Nursing requires emotional, physical and mental labour. Studies have shown that the drain on emo-
denominational healing space which enables the expression of emotion with dignity and integrity.
tionally intelligent nurses is heightened in the
3. Promoting an authentic picture of
demanding ward environment. Creating a
space to rest, rant and recuperate outside the ward environment is important and thera-
This ultimate proposal recommends setting
peutic. Currently counselling support available
standards for media representation to sup-
is patchy largely restricted to palliative care
port fair, unbiased and objective reporting of
nursing. Although the challenges are different,
nursing care and patient experience. Biased
the pressures of nursing are similar, and often
reporting must be challenged by the nursing
lead to high burnout. Facilitating compassion
lobby. Bodies like the Royal College of Nurs-
for patients is possible only when it is under-
ing and the various nursing associations can-
pinned by compassion for the staff delivering
not accommodate for incomplete and un-
the care. Hence, the author recommends:
• Staff empowerment and key working
there is a need for further research into nurse
(mentoring) for all nurses, through identi-
self-perception across the ranks. After all,
fied specialist nurses;
how a nurse perceives herself reflects on
• Trained facilitators that can engage with
what she does and actually affects the quality
staff to guide reflective practice and the
of her work. Crucially therefore there is a link
use of self-efficacy tools;
between the self-image of a nurse and pa-
• Training ward sisters and managers to
tient experience.
have a coaching work style which en-
A public education programme to reflect the
courages approachability and teaches the
variety and challenge of nursing both in
maintenance of safe boundaries. This is
community and secondary care will go a long
best achieved when there is organisa-
way in helping restore the balance of public
tional endorsement of a no blame ethos
opinion to form an opinion which is informed
as reflected in a range of formal support
and unbiased. When this happens, the public
opportunities. In a culture of care – we
perception is not just a result of media repre-
care about one another as nurses —
sentation, but a more authentic understand-
nurses can care for their patients in the
ing of the realities of modern day nursing.
best possible way;
The Spectrum | Edition 2014
Policy Implementation Policy Recommendation
Implemented by
Standardising nurse to pa- An Act of Parliament tient ratios
Implemented with Professional and research bodies like the NMC, the National Nursing Research Unit, Trust Human Resources Management
Defining Optimum and not Individual Trust Boards as Yearly benchmarks set by the trust just Adequate staff levels they set out their vision for Human Resource/Personnel departfor nursing and Health the year ments based upon bed occupancy Care associates rates, staff numbers, sickness and other absence rates. This is to be done in conjunction with the Trust Finance Management . Nurse Education in build- Individual universities, with ing empathy course structure and content overseen by the NMC for purposes of standardisation and quality Creating a healing space Individual Trusts for nurses
Fair Media Representation
Counselling and support programmes organised by the forums of ward sisters in conjunction with professional bodies such as the BACP, UKCP. Moneys for this support to come from set allocations per ward, depending upon the nature of the ward, the staff numbers, and the numbers likely to be needing referrals.
Government through Legis- Individual trust media and communicalation tion departments to engage with public media for a fair and objective representation of the ground situation of the challenges of nursing care on the ward
The Spectrum | Edition 2014
Patient Education
Trust Communication De- Trust Media and Communications expartment perts informing patients of their rights and responsibilities, creating Audio visual inputs for potraying the nursing perspective on care provision, engaging with social media to talk about the work of the nurses on the various wards ( A day in the life of the staff nurse)
Policy Evaluation highest quality of care delivery possible for
all our patients, in all our wards, equally.
1. This recommendation is a comprehen-
6. There is a focus on Nurse Education as
sive model. It takes a 360 degree view of
a potent tool for building empathy through
the interests of all the parties involved in
adequate role modelling by teachers and
the provision of care.
2. It is realistic: based upon an understanding of the challenges involved in the delivery of high quality care.
Weaknesses 1. Legislations on standardising staff ratios
3. All the policy recommendations are easi-
will need substantiated by adequate re-
ly achievable, with the right commitment
search and enough lobbying by profes-
behind them.
sional nursing bodies. This is capital inten-
4. It espouses a participatory understand-
sive, at a time, when our economy is still
ing of the difficulties involved in the provi-
recovering from the deep recession and
sion of care by the nurses from patients
the government has a high fiscal deficit.
and their families. Only such empathy can
2. However well run Trust campaigns are
make all the parties involved in the delivery
on the challenges that the nurses in partic-
of care, work together for maintaining the
ular face on the frontline of providing care,
highest standard of care.
it is important to accept that Trust funds for
5. It encourages objectivity and requires
media campaigns are limited.
restraint by trust management. It reminds
This is especially poignant, in the face of
them that the patient is at the heart of the
the deep pockets of the media moguls and
care. In that the health service is primarily a
their habit of sensationalism for maximising
social enterprise in its philosophy and vi-
sion. Managing it commercially, needs to be balanced with the needs of ensuring the
The Spectrum | Edition 2014
Barriers to Implementation
quent bias may affect the student negatively. Further research is suggested into the success of mentorship for various trusts.
