We offer around 75 scholarships each year for those with a special talent in a core area and our Scholars are beacons of excellence whose drive and enthusiasm are an inspiration to their peers and the whole school. Our Scholars play an important role in our commitment to excellence in all areas of school life; their personal qualities and ambition, combined with a high level of current achievement are the hallmarks of our scholars, who give so much to our community.
In return, we will give these pupils opportunity to develop and make the most of their talents and strengths, in a dynamic and challenging learning environment.
Thank you for your interest in Kingswood and please do get in touch with the Admissions office with any questions.
and challenged in the right ways while they are here with us.
I am delighted that you are considering applying for a Scholarship or Special Talent Award at Kingswood School. For us, scholarships represent an intertwining of two of our core priorities: outstanding education and bespoke pastoral care. We choose to identify and award scholarships because we believe that by doing so we will be better placed as a school community to nurture talent. The availability of both ‘Special Talent’ and ‘Academic’ awards speak to our commitment to holistic education; it is our desire that each student in our school develops their unique talents and gifts, and that they are celebrated
As you would expect from a school of our calibre, the standard for scholarships is very high. We have a large number of outstanding applicants for places at Kingswood each year, and all the more so for coveted scholarship awards. For Academic Scholarships, we look for both exceptionally high academic ability and genuine enthusiasm for learning. An Academic Scholarship Award brings both privilege and pressure – we seek to stretch and challenge our Academic Scholars in all lessons, but we also expect them to lead by example in their attitude towards learning. Similarly, our cocurricular Scholars are expected to perform at a consistently outstanding level, representing the School in fixtures, concerts and exhibitions with enthusiasm and dedication. All award recipients are welcomed to scholar forums, academic societies, enrichment lectures and departmental trips and workshops, providing yet more opportunity for development.
Clearly, high-expectation can also bring a feeling of pressure and responsibility.
It is very important to us that our Scholars are nurtured pastorally as well as challenged academically. As part of our provision for scholars, we pay close attention to wellbeing, knowing that high performance may come with a level of personal cost.
We are very experienced at meeting the emotional and psychological needs of our scholars, so that their school experience is as much about happiness as it is about achievement. Identifying and awarding scholarships can be a difficult task. Whilst we do everything we can to identify our most talented applicants, the nature of any assessment window means that sometimes students do not demonstrate their true capabilities in the moment. We therefore keep scholarship under review as students progress through the school, and, if it is clear that a talented student has been missed, the Headmaster may choose to award scholarships retrospectively.
I hope that the following information in this pack helps you to understand our scholarship process at Kingswood.
Dr Rachel McIlwaine![](https://assets.isu.pub/document-structure/230526082633-95e83c79a28e9f8ffb15f431b18f3389/v1/4e58c0e23fd7535ff7d64bc00fe9c23b.jpeg)
Kingswood School aims to develop every pupil’s positive potential. Academic awards are awarded where particular academic excellence has been demonstrated and in recognition of academic potential. All those offered Academic Scholarships will be expected to sign a statement of acceptance, confirming the expectations of Academic Scholars.
Those awarded an Academic Scholarship or special talent award are already exceeding expected potential for their year group. It is our intention to offer specialised opportunities for those pupils to stretch them, to encourage continued excitement and interest in their strengths and interests.
Academic Awards Year 7
An Academic Scholarship is made to recognise and reward the all-round academic achievement and potential of pupils joining Kingswood in Year 7.
Scholars are invited to join the ‘The Sackett Society’, a club for the more academically able in Years 7 and 8. As a guide, scholarships are generally worth between 5% and 15% of the basic fees, which may be enhanced by a bursary if parents are able to demonstrate, through means testing, that they could not otherwise send their child to the School.
These students are expected to:
• Work hard
• Contribute positively to the life of the School
• Be a credit to the School
• Set a good example to other pupils.
The Sackett Society meets every one to two weeks throughout the School term. This is a fun but stretching club, in which we crack codes, practice presentation skills on topics that excite us and compete in STEM and Creative challenges.
A once termly longer meeting allows for a bigger challenge or activity and
there is at least one Sackett Society trip per year.
These activities are optional, but scholars are encouraged to attend these, as well as the programme of evening talks throughout the year that are open to scholars of all ages.
Kingswood provides multiple exciting opportunities, through the extracurricular programme to which every department contributes, to ensure that every student is stimulated in as many different areas of interest as possible. Clubs include (but are not limited to): Chess, Crafts, Orienteering, Drama, Choir, Orchestra, Garage Band, Coding, Warhammer, Debating, Model United Nations, Creative Writing, Dungeons and Dragons, Mandarin, 3D Printing, Knitting, Mindfulness and a multitude of sports activities. We would expect Scholars to make the most of the offering that the School provides.
Each Academic Scholar’s academic progress and pastoral well-being is
monitored by the Head of Academic Enrichment. Special Talent Scholars will be monitored by the Head of the relevant subject.
Application Process:
Year 7 Academic Scholarships are awarded based on performance in the entrance examination, reports references shared by the pupil's current school and an interview with a member of the SMT. All applicants are considered for this award and there are no additional steps for application.
Additional honorary scholarships may be awarded to pupils whose development whilst in the School warrants this recognition.
All scholarships, whether monetary or honorary, are retained until the end of Year 11, providing the student continues to show the attributes of a Scholar. All pupils wishing to hold a scholarship, either monetary or honorary in the Sixth Form, must apply for a Sixth Form Scholarship.
Academic awards are awarded where particular academic excellence has been demonstrated and in recognition of academic potential. All those offered Academic Scholarships will be expected to sign a statement of acceptance, confirming the expectations of Academic Scholars.
Scholars are expected to:
Work hard
Contribute positively to the life of the School
Be a credit to the School
Set a good example to other pupils.
All Scholarships, whether monetary or honorary, are retained until the end of Year 11, providing the student continues to show the attributes of a Scholar. All pupils wishing to hold a Scholarship, either monetary or honorary in the Sixth Form, must apply for a Sixth Form scholarship.
Scholars in Year 9 are invited to join ‘The Sackett Society’, a club for the more academically able, as well as receiving a remission of between 5% and 15% of the basic school fees.
Scholars in Years 10 and 11 are invited to join ‘The Best Society’, a club for the more academically able in Years 10 and 11, who meet for lively debate and discussion twice per term, as well as receiving a remission of between 5% and 15% of the basic school fees.
The Sackett Society (for Year 9) and the Best Society (for Years 10 and 11) meet every one to two weeks throughout the School term; these are fun but stretching clubs, in which we crack codes, present a topic that excites us and compete in STEM and creative challenges.
Scholars in Year 12 and 13 are invited to join the ‘The Wesley Society’, a lecture series for the more able in
the Sixth Form, as well as receiving a remission of between 5% and 15% of the basic school fees. Sixth Form Scholars are encouraged to present to each other during this lecture series, as well as to support our younger scholars as Academic Mentors or leaders of clubs.
Additionally, there is one longer meeting after school once a term for a bigger challenge or activity and at least one Society trip per year. These activities are optional, but Scholars are encouraged to attend these, as well as the programme of enrichment lectures throughout the year that are open to Scholars of all year groups.
Kingswood provides multiple exciting opportunities, through the extra-curricular programme. Every department contributes, to ensure that every student is stimulated in as many different areas of interest
as possible. Clubs include (but are not limited to): Chess, Crafts, Orienteering, Drama, Choir, Orchestra, Garage Band, Coding, Warhammer, Debating, Model United Nations, Creative Writing, Dungeons and Dragons, Mandarin, 3D Printing, Knitting, Mindfulness and a multitude of sports activities. We would expect Scholars to make the most of the offering that the school provides.
Each Academic Scholar’s academic progress and pastoral well-being is monitored by the Head of Academic Enrichment. Special Talent Scholars will be monitored by the Head of the relevant subject department.