1. Lack of Enthusiasm from Trust Management
The fundamental question to answer is the one about direction and vision for the NHS. How far does the idea of our health service being managed as a commercial enterprise, sustain the vision of high quality care for all.
Viewing compassion as the single most important aspect of the quality of care is fraught with inherent dangers. Compassion is an innate quality, a virtue, which cannot be objectivised. It can however be developed over time as a deep practice. Equally,
2. Investment in research to lobby for better working conditions for nurses
compassion has a different connotation across
compassion may actually mean diverting Further research into nurse fatigue caused from the shift pattern of work, the hours of work per shift, the usefulness of limited support mechanisms currently available, and nurse ‘burn-out’ will help improvements in quality of healthcare. This may be a capital and time intensive exercise, and will need competing for a small kitty of research grants available.
sparse health service funds, to an index which is not quantifiable. Compassionate care in nursing is underpinned by investments in time, emotion and the building of therapeutic relationships with the recipient of care, who is the ultimate decision maker of his health and well-being. For this to happen and the CNO’s 6 Cs to come to life, a shift of consciousness from our current understanding of managing healthcare
3. Building empathy through Nurse Education
as a business is required. We are in the culture of care – not a business of care. Targets and throughput need replacing by investments in time, resources and the
Whilst role modelling by teachers and nurse
building of a relationship which is mutually
mentors on the ward has traditionally proven
honouring. This article reflects on the barri-
to be a sound practice to build empathy
ers to the delivery of high quality care and
amongst student nurses, this is not without
its limitations. Under pressure with time and
therefrom. Although, there are some inher-
heavy workloads, mentors on the ward, do
ent barriers to their implementation, with
not always have the time to engage with pa-
the right will behind them- these are easily
tients in a manner they would ideally like to.
achieved. As Claire Gerada aptly points
Some others are not just tired, but also dis-
out: ‘If we want to keep serving the best
heartened by the “system” and the conse-
interests of the patients and retain trust, we
The Spectrum | Edition 2014
must reject the language of the markets and embrace the language of caring’.120
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Acknowledgements King’s Think Tank Committee 2013-’14 Core Committee President – Michelle Liptakova Vice-President – Laura Nonninger Treasurer – Michael Di Benedetto External Liaison – Yutetsu Ametani Policy Centre Coordinator – Oli Slattery Growth & Development – Anton Spisak Student Involvement – Nicola Nesi Editor-in-Chief – Manon Glaser Business/Economics Policy Centre President – Morgan Lochhead Events Organiser – Elena Hinnawi Publicity Officer – Alexis Nicholas Current Affairs Policy Centre President – David Haughan Events Organiser – Lucia Graham-Wood Publicity Officer – Farah Goutali Defence/Diplomacy Policy Centre President – Sayagi Vallipuram (MayDecember 2013); Hugo Hoyland (JanuaryMarch 2014) Events Organiser – Hugo Hoyland (MayDecember 2013) Publicity Officer – Hillary Brifa Education Policy Centre President – Nathan Hunter Events Organiser – Christina Andrew Publicity Officer – Emma Robinson
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The Spectrum | Edition 2014
Our sponsors "As this year's Treasurer, I would like to take the opportunity to extend our gratitude to Tim Hailes, whose generous donation has made this journal possible. Further, I would like to thank King's College London Student Union for their financial and professional support." Michael Di Benedetto (Treasurer, 2013-2014') Our contributors Dr. Adam Wright Toni MacAdams Niki Adams Jay Levy Lord Phillips of Worth Matravers Dr. Michael Pinto-Duschinsky Dr. Susan Easton Prof. Rick Trainor Rachel Wentstone Prof. Mark Brown Dr John Bryden Theo Farrell Anatol Lieven Michael Keating Zachary Wolfraim Prof. Sir Brian Jarman Celia Ingham Clark MBE Professor Sir Albert Aynsley-Green Linda Kaucher David Tentori Ian Black Chris Nineham, James Denselow Lina Sinjab Dr. Craig Larkin Stephen Tindale Prof. Steve Thomas Dr. Paul Dorfman
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