Application Process:
Year 9: Academic awards are made based on the results of Year 9 assessment papers in English, Maths, Science, Non Verbal Reasoning and a Modern Foreign Language (French, German, Spanish or Mandarin).
Pupils will be invited to Kingswood in February for two days of assessments, and an interview with a member of Senior Management team.
Year 12: Scholarships are awarded based on exceptional performance in the Kingswood scholarship examinations, undertaken in November of each year, predicted performance at GCSE, references from current school reports and an interview with a member of our Senior Management Team.
Year 12 Overall Academic Scholarship:
Applicants will sit three one-hour papers on the 25 November 2023, chosen from the list of current A Level subjects.
The results of any single paper will also be considered should any student wish to apply for a Single Subject Scholarship.
Year 12 Single Subject Scholarship:
Applicants will sit one-hour papers in one or more subjects that they wish to be considered for.
Applicants for both Scholarships will be interviewed by the relevant Heads of Department. Internal candidates will sign up for departmental slots, and external interviews will be undertaken on the Year 12 Interview and Assessments Day (25 November 2023)
Scholars will have a progress interview at the start of the Summer Term of Year 12 with the relevant Head of Department (Single Subject Scholarship and Special Talent Scholarship) or with the Deputy Head Academic and the Head of Sixth Form (Academic Scholarship).
YEARS 7, 9 & 12
John Wesley Boarding Awards are in recognition of potential all-round contribution to the life of the School.
Awards to applicants in Year 7, 9 and 12 are assessed by considering the 'whole picture' for each individual who applies. Academic ability (not necessarily to the level of Academic Scholarship) is assessed through the results of entrance assessment papers and school reports. We also consider the pupil’s special talents (reviewing references for Sport, Music, Drama, Art, DT as applicable), and potential contribution to school life, as confirmed by references from their current school.
Sixth Form John Wesley awards are made to current boarders who show the potential to offer a significant allround contribution to the life of the School. This is assessed on the 'whole picture' of the individual, including:
• Academic ability, through review of recent school reports
• Special talent, with references for Sport, Music, Drama, Art, DT as applicable
• Current contribution to School life
Year 12 John Wesley Scholars will have a progress interview at the start of the Summer Term of Year 12 with the Deputy Head Co-Curricular.
Financial scholarships (with a fee remission of up to 15%) and honorary scholarships are available to all day and boarding pupils.
Art Scholars are expected to show a genuine enthusiasm and consistency of effort as well as demonstrate artistic talent.
Year 7: attend at least one Art club each week.
Year 9: demonstrate an active interest in after school activities provided by the department across the year.
Year 12: be a positive, creative rolemodel for fellow students, and assist the Department at Open Events.
Assessments for Award:
All candidates must provide a written report from their current Art teacher, detailing their talent, commitment and approach to the subject.
Year 7 and 9: An interview is arranged during a visit to the Art Centre, providing an opportunity for the Head of Art or other Departmental staff to talk with the potential Scholar.
Candidates will be required to bring the following:
• A portfolio of at least 12 neatly presented pieces of work of any size, in any medium. (Three dimensional work can be submitted or photographed). Additional sketchbooks can also be shared.
• A personal written response to a piece of work that you admire or that you have been influenced by.
• A study entitled “Self” in any medium or size.
In addition to the interview, candidates will take part in a series of practical exercises run by a member of staff. This is usually based on still life.
Year 12: An interview is arranged during a visit to the Art Centre, providing an opportunity for the Head of Art or other Departmental staff to talk with the potential scholar.
Candidates will be required to bring the following:
• A portfolio or at least 12 neatly presented pieces of work of
any size, in any medium. (Three dimensional work can be submitted or photographed). Additional sketchbooks can be supplied.
• A study entitled “Self” in any medium or size.
Candidates will be expected to attend together for a series of practical exercises run by a member of staff. This is usually based on still life with set tasks directed by the Head of Art, working with a range of different media in different directed methods.
Overseas candidates MUST submit photographs and/or digital files to provide evidence of work which is supported by a reference from an Art teacher at their current school. Candidates awarded a Special Talent Scholarship based on photographic or recorded evidence, will have their skills tested on arrival.
Benefits of Award:
Scholars are invited to join the weekly Scholars Art Activity, where they will have the opportunity to
create artwork ready for a Scholars' exhibition. Their progress will be monitored and supported by the Head of Department, while Sixth Form Scholars will also have a progress review with the Head of Department at the beginning of the Summer term in Year 12. In addition, scholars’ trips and workshops provide many opportunities to further develop skills.
Head of Art
Mr Stephen Brown
01225 734250
The School reserves the right to withdraw any such award if it emerges that a student has not made a bona fide application.
Design & Technology deals with solving problems by making or building. It also covers systems and electronics so it is a wide field, running from Science and Engineering at one end of the spectrum to Fine Art at the other.
Encompassing the study of materials and construction, it requires a delight in how things work and why things have been built as they are.
Candidates are expected to show an enthusiasm for the subject, demonstrated by an involvement in technological activity beyond the classroom; an enquiring mind shown by being known for taking apart (and rebuilding) almost anything; and a lively interest in what makes the world tick.
Year 7: involved in one or more Departmental activities each week, taking a leading role promoting the activity within the peer group.
Year 9: involved in Departmental activities and taking Design & Technology as a Year 9 option and to GCSE.
Year 12: showing an awareness of the place and importance of technology and design in the world today, assisting the Department in special events and taking Design & Technology as an A Level option.
Assessments for Award: All candidates must provide a written report from their current DT teacher, detailing their talent, commitment and approach to the subject.
Year 7 and 9: An interview is arranged during a visit to the DT Department, providing an opportunity for the Head of DT or other Departmental staff to talk with the potential Scholar.
Candidates will be required to bring the following:
• A portfolio of photographs and drawings of things made. Any transportable models should be brought in. Digital images are also acceptable and can be sent to the Admissions department.
• A set of drawn design ideas from a design problem which will be sent to the applicant prior to the interview.
Candidates will be expected to attend together for a series of practical technological exercises run by a member of staff.
Year 12: An interview is arranged during a visit to the DT Department, providing an opportunity for the Head of DT or other Departmental staff to talk with the potential Scholar.
Candidates will be required to bring the following:
• A portfolio to offer evidence of technological capability; showing artefacts, systems or other outcomes which have been produced. These should be supported by project folders which demonstrate the graphical, investigative, and problemsolving ability of the candidate.
• An explanation of the background to the projects offered as well as the principles involved.
• Evidence of GCSE coursework or equivalent.
Overseas candidates MUST provide evidence of work in the form of photographs and/or digital files which is supported by a reference from a DT teacher at their current school.
Candidates awarded a Special Talent Scholarship based on photographic or recorded evidence, will have their skills tested on arrival.
Benefits of Award:
Scholars are invited to join the weekly Scholars DT Club, where they will have the opportunity to undertake personal projects, building their portfolios with coaching from Department staff. They may also choose to take part in our wider offering of DT clubs, whether in our award winning F1 in Schools Programme, Drone Building and Flying, or 3D Printing club. During DT trips, Scholars will have access to higher level workshops, joining GCSE or Sixth Form sessions while still in the Lower School. Scholars’ progress will be monitored and supported by the Head of Department, while Sixth Form Scholars will also have a progress review with the Head of Department at the beginning of the Summer Term in Year 12.
01225 734260
A Drama Scholar is expected to show distinctive dramatic skills, relative to their age, which are reflected in a genuine enthusiasm, an understanding of the medium and a consistency in effort.
All Drama Scholars are expected to be involved in a drama club, or society separate to their current school provision, in addition to taking part in school productions. It is a requirement for all candidates to be a member of a drama society outside of school. Those who are awarded a scholarship will be required to take part in extracurricular Drama at Kingswood.
Assessments for Award:
All candidates must provide a written report from their current Drama teacher, detailing their talent, commitment and approach to the subject.
Year 7: All UK candidates will take part in a short practical workshop with other candidates. This will be led by a member of the department and observed by others.
The workshop will involve games and activities designed to assess the candidate’s dramatic skills.
Candidates will be asked to perform a short monologue, which they should have memorised. This monologue should be from a published play and not a poem or other written piece. Candidates should be able to demonstrate an understanding of their character and of the whole play.
Candidates should be prepared to accept and implement directorial suggestions in front of the group. It is good practice for the monologue to have been learnt specifically for the audition process.
Candidates will be required to fill in a short questionnaire outlining their experiences and achievements in the field of Drama.
Year 9 : An interview is arranged during a visit to the Drama Department, providing an opportunity for the Head of Drama or other Departmental staff to talk with the potential Scholar.
Each candidate should also prepare:
• A portfolio demonstrating interest and involvement in Drama. This can include photographs, programmes, press cuttings, certificates etc.
• Two short monologues lasting a minimum of three minutes in
total, which should be memorised. These monologues should be from a published play and not a poem or other written piece. Candidates should be able to demonstrate an understanding of their characters and of the whole plays. Candidates should be prepared to accept and implement directorial suggestions in front of the group. It is good practice for the monologues to have been learnt specifically for the audition process.
The individual interview will give each candidate the opportunity to demonstrate their passion and knowledge.
Year 12: An interview is arranged during a visit to the Drama Department, providing an opportunity for the Head of Drama or other Departmental staff to talk with the potential Scholar.
Each candidate should prepare:
• A portfolio demonstrating interest and involvement in Drama. This can include photographs, programmes, press cuttings, certificates etc.
• Evidence of GCSE coursework (if the students is studying a GCSE Drama course).
• Two monologues, one modern and
one Shakespearean, which they should have memorised.
In addition, candidates will be required to read and perform a previously unseen passage. Candidates should be prepared to accept and implement directorial suggestions in front of the group.
The individual interview will give each candidate the opportunity to demonstrate their passion and knowledge.
Overseas candidates MUST submit evidence of work in the form of photographs and/or digital files etc which is supported by a reference from a Drama teacher at their current school. Candidates awarded a Special Talent Scholarship based on photographic or recorded evidence, will have their skills tested on arrival.
Benefits of Award:
In addition to recognition in title and fee remission, Scholars are expected to play an active role in the Drama department, joining all productions for which they are eligible for. They will be invited to the termly Drama meeting, which provides the opportunity to know
the wider Drama “family” and encourages mentoring and development across year groups. Scholars are invited on specific trips, most recently to see National Theatre’s The Ocean at the end of the Lane and to Scholars workshops. Their progress will be monitored and supported by the Head of Department, while Sixth Form Scholars will also have a progress review with the Head of Department at the beginning of the Summer term in Year 12.
Head of Drama
Mrs Jo Brayton
01225 734473
The School reserves the right to withdraw any such award if it emerges that a student has not made a bona fide application.
Music Scholars are expected to demonstrate regularly their enthusiasm, commitment, and leadership in music-making. They make the most of the many opportunities offered by the School’s musical activities and are prominently involved in several ensembles. This is usually three per week, with an emphasis on their first instrument.
Music Scholar schedules will be arranged and reviewed by the Director of Music to provide the best programme for each individual.
Assessments for Award:
Candidates will be assessed for musicianship, technical skill, musical awareness and musical potential. These musical skills are normally reflected in high quality passes in music examinations; where a pupil has not taken formal examinations, the School will look for a high quality of musicianship on the assessment day.
The continuation of a Music Scholarship is conditional upon the maintenance of satisfactory musical and academic progress. All Music Scholars are expected to choose
Music as an option for Year 9, and GCSE. Sixth Form Music Scholars are usually expected to choose Music as an A Level option.
All candidates must provide a written report from their current Music teacher on their technical ability, musicianship, commitment and general musical ability, demonstrated through activities such as choirs, orchestras or bands. The Director of Music is available to meet prospective candidates and their parents at any time during the year to discuss the awards in more detail.
For all candidates, an interview is arranged during a visit to the Music Department, providing an opportunity for the Director of Music or other Departmental staff to talk with the potential Scholar. Candidates will need to prepare a number of pieces and take part in the assessments as below.
Year 7:
First Instrument:
• Two pieces of a contrasting nature. The standard should be in the region of Grade 5, although it is most important for candidates to show musical potential.
• Candidates will be given a piece for sight reading.
Second Instrument (if available):
• One piece (sight reading on this instrument will be optional).
• Aural/Musicianship Tests as appropriate to the standard of performance being offered.
• Candidates may also offer a song of any choice (if Voice is not one of the instruments offered above), although this is optional. On the assessment day all UK candidates will take part in a series of practical assessments.
Year 9:
First Instrument:
• Two pieces of a contrasting nature. The standard should be in the region of Grade 6, although it is most important for candidates to show musical potential.
• Candidates will be given a piece for sight reading.
Second Instrument (if available):
• One piece (sight reading on this instrument will be optional).
• Aural/Musicianship Tests as appropriate to the standard of performance being offered.
• Candidates may also offer a song of any choice (if Voice is not one of the instruments offered above), although this is optional.
Sixth Form:
First Instrument:
• Two pieces of a contrasting nature. The standard should be in the region of Grade 7, although it is most important for candidates to show musical potential.
• Candidates will be given a piece for sight reading.
Second Instrument (if available):
• One piece (sight reading on this instrument will be optional).
• Aural/Musicianship Tests as appropriate to the standard of performance being offered.
Overseas candidates MUST submit photographs and/or digital files to provide evidence of work which is supported by a reference from a Music teacher at their current school. Candidates awarded a Special Talent Scholarship based on photographic or recorded evidence, will have their skills tested on arrival.
Benefits of Award:
In addition to recognition in title and fee remission, Scholars will undertake musical responsibilities, such as leading ensembles sections or taking sectional rehearsals, as part of their activity within the
department. As well as Scholars’ Concerts and individual support from Department staff, they will also have the opportunity to take part in scholars’ trips, recently to the Royal Welsh College of Music and to the Royal Opera House, alongside masterclasses with professional musicians. Their progress will be monitored and supported by the Director of Music with the assistance of other Department staff, while Sixth Form Scholars will also have a progress review at the beginning of the Summer Term in Year 12.
Director of Music
Mr Andy Barton
01225 734254
The School reserves the right to withdraw any such award if it emerges that a student has not made a bona fide application.
A Sports Scholarship candidate is expected to show outstanding ability, relative to their age, which is reflected in a genuine enthusiasm and consistency in effort
Award recipients are expected to contribute to all three terms of sport, as well as showing a commitment to training and matches. Sport Scholars will be expected to lead by example in training and matches. Scholarships can be withdrawn at any time if those awarded fail to continue their commitment to the sports programme of the school.
Assessments for Award:
Year 7: candidates in the UK will be invited to attend Kingswood for a practical assessment session, during which they will be expected to demonstrate a range of abilities. Assessment will be made by various members of the PE Department, reviewing co-ordination, speed, balance, tactical awareness, and ability to work in a team.
Year 9: candidates in the UK will be invited to attend Kingswood for a practical assessment session, during
which they be assessed by various member of the PE Department. They will also be interviewed by the Director of Sport.
Sixth Form: all candidates in the UK will be invited to attend Kingswood for a personal interview with the Director of Sport. A practical assessment may be required. It is not always essential for candidates to have studied PE at GCSE although this would be an advantage.
Overseas candidates MUST submit photographs and/or digital files to provide evidence of work which is supported by a reference from a Sport teacher at their current school. Candidates awarded a Special Talent Scholarship based on photographic or recorded evidence, will have their skills tested on arrival.
Benefits of Award:
As with all our top level sportspeople, Scholars will have the opportunity to join Netball, Rugby, Hockey, Cricket or Swimming pathways, as well as playing for the School 1st teams across the year. They will take an active role in supporting the wider sports activities for the
School, developing their coaching skills through involvement with extra coaching sessions. All students benefit from access to the Strength and Conditioning program, pre-season training, national competitions and coaching from national players.
Director of Sport
Mr Tim Reeman
01225 734256
The School reserves the right to withdraw any such award if it emerges that a student has not made a bona fide application.
Kingswood School seeks to provide financial assistance to those whose family income would otherwise preclude them from attending, and where a Kingswood education may be particularly beneficial.
The School has no endowment, and the value and number of bursaries will be varied according to the strength of applications and the number of bursary holders already within the School. Bursaries are not available for pupils attending the Kingswood Preparatory School unless there are exceptional circumstances.
Bursaries normally range in value from between 10% and 50% remission from fees, but in exceptional circumstances, larger bursaries of up to 100% of the basic fees can be awarded. In some cases, the School will also work with a charity, such as the Methodist Central Bursary Fund or the Joint Educational Trust (JET), so that additional financial assistance beyond the School’s contribution is available. Charities which offer such bursarial assistance have their own criteria which must be met by parents.
In addition to financial need, the School’s criteria for awarding bursaries are:
• to enable very academically able pupils to benefit from the education Kingswood has to offer;
• to enable pupils with a particular talent to benefit from the education Kingswood has to offer;
• to widen the social spectrum benefiting from an independent education.
It is expected that families will have investigated all means of funding before requesting a bursary.
Application Process: Eligibility is assessed via a Means-Tested Declaration and an assessment of income and capital. This follows a procedure drawn up by the Independent Schools Bursars’ Association.
The decision to award (or not award) a bursary and the size of the bursary is then decided by the Principal, in consultation with key members of the Foundation Lead Team.
Additional criteria also considered:
• whether there are personal circumstances which warrant trying to enable a particular pupil to attend the School (either real need in the case of the child or obvious qualities which would benefit the School community);
• whether the pupil has been given a scholarship. Some families are not dependent upon a scholarship being a monetary one. Others can only afford to send their child if the scholarship helps reduce the cost of the fees. Therefore, consideration is given as to whether a small monetary scholarship might be increased by the award of additional bursary assistance or whether the holder of an honorary scholarship should also be offered bursarial support;
• whether the pupil has existing connections with the School (such as. through the family) or strong connections and/or involvement in the Methodist Church.
Notification of any awards to be made will be sent to parents at
the same time as the results of the entrance examination are released.
Duration of Awards:
A bursary, where awarded, is tenable for 12 months. Families will be required to complete a further Means-Tested Form each year, usually in the Spring Term. This will usually lead to the bursary being renewed on the same terms, or if the financial situation has changed significantly, it being decreased, or increased. As an exception, bursaries awarded for Year 10 and Year 12 will be in place for two years, to allow for the completion of GCSEs or A Levels. In these cases, families will be asked to confirm that there has been no change in the financial circumstances. .
In addition, the School reserves the right to withdraw a bursary should a pupil’s conduct or work prove unsatisfactory and where there is evidence that they are not making the most of the opportunities provided by the School.
We encourage families who feel that they may require the support
of a bursary to send their child to Kingswood to discuss the matter with the Director of Admissions or Lower School Registrar well in advance of entrance assessments.
In some cases the School may recommend that a pupil be entered for consideration of a scholarship or special talent award as an alternative method of helping a family to afford the fees.
The School is unable to consider bursary applications from those who request a bursary only after their child has been offered or taken up a place.
Change in circumstances: Families unexpectedly encountering a change in circumstances during a child’s school career may apply for a bursary. The nature of the change and the available bursary funds, will determine the response. Kingswood will try to assist if:
• the pupil is mid-way through externally examined course
there are strong pastoral reasons arising from the change in circumstances
It is important to recognise that bursaries will not be offered to parents where outstanding fees or other finances are owed to the School.
Kingswood offers a 10% discount off the basic boarding fees for boarding siblings. The school offers a discount for His Majesty's Forces and FCDO families. Further details can be found on the school website.